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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1911, p. 8

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March 30, 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANO. ^Advance' ma 11 Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU ''if -> Business Cards WALTER LOUCKS Builder Contractor For Rrick, Sl«n« am) frainii reiiileDce*. Ea- t i mates cbeertully furpished, Flwbsrtou I' O Oatuiu. il JULLiOUGH ft YOUNQ «L Hankoro Maikdal* -eoeral bankiuK^^ti^i^^^^B. Hooey loaned a^'reaaouable rau)> Call on u«. / i Farms For Sale or Rent UNIMI'KOVED farm for i.alc, IwiiiK lot i!H, concession U, UHprey Tiiii is sail to be a (airly level lot with consiilsrabU tiiubur suitable for wood. To close au ustato will bo sold very clieap ami on oa*v terms of payineut. Apply to J. A. hALSTKD, Oapl Mt. I^oreet, Out TChlSLKTT. • roKtmaster, Ceylon. OcmnilsBioner in H, 0. J . Conveyancer, deeds, uiortKaeei>, leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up Oollrvtious Djad.'. cbargee reasouablu. Also KTOceries, flour, teed etc, kept tn stock. Prices rJRht. Ri 8PB0ULB Postmaster, FleahertOB . onimissioner in H.C J., Anctionee Con« veyaacer. Appraiser and Money Lender Real Estate aud Insnranoe ARent. Deeds. unortKiKes, leases and wills carefully drawn op and vala«!lons made on shortest notice money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col- •ctions attended to with promptnees charges low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion fitaamsbip Company. A call solicited. DHcPRAIL, tiicented Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satlslaciion Kuaranteed. The arraogemenU and dates of sales can be made a*. Thk Advanor office. Kesidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection, Dec. 0,07. ^ M^KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Bimcoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms .Moderate, satisfaction (juaranued. An-ange- uients for dates may be made at the Advance olfiee, or A'. T. Hutchinson's store, teversham byaddrensing me at Feveraham, Ont. RDDD MATHE'.VB, Markdale, Licensed aacMoneer lor toe county of Grey. Good aervico at reascnable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 09 T HAllVEY rEKIGOU, broker Flesberton -I General brokerajjo business. Insurance of ever> kind placed in cafe and liberal companies. Keal eBtati- etc.. Open accounts and past due cotoe bauillfcd and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. FAKU FOK SALE -Lot 25, concession 10 of Osprev. about » miles Irom Kevershaui, fsirly good house, good f tame barn, OG x 10 and straw shed attached. 90 acres cleared aud 10 acres of bush, I acres of lall wheat in, Bood well. The farm is in a ifood state ol cultiva- tion. For further particulars apply to E. A. DAVIDSON, Feversbam. Out. FOR BALEâ€" Cheap ani easy terms. If not sold BOOD, for rent to suitable tenart, North half lot 30 aud lot -10, cod. U, Arteiiiesia, and lot 1. con. \i. Osprey, 'JOO acres, about 150 cleared balance mostly timbered land, hard aud soft wood ; good stone dwelling and frame ham, Btablinu under ; well watered with never- ftiling small spring creek crossing (arm close to barn: This is au excellent grain or i farm and will be sold very cheep if taken at ^ooce aud ou easy terms. .\ppi> to It. J. Hproule, FleshertOQ, Out. 1: UK SALE aheap and on easy termsâ€" l/ots 1 and -2, con. 11 Usprey : 300 acres; frame dwelling, (rame barn and stabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivatiou. Some splendid cedat with other mixed timber on balauce. also twosmall orchardsbeariug. Well watered : nevei (ailing spring creek. Hplendid grain ana grazing (arm. .\pplv to K' J.Bproule Flesberton or Samuel Usborno, Maxwell. ' 1,""0K SAIjE very cheap and on easy termsâ€" , â- 'â-  The late Dr. ('hristoe'a ;i-Btory brick block I in Flesberton with good stable and uuver-fail- liugwcllou piemises. Good large storo and I good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stone cellars uuder builditig ; is and can be ke))t well rented ; two good halts on second and third stories ; first class busiuess staud aud will be sold cheap as owner is engaged in other busiuesB In the west and has no further use for it. Apply to H- J. Sproule, Flesberton. Medical DR CARTER M C P & 8 Ont. PbysicUn, BargeoD, etc Office and residenceâ€" Peter at-, Plesjierton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Rnrgeon Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary College, reeideooe â€" second door south west, on kary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Chnrch. Lat 0, Con. II, Osprey. 100 acres, Gd acres uuder cultivatiou, 10 acres hs*-dwood bush, 22 acres pasture witb luuuing stream across. Large brick house, good spring well, frame barn aud outbuildings. Fur terms apply to Mm, Joun ('BAwroKU, C'ayley, Alberts. H WILSON, lllacksniith • Uraduate (i( tne Veterinary Bcieno Association. Durham street, oppoaite Uoyd, Kro's hardwaie. Lot Ko. 3, con. 8. Ospreyl For particulars apply to J. M. BuBNj, Feversbam P.O. L'AUM FOU SALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, 'â-  lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only $:I0CI0, reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, 8.5 acres cleared, well fenced aud in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, goad comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill pump at door. Lew frame barn, well l^uisbod. stone stabling with spring water under, also In shed, it is situated \ mile from Maxwell village where thcrs are stores, post offices, good 8cht.ol. and isoa the gravel road, 9A miles from railway ' â-  00 ve price, " station, ll sold at ouee, VKllV CHEAP might though little. Dentistry E. C. MURRAY L. D. fi-, dental surgeon - bono, graduate o( Toronto University and Boyal College o( Dental Suvaeons o( Ontario, Oas aduiisinietered (or teeth extraction Olhoe at residence, Toronto Stree:, Flesi;erton. D be Kha'ted Apply to it, J. bPUOULE, Flesberton, or THOMaS guy. onprtiftiBei. tt 'L'or Bale cbeapor rtiut, iuiiiitidiihtu pofHesfion. *- Lot ;iO cc». 14. Ait( nie**iB, about 75 acres clep.r, comfortable lo^ bmisq and frame barn. Apply to li J Hproule, Klesherton, or Joliu J Martin acro»H thi; road from Haul lot^ l-EGAL f VCAB, K.'VNEÂ¥& W.^LLACF-Harristcrs, •-' t)olicltor»,eto.-1. 11. Lucas, K. C. ; W. E. l:«ney, K. C. ; J. H. O. Wallace. oaices, 'lorouto. KIG-'J Tiadcrs Hunk \W«.. phone main MIS!; Markdule Lucas block, I'hone 2 A. branch oiHoa at Dundalk o|>etr-wery Haturday. WH. WUIGHT. Harristcr, Solicitor, Convey- ancer, etc., â€" Owen Sound, and llesherton. 11â€" Fleshertou ollice. Spryule's Ulook every fiatm-dav artUUI IMG PAINS IN 8!DE, ARMS, BACK I "^rcvs the Presence of Rheu- piatic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervi- ' lineâ€" Rub It In. k Societies U W meets au the last Monday in each mnutb, ilk their lodge room Korris' I«iherton, at 8 p.m. M. W., H. ('. Ledaiu ; Hoc, C. H. Munsliaw; Fin., W. F. (rossley Visiting brethren Invited PRINCE ARTHim IjODQE, No. sa'),A.F.& A M, meots iu th<. Masonic hall. Arm- strong's ftlock, Flesberton. every Fridaj on or before the full mocu. »'. H. Mu', W. M.; Tbos. Clayton, Secretary. COVRT FLESH EKTON. 9W>, I. 0. K. meets in Clayton's Illock the Itttt Wednesday evening of each uiouth. Visiting Foresters heartily \ welcome. H. It., Dyson; K. B., T. Uetry; i Fin. Sic, C. N. Itichardsou. Ploasu pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the first dar o( the month. CHOSEN FKIENDS-Klcsherton Council o( Chosen Friuuds meets in Clayton's ball first aud thiid Wednesday u(e£.ch month H p. m I'ay SRsossuients to the Uecorder ou or before toe lirst dayof each month. Chief CouuciUor T. Itlakeley; Recorder W. H. Haut. Berkshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a (ew very choice IJei (hire pigs, nearly ready to wuau' Hurry ^oi order aud get the best. GEO. W. IIOSS, Maxwell P. O Boar for Service I'ure Bred 'i'ainwurth Boar for service Xerins, %\, ('aoli, X. HinJle, .Maxwell, Ont. Bull For Service 'i i'lirebied Hliorl'.ioni l>iirhaiii Dull for ser- *» ice or, lot .'5, con. i;i, Osprey. Terms tl. lUClIAKIJ KOBERTS, I.*ilv l$ank. BULL FOR SERVICE TlioiouKl'*>re 1 Sliurthcini hull, "Dandy Jiin " S17»4, for servic.' i.u lot 17li. T. 4 H. R., Ar- temesia. Tbi4 niiimal is of a f»oA milking Htrain. l*e<ii(jiroc on aiiplicatiuii. Terirs, â€" f^riidei' ^1, rctfiBlercd *:'. .1 A8. .STIN.SON Proprietor. Pains In the muscles. In the eldfs, lie back, tlio ntck, or thi> chist â€" tliey .Iways carry with them Bnat discom- o.-l. If the In flam ma lion Ir severe the lalr. will be lutcnse. If allnwcd to cnn- iiiue th(y arc dai)s<'i'ous. NolhliiK no 'lUlckly euros liical influiiiinalion anil i!rives away flatn as Nervlllne. Nervl- Ine iloes this because it prnelrates so Ueply. .N'ervUine is not only puwer- lil. but KDothing. Py relieving eunffes- i.jn it cures pain. It docs IhLs always-. t cannot taii-JjeoauKe is ij (rue anii- !nte for liuin. Ynu can searceiy find inybody that will not tell you womlr-r- ri:l tilings ubout the pain-curing power f .Vervlline. Remember, that there is m;t an ache ur pain that Nervlllne will Hct cure immedialcly. Nervlllne is an inchor of health in -every hnusehold. Refuse anything that ni.-iy be offered yiiu instead of Nervlllne. which Ik puar- itnteed inr neuralgia, sciatica, lumbagg. and all muscular aelies and pains. Large bottles, HOc; trial size. 25c. at all dealers, iir The ( 'atarrhozone Com- l.aiiy.'TClngstun, Ont. Field Crop Competition for Township of Osprey The Osprey Agl. Socy. have deciilud to take up (he tlie Held crop competition as piovided fur liy the DepHrtment of Ag- riculture and liave aelecied oats as choice of Kraiii to bo conipotod for. Foll(>winK are the rules ai>d rei^ulutiuns regarding tins coinpelitiun ; UnvinK in view the elccellent results obtnincd in 11107 and 1908 in sllinultatiiiif a greatxir interest in the production of bettor seed gram. Agricultural Societies K'iM auain be assisted in the holding of competitions in standing field crops dur- iag litU!) under the following regulations: 1. NATURE OP COMPETITION. CumpetitiouK will be limited to one crop, to l>e selected by the .society, which should bo the one of mcst imporiauce to the farmers of the district. Entries for com- petition must consist of not less than five acres, and when beans and potatoes are entered, the minimum plot must not be less than one acre. Selection must ba made From the fol- lowing crops, VIZ.. Sprins; Fall or Goose Whea*, oats, Iwrley, rye, corn, pe.-is, »1- sike clover, red clover, potatoes, 'Leans or any other staple crop produced for seed in Ontario. 2. COMPETITORS. Compel ition shall be limited to members of an agricul- tural soceiiy and the fields entered must not be more than fifteen miles from its headquarteri'. Competitors shall be al- lowed to make entry in only one society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. 3. INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES. All individual entries must be forwarded by \ the secretaries of the societies lo <). Lockio Wilson, Superintendent of Ai^- ricultual Societies, Parliament Buildingf, Toronto, before the first of June 1911. 4. An amount of nut less than fuU must be offered in prizes by each society, to be divided as fidiows: |l5, 912. $10 f8, and $5. Of the above amount the Ontario Uepartnient of Agriculture will co'itribuie ?,'{0. The balance is to be con- tiibuted by the society, and this 820 can be counted as expenditure for agriculturnl purjiyses in the yearly financial state- ment. Judges. The Ontario Department of A<;riculture will furnish expert judges free of charge. GRAIN EXHIBIT AT WINTER B'AIRS. Large^pnze.s will be ott'ered by the Department for two bushel sacks of grain at both Giielph and Ottawa Winter Falls, the cuin|>etition for which will be confined to prize winnei'»in the Standing Field Crop Competitions. Full particu- lars will be furnished later to the prize winners. SUKAF K.XniBIT. In addition to the above, airanueinent*' have been made with the Diiectors of the Canadian National Exliibiiion. to be held in Toron- to .Vugint 18th to September 13lb, to dn- natu 8240 in prizes (or a sheaf e.xhibit of grain from the tield.s, the owners of which were awarded prizes in the Standing Field Crop Compel It ions. For this Shejf Exhibit the Province has been divided into three districts aud prizes amounting to 880 will be awarded to coinpotiiors in each of the lliice divisic;ns mennioned be- low for the following kinds of grain :- First Prize 80, Second %\ Third 84, Fourth $:!, Fifth %-l. DlVl-SION. 1. Includes Muskoka, Parry Sound, llaliburton, Nipissing, Manitoulin,Algoinii and other district) in New Ontario. DIVISION 2. All counties east of Vork and Sinicoe. DIVISION W. York, Simcoe and a'l counties west and .south-west of same. Each sheiif entered must contain not less than 1,000 steins and be boieJ and ^llipped C.O.D. to the Suprrintedttnt of Agricultural Products. Exhibition Park, Toronto, not later than August 20tli. All entries for exhibit must bo made lo .1. Lockie Wilson, Parliament BnildiirgH, Toronto, before .August 2iid, 1!)0!' Boilfor Service Thoroughbi ed Ilereford Hull for service on lot 171, cm. 3 S, W. i'. and S. H., Arte- niMia. Temtaâ€" W for grade, *3 for pure t)re<l. Any cow not returned will be charged in full whether in calf or not. J-l.Miu-i'i ~-\. & J. W.A.T.SON. NERVIL^NE CURES AU PAIN Bull for Service Thorouglibv.d Hereford liull for service on- lot 1, fon. 1. KupLcriuiiik. Ternit â€" SI. I'cdi (ttie* un api-lication. CHAS. H. MARTIN, Prop.â€" \ ..ulstfin-friesian cattle Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine - Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. HOLaTEIN-FRICaiAN BULL FORtCRVIOK- llKl.LKAN COriCOhUIA UUKK DeKOlj No, ''/V4S| hlllK gii««ii'ii DuKol Dnko Nu. t:ilH.'>i H. II. DAU Hsilfau Coucordia U«Kol No. (4:i40) H, II.. wbose sraud d>m hold tlio WOULU'H HUT- IKK lIKlllKn a few yoara ago UAKINQ SO iJtH., lOOZ. IN 7 DAYS. • Tbia vouog animal i> rlting .1 jltort, in of good â- IxcaDo individiialltv, havlnit wontlirea iHt aud tiiM Mcond |>rixe att a calf at Bomo of ttio proin- ineut c'fliitrM of Ont.. and has won lot iilace at una ni-il two yev* oiil at Kaat Grey fall fair, Kll«licrt<y, TeriiiBâ€" tLW, payable Ut of .Ian. All oows not regularly returned will becliargad, ItlCHARD ALLKN, lot 170, a N. . T.At.ll. KlMherlOD P.O. ( >»«n Sound defeated h $16,000 knit- iing factory Lylav on Saturday by taking in«u(licient interest in the vote. A GOOD START I? 0(1 thousands of y attot .\t,.Owen Sound thirty years, othei'.i we ' cft entering for th) April ' C. A. Fleniin Prim 'as been giv- 3 who have he past lone for ? it by .j.onday, 'leniing, â- tary. la the, ot IN Tt ship of fant chi' ViUagt Grey, No ex pi puhl will' the of; far P: lake< Dat Tt (â-  Walked 2 Miles in his Sleep Robbie Smith, iliu C04I11 -year-old son of James Smith, Lanark township, got up in bia aleep about 2.;i0 the other mnr 1- iiig. placed a chair Iri the kitchen window and etfected his exit from the hou-e by breaking the window pane. He walked about two miles in his tare feet with only a n'ghtshirt on, and in this conditinn reached ilie home ol John McKittrick, whore he knocked at the door and was admitted. It was a case of combined somnnnibulisin and nightmare. Ha had lieon ill with the grippe, and nt the time ho gut up he fancied robbers were about the house, llmt lie was alone, and it was up to him to got out of the way as i|u ck- ly as possiiilo. The crashing of g|ii«s awakened hi.'< father. Young t inlereats th at a picnic folk* clean up baskets •• much an gii'l who walki off a» soon «â-  she b*d all ah* caD eat. â- lit -iture i>e girl ,M the old jd repack the tdmira the snippy Father Morrlscy's Remedies Ntw OH III* tn Ontario When Father Morriscy, the famous priest-physician of Bartibogue, N. B., died a year ago last spring, he left his prescriptions to the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu, at Chatham, to be used for the benefit of humanity and of the church. Not being in position to make up and listribute tiie prescriptions themselves, 'le Sisters arranged with a number of mtleinen,wlio hadbeen FatherMorriscy's end.s, to do it for them. These gentle- ix\ W'orkingunder the name ofthe"Father orriscy Medicine Co. , I.imiled," had by le first of the year placed the remedies in larly every stoie in the Maritime "ovinces. So g^ladiy were they received, and so latisfaciory has been their record of cures, hat the Sisters and the Company have lecided to place them on sale through- >ut Canada, Father Morriscy'a "No. 7", for Rheii- natism and the Kidneys~-"No. 10", w'ou)(h Cure and Lung Tonic â€" "No. 11", stomach Remedyâ€" "No. j6", for Catarrh, ind •"Father Morrlacy'a Liniment" -can â- ow be obtained from most dealers in this frovincA. Ifyouri doe* not keep them irrite th« Father Monriacy Medicine Co,, -.imiled, Montreal, Que. Osprey Council The members of the Municipal Council of Osprey met at Sinehamplon on March 11th last. The members were all pres- ent' Minulei) of last meeting were read and adopted. Communications, deputa- tions and accounts were received : From Municipd Woild, account 920.45, t^ta- tioiiery ; Advance office, Flesberton, 8U, printing auditors' reports ; deputation of Singluropton public library board, sclio- iling a grant in aid of the library ; appli- cation was made by the school board of S S. No. 7 to have lots 12 and 13 in con. 8 and 9, transferred from S.S. No. 5 lo S.S. No. 7 ; petition and deputatioQ from Dr. Rycknian and others, asking fur the establishment of a municipal telephone system in Osprey. Orders were issued on the treasurer to pay The Advance ottice, Flesberton, %\\ for printing ; Municipal World 926.45, stationery ; Singhamptou public library 310, grant. The application of Wm. Spencer to have lots 24 and 20, con, 9, transferred from S.S. No. 7 to S.S. No. 8, and ako the applicai^ion of the school board of S. S. No. 7, to have lots 12 and 13, in cons. 8 and 9, transferred from S.S. No. 5 to S.S. No. 7, wa'j laid over until next mectiug, and the Clerk instructed to no- tify all parties interested of the intended action. The petition asking for the establish- ing of a municipal telephone system in Osprey was laid over until the next meet- ing and the Clerk instructed to prepare a by-law to gi|p effect to the petition. By-law No. 547 was passed to enable the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow funds to meet current expenditure on school aud road improvement. By-law No. 540 was passed apointiiig the following parties as overseers of highways, fcnceviewers and pound- keepers : OVERSEERS OF HUiHWAYS Saml. Talbot, Edw. Mills, Robt, Coults, Geo. Coutts, .Alex Foster, Wm. Rich, Philip Wood, John Earl, Hy. Sprolt, Alex McKinnon, Jas. Mcnzic, Sanil. A nott, Kobt. Brown, Stephen Priddel, Jaf. Sandiland, Jno.U. Priddel, Rtd.t. Armoiu', George Wilson, Wm. F. Winters, Winters, Hugh Hardy, Jos. Gugin, Alex SieveiiHon, Robt.Facbnie, John F.ichnic, Thos. McLean, A. N. Brownridge, David Winters, John Scilley, David Ring, Robt. Stewart, Thos. Hoppenstall, Thi s. Bcin- roBC, Norman Ilindle, Alex Ferguson, Alex McArthur, Jaa. Sulliviiu, Alex Fin- lay, Harold Robertson, Peter Somer!«, Fred Biackenbury, Ada Heron, John Paul, John Spencer, Wm. Mouaghan, Wm. J. Louglieed, Jos.McConnell, John I'oole, Thos. Beitty, Joseph Irwin, Jno. A. Hudson, Geo.llawton, Wm.J. Morris- on, Alex Smith, Edw. Uarbottlo, Thos. Cooper, Jas. Douglas, Chii.s. Weldrick, Jos. Henderson, Hy. McGowan, .lohtiSon Buweiis, Josiah Crawford, John Dobson, Hugli TUoni.son, W.U.Buell, Jas.Hender son, .Alex McDcrniid, A. McToi'ijrt, C, A. Edwards, Jas. Gilies, Jas. Lioughoed, Robt. EdwBrd8,AIe.v Cameron, Alex Mc- Gibbon. KESCE-VIEWERS Hector Mclntyre, D. K. Preston, Jno. Hannon, Tlios. S. Frecthy, Thos. Stcpli- ens, James Menzie. Uobort Gibson, Hugh Thinnson, Aichy Buie, James Elliott, (Jeorgo McDonald, Geo. Hawlon, VVin, Hodgson, Huoh Hardy, Robert Taylor, JcdiiiRoss. ^AllM) KKEI'EKS Richan vid.son, W. H. Oiiy, Matt Leech, John Hannon, Robeit Qiiylor, Jolin MoKiniion, James Douglas. Council adjourned to meet a<i a Court of Revision on May 27th next at Max- well. â€" T. SCOTT, Clerk. Rock Mills Mr. Monty Davis is visiting at Mr. W. T, Pedlar's at pre.sent. Mia. Bradley (nee Minnie Roy) is .spending a few da^'s wi'li her mother here, ^ Word was leceived on Saturday i f the death of Willie, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs, llughie Pedlar at Oxbow, Sask, Mrs. Jno. llargrate and Mis. Thos Betts spent seveial dxys last week \ t Eugenia, with their biolher, Tlio.". Gilliland, who was seriously ill with, A number of young [leople .spent a voiy enjoyable time at Alf Partridge's one evening hst week. .lohu W. SickeUmith, (IieonalMiro, IV, has three children, and like most children they frequently lake cold, " We have tried se\- eral kinde of cough medicine,'' he nays, "lint have never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlains Cough Keuiody For sale by W, K, Uichardson A Son. East Mountain Last week's items Miti Cora Martin went to Owen Soi'.nd last week. Milton Neil lobt two head of catile with lightning in the storm of last weelt* This weeks news. Mud, mud. Spring has come Mr, Parker Walton of Holland Centre paid a visit to his mother laat week. Mr. John Welsh has been buying uji some cattle lately. Mr. George Allen is somewhat im- proved in health, he had a wiod bee last week. v^ti I LvJlN O STORE We Have Seeds of all kinds Tbe very best qnality we can procure in clover and grass seeds .and at the right prices. Men's and Boy.s' Hatband Caps for spring â€" the very latest styles and shades. We have some very pretty Ladies' Suits for spring, also a large variety of Dress Goods, including poplins, reps, linens, muslins, figured silk mulls, ducks, ginguams and prints. I think we have the best prints we ever offered at 10c per yd . Ask to see our Lace Cur- tains from 3oc per pair up. They are just what you want. We have also our new Wall Paper in. In Paints Varnishes, Paint Oils and Brushes of all kinds we have everything that is required for house cleaning time. Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rugs; Oil Cloths and Linoleums 1. 2 and i yards wide. Fresh supply of Groceries always on band. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE J' as. X^attison Gene fa/ -^^erekant Ceylon YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS »- NO NAI«ES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .M% NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of youns; and middle-aeed men are annually swept to a prematur« (jrav© through Early Indlicralioiu, Ezeeuet and Blood DiacaMt. It you have any of the fol- lowinu symptoms contult ui bafor* it U to» late. Are you nervous anil weak, despon- dent aud Klooiiiy, upeeks before the eyes, with dark ciix'Ie.i uuder them, weak back, kido^ys lu-itable palpitation of the h?art, bashful, dreams aud lossea, sediment in urine, pmipleson the facp, oyes sunken, hollow oheoka, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tin^d mornluKs. nights, ehaugeable moods, weak mauliood, premature decay, bone pains, lialr loose, sure tliroat, etc, YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our N*w Mathed Traalmaat can cure you and make a man of you. ITnder Us influ- ence I ho brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotches aud ulcers diBappeai\ the uerves become strong as steel, so that, nervousness, bashfulness aud det- poudeucy vanish, the eye bocoines bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body aud tbe moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated: all drains ceaseâ€" no inorevual waste from the 9ystem.%l)on't let quacks and faklrg rob you ot your bard •arued doUara. Wa will ciura you or'no pay. 111 a^i everythingTprivate and confidektial READER: No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Pre* of Chars*. Booka Fr««â€""Tha CoMan Monitor" (Illiiatrated) on Sacral DiMaae* o( Man. QUESTION U3T FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michi^n Ave. and Criswold St., Detroit. Mich. All letters frotn Canada mtist be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to ! us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat paUMiU in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence »ud I<aboratory for Canadian business only. Addresa all letters as i»llowa : DRS. KENNEDY ft KENNEDY, Wlndaor, Oat.. t^Write for omr private addrast. , "" NOTICE ) l^' i.a^ Mlaa i i li» m , .M' tfafcAM jm. aobo* ^iSiiifaiiHiiMiiiyiilliiaiiHiaiMMliaiiaMMi^^

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