Tc. o»i' and siogla oomb brown lag jortiS* id birred rook pouitt (O to Richard AUob, Mount Pleauaut Far'". I^Uisbertou P.O. THE FLESHERTOM ADVANCE March 30 1911 ri; 1 • * i • % < > 4 V m THE STANDARD BANK E^iuh.di873 OF CANADA <»B,«d« MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low co^ unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . . . 3c. $10 to $30 . . . 10c $5 to $10 ... 6c $30 to $50 . . . 15c Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 87 IXESHERTON BRANCA George Mitchell, Manager MMAMCttZS ALSO AX OVRHAM AND HAJUR.I4TOX C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station as Trains follows : Going South Going North 8.03 a. ra. 11.55 a. m. 4.48 p. m. 8.45 p. m. The mailH iira closed at Fleaherton as follows: For the north at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 4 o'clock. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. W. L. Wrii;ht has a hen which he Bays lays two eggs per day. Ellwood Uenoe of Toronto is visiting his parents for several weeks. Miss Tena Henderson is visiting at Mr. J. Johnston's in Dundalk. Mr. Andrew Graham and family of the j Valley left last week for their new home in the West. Mrs. HolUnd is visiting her father, Jas. Wctaon, of Edfreley, who is ill. She will remMn until after Easter. Prof. Jos. Stafford uf McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, visited his sitter, Mrs. J. P. Oltewell, over Sunday and Monday. yfe are pleased to note that Mr. Alex. Stewart has so far recovered from his re- eeut attack of illness ^as to be able to be omt again. Rev. Herbert Lee of Dundalk will preach in the Methodist church here â- ext Sabbath, Rer. H. E. Wellwood tak- ing Mr. Lee's work. J. A W. Boyd's store has been under- going renovations the past week at the hand* of Brock Patton. 'fbe improve- ment is quite marked. M. K. Richardson, ex M.P., addres- -sed the Epworth League on Monday night on " Uow our laws are made Misses ' Allie Wilcock and Annie Johnston visited Markdale friends last week. I have a tine selection of spring Suit- ings and Pnnlings. Call .ind see them. â€" F. Morley, Fiesherton. W. L. Wrii/ht is pulling in a stock of Renuie'a government inspected clover and grain seeds. See his advertisement for prices on nil kinds. I At a public meeting on Tuesday even- ing to consider meann of securing ade- quate fire protection a committee was appointed tu look into various means of defence, and will report within two weeks at another meeting. Chemical oline pumps and a gravity system of water works were discussed and will all be investigated by the committee. A re-organization meeting of the band was held last week. Jas. Bowler will aifsin be at the head of the muaiciaus. diss. Munshaw is manager ; Geo. Mitch- ell, president ; M. Scully, vice president; C. J. Bellamy, secretary, and Mark Wilson, W. L. Wrinht and J. A. Boyd as citizen's committee. A considerable por- tion of tha old band will ue at the busi- ness end of the instruments again, while a class of recruits la being marshalled. All that is needed in a little ready cash to straighten out the kinks in the horns and to purchase n new cornet â€" and this will be provided for by a subscription list in course of circulation . Out of town con- tributions will be gratefully received and acknowledged by the secretary. If you have trouble in f^ttiog rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it properly. There is no reuon why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not if yon take Chamberlains Cough Remedy Fsr sale by W. K Richardson k Son. Sheffield Choir Excursion A special excursion train will run Tj from Owen Sound, to Toronto, on Tues was extremely interesting and profitable. The Editor was pained to learn of the death of William Ckyton, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pedlar, which took place at Oxbow, Sask., on Tuesday, March the 2l8t. Hereafter rural school children will enjoy the same number of holidays as children living in cities, towns and villages. The summer holidays have been made universally the same through- out the province. The census enumerators for Centre Grey have not all been definitely ap. pointed, bn^ we understand that those forAitemesia are T. Henry, P. Mun- shaw, \V. McLoughiy and R. D. Mc- Lean. Tha complete list will be available in a week or two. Mr .T. Sled of the suburbs had a ply- mouth rock hen which laid an egg last week measuring 8 by 6J inches. The effort was an hetculeau one and an htiur afterward biddy was dead. Another hen essayed the same task and produced an egg exactly the same size, bul she re- covered. day April 4th., giving excursionists an 9pportunity of hearing the world famous Shetheld Choir. Tickets, Berke- ley, to Toronto $2.05, to Hamilton $2.35, Markdale to Toronto $2.05, to Hamilton $2.15, Fleshertun to Toronto and Hamilton (2.05, Proton to Toronto and Hamilton $2.05. Childreu half fare. For furtlier particulai-s see posters. The Peoples Railway Tho proniutcrs of the railway .tdviso us that "owing to the stress of work result- ing from the securing of our Dominion charter which necessitates changes in our plans for immediate promotion and construction, we ,ire compelled to s^icud so.-ne time at the head office, Berlin, thus temporarily abandoning our work in Collingwood. However, in two or throe weeks we will be in a posi- tion to return to your town and continue negoli.-ition already opened, with a view of building the line chartered in your section." There have been numerous eni|uiries as to why the Colliniiwood office has been closed, and tiiis will allay any uneasiness that may exist in refer- Mr. and Mrs. Bentham have removed , ^^^^^ ^^ this.-CoU.ngwood Messenger, to Toronto, where the former has secured ' a situation with May Bros, hardware merchants. We are sorry to see them go, as Mrs. Bentham will be missed in the Presbyterian church where she was an active worker. At the Guild on Tuesday night snc was prtsenied with an address and a purse. Tho baseball club held abox social last week. A rousing program was given by the Ceylon Orchestra, local singers, and Henry Howard on the concertina. This was Mr. Howerd's first appearance, and he was given ii splendid reception. The proceeds amounted to about :J30 and will clear away Ust summer's dodcit, leaving a balance to be expended on equipment. This year's team should be, like the Tor- onto ball team, better than ever. The local nine have not yet gone south to their training quarters, but all the contracts are signed up.- A serious smashup occurred on the C.P.R. near Schrieber on Saturday last, when a special pa.saenger train running east crashed into a settlet.s train from this Owen Sound division. Only train hands are said to have been seriously in- jured. The tireman, a brakeman and a colored porter of tho east bound train •wore killed. Some people from this section ai'o supposed to have been on the tniih, but no word of any of them being injured h«s been received. Tho wreck was caused liy the west-bound train over- running its orders. A Sweet Boiling Down One of the chief products of spring weather, alonglwitli maple syrup, is sugar- ing off "yarns." A good one reached the ear of The Advance recently. Here it is : At a neatby community a number of young men entered a neighbor's .•sugar- bush, and fouiid a kettle hung up, tilled with what was apparently sap, but the camp was suspiciously deserted. However they .set to work with .'i will, kindled a tire under the kettle and soon had it boil- ing merrily. The smoke and cinders were easily tolerated in the light of tho sweet- nes.s-to-bo. As tho "aap" boiled down the usual sweetness failed to materialize, and after several hours of waiting, the would-be inisoreanta discovered that they were boiling plain un.^dulterated water, and the laugh was on them. The Horses Speak The Advance man and the people of Fiesherton: Take notice that the undersigned are now and have been for some time on our annual rounds of trimming shade trees, orananontal trees and shrubbery, and we will trim them to a peak if you don't keep them iu or put us in pound. Yyurs, â€" J. Hk.^rd's Houses. The most conimini inUHO ot insonmiiv is (tirtordom of the stomach. Chaniberlnin's Ston.ach iiml T.ivei- Tablets correct tlieso disordem and enable yoii to sleep. For sale \)^ W, h. Richardson & S'>ni Low Round Trip Rates to Ninety Northwest Points. Exceptionally low rates to principal points in Western Canada on Canadian Pacific Homeseekers' Excursions, leaving Toronto Tuesday, April 4th at 2. p.m., and every second Tuesday during the summer. Tickets are good for sixty days with liberal stop-over privilfges. Special trains are run by the fastest and most direct route â€" avoiding any chiinge of cars and possible delays. Berths in tourist sleeping cars can be secured at a small additional cost. Full particulars given in Homeseekers' pamphlet, copies of which may be obtained from any C. P. Ky. Agent or direct from R. L. Thompson, District Passenger Agent, C. P. Ry., Toronto, Eugenia The W. I. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Munshaw the first Wed- nesday of April. Visitors are cordially welcome. Mr, John Gilliland has been very ill with pleurisy, but is some better. Mrs. Linton, sr., is very ill at present with an attack of grippe. Miss Bella McKenzie of Cedar View farm, Ceylon, has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. W. Hislop of the Valley. The West is still taking our young men. Stewart Hislop, John Armstrong and Arthur Walker all staited the past week with Mr. Andrew Graham and fam- ily for Battleford, Sask. Though sorry to have them go we ail wish them pros- perity in the new home. Mrs. John Large of Owen Sound is visiting her son at the postofBce. Miss Daisy Smith visited friends at Markdale for a few days. Miss Ethel Annstrong is home from the city visiting her mother for afewdays Mr. Menzie spent the past week in the city on business. Miss Clara Latimer is home from the city to spend a few months with her par- ents at Eugenia. Mrs. Thomas Hoggard of Tbornbury is visiting her mother here. Our popular'young teacher, Mr. Wilson, spent Saturday with bis mother at Walters Falls. Mrs. Maria Paul has taken up her resi- dence in Mrs. Joseph Fenwick's cottage. Mrs. T. E. Fenwick has been very ill with an attack of grippe. Mrs. John Hsrgrave of Maxwell and Mrs. Thomas Betts, have been visiting their brother, Mr. T, Gilliland. Ms. and Mrs. Henry Fenwick were the guests of Fbraherton friends on Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Williams and children vis- ited Fiesherton friends during the past week. Fine, spring-like weather at present. Riverdale Beautiful weather. Mi's. J, Bowles of Markdale visited fiiends in this vicinity last week. Maple syrup making is in full swing, and taffy parties are the order of the evening. Minnie Cutting of Markdale is renew- ing ac(|uaintances in our burg. Dr. Kelly of Buffalo gave us a delight- ful call Inst week while visiting friends adjacent to this community. Our accomplished vocalist and instru- montnlistiMiss Etta Briscoe, ably assisted in the Irish social program at Vandeleur on Friday evening. Win. Boyd made a few professional calls in Rocklyn vicinity <m Tuesday. The glorious spring-time, nature's ver- dant resurrection from the death-like sleep of winter, is here again and it is as welcome as the flowers in May. With what a kindly and miraculon.s hand Providence will .soon touch the earth and bid the trees and verdant pastures awake and don their garb of tender green, and the flowers to burst foith in meadow, vale and on the hillside, to delight and and besutify. Meanwhile tho birds are participating in the glories of spring, breathing in its balmy breezes, .ind bask- ing in its Huiniating sunshine, clicer the souls of men with their joyous songs, as they toil cheerfully .-ilong life's weary way. Oh, The Springtime ! is the .sea.son, That reiuii mates ; And ushers in the basuball suitf. And welcomes roller skates. Ob, The Springtime ! is the season. For a t'vlf'y jubilee ; Or a jolly big "At Home." That don't break up till three. Oh, The Springtime ! is the season. When tresh pastures look tho best; And wo leave our cosy homes. And hike to the glorious West. Oh, The Springtime ! is the season, When our gizzard's out of whack, Lumbago's in our back, Our lives are on the wrack. And tho mumps are on our track. And we really don't know what's the reason. FARM TO RENT Lota 171 imd 172, in "ind con. N.K.T. .iiidS R.. .Xrtcniosia, to rent for three or five years, lestiee to clean up tli" fifteen acres or ho, now partly cleared, on north of lot 172. Any party wantniK to rent can 'â- aul offci l)v letter to the uiiiler.siRiieJ at .Sliolhurno, or call at his Dun- dalk ntlice iinv Snturdnv nii to and incliulini( the 1st -Vpril.' -t;. RUTHEKFOKD 9^ HILL BROS. Markdale 51? Wall Papers Our big stock of New Spring Wall Papers are here, and we are showing a very large variety of patterns in the designs, and the values are such that you cannot afford to buy before you see what we are doing. For Wall Papers visit cur Hardware Department where they are on display for your kind inspection SPECIAL SALE OF QRANITEWARE Made by the Kemp & McClary Manufacturing Co., selling for ONE-THIRD less l-han you regularly pay. See special Window Displ.ty for prices in our Hardware Department. PRESERVING KETTLES MILK PAILS TEA KETTLES RICE BOILERS TEA STEEPERS STOVE POTS COVERED PAILS BREAD PANS DISH PANS PUDDING PANS CHAMBER PAILS PIE PLATES WASH BOWLS KNEADING PANS In fact everything you could want in Graniteware at the REDUCED PRICES. Heavy Quality 2=yards»wide Linoleums at 68c a yard. 3 patterns, about 100 yards of extre heavy quality English Linoleums, 2 yards wide, selling this week fur. . ..C8c. EXTRA SPECIAL. .. • , Special Sale of Spring Lines in Fine Hosiery. For Children, Girls, Ladies and Men In tho lot are inolhded such well-known lines as "Queen Quality," Penman's "Little Darling" and "Little Daisy " Brands. Nono better and at the reduced prices you should buy Now. _v Special for the Children. LITTLE DARLING and LITTLE DAISY HOSIERY, IN FINE CASHMERE, ALL COLORS and SIZES 25c. PAIR. This fine and well known line of Children's Hosiery we have in all colors, Tan, Pale Blue, Red, Cream and Black. Tney ceme in silk and spliced heals ; all sizes ; this week per pair 26c. Regular 25c, 30c, 35, and 40c value. Ladies' Fine Quality and Fioe Texture "Queen Quality" Hosiery, in Spring Weiglits, seiiing tiiis v/eek a 35c a pair or 3 pairs for $1.00 This well-known brand of Ladies' Hosiery we have in a number of styles and varieties ; some are the Fine Silk Lisle, others the nice Lice Sheer makes, made of line Moco Yarns in all colors, such as Black, Tan, Blue, Pink and Olive shades ; the kind you always pay 50 and 60c a pair, for this week PER PAIR 35c. THREE PAIRS for $1.00. Special Sale of Women's Union Hosiery at a low price> 16c pair. J^ 30 dosen Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, being Cashmere, Wool aad Cotton Combined, in Ribbed makes of all kinds, £< Regular 25o. value. This week, per pair jg^] Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS tjwy\AMyvy\A/ywwkywywywywywy^^ Meals served at Mrs. M. McDonald's, opposite The Advance office. Room for a few boarders at Mrs. M, McDonald's, opposite Advance office. When shopping in Fiesherton you will not be through until you have purchased a fresh salmon trout at Radley's. The millinery Parbiurs ot Miss Os- borne, Maxwell, will re-open Apr. 5, tt and 7 with a fine display of all the latest creations in head wear. FOR SALE or TO RENT One Second-hand heavy wagon, one good second-hand buggy, and a ciuantity of potatoes. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Walker, Eugenia p. o. For Sale â€" One dry cow, 1 heifet 2 yrs, and steers, H. Hulman, Portlaw. Five heavy colts for sale, riring 3 â€" two of them lillies. W. Orr, Fiesherton. For Saleâ€" 3 stone boats and a <)uantity of good seed oatsâ€" Adam Smith, Eugenia. Peas For Saleâ€" A ((uanlity of good, clean seed peas for sale. -'Vpply to H. Stone, Ceylon. R. C. Rhode Island Red e|ig« for sot- ting- 81, and ."JOc per .'etting. W. H. Thurston, Fiesherton. Sugar- Making Time, We can supply you with all the necessaries for the sugar bush â€" sap buckets, home-made or factory ; sap spouts, tanks, hand bits for tapping. '• '/., PAINTS We have a leader in Prints for ear;, ly bnyeas â€" Martin Senour and Eamsey Paints at 35c per quart. * This is exceptionally good valueâ€" Also a full line of Varnishes and Varnish Stains. Try a bottle of VERIBRITE or VEN- OIL for brightening up your furniture. Villaije Lots for Sale at Eugenia â€" Lots 11 and 12, suutli side Napoleon St. Ap- ply to K. J. f'aisons, Eugenia \). o. X couple of choice young Rhode Island Red Roosters for sale â€" splendnl breeding birds. W. Â¥. Thurston, Fiesherton. A good house and lot with stable to rent in Eugenia, .lohii H. Jnmieson, owner, or apiily to Mrs. Robert Mo- Master, Eugenia P.O. Seed Peas For Sale â€" A ((URntity of the sword peas for sale for seed at 9l)o per bushel. Lachlan Mc.Vrfhur, !,'ravel road, half mile east of Priceville. F.irin for Sale â€" Lot 37, con. 4, Arte- mesia, containing 100 acios, about KO acres cleared. For terms, etc., apply to R. J. McKeo, Rock Mills P.O. Farm to Rent - LoUs 184-5. con. 2, S. W. T. and S. R., contains 150 acres, bettor known as tho old Neilaoii farm. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Fiesherton. For Saleâ€" .V pair cf inare colts rising ^ years, hy French Nogr >, and coming 2 years by French Negro, of them are full sisters, blacks, and matched. Box 420, Meafoid, Out. tilly Two well For Sale or Rentâ€" Lot 5, con. 8, Osprey. On tho lands are good frame barn, basement, stables, and a good frame dwalling. For terms and condi- tions apply to John Osboni. Batteau P. 0., or W. .1. Bellamy, Fiesherton. AUCTION SALES Farm stock and implements, lot 11, con. II, "Jspiey. on Friday, April 7, 1 o'clock p. m., the property of Fred N, Weldrick. W, Kaitting, auctioneer. :' National Liglit Oil and Gasoline always on hand. C, J. Bellamy, ^ Fiesherton REDUCED The price of our men's and boys' Heavy Winter Rub- bers to clear out the bal- ^ ance of stock. Hii first auaiity. ^ Also Women's and Men's Felt Boots and Slipcrs. A now line of MEN'S KTJBBERS AT 70c, and WOMEN'S AT 60c. «'' Crytbem. lUbere? Jit CLAYTON'S Til MUUl Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 75 to 75 Oats 30 to 30 Peas ' 75 to 75 Barley 50 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 18 to 18 Eegs, fresh 15 '.o 15 Potatoes per bag 50 to 50 Goeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 16 to 10 Wool 21. to 23 n n Widely Attended Tho spIoDdid patvoua«e enjoyed l)y tbo COLLINGWOOD Business College is the voi-dict of sound, thorough, practical training. Write for cata- logue. Now is the time to enter. Principal ^ T, E. Hawkins, i