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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1911, p. 1

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fks\)etion ^^tinna. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -â- â€¢ PRLNCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 30, NO 40 -4. N, I Flestiertoi:!, Ont., Thursday, Xlarch. 30, 1911 W. H. THURSTON ^uj puophietok Markdale Chronicles Miw Con'.c of TuTonto is home on a Tisit. Mr. and Mrs. Dasxie Mercer and dausihier left on Saturday for Owen Sound, where Mi-<. Mercer will remain for some time, Mr. Murcer left on Tues- day for Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Suuimer moved to Owen Sound last week. Mr. C. W. Cowli-r attended the funer- al of his sister, Mrs. Juhu Lackey in Tor- onto last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs dauuhter of Priceville spent Sunday in town Mr. Grant and family left last week for their heme in Moase Jaw, Sask. I Mr. and 5Ir8. RouUtou of Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mi's. A. Jaukdon recent- Mias Robinson of Dund:ilk is visiting in town. Mrs. H. D. Irwin is visiting her daui;h- ter, Mrs. Tolton, Waldeniar. Maxwell Mrs. McWhinny aoj little daughter are risitiiig the former's father, Mr. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. EJ. Liuluy visited at Hiram McLean and Corbctton last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coli|uette, Fevei- M.s. McL«mn iaremainina for the ],i,^„,^ ^.i,;^^^ at Levi Pallisters on Sun- day. week, the i;uest of her sisler, Mr. Will I \Ve extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Dr. and Mra. Dave .\eely arrived on L„d jjrs. Arnott and family have moved Saturday from Ottawa. Dr. Neely re- | jmo „m. ,„i(j8t. turned on Tuesday to his parliamentary i ». »•• m. n , f -i l j , . ,. , .. -^T â-  • Mr. McMuUen and family have moved duties at Ottawa, but Mrs. Neely is re- . .1 o u i- ... ^ ; to the 8th line, niaining in town. Mrs. Service and two daiighteri, of Miss M. Douglas is home on a visit. 1 ..• , . o , . r, n- " I ainghampton, spent Sunday at D. \\ in- Mrs. Wjlie of Owen Sound .«penl a few f^^p^ 4,1, ijne. days last week with her .sister, Mrs. El- ' ,.. , w i c .1 . ' Wurd was receivea on 31onday of the ' serious illness of Chester Long, Colliii;^- Mr. Rex Whaley of Leamington has wood, with appendicitis. Mrs.Long, sr., ha.s uono down to aiceiid liiin. Born â€" .'Vt Clarusholiii, .Albert;!, on March the 19ih, to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mclntyre, a son. Pearl Moore ha.s returned home after speudiiig a couple of weeks with her bis- been removed to the Merchant's bank here. Rev. H. A. Fish of Owen Sound ; preached the missionary serin ins in the Metliodit-t church both morning and ev- ening. In the morning he took as his text, "We must work while it is yet day, ,ter, Mrs. Walter Kerton for the uight cometh when no man ) A iiuieC -wedding was sideainized at the worketh ; " and spoke of the great re- { parsonge last Weeiiesday, when Miss sponsibility placed on us, and the pres- 1 j^„ni„ Hp,„„ „„a Mr. Norman Holioyd sing need of evangelizing the woild in L-ere united in matrimony. We extend the priwent generation. In the evening jour congratulations. The young couple his text was found in John 14,-12 : •' He 1 i^ft foi- their h.mie in Hawarden, Sask., that believeth on me, the works that I ] „„ Saturday C M. Field visited with friends in Toronto. Miss Nellie Biiyes has returned home from Hamilton. do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do ; ' and he spoke principally oil the work that was being done in the missionary fields at present. Mr. Fish is certainly a splendid preacher, and thoroughly understands his subject. | Mrs S. McArlhur, of the gruel road, He will receive a hearty welcome from '^ visiting with her mother, near Mark- his Markdale friends should he again 1 u.ile. visit us. The Icollections and snbaeilp- The Women's Institute will hold their tons, whioii were in behalf of the gen- , regulnr inonthly meeting on Thursday, eral mission.iiy fund, were generous ai.d ' April (ith, at 7.3U p.m., at the home of will in all probability e.xceed last year's | Mi-s. Chas. Lung. Lunch will be served giving. Uev. Joseph Young took Mr, ! by the members. Fish's work at West Side, Owen Sound. | tv. attend. Mr. Tom Mercer left on Tuesday for! ^"'' '^'"»«'"" v„„„ . ,.„„ n n friends here on Sundtiy. \ ancouver, B. L. ^ Everyone is rci|ue8l.ed of Duudalk called on Swinton Park Four of the cars in the Schriebir wreck on Saturday last were from here ' On Thursday, Friday and Saturday | L'zzie Watson, who has been sull'eriin.' last the ladies of Markdale gathered in ffoni an afaok of appendicitir-, is in McFarlaud & Go's millinery parlors to \ Ovim Sound undergoing treatment. get a glimpse of the new sprins; hats. « /-. n- i 1 . (-• ^ Si f r, •••"â- â- 'â-  I Mr. G. Watson has gone to (.iraven- They were certainly well repaid, for ML'S Brooks and her assistants had done their uttcost to suit tlio tastes of everyone. There were hats big enough for any one, and small hats-, plain hals and dressy hats, but all so very pretty, chic ai.d stylish. I hurst. We hope he may return restored , to his usual health. Quite a number at teiidod Mi. Wurts' sale at Proton on Monday last. '; Mr. Joseph Black is having a i evaporator installed in order ti lacilitaie IT , ,> r n, .. • siiffnc making operations. Herb. Gregory i^f Toronto spent Sun- : day in town M''- ''«'«'S!*5 Kergusmi h:is purchased a farm opposite his father's. This hv ks Rudd Matthews was home over Sun- ijije business. day. Mr. Joseph Campbell, who has been Mr. Sissons of Bobcaygeou visited his jlaid otV work for some time, is almost all cousin. Miss Brooks, recently. right again. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and two daugh- | Mrs. Martin and Miss Minnie Martin ters left last Friday for their new home . we'll '" Tartan ou S.ituidny. In Strongtield, Sask. Dr. Sproule was home from Ottawa ' '^^^ ^"^^ Telephone Co., took twenty- over Sunday. i three contracts for phones last month and r, 11. 11 t e. tj- â-  1 c i have nine of them already executed. The George Walker left on Friday fi.r , . , , .„^' , «. c 11 t! 1 1 1. • . 1 local hue now has liK) phones on the Stronghold, bask., where ho inteuos spendiiiK the summer. His auiit accom- panied him as far as Toronto. Mi-8. Will Jackson and daughter left likst week for their home in Weyburn, Satk. I Thornbury division. Tliis speaks well for the local iiiaiiager, Mr. Ilobt. Crussland, ' who has given the Town of Thornbuiy the test telephone counect ion of any town of its size in Canada.â€" Heriild Reflector* CLOVER SEEDS AT CLOSE PRICES Red Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Mammoth Clover, per lb. 18c, per bushel $10.50. Atsike Clover, per lb. 1 7c, per bushel $10.00. Alfalfa, per lb. 22c. per bushel $13.00. Timothy Seed, per bushel $7.50. These ^eeds are all Rennies' Government Standard Totted The pliDting lime is just about at hand. It's lime anyway 'â- â- o select your seeds, and we are ready with a large stock to lend you every assist-tuce in our power. We have ReiiBics and Steele Biiggs' Garden Seeds, mangolds, auffar beets, turnips and carrots, tield and garden corn â€" all fresh stock, and kll living up to the high reputations of the producers. You can get no lietter teeda than we supply, Dutch Setts and Potato Onions. -A. full lino of Gro- ceries and Flour and Feed. I W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Victoria Comers Intended for Last Week. Mr. Hugh Warner has moved to his new home on the old Stinsun farm. Maude Steven < is home fro.n Dundalk on the sick list. John Piitton and family left for their home i n 1 he West last week. Little Margaret Moore, who was very ill, is roioveriiig nicely. Some of the people who havd t«pped their sugar sugar bushes will tind thai their work was in vain, we fear, althout-h ;)ur friend Rxibin Rt-d Breast Is with us ag<tin. We had the friendly call "f the inis- siiinary oIlectoi-s.Miss FletaCornett and Lydia Sheardown, Ust Mondiy. Tourist Cars to Western Canada There is no more comforiabie way te travel to the West than in a Canadian Pacific tourist sleeping car. These cars run from Toronto to Winnipeg, Calgary and \'ancouver daily at 10.10 p.m. Berths are fully ciiuipped with bedding, every traveling convenience is ati'orJed and an a'teutiva porter is in charge. The extra sost is very small and tourist cirsaro attached to each Uoineseeker.^' special tram from Toronto. Early ap- plication to local C. P. R. Agent should bj made for berths. DundaJk A iiHi'tiiig of the directors of Proton Agricultural Society was held in'the town hall on Saturday arternoon. The chief business transacted was the arianging for the annual spring show which will be held ill Dundalk on Tuesday, .April '_'5. All accident occurred on Sunday which might easily have been much more seri- '>i>s than it turned out to be. In retuni- ing from the Methodist church after the morning service Mra. Nichol, sr., who is crippled with rheumatism, was thrown from the cutter. The horse, which was driven by her little grandson, C. Montgomery, became unmanageable and lau away. The old lady escaped broken bones but was bruised and shaken up pretty badly. The Western exodus this week includes Charles DeziUl of Badaoros, who shipped a car of settlers' effects lo Morse, Sisk., on Tuesday. Luther Veit of this place, with his wife and f.imlly, started for Waiuwright, Alta., on Tuesday, Mr. V. also shipped a car of hf)rses and ett'ects in charge of Win. Colgan. Mr. t'armaii Worry and Miss Annie left on Tliiir!.iliy for Mortlack, Sn.-ik., their parents, Mr. and Mis. Worry, preceding them on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sharpe and family ataited Friday evening for their new homo in Vancouver, B. C â€" Herald. Ceylon Alex McFadyen mot with au accidint while loading poles here on Saturday Nst. His leg got caught between two poles and b d!y liruiKod, but no bones were broken, and we trust he will be around again soon. Mr. D. McPliail is also laid up with a old. Mr. Woods, our teacher, has been laid up since Ft iday with his old complaint. Miss Lilian Rui ledge having spent 8.)me months in Toronto attending busi ne.«s colligo, returned on Wednesday last and has taken a position as stonogiapher ill the office of Messrs. Scully & Co., Flesherton. Wo congratulate Lilian on her success. Miss Mary Tucker of Toriuto having lusited with her parents near Top Cliff and other friends ai Ceylon ami other places, has reluriid lo Toronto t> seek employment. Mrs. R. H. Cook received a hurried call to attend the sick bed of her daugh- ter, Mr.s.3J. W. Cushiiie of Toronto, about a week ag... W'e are sorry to b« informed Mrs. Cushnie is ftill very poorly. You are going to look your best in that new Easter suit. You're go- ing to be photographed in it, of course. There's no belter time for some new pictures. They're ideal Easter rcmerabrancet In your friends. Make an appointment W.A.HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST Flesherton - - Ontario Fevers ham Items Intended For Last Wi-ek. Our spring weather suddenly changed and a western blizzard prevailed for the latter part of last week. Mr. Harry Ileatlicote had a narrow escape from a broken leg one day last week, a large maple log coining on to his leg and foot while unloading logs at Julian's mill-yard. Harry will have to lay '(ff and nurse the injured member for a while. Miss Ada Kaitting has g.ine on an ex- tended visit to friends in Saskatcliewan and .Alberta. Mr. W.Walker stalled west on Wednes- day of last wcfk, where he intends to lesidc for a time. Bis brother, Charlie, has been out there for ^ time, and Walter has gone to sue liiiii. We nndersttud that Will Parker who has boon diaviiig logt for .Joe Irwin is liiid up with an attack of pleur'.>iy. Hope to see him around again sotm. Miss .\tha deron spent a Ivw days with her cous<n, Mrs. Harry Hortoii, in Col- lingwood last week. Mr. .los. Irwin has a gang i^f rneii cut ting and drawing logs to his mill-yard near the Beaver rivtr, on the eighth line, half a mile from the village. He I'lirch- aso<l the .standing timber on Mr. Paul's firm near here. R. J. Coh|uctto has rentod Mr. Robt. Brown's shop for an implement .shop, where he will have a general imph-incnr ware room, wire fence, pumps, wmdniills, buggies and wagous-in fact, everything required on the farm ; also the famous Ueintzmaii piano and the Standaid ro- tary sewing machine, (jo in and spc his stock. We understand that Jas. McKeiizic lias purchased Mr. Frod Brownlue's property in this village and wiil go into the Huur mill to learn the milling biisiiies-s. Ben. Edward and Charles Barber left for the west on Fii-lay last. Ben and Charlie wore our last reason and they in- tend to gel land tins summer if they ma. This Week's Items The spring birds aie with us again, Real estate still continues to change hands in this city. This week wo report t!iat Mr. .\. L. Long has sold his black- smith airl woodciiwork shop to Fred N. Weldrick, also his house and lots. Mr. Weldrick will becoino a lesideiit in this ci'y and carry on a neneral blacksniilliing business. Mr. Weldrick has leasel his firm on the lOtk line to his brother, Charlie. Diedâ€" .\t the home of her brother, Samuel Galloway, on the 10th line, on Wednesday, March 22, Mrs. Wni. Hen- dry, aged ofi years. The remains wuie laid to rest in ilio Presbyterian cemetery in Foversliaiii on Friday. Born â€" On Wednesday, March lo, to Mr. and Mrs. .Jamej Tlnmison, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brownlee are pre- paring to move to Weyburn, Saak., where Mr. Brownlee will on^aifo in farming. Mr, .James McKciizie will take posses- sion of the house vacated by Mr. Brown- lue and become a dusiy miller, but he won't have to " live by himself," as Mi's. McKenzie coiiifs with him to reside in our village. M iss Nellie Barber of Brewster's lake spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Blown. Mr. Ale.x. Davidson has taken the po- siiioii of miller with the tlsprey Fanners' Milling Co. He is well known hero and kneads no introduction. .Sucness, .\lex. The officers of the S .\. farewol'-il â- ; .Sunday night. The lads were welllikc^l by all here and all wish them continued success in their chosen vocation, and God speed m their good work. Ready for Business I hiive opened up my new tailor .shop ne.xt door to the post oftic3, Flesherton, with a gootl Hne of Spring and Summer Suitings and also extensive samples. To all who wish a natty, neat-fitting .- Snit we would .sugjjest an earlv call. S. J. BOWLER, â„¢^ VlilSk"*" V FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET Fresh Heats of all kinds BEACON £^x>a.nd Oysters FrpKli Oysters, put up in sanitary tin cans, which ai-e thrown away when empty â€" a deoide.l iinprovfiiient over the old unsanitary tubs which were rutilled when empty. Try some of this choice delic;icy. '^1 V ^iVILSON <Sc I^cCX^OCKLIM We Are In Our New Store With a bigjjer line of Groceries, â-  ' Flour and feed than ever .... ^ V Get your Ga.K*clen. SeedLs trom u.'?, also Timothy Seeil, Alfalfa. Maimnoth and Ked Clover seed, the best one can buy, at The Flesherton Grocery - W. Buskin. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from 'which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. ^JLi. i*i dk. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET SOME OF THOSE BAR- GAINS ON SALE F R o n m J. E. LARGE ft^ Eugenia : Ont. 1 l)o you know that of M Iho iiiiimr ail- TQU ^^TITTITP inents colds are by far the most ilanKeiou,< ? * %J XX. .^ It is not the cold itself that; you noed 10 fear, -*Pe<:l«ll«t In di.r.tct ot the but the neiious diseaaen that it often leads to. rVfi EdP No^P 2inH Thpfljlt Most of thtse are known ixs genu diseaoea. ' ' ' *'^*' «IIU I III Uai Pneumonia and consumption ara among OW«ce"30 10th »f. Weat, Owen Sound them. Why not take cn,», Congh At the Revere houm.. Markdale, 2nd Rem»dyand cu.e your cold while you eanTThnrKdAv ouch n.,...fl. f,v,«, «*„ 10 . _ Kem*Oy and cure your coltl while you can For sale hy W. K. Richardson * Son. Thursday each mouth from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundilk, Ist Thursday of each month. i-

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