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Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1911, p. 3

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CURED TO STAY CORED Liniments of no Availâ€" The Trouble MQst b6 Treated Through the Blood. This article is intended as a talk Co the man or woman with rheuma- tism who wants to be cured. Not merely relieved, not half cured, but actually cured. The most a rheumatic sufferer can hope for in rubbing something on the swollen aching joints is a little relief. And all the wljile the trouble is becom- ing more firmly seated. Medical authorities now know that rheuma- tism is rooted in the blood ,and that while rubbing on liniments or hot fomentations may give tempor- ary relief, they cannot possibly cureâ€" you must go to the root of Che trouble in the blood. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Piiis cure rheumatism. They make new, rich blood, which expels the poisonous acid, and the rheumatism disap- pears. There are thousands of former rheumatic sufferers in Ca- nada, now well and strong, who thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills thati th€y are now free from the aches ^nd pains and tortures of thiq |ireaded trouble. Mr. Joseph Lud- 4ington. New Harbor, N. S., says: "Some three years ago ruy wife was Itricken with rheumatism, and suf- tered so much tha, we dispaired of ler ever getting well again. At Brst she was able to go about, but in spite of all we did for her she F;rew so bad that we had to lift her n and out of bed, and finally the pains grew so excruciating that we rould only move her little by little, with the sheet under her. Finally w»^ were induced k> get Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for her. I do not remember just how many boxes she took, but I do know that they were the first medicine that reached the (lisease, and that she continued to Improve until she was again as well as ever, and could do her house- hold work. To us it is simply piarvellous what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for her, and we are glad to give this testimonial in the hope that it will benefit some other poor â- ufferer." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be Bent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Pr. Willia.-ns' Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Ont. ^-- ' ' PATTERING RAINDROPS. .Varying Sound Effects on Umbrel- las of Different Fabrics. "The patter of the raindrops on the roof, as the poet puts it," said Mr. MacQlinckinton, "has one sound on a shingle roof, another on a tin roof and quite another still on a roof of corrugated iron; and there's as much variety in the sound of raindrops falling on um- brellas. •'You rais« a cotton umbrella, for instance, and the rain falling on it has no resonance. On a cotton um- brella, the fabric thick and soft and comparatively loosely woven, the raindrops fall with a soft, almost noiseless sort of dull thud ; the rain and the sound are absorbed in the »poiigier fabric. No liveliness in the patter of raindrops on a cotton umbrella. â-  But now you take what they call % siuion umbrella, made of a cloth part cotton and part silk, or part linen and part silk. Here we do [;et a patter of raindrops ; the fabric s elosi'ly woven enough and tight- ly enough stretched to give some re- lonance. It is a distant patter th.'it we get when the raindrops strike a onion umbrella; but on umbrella:; iv-e get the full effect of pattering raindrops on silk umbrellas only. "The silk umbrella is made of a fine fabric, closely and uniformly ' woven and as tightly stretched be- tween its ribs as a drumhead. It is on the silk umbrella only that we Ifot the full effect of pattering rain- drops, sharp, ringing and resonant. £f riiuiantieally inclined, we have no place where we can go to listen to the patter of the raindrops on Ihe nof, we can get soinowhere near to t.liat effect by walking abroad in >he rain carrying a silk umbrella." . * 'â- How bright and happy May looks since hor engagement." "Yes; a match usually lights up a jirl's face." "Why, Willie, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself." "No uncle, I'm having a miserable thne. Auntie Kild inc to cat as much as I wanted â€"and 1 can't '." Ma.<â€" "Jones is the most widc- nwakc man I know." Daxâ€" "You lurprisc me. I never heard of his being especially enterprising. Maxâ€" "Oh, it isn't enterprise that nakcs him so; it's insomnia." It's usually a great bore for the kr.irglar if the safe is locked. LOVERS CONVEY MICROBES.! i The Austrian Police Stop Romunlic Courtsbip. A custom of country courtship dating from the immortal past has been interfered with by the police in Upper Austria in their efforts to suppress the foot-and-mouth dis- ease which is affecting animals in that province. The microbes are, it is said, distributed by human agency. Infected areas have been careful- ly shut off, but in spite of alF pre- cautions the disease is spreeading rapidly. It has now occurred to the authorities that the ancient courting custom known as "Fen- sterin" may be responsible for the extension of tiie disease from one farm to another. "Fensterin" is a species of serenading indulged in by the young peasants. After the day's toil, the young man dresses in his best clothes and with great secrecy slips away from his home to the farm where the girl of his af- fections lives. Then, standing be- neath her bedroom window, he sings old folk-tunes. If the girl is favorably inclined to him, she appears at the window and allows the swain to kiss her hand. The police say that no other com- munication with the infected farms can have taken place, and have con- sequently forbidden "Fensterin." Disregrd of the regulation will involve fines and imprisonment. WHAT EVERY WM mm KNOW LAWS FOR BELGIAN PAINTERS A LiGHTHOrSE KEEPERS STORY. From the light-house at Lobster Rcstrietiuas Regarding Liquor â€" Employer's Respuusibilities. Belgium has just drawn up a' Cove Head, Bonne Gay, Newfound- special code of laws governing land, Mrs. W. Young sends an ex- painters and the exercise of their perience of Zam-Buk, which should craft which are singularly strict lertainly act as a true beacon light, and exliaustive. j puiding all sufferers from skin dis- From the fashion in which the tase to a safe harbor of refuge, new laws hedge taem in with en-] Mrs. Young says: "I suffered forced precautions one would think , with eczema for seven yean, and to painting the most dangerous trade' »y great delight Zam-Buk has in the whole catalogue. In the first tured me. The disease started on of proof place no employer of painters may I By breast, and spread until it «^- employ a man who drinks alcoholic 1 wnded over my back. The itching beverages to the temporary extinc- ' »nd burningâ€" especially when the tion of his logical power, and no ' iffectod parts were warmâ€" was ter- intoxicating liquors are to be ' nblo ; and yet when the eruption brought into the vicinity of the' ivas scratched or rubbed, it turned workers. Employers are respon- sible for the care which their m'-n take of their persons. They must see that every painter DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS THB SURE CURE FOR ALL ACHES AND PAINS. Mrs. Vaillancourt add.** her experi- ence to the ercat ma; _ that Dodd's Kidney Pilbj are wo- man's best friend. Lafond, Alberta, F«by. 4 (Special).â€" That the women of tha \ West are finding in Dodd's Kidney : Pills a sure relief from those aches ' and pains that only women know is ., becoming more evident every day, ; cashes his hands before eating, and Mrs. Agnes Vaillancourt of this : suspend the men whose health is place gladly gives her experience as n^t. satisfactory, and discharge any an addition to the mass of proof that one .suffering from lead poisoning, is being piled up. j A paint-»r may not wear the same "For three years JI suffered m- clothes on he'street or in his home tensely with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Vaillancourt states. "I had pain everywhere. I only used six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I anj completely cured of all my ache^ and pains. I am in perfect health to-day. ' Woman's health depends on â- Â«â€¢Â» to bad sores, and caused great pain. I went to a doctor, and tried rariouB prescriptions, but seemed to get no benefit, so tried another ioctor. .\gain I got no relief, so ,r:cd a third doctor, and then a ourth. Although they all did their best for me I got no relief. "I thought I never would be cured, when I saw a report in 'The Fam- ily Herald' telling how beneficial Kani-Buk was in cases of skin dis' which he s in his trade. He is imperative. y required to arm him- self with a special suit of clothes I ease, so I tried it. and a scre<ued hat. i "Well, from the use of the very Contractors and master painters | first box I saw Zam-Buk was goin^ are restricted in the use of white to do me good. It eased the ir.rita- lead to the ground lead mi.xed with; tion, stopped the pain, and the sores oil, and it is stipulated that thisj began to dry up and disappear. la TUNING A BEIX. Thin Bits .Vre Shared From Var- ious Parts of the MetaL "What a beautiful tone that bell has!" is often heard. There are few, however, says The Scientific American, who know how a bell re- ceives its joyful or -solemn tones. All bells, after they are cast and finished must go through a process of tuning the sama as any other musical instrument before they re- spond with a clear, true tone. Ev- ery bell sounds five notes, which must blend together in order to produce perfect harmony. The tun- ing of a bell is done by means of shaving thin bits from various parts of the metal. It is as easy for an e.xpert tuner to put a bell in tune as it is for a piano tuner to adjust his instrument to perfect chords. At first thought it would seem that a bell would be ruined should the tuner shave off too much at the last tuning, or the fifth sound, but such is not the case. He would, however, be obliged to be- gin over, starting again with the first tone and shaving again till it gave forth its harmonious sound at the fifth tone. Kidneys. If they are not in perfccl mi.xture must be so handled that it} short, I found Zam-Buk all thai order the impurities are no| joes not splash or come in contact was claimed for it. and within S strained out of her blood and sha with the painter's hands. very short time it worked a com cannot be healthy. She feels it m The law strictly forbids scraping! plete cure." every part of her body and the re- of dry painted surfaces in which ' Not only for eczema, but for ul- suit is that she is weary and worn white' lead has been used. This will leers, abscesses, varicose veins, baj and full of aches and pains. What doubtless prevent much careless- 1 leg, poisonedf wounds, cuts, colJ every woman shouM know is that „ess and protect the careless paint- , sores, chapped places, piles, ring- there is sure relief and perfect gr from his own m. -scretion, but worm, children's eruptions, burns, health for her if sha uses Dodd's it is terribly restrictive and smacks i scalds, and all skin injuries and dis' Kidney Pills. AGENTS WANTED. i .JKNrS WA.STKI>._»JM 1 Axr •»»T. No rV. •xp»ri»nc ne»ii»d. !<«IU an tiaht. ihmo\. ute aaccuitr t* UtiMra. D»u w«rk «l thirt* mn P»y» lot ititM In 'jm hi.ur. Wni«>V FOR SALE. MOTOKCYCLHS. FIvInc M*^k*U, BncT urr> Y&i««. Brown's, Onculn. Elk*, aad oibsra. >e» &nd fruia %Vi tu 9375. -Saud ioi Cu&lcsua.â€" Browu, Sltf Sp&diuk, TurtnW. ^^OiC bALlS. â€" tuu ,-io.«d T^witolUp Trv.tal^. >t*r, Cauntjr MiddlsMX. «»udr aad clkf l»m. i acr«< fniit. builitlucx fair, d s.Im to I»ii. Ion Markrt. 1 mil* t» R. B. >tallou aa4 P 0.â€" Th> Waturn Baal Estinta Uxcliaiifa, Limltad, Loudon, Ont. IF jrou da Ira topiirrliua a Fruit, stock, OrmtD, or V>MTy Farm m Ontario, or Laud in Mam* t.iikA. SA«katch«w&Q or Aitortx, oju.^t me. 1 hftva tbnusatid tarmi on mjr li»t. »om« aargaina. If you w.kiit t J sail any kmd of proaerty, â€" ma. ) tiona .Main OMu. Nigbt:> and bolhlay^, |f»rk iX7. 1i. W. Dawaon, .Ninety Cotbonia street, ronrnto. V \NTEO. ap.VA.VD WO.Mh:.\ WA.N-rKD to r«pr«.nl â- lTA us L.o.illy. Iw.. dollar, per day mUâ„¢ auj •inmij-.iou. Xo ezpvrienoe let'ai.arT Writa ;. L. .NICHOLS to.. l!lmiled. Toronto. f KAK.N- THK BAKliKR TK.\DK-\FW â- -' •y.'temâ€" i-msiant Mractno -laieiul iubtrtio looâ€" a few weeks reioplrte icurseâ€" tools frea. Ur.idn.ite», oirn twaire t.i eiirhteen dollan ' oHese K^ Queen Fa-it. Tor-nt > FARIMS FOR SALE. N"oKIH>Vi.>r i-.4KM l.A.SD.--Uaa » all- lion acres in moat fertile districts Special ii'pectioa oicurrtioii iu .April. Writa aaw. towart A Mathews Co.. Ltd., Gait. Ont. * "...r irnnfrd thr«iu-!hont Ontari-^. CANCER, Tumors. Ltirapi, »tc. Internal and external, cured without pain by •nr home treatment. Writa aa before toa late Dr. Bellman Uedical Co.. Limited. Collinrwood. Ont. BOWEL TROUBLE MAKES SICKLY BABIES "rJowel trouble is the cause of most ' / the ailments frgm which little OU03 suffer. When baby's bowels r^re not working regularly illness is Bure to appear, but when the bowels ue regular the Uttlo one is usually aight, active and happy. No other iiediciue for babies has such good ,:ffect on the bowels as has Baby's Own Tablets. They make their â-  letion regular, sweeten the sto- .nach and promote good health. vJoncerniug thera Mrs. Freeman Keener, of Barry's Corner, N. S., writes: "I can heartily recoinniond Baby's Own Tablets for all the troubles from which little ones suf- fer. My baby girl was troubled with her bowels and was so small and puny 1 thought we would lose her. 1 saw Baby's Own Tablets ad- vertised and began giving them to her and now she is a big. healthy happy baby. For this 1 thank the Tablets, and I always keep them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 'J5 cents a bo.\ from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Biock»ille, Ont. j of over-legislation. GERMAN BUREAUCRACY. A good story is going the rounds of the French newspapers illustrat- ing the beauties of bureaucr.itic government in Germany, says tho l^ondon Globe. We are told that in the Post Office Department, if a clerk wishes a new pencil, he has to hand in the stump of the one that has become too short to work with. In tne particular instance cited a clerk received his new jk>u- cil without returning the end. Be- fore the omission was <iiscovered the clerk was transferred to an- other office. Just after he had com- menced his duties at his new post he reecvived an official intimation tliat he had neglected to hand in his pencil end. By this time it had disappeared, but to prevent bother the clerk purchased a new pencil, cut off a piece about the length of the missing bit, and despatched it to tho stationery department. FIRST CHOICE, Mr, Jawbaekâ€" -"My dear, I was one of the first to leave." Mrs, Jawbaek â€" "Oh, you always say that,'" Mr. Jawbaekâ€" "I can prow it this time. Look out in the hall and s:'e the beautiful umbrella 1 brought home." Shileh's Cam «lllckly alopa coadka. cvraa coUa. heato tha tkfoat and tunia. • • . as oaatga CITY TURNED PIED PIPER. | Bubonic Plague at Bombay Largely Due to Ruts. I The bubonic plague has killed; "It's remarkable how often a wo- 169.000 people in the last fourteen man changes her mind." "Oh. not years in the city of Bombay alone, always. There's one idea every wo- the highest mortality beiig 20.000 nian gets that she never changes." in 1903 "and the lowest 5,000 during '•â- VVhat's that!" 'The ulea that the past year. The redact' jn â- -£ she's pretty!" the mortality can be traced yeiy largely to the number of rats killed in the city, who are the industrious carriers of the disease. A half m.'l- I eases, Zam-Buk will be found un- , equalled. All druggists and storel ' sell at 50c. box. or post free from j Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, for price. I Refuse harmful substitutes and imi- j Utions. Try Zam-Buk Soap, too ' i * A VETERAN. Lawyerâ€" "The cross-examination did not seem to worry you. Have you had any previous experience Clientâ€" "Six children." Th* Soul of a latH* Action. Insist on the t a OTTO HIGEL' Piano Action lion rats were killed last year in that city alone, of which number 90,000 were examined by the bac- teriologists of the health depart- ment and 9,000 of them were found to be infected with the plague. The wholesale destruction of these rod- ents was accomplished by the most careful municipal plan and co-op- eration of health and police depart- , . ments. which scattered bread '*^ * smeared with poison certain hours each day in all parts of the city, and furnished thousands of disin Unless worms be expelled fronj tho svstem. no child can be heal- thv. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator is the best medicine extan* Relief for the Depressed.â€" Physi. oal and mental depression usuallj have their origin in a disordereij state of the stomach and liver, aa when these organs are deranged in to destroy worm8^__ their action the whole system is af- fected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable ^ g^j) ^ TOUGH FOOT. Pills. They revive the digestive; , j ,-„ processes, act beneficially on the A bare-footed negro wandered n- nerves and restore the spirits aa na to a blacksmith shop in a litt e other pills will. They are cheap, southern town. \\ hile watching the , simple and sure, and the effects ar«. smith pound the iron into shai)c,_lie PAINT WITHOUT OIL A pT«MtB«Dl minafiituiT hxi dlM«T«r*d ft proc«M <4 POWUC P41ST It ii a dry p*wirr. aa4 -11 tbftt 1» r^ulr«4 It tviJ w»uV !• lUi^t » iftlLl waiervr**r ftiT>.i*«rf tn4 Nt4uiat;« ** tiH psvtl- II aaiL^n tc iIt •< tH<^. wv^cd. Mmi« or brtck.. i9>Yft4a a»d .»ok» i'.k« »ll pAUii. uai 'OM4 akout jo» foHitb A» Moct. }'--~. .KfanbAll9b ^md '.AUi*<\:« . « m i»l »â-  nqucct lo THE POWDR PAINT CO. towhto Highwayman â€" "Halt! Your monev or your life !'' Victim â€" "It's fected";;apsTo theTnliaYitants: who ""-S"' stmnger. My wife's in the ^'^. * ... . ... same line of business now the caught tens of thousands of them. Soft corns are diiHcult to eradi- cate, but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. spring sales are on, and she' finished with me !" just A man likes to respect the smart things his children say, because he imagines it is hereditary. Mina.-d's Liniment Curas Dandruff. Mlnard'i Liniment Curos Burnt. Eta. j She â€" "What do you mean by put- I ting your arm round my waist!" I He â€" "Do you object!'' She â€" "Look here, Frank. I'll give you just one hour to remove your arm, or I'll tell papa." .After finishing some things it keeps us busy keeping them finish- ed. Costiveness and its Cure. â€" When the excretory organs refuse to per- form their functions properly the in- testines become clogged. This is known as costiveness and if neg- lected gives rise lo dangerous com- plications. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will effect a speedy cure. .â- \t the first intimation of this ailment And the man who is driven to ti,g sufferer should procure a pack- drink by adversity probably would ; g^ ^f tjig pjUg ^nd put himself un- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAX.\TIVK BRO.MO Quinine Tablets. i» if it fails to cure. B. W. Sjc. Drufciits refunii money ^KOVlC'S .liguiitura ii on each bux. unconsciously stepped on a red-hot coal. After several minutes had passed, he sniffed his nose once or twice and remarked in an inciden- tal way. "Peahs to me. sah, dat I siiielis rubbah burnin'." Mrs. Wtaslow's SooLtiing Syrnp Raa b«.n utc! f^ir .>t,t SIXTY FIVK. YR.VItS l>r MlLUONSoC UOTlir.KS for their CHlUmKN WHILB TEETniso. -iih rr.'ifjxT sl-ccess. it swtiies Ih. CMII.D. HOKTENS I ,. Hl'MS ALUVYS Ml I'ilN: cunts WIND COLU. •'Ill !• the iMr.t "''"•<"',,'?' DlARKHtEA. SoM by DrucrlsH In ever;- |.^f« i.( the 8rr«a,"»nd t.lte no «thrr WlnJ. T-enty-n.' oriili. a bottla â- ! i»r«i>le»<l UTvlfr the TnoU ..-iJ Ht-uo At, Jirne :-oth, 19M. Serial SiinhTiett. „_„,„_ Ji:i OLU AUD WELL TRUJl) UKllIDI. HIS TR.\DE. "I know a slight, unassuming fel- low who can take any man's nerve awav. " ••Who is he?" "The dentist." lODINOL TfaMS The lllo^t liighlv efficient application for the reduction of Swellings, tioitre, Thick N.-ck, Glandular Enlargements. Its Positive, pil CO of all kinds, in any and all ' >"â- â€¢'' stages, quickly relieved and positively cured. Cure your suffering and live quietly. "Common Sense* lor Piles will do It. $: a box, $5 lor 8 boxes. Mailed on receipt ol" price. LYLE cVrA'Jv" TflRONTO 718 WEST QUEEN STREET A CA.SE Oi-" LUCK. "I met Dr. Knifem to-day on the street and he cut be dead." •'Then you are the only one of his patients to whom he did so who ever survived lo tell it." have it bi-ought to him by prosper- ity. Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Bickk's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup continues to occu- py a foremost place among reme- dies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the lungs. It is a standaid medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need of something to rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup. .'\n inveterate wit and punster asked the captain of a craft loaded with boards how he managed to get dinner on the passage. "Why," replied the skipper, "we always cook aboard." "Cook a board, do youf ' rejoined the wag; "then I see you have been well provided with provisions ISSLE SO. 10-11. der a course of tre.-itnient. The good effects of the pills will be al- most immediately evident, A scientist s,iys the human race is more than IS.000.000 years old- yet some specimens don't know enough yet to close the door on a zero day. ..TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes audGranuIateil Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart â€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2ric. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Pree by Mail. • Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicaso. "John." said Mrs. Spenders, "I've got lots of things I want to talk to you about." "Glad to iicar it," snapped her husband; "usual- ly you want to talk to me about lots of things that you haven's got." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Vourclrugsist will rodinil money if PA/,0 OINT- MEN r fails to cure ;iH)- oa.-'o of Itcliiin, Blind. Ulesdlng ur I'rutruJing Piles in 6 to Utiajra 6Uc. "Now," said an Irishman, after a serious accident to a fellow-min- er, "we'll have to send some m<in to break the news to Moriarty's wife.'' "Send Hannigan," suggest- ed one of the gang. "He's just the man to break the news gradual â€" look how he stutters.'' You will sne' • : perhaps feel chilly. You t' :-A you are catch- ing cold. Don t wait until yoq know it. Take a dose of H.amlin8 â- Wizard Oil and you just can't catcU cold. Mlnard's Liniment tor sala avarywnert. Before marriage a man feels un- worthy of his sweetheart, but after marriage he acts as if he had done her a great favor in leading her to the altar. Mlnard's Liniment Reliovas Neuralgia. GOBBLES EVERYTHING. There is a shaggy little hlaok-and- tan insect, about an eight of an inch long, that eats everything un- der the sun whicli is not disturbe<) every day. It has to be surprised at its work like a burglar. In most Ready-made Medicine â€" You nce<] no physician for ordinary ills when you have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. For coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchial trou- bles, it is invaluable, for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains it is unsur- pa.ssed, wiiile for cuts, sores, ul- cers and the like it is an unquestion- able healer. It needs no testimon- ial other than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as to its effeo- j TOO FRESH. "Will you promise to supwrt my daughter in the style to w'l'ch she is aceustoined if I consent to your marriage?" demanded old Skinflint, when Dobby made hi.s NOTHING TO BUY WITH. Slipner â€" "Does Dr. Cunier tell his patients they can't smoke ci- gars C Xicktimeâ€" "No, but his bills do." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, â€" Theodore DoraJs, a customer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of suffering, bv the judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMENT Tho above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors, A. COTE. Merchant. St. Isidore, jQue., 12 May, 98. IDIOTIC LNTERROGATIONS. How far is a far cry ? Is it w rong tt) steal a march ? Does it hurt to be struck by an idea I How did you ever see the shadow of a doubt I What artist painted the picture of health? When the welkin rings, who an- swers the ring ' When Fortune smiles docs she show her front teeth I countries ivtiry brushes are pretty j formal proposal. i safe from insects; in Egypt this lit- 1 ••Well. Iâ€" I'll promise to be tol- ! tie terror eats the ivory and eats crably close with her. Mr. Skin-! the bristles; it eats your tooth ] flint,"' said Dobby; "but. you; and eats your tooth-pick; it know. I'm a soft-hearted cuss, iind eats the wt>ol with which you areir,n afraid she'll be able to wheedle going to moiid your husband's a few things out of mc that vow soeka â€" tho cards as well as the wool; it eats the handles off your knives and forks; it rejects nothing but glass and china and metal. werc'stri^ng enough to refuse her." Cold coffee may make the board- ers hot. SAVED IN HIS OLD ACI. .A"i„i|>o i^, .\.S.. .\l.iy 14, 1Q09. -I am O'.-.'i etj^l I .â-  \ oars o: ,ij;e and have sufTer- ed iroin Kidney and liladder Troublo tor fifteen years, I look doctor's medic)n« but jjot no help, I want to thank you for sending me the sample box of Olii Pill» which lielped me, I have taken six boxes of Gin Pills a|. together, but got relief bet'orc I had taken near ih,it amount, 1 had to get up soma nights every futeen minutes and h«d to use an inslrumenl before I could urinate. Now I can lie in bed four or five hour* without getting up, W. H, I'lERCE. Write National Drug and Chemical Co.. (rtppi W. I, ), Toronto, for liree aampl* Rrirutar ai>« joc, i for $2.0b

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