/Ie0h^rt0n %hioanu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRlACliPLEb NOT MEN." ?(JL30, NO 37 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, March. O, 1911 W. H THURSTON ^»u,i phophietor Markdale Chronicles Mrs. J. S. Ro»eiij spjnding a month with her sister, in Cleveland. Mr. Herb. AiniMtiDiig was in Owen Sound on the grand jury U.st weelc. Mr. And Mrs. O st and two children of StroiiRtieU, Sa.sli., spent Smid.iy in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 2. Kentner. Mn. John Walk r it (Uitiog her sis- ter. Mis. Clayton Horden of Fergus. Miss Beatrice Stuisieou is visiting friends at Walteis Falls. Dr. Durkin spent Sunday at his home iu Caledon recently. Tlie officials of the Methodist church spent a very vflitable time at the par- sonage on Friday evening with the Rav. Mr. Parker, who ha» been appointed by the general conference to look after the financial interests of the Methodist church. Miss Blocks arrived last Tuetdsy to nuaiu take charve of McFatlacd & Co's millinery department. Mr. C. C. James of Pricevdle sjjent Sui^day in town. Mrs. Win. aicLoughry is vi-siting her tnrther, Mrs. Bowes of .St. Vincent, who is very ill. Stone Settlement Last Week's Items. i Bert Irwin visited Cherry tjrovu rela- tives for a few days kst week. I Misses Mar^ret Le»lie and Ruliy Stone i visited Port Law fiieiidi on Saturday list, and were accompanied home by the lalter's cousin. Miss Alice Holmun, who will visit here for a few days. Mr. C. Brady of Cherry Grovij is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. T. Irwin. This Weeks Items. MisB Xellia Holman of Port Lin is visiting lier aunt, Mrs H. .Sronc, for ji few days. Fred Sproat of Durham spent a iew days at R. Whittakcr's. Margaret Leslie spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Miirkdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Beatty and little daughlet, of Uran^e V»lley, called on relatives in this vicinity on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Speeis and Master Willie, of the wei>t back line, spent a day last week with Mrs. Speers' mother, Mrs. T. McArthur and family. Mr. Jm. Ciineron left on Monday for the Wes'. Kimberley The most cominnn i-aiise of insiiirnia is disonieni of ch*' stiiniach. Chaniljerlaiu's Ston^ach and Liver Tablets c-orrei't these disordeis and enable you to sleep. F"r sale bv W, K. Richardson 4 Son. Riverdale Intended for Last Week The discoixlant notes of our familiar biid, the crow, were heard in this vicin- ity on Saturday, a prognostication that the balmy sprin;; 'ime is gently approach- ing. Oh, let it be soon. We regret to rei>ort the death of Mr. Mcintosh's infant child, which occurred on Wednesday last from inflammation. The remains were interred in Kbenczer cemetery on the following day. We are pleased ti> lesrn that Miss Winnie Johnston, one of our most ac- coniulished young ladies and promising Kchoolma'm has obtained a position at Beaverdale. We wish her unlimited success in the application of her profession Owiua to slipping on ice recently Miss Uosina Thompson had the misfortune to receive physical injury which will inca- pacitate her leg for locomotion for several weeks. .\fter being esteeinotl tiid respected residents of this community for the past five years. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henning and family moved to their new homo in Markdale suburbs on Wednesday, We join in wishing them much happiness and prosperity in the future. This week's Items Oh, for a few bidmy d»y^. MisK Minnie Cutting of Markdale vis ited friends iu this vicinity on the titst of the week. Mrs. McCauley of Owen Sound was the uuejt of her sister. Mis. J. Lee, forafew days kst week. Mr. and Mrs. John Love of Berkeley visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker re- cently. A numlier of the members of the Riv- erdale joy club attended the social even- ing at the home of Will Woods in the city of Wodehouse on Friday evening. After but a brief illness the infant son of Mr and Mrs. Sanford Ward pa.ssed peacefully away on Saturday innriuusf. The remains were interred in Kbenezer burying ground on the following day. The infant mortality m this vicinity dur- iuK the past few weeks has esceeded all previous records. We had pleasure last week in reading thebyaht, breezy porreHpouUence from South Line, Attemesia, and were partic- ularly interested in the literary society debate. The coming debate prvmiises to b« yet wore interesting and we hope that our able and optimistic cor. will aive a detailed account of it for the ben- efit of a Urge number of -Advance i-e»der«. If yoM hare »r»nible in (t«t»inK rid 1 1 voiir .old you may know that vmi are not ti eating ilproperly. There is no reawm why a cold should hauf on fo>- week* and it will not if Toa Uke Chanilwrlains CouRh Keniedy. r»r »«le by W. K. Kichanlson * Son. Aa alarming dre iu Minneapolis d.stroyed property valued at one million «l«lUrs. SMrinton Park The Ladie.s Aid met at Mrs. Donald Campliell's on March I. The next meet- ing is to be at Mrs. \. Richardson's on March 2t>. Miss Mamie Richatilsou entertained a number of her girl friends at a ipiilting on Friday last. An enjoyable afternoon w!is spent by all. Mis.ses K.te and Annie McMillan spent the week end with friends here. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Millan on Fob. L'.j, twin daughters. Messrs. George and Dave Johnston left Sarurdsy for the West. The boys will be urciitly missed. Mr. W. J. Heard is vLsiting friends in the (jueeii City. Mr. Oeo. W'atson was iu Owen Sound in the beginning of the week. The trustee board have put more seals in ihe acideiuy. Swiiiton Park school is one n{ the largest iu the township. Mr. Bert Martin left Friday morning for Owtn Sound, where ho will visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Mui tin, Seattle, are vi.sitinK Mr. and Mis. Geo. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hardy of Osprey visited his mother. Mrs. Hardy, and other friends. A number from aimind here attended the debate at Booiliville school Friday evening. Publish IMy Letter, The World Over The Words of Harold P. Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline." "Three years ago I iliscovored that a man subject to lumbago might Just as well be dead as alive." These words jpen the sincere, straightforward letter it H. P- Bushy, a well-known man in the plumbing and tinsnilthing busi- ness in Portland. "One attack came after another. ,inJ lumbago got to be a chronic thing with me. I could scarcely get In a day's work boforo that knifing, cruel pain would att ac k my back. I used a gal- lon of Uniments; not on>^ of them seemed penetrating enough to get at the core of the pain. I read in ___^^____^ the Montreal Wit- ness about Nerviline. and got five bot- tles. It is a wonderful medicine â€" I could feci Us soothing pain-relieving action every time it was applied. When I got the disease under control with Nerviline. I built up my strength and fortified my blood by taking Fcr- rozone at meals. This treatment cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick, white, oily liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-de- stroyer like Nerviline. "Please publish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nerviline.'" LETTER NO- 4311 A large number of the many friends of Mr. and Mi's. Harry Sloan, who were lecently married, met at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Oe^r^e Proctor on Friday ev- ening last and gave Mrs. Sloan (nee Miss ()live Camack of this pLice) a miscellane- ous shower cimsisting of Imen, s-lver- ware, kitchen utensiU, etc. Among them was a hand»ome comforter from 'he Kim- berley W.I., of which Mrs Sloan is a meinber. Mr. K. D. Carruthers in a short adiirei-K made kn >wn the object of the •iathermg and in bf half of tli.se pres- ent presented Mrs. Sloan with the gifts. Mrs. Sloan replied very fielinsly and ihanked the peiple for tlie'r kiiidneas. Mr. SloHii al.st) replied on bekalf of his wife. A most enj jyablo eveiiins; was spent in ginies and music, at the con- clusion of wliijh a slainly lunch was served. A numlier troai here attended the Ciir- nival at Rocklyn on Moudiiy eveni' g of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I'urruthers of Painsville, Ohio, are visiting friends here and are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Thomas Carruthers, sr. Robert Liwrrnce is this week attt-nd- ine an Orringe meeting at E^rrie a;- a district representative. Mr. and Mi-s. Wes. Breen and little son of Flcshetton, and Mr. and Mrs. £mei-s<m Wickens, s{)ent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ppjctor. Miss Eula Scott friends recently. visited Griersville Wbeu you have i heuiuatisiii in your fixit or iujtep apply Chaiiiberlain°!i Liniment and you will ^t quick relief. It costs but a quarter. Why suffer; For sale by W. K. Richardson & Son. Singhampton One of the very happiest events of this winter was Che maniage on Wednesday, March 1st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Archibald Buie of their daughter. Chrisiena, to Mr. Ueorse U. Taylor of Madill's. Rev. W. C. Mercer performed the ceremony iu the presence of about fifty relatives. .^s Mi.ss Jessie Xeigule, the biide's cousin, played the Wedding Match, the bridal [wrty entered the parlor, the br.de looking charmiug in a dainty dre.«s of white mull. .^fter the ceremony and congratulations the company partook of the wedding fe:k»l and spent a pleas.-(iit evening in games and music. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are two of our iiioet [lopular youna people, and the friends evidenced their esteem for them in the many handsome gifts bestowed. All regret their removal to the West in the near future. Mrs. Taylor will be much iiiis.scd in the Presbyterian church where she has been a faithful, active worker iii the choir Sabbath school and Ladies' .\id. The best wishes of this cominunity go with llic happy couple to their Western home. The Horses Went to Church 1 Fevershain is laughing behind Us hand | at the escapade of a local farmer who drove into town with a hayrack and aj nu'nijer of eggi recently. A feeling as of j something ani'ss smote him as he entered j the vills({e, ai.d people weiidinu' tLelr j way churchward set Ins thiiikery busy on I the problem of whether it was .Sunday or j not. Entering a house to quench his smouldering suspicions, he *as told that it was Sunday sure 'nough. His team of horses attempted to make the amende houoiiii'U by .strikeng off at a a spanking pace, without their driver, for i the church, Fidlowed by a trail nl frac- i tured hen fruit they dashed up to the ! church shed where they were >jij:ted <U- ; spite * manitest denire t > smash sevetal j cutters whii;li happened to be m raage. i Now, why on eanh shoold those horses j run to the church shed i.isteidof the mill I or one of the ."ilores / It Wiis .'urely not i from foive of habit. i FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET Fresh Heats of all kinds BEACON^ JBra.nd Oysters Fresh < >ysters, put up in sanitary tin cans, wliicii are tlirown away when empty - i decided inipii>v.-iiient -iver the old unsanitary tubs which were le'illed when eiupty. Try some of this choice delicacy. ]^a.x*k Wilson, F'lesHex^ton I Maxwell Rev. Mr. White of Laurel prcaelied a! very eloijuent and lulpful sermon in the , Methodist church. Mr. White at one t me Wits sta'ionetl on the Eugenia circuit. ' Rev. A. P. Staidey occupied the pulpit ! i)f the Laurel Methodist church on Sun- ( day. He viill remain fi>r a few days to ' attend the Presbytery at t )rjniieville on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Wii/ht is tl.soatter- J din;- the Presbytery. j The Epworth League are hoIdiii;{ a | " Biu '2 " social on Wediiestlny, March I Ijth in the Methodist ball, .\dini88iimâ€" ', a penny. Don't mi.ss a good time. ; Mr. and Mrs. :>tewart left this week f. r ; their home in Carlyle, Sask. Mrs. Ryckman gave a millinery at hi me to a number of her girl friends. An enjoy- able afternoon w,-i.< spent l.y making hats of different colored tissue (laper, aftei which a dainty lunch wis served. The regular monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held at Mrs. (Dr.^ Uyck man's on Thursday, Match 9th, at '2.30 p. in. t'apt. Bemrose spent a couple of dajs in Toronto last week. Capt. Long is spenliug x few days at Branlford. The funeral of the lite Mrs. John Winters was well attended here on Sun- day. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. IF YOU WANT pi.SH, 1)Y the dozen or keg Veast Ciike.s, Ciiiined Goods. .Syrup.s and Honey. Qiiions, Potatoes, Cabbn<j;e, Par- snips antl Carrots. ITn-^weetenod Cocoa, Coflee, Tea "Y^liear, Bran. lihorts and Fl our A ll-jpicesand !Spices all Wilt.-; and Candies XonLito Catsups aiiil Pickles GO TO L The Flesherton Grocery - W. Buskin. ThoN. Rogers{of the 3id cim. Proton wiLH so lucky as to gel tirst prize for yield of Great Dane oats. He purchased a bushel of these oats from a see<l firm in Rochester through S. L. M. Luke. Fri«m the bushel he threshed 74 in the fall. The prize money, ?o. was leceived by cbeipie lust week. â€" Hera'd. East Mountain Intended for last week Mrs. John Maitin is able to be ainund a'jain after her long illness. Mr. Wes. Ball of Clarksburi; visited a day with his cousin, Mrs. W. J. .Martin. This Week's Items. Mr. George Allen is conlineil to his l)ed through iline.ss Marriedâ€" .\t the home of the bride's parents on Wrduesday, Feb. tinti, I!.»ll, by P.ev. Mr. Milliaan of Flesherton, Mis? Kuphemia Harbottle to Mr. All>ert U;ill of Iveady. Mr. Ed. Sloan and Mr. and Mi-s. H.ir- ry Sloan spent Sunday with 5Ir. .ind Mrs. W. J. Martin. Fred and Charlie Man in and Mis.ses Nellie and Coi-a Martin alti-nded the Soul-Teed nuptials on Wedne,sday. * " * ^ * â- •-"'^-•â- ^----''^»- • -^^^VgV.VW-'V-X^A --..Ct.j SPECIAL NOTICE ! Free Gifts to the Public ,Mve awav six BURX Specialist In diseases o< the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office"130 10th st. West, Owen Sound .\t the Ri;vere hoii.se, Muikdale. "ind Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundalk, lat Thursday of each month. Don't be cajoled into receiving any thing from your dealer but "Nerviline." Large bottle-s SOc. trial slae. 25c. Sold everywhere or The Catarrho«one Co-, Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE • A Family Liniment Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A." Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, j ONT. Victoria Comers March was certainly usheied in in the most lion-like manner that could be de- si-ed. We are looking for the lamb and hope It's a pet one. Mr. .\. Siinson is oioving to the Strain farm. Mrs. W. Heard visited her brother last week, who is very ill. Rev. Mr. Howie, beina; unable to take ap his duties for .-wme t ime,Rev. P.Canip- bell has charge of this c.rcuit for some months. Riverside Very tiiie weather at (iresent. A s'u wer of crows denotes spring. The wedding bells have ceased rinijini.', I suppose until navigation oiions. Mrs. R. Wstson has lieen under Dr. Iiaue's care for .tome time, John Porter and Dan McCoriniok hav4 been selling h<.rses. They can now whis- tle that tune enlitleil "Money iu Ixith pocketi'," The South Line Times does some mar- ve'ou-i wondering aliout j.K;ople getting lost. They had better lighten up their wooder cap. The New Store at Ceylon will different articles as follows : 1 .Sack very best (iiauulated Sugar. 1 Barrel of Flour 1 Suit jf Men's Clothes I Man's Overcoat 1 Pair Mens Fine Shoes I Pair Laily's Fine Shoes The above inentione<l articles 1 will give away on the last day of March to those cn.stoniers who will hold the most purchased bills and will have to prestuit them at my store on the last tUiy of March. This proposition means the biggest purchaser will get the .$15 suit ot clothes, second biggest customer will get the Man's -$12 Overcoat, the third bisirest customer will get the barrel of Hour, worth $»J : the fourth biggest customer will get a sack of the best granulated sugar, worth at the present price $4.6."): fifth biggest customer, a pair of ladies' fine shoes, worth $3 ; and the sixth biggest customer a pair of nien'.s fine shoes worth S'2.:^0. If any of these cus- tomer.-^ after receiving their presents should not be sati'^fied as to being worth the value of the prices •â- stated I will give the cash within ten per cent of the prices mentioned instead of the presents. Ke- meniber, every customer must save and present the bills on the last day of March. Each and every person who will be in my store on that day will receive a small present as a souvenir. It won't matter whether they are customei-s or not. I will sell my gooils at the same prices as before. Every - bo«ly call and examine my goods and prices. I will pav the market prices for butter and e^*'< I remain vours for business â€"