Makcii 1011 THE FL E SH P: R T N ADVANCE ^Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BisiXEss Cakus WALTEK l,Ol( KS Biiiiiler Contractor For llrlck. Stoiio »Dd frinio reilJencen. E«- tiinatm chaerfully tiirriiUiKl, Kloherton P U Ontario. UOUIAiOUOH A YOUNQ â- 1 HaDkars Markdal* Ooa gaaaral banking builoata. Money loaned at reaionabia rat«f Call on ua. Farms For Sale or Rent I'NIMI'HOVKIJ fttiin (or miIi-. l,Liri(: lot â- ^, ^ C0IIC»»K1UI1 U, OHlrt'VV Tlli^ IMDHiJ to bo a fair)y levol iut with cniiBul-iralile tiiiibur HOlttUle for wooil. To I'lusu ai: t'iitnti> will bu â- old vorjr cheap and on oa<y teruiH ul payiiiaut. Apidyto J. A. hALHTKU, 9apl Mt. Forest, Out TChlSLETT. • I'oatmaitvr, i'.ey\oa. •ommlaaionor id II. ('. J , Conveyancer, doeda, Biort^afofl, leaaes, wilU etc. carefully drawn up Jollcctiuut luad.*. chargaa reaaonablo. Alao ({rocatiea, doui. feed etc, kept iu (tock, Frices riuht. J SPUOULB ro<tuiaater, Pletbertoo v^nitntaaloDor in H.C J., Auctlonee Cou< Teyaacer, Appraiaer and Money I,eiidcr K«k1 Katate and Inaurance Agent. Deeim. uortRaKei, leaaea and villa caretally drawn np and valuationt made on aborteat uctice money to loan at loweat ratea of iuteroat. C'ol. actiona attended to with proniplntaa cbargea low. Agent tor Ocean Doniioioo Btaamabip Company. A call aoliolted. DMcPHAIL. Llcensol Auctioneer for the • County of Orey. Term* moderate and aatialaciiun guaranteed. The arrangementa and daUaof aalea can be wade a*. Tub Adtancb office, hc&ideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Tolephooe connection. Dm. 6,07. VAKUriil! 8ALB-Lot 2:>, conceasion 10 of ' Oiipruv. about 3 niilea from |Ktvur«liaiii, fairlv uooii boiiae, good fiatue barn, (Vi x 4Q auM straw Klied tattacbed. IKJ acree cleared autl 10 acres of buah, 3 acrea of fall wheat In. i^ood well. The farm is iu a gooil state of cultiva- tion. For further particulars apply to K. .\. UAVIDIJON, Kevoraliani. Dut. V<JU K.^LEâ€" Cheap «n1 easy terma. If not * sold soon, tor rout to Kultablu tenant. North bair lot :19 audiot M, coo, II, .\rteiiieBla, and lot I. ecu. I'J. Oaprey. 'AlO acree. about 15U cleared balance luoBtly timbered land, hard a.jd soft wood ; ({ooil stone dwelling and frame barn, stabliiif{ under; well watered with never- failing Huiall spring creek crosHiug farm uloee tobarui This is au excellent graiu or grating farm and will bu sold very >:lieai) if taken at once and on easy terms, Al>pl5 to K. J. Sproule, Klo3hertou,Out. WM. KAITTINU, Licenaed Auctioneer for the countiea of Orey and SImooe. Farm and Stock aalea a specialty. Terma jttoderate. satisfaction guaranteed. Arrange- ments for datea may be made at tbe Advance offlee, orA'. T. Hutcblnaona atorc. Keverabaiu by addreaaing ma at Feveraham, Ont. RtDU MATHKWS, Markdale, Licenaed auctioneer for the county of Orey, Good service at reaacnable ratea. Dates can be made at Tbe Advance, o 09 IHAHVKY I'F.Kir.OF.. broker. Fleiborton (iencral brokerage buaincaa. Inaurance of every kind placed in fat« and liberal compaulca. Baal estate etc.. Open accounts and past <luo ?9te« bandied and money advanced tbereon. orreapondeace loUcited, â- OKSALK olieapand on easy termsâ€" Lots 1 *â- aud'J.con. 11 ((aprey; -JUO acres; frame dwelling, frame baru and stabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Borne splendid cedar with otbur mixed timber on balance, also two small orchards bearing. Well watered ;iievei failing spriOR creek. Hplendid crain and gratiuij farm. Anply to !{' J.Uproule h'lesherton or Samuel Osborne, Maxwell. Medical DR CARTER M C P & SOnt.Phyalclan. Knrgcon.etc Office and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesberton JP OTT£WELIi Veterinary Sorgeon ^ „ eradnate of Ontario Veterinary College. | raeldence â€" sacoiid door south west, on liary street. Thia street runs south ; Presbyterian Church. ,' LOU S.\L.K very cheap and on easy terms â€" ' *â- Tho late Dr. ('hristoo'a:>-Btory brick block iu Fleshcrtoii withgoo<l stable and nuver-fail- ] log well 01) pieiiiist'S. Oood large store and 1 good btitcher's shop and dwelling ; two gcod I stone eellars under buildiuK : is and can be I kept well rented ; two good halls on second and third stories ; first class busiuuss stand and will be sold cheap as ownsr is eugage<l in other business in the west and has no further use for j It. Apply to R- J. Kproule, Flesberton. I Lat 0, Con. II, Uaprey, 100 acres. (J8 acres I uuder cultivation, 10 acres ha'dwood bush, H acres pasture with luuniiiK atroani acroH^. Large hrick huusu, good spring wull, frame barn and oiitbuiluiDgs. K<->r terms apply to Mits, Jou.N CiiAwroHU.Cayley, Alberta. Lot No. 2. eon. 8, Osprey: For particulars apply to ,1. M. liURKS, Fevorxbaml*, 0. VAHM FOR BALE-Very cheap, lOO acres, '- lot 9, eon. 7. Osprey, only (3000, reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, 8^ acres cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelliiif;, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and winditiill ]nuiip at door, i.ew tramu barn, well thiished, stone stabling with spring -.vatur under, also iu shed. It Is situated I mile troni .Maxwell village where tilers are stores, post otHces. good schtjol HWILKON, lllackn.iith „ . • Uraduato of tue Veterinary Scienc Aaaociatlon. Durham Jtteet, oipoalte 1 Hoyd, bro'a hardware. ' and IS on the gravel road.'JA miles f^rom railway station. II solfl at once, ahuve price, thongh VKHY CHKAP might bo shaded a little. Apply to K. .1. Sl'imUI.,!-;, Flfsherton, or THO.MAS GUV, oupreiijlbec tf V. E J)KNTISTRY C, MURRAY L. D. K, dental surgeoii -' hono.gradu. t« of Toronto L'niversity and , Koyal College of Ucntal Hiirgoons of Ontario, : Gas aduiiainiatered for teeth extraction I Office at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaijerton ^ I 'L*or sale cheap or rent, iiii mediate poaaesfion. I *- Lot :iO cell. 14, Artcnieftia, abont 75 acres I clear, comfortable log bouse and frame barn. Apply to U ,1 Kpioule, FUsherton, or John J Martin across the road from ssid lot. Legal / f C A8, KANEY & WALI.At F.-Harristcrs. L* riolinitor«,ctc.-I. ». Lucas, h. C; ^v. h. llaney. K. C ; .1. H. <i. Wallace. Ol ices, Toronto, hdcy 'liadors Hank Bl<»g.. phone , main mi; Markdal.i l-ucas lilock. I'hone 2 A. Branch ofllco at Oundalk open every Haturday. j WH. WUIQHT, Barrlater, Solicitor, Convey- anoer. etc.,â€" Owen Hound, and Flesberton. Hâ€" Fleahertou office. Sproule's Block every Baturdav Societies AO U W meets on tho last Monday in each month, in their lodge room Norris- block fHwherton, at 8.1'iU; M. W., H. < LeOaiu ; lice. C. H. Munshawj Fin., W. P. < roBslcy Visiting brethran Invited PBINCB AKTHUB LODGE, No. MS, A.F.& A U. meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- strongs Block, Flesberton. every Friday on or befora the full uocn. C. II. Mu'ishaw, W. U.; Tho«, Clayton, Secratary. COURT FLEHHKIITON, OO-I, I. 0. F. meets In Claytons Block the last Wednesday evening .if each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; U. B., T. Hei.ry; Fin. Bee, C N. llichardaon. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before tbe Brit dav of tbs montb. CH08KN FhlF.NDBâ€" Flesberton Council of Clioseu Friends moots in Claytonahall flrst and tliiril Wednesday of each mouth H p. "> Pay asaessnients to the Recorder on or before tee Brst day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Illakolev; Recorder W. H. Buut. Bci'kshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a few very choice Iteik- shire piga, nearly ready to weau' Hurry your order aud get tbe beat. GEO. W. IIDHH, Matwell r. O. Bull For Service I'lirc hi ed Sliortborn Durham Ikll for aer- vice on lot .'i, con. 13, Osprey. Ti-niis $1. KIOU.VKI) KOUERTH, I.«dT Hank. NOTICE Tlio MunicipBl Co'jncil of the Town- nhip of Artemeaia hereby filncH notice to the IrmteeH and i»to|)»jerii and other partiei) concerned of Bcliool Bectioiit Noa. '.i, and 10, in thin township, that it i* the intention of the (.'oiincil to alter the iHiundarie* of tlio said Kchool teclionH at A meelin({ of the Council to be iield on the 4th day of March, 1911, viz., by re- moving lotii 142 and U.'i in I ho 2nd con., H. W.T. AH. Road, and IoIh 142, 14:{ and 146 in the :«rd con., S. Vv . T. & H. road, from H. K. No. 0, and attach tiie name to S. H. Hi. 10 ; and \>y removing lots 155, 15<i and 157, in tho 2nd con. 8. W. T. & H. road and lots 155, l.Vl »nd 157 in the '.M con. H. W. T. A 8. road from 8. 8. No. [i and attach the iwniu U> 8. S, No. 10, Township t.'lerk's othce, Feb. 7. 1011. â€" W. .1, HKLLAMy. Township Clerk. THOS. MERCER'S ANNUAL SALE (IK- Pure Bred Sbortborn Shropshiie .Sheep hiiU Voriishire I'igs. Also a iiuniliur of (iriido Milch Cows itiid some j;iiii(l Ocnenil l'iii|><>8u llnr.scs and M.ircs. Markdale Suburbs Sat.Marchllth/11 SALK AT (INK () CLOCK The Ke-^isttTfJ cuttle are of Nueli notuble fiiinilies BH Mm- InuJ Stuiiifords, C'lunp- bell bled Clarets, (Jem of Uallechin. Mar Missies ,tiid other nolctl Scotcli f:;(niliuH ! 9ie hy the noted .sire, Hroiidhook's (iol- deii Kiiine (imp ) The briediiij,' of these thuroiighbred cattle will be mailed to anyone applying fur siiine. H(.)KSE.S â€" 1 (leneral purpose mure ',' yeniH ohl, 1 general putpoHO inure 4 years old, 1 goiiurul pur[iose gelding 4 years old, 1 KeiiTal i>urp>ise guldint; li years old, 1 general purpose gelding .'! yearii old, 1 fmiiily pony 5 years old, 1 driving horse 5 years i>l-.l.«%g^ .rah " CATTLK â€" 10 iliiirougliliieil Conts willi calvtb at foot and ^uppuecd to lie in culf, 4 (,'iadc CowH with calves at font, 6 gritde CmvH d to be in calf, 6 thorotigli- brel registered heifera just served, 6 thoniiiKhbred rtgistereU C'lilvos 1 yr. old, 4 tlioroiighbred legislei-ed^Bulls from lli to 18 months. tjUEEP 5(1 rRKistered .Sliropshire Ewes out of imp. sircH and dams, and all bred to inipoited rsniH, coming in diirinK April and May ; 1 iinpiirted ram. iSWINK â€" 7 registered Yorkshire sows due to farrow in .March to registered hog, 3 young reoistercd VorUaliire Sowa, bleeding age ; a number of young pigs ready to wean, Termsâ€" y niunths' credit on approved joint notes or I! per cent. |ier annum ofl' for ctah. .Announcementâ€" On Jiccoiinlof feeding tifty head of export cat tie I am compelled lo cut down my breeding stock to uue- balf, and positively eveiytliing offered must be sold. Sleighs will meet bolli trains to cunvny pecple to tho farm. THOS. I.. MKRCER. Prop, .1. Rudd MatthewH. It M. Walden Auctioneers Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance Hulmoriptionsoiily. We nave no aucounls with other papers. Floaherton Advance 9 ' <K) Yo'jths Conipniiion 2 (K) Toi-ont*! World, daily 2 >)5 Toronto! Daily News I 85 Weekly (ilobe 80 Miiil-Einpire , . , , 80 Family Herald & bear 80 Tiiniiitu Stiir 1 .'Jo KarnKT Sun . . 80 Farmers Ailvooata 1 •i,5 Weekly Wit.ieif 8()| SHiiiiilaV Night 3 f*^' Homo .loiiiuvJ till /'oil II IV News l-'M I'liiilny lieviow 40 Kod and (5iiii innL'uzlne 8."' SETTLERS' TRAINS â€" TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Th« only thromh lln» LOW C0L0N5ST RATES Far aalllars ltn<tlla< «llk liieatscl tU allacli Special Train.s Will leave Toronln Eacb TUESDAY MAICH and Amil, 10.10 P.M. Stilltra iiJ Itaidlaa Hilheal tivcilDck •boald HIS Reiiular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.10 P,H., Through Colonist and Toerlit .Sleepers Colonist Cars No charge OD all Trains for berths to Through Trains Toronto Winnipeg and West A>tiayC.P.», A<tiii lei cop; at "Sflllira" OsMa" CANADA'S OPEN DOOR This is the second of the series of articles on Reciprocity republished from the Canadian Century to which refererence was made in our issue of last weel(. Canadian Fruit Farmer* in Great Peril Fri)iii The Ciinadiaii Century 1901 there were in the whole if Canada lij.OoS.STo apple trees, l,J01,77i» peach traes, iMi2,l0l pear treos, 2,415,695 plum TlieUrgest duputulioii of fanners that j trees, l,288,.'i(lH cherry lives iind 17!>,425 evi-r waited ••n any Canadian <»ovtrn- other fruit tiee.s ; a total of over tweuty- iiicnf wii.s ihar (it the fruit ^rowj-rs of ' one million fruii treoH, le.sides ?.,7S'i.o'M\ Wehturn Oiiiarin, who went to Otiitwa un Februaiy 10 to prote&t against the Reciprocity Agieemeiit. The case tUey presented lo tho Government was u stong one. Tlicy showed tliat if the Reciprocity Agreement was endorsed by the Canadian I'arlianieiit and Uie United States ConKresB il would reduce tho value of every oiclurtl in Ontario and ruin IhousaiidH of small fruit farmers who had paid high price* for their lil'le fann.s and »]>ent tmie and money in planting tree.-* Ihey showed that many hirge farms had been sub-divided for fruit-Hiowiog pur- poses, ftnd that new sub-divisionH -were constantly beinu made. They said that a firm of one hundred acres which for- merly Kuppjiteil only one family, bein-.; cut into ten small fruit farms, supported Icn] families. Among others memorials presented by this deputation was the following : " We, the unders'giieel, the president and executive committee of the Old Counliy Aasocialioii, composed entirely of men born and breil in the British Isles, and the (ireat majority of whom are engagad in the fruit industry, re- spectfully and iiariiestly be^ to draw the attention of the Dominion Govern- ment to the peculiar hardship which will bo imposed upon in Miould this [iroposed Uuff leifiilatioii come into etfect. "We li.ive been induced to leave (ireat Brilian and to come to ihis pen- insula, and to invest our capital in tho purchase, planting and mineral im- provement of fruit lands in a laigu lueasuie owinn to tho very wide dis- tribution of olticial iMimphleiB and other literature emanating from Canada, and dittribuled thr(iui,'hout the Hritish Isles, positively stating that 'the Ontaiio grower is piotcctod in tho liuuio niurkol by a high lariH' .-igniiisl foreign-grown fruit and vegetables and thus enjoys that market without serious competition from outside sources. " The amount of customs taritls on the various fruits is speciticnily stated in these pamphlets ami liteidture ; and in order this particular adv:int»!<y to the C.inadian grower may ba clearly un- dcrstoiKl by the Itritisher this tarlH' .scale is not only set forth in Cmndisn money but is also set forth in the coiu8<;e of Great Britain. Cndei the belief that tluse cor.ditiuns wouKljbe stable we havn not only sunk our owii capital, but have been instnimcntal in briii:.;ing many (pf our countrymen here to invest in this growinj? industiy, which, owim^ to tho steady of recent yeais in the values of land, now ii'i|uires a large Amount of capital to puichaso and cijuip even tho small farms the iiiijority of iis own, and lo provide for the niaintenaiico of our families during tho yenia il lakes to bring an orchard into bearini'. ' Four days after these (Intario fruit farmers presented their cas.i I p the Gov- crnmeiit Mr. Martin Ihinell, member of Parliament for Yale-Carilmo, gave the lliiuse of Commous a remarkably clear and comprehensive stateiiieni of I ho Jio- silion «)f the fruit urowi'rs in all Ihe pro- vinces of, skiving speci»l atten- tion, of conise, to his own province of Ihitish Columbia, which has made won- derful progre»8 in the planting of orch- aids during tho last ten vesrs. Mr. Ihir vrapu vines and large acreages of Hinall fruits. Since l'.K)l there has been a very great increasd in the number < f trees, British Columbia fanners alone having planted about 4,500,000 trees within the ten years. Mr Bnrrell estimates that there cannot he less than thirty million fruit trees in Canada now, and he thinks that 8150,000,000 is a hiw valuation to place on the orchards of Canada to day. THE CANADIAN CENTIUY some time ago published an article on the value of a tree. It was pointed out that a German railway company had been forced to pay six hundred dolUrs for one cherry tree which it destroyed, and the principle upon which the court decided the value of a fault tree was explained. Mr. BurroU's estimate only allows live dollars as the average value of a Cana- dian truit tree when he values the orch- ards of the Dominion at $150,000,000. We believe that the real value is very much greater. Now what would he said if the Govern- ment suddenly took away the tatiD' pio- tection of a group of manufacturing In- dustrie* in which Sl.50,000,000 of capital was invested. VVe hear a great deal from the jxilitici- ans about vested rights. Why should there be any more consideration for the vested lights of manufacturers than for farmers 'I Has not the small farmer a vested right in the fruit tree that has cost him money, labor, time and anxiety I We do not beliavo that the prosperous gi-ain growers of the prairie provinces of Canada will vote against their brothers in British Columbi* and Ontario when they ki'ow the real facts. Wo appeal to those farmers of Canada who are not fruit growers to stand by their brulher farmers in this time of peiil. World Competition for Canadian Farmers " Why should Canadian farmers lose every vestige cf protection for their pro- ducts while the taiitf on manufactured goods remainsalmi St unlouched ! If farm products from tho Inited State.", the Argentine Republic, Ru.ssii, .Vustri'*- Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Jap.'in, .Australia, New Zealand and other countries are to come into free competition with Canadian farm [iroducts in our own home market why should not munufaclured proilucts come in free from the same countries .' These are I he (|iiestions which farmers throughout Canada are asking each other now, and they will aak the politicians the same i)Uestion later on. Kree trade in firm products and protection for manu- factured products is a condition of things that cannot be permanent. What Will American Farmers Say ? Wlion the farmers of tho Inited States learn tint the .same Ueciprociry Compact thai gives them free entrar.ce to tho Can- adian market gives exactly the Fame pri- vilege to every foi>il-e.\porting country in the woild they will be enraged. They will say : With Russians,, Austrians, Argentine>«, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Spaniards, .Xustralians.New /ealander.', and a of other tood-pro- ducers dumping their surplus products into tnc Canadian iii.'irket what will there lell' devoted twentyeight years .f his \ ,'','^.'.^f,\ ''.;'; 'i'; '.''....'^".''.''L"!'.'.??!."!.'!'!!.'!.!!'."' lilo lo Iho practical work of fruit fgrow ' "" '" " '"' ing. No man m Canada has knowledge of the (|uestion. Canadians will try to relieve theirglultcd '^pitg,. I markets by shipping some of tins for- j cign sturt'into the Inited States, and in- deed it will be very difh.ult for the Thegraingiower of the prairie Rets his i„i,^.a Stales Government to preveni bii? farm at low cost, someimies as a free ,j,^,,, j,,; ^„ jj^,^. „;„ ^-„i,^,^, gt^j^^, grant ; the hud is ready fm ouliivaiion ; the Ooverumont sulwidizes a railway to take the grain to market. The British Columbia fruit farm must hrst bn cleared of enormous trees ; the people of the Ksst and of the prairie provinces can fcaroely reali/.e the. immense size of British Co- luinbia timber. After tho land has been cleared »t great expense and fruit es customs oDicials bu able to dislinguish between Canadian farm products and the foreign food that will be dumpetl on the Canadian market ' DiF'hoiiest men in both Canada and the I'tiited States will take advantage of the situation. On the other hand, honest Canadian exporters will often be suspected of fiaud. .Amer- ican customs uthcial.s will eometimes licea planted the farmer must «"'t 'â- •â- 'Lharge that good, honest Canadian eggs, years for his liecs lo •.;row and '.'wr j ,,^^,»._ ^^„^^„ ..j^ ,.^,„^ f^^,„, ^ ftu.t In many parts of the I'lovince. jj,,^ gij,^,,j^^ „, ,^,„,g ^^^^^^^. „u,i„n,iish ho must pay his share of the cost of con RtructiiiK irrigation woiks. In tho Oka- nagaii Valley alone the amount of 91,- 50ll,0O<) has been ex|iend«d already in place that has been given tbe right to send its farm products freely into Can- ada. Bitter controversies will arise. The pleasant, kindly feelings that have irrigation works for orchard purpcsos and j^,^ ^.^1^,^^ y,^^„^^„ Canadians and V.ISI outlays of the same kind are lio'ng Americana will be replaced by a spirit of on all over the province. j suspicion and ant.igonism that may have According to the Dominion census of ^ ^^^j^^,^ c.mse(iuence8. Sportsof all Sorts FOR "SPORTa" OF ALL aONT* The carnival of tho season at Ke- veisham was such a signsi that tho management has been preraile.l upon to hold another. The event has been placed for Wodiioaday noit, March Hth, and a larger list of prizes will he given. Admission 2'i *nd 15c. Sao hills. The llucklyn hookey team downed Ihe Kiinberleylpuck alammers attain last week. Thia time, however, ihe valley boys held them down to 5-3 â€" a much better show- ing than in the first game, Durham has won tho district in the Northern Hockey League, and Owen Sound came tagging in second. Durham won tf games and lost 1. Chesley wu.s the team to trim tho wineva of the dis- trict. Sloan â€" Camack Married At the Mothodist parsonage, Flesberton, on Monday, Feb. IJOlh, by Rev. H. K. Wollwom!, Il.l)., -Mr, Hairy .Sl(«in to Miss Olivo Camack, loth of Kimberley. Honor RolU Honor rol .if Flesberton public school for Febtuary : Senior Form 4 â€" Irene Gaudin, Muriel McTavish, Rita Bupkin, Valeria Stafi'ord. Sr. ;t â€" Florence Bunt, Elda Karstedt, Leone Thumpaon, Maurice Wright, Jr. 'A Percy LaOatd, Aleda Mitchell, Millie Wright, Wilfred Watson. Sr. 2--Bernice Irwin, Almeda LeOard, Delbert I'atton, Reuben Cai-Ro. .Junior Form 7â€" Lily Lavor, Fred Lees*, Mabel Felds* Ada Thompson*. «-ll. N. C\unfiold, Charlie Flyuii, Roy Patlon, Kd. Lever*. 5 -Violet Watson, Clarence Fisher*, riipihart Shunk, Jean Reid. 4~StBwart McTavish, Krneat Flynn, Kendall Boyd*, Ethel Fields*. .'< â€" Harry LoGard, Krnost Davis, Ber- tha Smith, Lillian Buskm. '2-Bert McLeod, Wilfred Lever, Gor- don Blakely, Mamie McTavish. 1â€" John Carrinijton, Ethel Watton, Vad» Wilson, Cecil McTavish. Those inirked with a * niissid one ir more examinaticns. * John W. Hickrlsmlth, (ireensliorn, I'a,, has three chililren, and like iikisI cIiI Ireii ihey freiiiiently lake idld. " We have tried sev- eral kinds of cough niciUclne," he ways, "bnt have never fmuul any yet that did them ns much giiiKl as CliKiiilHirlalnH Cough Keniudy. For sale by W'. V. Uichanlsi.n * Son. From Ontario to Winnipeg If you travel to Western Canada by the Canadian Pacitic d'lect line. The trains make the fastest time with no change of cars un route, no transfer or customs examination. The route is inlere^ting and attractive and through Canadian territory the entire journey. Special train service for settlers iu efl'ecti during March and .A|)ril. The Cniteil Panama canal. Stitei will fortify the A GOOD START IN LIFE has been giv- en thousands of young people who have attended the At Owen Sound. Ont , during the past thirty years. What we have done for others we can do for you. Try it by entering for the Spring Term on Monday, April 3rd. Circulars free. OVER-WORKED JCIDNEYS Cause. Rush of Blood, Full- ness, Dizziness. J. T. Chfttaiul, tlie Wc!!-kno\vn rail- way mgliietr ot Ham.;tuii, found the strain always resting upon men of hi? occupation vastly Inten.ilfied by a tendt-ncy of the blood to rush to his head, and often at tlnu.s when clear- of vision and great steadiness ivcre demand»^d. Finding some diffi- culty In bondinB â€" a stiffness \v;tb liain having settled in his back, it oc- curred to him that his kidneys might bo at fault. "This was .a happv idoa. for by it I not only got rid .If the jiain but muny other troubles as well. 1 look a full doso of Dr. Haiiiilton's pills and was glad to note that some ob- .xlructiun of the kidne>-s. which I ha<: lately noticed, was at once relieved. The flushed appearance of my face gave way to a more rational color and ihere wu.s a perceptible Improvement in my aiipellte. Dr. Hamilton's Pill? certainly act siilendldly upon the Mood, removing heat and fulness and that sort of dlzalness that makes u man at the throttle wish when it siezes him that he were elsewtune." No medicine gives such uncjUfstlo.i- ably good result.-^ for i^tomach, liver. and blood troubles ai Dr. Hamiiton'.'* Pills: they arc mild, certain, and al- ways curative. Refuse any substitute. .•VII dealers sell Dr. Hajnilton's Pills. I'.'.c per liox. or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Out. C. h. Fleming, Principal. G. D Fleming, Secretary. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver AUCTION SALE The nndeisigned has Ijeen instructed to offer for sale by public auction ihe follow- ing valuable list of farm stock and impls- ments on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, i9«« on 'ot 2, con. 0, Gsprey : HORSES â€" Horse, 4 yrs old ; more, in foal; 2 spring colts. C.\'1TLE. Etc.â€" ^«ew milch cow and c:»lf; cow. 4 yrs old, supp to be iu calf ; .'i cows, due in March; 3 spring calves; 2 fat steers ; 3 cattle, risius 2 yrs; brood sow ; 6 young pigs ; about 75 good hens ; pr geese; turkey; peacock. IMPLE.MENTS- Massey Harris (ift cut binder, nearly new ; Frost \' Wood disc harrow ; seed drill ; set spring tooth harro*s with levers; sett iion harrows, ',♦ bull ; 3-horsB Cockshult plow ; Kleury plow No. 21; top buggy; open buagy; cut- ter; roa<l car'; heavy bobsleighs; soulHer; set light bobsleiuhs; wag^in : Melotte cream separator ; wagon box, new ; root ' pulper ; si one boat ; washing machine ; cant hook : 2 binding chains ; logging 1 chain ; gravel bottom; bay lack ; lar^ie ; sugar kettle; 2 stts team harness: 3 se's ; single harin-ss ; fanning mill ; bicycle ; hand sleigh ; saddle ; set farm trucks ; wheel barr w; scythes, forks, rakes, shov- , els and other articles too nunieious to . mention. HOISEHOLD FIRNITV REâ€" Cook stove, pa'hiur stove. Bell organ, side- board, cupb >ard, chairs, carpets, pictures, tallies, bed.^leads, and other articles. TERMt> $5 and under, cash ; over that amouiu 12 mos. credit on approved joint Holes. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. JOHN PHILLIPS, Wni. KAITTING, J Proprietor. Auctioneer. VARICOSE VEINS CURED fciT NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits In youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I wurkeU haixl the acUmg wouM biM-ome severe and 1 uasoftculaid up fur a week at a time. My fnmily FliysiciantuM mean operulioHWiiS my iinly hopeâ€" but I dreaded it. tried s«veral hiiecialisis, but soon found out all they wanted was ray money. I C' minieuced iolo<»k ujxni all doctors as little U^tter than rogues. One day tny boss asked mo why 1 was olT woik so much and I tuld liim my condiiion. lleadvised me to consult I'rs. Kennedy & Koime<ly,;ui he hud taken treatment from them himself and knew iliey were s<iuaru uud skiiU'iil. I wrote them and got TuK New Method Tre.vtmknt. .^ly pi-ottress whs somewhat slow and during the llrst iiiontlrs trt^atment 1 somewhat discouraged. Hmvever. leontiinied tn-atment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. 1 ei>uld only earn $1:1 a week in .1 macliine 8h»»i> lieforo treiitinent, now 1 am earning $Sl and never loose a day. I « IsU all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENKY C. LOCrST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISON'S aro the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from llio system will cause seriiHis eomplioatiims. Bewiiro of Mercury. Hinay suppress the symptoms â€" our NEW METllOl) cures all blood diseases. YOUXG OR MlDn.K ACER MEN.â€" Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your systm. 'Vou feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and vitally you are not the mau you used to be or should be. ^\ ill youhecd the danger signals? nPinrn .\revou a victim? Have vou lost hope? Aro you IntenUinit to marry? Has nCAULn yo«r bl.>od been <lisea..;cd? Have you any weaknesH* Our Xrw Method TiiEATMExr Viil euro >oii. What it has done for olhers it will do for you. Caosultataon Fr*«. No niatOT wlio has treated vou, write for an honest opinion Free af Ckars*. Books Frooâ€" "Uoyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated; on biseasea of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No nsmcs oa bozss or envelopes. ETerjrthiiw Coofidentiol, Question List and Cost of Trutaont FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. l^ WOTICE All letters from jCuuada must be addresse<l to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us per.'iotially call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ao patiant* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY ft KENNEDY, WiadMT. Oat. Writ* fat 8U» privata address. CLiYLiUIN o STORE %%^^«/%^%%^ik«^%%%«^«i/%/%>%%%«^%%%%^«/%^i/%% Special Notice To the person buying the most goods here in 30 tlays, commencing Feb. 15 and until March 17th, will receive the following prizes. Ist 't^-.I-*^'y^ Jacket, imitation Persian Lamb, Size bust 3G 2nd ^^""'^ Overcoats, value $7, size 38. 3rd ^^'â- ^"y ^'•^"^^ 'I'^a Satt, worth $2.90. Wti have a large and welt-a8sort«d (tock of goods to chooae from, and if there is anything; you want we might not have we will send and get it fur you at once. Kverylhini; will count â€" Hour and feed, sugar, (uttmoal, ladies' or genta' fur or cloth ooala fur collors, fur stnlea, ready-made cluthiiie, dry i((iods, Rrocories, boots and tihoes, clover and i{ras8 seedH, hardware, Ksh, wasbini! uiachinoa, trunks and teleacupes, horse blankets, grain batsK, Citrpets, linoleums, oilcloths, dishes of all kinda, and anything you want to buy. We have scune very pretty l.-idies Suits, Skirts and Coats st very reivsonable prices. Highest m.'trket prices pjud for all farm produce. jfas. jPattison • Genera/ •^lerefinnt e. ylon