t . T Fc. »i>o koiliinclaeombbtowD lagjnrnood btrrsdrocKpoallr go to Rictaard Allra, U auot Plauaot F«rui, FI«ali«(«on P. 0. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Jakuary 19 1911 SENSATIONAL PUBLIC and Dissolution of Partnership FT nil I J^ P/\ MovIt^oIa Retiring from business and has engaged Broker • *• nil-ii-- OC \^0., lYiarKaaie, Learoyd to clear the $45,000.00 stock in quick order. Prices flone! to smash for 21 days, no reserve. Everything must be sold. i « » * « • • k « ft • ' » « â- • "^ • i US D^gg jSelling Markdale^s Big Departmental Store at prices that make J^ the world wonder. Rush in for the snaps. VICINITY CHIPS The Advanc* learoit that Mr. Joseph | "Dent of educational pririlegei ia uur|^Soinetimn8 at festive scaaons they come I S. Pedlar of Loop Cit/, Nebraska, is at township. Later in the erening the | back vrich joy and isladnesa, and again' I present in a hospital at Rochester, ! former trustee*, Hesirs. Mark Stewart | when mirth was forbidden, when sorrow Minnesota, baring undergune a critical | Miles Thistlethwaite and Thomas Henry, I reigneil supreme. Aud so very sooa, for A. E. Bellamy visited in Hanover and , optration for goitre. We ire pleased ( *ere presented with haadssme rockin? , time passes quickly, I became a lonely other points List week. I to learn that the operation was quite chairs. Mr. Frank Ch>ird read the ad- , dwelling, the home now only of my Miss Ella Karstedt is risitlog her cous- •"ccesaful. The affliction had been dress, which was as follows : master and, mistress. in, Mrs. Holmes in Owen Sound. I troubling Mr. Pedlar for over thirty j Dk.vk Fkiends axd Fkllow Citizbjcs, One night a message came to my Harry Steeley of Toronto is visitii • J'*â„¢' *"'^ '' "''* '° '*»''® ****" caused by Jâ€" We, the ratepayers of S. S. No. 3, Ar- j master. Ic was the sunioimons, " Como hia mother, Mrs. Harris, fur a week . a blow in the threat when he was a lad. | temesia, have met in our school tbii ev-| up higher." Ha expected it and was j , . - This gentleman has succeeded almost entn^ to spend a social hour with you. I ready. So he was blessedly relieved of jj^^^ ' up to the When girea as ioon aa the eroupy coui^ appears Chamberlains Cough KemeUy will ward off an attack ut croup and pre\ent a)! danger and cause of anxiety. Thousaadaof C, 12th line, Osprey, on Friday evening, „„theni use it successfully. Sold by W. E. Jan. 20. An excellent program of mu- Rjchardwn i Son. sic, vocal and iostrumeutal ; recitations. Tenth Line, Osprey A box social will be held in School No, dialogues, tableaux, readings and speech- es is being arranged for. Boxes dis- posed of by number. Ladies with boxes free, gentlemen 25 centj. ladies. bank, is off duty with the mumps. Mr. McMillan, teller in the Standard . i. • .,. ..l .. q. . > ..• â- . , phenomenally in the southwestern States. I We have come together. to-night to ex- ' the burden of life and went i He is a lawyer and during his absence . pi-ess to you our appreciation of your ! home of many mansions. Thoe. Blakeley and wife spent Sunday iu hospital was appointed president of , services as trustees of our school. rith the former's brother in Corbetton. the Loup City State Gentlemen, bring your Lady Bank Mr. C. Kennedy, contractor, of To- ronto, is the guest of Wm. Davis, gravel road. Mr. John Sled and wife of the west are visiting their sun, Thos Sled of the sub- urb*. .los. A. Le3ard of the Duudalk Herald staff spent Saturday and Sunday at bis home here. Born â€" In Flesherlon, on Wednesday, Jan. 18, to Mr. aud Mrs. W. Field, a daughter. Miss Laura Davis, Hamilton, is holi- daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, gravel road. { Bank. I he has been connected for He was vice-president last When ' For a few years my mistress juarneyed with which ; we think of what you have done for us 'on alouJ, upheld by the faith and trust tome years, .and the responsibility of the oversight that was always hers. Then she, too, year. It of the erection of our school, we feel that' heard the voice calling her home. aon & Son. you'derly she wh.s carried out and Uid by >*«? y"*" *"«"«•'* "^"'"^ ""^ succesbes of old Arteraesia boys, and we our gratitude. We ask you to accept ! his side. Thus I was left alone. Now '*** '*'"'**'• *" "'* ''•^' ^^ • ^^'^ Ri'^iard- trust his affliction will now be a thing ; (heso chairs as a token of our sincere I strange hands set me down in a strange health ones j thanks, not that you will be repaid for place. In my rooms, up and down my I services rendered, but that you will be stairs, strangers will tlit around. Other j reminded of your many friends in S. S. < faces will look out of my windows, other gives us much pleasure to chronicle the ] we should in some way express to of the past and vigorous more be his portion. The January thaw has come and gone. We learn that Frank Sayers has pur> chased R. J. Colquet's farm. I Tenth line items are unavoidably held! The entertainment in connection with j over this week. | g. g ^^ ^ ^j,, y^ ^^jj „„ ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^j jjan. 20. I Miss Braveoder is at Mr. Hai bottle's. j Mrs. Eli Corbiere, who has been visit- ing her parents, Mr.* and Mrs. George I Myers, has returned to her home ia j Aurora. Constipation is tlie cause ot m.tny ailments and disoruers that make life miserable. T.Ake Ten- I Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you will avoid GREATEST PRCBLEM Obituarv /No. 3. And, now that the work is ovei, 'feet will cross I and you have retired from our board, Fidelia Lois Bowerman, beloved wife n»ay you be spared for many yeara to of Howaid Mills, Meaford, died at the 'come; and, when we meet around the home of her father, Mr. H. M. Bower- , Father's board, may wa receive the glad man, Toronto, on Thursday of last week, j " Well done." Jan. 12, a^ the early a^e of ;U years.. Mr. Richard Wilcock made I ha pres- Mrs. Mills was born at Eugenia. She Mrs Edwaid Whitien left on Monday '«*»es behind, besides her husband,three ! ^„^ j^ n,^^,, t,,g„ entation, placing each m.4n in his chair foi the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. ''"I* "le'- l^e yjungesl a year Saunders, Toronto, who is very low with ''''^ "^^^^ Interment took pl.iee at pneumonia. The enga 'emeet is announced of Miss Ina Mary Wright, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. David Wri«ht of Blooniaeld, New Jersey, to^Kingsley Aldeu Price of Grand Junction, Colorado and a Mea- one way the ford ou Saturday afternoon last. Tait--Richardson my threshold, but they are not mine. The coming years have little for me. Perchance in the stillue.ss of the night I may hear again tne old voices iu prayer. Parliaps the passing breeze will bring back to me the chil- [ dreu's voices and the music and song of j other days. j .Some diiy I. too, will fulfil my time and it will be earth to earth or a^hcs to . ashes for me. . I I A very pretty wedding took place at j the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Kich- , ^f tj,e people had the op|H,rtunity Mr. Buskin got the foundation stones ' "'T ZZ'ttl "''"Td f h!ef I """ ''* """ ''"'''''' "^^ '''''"'"• ""^ laid for a new 'building on his burned - 1^'c^^„^ZJ7TT â- wllcck ' "^ '""''' '"'' "''""^'- '""^"' *' ''''â- prope.ty last week, alJlumber on hand. '"m,^'"^^^^^^^^^ '" '^<^'°"=y-"pIo began to remove to the.r respec and expecte to go on with erection at ! "^ ''" .^""'' ^" "' ^"^''"""- "- hou.es. .11 agreed that a very happy hairs were well tilled. Afterwards, eajli man responded to the address read, in fitting terms,expressing their gratitude that they i . . » . were able during their term of office to I The old house stands solitary in iU serve faithfully their friends and neigh- "«*»«'""'«• *'""''=^^"' evidence of the bors in S.S No. :?. Tea wss then served i "•"'â- ability of earthly things. "The by the ladies of the section, aud many | «"â- â- ''"" f""'*- ^^^ *"'^* "" ^"'^•'^^ "'"' » to ^^f>^ "^ " P*^^ ''•^^ ''''^ present world of common life aud thought." â€" OSCK A.N I.NMATB. lo Mr. Frank Tait of Luckuow. The bride was dressed in a fihe stft 'aud enjoyable evening had been spent ivory satin, trimmed with pearl ai,d i among old friends. cryscal trimming, and wedding veil. She . sad intelligence on Sunday that her sister, ^^j^^ ^ beautiful boquet of cream roses, had pa.s8ed um^g ^f the valley and maidenhair fern. \ The People's Railway go once, weather permitting. Mis. W. A. .^rm.strong received the Mrs. Matheson, of Havelock away. Mrs. -Armstrong went down to The bridesmaid. Miss Carrino Frost of Havelock on Motiday morning to attend Owen Sound, w.s dressed iu pale blue the funeral. crepe-de-chine aud carried pnk roses. A Farmers' Club has been organized . The flower girl, little Helen Webster, in this vicinity and the first meeting will looked exceedingly sweet in a white lin- be held on Friday of Be.\t week, Jan. 27, ' Uefie dress with pink ribbons. Mr. 8 p.m., iu the Workmen's hill, Norris Charles Richardson, cousin of the bride, Bros', plock. Voung farmers especially acted as groomsman. The officiating C. W. clergyman was Rov. Crawford Tait of St. » painful accideut last week. ascending the stsirs she stumbled and , =»".'lj«»f'«'" "°»"»»ll '»Wes forward, her chin i The jaw was fractuied. is o>er 73 years of age, injury more serious. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred The Pc'ple's R.^ilway Company, which uow has an Ontario charter, is applying to Parliament for a Federal charier, with power to extend its present authorized liups as follows:â€" From the vil'itge of Arthur to Flesherton, with bi-anches to Meafotd, Owen Souud and Collinswood, and a line from Owen Sound to Midland along the shore of Georgian Bay ; also a line from Woodstock to Sat^i:^ via Loudon, Stralhioy, -Vlvinston and Elmer, the 11 year old son of Thos. ' Hutton, Upper Town, had the misfortune 'to fall on the sidewalk aud break his right arm on Saturday last while playing ; with compauions. The boy who has this , â- aaino arm and right side paralyzed had ' this limb broken in exactly the same place some three months ago. In the . condition which the arm is it is a very difficult matt r for it to heal. â€" Durham , Review A« you prepared to hold your own in the business world ? Is your education sufficient along lines lliat will actually assist you in meetinur the business problems of lite? Are you familiar with Business Law and Com- niorciiil Forms, Business Correspondence, Bookkeeping and the many other subjects which aie of uso in every walk of life. ^ The Northern Business College can help y06' solve y06'/? problem. . ^.roe courses of study â€" Business Course, I'lvpanitorv Course (tor those V. hose early eJuc:iiiou hiis been negrleeted I and Shorthand and Tyiiewritinif course. Individual Instniclion. Experienced Teachers. May eiuer any l:ii;e. \\ imer Term bejjiiis Tuesiiay, January ord, 1911. NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE - Owen Sound, Ont. • I C. A. FLEMING, P.-1I.NCI3AL G. 2. FLEMING. Secretary January Clearance invited. F. Chard, President Bellamy, Secretary. j Catherines, ass-sted by Rev. Mr. Well- Mrs. Henry Matheson, who is visiting !*°»^- The dejeuner was served in the herson,R. J., at Newmarket, met with <^'"'°8 '»""» *!'•» blinds drawn and a- , . > . c While lighted by pink shaded candles in brass * *''"^^"'*- »"" """^ ^^"•"J'*'"<='' '-^ Simcoe, The deco- f^""' Waterford to Hamilton, from Ot- . . . •> • . rations were <imiIaT and iiinlt rarnafuinn i terville to Tillsonburg, from Stratfotd fell forward, her chin striking on a step, i """"» "«re smuax ana pmit carnations. Mrt. Matheson ^'"<*"R t**® numerous beautiful gifts wa* which makes the j ' ^''^"'J' jardiniere and pedestal, pre- I sfnted by the young people of the village, „ . I with a half dozen stalling silver coffee Harrison, who , ., ^ , , , . , ,. , , , , , . spoons, and an oil paiutipg of the bride were recent y so suddenly beref'. of their , ,^ • » ti, • -c. .. .i. J â- u u 1 I 1 hy her sister. The grooms gift to the This L> the time of year you expect "Cleariug Sales' in dry goods and house furnishings. Then Why not in Hardware? MISCELLANEOUS W. K. licenses. Arnisti'ong issuer ot marriage I Wood Wanted â€" Dry and green, at this office, at once. i I to Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich, from St. Thomas to London, Lucan, Woodhouso. Kirkton, Mitchell, Listowel , A good house and lo> Harrisburg and Mount Forent, and frcm rent in Eugenia. .John Guelph to Hespeler and Puslinch Lake numerous which they appreciate highly and desire throuah'The Advance to express their „ „ ^, , t, , , gratitude to all for the marked kindi.es, «". Soutbgate of Seaforth. Among the guests from a distance were Mrs. Tait, Moving the Old House 'ith stablt: ri> ! H. Jam'eoon, , owner, or appl; to Mrs. Kobeit Mc- Master, Euiteuia P.O. While our goods are mostly staple lines of year- round usefulness, it is good business to " clean house' once in a while, and keep the stock new and attractive throughout. Now is the time to look for BIG REDUCTION in all our lines. FOR SALE THE old house shivered, then spoke : What is this f Am- I dreaming I I hear strange , voices, a quiverint; sonsition goes through i For Sale â€" House and two lots. Nos. 3 and 3, Block C, Flesherton. home of t.he late -lohii McKee, Price S450. Apply to R. J. McKee, Collingwood. rowu"hem"in Their sealo"u"o7.oirowr" ! ^^rs. Siuipeon and Mr. Tait from Grand j my frame! The blasts of miiny «inte;„ f'^ J"'![ ^^l^-- i Valley ; Dr. and Mrs. Webster, Dr. Rich- 1 and the gales of as m.ny autumns have ^ Edward Stn.th, &.genT«. Ten ewes and one at once. Apply to The Canadian Older of Chosen „4g<,n ^n^ George Richardson ot To- 1 beaten upon my sides and roof, but l' Friends have elected the following offi- cers for the current year; Chief Coun- cillor, Herbert Smith ; Past Councillor, Emerson Bellamy ; 'Vic© Councillor, Mrs, P. Loucks ; Recorder, W. H. Bunt ; .Assistant Recorder, Mrs. Herb, Smith ; Treasurer, VV. H. Bunt ; Prelate, Mrs. H. C. LeGard ; Marshall, W. M. Bur- nett ; Warden, Mrs. J. Lever ; Guard, R. H. Moore ; Secretary, T. A. Blakeley. The death of Mrs. James Cornfield is announced by our Port Ijaw correspon- dent in. I. B. Lucas and Mrs. Lucas i never fell anything like thi.s. My nnister ' „• "'^ ,, I , , „,. , . , JO 1 [(iniiie, Markdale. I he wedding march ' and mistress iii other years passed into ton. Am 1 about to do the â€" ronto ; H and son was played by Mrs. Blackburn. The bride and groom left on the afternoon train for Toronto tuiid the well wi.shea of a host of f I lends. They will reside in Lucknow. a no* existence, same ? Now I am lifted up and aioving. Hay for Sale â€" Apply to Geo. ' iit-ar Pioton Stn. 910 50 per j janS tf j LOST AND FOUND At»i- A School Sociable A very enjoyable evening was spent in the school building of S.S. Ko. 3, .â- Vrte- Mr. Cornfield desires us to thank niesiu, when a large number of the rate- the friends and neighbors who so kindly payers and friends of the school met lo assisted the family during their period of express their gratitude bo the trustees tr'al. The deceased lady is exceedingly who had so faithfully carried out the highly spoken of by all who knew her. work of building the new school. During Hor iiittuenco iu the neighborhooi) was the evening a goiid program, consisting for good on'y. and her loss is a peisoual of songs, recitations aud music was one to all who o*nie in contact wiih her. well rondered. The trustees and a great The family have the keenest sympathy many of the ratepayers expres.sed their of all in the loss of a ln^lovtd wife and pleasure at being at >uch a gatherinir. „ Found â€" Cant hook. Owner How well I remember j this office, with strong hand and ,' ' . , ,.,,.. . Lost -A gold locket, set with pearls, crucial moment hko this, how alert is oval in .shape, iu Flesherton Dec. 27- niemory. Now my lite, with its chang- ; This office. ing scenes, iias<es rapidly befm-e my be- „. _.,,..â- ... ,.* J • . „ ,. ^ foundâ€" Cant hook. Owner apply at dimmed vision. "•â- "' "â- â- »" t -«... â€" \ â€" ^r .; my master, who broad heart, built me and called me, home-the home of him and his loved T^e Ladies .Vid of the Methodist church ones. Beneath my sheltering loi.f little will hold a Scotch concert on the evening children came, whoso pattering footsteps "f Wednesday. January 25th, 1911, in here commenced life's journey. Wirhin l!?? ,','"",'. ""J^"' ^'S,""^ "'"! '»•""â- '•>'' "â€"'â- 'â- •-•' ' -'â- <â€" F, r further pai'ticu- SOCIALS AND CONCERTS C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton R ubber Ti me For good wearing rubbers try the 'Lion' and 'Maltese Cross' Brands, both snag- proof and light weights. ., » , . Highland Lxddie me they grew from infancy to youth and j^r* g^e bills. OH up to man and womanhood, iave oiie> who ill childhood was borne heaveuward Here the old story of love's young dream was toll ovir and over again FELT BOOTSâ€" Something warm Men and Womeo. for the cold weather for Repairing as usual. AUCTION SALES mo her. \x\ e\ton»ive credit auction sale of and out ^'*"" "'''••â- '' '*'"-^ iniploinen's will be held through my door p«se.l one by one those T '"! *' ^ «"' \ ^^^f^^' "" T'lorsday, â- 3 V .. . ^â- a ,j„„ 2H. See iidvertiRi'ineiit I'lMug com- joumjiK-ople. out into the untried ple-e l.st e'sewhere in this is.sue. Wm. dex r and sjMjko encouragingly of the advance- ! and ya unkiiovn exp. ricucos of life. Ksilting is the auctioneer. CLAYTON'S