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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1911, p. 4

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â- ^ Januarv I1> 1911 niE FLESH ERT ON ADVANCE MEN -YOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM 'The nervn«con!r"l all ai-tlon'Jof tlr; Ixjdy s) that ooy- lliiuj lliat iicliilital.s tlnr;u \ i.l w;-uUi.-ii all oiguu» of ili'i system. Early Inbucretion* ai:<i Excsmm liav« raiiiiM tboiiHaiiiU uf ]>i'uiiii4a„' y lUiig iiiuii. Unnatural Drnins luipttii-ir vigor ana vitil.iy an Itliey never ilovi-lop loa proper coiidltl.iii of!icK)U. Tliey rcmulu weak- liii;;s, luL'iitai:/. i hyBlc.'iIly and texunlly. How you trntll Arejdu nervous aiiJ »â-  u!;, desponJent »aj gluoiiiy. speeUa Ix-foro llie eye* v. AU d.ilk circles uii !er tlieni, weak back, l;u!ue;.»lrrlta!);e,i)a:::ltailL;ii of llie licari. b»%liful, JebilliitiuR tlitami, sotliinent lu urine, pimples i.n tlie face, eyes sunl.en. lio'.luw cheeks, careworn ex- Iir.sslun, iKtor memory, lifeless, illstriislful, l.ickaiierify a:i.l slrenjt li. tire.l nioin'n.-js, rc-^tlcM ni|;h;.'!. chnnBe- aUlu moods, pieniaturcilecay, boue pains, hair hwse, clc. This is t!»o condition our Now Msthod Treatmsot is GUARANTEED TO CURE Wo have tre»til ri-iea^-H uf M.m for almnst a life- time auJ do uot have tu experiiueut. Cousult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you v.helUer you are curable or not Wo (uaranloa curaUo cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseasos of Msn. U unable to eaU write for THK« â€" ^=^-i:==^ 1 QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT Woodarful Nervous System - ^ DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE An letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- pv .w iKi^HMHi^^^K ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to .see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO patienU in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Wintlsor. Ont. Write for OOT private address. ^ r Wintei Term at COLLINGWOOD "1 Business College Opens .lanv. :5rd, 1011. Our stleudance this term is the largest iutbe history of the Cjllece. There is areaioD. Write NOW for tree catalog. Koter at any time. T. E. Hawkins, - Principal Coliingwood, Ont. Our Clubbing List Thompson's t £ o Bre.'iU delivered regu- larly and kept for wilu at the following Htores: CollinHon's and J. Piittison'.s, Ceylon vV..\ldcom & Son's and V. Mc.Vrthur'H I'riccvillo N. MoOtnneU's Proton Station R. Heron's, M.iiwell A. Hutcliinsoii'H and Eli Kobinson'n Fever.sliaiu H. Cairns', .I.HIjarge's ,in(l R.ParkH', Euyenia 3 The following pi ices are for st paid in RdvaiicesubHCriptioiiBonly. have no accountH with oilier papers Kleslierloh Advance f Yo'jths Cnnipaiiion Toronto World, dsily Toronto Daily News VVenkly Globe Mail-KiMpiro .... . . . . Family Heral.l & Star Toronto Slur Farmer Sun F'armers .\dvocata Weekly Wil.iess Saturday Nii;ht Home Journ'.J Poultry News . . ; â-  Poultry IJeviow Hod and (Sun magazine rictly We 1 (HJ 2 (K) 2 Xi .1 85 8.-. 8U 8a 1 ;;5 85 1 X> 80 ;i 05 m 20 40 8.-» /lest)erton %bmnct An independent newspaper, puMisbed every TliurK(l»y at tin- otfiee, Collin^fwixxl Street, Klealiertou. Subscription price ^1 per annum, when paid inadvnnce; 81.00 when not so paid. .VdvertisiuK rates on applicatiuu. Circulation 1,1U0 weekly. W. M. Thurston Kclltoi- TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN FREE MINING ADVICE, THIS. The innocent public is now-a-days be- inx |{ivui) an upijortunity to repeat the experience in doubtful mining ventures given by the exploitation of Cobalt mines (/) several yuais ai(o â€" we refei to the huge newspaper ndvertisements buoming barfisin lots of Porcupine min- ing ftocks. There are good niinoi in Porcupine, but such .shares never go be;;- ging. In the good proposition the share- iKjIders and would-Le shareholders do all the "begijing." The trouble is thai the average person cannot resiMt a glow of pride in the pos- session of some nice green and gold cer- liticate.s, which show that he i* (ahuig with a bunch of other unfortunates) the owner of a hole in the ground, or at least the ground where a hole could be made. The pride in possession is a grt at moving power in this case and moves away about all the common sense, and dollars and cents, some people have. If <jne wishes to di>sii)ate Ihe cash he has accumulated, without any particular return, The Advance would highly rec- commend the wort h-$I you cnn-have-it for-oOc shares in any old Porcupine "near mine" which offers. There is nothing like a fake inin<> to run away with 'he cash ; but if he wants to spend the money for his health he had better lesse u stonepllc from the npiire<t fnrmer. buy a sledie hammer and crack stones for sevei-dl weeks. This form of mining is tu be highly reccuiiiiii>jiided. It is cheaper ih:m Cobalt or Porcupine wild- C't^tiiig, and I riiii^s a return in health which is Worth vastly more than the diirk brown taate which remains in :i:outh and unity is gaining strength and aurmouot- ing the obstacles. Montreal, Orangevilla and Ottawa Presbyteries are the latest to vole ill favor cf union. The day when the union will take place cannit be stated or guessed at, but the time is coming when the Presbyterianc, Methodis's and Congregstionalists will all sing out of the siime hymn books and say *'.\nien" to the same doctrine â€" and they will nil b« as near Heaven as they are today in their separate places of wor<!hip, and perhaps nearer. Dr. Bertillion, i,tho famous critnine ologist, says that most of tlie iionest men are those who hare passed 40 and are married. Wifie reforms 'em, you see. Advertising is the magic wand which, wLun properly wielded, pro- duces prosperity. Mr. Mercliant, will you use the wand, or are yon content with business as it is? What is the matter with coal oil ? One of our advertisers puts it at 16 and 18 cents, and an Owen Sound merchant sells it at 15 and 16 cents per gallon. Looks as though Mr. Rockefeller was losing his grip on business, doesn't it ? A French physician sees in aviation a cure for numerous nervous ills. Well, maybe so, but up to date the cures have boeu exceedingly few and far between, while the deaths Lave been uumeious. We fear that the cure is worse than the disease. Kimberley The box social held hero on Friday evening last under the tnanagemtiet of the Kimberley Citizen's Rink was a good financial success. \ short programme was given con.sisting of solos, diieto, in- IJocket book after an encounter with the strumental mu^ic by Mr. Edgar Donelly Scbool GMIta's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect ouiiimcn inuch-advettised mining ."tock. Bt* well advited and let others do all Ihe nionkeyini; with mining stocks that is dune. Bakery BARGAINS - AT CEYLON IN CUTTERS New anil|»urond hand Also in Oisoline Engines, Hinders, Mow- ers, Hay Rakes, Losdois, Forks and Carriers, Ropo and Pulleys, Washing M>ichines and Wringers. Brantford Windmills We have slsu securtxi the igency for the Standard Wire Fence| Of Woodstock and will be in a jMisition to supply your need in that liiiu at the lowest possible price. Rstitfactiun truaratiteod. flive us a call. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Defective eyes stunt tiie mind Can you expect air progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician Anyone MndlnjT a sketch anddoarrtptlnn r qnlr.klir wiferliiiti tnir opinion free whethor ADC Marks DCSIQNS COPYRIQHTS Ac. •II miiy qnl4-.klir HBoerluiii (tiir npintoii rree wiiuihur an IliTfjnMot) ts protmMr rHtiuilntiliV ('•niininiilrK. tloiiaiirictWfniitl.Ioiiilal. HANDBOOK on I'atcuU â- ont free. <>l(1«Nt nunnrjr fur iteriirii>^£ puLenta. I'Aieriu taken tfirouKh Mutiii A Co. recelTfl tpeetnl notice, without c harK O, lu Itio Scientific Jlniericaii. A hsiKtionrtlr llliuitr»t«l wiwklT- l-ATizrtl cir- fUlstlon of sny vlenOllr lourtwl. luriiiM for Cansd*. t>.7i >i yu>i- IMJMAKa iiioikUI. Huld l>r »U itawtdeftlerf. ^n 36IBroidwiy, Urauch Ofllcs. ht K Ht., Wmhlutf tun. I>. ( "FEEBLt STOMACH" SEASONABLE GOODS IN DS FURNITURE The larj^Pht and litwt stock of Furniture ever shown in Floshorton. This witlniul fear of con- tradiction, oiiiu and see soino of nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room ('hairs, Parlor .Sotts, Red RiMim 8ett«. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. , . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. I)OI.S YOUR NnifiHBOR Read The Advance "No one can have suffered more than I dlil with stomack trouble." writes rhil. E I'BBcalar, well known at St. Andrews ('ornrrS' ".My doctor told me my Indigestion und aleopless- ness were due to poisons In tlie blood' Certulnl.v my condition was lieapcrate, and It seemed from the dcspundrnt fiH-liiig.'! that swept over nie that 1 would lose my reasim. I happened to read about Dr. Hamilton's I'llls and bouKht five boxes from the druggist. 8ut:h body-dranslng pills I nevi-r Used; they were mild und yet quite strong enoufTh to firlvo all the humors out of the blood. My stomach gained strength rapl.lly with Or. Hamilton's I'llls und I Improved so much that In eight weeks 1 lould eat and digest nil ordinary food. Oepreaslon an<t wearl- neai passed away und I nin, thanks to Dr. Hainllton's Pills, enjoying robust good heulth." No H'medy for biliousness, Indiges- tion, headache, sick stomnoh, or con- stipation that compares with Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Itcfuse substitutes. Sold In 25o. boxes. .Ml deolera. or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Hamilton's Plllt Cure Stomach Troubles LOYAL SUPPORT IS NEEDED Tlie anmi d meeiimjs of three Agricul- tural Societies in this immediate district will be held (his week, at Fevershaoi and Priceville on Friday iiiid Flesherton on Saturday. The.xe annual nicelinus are important affairs, for it is then 'hat the iillicers are appointed, and it is there thai any suggestion for improvement lo pri'/.u list, or, should be handtd to the new ofliciils. Many people seem fJool lo have developed the peculiar belief that the directorate ef an Agricultural Si cicty is a body of mitid readers capable of diviniiiK what goes on in the intellects of llio otiiiti' iiiPiiibers whether ihese mem- bers spenk our, or tint. Such is net the CISC, and so if you can strengthen the the Society by .iny constructive cii'iciain let it louse ai the annual meeting -and if you are not already :\ member of the nenrest Society (and hs many others as p ls^illle) you should lose no tiino in handing the secretary your dollar. Lei every member of the three Societies be loyal and sjicritice a few hours to the cause of agiicnlture by attending the annual meeting. They will be hours well spent. It is (|u'te obviously needleas for The .Vdvanco to launch T'rih into a euh'gy of tlio little country fall fairâ€" its value Is made luady apparent by the manner in which it ia supported, but there is alwa}S room for improvement in this respect. Rugin Ihe year rixht by purchasing a ineinbersliip in an .\gricultural Society. The gie:tt probability is that you can easily get several times the amount hack ill prize money by (he end of the year. and Miss Eva Buskin of Wodebouse. Readings were al.s* given, and a dialogue entitled " When I was Young. " After the program Rudd Matthews, auctioneer, of Markdah!, auctioned the boxes and kept the audience in laughter. After all had partaken of (he contents of the boxes a great many of present concluded the uveiiiiizs enjoyment by repairing to the rink for a skate. Alni.'i Camack of Toronto is holidaying .'it her pnicntal home here. Mrs. Neely of Meaford ;s (he guest of her dhughter, Mrs. R. \. Ilolley. Kdith Haminond is visiting Meaford friends :ind is the guest of the Misses In the evening a joint sessioa was held and was larcely attended t number com- ing from a distance. Mr. Ijiughlio was the tirst speaker. The subject of his was Agricultural Education. Al- thuui(h Mr. Lsughlin is young in Insti- tute work he handled his subject in a very able inanDer. His addresH was lis- tened to with iutertst throughout. The next address was given by Mrs. Parson* on " Marriage", who also handled her subject in a very able man- ner. She is an excellent speaker. Mr. Duiiis was the last delegate to adihvss the audience. His subject was Good Roads. He is a very convincing speaker and gave some useful informa- tion. Despite the lateness of the hour he kept the audience in good humor. Short addresses were given by tbe president of the Farmer's Institute, .I.R- Fawcett, and an ez-presidenl R. D. Car- ruthers. The addresses were intersperied with the following musical numbers, â€" lole, Maude Faw.;ctt ; diets. Misses Burritt, Misses Plewcs, and R. D. Car- rut hers and Maude Fawcett. Readings weie also given by Mrs. W. T. Ellis, president of Kimberley Branch W.I., and Lulu Ellis. Reeve Ellis oceupied the chair. Stallion Competion The result of I he stallion cowpetitiou of the Unlatio Jockty Club for ihe season of 1010, is announced by Secretary I Fraser. The compel Ition is fer thorough- brrd sta'lions s'anding for sertice iu I Ontvriii, for mares not thoroughbted, i the awards being baaed on the number of living half-bred foals on the tirst of I September last. The competition Is as 1 foUows:â€" 1â€" J. A. Mylei & Co's Buccleuch (Heathcote, Ont ) $250 2â€" Jas. Bovaird's St. Bassett (Brampton, Ont.) 200 Uâ€" Morris and Wellington's Shaf- ford (Fouthill, Ont.) 175 4â€" The Ottawa Hunt's Kirk- field, (Ottawa, Ont.) 150 5â€" F.N.Case's Maurice (Beacons- field, Ont.) 100 6 â€" Westminster Thoroughbred Horse Association'* Ciick- lade (Belmont, Ont.) 75 ' 7â€" H.S. Fallows' Cobourg (Paaa- ideoa, Ont) 50 Victoria Comers vVe ure pleased once more lo have in our inidst Mr. .loseph Strain. Mr. S. is from Lethbridg*;, Vlbetta, and seem* pleased with the prairie home. He will be here for some time on bosinecs and renewing old acquaintances. Tlie Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church spent a day ,it tbe horn* of Mr. Jainea Stinsun. Mrs. H. Gulher spent Monday at]Mrs. George Moore's. Mrs. Will Ludlow of Dui>dalk spent a few days with friend» here. We ex,i;!Ct our pastor. Mr. Huwey, to renew his work here next Sunday. Mr. Charles Mix>re returned from Smilhville List Wednesday, after a few weeks' visit. He is much improved in health. Mrs. Will Talbot spent Christmas week with her mother, Mrs. George Moore. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late George Harrison, son of Mr. Alfred Harrison. Wo .-ire sorry to learn th*t Mrs. James Cornfield has passed away, and our sym- [wthies go out to the bereaved family. J Mrs. H. D. McLoughry iiid Utile daughter, Millie, are spending a few days at Mr. W. H. Heard's. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL A BUSY ONE The 11)11 Cimiicil of .Xitemet-ia Kiwa- sbip struck a winning puce at their initial Muuting, the miuutes of which were pub- lished in these cluinns last week They put a*ay a goodly amount of work for the brat iiieetinv, and important work at that. It olfords the township much aat- isfaclioii to note how pnthusias'ically the now Council is promoting the welfare of the liutv High School. Opinions as lo the legitimacy of the Sohoi.l's birth may exist, but since it is born (he only sane course of procedure is to work it for all there is in it, to make it do all the good it can â€" and we find the new Council practically as energetic iu its behalf as iho former one, and all honor to the tnen>b«ni for it. The Worst wish that could be enter- tained for iho new C< nncil is that their labors in this regard may not go fur naiiglil. ANOTHER "MERGER" COMING The (piestion of church union is slowly gaining ground. Thai the union if pos- sible i« desirablo cannot be denied, and Ihe trend of emiils strengthens the im- Vre-sion Ihnt it is f|uito possible. Of coiirso (hern is oppoaiiion to it, and ob- stacle.", but the niuvemenl in favor of Charles Graham and the Mi.sses Sadie and Elsie Plewos vLsited Rocklyn friends on Sunday last. (iortie Hewson of tieathcote is at pres- ent visiting friends here. Mrs. Thos. Brooks of Clarksburg is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edward Bur- ritt, who is ill at present .Alfred Neely of Mejford was in town on Monday of this week. Frank Hutchinson is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. R. Wragett near Dundalk. Henry Fawcett, who has been visting relatives here for some time, returned to Heiithcote on Sunday last where lie will visit friends prior to Iiih departure for his home in Oxbow, Sask. Mr. John Wickena and sister M;m.> are visiting CoUingwood friends. Me.ssrs. Jacob and David Thompson ot Flesherton visited friends heie last Sunday and wore guests of their sister. Mis. John i'lewis. Miss Jeait Gillespie returned tu her home in Ciaig'eith on Saturday Violet Gilbert, who \\i\s lioen visiting Meaford friends, returned homo on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis, A!b.rt Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Magce loft for (juelph on Monday of (his week, wheie they will attend the golden wedding ot their [lareiits, Mr. and Mrs. Th'>s. Ellis of Powas an which will be celot>rated at the home of their daghtor, Mrs. W. 11. Stuart, (juelph, on Wed., Jan. 17th. Ml. and Mrs. W. T, Ellis will also visit friends at .Schoinberg. The Itistituto meetings held hereon .SaUirday last wore well adended. The delei!tt(es wore 3/essrs. Bonis of St. Marys and Lnnghlin of Collingwoud, and Mia. Parsons of Forest In the aflerniHin .separate sessions were held. Mrs. Parsons addrefmod the ladies in (ho I'liion chnieh, while Mr. Bonis and Mr. L»ugliliii addrussed the ;;oii(leiiieii in the public hall. The sub- ject of Mis. Parson's address was "Ideal Characl r, " and wai very interesting in- deed. She also gave a Hhort talk im â- â€¢Pie'.ure.s" dealing more esjieoially with those suitable for (lie school room in which the child spends nnsl of its wak- ing hours. Mr. Bonis addro-iaed the S-eiillenieti on EiitiiUge, aod Mr. Laugh- i I on ppiayiog ft nit tico.s, and no doubt (heir addresses were both interesting and in.struclivo judging from tho'-e given by Ihem at the evening sessiou. The January number of The Athletic world, published by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ontaiie, just issued, not only maintains but further develops the national 'sports policy laid down on the inception of this highly creditable monthly. Its pages are rich iu illustrations and timely dibcussions, making it one of the best yet issued- Total 11,000 \ Grateful Mother Tells of Her Daughter's Re- covery. A mother wfl.' alTsys be worried and anxious If one ot her daughters skiould l>e affected; thit I^-om any cause the natural I'unctionii of the body become retarded or suppressed. Any irregularity, especially in a growing girt, Is apt to be the forerunner of a long chain of sickness, not unfre- quently followed by pernicious an- aemia ur consumption. "ily daughter had just passed her sixteenth year when, owing to an ex- posure at an inopportune time, an Im- portant action of the system ceased" So writes Mrs. Thomas E. St. Nicholas, of Manchester South. "Stella was subject to violent nose bleed â€" was hysterical and borne down by fits of mental depression. She grew listless and debilitated, and her progress at school was prevented by frequent small ailments which kept her at home. After u sing Fer roione six or seven weeks, some signs ot improvement carae, but not suffi- cient to show that she would grow na- tural again. It was fully three months after she had been using Fcrrozone be- fore my \voi-ry Was over. After that her system became natural and regu- lar. I cheerfully recommend Ferro- zone for all troubles incident to girl- hood and womanhood." Ferrozone is a womanly tonic that supplies to the blood and nerves the qualities that are lacking when health Is poor. No medicine is so nourishing â€" so full of life and vigor-making prop- erties. Try one or two Ferrozone Tab- lets with your meals â€" watch the re- sult Fifty cents a box. six for $2.50. all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston. Canada. C O K W S ,^ a4 IIOV'RS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains nn acids; Is harmless, because composed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Ferrozone Builds Up Weak Girls J. andW. BOYD itimbants Flesherton « Ontario ( ! BIG JANUARY SALE Some Special Lines in CLOTHING Men's Suits, sizes 36 to 44, regular 87.50 and $8 for $4.95 «10 and f 1'2 for 7.8!) Roys' S piece Suits, sizes 28 to 34, regular $4.50 for 2.98 Boys' 2 piece Norfolks, sizes 24 to 30, regular $'J and 3.50 for ! . 1.98 Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Convertible Collar Overcoat, fancy pitterns, roKular$9.00 clearing f..r o.95 Men's odd Pants, regular 81.50 and 1.75, for 1.19 men's Underwear Men's ;>lain wool underwear, reg. fiOc, clcariuK at 39c Men's lilied wool Underwear, unshrinkable, i eg 85c clearing at.! C3c A lot of sample Undershirts, below wholesale prices. Men's Gloves, wool lined Mocha, regular 11, clearing at . 69o Men's four in hand Ties, new »t<«;k, reg 60c, clearing M... ...... . 35c Wool MutHer.', rei;ular 25c, clearing at ."..*.'..,! 19c Wrapperettes .â- \ beautiful range of patlcrns, all this season'* goods, reg 12i cleat ing at " *' ^^ Dress Goods A big lange of colors ^nd i>atterns, regular .30 and 35c for 2!io 55 to 75c, cleat ing at. . 43c Lidies', Miss.'s' and Children's Jackets at special prices. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. Boautiful Austrian Ware, e(iual to French China worth three times the money, a stock piittern, 98 pieces, for .$22.50. (Joltl Knainel Ware most modern de.sipn, also a stock pattern, 1)8 pieces, for $16.35. See our Fancy Crockery and tuttlery • i ♦ I

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