/leslitrtxrn %Hanu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRlAL'll'LEb NOT MEN.' ?CL30, NO 3o FlesticrtoLi, Ont., Tliursday, .January lO, 1911 W. H TBURSTON 'ZlvloPHiEron Markdale Chronicles This Week's ltem« , Miu Elv& Hill Ifft on Monday for a week's visit with friends at Dundalk. Mrs. McGavin of Oweu Sound visited in luwu last week, tlie guest of MIm M. }]. Neely. Miss Kennedy of tiie Sault is vUitinK h*r friend, Miss BLtaoha McPbei-son. Miiss Turner of Stnyner is visitlntt h«r friend, Miss Eleanor Banzley. Mm. Wolfe of Dai'ham is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ro.idh.use. Mr. J. E. TrelfoiJ of Tjronto wa.j in town a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson of Flesbeiton spent a few days with Mr. Alex. Henry's family last we«k. Mr. Tom Muntgomery returned last week aftrr a pleasant viiiii: with his brother, John, Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Jackitou and daughter, Miis Wilina, of Weyburii, Sask., are visiting Markdale friendt. Her. and Mrs, Joseph Ynung leave on Tuesday for Toronto, where ihey will spend the week visitin» their s m^. Messrs Win. and George McGruther of Parry Sound, sre visiting their brothsr Robert McGruther. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Younu are in To- ronto this week, the former attending the grsBd audit of Canadian Oildfellows. Mr. -Mex. Nesbitt of British Columbia is visiting his brother, T. Nesbi't. Mrs. Ainslie of St. Catherines is spend- ing the winter with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Sproule. Dr. Spicule left last Tuesday to attend to parliamentary duties at Ottawa. Diedâ€" In Toronto, Jan. 4, 1911, of diphtheria and broiichiiil pneumonia, Melvyn, the fon of Mr. and Mi-s. Percy Kini(, 137 Lisgar atrect. Mrs. Rolwrt McNea of Vancouver, B.C., IS visiting her parents, Mr. and M«. J. Holley. Misj Dell Watson entertained a num- bet of her friends last Thursday eveuiuK. Miss liHura Sarjeant of Norway House is visiting her brother, Fred Sarjeant. The young ladies' adult Bible class of the Methodist Sunday school entertaiued the youns{ men's Bible tla»N in the Euuis hall on Friday evening. A very enjoy- able time waK ^pent. We are sorry to have to report the illuesa of Mrs. John Walker, who is now in a very ciitical condition from hem- orrhage of the stomach. Miss Walker of Hamilton, a ti-ained nurse, i."* waiting on her. Miss Lizzie Walker entertained a number of her friend* Thursd»y evening. Last Week's Items [The Markdale budget airivid :is we were going to press last week. -En. J Mi.^s Minnie Henry of Toronto visited her sister, Mr^. Crowston, last week. Mr. W. J. Bowes *:i» in Owen Sound on busines.s for a few days liist week. Miiwj Annie Wilcock of Flesherton spent » few dayo with her sister, Mrs. Ueorne Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Kin- deraley, Sask., are visiting the former's sister'," Mrs. John ami Mrs. Teter V. ThilKiudeau. Mrs. W. L. McFarland and daughter are visitins friends in H:irailton. Mr. and Mrs. •'• Kentner leave on Thursday for Toronto, where I hey intend spending a wetk at the School of I'ho- tography. Mr. and Mrs. Lee visited friends in Walkerton recently. Miss Margaret Necly entertained a number of her friends on Monday even- ing in honor of her brother. Dr. Xeely. and his wife. Last week we overlooked mentioning the splendid concert «iveu in the Marsh hall on Monday evening by the Presby- terian Sunday school. An excellent program was given by the children, after which the class prizes ind presents from the tree were distributed. A public ball wiks niven in the Marsh hail last Thui-sday evening. The Epworth League ween of prayer was well attended the four evenings l*--<t we«k and the one this week. At the meeting Friday evening Rev. Mr. Phalen of the Presbyterian church gave a splen- did aildress on " What am 1 going lo make 19U count for in my life?' \\- though much interest was -.imnifested in the moeiing". it wi»» not thought advis- able to continue them this we«k. Ihe E L. meeting on Friday evening was held ar 7 30 to allow the hockey match between the League boys and Mr. Trode's adult Bible cla.ss lo be played afterwards. This was their first game since their hockejc-team; were organiz-'d. A splendid game was played and the S.S. boys won, the score being !>-2 in their favor. On Saturday evening the Markdale hie brigade was again called into service and only by their untirinz efforts prevented a very serious conflaoration. Toward dark a p-ine of gliss over Mr. Herb. Irwin's barber shop broke and this attracted attention. Investigation showed that tire was raging at the rear of Mr. Sargeant's meat sh'^p. It took sotu« time to extinguish the tire, tut uo very serious damage was done. Ceylon I)o you know that fully nine out of every ten eases of rheumatism are simply rheuma- tism uf the muscles due to colder damp, or chronic rheumatism, and require n.i inter- nal treatment whatever? -^pply Charsber- lain's Linimeut freely and see how ([uickly it dives relief. For sale by W. K. Richardson k Son. South Line, Artemetia Lots if snow. S. MeDoaald and son, Malcolm, re- turned home after spending a week with friends in Proton. Susan McKiun .n is laid up with a severe attack of ineisles. James Dingwall, wife and daughter, Emma, spent Sunday at the home of Mra. Dingwall's brother, Mr. George Huddy. John Baxter, wife and family, of Col- lingwood, V isited at the home of Mr. Wm. Paton one day last week Misa Margaret Currie ha.s been laid up with U grippe. Hojms to see her around soon. Mr. J. Campbell of Swinton Park apent Sunday .at the home of A. Ding- wall. Some of our young folks attended the ball at the home of Mr. D. McCorwick Tuesday evening of last week, and report a plea.sant time. Robert Dingwall, accompanied by his niece, Wi.ss Edith Gleoister, Toronto, visited at the home of the former's brother, Mr. A. Dingwall, one day re- cently. When buying a cou«h medicine for children bear in ir.ind that Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy is most effectual for colds, croup and wh<H>bini( cough and that it contains no harii;- fid drug. ViiT s.-dc by W. R Richardson 4 Eugenia Bora -To Mr. and Mrs.Richard Park, a son. Mrs. Adam Smith is sutfering from an attack of grip. Ettio Latimor is goiu? to Eppiiig to wield the birch for ihis ye.ir. We hoi * she may enjoy lif^ on the mountain. .Vndrew Wilson of Walters' Falls is teaching the young ideas how to grow, at Eugenia. He has croatetl a very favor- able iuipression. Clara Latimer was home from the city on a visit to her parents here. Millie Wilson is home from lleathcote to visit her mother for a few weeks. Mrs. J. W. UtMiih of Owen Sound visited with her mother, Mrs. S. Pedlar, the p*st week. Harry Foe^ter is veiy )>oorlyal present. Bert Best of Fleshcrton is assisting him in the shop. Emerson Smith is home from Markdale to visit his parents. Mrs. Campbell of the valley treated a large numbsr of the youna folks to a \mi- ty K'cently. A good time was enjoyed. Mary Jaraieson has gone twck lo ;he city after a pleasant visit at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Kernahan. who have spent the past few weeks visiting at Eu- genia, return to their home in the city this week. Grace Jamieson is going to Toronto for an extended visit. The Oraugemett are preparing lo give a grand entertainment io the near future. The skating rink is being well patixui- ized by the young people from all around. Mr. Duckctt met a severe los.s in his i liarn being struck by lightning on New Year's night. A tine bug^ was broken ' up The heavy i-aiu proventod the build- ing from catchiiig fire. No man wtmld listen to you talk if he didn't ku' w it was his turn nexU Crowded out last week. Oui sick people, Mrs. .Sproat, Mrs. McDonald and Jos. Cairns are all slowly but steadily improving. Mr. Ros.s, who has recently rented J. B. Egan's store at this pl.tce, seems to be doing a fair business for a start. We wish him uuccess. Mr. Pattison of Badjeros visi'ed over Sunday with his brother, .lames. -Vnna Chislett has gone to (Jwen Souad to spend a few weeks with her sister. Doagidd McPbail, who has been laid u^ for a couple of weeks, is mw improv- ing, and we trust he will sctn be around again. John Baxter and wife, of Cullingwood, is visiting friends in this locality. Jthn Stewart, Robert Megg'i*^ and Some others wlio send er wish to tend their children t j Ceylon school are peti- tioning to join this achool tection. The Ailv.mee maiJing sheet has been corrected up ti» Saturday moriiins;. Jan. 14th. If the label DU Y(JL"R piper is not correctly marked notify ua AT ONCE that it way be easy to locate the error- â€" and if your label is correct, but does not show that it is paid in advance the proper course is ob- vious. Our hearty thanks to those who have so proniplly leaewed ih-ir sulisciiptions â€" and they are not a few. Editor Advance. ^, Riverside The Riverside is pretty well snowed under juKt at present, but we are having so many cood times we have almost for- gotten to inform The .â- Vdvancc, but on account of the weather we are able to write ajiaiti. The People's Railway is the talk of the diy at present. John Porter has been laid up for .sev- eral weeks, but is around again. (Jeorge Watson, Swinton Park, has been ill for some time. -K pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. James Knox recently, with ;;oiid .iiusic and lots of it, also ga«ies,and the young people danced the light fan- tastic step till ihe wee sma' hours of the niornin'. .\ ball Wis given at the home of Mr. D. McCormick on Tuesday uight in honor of the defeated railway. .\ll enjoyed a ftne time. Auiong the boys who have leturnej from the sunny West are Will Heard, J. E. and Donald Ferguson, and Robin Ferris. The boys, intend going Ixick in the spring. Mr. and Mis. .\le.\. Uichaid.son and Mr. and Mrs. Will Richard.soii, spent New Years day at the home of Mr. James P»tt;.son. George Ostraiider is on the sick list. Miss Vina Kuox returned to school in Durham after speudim.' the holid»ys at her home here. Osprey District LO.L. The annual meeting of the District Oriinge Lodge of Usprey was held at Fe- vet'sham on Tuesday, J.m. 10, .ind des- pite the inclemency of th> weather aud the bad condition of the roids, the meet- ing was well attended, which tends to show the keei> interest that the * >i'ange- nicn of Osprey t iko in the .Vssociation. The reports from the coinnntices show an increase of membership and a spirit of progress in all the primary lodges in this district. The following were elected lo till the .several itBces for the year 1911: District Master, Marshall Kcrtun. Deputy M*.-iter, J. G. Elliott. " Chaplain, James McMuilen. " Uec.-Sec., Thoaias Scott. " Fin. Sec, A. J. Conron. " Treas., James Elliott. 'â- Director, Herl)er^. Clark. " Lecturer, John Elliott. -Thos. Sk'oTT, Secretary. Portlaw Seldom have we been called upon to perform so nad a task as to reeonl the death of Mrs. James Comhe!d, which took place on Saturday last after an ill- ness of two weeks with pneumonia, at the Sjit) of 46 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late Wm. McMurray of Osprey township, and w.is wedded to Mr. Cornfield about twenty-thice years acu. BesidrS her husband, she leaves a family of three sons and two daughters to mourn tha loss of a devoted and loving wife and ui"thi>r. The loss will lie also felt by the entire neighborhood and especially ! by Mt. Zion church, of which she was a consistent and fnithfiil member and ac- tive worker and BiS'e class teacher in Sunday sihnol. She was esteemed by all for her (juiet, eari.est, Cinsis'ent christian character. The funeral took place on Munrlay to Mt. Ziim buiytng ground. Rev. Mr, Howey cttiL-iating, as- I sisted by Rev. Mr. Wellwood. Those! »ho attended ilie funeral from .1 dis'ancc I were Mrs .1. R. Wilson. Mrs. U. H.mey and Mr*. S. Ma^ee of Ton ut • ; Miss I Noble of Bol'on, Mr. Ji.hn Speers and | Mr. Roliert Thornton of Brampton, and Mr. E. McBride of Englewood. j Mr«. Thomas Sherwood has Iwen ill j for considerable time and East Mountain OsprCy CoUIlcil Seveie winter at lime of writing. Mrs. John Martin was seriously ill! Has Busy Session the past »eek but unicr the Dr's caie is improving slowly. Miss Sadie Brav short y for the West. We hope may follow her undertaking. J '"""'y '•"iFLESHERTON, condition has been t|uite Fermus. i â- -•--^•••-••» • .w.>, Everybudy is pleaseil that Rev. Mr. Howie is to far recovered as to lesume his paslL-ral work. Mr. Robert Hemphill is auain laid up, ill a low state of health. Mr. Edward Croft isdowu with an at- tack of pneumonia. Marrikd â€" At Ihe parsonage. Maxwell, by the Rev. A. P. Sunlev, Mr. Abrain Blakey to Mi.ss Mddred Napier, daui>h- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Napier, all of <3sprey township. The young couple have stalled housekeepin? on their farm »n the fourth line. May a happy jour- ney through lite be theirs. home sore C. A. Let your tale of woe be a short one, even if your have to tie a kuut in it. DR. BXJRT Specialist in dlscasos^ol ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office lU Frost S3t, • OvvcruSouiicl | .\t the Revere house, >Iarkdale, 2i)d Thursday each month from 8 to V2 a. ni. Dund-«lk, Isl Thursday of each month. Maxwell George Linley of Corbetion is for a few days and is laid up with i band. Edward Hnwtou, Duniroon, and Birch of Brownlce, Sisk., visited at Brownridge's la.st week. Charlie Kerton ha-s returned from vis- iting friends in Toronto. Don't miss the bis: box social on Tues- day, Jan. 24. .\ good pn giani will be given consisting of dialogues, instrumen- tal and singine. Mr. and Mrs. F. Whewell of .\icoU, Sask., and Miss Gertie Brownridge. Slh line, visited their aunt. Mrs. E. Linley. Mrs. ( Dr."! Ryckman and son, .\llan. have returned home. Mr. Ranssy of she Northwest, is visit- ing his uncle, R. Heron. Walter Kerton spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mis. Parsons of Forest will address the Wonien's Institute on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 2 30 p ni. in the Tenipcrance Hjuse and in the Onirigo hall al 7.30 p.m. Subjects â€"â- 'Development of ideal character, " and ' Canadian laws regard- ing wi'incn and children. " Everybody welcome. In aniiouncement of awartls of the Harvard I'niversily, Mass., we notice that George Bu>.kinghaiii. B. .A., B.D., Staynor, formerly of Maxwell, ha.s re- ceived his fellowship and has Iwen hon- ored with the Edward Hopkins scholar- ship. A wedding was celebrated at the par- sonage la.sl Wednesday aitcrnoon, when Rev. A. P. Stanley joined in marriage Mr. .\braham Blakey and Miss Jes.sie Napier • f I'oitlaw. We wish them a long and prosperous life. Wo are glad to know that .Mrs. D. K. Preston is somewhat improvetl after her serious illness. Mrs. Wm. Browiiridge and sous in- tend leaving for the west in a few weeks. We understand they have rented the ftrni to Wm. Wright of Wsrchaiii. The W'srehaiii Epworth League pre- leuted Mrs. Stanley with a nice auto- graph <|uilt of black and ^Id gold aatejo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCalluni havj returned after visiting the I'ormer's sister ill Deeboro. Mrs. R. Y. Burk has returned home after au extended visit with her daugh- ters in Butt'alo and Torou'o. Captain Bcimose is spending a few ! Jays at Siurnia. Mrs. S. Atuott, Wareliani, visited at 1 Mis Fred Spolfi.rd's one day last week. j The members u'eced lo the township nder is visiting Council "f Ospn^y for the year 1911 met fiiends at Lady Bank and w. 11 leave at MaJiwell on Jan. 12tli. and severilly West. We hope success made and tiled their declarations .fnfScw and iiuiiUtications, viz , E. W. Norinau, reev-; Wm. L Taylor, ile^. Reeve: .A.E. Misse.s O'ive and c'dni Camack, acc'.m- McC»lluni. Rol»t. J. T.dUit and John R. panied by two itentlemen (riends. visited Muirliead, councillors, the Conner's siater, Mrs. Willie Martin, i Aft-r retdiii^ a.id adopting the niiii- recenty. utea of l^st lut-etiiig the fdhiwing cui- • inunicatious were deaic with : Thos. Soott. Ue'urijing tXBcer, certifica'e aa ti> jjens-uis who served its Deputy Keiumini; Othc-rs and Poll Clerks, and as lo places u^e'i ab [Kjlliiiii iMoths at recent municipal e'ection : W. H. Wright. solicitor|for S. •S. No. >, deinandins payment of the Iwl- ance if 'he the township grant to S .S. No. :>: Petetlxjiough Timts C i.. account ST.tK) for elect on .sta'i4>ne'y ; H. Heit- mail, acct $.">, Clerk's |M>8tage ; Tho». .Scott, acci $2.60. express, etc. ; W. H. Thurston, accl $21, p:inting: Hospital for Sick Children, ap|)eal for aid ; Minis- ter of Education, opinion as ro payment of towi slip uraiit to Continuation .School. Feveishani. Applications for the appointment ;u» .X.swe^^K' r w(-re rcceivett fi-nni Jos. Allison and F. Irish. .\|iplicatn>iiK for the :kp|>i>iutDient .-la Auditoj-s were receivtd fioni Rubt. Heron. Jius. Poit.s. AWx. Douglw, A.J. Conr<'ii and Geo. W. Ross. Application for th.» appointment to make tile w-as received from .K. S. Brownridge. Orders were i-sued ou the Treasurer to ijay : Pet-^rlxiro Times Co.. $7.tj''>; AiUanee Ottice. Fleslieitou, $21 : Hy. Heiriiian. «o : Th.«f. .S-oi t. $2.60; F. Irish, J W. t j.-imey. lia H. Pcrisjoe, C. .4. Edward-i. Thos. Scott, Thos. S. Freethy, Wm. Norman and Jiu,. Gordon, $;> each, as Depu'v l^'uiniug Ottioei-s : .las Menzie, C. W. Long. Jas. Sjieers, W. Nett, Jii.>.Potis, .\.E. C.-inierou. .lohn Moora, John Loughced. $2 each, as Poll Jlerks ; F. In.sh $2. Walter Kerton $4, R J Cohiuett $a. Ro.ss Br.w. $2. H. T. Rol>erts$2. .Miiw Sprott $2. â- ). S. Winters $2 for polling booths ; Hospital for Sick tTiildieu. $5 donation : Trea.s S.S. N<». 7. $112.'.'7 l>al. twp. i;i-ant : Osprey .-Vgl. Society, $25 gr»nL. The"st;mding oominittee.s for the year .•ire c-niiKuted a."* follows: Road .-uid Bridges- E. W. Norniau. Wui. L. Tay- lor and R. J. Talbott ; Oil Treasurer's Norman and .A. E. Mc- ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may'readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler - ONT CURE THAT COLD IMS Is Quickly aud Pleas- antly Accompllsiied U Yon Use Catarrhozone Catarrhozone will relieve colds al- most Instantly and in a few hours will cure completely. If it is old-standing asthma or bronchitis its nuick and curative results will astonish \ou. Catarrhozone Is little drops of heal- ing medicine carriad by air to the sore and diseased parts. You breathe them through the Catarrhozone Inhal- er and they spread throughout all the | Secuntv-E W air passages. It is sense as well cause Catarrhozone Is .IS healing:, a genu kilU^r. t'idluiii : On healer and restorer of weak tissues. | "'^-"f • *'l «'>« '"embers of C Printiiiitâ€" E. W. Nonmiu .1 : On Finance and A.-ises- uncil. because it is so prompt and certain i 1'he comaiuuicilion froiul Solicitor In its results, better than any other ! Wright wa.s l.-vid over until ne.xt tiieetiuK remedy for diseases of the throat. Iu..gs j to e.iable the Council to get more infor- and bronchial tubes, and it is neither | u^..j,i^,n on school law. alcohol, morphia or cocaineâ€" ill dang- 1 jjy,^„. >j„ 541 ai.poii.ting Firman ! Irish, .^s.-ics.sor. at a saliuy of $75 ; bylaw I No. ."v42. appointing Ri.'bt. Heron uml erous. Tens of thousands have used Catarrh- ozone without reporting a single case of failure to cure diseases of the throat and lungs and nasal passages. Remember. CATARRHOZONE is taken in air, and is little drops of heal- ing for the throat, nasal passages, or lungs. It always does cure â€" is guar- anteed- Price 25c., 50c.. aind $1 00 at all drug- gists or by mail, post paid, from The Catarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N.T., and "CinRston. Canada. Jas. Potts as .Vuditors : pointing E. W'. Norni;«ii. iiid bylaw ap- ThiW. .S.ott. Win. L. Taylor, A. K. McCallum and H, Talbot .IS iiiembeis of the Boaixl of Health, were e.-ich lead the necessary number of times and pas,sed. Council adjourned to meet at Fe»er« sham on Feb. Hth next. THUS. SCOTT, Clerk. FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET Fresh Heats of all kinds BEACON £<ra.nd Oysters Fresh ( >ysters, put up in sanitary tin cans, which are thrown away when empty .1 decided itiiprovi-nient over the old un.>«nitary tul>s which Were refilled whan empty. Try some of this choice delicacy. IMa.r*k Wilson, FlesFierton. THANK YOU! Our Many Christmas Customers And now we wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Come in and let us help each other make it so a te Hesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN BgJl