s Â¥t January 12, 1911 THE F L E SH E R T O N ADVANCE 'i- 'Advance' SmaU Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be aomething for YOU Business Cards WALTER I.OUCKS Huililer Contractor For Hrick, Htooa and traui« rMlilencM. Kt- timaUi cbaarlully (urrUbad, KiMbaitoa P O Ontario. a. v;UlAA)UOH ^t YOUNtJ U llankem Markdale Oo a general banking buiineu. Mooej loaned at reaeooabia rate* Call on o«. TChlSLKTT. • roatuiattvr, Ceylon. tiomtuiMio; er m H. C. J . Conrevanoer, deeda, uiort^a4{es, ieaa«H, wtlU etc. caraiully drawn up ^killcctloai mad), charges reaaonable. AUo grocvriee, floor, feed etc. kept lu atock, Tricea ri»iht. &1 bf UOULK Po4tma«ter, FleabertOB c«mmltaloDer in H.C J., Auctlonee Con- veyancer, Appraiaer and Money lender Keal Rotate and Iniurance Agent. Ueede. ' Bortfitgea, lean*! and wIlN carefully drt,WD [ ip anil Taluationa made on iborteat notice ujoney to loaa at loweit ratei uf interoat. Col- | e<liona attended to with proniplneaa rhargea low. Agent for Ocean Doiuioioo mkamahtp Company. A call aolioited. { DMcPHAIL, Ucenaed Auctioneer for the | • County of Grey. Terms moderate and ^ »atl«Iactlon guaranteed. The arraugements i and dat4-s of »ale» can be made a*. TuK Advanck office. Ueeidence and P.O., Ceylon, Tolepboue MDnectioo. Dec. 0,07. _____ WIf. KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for ^ the counties of lirey and 8imooe. Farm and Stock aales a specialty. Terms t jioderale. eatistactiou guarantied. Arrange- , man ta for dates may be made at the Advance olDae, or a: T. Hutcninson's store, I'avershaiu b** &idr?*!!s** me at F*vef*ba*i!, Qnt. RUDD MATHK'.VS. Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Clrey, Good •ervice at reasonable rateii. Dates can be made at The Advance. u09 J HARVEY PEKIGOB, broker, Flesberton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in vale and liberal compauies. Heal estate etc., 0|>in accounts and past due Botea bandied and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical DB CAUTKR M C P & H Ont, Physician, Sorgeon. etc Uffice and residenceâ€" Peter St., Plaabertou JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, reaideoce â€" sscond door south west, on Vary street. This street rum south Presbyterian Church. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot 4, Con. 6, Osprey, Thursday, January 26, 1911 The following Us of stufl will bo olTerei : BOKHESâ€"Hlack mare 6 years old, bar mare 4 y^ars old, chestnut horse i; years old, brown mare aged, yearling colt,2 spring colls CATTLEâ€" I cow T years old supposed to be in calf, 2 cows G yrs. old sup|>OBed to be in calf, 1 cow 7 years old supposml to be in calf, 1 cow 7 years old due to calvo klarcli Ist, 1 cow years old due to calve in Uarcb, 2 fat steers to be sold for cash, 2 yearling hnlfem, I thoroughbred Durham bull IC mouths old, 7 spring calves. PIG8-8 store pigs, 1 brood tow. One Newfoundland dog. IMPLhMFNTS, etc. -Msssey Harris 7-foot cut biudvinew, Masscy-harria mower, Massey- Harris H«ke ntw, Has^e) -Harris cultivator nearly new. set Noxon disc hairows, seed drill, set spriuR tooth harrows with levers, sot saad harrows lv>-bull, two-furrow plow (uckshutt, :i-horre jilow with coulterp, Cockshut, open buggy, top buggy, democrat nearly new, cutter nearly new, set heavy bobsleighs, set market sleighs, manure spreailer good as new, wagon, Ket farm trucks. Het light sleighs, set 2000-pound scales new. Han.ilton incubator and brooder, .Vo. 'Jt plow new, Kcaty plow, scuftler, 45-xallon hog furnace. National cream separator nearly new, wagon bo.^ new, bay rack. M sap buckets and spiles, sugar kuttle, root pulper new, 2 sets team UarnesK, set single harness, set jiatent binders, pair Hkiddiog tongs, 2 stone boats, cook Ktove, washing inacliinft, fanniug mill and bagger, 2 cauihooks, 2logt;iug chains, binding chains, gravel bottcui. about 12 tons good bay to he sold lor cash, 2 sets donhlbtrees. O-l 4 ,0 ... I I. It t.- ^...1 ..^ 41'A ,^»1V BW .,. t,l. .JUUk.1* nt,l UW nut , V^. V/U bitO premises. 12 months credit or C per cent, off for oasb. J. E- UADLEY, I'rop. W. KAirriNG, .\uctianeer. Card of Thanks To the Electors of Arteiiiesit : Pleaan accept my sincere thanks (or the hearty support you gtive me in vlectini; me hh oue of your Councillors fur the year UUl. â€"ALEX. D. McLEOD. Card of Thanks H WILSON, lilackfr.ilth „ , â€" Uraduate ef tue Veterinary ficiene Association. Durham Hreet, orposite Boyd, Uro's bardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. K., dental surgeon honor graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental fiurgeons of Ontario, Gas admisioistered for teeth e.Xtractlon eiBce at reaideoce, Toronto Street. Flesherton. Legal LUCAS, BANEV4 WALLACK-HarristerK. riolicitors,etc.-I. B.Lucas, K. C. ; W. K. lUoey, K. C. ; J. H. G. Wallace. Offices, Toronto. H»-'J Tia<iprs Bank Hide., phone main MI2: Markdale I.ucas Block, iphone 2 A. Branch office at Uundalk open every Saturday. WH. WKIOHT, Barrister, Solioitor, Convey aneer, etc..â€" Owen Sound, and Flesberton. itâ€" Fleahertou office, Sproula'a Block every Saturday To the Electors of Artemesia : I;Ar>iK.s ANi> OtNTi.KSi K.v, â€" I beg to ex- press my sincere thanks and appreciation for the hearty way you have ai;ain re- turned me as Deputy Ueeve. I assure you that your liberal support will bo an incentive to renewed efforts to merit your cuiitidonce. With good wishes to all for the new year, sincerely yours, T. K. McKENZIE. I'ortiaw, Jin. 'J, 19 II. SOCIETIE.S A O D W meets on the last Monday ^ in each month, in their lodge room Norris' block. Flesberton, at S p.m. M. W., Alfred Harrison ; Kec, C. H. Munshaw: Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting bretbrao Invited PKINCK AUTHUH LODGE, No. :13.'),A.F4 A U. meets in the Masonic hall. Arui- • trong's Block, Flesberton. every Friday on or before the full mocn. ( '. H. Mu'isfcaw, W. M.; Thos. Clayton, Secretary. COURT FLESHERTON, 99.^, I. 0. F. meets in Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. II., Dyson; R. B., T. Henry; Fin. Sec , C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Fin, See. before tbs first day of the month. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the East Grey Agricultural Society will bo helil in the Town Hall, Fleaherton, on S*turd«y, Jan. 21, at 1. 4.") p.m., tor the purpose of receiving the annual report, election of otiicers and other business. â€"J. A. BOYD, Secret.iry. Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is hereby Kivcn that the annual meeting of Hhareholders of the Flesber- ton Hotel Company, Limited, will be held at the Park House, Fleaherton. on 2;), lilll, at (mo CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Flesberton Counoll of Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third We<lnesdav of each mouth S p. m Pay asseSHUients to the Recorder on or before toe nrst day of each month. Ckief Councillor 7. Blakelev; Recorder W. M. Buut. Farms For Sale or Rent Lat y. Con. II, Uspiey. 100 iicrcs, OH acres uudar cultivation. 10 acres hardwooil bush, 22 acres pasture with lunniug struain across. Largo brick house, goo<l spring well, frame barn and outbuildings. For terms apply to Mrs. John CaAwroao, Cayley, Alberta. Lot No. 2. con. 8. Osprey; For particulars at>ply to J. M. Bi'BN*, Feversbam 1', U. TTARM FOIt SALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, " lot 0, con. 7, Osproy, only •:ioao, reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, 8.5 acres cliared, well fenced and in high statu of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable f ranjii dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill pump at door, new iramu barn, well flulsliorl. ntuno stabliiig with spring water uiyler, al«o In shed. It is situated i mile troni Maxwell village where tiii-rs are stores, post offices, good school, and Is on the gravel road.UJ mllsH from railway utatlon. II sold at once, above price, though VKItY CIIKAP might be shaded a little. Apply to li. J. Hi'ItOULK, Klosherton. or THOMAS (iUY. on prMir.ise«, tf Vor sal* cheap or rent, immediate possesfion. " LotMccM. U, Artrniesia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log hoiiso and frame ham. Applvtr>R J Hproule. Flesberton, or John J Martin, across the road from said lot! Wednesday, Jan. o'clock, afieniooii. ursiNKss 1 â€" To receive the report of Directors for the past year. 2 -To elect Directors for the ensuing year. ;{-To make necessary arrangements in connection with the Hotel premises. 4â€" .Any other competent business. By order of Board of Directors. W. II. BUNT, Secretary. J. M.DAVIS, Pres. Fleshcrtou, Jan. 11th, lUU. Annual fleeting The uiiiiual meeting of the Osprey Aj^ricultiirul Society will be held in the Orange Hall at Feveisliam on Friday, January aoth, 1911 at 2 o'clock p.m. f»r the purposo of par- sing on the tinaiicial accounts of the so- ciety, electing ollicers for the ensuing yoar, and any other bu.siness '.hat may be of intore.sl t« the society. In the year 1011 it is propo.'<ed to adopt the Standing Field Crop Compel ion, and any one interested is invilud to attend the meotiiig. J. .\. KEUNAIIAN, .Sec. Bcrkshires and Tamworths. I have nuw lor nalo a lew vi-ry choice Heik- ihire pigH. miarly ready to wean. Hurry your order and get tlis best. OKI). W. ItOSS, Maiwoll I', O. FISH I FISH ! Lake Trout Salmon Trout White Fish And Lake Erie Herring now on hand H. Radley, - Flesberton ANNUAL MEETING 'ITic annual iiifeting "f the Agricultural H<«;iety of the Township rif .Vrleiai-sia will meet on Friday, .lull. â- -••), 1!>1 1, at I'ricevlUe, 1 o'clock |i.lii. .Mfiiilwrs and parties Inter- ested will please attend. -.,,^.._., ^, By onlei. â€" N- McKINNON, Sec. ANNUAL MEETING Notice of Annual Meeting .\â€" .\ The annual meeting of the .Sharuhtdd- ers of the Osprey Farmer's Millling Co. (Limited) will he held in the Orange H'lll ill the village of Foveisham on Tuesday, the 17tli day of January, A.D. lilll.at 2 o'clock p. III., for the purpose of receiv- ing and ixissing on tliH annual tinaiicial Btatemen'. of llio Board of Directors, rati- fying two bylaws of the Board of Direc- tors for the sale of a small building lot to Ira li. Perigoe, also one to James i'eltch, elccling a Board of Directois, and such other oHicers re(|uired by law for the ensuing year, and .-^uch other business as required by the company or Kw, W. G, ALLISTER, Secretary. Dated at Fevetshain this 2Uth day of Docemiier, 1010 A.D. HOW IS YOUR APPETITE? ? ? ? ? What yoii eat ha.s, at this season, a particularly direct intluenca on what you do on how you feel, on what you can accom|ilish. Oood health and good food are closely relsled, and you are sure of good food by Inlying your groceries at W. L. WRIGHPS FLHSHERION '111.- aiiiiiialmeftiaKof .the (iri-v an. I llnicc Miitnal Kin- IiiHiiraiice Co. will Ih> liflil in Miller's Hall, Haiiovor. on .Satiirday, the ai(l, | (Groceries, Flours, Bran, Sliorls, day of Januniv, ll'll. at aoclm-k ill the »f tiniwn. -U. D, CA.Ml'Bl'M.I., .Sec. ki">'>s "f * '^^cd. ind all SOUR RISIN6S • FROM STOMACH Those Who Experience Full- ness and Pain After Meals, Stomach Disorders, and Indigestion, Should Read Below. "When I was working around the farm last winter I had an attack of In- flammation." writes Mr. K. P. Daw- kln.><. of Port Richmond. "I was weak (or a lung time, but well enough to â- ,vork until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to u.xe salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and al- ways after eating there was pain and ulncs?, and all the symptoms of In- ['.'stinal Indigestion. Nothing helped lie until 1 used Ur. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, •hey acted very mildly, and seemed to uul thu bowels. I did not require large loses to get results with Dr. Hamil- oii's Pills, and feel so glud that I have ound a mild yet certain remedy. To- lay I am well â€" no pain, no sour stom- t.'h, a good appetite, able to dlgtst i:ythlns. This is a whole lot of good or one medicine to do. and I can say >r Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, inil my letter, I am sure, proves It." Uifuse a s ibstituto for Dr. Hamll- on's Pills of Mandrake and Butter- lut. sold In yellow boxes, 2l5c. All lealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., .•vl.iSsion, (Jnt. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure the Stomach Euphrasia Election Results The results of the Kuphrasia Municipal elections are as follows : â€" Rkkve. W. T. Ellis total 288 J. T. Miller 25;{ Majority for Mr. Ellis 35. Mr. II. A. Kennie was elected Deputy Reeve by acclamation. ColINCItLOKS W. H. Erskine 256 0. Hutchinson 277 J. Murray .'jlti U.Johnston defeated 226 X.L. ClKRV, Township Clerk, Warning Wu notice in The Family Herald and Weekly .Star of Montreal the publishers are wariiini; their readers who.se sub- ecriptions expire this month to renew at once. The renewal orders and new sub- .scriptioiis pouring into that othce every day are a sight to behold. In their protpectus for l!lll the Publishois promise some wondeiful improrements that will make the paper even greater value than ever before, although it has always been recognized as the greatest dollar's worth to be had. Every home in Canada will be the better of The Family Herald and Weekly Star as a regular weekly visitor during 1911. Maxwell Miss Jesjie Cameron is visiting with her sL-iter, Mrs. W. H, Guy. i^uite a number of our young people attended the shadow social at Llatherton. All seemed to enjoy them- selves. Some of the young men had to pay for their â- .hadows bjt saemed well pleased wiih what they got. The Women's Initituto of Maxwell branch are having a box social oti ,)an. 11th in the Orange hall. Ladies with boxes free. Everyone come and have a Ijoud time. School re opened on Tuesday with Miss McKeii'/.ie of Haniaton as teacher. Ru8.sel Morrison has been engaged to teach the school on the fourth line. PLANT CIRCULATION. Comparable With thi Circulation ol Blood In Animals. It i.i gi'iuTiilly known that plaiil.'^ have a circulation ooinparablo witli the circulation of blo<>d in animals, bill it i.x not .so well known that their force of liquid propul.-<iou is vastly greater tliau any aiiiniars blood pres- sure, even the flephant's. The force of an aniiiml's IiUmhI as it circulates through the larg<'st arteries is incap- able of raising a column of water over seven feet high, wliereas the force of n plant's sni). even of a small vino, can raise a column of water from forty to eighty feet high, exerting n pressure of over two atniospberes. The way thi.s i.s shown in the labora- tory is to t.ear off a small brnncli of a tree and lix it air tight into a rather large short tubi' IiIIimI with water. 'I'o Ibc Ixittom end of the tliick tube is attached a small thin tube tilled with colored water and hifcing its lower end immersed in a vessel of colored water. This experinicnt simply shows Uio rato of absorption of fluid by a plartt. The colored water is seen to rise in the small tube at a compara- tively rapid rate, an inch or mi a inin- iito. To show the height to which the pressuro can force water, a tube ba.s to bo fitted into the bark of a plant and the root supplied with water. Hales lir.st showed this with u small vine, which he .severed and to which ho applie<l a tube. 'I'hc lluid ro.so to over forty feet. l)e Candolle tried other plants niid in one instance se- cured a height of eighty feet or over two atmospheres' pressure. The causo of this force wa.s long considered duo to capillary attraction cau.sed by Uio hairlikn tubes in nlants. This failing to account for tliiT eiiorinous force de- veloped, tt microscopic examination showcil that thes(> vea-sels had a pro- gressive contrncting motion similar to uiat in the artories of animals and that the explanation in each case was the same. Thus the vitality or principle of life that allows this iiuitiou is in all cases the direct cause. SportsofaH Sorts. FON "aPORT*" OF ALL aORTa Msnuger ^Harri", of the Kimbeiley rink,*ia enuineering a box social (tee Odda and Endis column) to i;;:<ie the where- withal t< ('«op«tIy light the rink with gasoline lightk. Thii irill give the hockey team a chsncu to round inti' form. Fleshcrton'ii open uir rink is in opera- tion. Markdale sports hav* broken out in a new jilace. The junior O.H.A. team of that place has been playing an Oiren Sound roan this sesson, but iThen they went to Wiarton a week ago the lalter team was wif^e and lodged a proles''. Why / Who knows â€" perhaps because they were trimmed! (They might have been "decent" and let Markdale have its own way at least ) However, as a result the latter team will probably be spared the trouble of playing any more O.H.A. games this season. Too Imd that those Association rules are so stiff. Isn't it 1 Hatherton Crowded out last week. Alice and Bertha Winters of Toronto spent Christ ni«s week at the parrntal home. Mrs. Seeley spent Christmas and New Year's with her daughter, Mr*. Campbell, in Toronto. ' Miss Dales holidayed with friends in Markdale and Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ainott entertained friends to Christmas dinner. J, S. Winters, wife and family .spent â- Chiistmas with (he Utters mother, Mrs. | McLean, Mclntyrcj Mr. and Mrs. J. Baly entertained friends at a Christmas dinner. Miss S'jsie Parker spent Christmas at her [wreutal home. Bornâ€" On Dec. 29, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Parker. T. Grummet t and sister, Ethel, of Hornings Mills visited their parental home recenly. W. Gruroniett and bride, nee Miss Rena Dick, of Dundalk, visited the fur- mei's parents last week. The .shadow social held in the school houee hy the L.O.L- of this place was a decided succes.s, f8:!.00 being the sum realized by the .s-ale of boxes. IL Guy of Maxwell made an ideal chairman. Mis- ses Osborn and Ferguson of Mixwell and Mr. H. Bailey of Badjeros delighted the audience with their singin:;. Instrunien- lal music hy Messrs. H»ys, Black and Osborne and Miss O-dioriie was enjoyed by all, also step dancing by J. Deldy, readings by Mrs. Down and Misses Guy and Winii'e Seeley, also speeches by Messrs. Taylor of Singhainpton and Fer- guson of Maxwell. A dialogue entiilod â- Pat, the Rascal" given by Misses Fanny and Katie Scott of Mclntyre, and Messrs. Hannon, Sprott and Bailey of Baditeroa. Mr. R'liley, as Pat, brought forth rounds of applause. A comedy given by Messrs. Priestly, Keiton, Mi.irison and Uilliard was well given. John Badgerow of Port Liw gave some fine selections on a gram- ophone. The social was brought to a close by the audience joining heartily in tinging God Save the King. East Mountain Crowded out hist week. Mr. and Mrs. John -Vlexander of Thorn- bury spent Christmas at Mrs. Walton's. Today is election day and every place is in an uproar. We hope that the men who are elected will look after their business well and the welfare of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. (â- raliaiu have returned to their home in Owen Sound after a week's \ isit at John Welsh's. Mr. Welsh returned with them to spend New Year's. School meeting came ort last Wedl.os- day. Mr. Ilarhottio was elected for another term. T. .Mien is secretary. Charlie Martin has the contract for the wood and Milton Noil the cedar. Mi.ssBs Mary and .\lma Huniherstone have returned to their respective schools. Mr. John Welsh had a wood lice and hop last Wednesday. Sidney Haycroft wns caught in a thrashiiig machina in .\ldboro' jtownship and killed. Coughs, Colds Bronchitis If there Is an ailment iii the throat or chest. It Is surel.v essential that the remedy be conveyed direct to the af- fected part. It's because the hcaliiiK vapor of Catarrhozone Is breitthfd Into the sore. Irritated thpiat aiul lu'on- chlal tubes, because lis bal.sumic lumts kill the germs and destro.v tlic cause of the trouble. These arc thu rrasons wh.v Catarrhoaone never .vet failed to cure a genuine eiusc of Catarrh, -Xsl'i- ma. Bronchitis, or Throat Trouble. The wonderfully soothlnR vapor of Catarrho'iSone Instantly reaches the furthest recesses of the Iuiirs, pro- d,uces a hrallng, curative vttvH that Is Impossible with a tahlit or Ikniid which goes merely to the .''toinach. and fulls entirely to help the throat or lungs. To permanently euro ynur winter Ills, your coughs, sneozlng and Ca- tarrh, by all means use u tried and proven remedy like Catarrhozone. Hut beware of the suhstltutor and Imitator. \Mok for Catarrhozone only. COc ami II, ut all dealers. lo Catarrhozone Just Breathe It, Cure is Sure THE STANDARD BANK EsuhUsk.! 1873 OF CANADA eOBnacU A Complete Baaki&g Service Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Deiiartment at every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Mana|(er NCH&S ALAO Ji.T OVKHAM AND HA.RR.I«TOat ^r "^ â- ^'" '* '^- - ^- ^ -^^ ^- a A ^ ^ r*- -*-"" We are preparing our stock throughout for a Mammoth Month -End Sale to commence WEDNES., JANUARY 18 Watch our ad. next week for a few of the many big reductions to be made in all the diflFerent lines. J. E. LARGE fc Eugenia : Ont. 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of tbe Morning Papers Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Grain and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important centres â€" the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next day â€" la to i8 hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket â€" a live paper for vrideawake people. TORONTO DAILY STAR GlabBing Offer Th/s paper and the Toronto Daily Star for one year for S2.r0 $1.50 a Year VxIliYLUIN b STORE V^/^-^^^ %%^lk^^k% %ik^r^^% %,%/%^/%^ %<%/%^,V% Stop and Think! Does it pay to pay cash for Groceries ? Just look at This list and see : lU'.st grnnuUted Sun»r ?4.7r>, or 21 lbs. fur SI Host Aii.oricnn coiil oil 18c per «allon Wiiter white c.al oil nj p^j. n^,,, HaiNin.s »ev».... 4 lbs. for 25c KHiuins, Iiu'RC piick»Bes ;{ f^,,. 25c Currants, ifnieaued ..." " i'lbs" for ".ic Comfort Soap '.".â- .â- .â- .V.Ve bars for 25c /'"* >< cana for 25c ,V"" 3 cans for 25c J."'"»»o«-'* 10c per can J'?'"" .3 piick«Ke8 for 26c "'"' 7 lb.'< for 25c For I lie next thirty days wo «ro goini; to aoll ort' the reiidy-iimdo clothniK at H litilp over half lU'ice: flO 50 suits for »8.25, $10 00 MMts f<.r 87. f8.50Huit.s fi.r J« 75, ?6.60 suits for $4.75 Udies' Coiits $10 coivts for $0.60, $8 coats for $5, fC coats for $3.75, $;«) Astrakhan jackot for $22. Don't wait until ihcy »io nil gone. Meas- ures taken for tailor-made suitv. IVrfect satisfaction guaranteed. J' as. JL attison * Qe^L on