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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1911, p. 7

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? ' : KEMCMBKR for CoucMS Ji Coups Mr. Single Harness â€" "Your â- yife's costume to-night is charm- ijg. It simply beggars descrip- tion." Mr. Double Dittoâ€" "And hat reminds me of a conundnrm â€" A'hy am I like a description I" . TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY tor Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes \ndGranulated Eyelids. .Murine Doesn't Jmarlâ€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Jell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, ".Oc. Jl.OO. Murine Eye Salve in Vseptic Tubes. 2.5c. $1.00. Eye Books md Eye Advice Free by Mail, k Murine Eye Remedy Co., CMcago. MOST APPRECIATED. Young James had never heard his Sana, speak in public, and it was sought time to take him to hear ^ia father deliver a lecture. During the evening a stray dog irhich ventured upon the platform was disposed of as gracefully as possible. On the way home James was ask- ed how he liked his father's lecture, and gave the answer : "It was all right, papa, but I liked the part where you put the log out the best.'' IIN'ARP'S llN MFNT Co , LIMITED. Gbntlkmen, â€" I have used MIN.^RD'S .INI.MENT trom lime totime for the past wenty years. It w«> recommended to me \y a prominent physician of Montreal, who klled it the "great Nova Scotia Liniment.' t does the doctor's work; it is particularly 'ood Incases of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly, G. G. DUSTAN, Chartered Accountant, (alifax N.S., Sept. 21, 1905. Father â€" "It's singular that when- ever I want you to marry a man you object, and whenever I do not want you to marry one you straight- way insist on it.'' Daughterâ€" "Yes, 'and whenever we are agreed the 'wan objects." They cleanse while they cure. â€" •The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are '♦omposed, mainly dandelion and (aandrake, clear the stomach and Intestines of deleterious matter and restore th« deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are Ihe best remedy for indigest'o.i available to-day. A trial of tLcra vill establish the truth of this .-vs iertion and do more to convince '.he •iling than anything that c<i 1 be written of these pills. the mischief from John, and away he set out, and arrived a little be- fore dinner. He happened to know Johnson, Lord Stamford's butler, an old and valued servant. As he stopped in the hall to take off his greatcoat, Johnson, having looked hard at his elbows, said : 'You have a large hole, sir, in your elbow, and the white lining is visible." "Indeed !" said my father. "How can that be J Let me consider." .Vfter some reflection he made out the truth as it really had happe;i- ed. "Well, sir," said Johnson, "come Lo my room and we will see what can be done." So he took my fa- ther into his own precincts, brush- ed him, inked his elbow, and put him into better order than had at first seemed possible, and when all was complete, he said : "Now, sir, go into the drawing- room, set a good face on the mat- ter, and my life for it, not a lady or gentleman will find you out." My father promised to be vastly prudent, and as he was always equ- ally at home in every company, he was not in the least disturbed by the consciousness of his old clothes and inked elbows. But when dinner was nearly over, he turned toward the butler and said, "Johnson, it must not be lost." The man frowned and shook his head, but all in vain. "It is much too good, Johnson. Though you are ever so angry with me, I must tell it." Then came the whole story, to the great delight of the noble party present, and to the lasting gratifi- cation of my father himself, for he never failed to be highly pleased when he could tell the story, and spoke of the scolding he got before he came away from the honest but- ler, whose punctilio he had most barbarously wounded. « THE LOST COIN. The back porch and shed were be- ing torn down. They were old and clumsy, a staggering line of white joined to a colonial house. The space where they had stood would be so much better used in an oUi- fashioned garden. Mrs. Emery and Wiimifred stood near by, watching the work. "This is where great-grandmo'.h- er used to play, wasn't it, moth- er!' asked the little girl. "Yes." answered Mrs. Emery, "She often told me about h«r play- house here, and her dollies that were made of corn-stalks." The old steps fell away with a crash, and mother and daughter Bessieâ€" "Oh, M^bcl ! I am in an awful dilemma. I've quarrelled â- with Harry, and he wants me to lend his ring back." Mabel â€" "That's too bad." Bessieâ€" "But that isn't the point. I've forgot- ten which is his ring." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tour ilrugji't will rodiul tniuer if PAZOOiyT- M KM' '.w' to <•â- '"'« •"'? >'*" "' Itchinu, Blind. l>Ie«>liii|{ or I'rotruJiog I'iles iu 6 to 14J»j». 40c. â- \Vifeâ€" "I'm actually ashamed to go to church with this old hat on. It isn't up-to-date at all." Hus- bandâ€" "Is the cixik going to church this morning i' Wiftâ€" "No; 1 think pot." Husbandâ€" "Then why not iKirrow h«.rsT"' W« Mart a« from kuUd ro«ni lo lb* «ai« «t«r kir And the chanfe Mta aa oooghlnf. Cai» M wlul»r colds la not hard If 70a taia AlUn"* tung U.Uaam. A naglactad oold U Iroublaaom* knddwigttsiw IN SPITE OF JOHNSON. + pood Story ot the .ibscnt-Miiidod Doctor Uiitt. Doctor Butt, a chaplain to King George III. and the father of Mrs. Sherw<.K)d, the author, was inclin- ed to be absent minded, but his toniily WAS constantly on the alert bf> protect him from annoyance, so that his carelesBuess was not ict'n- • rally known, in her diary Mrs. 8her\voo<l gives a little anecdote In which Doctor Butt's lack of ine- Diory placed him in a position which Kts own quick sense of humor lutKle l^joyable instead of absurd. He wiw invitul to dine at Lortl Ptainford's. It was the custom vhen ho was going out to arrange Lis best suit on a sofa in his study, Lis linen and stockings being i:i a vardrobe in the same room. He was very much cngagcil in tome writing that day, but thinking th'it he would be quite prepartd »lion apprizotl that John and the ^rsos were roadv. he laid down his fAMi at an early hour, dressed Itiin- H'lf, and laitl his nld black suit in {"Jio placa from which he had taktn \\.c new one. Then, to make the best 0? his tjino, he sat down to write .tgui i, till admonished that the horses *ero waiting. "Bless me," he said, "and I not iresse<ll" and ho hurriedly put on fresh linen and another pair of silk stockings and the old coat and W-Histcoat, which, as they lay whore the new ones ought to have been, ^anie most naturally to hand. A greatc<<at over n'l concealed FOUND QUICK CURE AFTER EIGHT YEARS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS TRI- UMPH WHERE BELTS AM) PLASTERS FAIL. Moses Sherwood, a Ion? sufferer from Backache, found pernianent The weirdest sigLt I ever expect to see suddenly uafclded itself be- neath my astonished gaze. No fewer than sixteen rhinos were gather';^ together, close by, all roaring at each other, and strug- gling and fighting in their efforts to get at the water-hole. The moon was shedding a brilli- ant luster all round, and everything was peaceful except at this one spot, where pandemonium reigned. , I . stood perfectly fascinated, and relief in one box of the Urfatlfrom the rocks where I took up my Canadian Kidney Reined;, j position watched the ungainly Uodd's Kidney filL^. Poodiac, King's Co., N. B., Jan. brutes with the deepest interest for a couple of hours. I was not more than t«a yards 9 (Special).â€" After suffering for i from the nearest of :aem, and those eight years, while all the time th" | farthest away were not thirty yards remedy was right at hand, Mr. \ off ; but they were so busily occupied Moses Sherwood, a well known far- 1 ^ith their own affairs that they re- mer living near here, tried Dodd's mained quite unconsjcious of mj- Kidney Pills and is now as well as | proximity. ever he was in hu life. Two of them, especially, amused Mr. Sherwood's experience is si- 1 nie very much. One, who was ev:- milar to that of thousands of other j dently a bully, took up his positicu natives of New Btunswick. "About j gtolidly at the water-hole, and eight years ago I hurt my back from j would not budge an inch. Then a lifting,' he states. "I used lini- , second came and stood opposite tj ments and plasters and wore a wide ! "^xr^^ and proceeded to give him a belt, but in two years my trouble i piece of his mind. The hwVs. -f had developed into Kidney disease, j course, answered back, and liiero "My back was so sore I could not I (jjey both stood for quite a '.o."g lift any weight, when reading a time, with their mouths wide open, Dcdd's Almanac led me to try pQ^jj^g ^ad rhino la.ignage at eacii Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before the Q^her for all they wt re worth, first box was finished my backache j j;^^ others, *nijh were wa.ting tmm UCMT The Rayo Lamp is a high ^ade lamp, aold at a low prlca. Thdra «n* iawpi that coal naor«, uat ttl*r« la nti b«lt«r tmmo inaUe at utf pnca. Cooatructed of a >Iid ItnM; nlckai platad- ««aUy kopc cIoab ; aa oraameBC en uiy room in %aj hou>«. Th«r« is aothioM k«o<rn 1.1 cbtt tut of Umpaaking that cui and to tb« rmlu* of tiw RATO I.aaip aa i, lifSI. gjv1n]( <i«Ti<»- Kvarj 4tfiiiar eT^rfwhartt. li aoi at Joan, writa for 4^ BCrJptiTa oirc'jlar to tha oaaraat acaBCj id The Queen City Oil Company, Limited, Toronto. was gone and I have never been troubled with it since." Belts and plasters may give tem- porary relief in cases of Backache or Rheumatism, but the only way to cure them is to go to the seat of the trouble. Cure the Kidneys and the Backache or Rheumatism will disappear. Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure the Kidneys. Staylateâ€" Has your father any objection to my paying you visits. Miss Brightly!" Miss B. (glancing at the clock)â€" I think he would pre- fer that you paid them in instal- ments, Mr. Staylate. While more prevalent in winter, when sudden changes in the weath- er try the strongest constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any seas- on. At the first sight of derange- ment use Bickle's Anti-Consump- tive Syrup. Instant relief will be experienced, and use of the medi- cine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be surpassed. for their turn to lijv? a drmli. joined in the discomiut chcrus from time to time. I could easily have T^-cked off half a dozen of them with my rifle, and | some of them had vc'ry fin'^ h-rns; but of course I had no intention whatever of molesting th;m. They were much more inters-fting alive than dead, and I never for a mo- ment entertained the thoughr, of 1 disturbing their concert ')y tring my rifle. 1 ShMih Cure qnlcWly stopa coa^hs, cnr«9 culds, healj Ika tkroal anil laii&a. • • • 25 ceata. First Youth â€" "Scientists say that trees contribute to the heat of the atmosphere.' Second Youth â€" > "That's so: a birch has warmed me ' many a time.' (a t«r« y<m ft ttia kind jou bav* alwar* k*4 -Hw D * L" Menthol Plvitar. For rh«ata%U*m la, ato.. nothing la balUr. Uada aatj ki I Lawrasea Coapaar. AGENTS WANTEa Kendall's Spavin Cure li ft UMtinff to Atrat . > ud itoskmatt. la tte pM« M y>MM. l^avdaU a ^i»via Ctu* hM LRcnar av«d 119M1 U) a^a•iMl«t)' nup tpftlA. SafbMW. CmK !lv*«r \MiMirN. tt^it mr tarn* \h» ^Mtr wtot*. I fw ti> W^Mi }-«u huf at TMir 4nh^'». «•» mff of «»r iwnk X VtmIm* Ob Ttw iSasBa'â€" u* tim r VTIM «i ^ U . B. J. KTYSJIU CO., EDK^vrg Pans'! VL taH-CLA»3 TA.f V.i:WBBfl TO CAlaL 0!» tha best .iarilsi. Ai/iwi Tfar. Laadvtk HOMK Wt>aK. Wt WA.NT RXLIABL^ families u> >)p«rate our hi|h-9pe«d vivinubi : A- Kuitt..;( NlAi-ltiuet At home : whole or apArf litne kmttms (urth« tniil* : good w^as. For m p^rticttUn adilrvas. Th« Canstaian \Vh<>l«Hli| Distribiitinfe' Co.. Dfpi. W Orillia, OdUP". WANTED. LB4EN THK BiHU^B IEaOK-MBW sv«iara-~^on?tAiit pr:ft«tica â€" oaralai ia«lrma* 4on-~f«w waak» ctimp.ata aoanaâ€" toai* fraab }nuiutta« a^m twal^o t« atctataaii UaUAn «aak> Jy. ^V^Ita tvr c&LAii:>(u«. Muiar Uvbar Cuilac** Bl Quaau BxjV. Toronto. CANCER, Tnmors. Lamps, etc. I-'^rna^ and external, cured without r :; by •«r hona treatment. Wnta us Ix'Tore to« late Dr Beilmaa Ue<i;cal C«.. Limited, CoIIiDffwood. Ont CHENILLE CURTAINS, ted ai: kiad* of iwva* hAnc-aes. aiM LjtCE CURTjIIHS °*"M*.y „V""^ Wr:t« to '4a a&9«t yaars. (â- miMAMCBICAM OTiIHe M., Bai ISH llaatra^ Corns cripple the feet and make walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Hollo way's Corn Cure is within reach of ail. AILROAD oparatioD^ in Canada Mt-ixr pro* viiia Una rh^ncaa fur vuana aaa. Wa taaih Ta.efrayby \n4 Nat:aD Aftatita w«rk : 'HP-ata in khortaat tiina. Kartica'.a.a tiaa Wrtia ('antral lalagrapli aail Railraad Pchoul; Vynge a:iH Oarranl yti.. Toroatw. W. H aliaw, Praaidant. Repentance makes restitution; remorse is sorry, but keeps the goot'.s. BTs. Wuislow's SoofhiDg Syro? Mumlsla, ato.. DaTia*! Sometimes a man pays empty compliments when he is full. stepped back out of the way of dust 1 , ,,.,, k. ^'^ ,. ^..1 L â-  ( 'aa b«*a iu<.J .'jr ©Ter SlXTT-rlTE TEAM by and splinters. When the air was, mujossot botkeiu for i».ir caiLoaE.N whiui clear again Winnifrcd, seeing some-l g^Sl^.g; rciji//,"^:^^.'^ 'â- Sy's'.^T^^IIFI thing gleaming dully, jumped down; te„Tv'"'H„?A,\'-;U'u « .^r',?:;:^/.,';: «orltl B4. sur9 a!i(l ka* for ''Mt-s. WlnBK>w â-  6oot!ilng " Kad taka uo gther kind. Tw*nt»-fl»* c«uta a and picked upâ€" a t-en-cent piece ! "Ixiok, mama!" she cried. "Is- n't it a queer dime? It's' â€" she looked clo.serâ€" "18 andâ€" 1830. I never saw one so old as that." Mrs. Emery took the coin from Winnifred's hand and turned it over with interest. "Yes. 1830, " she said. "Why, Winnie, I do believe this is 'the ten-cent piece that never was spent 1" Winnifred stared in amazement, and her mother went on : "I've often heard grandma â€" your great-grandmother â€" tell about it. Km p." *ad ltl«. vJ i*r»nt»*d ur*«r tha FojJ anj .^r^ca i*-!, 'JttBa Mtb. l,oa 8vrUl Nurubar lOiM. A» OU> AND WSU. ZaUU K£X£I>T.. The man with an impediment in his speech seldfom speaks well cf| about marriage anybody. It has many qualities. â€" The man who possesses a bottle of Pr. Thom- as' Electric Oil is armed against many ills. It will cure a cougn, break a cold, prevent sore thtoat ; it will reduce the swelling from a sprain, cure the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medicine chest in itself, and can be got for a quarter of a dollar. There is a good deal of mirage MInard's Liniment Curis Colds, etc The lions would perhaps have eaten Daniel if they had known how good he was. I Pills of attested value â€" Parma- ! lees Vegetable Pilh are the res ilt of careful study of the properties • f certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of such as sedative and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compounders ! have met with attests the value oi their work. These pills have been rcognized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was recognised from the first and they grow more popular daily. It's impossible to defeat an ig- norant man in an argument. The Heairt or » PI«no !• the Action. Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action $1 a box 6 for $5 iQDINOL The Tiosl highly efficient app ication for the reiluctien ci/^, Goitre, Thick Neck, Glandular Enlarge- Tiients. Us Positive. Qll PQ ot all kindi. in any and I iLbO al! staj^es, quickly re- hevrd and ponitiveiv cured. Cure your sulTerin)^ and live qutedv. "Common i>«nae " for Piles will do it. $1 a box. ?5 'o\ C iMJxes. Mailed oa receipt of price. LYLE MEOxine COalPANy. TORONTO ..â- *"'•â-  *• "• â- â€¢"•♦ * teaawKMfoI of Paloi «lUar In a cup of lii<t water swaatansd will war« -^a asd atari » ooi.L A»old aabatltuta*. thara l< " o«a " PalaUUar "â€" rtrrr I>aTU'-.!}o aad Maw U Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of remediesâ€" Mo- ther Graves' Worm Ksterminator. inard't Liniment Curie Garget in Cow*. Mrs. Klubbs (severely been lying awake three hours wait She was ten then, and the dime was ing for you to come home.' Mr very bright and shiny. Her broth- ' Klubbs (ruefully) â€" ".\nd I've been Little Lester Livermore â€" "Papa. what is the difference between a vision and a sight ' This book says â€" â€" " Mr. Livermore â€" ''.The i difference between a girl before and "I'v^la girl after she is married.'' No man has a right to refuse to ! support his wife because she is in- i supportable. | Thousands of country people ; know that in time of sudden mishap or accident Hamlin's Wizard Oil is the best substitute for the family doctor. That is why it is so often i found upon the shelf. er had given it to her as his birth day gift. Ten cents meant a great doal in those days, for a boy on a newly settled farm didn't have tiK) many pennies to burn holes in his pockets. Great-prandmother was standing at the edge of the porch, wondering what she should buy with it, and she had just made up her mind to get a Dutch dolly, not a pretty one like your Greta, but a stiff, jointed wooden one, with staring eyes, and oh, such red cheeks ! Slw> had oven named her staying away three hours, for you to go to sleep. waiting M â- aasoaahia Man axpacta to rare a entla'tail •old lo a tl.\?. Uut tima :uid Allan a Lun( Balaam will jTartroma tba 0.1IU juid st^ira utf cuasumptioiu Cuiich wUl eaaaa and luata ba aouod ai a aav Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A "RHINO* CONCERT. .Vfrican It is hard to live within one's in- come, and harder still to Iiv« with- out it. Held in the nepth of the Wilderness. Tho rhinocerous, although he ;;: .. vocalize without much art or' refinement, at least performs withi an energy and abandon which! would please those music-lovers ; TO CURE .< COLD I.N ONE DAY Talte L.VXAllVK HKOMli (juiniiie Tableta. UruKK'xti rvluiiJ mouov if it f.iii» to cure. K. W. UKOVli.'.S MH'iiktuitt ij uu eucta bux. ^<jc SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Coats have vivid linings. Black and white in broken plaids Araminta. and planned all her sum- 1 who enjoy so boisterously the fran- 1 is stylish â-  t ui 1, «i »♦ mer dresses, when tho monev seem- j tic bellowings of the true tenore | A pretty toque is of black velvet cd to' jump from her haiul and hide robusto. Lioutenant-Colonel Pat- i <^g<><^l w'tn fur . itself under the porch tloor. Howiterson. after travelling through the! Hje la est thing m feathers n-e she did crv, p<ior little great-grand- 1 .Vfrican wilderness, wrote a book feat"'-'^ slippers, mother! But the coin never rolled aUnit his trip. entitle<l "In the I beads play an important part in out. and although her father ! Grip of the Nyika." I„ it he tells ! ♦he slipper buckles, bought her that same Dutch dolly how he was luicc awakened from later, she always wanted her shiny sleep at midnight by a most ter- silver money. She usc<l to call it rific din coming fiMni the direction 'the ten-cent piece that never was of a water-hole some two hundred yards away. He decided to see what the disturbance was about. We sfalked cautiously and care- fully among the rocks, with the wind in our favor, until at last we were able to look over the edge of a eras: down intu a ravine at our foet. ' SMk vflulckly Atopa rnudhs, riirca cc;tl.':. liaoia laa fSroai aad lunja. sjK'nt.' and tell us that it was wait- in*'; for us." ".Vnd it had to wait until I came, mama'."- cried Winnifred. "I want to ke;>p it." "You shall, Winnie,'' said Mrs. Emory. "I'll have it polishe<l and engraved with great-grandmoth- er's initials,â€" yours, too, you know, for she was another Winnifred Pat- ten KiiK'ry, â€" and made into a pin for you to wear. Then it wili truly b;> as if she had found it aad tjK'iit it for a present for her lit'.'c na'r.e- suko." â€" Youths' Companion. Guest (in cheap restaurant)â€" "Look here, waiter, I thought I tokl yon to bring me a strong cup of coffee?" Waiterâ€" "Well, what's the matter with that cup l You couldn't break it with an a.\e." Mrs. Buggins â€" "Before wo were ninrrifHl you used to say I was the sunshine of your life." Mr. lUig- aiii'iâ€" " Well, I lulinit that you still <Iu VDur best to niako things hot for m«." Ballriioni dresses are trimmed in narrow bands of fur. Some manufacturers say short capes are coming back. Many of tho black hats are trim- med iiigh with black inalines. Visiting dresses, even when made 1 short, are most sumptuous. I The tichu lines are evident, espec- ! ially on chiffon blouses. The directoire style grows more fashionable as the season progres- One of t'l*^ latest evolutions of fashion is the long colored velvet paletot. A sailor collar when made of lac« is a pretty accessory to a dinner gown. Silk cpppe draperies in the an- cient Indian caslituere shawl pat- terns are new. Tan shoC',* are in great demands Button and laces are about equal- ly divide<l. Tlie tiouhh> with the dead beat is that he refuses to give up. Chiuchill.i, in its lovely tones of gr.-sv and, was never more fashionable. One v.v.i'.d !;o far to find a vncr^ attractive waist than the new chif- fon jumper. Some people imagine they are gLHxi because they are harmless. MInard'i Liniment Cures Distemper. "Y*ou are wilhng," said Mrs. Williams, "to lay out dollars and dollars every month on cigars and whisky, but you grumble like a bear when I speak about a new frock. "Well." snarle^l Williams, "can I smoke or drink a frock i" Bam Roofing ,, Fire, Lit^htaintf ' Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Let M know tha siza of any poof you an thinking of covering and wo will make you an Interesting otTer. MetalHc Roofing Co. Lll«tl«Ml MAXCFACTURERS TOBOISTO and 'WINNIPBG IREMAN OWES TO 'George H. Duffus of Robertson St., Fort Willia.Ti, â-  C. P. R. fireman, says : " The water gauge of my locomotive burst and scalded the whole left side of my face terribly. I had a bo.\ of Zam-Buk in my pocket, â- ft'hlch I was using for a sore on my lip, and w hen I h.;d reco\'crcd fro.m the first shock of the accident, I produced the balm and hud it applied freely to the scalded parts. I wis ii-.frerins a:uts a^.irty, but within a wonderfully short ti:nci Za.-n-Buk gave me ease. I was able to continue my iotirney and t:pca ho.Tie, I obtained more Zam-Buk and ccuti:: :c.! th.^ trcri: ncr.t. Zam-Buk acted wonderfully well, and in a few dr.ys had the wound nicely healing. I don't know anything so fine as Zam-Buk as a healer of burns, scalds, cuts, and similar Iniurles, which workers are so liable to, and, in my opinion, t bo.x of Zani- Buk should be kept handy in every worker's home." • i^m-U'-ik wi!l also I'* foii'id a »ur« euro for coll »or«B, ohsppeil h.'iniU, trust, bite, \iU-ors, b!oi>l.vf>i»i)n, rarioeo aoree, pi. .-J, ?ei!p eorcj, rin;j-r Tin, v»1.invij i)nt-;h â- Â», beiiuV erup- i;n-'» and chvjv>ed pli"--', cii'«. biM-n^. I>r.ii»c<, ».iit »k o in- j-;ri«« : cner*l!y. Allt! n?T>rt« siii »'pr..« w l! nt Site. b»x or \ujt froa f\xta 2>a l'-.:t t."*^., 'Porixto, n "»ii ruo<>»ot of pri,.*. FREE BOX SoadtMiCou -oa Kn.1 a l<\ At imp 10 trM tiLkl bux o< J^m-H ik will ba soilod you.

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