f / Janiaiiv 12 1911 T HE F L E S 11 E R T N ADVANCE BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years tsrnO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT H* was aurprlta^ at hovir the â- ores healedâ€" "1 took your Ntw Ml.lllOU TilkATUCN'T fur a 8CliOIIS bl(X>tl 'lis('a.se Willi whicb I Unci Ix'rii InHulcd fur tweWo years. 1 hud con.sulleU ascoro if phrticinns tnkru all kinds of blooU iu(vIi(:[iK\ vlsiitcd ll'it iSprliiR* and other ruiiicral wot«r n-sorts, hut chly got tcni- l|).>iury relief. They would help mo for a lime, but afl«r discoutiuuing the niedl- jciiK^ the Fymptoiiis would break out ja^-niiiâ€" ninninu s^Tcs, blotches, rheum- atic pikins loo8encs.sof (heh.iir. Bwellingt of the elands, palms of th<^ h.ind8 Ecaliiijr. •trontTHtiTmHT L'i';'''",''-'? ' J •^'' •'*''''>• dvspeptlc. stomach. , rtcn trcatmcnt etc. I had given up In do.vi>air tihrn a fricnl alviBed me to cir.sult you. as you had ciir-d him of ai^lmllardlsease 8 years ngo- I h.ul no hoiH>. but look his advice. In tliieo weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up und 1 li'vaMio cncouraecU. I continued tlio New MtriioDTREATME.vT for four niontlis and at the <nd of that time every svinptoin had dlsaopeared. I was cured 7 years ago und no hiRUH of any disease since. My boy. three years old. Is sound and healthy. I cer- tainly can reconmiend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish. w. H. S. We tr.at NERVOUS DEBIUTY. VARICOSE VEINS, VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SKIN »nd SLCRET Du«»e>. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaint! of Men and Women. pCinFP Are yon B victim? Have you lost hope? Are you Intending to marry? Haa nLnULil your blood be<>a dUseasca? Have you any weakness? Our New Jiethod 'I'BtATML.Nr will cure jou. ^^'hat It has done for others It will do for yon. Coniultation Fre*. N'o matter who h:is lrcate<l you write for an honest opinion Free of Charce. Charccs reasxuaLle. Book* Freeâ€" (Illustrated,! on di.scases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ETerytking coafidenlial. Question litt and cott of Homo Treatment FREE. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I^-HOTICE Ail letters from Canad.a must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to h â- SL'c u.s personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat I no patients in our Windsor offices which are (or Correspondence and I Laboratory fur Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows I DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windior, Ont. ^Lwrlte for our private address. r Winter Term at COLLINGWOOD '1 Business College Opens .lanv. 3id, I'JU. Our atteiidauce this term is the lareest iu the liistory of the ('>llei;e. Tliere is a reatoQ, Write N(>\V for tree eataloK. Kilter at ally time. T. E. Hawkins, - Principal Coiiin^twood, Ont. L Our Clubbing List Thompson's Thrt following prices nre for st pictly paid ill ndvniice Hubscri|itioiiS(iii1y. We have no accountN with oilier papers Kle«liertoii .\clvnnce 9 1' (H) 2 no Toroiitii World, diiily 2 .15 Toronto Dnilv News I !tr. NV.Tklv (;inb,- 8.j Miiil-Kiopire .... .... 80 Kiiiiiily Kiral.l & Star 85 Tcimito Star 1 ;!5 P'arnier Sun 8.j Kariiier-j .Advocatd 1 -.a Weekly Wil.iesc 80 Sat 111 liny Niitlit .... :! 05 Hum;' ,li»lllT''J (iO I'iMiltry N'ew« : . ; â- 20 I'ouluy Ueviow 40 Hod and Uuii iiri;:a/Jiie 85 THE. B W Ilrciid delivered leyu- Inrly mid kugit for .sale at tlie fiillowinj; stmfs: Collinson's and .1. I*iittiw>n'.s, Ceylon \V'..Mdcorn & Sou'.s and 1'. Mc.Vj'thiir'.s I'riceville N. McCnnneH's I'rtiton SUtion K. Heron's, Maxwell \. lIuU'liiiiHon's and Kli KobiiiMin'fi Fcverhham H. Cairns', .I.K. Ljirjie'.s niid It I'aiks', Kiiociii.i o 3 I Bakery BARGAINS AT CEYLON IN CUTTERS New and|socond hand Alio in OiRoIine Ens(ina«, Hinder*, Mow- I'lH, May Uakes, Loadcra, Forka and CarrierH, Hope and Pulleys, WaHliiiiKtMHchiiies and Wriii^'era. Brantford Windmills We have alao necurod the »f[ency for the Standard Wire Fencei Of Woiidatock and will he in a jHiaiiion | to Hupply your need in that line at the loweat poHNiblu price. Satisfaction nuariuiteed. <iive us a call. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON School duliren's Eyes Supply ^m^ Mi o^' Intellect '^ Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect air progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? I Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician CR 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE w SEASi FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN Tho laivesl ami litint Ntock of Funiituro ever ahown in FluHliurtOii. Thia wilhiiiit fear of con- Irndicliiin. oine and Noe Home of nice thinf{a in Side Hoarda, Dining Itooin ('haira, Parlor Hetta, lied Uooni Hott«. A H|K!cinl reduc- tion just now on evoiy- thinf;, in order to re- duce the Ht(K;k. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Trade Mark* OESiaNS .... COPVRIQHTS Ac. Anyona sending a ^kelrh nndrtoicrlntlon may niil'-kly iinroniiiii our oi'lnlnii free wlieilior ftii InviM.llon IS pn.l.Hlilr l">'i;|iUI;lo. <'"MoiiiMilrn. Ilonaitrlcllrinnlliloiitliil. HANDBOOK olll-uloilU •out free, (il.lont iiuoniy for «ernriiHt imtenli. I'ltieiiin tukoti tlirotiifli Muriii & Co. rec«lyfl tptckti 'Kifio, without vhnrte, 111 tho Scientific jinicricati. A »ianrt»«>m*tlT lllii«trate<l wiwklT. lJ»r«t*"t rlr- riilAMnii (if miy m-u:iillH«^ )uurii*l. iwriii* fur « uiirtilR. ».'t.75 a y«ar. VK^aUne iiroiwiil. Hold by all iiowulrAlurt. MUNN&Co.'«'8«'"'"'» New York Uraucb Ufflca, (06 V HU, Waibiugiuu. U, C. Wood! Wood! We have a laryo (piantily of Hiinlwood Sialic for Hale at Uockvale Milln at the followiii(( priceii : IH iiiehoH long 60o per cmcl 4 fi-el loo(^ %\ p>T curd 18-iiicli luMiilcKtk nliili.s ....lloo per cord Tlieao alalm are in good Nliape, and anyone wanting wood anuuld Hooura a •apply. Durliam Furniture Co. ROOK MlUiS P. 0. Ifeb Carefully Corrected Each Wook Wheat HO to «:> Oata .'U lo ;tl PeiiM .... 75 to 75 Itarley 45 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 no Uutlor 21 In 21 KuKH, fre«h 27 'o 27 Potatoei per liajj ">') to ,'iO Ooeao 12 lo 12 Duc-ka 1 '2 to 12 (Miickuns 12 to 12 Turkeyt If* t" IH Wool 21 lo 2;i /le6l)crton !%ftt)aiice An iiide|H;iideiit iiewHj>a|M.*r, published every TliuiTtday at thi" office, CoUliigwood Street, Fle»liert.oii. .Subscription price $1 per aniiHin, h'Ik'11 paid in advance; ii\.^ when not ao paid. Advertiaiuft rates on application. Circulatiuu - 1,100 weokly. W. U. Tluirston Kclitor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN SNOW PLOWS ARE NEEDED 'J'lie furious hlow of Sunday and Mon- day of thi.s week awukcna the usual year- ly prohleiii of how to ktep open the »• Intel road?. It has been repeatedly suggested that the township dig down in it.s jeans and purchtiHe several snow plows, lo lie used in heepiiit; iIib road.s oponthit the jieople 'Jiay oo to clinreh, nomination meetings and l)o.\ socials - and also lo tho po.st oftice to (jet their weekly copy of The .\dvance. To open the main roads as tliey bt^cunio cloKed would cause some slight expense hut would save much time Hiid lalior for lliii.>-e inlcrested. The only stunildinjj block seems to bo that those not directly honeflttcd would (•hjcct to payinu their proportion of the hliot. However, the fact that the plcw coul 1 not clear every sideline and bu.h road ill the entire township should not be sutlicient reason for the council to sit by and do nothing. Coun- cils of former years h:ive been remiss in this iiiitler, hut that should not be allow- ed to inlliionce tho present one. Tho need is evidentâ€" ask any of the council- lors who had to battle with the drifts to t!Ot ou' to the council meeting on Monday - and the remedy is suggested. Whnt wdl be done ? We wiui'd 1if h»ppy lo hear from the councillois tlien;selvi s, or jiny one inter • es'.ed, lejardino this matter. A DUAL LANGUAGE FIGHT All iutcietiii!; h«ht is mi in the I'niviiice of Quebec bet«e.-n ihc the I'uilway companies and tho Li-giilat- uro. At the last session of that body a law w:iR piisnd inaKitig it comimlsory for the lailways in \\\\\. province to print their tickets, lime tables, etc.. in both Kiench and Kn^liah. This the compan- ies are deteiniintd to iyiiore, and the liuht i.s now on, the coiiipahii'.s decluiiui! that iliey will carry it to the Privy Coun- cil if nect ssiiry. They diiiin that tlii-so railway matters aie vested in the Do- niiiiioii Government and not in the I'ro- vincial Legislatures ; also ilmt to coniply with the Inw would be very costly and cuHibersoinc. We fancy that the lail.vays will will out oil this, ttKi. Imagine tho street railwiiys in our cities being com- pelled to print thi'ir tickets in a dozen languages and dialects for the conven- ience of Greek, Uuthenian, Uoliemian, oic. : This is a country where the Enf;- lish Igiiguagc prevails, and if thoao who reside within her borders do not care to learn the languajre their alteriiativo is to move on to some land where they cau read the inttructioiiN on their paateboard. A TREATY COMING Two t'.inadian envoys are now in the I'liited .Slates iiouotiatinL' a icciprocity treaty with I'licio Sam. We do not look for very much from this, and for this reason : IF Canada should gain a fair reciprocity treaty with the L'liilcd States that country is likely to abrogate it so soon a.s they discover that the big end of tho bargain is not coining their way. This they did in the Inst treaty nCKoti- ated, and the Eh^Io si ill grows the aame kind of dim grey feathers. t)n the other hand, if Uncle .lonathan is satistiod Can- ada is not likely lo have cause for rejoic- ing. .\h an honorallo people, however, we would have to grin and bear it for tho whole time limit, if theie is one. DOES YOUR NKIGHBOR Read The Advance ?| 'ADVANCE" ADS. PAY College occasioDaliy tiro of the mad- dening monotony of absorbing know- ledge, and have iu tbeir desperation appealed to the fatherly provincial guveruracnt to hold mixed dances. Wiiat do they want with mixed dau- ciiig? Wouldn't it be just as pleasant to dance with a broom handle or bed pillow as a Giielph girl '.' In difiCUSBing the tax bugaboo a great many people are apt lo over- look certain facts, and the chief of these, strange to say, is the oue that id most patent to all if the eyes were not blind to its existence. We refer to the added earning power conferred by municipal improvements made possible by these taxes. The earning power of ottr farms is very much greater than it was before the advent of good schools, railways or good roads, and appears to be getting great- er year by year. For theso^we have had to pay big taxes, but the possibili- ty of doing so is made much easier by the exisleuco of these very things. Eugenia The dual language law has led lo a duel of languages. With lis "burned district" Flesher* ton resembles Toronto, which has a choice bit of fire ruins near the union station. If you've worked hard to build up a Ruccessful store, don't advertise so sparingly that no one would suppose yoti had succeded. The depth of snow on Fleslierlon's sidewalks recalls the " good old days" seveial years ago when the snow was scraped ofT the sidewalks, to a certain extent, by the corpoia'.ion snow plow, o A sum of «.">r>0,()00 is be'.t^ raised lo equip a Uerman exped -ii n to find tho south pole. The polo r-iust bo a very valuable one when it ia worth such a sum to find it. Why do the losers not adverlit?c for u â- .' And a final nHcstion: Who tost it, anyway? Students at the UutlpliAgricnltuial Crowded out hist week. New Years' day passed over very quietly. A pleasant time was spent by a number of young folks at the home of John £. Williams with panics and other amusements. Will Hawkins, of the Moiey far.Ti, gave a house wartuing party on Thursday night last lo which a great iiuai'jer were invited. Tho hand.sume new residence was well tilled with iioighbors and other friends who came to wish them prosper- ity and the beet of good luck. A dainty supper »as served and a very pleasant time enjoyed by all. The heavy snow of the past fo'v weeks has cau.std some of the old laiuiniarks to collapse. Mis. Can's bam roof, Miss Beccrofi's old stable and the old Saundeis place on the Woodburn projerty have all collapsed. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fenwick od Dec. 14, a line big baby boy. B. F. Heesor of Lindsay is at the Eu- genia House. Ernest Morgan has i;one on a visit to friends at Woodbridge. Laurie Munshaw of Markdald is visiting his parents here. Mis. T. K. Fenwick and children spent Chriatinas with her fulher at Paisley. Mr. and Mis. Thus, lloggaid of Thorn- bury are visiting tho hitter's mother, Mrs. Graham, of Eugenia. V'irgio McMuUen of Toronto and Millie of Wodeliouso spent tho holidays with at Eugenia. â- : . •:• . Tho winter nieoling of the Women's Institute will bo held in the Methodist church on the afternoon of Jan. 10, and a joint nioeting _with the Farmers' Insti- tule will be held iu tho Orange hall at night. The next monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at tho home of Mrs. John E. Williams the lir."t Wed- nesday in February. Busy Session Of Council Petitions for an Agricultural Dept. in High School Here â€" Deptutation Appoint- ed â€" High School Trus- tee Named â€" Other Business Done. Tha muxipal council elect for the town- ship of Aitemesia for 1911, being Alex. Muir, reeve ; Th:s. R. McKenzie, deputy reeve ; Donald McLeod, Alex.D.McLeod, and William J. Caswell, councillors, met at the town halt, Flesherton, on Monday, Jan. 9, 1911, aud after signing and mak- ing the required declarations of office and qualidcalion took their seats. The min- utes of session of Dec. 15 were read and confirmed. Communications as follows were pre- sented and read: From the rural section of the Ontario Municipal .\.ssr)ciation re- uue-ting the council to become a member of the same ; from solicitor of C. P. rail- way, regarding closing of certain streets in Priceville ; from J. I. Graham, appli- cation for tho office of Assessor; from S. Sliiink, ajiplication for the appointment as .Auditor ; D McDonald, bill for gravel got from his pit in 1910 ; the treasurer of Markdale, account for rent of hall fur Diriaion Court for lOOd and 1010. IJylaws 7."!3 to appoint .Assessor,- 734 lo a[ipuint members of the local Board of Healih, 735 to appoint Auditors, 73C to ajipoiiit a tru.stee for the Artemesia school board, 737 to appoint a member of the Markdalo school board, and7-i>ito amend bylaw 710 re Treasurer's duties, were introduced and read a first time. McKenzieâ€" .A. McLeod â€" That bylaws 1'X.\, 734, 735, 7S«, 737 and 73S be now read a second lime. â€" Carried. D. McLeodâ€" Caswell â€" That council do now go into committee of tho whole on bylaws 733, 734, 735, 736. 737 and 738 -Carried. Council went into committee en the said bylaws, Mr. McKenzie in the chair. The committee rose, the Reeve in the chair, and Mr. McKenzie presented bylaws 735 appointinu H. B. McLean a member of the local Board of Health for three years, 730 appointing Daniel Mc- Tavish a member of Artoinesia school board for '.hree years, and "38 repeal- ing bylaw 711, re Treasurer's duties, and a.sked leave to ail again oii bylaws 73^^ and 737. McKenzio--A. McLeodâ€" That bylaws 734, 635, 73i; and 738 be new road a thud time, linally passed and entered in the bylaw book. -Carried. A. McLeodâ€" Caswellâ€" That John Bel- lamy bo paid three dollars being his com- mission on rent of town hall for concerts in 1910â€" Carried. A. McLeod- Caswell That th» treas- urer of Slarkdale be paid §12 being this township's share of rent of hall for Div- ision Court for years 1909 and 1010â€" Car- ried. A. McLeod-Caawellâ€" That W. H. Thur»ton'» account of t-SaiO for printing financial statement, ballots and check books be paidâ€" C:irried. McKenzie â€" -A. McLeod â€" That the i Clerk's action in renewing the insuranca on town hall for the sum of f900 in the Economical Insurance Company is here- by ratified, and that n, check be issued on the treasurer for $11, being the premium therefor â€" Carried. D McLfod-McKenzieâ€" Tba-: electio« expenses as follows be paid, riz., Wm. McLoughiy, Div. 1,18.30; D. Mathew- aon. No. 2, 6.50 ; T. M. Banncn, No. 3, 8..50 ; A. Gilchrist, No. 4, 8.50 ; D. G. McLean, No. 5, 8.50 ; Geo. Warling, No. «, 8 50 ; Geo. Meldrum, No. 7, 8.50 ; C. ; Staff- rd. No. 8, 8.50 ; '.he Clerk as re- : turning officer and delivering ballot boxes, C.50 â€" Carded. i McKenzieâ€" A. McLeod â€" That a bylaw [be iiii reduced at next .session of the council providing for the amending of bylaw CIX), regulating the performance of statute laborâ€" Carried. C-Uiwellâ€" A. McLeodâ€" That A. D. Mc- Leod is hereby appointed Commissioner for Division No. 1 for 1911â€" Carried. A. McLcod-C'aswcIl- That W.J. Cas- well is hereby appointed Commissioner for Division No. 3 for 1911â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" D. McLeod â€" That the matter of compleitiiig bylaws re closing certain streets in the village of Priceville and dLsposing or the same to the C.P. Ry. Co. be referred to VV . H. Wriaht, solici- tor, and thij Council will act only ou ad- vice of the said Solicitorâ€" Carried. D. McLeod Caswell -That the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a committee to en- quire into the sufficiency and state of the Treasurer's .securities â€" Carried. Cjswellâ€" A. McLeodâ€" That the Clerk order ai.t copies of the Municipal World I for the u.se of the members of this coun- cil â€" Carried. D. McLeod - McKenzie â€" That the council of the township [of Artemesia do urgently request the Minister of Agricul- j ture of this province lo at an early date ; establish an Agricultural Department in ^connection with the Township of Art e-i i mesia Rural High schoolâ€" Carried. I A. McLeodâ€" D. McLeodâ€" That the Eieeve, A. Muir. and the Deputy Reeve, T. R. McKenzie, are hereby appointed as delegates to wait on the Minister of Ag- riculture to urge the claims of tho Town- I ship of Artemesia Rural High School for the establi»h,-aeiit of au agricultural de- partuient i:i connection therewithâ€" Cat^ , ried. I McKenzie â€" D. McLooJ â€" That this j council hold its meetings during 1911 on 1 the first Saturday in each month at 10 1 o'clock a.m. for the transaction ot .busi- j ness, except in the month of December, i which meeting will be ou the 15th of I that luonlh pursuant to statute â€" Carried. Council adjourned. { .A smallpox outbreak at Lucan has I been checke<!. J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesherton Ontario .! PilyYourMotherl b|Q JANUARY SALE If She la Frail or Weak. Ferrozone Cures Weakness The heroic .side of life Is most often 'ounil In till- struggle between duty ;owar(l» the family, and tho mother's liability through Ill-health to perform ;li:it duty.. "Words sometime seem poor things '.o express one's feelings--," writes Mrs. I. P. Merrltt- "I hnvo a family ot five t!l pretty close together. After baby was born my streii.iith didn't como lai k. The clilUl pulled nic down a lot, iiul I C'Hildn't wean hlin In tho hot Ve.Tlher, my other children needed so luich to bo (lone for them. My sys- im did not coine right â€" my color was i: Hid. uiiil iiiornlns and night and all Mo time. I was livid- My druggist old me cf how well lil.i cu.stoinera ipoke of Ferrozone, nnd I got six lioxes right away. You wouldn't be- lieve how well It built me up. It seems quite strange now to bo n'al well again, to feel like my old self onco more. I was really 1. ptlessly la despair and too complete- y worn out to feel like living before t used Ft-rroBone, so you can Imagine low highly I prize such a good med- ii iiie- My children now say "mother sn't tired any more," and for my child- ren's sake I am so glad to be well -'nough to give them all the caro and mention that every good inothir feela <h>' must bestow upon her family." You are sun- to be Invigorated, cer- tain to be built uii and kept always at >our best â€" you are bound to enjoy all the happiness of lasting good health if you use Ferrozone. Try It. one or two tablets along wl'.h your meats- Fifty cents a box, six for $2-B0, all :1enlers or The Catarrhozono Co.. I-Cliigaton, fanada- CORNS CURED ^^ ^^ â- â- B^ ^^ IN IM HOURS Vo\i can painlessly remove any corn, elllier liard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no uelils; Is liarinleas. because composed only of liealliig i .i and balms. Fifty jear.t In use. Cu '-rilluaraiiteed. Bold iiv a)l druggists, 2oo bottles. Refuse 1 iilislltuK's. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Some Special Lines in CLOTHING Men's Suits, sizes 3(i to 44, regular $7.50 and J!8 for 84.9o " " " flOandJ12for 7.89 Boys' 3 piece Suits, sizes 28 to 34, rej;ular 84.50 for 2.98 Boys" 2 piece Norfolks, sizes 24 to :tO, rooular $3 and 3.50 for . . 1.98 v^ Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Convertible Collar t)vercoat, fancy patterns, regular $9.00 clearing f..r G.95 Men's odd Pants, reijular 81. ."lO and 1.75, for 1. lit men's Underwear Men's plain wool umlerwear, reg. 60c, clearinsj at 3!)c Men's lihed wool Cnderwiiar, unshrinkable. ie« 85c, clearing at., CSc A lot of Siiinple Undershirts, below wholesale prices. Men's Gloves, wool lined Mocha, roKular 81, clearing at 69c Men's four in hand Ties, new stock, ivg 50c, clearing at ;t5c Wool MutHers, regular 25c, clearing at a ...',"!!!! ! 19c Wrapperettes A beautiful rangt of patterns, all this season's g<>ods, reg 12i, dealing at " jj. Dress Goods A big range of colors and patterns, regular 30 and Soc for 22c *' " " 55 to 75c, cloai iiig at. . 43c Ij^dies', Misses' and Children's Jackets at siwcial prices. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. lieautiful Austrian Ware, e«|ual to French China worth three timCvS the money, a stock pattern, 98 pieces, for $22.50. (n>l(l F.naiuel Ware most modern design, also a ^^ stock pattern, OS pieces, for $1(5.3."). jfc ^ See our Fancy Crockery and tuttlery * i • * i ' 4 ^ • * I' • » * « )> % 1 A • I* • M .u «t*