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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1911, p. 1

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^k&\}cxim %ht>antt. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRlAmpLEb NOT MEN,' TOL30. NO 29 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, .January 12, 1911 W. H. THDRSTON EDITOR aud PKOPKIETOR Riverdale Another fasl and furious oonflagration occurred ir. thU vicinity on Friday even- iiijj when F. Jolinston's barn and entire contepts, contisting of la't season's hay and grain crop, three horses, cows, hogs, poultry, iiijricultural implements, driving vehicles and other ariiclea. were totally eonsumed. We understand there was no insurance. Ai a re-ult «>t this, regrett- able misfortune Mr Johnston is placed ID a veiy embarraaii g position, and we trust that our citizens will offer any ma- terial assistance within their ability to ameliorate matters. While J. Neely and James Gould were engaged felling a tree in the woods on Friday Mr. Gould had the tearful exper- ience of being instantly rendered uncon- scious by a terrible blow on the head from a falling limb. Mr. Neely being unable to convey his injured partner to a place of shelter out of the raging snow and biiter cold, was cjbliged to leave him lying in the woods with h s life blood quickly ebbing from a frightful gash in the hejd, and summoned aiisistiince from a mile or more away. As a result of the awful eip"8ure and los.s of blood Mr. Gould lingers in a very precnrioiis con- dition. Only eleven weeks till spring. Charles Ellis returned from the west on Saturday laat. S. Walker has a gang of men engaged making barn timber. Two largit barn.s will be erec'ed in this vicinity next Kummer. Herb. Wiley is engaged hauling logs from Beaverdale for Minnis Bros. We are pleased to learn that F. John- ston's infant daughter is somewhat im- proved in health at time of writing. Robert It win of Loree is renewing ac- ((uaintances in this vicinity at present. Miss Minnie Tutting of Wiartou is viKitiiig her sLster.Lizzie, for a few weeks. G. Leoivird and wife of Proton were the guests of W. Brown and wife for several dnys List week. At our annual school meeting nn the Kst Wednesday of 1910 H. Erskine was re-elected as trustee. The official board for the ensuing year is as follows : Trus- tees, H. Erskine, Wm. Irwin, and Wm. Richardson ; Sec.-Treas., W. H. Ers- kine, and caretaker, Elmer Wiley. Our teacher, MLss Bristol of Renfrew, assumed professional dnties in our acad- emy of learning on Wednesday. She comes highly recommended, not only as a efficient schoolma'am, but also as au accomplished lady and eminent in soci- ty circles. Already Cupid is creatine considerable agitation among our desirous young gentlemen. The cosy home of .Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henning wjis the scene of a sociable event on Wednesday evening, when about sixty of the young people in this vicinity plea-santly whiled away the hours in quadrilling, garae.s and various other amusements until the approaching dawn on the following morning. The many guests were again privileged to enjoy the charming hospitality of this genial host aud hnstes-i, and we feel assured that every one returned home delighted at having partici()ated in such a jolly time. .\8 we apply the finishing stroke of the quill to Riverdale news, word has been received that our famous fur trap- per had a tierce encounter with a wild cat while returning from inspecting his traps. Full particulars later. Maxt^ell Mrs. C. Birch and little daughter of Brownlce, Sask., are visiting with her father, Albert Brownridge. Mrs, Hector Moore of Mclntyre is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Kerton. Mr. Harry McCallum and wife of Fort William are home on an sx'buded visit with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart of Carlyle, Sask., are home on an extended visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mor rison, 4th line. OUie Allison and Wilton Field of Mea- ford Collegiate spent the Christmas holi- days at their parental hom«. Miss Mae Whileoak of Toronto visited at her parental home. Mrs. (Dr.) Ryckman and son, Allan, are visiting at the former's home in Ham- ilton. Miss White is spending a few days at her home in Rock Mills. Annie Heron has leturned home after an extended visit with friends in Caledon. C. M, Field was presented with a mag- nificent teachers' Bible as a token of good will by his Suiuhiy school pupils. Rev. Mr. Scott and son of Meiiford aallad on friends here last week. Mr. Scott was a former pastor here, and hi.s many friends were pleased to see him, Harry Guy has returned to Toronto after spending the Christmas holidays at hisparentiU home. Stone Settlement Intended fur last week. The Chriscmai vacati m is over and our visilor.s have all dispersed to their several duties. Mis« Janet Fletcher, who has just re- turned from Durham Model school, has secured a school near Corbelton. This is Janet's fiiHt year of teaching, and we wish her every success. We neglected to mention a very im- portant item in last week's budget, viz.. Mr. Tom McArthur spent a few days during the Christmas sea.iin with inti- mate friend.s at Cherry Grove. Mr. Wells Whittaker returned to Dur- ban high school <m Tuesday. Mis-s Annie Harrow, who ha.i been teaching school at Midland duriog the past year, has secured a rchnol near St. Thomas. Our annual school meeting was h<-ld on Wednesday, Dec. 28, to elect trus'ee.s, caretaker, and transact other im[X)rtant business. Mr. W. Hill was the retiring tiustee, and Mr. H. Stone, Sr., was elected in his plaoa. The following are Che trustees for the ensuing year : Mssers. .Albert Hazard, John McLe-d, and Henry Stone. Mr. W. Hill has the job of supplying wood and W. Spicer is caretaker, with W. Hill Sec.-Treas. We undets'and a new woodshed is to be erected this year. Miss Ruby Bottler and sister, M ss .\my cf Cheeseville, were New Years guests at Mrs. \V. Fletcher's. Miss Sadie Fle'cher, who has wielded the birch the past three years at Cherry Grove, has secured a school near Proton. Mr. Will McArthur returned to the O. S. C. I on Tuesday. Mias M. Leslie returned to her school duties on Tueediy, after .spending the vacaliou at her home iu MarkdaW. Ceylon Intended for last week Well, our municipal elfctions are over again. Tliough some good men have been defeated, and some of us have lost a vole or two, yet, on the whole, we be- lieve Artemesia haa a fairly good Council. Charley McMullen aud hie bride, Gor- don, In», Freddie and S'anley, came home from Toronto to spend part of thei"" Christmas holidays with their parents. James McClocklin and family spent New Years at Mt. Forest. Thoir baby is quite poorly. Zi'la McLeod came home to spend a few days with her parents She looks well. Jack Caii-n.-*, too, is home from the West, and looks fine. Mr. J. Cushnie, wife aud family, spent their holidays in Ceylon. Sam Chislett, Rob Tucker and Agnes McPhail have returned to their respective places of employment after spenduig a pleasant week with their parents and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bayler of Toronto spent part of the Christmas holidays at S. Rand's. Mrs. B. is a sister of Mr. R*ud. Mr. Rand and wife spent New Years with his parents in .Shelburne. Mrs. John Crowther spent New Years day with her parents in Owen Sound. Mrs. James Sprotl is very poorly and her daughter, Blanche, has been called home from Colbeck, where she had been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Archibald. Mrs. John McDonald has i)resented her husband with another daughter. D. D, McLaughlin's youngest child is quile po.rrly. Resolution of Condolence To Mks. Jhu.n Kkrto.n ami Family,â€" We, the members of the Royal Scarlet Chapter of Onprey, take the privilege of tendering to you and your fam- ily our heaitfelt sympathies in the death of your husband, whom we held in high esteem as a Sir Knight Companion, and who held the oftice of Chaplain for a number of years, and who was always regular in attendance and took a grest interest in all things in connection with the Oilier. We know that ynir-will miss him in the homo as ail aSectioiiate husband and father, and so will we, as a friend and brother ; but we know that our loss will be his gain. We pray that God, who has promised to be a father to the father- lefi.s, and a husband to thu widow, may be with you in your bereavement and sorrow. Signed on behalf of the Royal Scarlet Chaptar of Osprey. â€" FVed VV. Brownlee, W. C. ; J. G. Elliott, Camp Scribe, Tenth Line, Osprey (ioorgs Sh"rt of Lady Bank has pur- chased Frank Sayera' farm and now owns 275 acres of land on the 12ih and l;lth concessions. We also understand ihat Mr. Short has purchased the standing timber on G"^oige Cooper's farm. Mits Pearl Barber, who has been re- siding in Toronto for .some time, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rarber at Brewster's Lake farm and other friends in and around Feversham, Misses Eiiphemie and Edith McMillan have recurned from Toronto and are vis- iting friends in this part. Mr. Sandii'son of Grand Valley is spending the winter with his son, Samuel Sanderson, on the 12th line, and is visit- ing with au'ither son in Collingw-ood at present. Well, the municipal electi'Uis are over and things have ijuieted down to the same old routine, though eoiaa of the candidates look disappointed. Try again, gentlemen. Beiter luck .lext time. There are many inquiries for farms to rent in this part â€" no less than three after one farm in one day. Wm. Brackenbury of Toronto visited hiz parents in Feversliaiu over the holiday. Captain .Howes visited the Queen City ftir a few days last week. Delia Heron has returned home after spending a few months with her sister, Mrs. (Ensign) Plant at North Bay. K J. Colquet spent a day with his brother, Sam, in Flesherton last week. We understand that A. McKean of Collingwood inteiKi.i to bey a stock of logs and put in a sawmill outfit ill Fe- versham. W. Buchanan and wife, and daughter, Eva, of Ravenna, attended the supper at Providence on Frid-.vy last, and took part in the prugraiii. Miss Eva delighted the audience with instrumental selections on the organ. Mrs. Buchanan sang two Scotch songs that were loudly applauded and encored again and again. Mrs. B. was suffering from a cold and her voice was not up to her usual good form, but the explanation she gave was well re- ceived. We were all in cold .storage in the hall while supper lasted. The supper scored a great success, a good crowd at- tending, niid a good program was given. Recitations, solos and duets were ren- dered in good style. The church will suffer a loss in Mrs. Uanley's re- moval from this neighborhood, as she has certainly been a great worker in the church and choir and her place will be hard to fill. Rev. A. P. Stanley occu- pied the chaii', and we are sure excelled himself on this occuion. It must have been the climate. D. A. McGowan and Miss Eva Bu- chanan of Ravenna visited Frai;k Ssyers and family of Lady Bank for a couple of days last week. Mrs. A. McGowan ai'd W. Buchanan and wife of Ravenna visited with thi> former's brother, Fred Weldrick, last week. South Line Artemesia John McKinnoii atconipanicd by his sister. Miss Susan, visited friends in Tor- ento and Caledon last week. Edith Dingwall, acconipatiied by Will McMullen of Owei) Sound, paid ashoit visit to the former's home here recently. Jas. McLean aud wife spent Ntw Year's at thfi home of Jas. Patti.son, Cey- lon. Samuel Biitchclor, wife and family, of Proton Station, were guests at the home of A' Dinj>wall last week. Ilob. Oliver, Toronto, renewed old acciuaintances on this line a few days iigo. Arch. McKechnio and daughter, Flos- sie, of Cedarville, called at the home of Miss M. Currie on their way to visit friends at Stayner. M. McDonald is visiting friends in Chesley. .1. L. Irvingr one of Markdale's rising young men, visited on our line this week. Will Dingwall accompanied by his cousin. Miss Maggie Campbell of Arthur, sp«nt a day at the home of tieorgc Camp- bell, Pomona. J^othing more to talk .ibout these days since all the Christinas concerts aud en- ter lainmentsaro over, inuluding theeloc- tion. But wait â€" the Literary Society are holding their next debate on Wednes- day, Jan. 18. The subject is to be resol- ved that money has more influence than character. Don't forget to come and en joy a good lime. Priccville The January thaw made rather a brief vis t on the fiist. The municipal contest here'waa a hot one, but those who were opposed to the lural high srhool building elected four out of five of the Council hrurd, and if the (irganiz*tiim in this vicinity had been a little moie perfect they would have elected ttic five wth good majorities. What did the ballot box say on the first .' It said : " The voice of the people is law ! No czar shall rule .\itemesia."' Since the ctinpaign grew warm the ladies of Priceville and vicinity have been mak- ing considerable use of that patriotic .soi.g, " The Maple Leaf Forever," which was written by the late Alexandi-r Muir, who WR believe wa» a di.stant relative of our rteeve elect, and they now repeat the last line of each verse when they substi- tute the wdifla "Alexander Mu r for- ever." The Kiiechtel Furni'uie Co, are ship- ping logs from the yards here tj iheir factory at Hanover. Edwin Berry has been cpiite ill with mumps, having c lunlit cold iis well. Geo. Arrowsniith, agenr, of Durham, was in town f-.r two or three days week, Harry Morrow, north li-ie, who took unto himself a wife during the Christinas holid.iya, says that he was " aiixi ais to show ihe numerous bachelors on his line a good example. " We wish the newly wedded couple many years of happiness aud prosperity. John McKinncu, formerly of Mil] street, was married to a Rockwood lady recently, John h.m a good position op- erating a .steam shovel and hoist on the criial construction in Hastings county. VV e are sorry to state that Thomas Nichol, west of the vill.ige, is still in poor health. He is troubled with some affection of thu hcut. The Women's Institute held a success- ful meeting last Thursday at the home of Miss Elsie McLeod. This branch has has had very good meetings during the past year, and hope to have even more successful meetings during the present year. The ne.\t meeting will be held at the home <.f Mrs. N. McKir.uon on the first Thur.sday in Febiuary. Vandeleur .At the annual school meetir.g J J. McCice was reappointed trustee. John Flynii secured the coDtiacl for furni-hing tlio wood J. H. Holley supplies the] cedar and Ross .Alcox was api>oiiited caretaker. J Mrs. , McDonald resumed her duties | at the school on Tuesday week, after' spending the holidays with friends in Toronto. Will Richardson and wife spent)[New I years witti the latioi's hicjther. VVui. i Burhunan. Thos. Shannon of Corhet'ou renewed | ac(|UMintaiices here a sh<irt time ago. B II. Buchanan re'urned last week to hii studies at T'l-oiito L'uiveriiiy after: spending tha holidays with his father. Will. Buchanan. i Mrs. R. A. Holky rcneweJ ac<|iinintan- 1 ces here last week . Robt. Blair and wife, who came from Manit'iba to spend Christmas at tlie old home, spent the week end with the for- j mer's sister, Mis. .1. I. Graham. James Scott of Sault Ste. Mtiie wai a t vis tor at J. H. Holley 's recently. I A. Neely cf Meaiord, Mrs. E. Gilbert and Miss Bel e Gilliert of Kimberley were j vi-!itorsat W. J. Hulchiuson's one day i last week, | R. A. Holley moved his household furniture t-r his new home at Kimberley on Wednesday. Mrs Millisjaii and daunhtci-, Kiithleen, of Fiesheiton, were visitoi-s at W.J. Alcox's a short lime ago. R. R. Smith and wife of Markdale spent a day at <leii. Warlmg's recently. M'ss Janet McArthur was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Cullis, lait week. Some men think they are liftir.;; up the ohurch hy hiding their faults under it. The man who always does what he wants IK seldom wanted for what lie does. Chest Inflammation Suffered From a Eea'vy Cold, rieuritic Pains ia Side â€" Conc:::nt Cough- ing, Do yi)U know that fully nine nut "f every ten cases of rheniiiatism iire siniplv rhenma- tism of the muscles due to culdt-r damp, or cbrimic rhevmiatism, and require n.i inter- nal treatment whatever'/ .\pi>l.V Chainl)er- Iain's Liniaient freely and .tee how riniiklv it gives relief. Kor sale by W. E. Richardson & Son. Portlaw Mrs. James Coriitield is critically ill with pneumonia. Mi9. Kirkland of l.'olumbia, who has been in Toronto undergoing hospital treatment, is convalescing with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Her two .sous. Mack aud Jack, are also with her. Lewis Hill and wife have returned from their wedding trio and taken up their residence on the fourth line, Osprey. We join thoir many friends in wi.shiiig the respected and popular young couple many years of connubial happiues.s. Mrs. D. W. Jamieson, Edward Jamie- son, wife and babe, and Wesley Jainie- ROM of Toi onto, spent New Voars with W. G. Jamieson and wife. Charles Stafford's extensive sale om Friday last attracted a large crowd and was very successful Clinton Pedlar of Toronto visited friends here during the holiday:. Thomas Taylor was appointed trustee at our annual school meeting. Mrs, John Wilkinson received the sad news of her mother's death and attended the funeral at Heathcote. Thonia.<. Taylor of Cartwright, Man., who lelt this part about twenty years ago, and who is now a pro.spei'oua fanner of his district, visited friends here on his return from Oltnwa on the big grain grain growers' delegation. Annie and Sam Sheardown have le- tiirued from a visit with friends at Bolton. W. J. Jack.son is slowly recrrvcring from his long iUiiess. "Anyonf> that govs throug-h all tiiat I .-"iifffrid la t ivintfr will apiirc-ciate the valuo of a riintdy tliat cur«-s lik.- Her- vllln.. curid me." Thi-se an? the ojien- m« words of thf solemn declaration of K. I'. Von Ha.vden. the we-il-kriown violinist of Middle-ton. "My work keiit me oirt late at nlsht. and" ulaving in pold druft.v i>lace-s brought on a .si>- Vfre cold that .settled on mv chei't I had a luTr^h rackln? cousli and severe Iiaina darted tlirough my s-idej and settled in my .slio'ilders. I used different liniments, but .none broke u;) my "Nld till I used Nerviliae. I rub- bid it on my neck, ami shoulders, mortiiriif aud pain <lih.-xp|)eared. navy cold had Nerviline CURES CHEST COLDS hPEt lirtit. and all the ftealiziiig that such a •un d'un my system. I 'ouk Forrozone It meals, and w.'is completely built up ind .strengthened. Since using Ner\-1- irip I have no more colds or ijleurisy, ind enjoy perfect health." Its because Nerviline contains thi» •>orest and most healing essences and medicinal princii>le.s. because it has the povv.r of s^inkins through the pores til t'le kernel of the pain â€" these are he reasons why it breaks up colds, â- ures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. RVfiise any uibslitute your dealer may suggest â€" nsist on Nerviline only. Large bot- .les. r.iic. trial size :;r.c- Sold every- vhere. or The Cataixhozone Co-, King- ston. (Jut. FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET CHRISTHAS SPECIALS Wo have a fine stock of Meat.^ fjr the Chri-st- ina.s trade â€" Beef, Lamb, Pork, Pork Sausage, Fresh Heatl C'hees and Fowl of all kinds. BEA^CON^ £ir*a<ncl Oysters Fresh Oysters, put up in .sanitury tin cans, which are thrown away when empty- a decided iinprovHineiit over the old unsanitary tubs which were refilled when empty. Try some of thia choice delicacy. ]M[a,r*k Wilson, 'Flesherton. THANK YOU! O^** Many Christinas Customers And now we wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Come in, and let us help each other make it so at the Flesherton Grocery m W. BUSKIN J DR. BURT 5peclallst in discascs'iol iho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Of lice 1 H F i-oal g«l. - (>vvciid«ouiiU At the Uevcre house, Markdale, 2iid Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dund'jlk, Ist Thursday of each month. Free! Free! Free! to Everybody For two weeks after .January IsL we will tjivo free 25 cents worth of raisins to evoryoiie huyiuK 25 pounds of our host .'ioc or ;50c tea for spot cash. Here are a few of nur cash prices which I think will convince everyone of the hencfit of our cash .system. 20 pounds best aranulated suttar Si. 00 Good 25 cent coal oil for per tjalloii 2()c Brooms IJOc Hest China tea settp, artistically decorati.l with sprays of pink roses and dellc.ite green foliage and i;old iriinminsi, regular 54.50 for 83.75 Best Siberian doi? skin ccats, regular 820.00 for $18.00 Maple Leaf lance saws, 5i ft f3.S9 Maple Leaf llacer, 5i ft ' 84.15 Men's sweater coats, regular 81.50 for 81 25 Ladies' all wool skirts, regular $2.75 for ?1.H8 Ribbon 5J inches wide, per yard 10c Monarch robes, legular 88.00 tor 87.tl0 Best English prints, ronuhir t4e for lie S. M. OSBORNE GENERAL MERCHANT, MA.XWELL ONT H

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