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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1911, p. 5

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' â-  ( ♦ ) 1 • < « i Tc. iiff au''. single comb brown loi; <ni ns and bnrrai rock poiiltr RO to itioliarJ Allen, Mount FMeawiit Kanii, llesUerton P.O. THE F h E SH E K T O N ADVANCE January 5 19 11 PUBLIC SENSATIONAL SALE and Dissolution of Partnership FT UTT I JP_ f^^ IVyioi^lrrlolA Retiring from business and ' hsis engaged Broker . I. OiJLiJLi OC \y0.j lYiarKaaie^ Learoyd to dear the $45,000.00 stock in quick order. Prices aotiel to smash for Zldays. Ho reserve, everything must be sold. m^^g ^Selling Markdale's Big Departmental Store at prices that make the world wonder. Rush in for the snaps. VICINITY CHIPS 1911 ! Mrs. Ed. Frost of Owen Sound vihited at W. W. Trimble.s'. Ml-. Fred Sheppard of West Toron to is ill with typhoid fever. Gordon McMullen of Toronto \isited his parents near Ceylon. Oeo. Ciiinc of Owen Sound visited his uncle, VV. W. Trimble, last we«k. Mrs John Nuhn and two children .11 e vi.siting her daughter in Montreal. Jerald Legiite uf Owen Sound visited at F. G. Karstedt's over New Year's Day. A bunch of correspondence is again unavoidably held over until next issue. Mi. and Mrs. John Johnston nf Dui:- dalk visited at Dr. Murray's on Monday. Kllwood Genoe of Torouto visited his patents on the gravel rcjad over New Year's Day. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray of Toronto spent the holiday with the former's brother here. Prof. Jos. Stafford of McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, visited his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell for a week. Mosl of us can standy adversity, but it takes an uncomntouly strong man to stand prosperity. Division Court [ Morrison v. Long â€" Morrison is secre There are sotne, perhaps, who have vrondercd how news items concernig themselves or their friends got into the On Wednesday evening of last rfeek ' 'â- '""^ "^ "'" Feversham Football Club and | paper. Don't think that they print about twenty ladies, representing the Woman's Missionary Society of the church, called on Mrs. Thurs- ton and presented her with a life mem- bership certificate in the society, of which she was a member since its incep- tion eighteen years ago, and president j for twelve years of that period. This 1 implied a payment to the socioty of $2o. â-  The address was read by Mrs. W. W- Trimble and the certiticale ww* ; presented by Mrs. Joseph Clinton. 1 Mrs. Thurston thanked the gathering j in tittincf words. The ladies had also ^ brought along well-tilled hasket.s and a pleasant hour or two was spent in social { intercourse. | Armstrong-Harris A brilliant wedding took place in Co- j bait on Saturday evening at 4 o'clock of I Miss Edna Maude Harris, daughter of I Capt. and Mrs. John Harris, Nickle I street, and Dr. Ernest Frederick Arm- j strung. The ceremony was performed ] _ , . , Ti T ...» J .. c .1 i Misses Euphoiuia and by Rev. J. L. Adams, pastor of tlie ^„ . . , . , . ,, , ,. . , ,.11 1 1 Clinslmas with city frtcnds Methodist church, and the house had; •' Mr. Roy Boyd of Regina spent New j been attractively decorated for the event sued the Maxwell C.O.F. for a ?10' prize otTered last summer. There was some dispute about payment. It was shown that the game was not dnished and the judge dismissed the action without cost?. Cherry v. McRieâ€" Action for wages, S7.50. Judgment for plaintiff. Levine v. Boyce â€" Action im promis- sory note for S40.19. Non suit. Edwards v. MoRaeâ€" Action tor wagee. Judgment for plaintiff. Riverdale Held over from last week Now for a good January thaw. Mr. G. Nesbilt left for Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Thuiniis was the guest of his " pal " at Vandolour on the first of the week. Miss Lou Wiley of Meato rd is spend- ing Christinas vacation at lier parental home here. Mr. John Stephenson and sisters, Nellie, spent themselves or announce themselves to the editor by wireless telegraph. It would save the editor many a night's vigil, much searching into nooks and cor- ners for news, if subscibers and non- subacribors would let us know what they are doing. The aversKO local paper and its friends are a little world in them- selves. They both have -.common in- terests. Therefore, doii'b sit with folded hands and wail for the paper; and when it comes, don't feel angry at the editor for not printing the special news item about you. Got busy, send him a few lines telling him of your doings ,ind he will be I'.lad to print if, regardless of your wealth or station . Mr. Thos. Plant, of the 0th Con., Mr. T. Heptou, Snelgrove, was in was unfortunate in loosing a valuable town on Tuesday. Mr. Hepton has horse on Saturday. Mr. Plant had sold hia 100 acre farm, for which ho paid been to Tara and was driving home a little less than §70IX) about two years when the horse stasgored and fell dead, ago, to his neighbor, Mr. Barber, for â€"Tara Leader. $8500. â€" Orauueville Banner. Are Your Children Puny? Suggestive Letter Parents. to Cobalt street. Affci^r the wedding cere- uitiny many friends uf I ho bridu .md groom us.sernbied at the depot and thi-y wure given a hearty send-c If. Years with his uncles her«. Ho is at-^ ;y|th holly and mistletoe. The bride, tending college at Kingston. whose attendant was her .sister, Miss Mrs. Gltiiy and daughter of Toronto, [Helen Lvne Harrin, carried a bouquet of and Thoj. Honeywell of Everett, Wash.' visited at W. A. Armstrong'*. W. Stewart o.f Fort William is visiting with his father, Alex. Stcwatt, in town. He was accompauied by Mrs. Stewart and thice children. Mr. and Mrs. George Heico spent New Years with Mr. and Mra. George Mitchell while on their wedding trip. Their future heme will le in Uegiiia. Mr.A.T. Hutchinson, Sask., was a wel- come caller at The Advance office one day week. The family will not go west until sprinj. A. T. says the west is good enough for him. S. Shcardown of tlii.s towi sliip had three animals die recently of some mys- terious discease, thought to be rabies, A head has been sent to Toronto for diagnosis of the complaint. Mr. J. VV. Magea of Fort Sa.skatchc- wan, Alberta, i.t making a short visit to his parents on the 8th line and gave Th« Advance a call one day la^t week. It is nine years since he went west and ho has not been home during that time. George Harrison, the 16-year-old sen David Boyd c .pturo.l a precious speci- men of the mink tribe last week. It is a perfect beauty and a whopper, too. Mi.sses Mabel F;iJden of Beavcrdale of white roses, while the bridesmaid car- and Bertha of Markdale, were visitors in risd pink roses. The groom was sup- ! our burg rtccntly. ported by Mr. G. E. H. Booth, and the, Mr. Black of Thornbury whs a calkr wedding music was played by Dr Schmidt. ' in „m. burg on Fiiday. His duughler, Mr. and Mrs Armstrong left on the 7.00 j Miss Eva, accompnnied him home, train for Toronto . Mid other places to the We undei. stand tlmt Mi. Sa» sou!h, where they will spend two weeks | ^y^^j ^^.^^^^^^ ,^^^^ ^^^.^j^.j ^^ ^^^^^.^_ ^^ before returning to Cobalt to reside on | ;j„j.,.j..i„ ;„ ^j,^ u,,,^ f^i^re. We have certainly cxperienci'd a very j tompehtuous winter to date. Old timers I intorni us that not since the year 1834 Houden-Petch A pretty weddint> took place at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Win. Fetch, 6 fJeary ave., Toronto, on Wed- nesday iifter.ioon, Dec. 28th, at I! o'clock, when her only daughter, Alva Miy, was united in marriage t.) Mr. J. Allen Hon- ] t>ne received roceully is as follows : '-If den, oldest son of Mr. John Houden of your opponent persists in cheating yon, Toronto, formerly of Elinvale, Out. j *l>at coutsu is to be adopted." In reply n-i c _ 1 I I would say, if vou are physically his au Ihe ceremony was performed under an < •'' •' " v J" â- > has th'.io been such cold, sturiiiy weathr v so early in the sea.son. Since our remarks on the art of checker playing appeared in tha sporting culuiuiiis of The Advance, a multitude of eiiquiries in togard to the game have been received from all parts of the compass, some of which assume a very pugnacious attitude. Nature Is not often at fault Stupidity and tlioutflitlessness of parents are responsible for many of til,' half- dead men and women we ..-.cct. Their fathers and mothers aid not !upply the aid Ihait would have set 'l:L'i;- body activities into full force to Itvc.Iop vitality and riigsed strength. LIrs. Tiinothj Bristow writes a let- cr that should set thousands of par- •iits thinking: "My boy and girl, -.;;â- *, \'! and »lstc?n years old, lookoi' .-.alu and puny. They scfiin>--il not ti, -â- â- â€¢.vj lor play like neighbors" children. riK:y were loo effeminate and lucltec :in.-tl;inij i. would have liktd to sot- I;:.n pos.scs.^. I don't know what put '. into my head, but I Kave up mak- !i.-,' cookie:; and sweet dishi^s, aiid i! .'.'.'.'.i'.'t take me long: to bve thev were -aiiiii' mors of the lisht IJnd of food. I. just;ln I would Rive thf-m 'omo of my own tonic. ' Forrozone.' i:i.:l W.I.J delishtid with the result. ( :3UCh an appetite it wave them! Thi-y I -rrew fairly fat and had a lovelv pink ' .'?:• I think when ^iich a Tood to;v"' .;.^ Fcrroson.? Is .ivailable tlurj is nc^ jKcu.ic for delicate children. Certain- ly lotj of nouri.-ihins food, ajid I'-err- 07.r.n: will giv(. a child a great chanet to grow up hearty and ^tronir." FERROZOJME Are you prepared to hold your own in the business world? Is your education sufficient along lines that will actually assist you in meeting' tha business problems oflil'e':' Are you familiar with Uusiness Law and Com- mercial Forms, Business Correspondence, Hookkeeping^ and the many Other subjects wliich are of use in every walk of life. The Northern Business College c:m help YOU sohi- YOUR prohiem. Tlirte courses of studyâ€" Course, I'reparalojy Course (for llioso whose early education has been negleckd I and Sliorlliand and Typewriting' course. Indiviiliial Instruction. Experieneed Teaihers. May enter any l:n:e. AVuUcr I'eroi begins Tuesday, January iird, I'Jll. NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE - Owen Sound, Ont. C. A. FLEMIiNG, Princi.oal - â-  G. D. FLEMING, Secretary Hardware Hints A Happy New^^ Year To all our Patrons arch of evergreens and white bolls, and Rbv. F. j. Maxwell of Davenport Road Presbyterian church, officiated. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Glen of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Harrison, who was Petch, and entered the drawing room visiting with relatives at Tecswater, took j w'l'lu th>i wedding inarch was played by ill of apendicitis. Word was receivi4;Mi. J. Tomlinson. She was prettily here Wednesday morning that he hadJKOwntd i^i cream voil trimmed with satin passed away. His father arrived at his perior kindly renuest him to come out- side for a few minutes I Despite the iuclcmency of the weather on FriJay evening last, the box social held in our public school was a glorious success. The program numbers were beautifully blended, and each and every one was a good thing. Keen competition bedside a short time before his death. Mr. S. M. Ross of Toronto has leased the Egaii property at Ceylon, occupied for some time by Mr. Collinson, and will open a boot, shoe and grocery businets there in the near futureâ€" in or about the second week in Jaiiuai-y. Mr. Ross is -going the right way about it to make him.self known, having contracted for yearly spaco in The Adv.'ince to that end. His announcement will appear shortly. The Methodist Sabbath tchool ann- iversary on New Years evening w.'vs n most successful affair. There wa.s only » free-will offering taken, which amount- -ttd to over t70. The program was of unusual excellence, but space fordids its mention iti detail. Some of the pieces were exceedingly well given and lace, and the bridal veil was caught with ' prevailed diuing the selling of the dainty lilies of the valley. She carried a bou- 1 wreath- covered boxes, a number of them (juet of white roses and carnations. Miss ' g'>'"K fo'' a perfectly exlravag;int ligure And Ferrozone is a good tonic for old follts, tooâ€" ifs full of nutrition and blood-buildinff properties and makes the weak strong- very quickly, Try one or two tablets with your meal.s. Fifty cents per box. six for JS.SO- all ilealers, or The Catarrhozone Co Kingston, Canada, C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton %^ Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS VV. 4. Armatrong issuer of licenses. Ethel Stothecs was flower girl and looked sweet in cream delaine, and carried a basket of pink and white carnations tied with pink satin ribon, and wore the eroom's gitt, a pearl crescent. MLsses Mab«l Fadden, Ella Richardson, Theresa Lee, and the Wiley sisters, also Mrs. E. Brady and Mr. Gregory of Cherry Grove, were the entertaining stars of the evening, excluding the Kiverdalo I orchestra, whuh captivated the audience A dainty supper was 8erved,after which on every appearance with their lively the bride changed her gown to a travel- ' rag-time stunt.s. Chairtiieu, Messrs. ing suit of weJgewood blue, with hat to Outl'ug and Black, ably discharged their watch. Mr. and Mrs. Houden drove away uuiid showers of confetti and good wishes to catch the 5.20 train for Buffalo Niagara and other places. duties and kepi the audience in a spirit of perpetual del glit during the evening with their humorous anecdotes and witty remarks. Considering the many una- voidable impediments of the occasion, it was one of the best entertainments ever held in our school and we congratulate the ofhcia) bopj-d on their able n.H : .:; ment, the proceeds •i^aountia^j ! iiij, luaretiew in rhyme of Ihe year juat ' »fter deducting expenses, past the clever writer of " On The Side " 1 A discovery of a moit tcm.c-kablo and iin the Toronto News paints the 1910 f.'^f *''"'',"' "".'-"'^;'"" "'"^'""y ="!!" ^o ODtertaining. No figures were announc- ! f,^^,„^, thua: , light m ths vicinity. Last fall our ed regarding the .school, but we under- A Voice From the City It's Rubber Time A good house and lot with stable to rent in Eugenia. .Tolin H. Jamieson, owner, or apply to Mrs. Kobeit Mo- Master, Eugenia P.O. FOR SALE For Sale^Horse, busgy, two cuttois, harness, rugs, whips and complete outfit. â€" W. Louck-s. Cairns hoi i at C^lon is for sale or rent. Apply to Mrs. Joseph Caiins on the premises. Baled Hay for Saleâ€" Apply to Goo. Binnie, near Proton Stn. 810 50 per <""• jan5 tf LOST AND FOUND , . , . - . , . ,. . i On the farm the crop* were fine, stand It to be 111 a flourishing condition. I Y,aiieaH g.ithered on the swine. j Prices were exceeding high. [ blacksmith wa.s engaged blasting stones, I he observed several lunip.s of greenish- .'.ost A gold loclcol, set vsith pearls, oval ill shape, in FloMherton Deo. 27 â€" Tlv'- office. Owner apply at Following are the new officers of Ct. Flesherton, C.O.F. : U.R., R.Swanton; | y.O.R., Geo. Clark; Rec.Soc, T.J. Fisher ; Fin. Sec, O. W, Phillips ; Treap., ' A. S, Thurston ; Chap., J. E. Wright S.W,, FriJ M,ithewson: J, W., L.l'odlar The Court was only organized last Mny [ and has already a membei'ship of about Overworked the Vi ligo Bank, thirty and is in ft strong finuncial condi- ! And the young Rereii ing Tellers .• I All are nervous wrecks, poor tollorsl I No one can inform us why. ! Eggs and butter wondrous dear. I (Pray excuse a vagrant toar.) Vegetable, fruit and araiii. I (Now we want to weep again.) Dut the owners ( f the truck ; SmiKd at theil abounding luck. Farmer folk of every rank Found â€" Caiit bock lookin:; ((Uanz embedded in die silicious ' this olHce. rock, and I-iter out of mere- curiosity as to their composition, forwarded a sample { SOCIALS AND CONCERTS to Ihe Provincial Government iniiieralo- i â€" gist for analysis. Recently a report has ' The Flo8hert(ui I. ( ), F. will hold a been r.ceived that the sample i.s rich in choice concert on W.udncsday, J|in. 12. golJ, silver and copper. Just what will Se e bills fo r full particular. ". bii ttic result, of ihii stupendoiH disco For good ^rearing rubbery il try the *Lioiv' and 'Maltese i Cross' Brands, both snag- proof and light weights. FELT BOOTSâ€" Something warm for Men and Women. the cold weather for Repairing as usual. CLAYTON'S ' ery we nro uiiablu to siiy at present. Pre- liminary mining operations by way of a'CfrlMiniiia the extent of the iiunferons quart/, will bii pu.she I forv<ar.l with all huNte lis s.nn ivi spiini; m eiisf. AUCTION SALES -Auctioneer McPhail is ill of pneumo- nia at his homo near Ceylon. W. Kait- ting will t:ikc C. .'Stiili'ord's saloon Friday of this week. lll[illR|[lS. CareluUy Corrected Eacli Week Wheat HO to 85 '•»t8 31 10,11 Pp'>8 75 to 75 ^''I'l'-'J' 45 to 50 H»y 10 00 to 10 00 But'ur 21 to 21 Kug-x, fresh 27 'o 27 Potatoes per bag .â- ")9 to 50 Oeese 13 to 13 Ducks 1.3 to lU Chickens j •_> jq jq Turkeys .' 20 to 211 Wool 21 to 23 Wood! Wood! We have a large .juantity of Hardwood Slabs for sale at Ryekvalo Mills at the following prices : 18 inches long 50c per coi-d 4 feet long ji ,,„. ,„,j l»-n)ch hemlock slabs 3oo per cord These slaka aio in good shape, and anyone wiiiitiug wood ijiould secure a supply. Durham Furniture Co. UOCK MILLS P. U. Ifeb

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