trr IN THE KING'S SERVICE SOMETHING ABOUT HIS MAJ- ESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. Salaries and Expcnneft Alone Am- ount to Considerably Over $1,500,000 Per Annun. King G«org«'B Household ia div- ided, for purposes of convenience, into three principal departments, th« provinces of which may b« de- scribed as "below stairs," "above stairs," and "out of do .rs." The first of these is presided over by the Lord Steward, who receives a sal- ary of $10,008 a year; the second by the Lord Chamberlain, also with ?10,000; while the Master of the fiorse, to whose care the third de- partment is entrusted, draws an annual stipend of $12,500. The Lord Steward is the first dig- nitary of the Court, and pre«»dc8 •ver the hall, kit«hen, ewry, pant- ry, wine, beer, and coal cellars, and almonry. As emblem of his au- thority, he carries a white staff, and he is chairman of the Board of Green Cloth. The Board of Green Cloth is where all the Household accounts are examined and passed, and on this the Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household, who are the officers next in rank, to the Lord Steward in his department, also sit. It is not these three, however, who bear the real brunt of the work. The scapegoat, upon whom devolve the duties theoretically be- longing to them, is the Master of the Household, who resides in the Palace itself,, investigates all ac- counts, maiutains discipline among the ordinary servants, and presides at the dinners of the suite in wait- ing on King George. He is also -per«onabIy responsible for the ac- commodation of foreign monarchs who 'visit England. "KING'S PAINTER." The department of the Lord Chamberlain, who must be a mem- ber of the Government, a Peer, and a Privy Councillor, includes the bed-chamber, privy-chamber, pre- sence-chamber, wardrobe, house- keeper's-room, guard-room, the metropolitan theatres, and the Chapels Royal. He has control ov- er a vast number of appointments in the Royal Palaces, from those of the King's physicians down to that of the charwoman who sweeps out the servants' rooms. He it is who gives the various tradesmen tho right of calling themselves "pur- veyors" t'O the King and Queen, ir. • ranges all the Courts and Leve?s. Coronations, Royal marriages, christenings, funerals, etc. There are many curi>us offices in the Lord Chamberlain's depart- ment. The duties of the King's po- et, or Poet Laureatte, are well known ; but nvt many people real- ize that there exists a pivrallcl office in Art. The King's Marine Painter is Mr. Edward de Martino, and, just as the Poet Laureatte is expect- ed to commemorate great events in verse, so Mr. Martino is expected to commemorate great naval victories on canvas. The King's Bargemas- ter is Mr. W. G. E^st, who has con- trol of his Majesty's "buige"â€" it more closely resembles a magnifi/O- , _, aftt gondola â€" on the Thames; while a special officer is appointed to look after the King's «wans â€" the Keeper i)f the Swans, he is called. Another strange office in this de- partment is that of his Majesty's Armorer. Kings, of course, no longer fare forth to wield their bat- tleaxes in hostile lands, so that the duties of this gentleman have de- veloped along very peaceful lines. His special care is the King's col- lection of armor, and the detection of "fakc<l" articles offered for sale. "When a piece of armor is offered to his Majesty, the would-be vendor first sends a photograph of it to the King's Armorer, Mr. G i.v Francis ' >ng, who then i-'ijv4 it to tlie :.(,. If it -xppears, genuine, and js approved, Mr. Laking inspects it personally ; but how rarely pur- chases are made may be gaugod from the fact that in six years 1,0S0 pieces were offered to King Ed- ward, of which only three were bought." "OUT-DOOR" DEPARTMENT. The "out-of-^oors department of the M.astcr of the Hor^e includes the stables and coach-houses, the stud, mews, and kennels." He is al- ways a member of the Government of the day, as is also the Master of the Buckhounds, whose duty it is to attend tlie Royal Hunt, and lead the procession of Royal equipages at Ascot, where he may be seen on horseback in a gorgeous uniform of green and gold,, wearing, as the in- signia of his office, the coup!c.^ â- «â- noose whicli holds two dogs, of a hound. The real management of the Royal stables and stu'l.-i. h<,w- ever, again falls on the slioir tors of a lesser official--the CroAtn Enner- ry. He has plenty to do ci'iitc un- like the ancient, hereditary olbce <if Grand Falc-'.iner, hcM by liio Dukes of St. Albans. Quite outside of L!"!.irr grva! <!<•- piirtmcnta arc his Maj'-'fy '•• f-nrelv pcrstinal attcndiints, siicti as \t\i private seerctary (Sir A -thui 1 Biggc), the Keeper of his Privy Purse, the Sui>erinteudent of his Wardrobe, etc. Each of these de- serves a special article ; but it is in- teresting to note that King George will never draw or sign a cheque himself, this duty being always per- formed for him by the Keeper of his Privy Purse. KING'S REMEMBRANCER. One quaint legal office in connec- tion with his Majesty is that of King's Remembrancer. The nora- in^ftion of sheriffs, the swearmg-in of the Lord Mayor of London, tbe acknowledgmeats of homag.^ for Crown lands, the recovery of leg- acy and euecession duti >i, and the Trial by Pyx, all fall to his lot The Trial by Pyx, which takes place an Dually in June or July at the Gol<l- smith's Hall, is to determine the fineness of the materials of the coinage bearing the King's head in relation to the standard specified by law. The King's Remembrancer presides at the swearing-in of the jury, and receives and records their verdict. Gold coins niust be eleven-twelfths of fijae gold and one-twelfth of alloy; while silver coins must contain thirty-seven- fortietlw of fine silver, and three- fortieth* of allay. â€" London Ans- wer*. CAUTION NEEDED. It was in the wild and woolly West, and Slimy Sam, the crafty cowboy, suddenly bethought him- self of a .plan for obtaining a suit of clothes from Ikey Mosenthal's store. "Say, Ikey, there don't seem to be much color in this yer one," as he tried on a fourth coat and vest. "Aw, my boy, that'h a thplendid color that ith," said the tradesman anxiously; "git out in the sunlight and thee." No sooner had the artful one got outside the door than he started doing a t»n-mil«-»n-hour sprint for heme and beauty. "Hi, hi, stop thief!" yelled the Hebrew, and gave chase. But suddenly, to Sam's dismay, a policeman hove in sight, and, taking in the situation at a glance, drew his "sliooter," after the gen- tle fashion "out West." "Boss, boss," yelled the clo' man, with the fenzy of despair, "for the love of goodneth, shoot 'im in the pants. He's got my coat and vest on!" To make English bread sauce for turkey, chicken or duck, take one- half !V pint of bread crumbs, one pint of milk, butter size of an egg, salt, pepper and a little mate, one onion ; simmer for two hours. Re- move onion when serving. ShihkB Cure avIcUy atapfl cvaibst curva colds, li*«la w Ihraat amJ l«iai>. . • . M Lace handkerchiefs should be washed in warm water and a little ammonia with Castile soap. Of course, they should not be ironed, but placed on a smooth surface, pulled out, and v.hen nearly dry fokled and placed under a heavy- weight. A Corrector of Pulmonary Trou- bles.â€" Many testimonials could be prosentod showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in cur- ing disoiders of the respiratory processes, but the best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recom- mended to all who su£fer from these disorders with the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation in the bronchial tubes Ai no other preparation can. THE POSTMASTER JOINS THE ARMY fFHO ARE SHOUTING THE PRAISES OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS IN THC WEST. A Neigiikor advised kim to take them for kis Rbeunatisn aad Gravel. They cared him. West Gravelbourg, Saik., Jan. 2 (Special). â€" Alexander McCarter, tli« po'.t inaster here, hits joined the great western amy that has for its watchword, "When ailing, use Dodd's Kidney Pills." And like aU others he has good and sufficiejit reasons. "I was laid up with Rheumatism »nd Gravel," Mr. McCarter states, "and was also troubled with my bladder. I was so bad I could not do much work. A neighbor came ftlong who hod been troubled the lame way, and advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I did it. I bought two boxes, and, using them kccordlng to directions, was doon ible to go to work." Notice one thing : It was a neighbor who had been tr«ubled the tame way who advised the post- master to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. He also had been cured by them. That's why h* recooaxnended them. If you're troubled with Kidney Disease in any formâ€" Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gravely Dropsy, Diabetes, or Bright's Dis- Baseâ€" ask your neighbors. You'll loon find one who has baen cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. ABSE>T-MINDED BELINDA. Little Happening Hakes Her Liken Herself to Graadtather. "You know tbe old, old story," said Belinda, "about grandfather and his spectacles, how one day when he wonted them be couldn't find them, and how th«y looked and look«id and looked for ther^, -jr. the floor and under the t-.'"le, and around everywhere, and how they finally found them on grandfather's forehead, where he had pushed them back from his nose? "Well, this morning when I came to put on my- slippers I got one on and I couldn't find the other, and I looked and looked and looked and looked just everywhere for that other'slipper, and where do you think I finally found it1 ^Why it was on my other foot, where I bad put it and forg<^tten it. "Really, I think I must be as queer as grandfather." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulatedKyellds. Murine Doesn't Smart â€" Soothes Hje Pain. DniEgists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. $1.00. Murine E3ye Salve In AserMc Tubes. 2Bc. 11.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. You may have noticed that a good many men who attend church are not troubled with insomaia. Warts are disfigurements that disappear when treated with Hollo- way's Com Can. No man is so great that he can afford to ignore even the smallest luau. JUST AS GOOD. "Did you discover the North Pole?" "Not exactly," replied the ex- plorer. ' But I found a place that was sufficiently cold and lonely to be its practical equivalent." MInard's LInlmant Ourn Olstempir. LOADED DICE. "That horse of yours looks poor, Patsy," said a stranger as he slow- ly mounted a jaunting car in dear, dirty DTlblin. "Arrah yer honor, not poor, but onlucky he is." "Unlucky ! How's that?" " 'Tis like this, yer honor. Ev'ry mornin' 1 Ujss whether he has a feed o' corn or I have a glass o' whi.":ky. An', begob, 'tis he has lest for five niornin's runnin' I" WMrwi Win 0* tMchlnv. "^'I f"â€" boiM mntni with inuw, lUK » taaspnuniDl ol P«Jb. I kUltr in bot sweatannl wat«r will pnf*nt WKt 111 •ffMls. AtpUI nulntitutas, tben ii bat OM "riuaklUar "â€" Ptrrj Ukria â€" SM. ud 60*. PURCHASED. Dyspepbia Specialist (irritably) â€" "But, madam, you must chew your food. What were your teeth given you for?" Patient (calmly) â€" "Thfy weren't given to me; I bought 'em." The greater the irriUtion in the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to expel this irri- .ating substance from the air pas- sages. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive bynip will Ileal the inflamed parts •vhich e.xude mucous, and restore Ihem to a healthy state, the cough jlisappearing under the curative ef- tects of the medicine. It is pleasant lo the taste, and the price, 26 cents. IS within the reach of all. i -N U ISSUE NO. 1-11 FRIEND AND PROTECTOR. Ill spite of his well-known poor u;arksnianship, a certain EngliBh- niau was invited to the country for a day's shooting. The attendant, in great disgust, witnessed miss af- ter miss. * "Dear me," at last exclaimed V.\o. sportsman, "but the birds seem ex- ceptionally strong on the wing (his yjar!" "Not all of 'eni, si came thu remark. "You've shot at the same bird this last do.(.en times. 'E's folleiing you about, sir." "Following mc about! Nonsense ! Why should a bird do tliit?" "T dnnno, sir, I'm sure," ro- pliod the man, "iinlesfi 'e's 'anging round for safetv '" MInard's Linlmtnt Curts Diphttitrla. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAMD'S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men. The old saw mills in Cavan, the property of th» Cavan Stores Co., were entirely destroyed by fire, with a loss of 92,500. An old-age pensioner and small farmer, William Curtis, was found drowned in a well at Shauraugh, Carrickmacross. James Casselly, a carter, was awarded $3,700 by a County Down jury for injuries received from the Great Northern R,. R. Company. The new hospital in TuUow in point of comfort and equipment compares favorably with any insti- tution of its kind in the three king- doms. The anniversary pi the murder of Allen, Larkin and O'Brien in Manchester was commemorated by a torchlight procession in Mona- ghan. Michael Davitt's eldest son, who is a medical student, delivere*' an interesting address in Dublin, dis- playing all his father's power of eloquence. Tlie external trade of Ireland has increased from $325,000,000 in 1904 to upwards of $625,000,000 in 1909, the bulk being in exports to Great Britain. Negotiations for the purchase by the tenants of their holdings on the estate of Lord Castletown, situated in the parish of Clough and Balla- coUa, are now almost completed. The death has taken place at Roscnallis, Que«>i'8 County, of Mrs. Elizabeth Conroy, aged 108 years. She leaves three sons, all •f whom are in receipt of old-age pensions. An Englishman connected with the woollen manufacturing business has acquired Kent's mill, on th' South Quav Wicklow, for the pur- pose of having it fitted up as a woollen factory. The tenants on the Darcy estate in the parish of Turlough have re- fused to pay rent, and are seeking by every means to compel the land- lord, Mr. Darcy, of New Forest, Co. Galway, to sell the land. POOR PA. A little boy was sent to a shop by his mother, and, being desir- ous to get away lo play, he made all the haste he could. The shop was full of cubtomers when he ar- rived, but he pushed himself to the front and cried out: "I say, grocer, will you serve me quick? It's for ray father's din- ner." "Well, what do you want, my lit- tle man?" said the grocer, leaving the customer he was serving. "Two pounds of soft soap and a packet of washing-powder," was the quick response. TBI ZAM-BUK FOR PILES. Read How This SufTerer Benefited) Don't you believe that experience is better than hearsay ? If you suf' fer from piles, just try Zam-Buk, You can do so at your own expense, So assured are we of the result that we will send you a free trial boa if you send to our Toronto officei full name and address and a on* cent stamp to pay return postage Mr. F. A!.tridge,«f3St. Paul St., St. Catharines, Ont., says ; "Porfiv« years I have suffered untold agon; with protruding piles. The pail was lo great at time«. I would al- most scream. "I lost weight and had no appe tite. I tried everything I eve! heard of for piles, as I was willing to take anything to get relief. Ii was useless, however, and I almost gave up in despair. "One day a friend gave mcacam pic of Zam-Buk, and told ma of I friend of his wiio had been cured I decided to try Zam-Buk, and th^ relief I got was encouraging. J used three boxes, and at the en< of that time I was completely cur ed." Zam-Buk will also be found « sure cure for cold sores, chappee hands, frost bites, ulcers, blood poison, varicese sores, scalp sores ringworm, inflamed patches, babies eruptions and chapped places, cuts burns, bruises, and skin injuriei generally. All druggists and storei ' sell at 50c. box, or post free fron | Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re^ ] ccipt of price. You are w.-irned : against harmful imitations and sub stitutes. There were 3,029 cases of infec- tious disease reported in Glasgow in one day recently. ^ihhSiCum â- â- IcUjr Mop* caadks. caraa colds, kcala SilcUir Mopa faadk • thraat aad liuUs as ceala. Too much patience is awfully hard on a certain portion of a man's trousers. A HMB^IW Causli lirlTas ilMp knd »mmt»t* Yva oibu ounquar it with AUaa'a Lom §m, wblch r«li*T»a hard braatblaf, pala to laak itnd irritatiMi al Um throat. CMt* W t« tha aUldtaa. Anyway, a woman can sharpen a pencil just us gracefully as a man can thread a needle. Ptheumatism, Neuralgia and Sor< Throat will not live under the sami roof with Hamlins Wizard Oil, th< best of all remedies for the reliel «f all pain. THE EXACT FIGURES. "Did you know that the hairs of our heads were numbered, Willie?" "Sure ! I was with sis when she bought hers, and they were num- bered ninetflen-tifty, was twenty- two-seventy-five \" A cure for Fever and Ague. â€" Dis turbanee of the sto.'nach and livei always precede attacks of fever an<j ague, showing derangement of thi digestive organs and cleterioratiur. in the quality of the blood. lii these Ailments Parnielee's Vege- table Pills liave been found most effective, abating fever an<i subduing the ague in a few days, There aie many who are subject U thfse distressing disturbances anc to these tiiere is no bettor prepara- tion orocurable as a mean.< of le- lief. " Frequently a thief steals such a small sum that he is sent to jail. MInard's Liniment Cures Colds, eto. QUITE SIMILAR. "What did you buy this piece of music for?" "A song." DoR't nave a Blind On "VISIO An Absetuts Cur* fer BtiH^ness (Opthulmia). Cataract •ad CMiiuaetWitit Shipina konaa all tuf. far tfm diaaaaad eyaa. A trial ivJH ooDvInc* AnT liorae owner that thft rtaiptfy a) • iiiMIr > tiraa datacti •t tha «.â-¼â€¢, Irra. •pcctlva of ika .ength or tim* ttir animal h-^a b«tn «fltc'«4. Ho iaatt»r liow mkaar doctora ]»•. «atrl»4 aud lal-tod, uaa'-Vrfllo" uiMlcr nur UlTAUAN'TRK. Mancr rafiiRaaa Itunaar alr«ctt«n« ltaft«si>«< -.wra- fl.DO p^r aaltU, a*ataaM oit r«««ipl «T ar-**, nill(lmadr*M'>,0«»l. S,1<33ffa*taliii ,C!i*c«ta.m. TIrar* I* Na SiraS nunc an a hamlcn ooach. Tha troubU goas (rov bad to worna auiaaa ohark. ad. Alleu'a I.trng Ualsam curaa tba wor^t ol aalda. It allaya tuflajamatlun and olaara tha alt paaaacaa. A mother or four daughters, one of whom had receiidy married, cor- nered an eligible young man in the drawing-room. "And which of my girls do you most admire, might I ask?" "The married one," was the reply. {isrs. Wiislvw's Soo&iag Synip naa kaaa umJ for arcr MKTT-nVG TEARS t>r KiLUWVfl a( HVrnSRS for «TJr CHILBIIKN WHIM TBSTItyiU. "llh rKKKKCT !HilX;t:SS. It DOOTHBS flTTBi*.' ----- ttottla. \arayt««A un4*r th« Faod ajid liru^a A.-t. --ksaatli. IMt. (crlalNumWrimi. 4.N OLD AKD \yZLU TKUD R£U1U)Z. Bibliophile (aghast)â€" I beg your pardon, madam, but that botik your little girl is playing with is an old and exceedingly rare first e<ii- tion. (.'aller â€" Oh, that's all right, Mr. Bibbert. It will amuse her just as much as if it were nice and now. It is a Liver Pill â€"Many of the ailments ihat men has to cuntond with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptihlo to the dis- turbanctis that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This .tccounts for the great many liver regulators now pressed on the attention of suffer- ers. Of these there i.s none super- ior to Parnielee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is ef- xective, and the mo^it delicate can use them. â- so*s _.'or THK BSST Mr" " nror COUOHS r iMKot«ir«« WANTED. r BAaN TUK ItABSKB TBAWK-JinW JLi ir'taB-i^aDitaat araalia*â€" oaj«lal laatiao H«n-faw waaka uaB|ilaM c<mra«_ia*ta IrMk Aradaataa aaru twaira W all htaau daUata vaal^ It. Wrtta for eaial.(ua. Malar li*rkar Catlap tSl Qaaan Eaat, 'ruraolu. CtANCCR, Tnmara, Ltuapa, ate. latarnal I and aitornul. uiirad without yam hy •ur boma traataaBt. Wrlta as bafora toe lata Tit. Brlltaau lladieal Co., Lmitadk Cr^lii^rwond. Ont. AILROAO sparatUni in Canada ta-daj ym. rfda flna rhauaaa lor jauaf aam. Wa Caarh Talacra^y awtlltatioa Agaata' work cc>ia|il«ta la Hl^rtaM tliaa. I'artituUi. (raa. Writa CantraJ T<-!e|(raph and BaiUcad School, Voafa and tlarranl 8»a, Taroato. W. U, Khaw, rraaidaat MAKE BIGGER PAY IN 1911 Do you intepil makinf^ mora money in 191 1 than you did in 1910? Your intention will be a reality if you can "slick and hang" â€" that is, jf you go into Life Insurance work. The National Life offers tlie n«6st modern and liberal poll.'ies â€" the kind that are easy to sell. Write te-day tor aur llheral friw to g»»< men. The National Life Assurance Company of Canada H«ad Office - Torcnto A man is sure to have enemies â€" unless he marries a woman who has no relatives. Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because they know from experience how useful it it. â- \Vifeâ€" "Here's another invita tion to dine at the I'lutleys. What a bore those occasions arc 1" Hub- byâ€" "Yes; even their dinner-knivt;s I are dull." 1 Bam Roofing Fire. Lidhtnind Rnst and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Let in know *^e sire of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will maka you an intorofUng ofiltp. Metallic Roofing Co. Limited MAJfUFACTUHERS TORONTO lutd 'VINrviPEG A certain married man wua in the habit of troubling his father- in-law with complaints about hit wife's behaviour. "Really, this in too bad!" cried the irascible old gentleman one day on hearing of some of his daughter's delintiuen- cies. "If I hear any more com* plaints I will disinherit her." There were no uioio. TAKE NOTICE. Wa pnMluk simple, otraicht taitinioniais, not prasH ,'iK«Dt3' ititai-riawn, (ruin wall-knuwa paiipla. From alt rvvor Americi thay tej»tify to tha mar- its n( MINAUU'S LlNlMK.Nr, tha t>aata( Uuus«> hold HameilioB. MINAKD8 UNIMKNT CO., UMITKD. The average Kirl is int to gen- orate a desire ii. ki.';.'" lit . â- • '.^ bro- ther when the right young man ia present. Ha Subatltuta foi "TIta D a I/' Mantbal PlaatarJ althoDKl] tomo iintcriipitloait ilaalara may say thoril Ib, ltt*R<>mineiitlafi by (tr>eturB, hi-apitals, ciargjp and ararybody tor plauriiy, stif oaaa, ato. Rich Uncle Kbenezer â€" "So you are named after me, are you?" iiniall Nephew â€" "Yes; ma said it was too f;ad, but we netxled th» money." THE TUNE OF THE ENGINE. Engineers, both locomotive and stationary, judge of the. condition of mcir engines lafgely by their 'tuned'' wlien running. Every ea- gfiue has a tone of its own, and an e.\perien<5cd engineer, with b.TudJig- fd <•>!•«, Could unhesiiatiii-TJy j;.- - out an engine to which ..o was uv cu!<toined. As a locomotive roars .ilong tlie rails, the engineer is al- ways lii-teniiig, thougli siibcon- Rciuusly, to its familiar tune, and if; there comos the slightest ditcord, or if the Lone changes, he knows in- stantly that sometiiing is wiyni*- ;nid niaken an investigation at thv r.:rlic>>i ^"'portu/.ity. H-?- r-f j n<< far fo?' /â- .â- •'•icV h'l*'' *^^"* '• ' â- tbe t"i >â- of '•'"â- ; itr«it Tin :. be â- •• ^ • ; h) MInard'* Liniment Curn Cargtii 1 Capsicum aseiine DtlUr than a Mustard Ilwter.fceir»tBli»tar. ferCcMsmOiest or Throat 12 Vaadine Remedies inTuIxa MentholaiecLCamphorated. Borjted. Carbt^ed.Whitc. 0;t)(Je cf ZJincetc Write ft-,- fi-stf Va&etine Booh to