^rf^s? i July U IfilO Aycr's Hair Vigor Ingredie nts: Siii»luir. ClycniiL OaMn. SadhmCMwM. CaMcwn. Sasc. Alcahal. WaUr. Pcrfnaw. Anything injurious here? Anything of merit here? Will it stop faUing hair? WUl it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. AsIc your doctor. Asit your doctor. AsIc your doctor. Does not Color the Hair J. C. ACTS OBMgAMT. iMMtl. iUm. Where the Remedy Lies. . Business Cards ) V«IiT{:B LOUCK8 " J Builder d<] Cnntraetor ! nn. u .' i m i i » i For Jrlck, Stone audfraine reeidoncOT E». 1 ^ "e nimtingdon Oleiiner liiis the fol- ^t« ohaerfuUy lurr.«hed, Flenherton P O ^ lowing sensible Bit c e in reference to <le- ;iiiiJjOUUH a VoXTNti 1 paitmeiital store con)|)etition which will O<»t»o«r»l bank *ngbu*rDe»i.* Money lo»u«d l"^'P'y «"tf> the same force to thistlistnct j_r«*«op>ble r alet r.«ll o n »k as to the district iround Huiilir OatKi OHItsLHITT, -A* Postmaiter, Ceylon. CotbmlMioDer in H. O. J . Conveyancer, deed*. mortiiMee, leasee, wills etc. caretnlly drawn up JOllectiODS n>ad>, ctaarges reaeonable. Also Sntcariea, flour, feed etc. kept in stock, rricea rteht. J bfHUUL.b Postnaaatet, FleebertOB oeumlssiooer in H.C J., Auctionee Con- veyaoeer, Appraiser and Money Lender Real Estate and Iniurance Agent. Deeds, mortguaa. leases mn<i wills carefully drawn ap and valuations made on ebortest notice money to loan at lownst rates of interoiit.tCol- ectiODi attended (,o with promptnesa cbargai low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamstaip ngdon. Read it and see what you think : The depitrtiiiental .store sells for cashâ€" nothing leaves its counters which hns not been paid for. TIih country storekeeper gives more ct leu credit, iind, Ihouyli he may m»ke few bad dishts, ho loses the intercut on his capital. With protits cut down to what they are. little, otten nothinc; is made out uf the customer who sectlea once a year. Were no goods to j{o out Comnaov. A call solicited. , , -.l , â- JY llcPMAril"l,Tc<-nsed^A^i^ii5Beir"foi the I <*f '"* Country store without being paid *'• County of Grey, Tenus moderate and aatiafaction guaranteed. Tbe arrancementa and dates of sales can be made a*. Thb Advanck office. Keeidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telepbone connection. Dee. 6J7 YI7M.~EAl'l'TtN(i, Idceused Auctioneer for --., '' tbe counties of (irey and Bimcoe. fc.,!^ Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms jfioderate. satisfaction guarantied. Arrange- ments fur dates may be made at tbe Advance uifice, or AI T. Hutcbinson's store, teversbam for, its owner could in stuple {{oods fur whicli there i.s steady demand, undersell any city concern, in the credit system the country dealer has his enemy, and until he overcoinei him he will see goods coming from Toronto to customers whose names are on his books. In u dairy section like this, where the farmer does not, at he did in the old times havo to byad dressins me at Favershara. Ont. RODU MATHIrJ-.V8, Markuale, Licensed .^ ,-i.i. ri,. t ,• j auc'.ioneer for the county of Grey. Good , wait until the fall to chantje his produce *"!?'• ^i_''"Vi' "''''* r''^- Dates can be i into monei, there is no reaMn why the laade St The Advance. oOO i ii J i- l u . u ^ ».i>vp^> i...-i>. -.t;x» â€" ITâ€" i ETâ€" r ' '"'• '" »" dealniKS should not be spot r HARVEY PF:K1G0E. broker, Flenherton i - ... - " - - - '^- - (tMiei'al brokerage business. Insurance of 1 cash. Were that the rule there would 'tytary kio4 placed in safe and liberal companies. | be no inducement to pass the door of the Ilea: estate etc.. Open accounts and (uist due i i„„.i ,f„-pi.„-„„,. _,i,n i« -i inu>fiil momhup ^te« bandied and money advanced thereon. I ',.• ""'^*''**P" wno l» . I useful member worrcapondence Bolicited. | of the couimuDity and whose disappeai- . â- - â- „ , .. 1 ance would be a loss. Medical j f\R CARTKR ! Two children from Chicaso, who weie •SL..?d^re^i"S^i.!l7r'!r.'"n«ha''_':»^ were stopped at Port J' F OTTEWisLL ' Veterinary Burgeon Aradnate of Ontario Veterinary Collega, 'residence â€" e»cond door south weat'on liary etreet. Thia street ram aoutb P restytsrian Cborcb. HWILbU.N, Blacksmith • Uraduate of tue Veterinary Bciene Association, Durham itreet, oiposite }ioyd, Bros bardwara. ; Huron by an Ametican immigration O0i- cial on their way home and sent btck to Guelph. Dentistry E. C. MURRAY U D. 8., dental surgeon boBoi' graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, UaaadmiBiotstered for teeth extraction Offi<:e at reaiJencc, Toronto Street, Fleshertoo. ly Legal t'CAS, BANEY* WALLACE-Barristerp, •' Solicitors, etc.- 1. B.Lucas, K. C: W. K. Hasey, K. <'. : J. H. G. Wallace. Olfices, Torodto, (M>9 Traders Bank Bide, phone uaiii 14Ii2; klarkdale Lucas Block. I'taone 2 A. Mraneh ofl ice a t Dnndalk o pen ever y Ba turday. "WTTTWRlffHT, liarnster,~Holicitor, Convey, "anear, etc.,â€" -Owen Bound, and I'lesherton. N Bâ€" Pletberton offlca. Sproula's Block every Batorday Societies AO U V meets ob the last llonday IB each moath, in their loage room Norrk' block. FleabartoD, at 8 p.m. M. W., Alirad Harrison ; Bee., C. H. Muoshaw: Fin., W.J. Bel.aiuy. Visiting brethren Icvited nRUICE AKTHUK LODGE, No. H33,A.F.4 •^ A M, meeta in tht Maeonic hall. Arm. MMtttit'* Jllock.4>^iaaberiAii. ava^ Friday on â- or tMlors ttiatuTl mocn. (". n.muusLaw, 'W. H.;.Tboi. Clayton, Bat,re*.ary. rOVRTFLBSRERTON, 995, L 0. F. nreetsln 'Cnil'tVli'i Block the last Wednesday evening ul eAcii mODtb. Tititing Foresters heartily wcleome. H. B., Dyson; It. B., 'i', Hecry; Kin. Bee., C. N. Bichardsoo. Please pay dues to Fin. 8«c. before the flrat ^»Y Ot tL« ui9Dtb, (1BOBEN F>IBNDB-Kleaberton Council ot V Chosen Fvnds meets in Clayton's liall first »•«>- 2C/| t>,Hli,t>j||^eadar of G&ch moutb S p. m Fay aaaessmentj^o the Be^otder on or before tcellratdayot eackmontb. Chief Councillor T. BlakeleY:Becor der W. H. Bunt. Farms For Sale or Rent F- lAKM FOKKALE-<»ne hundred acres ic • excelleBi condition, good sugar bush, new liaro 00170, stone stabling, well watered, water In stable, windmill on well and bain, every twpveniance. .... j " Also 3000 feet o( li inch black piping, and double actina power pump. Apply to <HAB. BTAKFO KD, Flesheiton. 1 aug. FAKM FOlt BALE-East 3 of lot 7, con. 1, Mt. Vincent, l."iO acres. 110 cleared, balance buab , 7 acres orchard, brick clad house, :i7i;i8, with kitcbeo and woodshed, barn aiiliO with baaement si .op ICi'i'', sheep shed with loft2llx4C 9 wells and spring water for stock. 4 milee from Thornbury. IK3W0. Termseasy. yiiwrr.K HsHiHAK, Clarksburg. {, VAItti F«>K BALE- Very cheap. 100 acres, I *^ lot 9, con. 7. < tsprey. only »:«I0, ressonable I rash payment. balat<Le easy terms, 85 acres cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good coiutoitsble frame ilwellinp. stone cellar under, never fail- ling spring well aud winilmill pump at door. ;i,ew frame barn, well flnished. stone stabling Iwith spring water under, also in shed. It is >itnated 4 mile Iroiii Maxwell village where Shers sre stores, post olDces, gooil school, Snd is on the gravel road,»* miles from railway ifttiim. It sold at once, above price, though " VHlTT^rflEAP might be abaded a 'little. Apply to H. J. Hl'HOULE, Fleaherton, or 'J'HUU AB O U y , on preu; ises. tt X'or sale cheap or rant, immediate potseslieu. * Ixit.lOGCu. U, Ai-t«me«ia, about 75 acrea clear, comfortable log bouse and frame barn. ApplvtoK .1 Bproule, Kleslierton, or John J Martin, across the rosd from said lot: F" "w^saTrcheap and on easy terms, good corn- Ion able frame dwelliiig, stable and driving tiouaawith th'-ee villacslots in Ceylon' Dwell- ing well built end flnished and good bearing srebard UD tbe property. Apply to â€" B J BpHOiii.li. Klesherton._^ Iot 19rconr«ri>sprey containing lUU acres, HO -'cleared, frame bouse, frame barn, sloue foundation; orchard, well watered. One thonaanddevrn and balance to suit puiebaser. Immediate posaeasion Apply (.o „ „ „ K. N. KiNsra* llaawell P. O. jBullg .jt^.j lor Service. Term. •). PM»51* '•' 7 ii[ mm. Carefnlly Corrected Each Week Wheat S.') to 8.5 Oats :V) to ;{0 Peas 70 to 70 Bailey 45 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butler 17 to 19 Eags, fresh 18 'o 18 Potatoes per bag 40 to 40 Geese 10 «o 10 Ducks 11 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 Wool 21 lo 23 Fall Term •t the Coilingwood Business College OftmnJia^ ivt, l»Ui, in handsome i new college a|Mrtments. Training in all btuinesH sabjects, sborthitn'l and typewriting. Catalogue free. T E. HAWKINS Principal Custom Weaving The undersigned is now ptr|>aired t.o do all kinds of CustHim Weaviiii;. Plain, Twilled and Satinet ic, Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Bags, Cilored Warp found, 20 cents per yai'd. Striped rags extra. Wm. LEES, FIcshertOB, Ont. SEASONABLE IN GOODS Term- "-^ - ,\.*-,- (iiBSON, proprietor thorn Bui'. No. 74'i«5- est T. and N> Road an>, lOU. John M. /,iav.forMrvi«.^^. H^* ospiay. Hied k.,11 >n lot *. con. MRS BUkh Feveraaa»jij„f_ Broad. FURN I TUBE The largest and liest stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining R<M)m Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setta. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton BerksWres and TaiBWtrthJ Brown LeglM*"'" s'd tP*=l|lJ«^.X, ,^lal beet male .vjTT <|(|£d|nl M««^^^ „, ty,,, ; ,. iockeral and pullet. mora '•* com-^ and â- f "bread or type : •Py'jJ Vera! and P""**- „5{S2 _|1»0 ALLEN, ?«*liortoo, thit. Ceylon Meat Market (rcsh and smoked roeata, >iasnee, always on hand J- J^lLpCKLIN All ki..«^,, head ob Cash ))*{ \ tTTe f e s If e r to \ Is At© VANCE 'HEIR BRAVE ADIEUX OARJNG LAST DEEDS PERFORM- ED BY DYING HEROES. •fapanes* Submarine Commander Wrote His Log Up-to-Oate In the Face of His Doom â€" German School Master's Heroic Sacrifice In Behalf of Hia Companion â€" Hero of the Strathcona Fire In 1906. Brave deeds are often done on the brink of death. Uuly the other day the newspapers were full of the dra- matic story uf the loss of a Japanese submarine, an accident to which in manoeuvres off Port Kure sent three officers and eleven men to their doom. But before he had been finally over- come by asphyxiation, the lieutenant in command of the ill-fated boat had succeeded in penning a detailed ac- count of the accident, describing the cause, the steps taken to endeavor to raise the submarine to the surface, and the heroism of his crew, and con- cluding with a touching request that the Emperor might succour the fami- lies of the ofHcers and men. It was the last log-entry of a gallant com- mander. The Stoker's Last Act. The Paris to Bordeaux express is one of the fastest trains in the world. On the night of March 7th last, it was roaring along the flat straight stretch which runs for seven miles from Sainte Maure to Poictiers at tbe rate of sixty-five miles an hour, when the stoker opened the door of the lur- naee, and turned to fill his shovel with coal from the tender. Suddenly some of the back stud- bolts gave way. There followed a blast of steam and flame, and driver and stoker both were hurled to the floor of the cab. Horribly burned, the stok- er turned and saw the driver lying apperenUy dead, while the train rush- ed on uncontrolled. With a last el- fort he struggled to his knees, crawl- ed to the throttle, and stopped the train just as it was entering Poictiers Station. They found him lying in- aensible. He rallied sufficiently to tell what had happened, and then passed alfayT"^^â€" ^,.â€" .--" â- One day towards the end of August, 1906, two German schoolmasters, nam- ed Overbeck and Kueppers, set out to climb the WeiEsecpetze. The as- cent is not accounted a dangerous one, and the two Germans took no guides. All went well until, near the summit, they came to an ice bridge. Kueppers got across safely, but just as Over- be^k reached the centre the treacher- ous ioe gave way, and he dropped into the crevasse, and hung there dangl- ing over tbe darksome depths, sus- pended by th< rope w|)ich was attach- edto his friend's waist. The Rop* ef [Hath. Out of the chasm below came Over- beck's voice, "There is only one thing to do. Cut the rope. I may survive the fall." For a long time Kueppers resisted. Bat he was growing weak, and was numbed with cold. In a abort time the weig^it of . Overbeck would pull him, too, over the brink. At last he was forced to obey his friend's order. He cut the rope, and, more dead than alive, hurried away for help. Alas! when the relief ex- pedition arrived it was only to find the heroic Overbbck lying dead io his icy 'grave.' â- •â- *.„•»_ The industrial roll of honor is a k>Qg one, ar.'d its heroes are found hoib on land and sea. On a bitter winter -utght in December, 1M6, the Canadian vessel Strathcona was steaming south from Halifax. N.K., with 380 passengers aboard. Sudden- ly there was a cry of "Fire !" and as flan>es burst through the hatches the passengers came rushing, screaming, on deck, and made for the boats. But tbftjiea WHS tCK> rough tPcamnU boats to live, and the c^C* Tield them ofl, while the captain ordered the vessel to be headed for Port Duflerin, the nearest landing-plaoe. Full speed was put on, hut this, naturally, served to fan the flames, and soon the whole after-part of the ship was a roaring furnace. Down below the firemen toiled like heroes amid suffocating heat and smoke, but their danger was not so terrible as that of the man at the wheel. In spite of all that could be done, the wheel- house was soon a mass of flames, the ropes and lashings crumbled to tin- der, and before the mouth of the har- bor was reached the hero's clothes were burning. Yet he stuck to his post until the vessel was beache<t, then hf staggered across the charred planks, and fell dying. The story of Alice Ayres is worth recalling. One night, in the winter of 1885. a house in Union street, in the Borough, caught fire, and a nurae- girl-â€" Alice Ayres by name â€" who was sleeping with her charges in the top storey, awoke to find the staircase in flames, and escape cut off. For the Sake ef tha Childran. 8li« rushed to the window, flung it open, and the' crowd out«ide shouted to her to jump. Instead, they saw her disappear, and presently come back, lugging a large mattress, which she pusliod with difficulty through the window, and as it fell called to those below to spread it on the pavement. Next tti'nnte she was baclt with a child, which she dropped in safety on to the soft bed. By thi.<t time the floor of the room was burning, but she seized ansther child Hiid carefully dropp.»(.t that one, too. Like the first, it was unhurt. The state of the room by this time may be judged from the (act that the third child which slie dropped died, not from the fall, but 'rom burns. Raving got all thne children out, Alice Ayres was >>e3n by hundreds of horrified eyes to climb to the sill, and stbnd there blackened and blistered, and with her clothes a mass of flames. "Jump!" they screimed. She ol)eyed; but exhausted and blinded, missed the mattress, and, falling on the hard pavement, was killed. I In Memorlam I t)n the death uf (;ertriide Kllzabeth Kng- j land, ttged five years, who died at Coldwatera i few h(inrn after l«ing badly burned, whil^ plajiiig withalittle frieiul in a play house, .(uiie 3rd, llllO. "This world k (v]\ oi faiewelli! And iiiiiurniiiKs for tlie dead ;" 'Die fairest blooms are oftin The <|iii''v,i'«t to be shed. Tlie cherubs neii'. ff 'n Leaven Ti)fi!l our holies with love While buddini(, oft are suinniimed To our Father's home alxive. (ieitnide, our little darlinjf, 'I'he joy ef every heart ; How can we live without thee? How can we from thee iMtt ? O He.ivenly Father teach us In this dreadful hour of grief, To ask of Thee Thy guidance, To seek from Thee relitf. When to carry flowers to auntie She. turned from mother's door. Scarce dreamed they at that moment They'd see her thus no n.irc. Her kindly mission en ded. Aside she turned to |>la.y With little playmate Bessie, llutb cliildiKh hearts hc gay. •Soon shouts and screams of terror, Instead of shoutti of n'lea ; Will no one come to-fescue y Will none from flames her fre« ? By sail mischance the tire In (iertie's clothes had canglit, Hel)i caiue too late to vave her. She alone the monster fought. Then iiioanintt, home they bore liT, .Vnd lovinjt hands would fain From toi tures dread have saved her, Hut Kiion they saw 'twas v.'vin. A few short hours she lingered. Then peacefully khe imssed To the avtnH of a waitir.i^ .lefciis. Who will ever hold her fast. Her lavt wordsâ€" "Mamma darling, Wl.i»t will you ever do Without your little girl to kiss? " Drought tears fmni not a few. They laid her in her tiny grave With flowers she love J so well. Then •iirned away with aching hearts To homes where gloom had i) II. Oh iMirents cease yuiir weepinj^, You have hi))* beyond the grave, She waits yon in the great Ijeyoiid, Where He us all would aa\r. Those scars and burns have faled, Her agony is o'er, .Sbe'r in a realm of la>>ting bliui Where pain can ie.w:h no more. Mf.y oiu' lamps lie trimmed and buiniiig \\ hvn our fleeting day is run, May we ever say with .leKua â€" " Oh tiod, Thy will Ije done. " â€" M. F. Amea. Waulianshene, June i8th, 1{I10. Newspapers roport that in the Alpine regi<.dis oiihe Swiss cantons of Vaud and V»laiseheV»e makers will keep their product* f(^V years. They asseit that cheese improves with age. At Les Ormonls, in the canton of Vaud, it is fiustoniHiy to ronke special cheenoH f,? ceitiiin family feastK. Th^y nie tazite.i with ex(,Ianatory labels and eaten .several years later, at other fetsts, or even at funerals. Often such cheeses are be- ijueathed from one generation to another as family aouveuiw. Recently, at Les Ormonts, in a concealed shelter, there was discovered a cheese dating from 178.5. It was as hard as a rock, and had to be cut with a saw. It is reported to have twjled good.â€" Scientific American. Her (iist ride on a train so affected the nerves of a young Michigifc woman that she lost her reason. FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 1, 1910. at the _^^jya9r/r/^ Catarrhozone Cores Permanently BRONCHinS, COU«HS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH y Owen Sound 29 successful years. Individual instruc tiun. Information Free. C.A. Fleming, G. D.Fleming, Principal. Secretary Throw medicine to the &g9. At best they are unpleasant, often use- less. Tou are suffering from Gome disease of the throat, nose, or lungs. Doctors call It Bronchitis, Asthma, or Catarrh, or It Is a slight or severe cold. Germs cause these diseases â€" they have a common root. Catarrhozone destroys diaeaae garmi, but it does mora, it heals diaeaae tia- •ue. â- CATARRHOZONE is little drops of healing carried by air to the exact place where Catarrh exists. Observe, Catarrhozone not only destroys the cause, but immediately repairs the result of diseased condition. Catarrhozone means little drops of healing carried by air and placed over the lungs, throat, and nazal passage*. Catarrhozone is endoraod by doe- tora, druggiata, and by thousanda of Canadian people who have used it. Catarrhozone Yea, Sir, it is taken in air. "Little drop* of healing" carried by air to weak plaoea in th« lunga, throat,, and naaal paasaga*. Three sizes: 25c, 56c, and $1.00, at druggist IS, or by mail postpaid from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffstio, N. T, and I(i°SSton, Ont- C. J. B E L L A MY'S Hardware Hints Paris Green at 30c per Hj- Binder Twine 500 feet 7 l-2c ; 600 ft. 8 l-2c ; 650 ft lOc Eureka Compressed Air Sprayer.s $6.00 for $.").0() Frost Eence, all style.s. Also a few rolls of Pittsburg and Standard Woven Fence going at a bargain. Harvest Toolsâ€" Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, etc. Call and inspect our goods. The OwenSnuud Sun crows over a l<eD* egK 1 i inches lone and 1 inchacroK*. This i the scale in which things occur io that northrrii hui'g, except in the litie of hos- P'lals buil' by the county, which arc ana slig'it'y larger scale. ' Gas Distended His Stomach Oatued Palpitation, and Pre- â-¼ented Sleepâ€"When Health Was Gone, Cure Followed Use of '*Ner- viline." Testimonial Nd. 4880 "My last wish will be." writes Harry P. Pollard, a well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartford^ "thatevery- ane with a bad stomach may learn as I did. before it's too late, that Nervl- llne Is the one remedy to cure. 'Why, I was In miKhty bad shape, my dlses- tlpn waa all wro nr. and every night I would waken with a start and find my heart Jumping like a threshlnv machine. This was caused by gas on my stomach pressing againat my heart. When I started to use Nervillne I got better mighty fast. It is certainly a grand remedy for the traveling man.' keeps your stomach in order, cures cramps, prevents lumbago or rheu- matism, breaks up chest colds and aore throat â€" In fact there hasn't been an aehe or pain Inside or outside for the past two years that I haven't cured with Nervillne. Do you wonder I re- commend It?" I For general household use Nervillne has no equal; It will cure the aches and ailments of the entire family â€" | refuse anything but Nervillne, 50c per] bottle, trial size 25c. all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton Fine ai«atb«r Booms Itlillincry With every day wanner than the day h^fo^e iind the appearance that tine weather is going lu stay, stiiiiulaie« the demand for hats <)uick. Though we are busy, we are not overlooking order*. Every hat goes out with cartful attention. We haveju^r received a case of new shape*, braids and flower*. Beautiful new Dress Goods Just Jlrrived A mong which are tn be teen the latest shadca in wisteria, the new lose shades with pale blues, als" very pretty shades in bi-owus, ^hjui-.t and greens. Shantung linenk and rep the cortect thing for thai'hew summer suit in the different »ha'les of rose, russet, K>'een, wisteria, lii.en, etc. Dainty Dress muslins A t;uod range to choose from ranging in pi ice from tt 20 cents. Uestinfls and Crossbar muslins Niithing makes up much prtttler fur the ne« tailored blouses than I he vestinitH and crossbar muslins. We have just received a hin range in those and you will hud quality and design the best. We hIsii ha\e a full line of white h'ouscs, fancy and tailored. I^adies fancy and tmliioidered linen collars. Jabots, frillings aiid curds, a giMid as-orlinent. Special in Underskirts all NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN We have a number of good black sateen enderskirts in While they last at oO cents. I..ace curtains are now in ileniaiid anil we have juj^t what will suit you rtni^iiK! in price fioin 25 to 92.50 per pair. A few more of tbo.se good Canadian and Knglif h p- ints at 8 and i> cents per yard. In genls furiiiBhiii|.'n we never have had a mote up-to-date line. You will Iind our faikcy hose hard tn bea>. Do not fail to .see, also the shirts and ties. Our new spring suits have ju»t arrived, which will pay you to call and see before buy ins elsewhere. The styles, i|uality a<'d priuts are right. Hats and caps in all the new spring styles. Everything you need in boots and ahoe«. Wall paiiers a sp>-cialty, painta and varniabes, harjwaip, groceries and confectioneiy. A full slock. Fruits in their aeason. J. E.XARGE, Eugenia - i ; Direct i«na. "Does Mr. Smiih live bereP" "No, sir." "Does he Hve in this street?" "Yea, sir." "Do you know hie numberf" "No, sir, but you'll see it on hia daw."â€" PoDcb. HoiMce Kent of Orillia was dioirued while btthing at Atherly.