'S0}l'^-^'-''-''^!'f 'â- "I'?"?- â- 'V- -â- ;*â- â- (..•â- ?**10l» Mwiuiaiiih 3 msmBm -â€"â- » â€" ctaM m4 Id » kMllkjt oes not Color the Hair W« wUi yoatopodtivdy and dWfaictly undenUnd that Aycr't Hair vigor docs not afttct the color of the b«lr. even to the tltghtcct dcmc. Pcnont with the whttcst or the lightest and roost deUcatc Moad hairnuy luett freely without having the hair made a shade daili«r. limwHipflbl* Sulphur. Glycerin. Qufnia. SoiTHim ChiorW. Show tUa formula to your doctor. Atk him what he thinkt vf tt. J. O. An» Oouttrt. LdiwII. 1U«». T4| K j^ ESHERTOK AD VANG E Business C.xrds «I.\I.'«"En LOUCKS W KuiiJer ii<1 Contrkctor Vi I)iDkcr» Markdale ! Ititiidulpli MacDoriild, contract(<r;«Dine ' lime ai{0 sued the W«lkei-tou, Lickhow For firick. Stooe «o<l Jrwiie r«il4enc«». F.«- I railway for ^,6o.'>.45,-a balance «id to M chwtiuiiy fur.-i.hed. FieshertoB P *>! have been duo him for construction «f pai't of â- the railway from WnJliciton to Oo • neoer*) LiiTkiDi! bUbliio»«. MoD«yto>iDod 'â- Proton. • At< this trijl the case WKB Aw- irrhhi^U^t^^-^^^â€"'^^"" "" ' Jmi'^ed with c.f'tf.. Ma.»p..n8l(L ha.s *• PoitiB»tt*r, 0«yloii. , I xiiice died and liiK executors a(>)>eak>d the c;ne. The trial CHUiB otf in Tor«ni.)ori Monday, ilic npppiil w»h allowed <iivl judg- ment given for the amount. -^WoJker- ton Teleocope. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of ore * Rig Aviatioa Me?it M Toronto' Muc-biiiterestattacheiit'i the big aviation niebt to be held in roroutu for I he week beginning July Uth aa practically all the leadiug aeronauts of the world will be in attendance while every known type of •eroplkiie will tw rppresented. The flight af> arrmi{;>'d uill tul<u place ovur tliu Uk« and it is confidently expelled that a â- luiiiburof roooids will he brokenus pri/.us agxrugatinfi; 175,000 mil be uffrred iu lh« different evcntH,cine<>f whichwill propably prove a lupt; distance light. Of the noted aeronuuts to compete the mo^t picturesque it Couitti. de Lesseps, son of the noted French Ennineer who Two Old Fiintiocks A rusty old Indian flintloek rifle hang- ing in the window of the Warder office this morning attracted considerable atten- tion. It it owned by . Mr. Wellington Austin cf Haliburtoii, and thereby hangs • t.'kle. Mr. Austin has jmit returnetl from Gow Ijuiida, where he had been prospect- ing for some mouths past with much suc- cess. It was while, out on one of his ex- plorationa that h« stumbled itcross the two old Indian fliptlooks. Mr. Austin was i)rospeoling slphg the Mondeal river and along the share of Lady DuSerin Lakp. He came to a clump of bushes, I ranger ttat«d that uo doubt the two fliot- •iockt !^rved the pur(>ose of touib&Uinet and marked the drarea of the two chiefs The flintlock is hacked about the but^, showing where the tomahawks had ohopp- ed off pibces of wood in the duel. Mr. Austin ttates that the ;,'uns are supposed to ho fr^m 150 to 300 yeim old, and he prizes them very hi(<hiy. He has hud several good offti-s for them.â€" Lindsay Warder. cations. It also teta forth the govera' ment grants »nd will, no doubt, be of great assistance to trostreea, as tbia year will show the greatest scarcity of any time â€" Walkerton Teli-seope. *r, 0«yloii. lu H, C. J , CoDveyaDeer, ileeda, efullv drawn up ['oitmut#r CommiiiKionor I ir.ort4tae«fi, IeA«f*ii, wilU etc- (^are! .'ollectious oiatl-. c)iar|;e» roAKOiial>le. Alttc I oceritfii, lloui. feed ate. ka/illu atock, I'ricea 'â- i£>it^ r"** RJ bi'ltUUiib PutiiiMter, FleabartOD (.cniiclsaiaDrr iu H.C J.. Auctlooee Con* vayaucer, Ap|<r»ia«r end Money I.endcr Ht»l Kftata ana lusura.^ce Agent. Deeda. , , -^ ,, xcrtgagex. leases ao-i Willi earefuiiydravp . were stolen from the lucky Godfrey mine cp and yaluationa made on tborteBi BCtioa KOD»y to loan at loweat ratea of iut«ri'i>t.t(''ol- (.ctloaa attanded to with proui|>tu<;M cbarfva low. Agent for Ocaaii DomiDiOD gt««mahip Co mpanv. A call aollcittd . McPHAIL. liicfuoixr AuciioiiBtr loi Ibc • County of (irrv. Teima moderate and •atiafartion giiaranteed. The arrangementa and date* of aalea ran be mads a*. TiiK Advance tifflea. K«tidcuceaudP.0.,C«ylOD, Teleybuue ronneotion. Dec. 6XW. I. KAlTT'lNii, liicenaed Aactionear ?or tbe coamies of Urey and Siuooe. Farm and Stock aalea a tpecialty. Terma modarata eati^tactiou suarantiod. Arrange- maott for datea may be made at tlie Advance i>ffloa, orAtT. HvitcninBon'« atore, teveraliani byaddreaaipg me at Faveralj am . _Ont. SUCD a4THÂ¥;'\b. ilarkaare,^ Liceuaed aootionaar for tlia county of (irey. Good aenrioe at rtat«aable ratea. Datea nao be at Tba Advance. o09 w» liy employees. The ore was strip]>ed from the vein matter and refuse and. placed in bags' The theft was diiclosed upon the arriv.il of a shipment at a smelt- er. Detectives have been buny, and and two arrests have been made 1/ + BaKVBT PKRIGOB, broker, Fleaherton. ^ a«D«ral brokerage buaiueaa. Iiiaurance of •very kind placed in aafe and liberal compaoiea. Baal aatate etc.. Open accouota and paat due Dotaa taaodlad and money advaaced tbereon. tJarraapondeDce aolicited. Medical f\|l CARTER Mf MCP A BOnt.Fbyiieian. SarijaoD.ete Ofl*« and reaidao e*â€" Peter at.. Fleaherton J" FOTTBWBLl7 VeUrlnary SmrfaoB Or«Aaat« of Ootarle Vatarlnary Colltg*. j^lflanoa â€" aseood door aontb weat.on Kan itraet. Tbii atreet rsoi toutb F ilfeTtariaB Chnrcb. WinRJ5r~Bla«SauitE" ii[ mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week ' Wheat 86 to 85 Oats 30 to :» Peaa 70 to 70 Barley 45 to 60 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 17 to 19 Hugs, fresh 18 'o 18 PoUtoetper tHtR 40 to 40 Geese 10 to 10 Ducks 11 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 Wool 21 to 23 w. Uraduate of tue Veterinary Bcieoe AaaociatiOD. Durham ftraet, orpoaite Boyd, Bro'i hardware. Dentistry •4fV. B. C. mURRAY h. a. K. ductal aorceon Mf bOBOrKiaduata of Toronto UolTcraity and ,M»nt CollaM Of D«ntal Surceona of Ontario, Om adulBlnlaterad tor teetb extraction <M1<M at raaldeaoe. Toronto Street, Fle aherton. L.EGAL LUCAB. BANBY * WAjAAt'B-Barrlatera. iJolicitora,etc.-I. H. Loeaa. K. C: W. E. JUney, K. ( . ; J. H. O. Wallace Offlcee. Toronto, (a)-9 Tiadora Bask ftldii., phone naia HIS; Mar kdatoLucaa Block, I'bone i A. Braucb ol Bc a at Doodalk o pen every Saturday. W H. WhWHT. Marriater.bolioitor, Convey. - "ancer. etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Fleaherton. .' >I Bâ€" Fleabeitou oftloe. Hproule'e Block every ftatartfav SPRING TERM at the tiwk up the science from choice and not i^ccessity, «» he 'lias paivate ^uans. He l<i|^alled his advent by winning the Daily Mail-Cup for' a Bight -acros's'the English Tjhaniial frojn Calais to Dover. He will be leeo at Toronto in Iho famoni Bleriot ma- chine in which he aocomplishod the fuat. ftjiljean, aiiftther noted Frencab aviator, will be present with a Blenot machine. It is just possible that Hon. C. Rolls, the diitinsuUhed Ens^lish aeronaut, whose i-ecent flislit from Dover to Caliis is causing much comniont, may be induced to enter the compel ii- tons. Mr. KolU was in 'the air for about one hour and a half. He estimates that he covered iifty miles altogether and a great iwrtof the flight wai msJe at a height of a thousand feet. The honor of Canada v'M be upheld by Mr. J. A. D. McCutdy of Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Wright Brothers will tend live of their famous biplanes and Uuy,of Cur ties, of Hudson River fame, will be an added attraction. Other featurea auch aa races between aeroplaoea and motor boats are announced. The meet- ing will undoubtedly prove one of the greatest compctititina of the kind ever held on IbU contioent. It ia under the auapicea of Ontario Motor League. Mr. E M.Wilcox of Toronto, Hanagini; Dire- ctor of the International Aviation Aatoci- atiou, ia in charge of the arrangeaieota for the event. built the Suez Canal, CouJte^de Lcsseps { a'ld, noticing what appeared as the rutlen remains of an old tree stnndins; near by him, he stretched forth his hand for the purpose of restiiij,' on it, but when his hand came in con'act with a smooth piece of iroiTon top of the supposed dead slim j stump, he began at otice to«xnmine the| thing more closely. On treading down the ' turroundiiig high grass he found that the | stump was in reality »n old Indian' flint- look, and that the barrel was sticking into the earth. When he pulled forth the gun'it waa so rutty and old that part of • the wood broke loose from the barrel of! the gun. On examining.the ground more i closely be found.on the other side of the i clump of ti-eea another old flintlock in a similar position with the barrel ituck deep : down into the earth. Mr. Austin also ' diacovered that there appeared to be two graves side by side ' which wers almost covered over with grata and shrubbery. In conversation with an old iire ranger in tha*. vicinity, Mr. -Vuttin learned that for year* past the inhabitants of that vicinity, and they are few, had expressed their belief in an old,' old story that cen- turies ai<o two Ind an chiefs fought a des- perate duel with flintlockt and hatchets, both beini; killed at a result: I1ie fire Inspecter Chisholm of the public, schools hat issued a very iin]Mi tent cir- cular- to trustees poiif^ing out the neces- sity of advertising at once for a teacher to fill any v.icancies which- mny become necessary: The circulars point out thai there will be oO vacancies in Bruce, that there it a scarcity of teachers and that it will lie necessary to pay no less than ^00 to get a teiicber with hi^h qualifi- Road Closing Notice. Notice is hereby givt-n by tbe Muni- cipal Jouocil oi the Township of Aite- mesin that the s<ud council wili^ after four weeks from the hrst publication here- of ill the Fleaherton Advance newspaper, the date of which first publication is on the 30th day of Juce, 1910, proceed to paFii a bylaw or bylaws for the cloeinc and disposing of the under mentioned original allowanre fur road lietween lots 130 and 131 in the-third oonce.s.<tion north east of the Toronto and Sydenham toad in said township of Artemisia. .\ll persons interested are hereby re- quired to take notice. Dated the 30(h day of June, 1»10. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. (^Amr/^ Societies a O U W nieata oi. tbe laat Monday a in each montb, In tbelr looge room Norria' block. Fleaherton, at H pm M. W., Mfrnd Harrison ; Bee.. C. H. Muoahaw; i'in.i'W.J. Bel.aioy. Viailing brothreBlnvi - ^^ new: vited Owen Sound Commences Tuesday, March 29, 1910. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free. C.A. Flemina, G. D.Fleming, Principal. Secretary. PUIMUB ARTHOB LODGE. ( A H.meete in tba Maaoniehall atrooK'a Block, Kleeberton. every or before the full mocn. C H. Muuafcaw M.; Tboa. Clayton, Hecra'.ary. »3,A.F.* all. Ann- Friday on W. tOUBT PLF.RHEBTOS, 99.% 1. 0. F.nfeetaln CUvtonalllock the lent WedneBdav evenloK ol eJjh laOBtb, VioitioR Kore.te>» l^J^artily fetcome. H. li., lJT«oni Jl, ».. I. Hei,vyi Id. Ktc , C. N. Kichardaon. _ . - . ploa»e pay due^ Fin. 8ec. before the first dav of the uion " SPRING TERM FROM APRIL Itt. High grade depailmente of BusinesH, Shorthand and Type , writing. In dividual instruct ion. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. I Collingwood Business T E. HAWKINS Principal College The Rooster Motherei 'Em. There have been hen atorita and egg atoriea innumerable this tpriDg but our Fornoea ooiTctpondent tells a story that has a hero intiead of a heroine, Jos. F. Xlein of that village had a hen that brought out eight chibkent, but the hen died and left them motherless. But in thit day of woman's tuffrage and woman's cluba the men are compelled to do tome of the household duties. So it comes al>out that the rootter, trained in household work, wat eijual to the occasion and adopted the brood. We were a little skeptical of the story and we atked J.B. Goeir.. what he thought of it and that worthy gentlemen vouches for the truth of it and says that the rooster takes even better' care of them than the hen did.-- Wulkertun Telescope "Was Fading Awa/' A Young Womanâ€" Scarcely Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet Br. HamiltoB't Pllli Curad Father of Thirty -one Babies. Quebec, is being ] on the birth of hit j i •lIENDSâ€" Fleeherton Council of riends nieeU In Claytonaliall llrat ot each month S |>. u) Fay «Bae..menl. to the Ke^order on or before tnenratilayol each month. t;blef Councillor •r. Blakelei-.Kecoriler W. H. Hunt, pnOBEN V <;hoBi.rvf fcU'tViii"' Wetlneeilay ( the Farms For Sale or Rent PMIM FOR RALE- line hundred arics in excellent condition, good auKar buah. new barn. nonO.BtoneaUbllnii, well watered, water in etihle. windmill on well »ud baio. every *"AUo°a«io"1'iet of II Inch black piping, and iloabK' artluR iiower pumii. Apply to <*HAM, »T.^^â- ^OHD, Fleaherton. 1 auB. ir'AUM KOIl B.\I.,E-Eaat i of lot ], con. 1. -^Bt Vincent, |.'Oa<rea, 110 cleared, balftooe butb 7 acrea orchard. Iirick clad honae. .nx.«J, toMemcnt aliup l<>i'i'. »lioep abu.i wltli lofti'ixW 2 welle and apnng water for stock, i mllee tiota Thornbnry. lin*0. Terinaeaay. " W*i.rrii HasryAN. Clarkabum. Custom Weaving The undersigned is now prejiiiircd to do all kinds of Custom Wenvimj. Plain, Twilled and Satinctte, Carpets, rugs and Hrfnmocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Rags, Colored Wsrp found, 20 cents per yard. Striped rags extr*. Wm. LEES, Flesherton, Ont. Pierre Poudricr, of congratulated to-day lhiity-tir»t>'child. Mr. Poudiieris sixty-three ysars nW, and has been uiarriod lhrio«. Suven children were burn from his first iimr- riiige, fifteen from his second, niit^ from the !a«t nine. Of these thitty-nnc children,! wenty- three are still living.and ilie eldest is forty -five y?ftr\ of age, Mr. I'oudiier a]>peiira his eldest .son. "I think It ahouM be the duty of the â- chools to teach children how to keep well," write* Miss Nannie E. Naydon, a well-known end hlrhly eateemed resident of Briatol. "Isnorance of the laws of health and the use of improper remedlea deetroyM my visor, and led nie to the verse of Invaiidiem. I wtka aa a Eirl ruddy and etrenc. Nothing seemed to affect me until 1 was about , thirty. Then gas began t6 form in the I stomach. I suffered with bloating and ' a general failure in strength set in. If j I went upstairs my breath hurt. My system -was very Irregular, and until I ' grew pretty badl didn't pay much heed I to my t'ondltlun. Then 1 got blue, wor- j ried all the time, wakened in the night, | and couldn't get to sleep ugaln. None , of the medicine 1 tooii helped me. One day 1 was reudlng of a very Interesting case like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 took the seme treatment. It was just right â€" didn't physic me to death, but tool( hold of the weak, sick parts of my system, and set things ..right. It seems as if L>r. Hamilton's â- pnis have made me young again, and I all my color, spirits, vigor, and health 1 of former days have returned to stay. " Every girl and woman should use Dr. HanilUon's I'llis regularly. They help u woman in many ways. Beware of the dealer who aslcs you to take an Inferior pill on vohlch his profit Is larger than on Dr. Hamilton's. Sold in yellow boxes, :;5c per box, all deal-, era. or The Catarrhozone, Co,, King- ston, Ont. CURED IN Si HOl/'Kit CORNS Firest Midland detti-oyed the roller rink, a livciy stable, two or three dwell- ini't and a number of other buildinif.s. You can palnle.s.sly remove any corn. ' either hard, soft, or bleeding, by , applying Putnam's Corn txtractor. It i IM older than never burns, leaves no soar, contains no ! 1 acldsi is harmless, because composed ; only of healing gums and balma. Fifty 1 years in use. Cure guaranteed. Bold ; 1 bv all druggists, 25c . bottles.^ Refuse! substitutes. „ • C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints JUST ARRIVED A fresh shipment of Pratt's Poultry and Animal Kegulatorin 50 and 25 cent boxes. A guarantee given with each box. If not satisfactory your money back. SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Come in and see some of oar bargains in pipes. We sell the Frost Fence made by the Frost Fence Co., ot Hamilton, in 8 and 9 strands at 35 and 4U cenfcs per rod. C. Je Bellamy, - Flesherton Pine mfatb«r Booms IttilHnery With every day we>|D(r than the day before and the appearance that fine weather is going to slay, stiinulalea the demand for hats quick. Though we are busy, we are not overlookiuj; orders. Every hat (roes out witli careful attention. We have just receired a case of new shapes, braids and flowers. BoauHful n«w Drtss 6oo<ls Just Brriped Among which aie to be leen the latest shade* in wisteria, the new rose ahades wtt.t pale Unes, also very pretty shades in brownt, blues and greent. .Shantung linena and rep the correct thing for thet new summer suiti in the different thndes of rose, russet, green, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins A <(ood range to choose from ntnging iit price from *J t« 20 cents. Uestinos and Cfj^ssbar muslins Notliini; makes up much prettier fo^tbe ne« tailored bloustis than the vestinsis and crossbar muslins. We have just received a big rxn^d iu the.se and you will tind quality and desit;n the best. We also have D full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. Ladies fancy and embroidered linen coHars. Jabots, frilliu'^s and cords, a good assort ment. Special in Underskirts Wo have a number of good black sateen underskirts in all sixes. While they last at 50 cents. I.,ace curtains are now in demuid and wo have just what will suit you rAi^iiu; in price fioni 25 to $2.50 per (lair. A^few more of those xuod Canadian nnd English prints at 8 and U .'"' » t ' cents per yard. In con's furniskibiis we never have had :k ntoro up-to-date line. You will tind bur fancy liDSohai'd to bea,*. ''Do not f»il to .see, also the ,* shirty -and ties. Our new spring tixits have just arrived, which will pay you to call Hiul see before buyui); el.sewhtu'e. The stylos, quality and prices are right. Hi«l.s and caps in all the new spring stylos. Everything you liqed in4)oi)tff anil shoes. Wirtl piip^rs a sp-oially, paints and varni'«lies, hanlware, groceries add confi!ctii>nei'yr A full slock. Fruits in their aeason. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR • â- •AltM Full BAI'E'Very cliuap. 100 acrt^. ' lot 0, con. 7. twprey. only t:*)**, rcaiwiiablo Mytneat, b»la.it»o««y term*. 85 acreii ,S^, well finced ».m1 In l.lRb »t.ie of cu ti^ â- on, balaoco tlmb«r«.l, Kuod comlortable .a'lop dwelling, atone nlUr under, never fall- ^«.prl>*« well and »l«.lNiill puu.p at door, i,ew Jr.Inab.r... well .«•"«»••'•, "'"',',!,,"''K"'2 wltb»nriNj watar under, •Ino in klieil. It l» tlferi .tu «t<>r«e, po«t odlr*., Rooil w^liool, a, "u.on tl>. Kravil road.»*u.lle» from railway â-ºtation. II kS'I at once, atove price. thoiKb VKItV ( HK,\P nilKht l>e abarteil a little. Apply to 11 .1. HVHWUK, Kl«.berton or THOM.tS (ifV. onprealeae^ _^ TTOT »ale clieap or rent. Imineillate poeaeefion. K Lot:iO«,n. 14. *itouieiila, about 7» acioa clear, comlortable lo« liouie and «'»"»•. V^"'; Apply to It J Bnroule, Kloaberton, or Jobu J Martin, torocv the road Irom »»liioi. F/ir«»l« cheap and on etny terini, goMcom- %"ubi. fr^am. dw.llju/ l-fble and drivlos nootewltb th'ee vlllaaejot. in Ceylon- »wjjl- "Dgwell built and fl.ilihed and Rood beartBg ""''*'''°^*'"^^y»rX'.i;.'yi Mh.rtee.^ ToUH.con'.rt, Oeprey conuloino IM aorta, • â- 'L.'elearad fiauie hoiin*. frame barn, itona fooodatlou; orcliarrt, well watered. One thoDtand down and balanoe to tuit purcbaaer. I iiimadiat* poa»e«»lon Apply to - ^: *• SEASONABLE IN GOODS R. N. KiKNUiB ilaawtll P. O. Buiis, etc., for ServicA. „^,.„ _.. 7Vi05- â- T Lot 118. Con, 8, WeeV T. and »• Boa/l. Te^ih ai. payable IK Jan., lOII. John M. OiawN.jiroprfttor. IhiveforaervlreaPiire Hied Hull, tlroad- book'e t*d. No. tiJM, on lot 10. ooo. 8, FURN I TUBE Tlic liirgcsl and liest stock of Furniture over shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, (.'oine and see soma of the nice tilings in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock, . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton hook't t.ad. Otpriy. Tarmt »l. -JaMKH HUltNB. Vevnribain. Ont. Berkshirer. and Taniwoilhs. I have now tor «al« » lew very dioioe Heik- shirt ptaa, n««rly ready to weani Hurry your orftr aud ««* *"*o|nV itogs, m.iw.HP.o. Brown Leghorni. Ethlbltlon an.l utility «iock. won more let and npeclal iirir.en tlitn all otbar lilrd« In torn- uetltloD. inclu.liiiR kiwclal l)«»t male anil epecial l*iit female, any breod or typ.. ; i>l>«;i»l lieKtpalrleghorud. co«keiol and pulli-t. K«*t Orey. lOflK. Ilirdt for tela. l?KKi for batcblnd tbat will produce winnara. Hatitfaotlon Huar.Dteed. ,„^„p ^j p^ , MT.PuutANT Fabm ^ FlHhertoii.Opt., Ceylon Mea t Market All klhds of fresh nnd smoked roealt, headchcHiie, aausaue, always en hand Cash (Mtid lor bides. J. #«cCLOCKLlN i rK P^r sale by Sf^lile»||idfljnl»otNm #eo.^ Pletbertoii, atiA lomes Pattisom eeyion. ^% i >^