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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1910, p. 2

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/ Formulae Ha^^^e Been Well Tried Out Though the NA-DRU-CO line of Medicinal and Toilet Preparations have been on sale for a few mouths only, don't think for minute that in buying NA-DRU-CO goods you are experimeuting with new or untried preparations. Their Origin The twenty-one wholesale drug firms now unite*! In the "National" hud all of them len((thy careers, •OBie for fifty to one hundred years, prior to the anion . Bach firm had acquired or develope<l a number of Taluiiblc fonuula: fur uiciUciiial and toitet preriarations, allot which became the property of the "National". Since the union onr expert chemists have carefully gone over the«« formnke and selected the best for the NA-URU-CO line. Every fonnuU has bma carefully studiati by thee* •xperta, inproved U possible, and Cian tbaroufUy tested afaia, in actual use, before we consider it good enough to bear the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark. An Example A good example of what we mean is NA-DRU-CO Nenreaooe for Brain Fag or nervous break-down. The formula was pronounced the most scientific com- bination of nerre medicines, but this was enough for us ; we had it tried ont with a dozen different kind of Brain workers â€" School Teachers, Lawyers, Book- keepersâ€" as well as Society leaders and home workers, and everywhere the result was so good that we adopted it as one d the best of the NA-DRU-CO line. There are therefore bo asperlmanta among NA-DRU-CO preparations. We have invested alto- gether too much time, work and money in the NA-URU-CO line to take any chances of discretliti ng it with preparations that might not prove satisfactory. We make absolutely certain that each preparation is satisfactory before we endorse it with the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark. Ask your pbyslelui or yanr drvffgist about the firm behind NA-DRU-CO preparations and about the NA-DRU-CO line. They can tell you, for we will fumisb them, on request, a hill list of tlie ingredieals in any NA-DRU-CO article. "Money Back** If by any chance you should not be entirely satisfied with any NA-DRU-CO article you try, return the unused portion to the druggist from whom yon bought it and he will refund your moneyâ€" willingly, too, because we return to him every cent he give* back to you. If your druggint should not have the particular NA-DRU-CO article you ask for in stock he can get it for yon within two days from our nearest wholesale branch. Some NA-DRU-CO Prepanttiona You'll Fmd Moat Satisfactory. Ci«h«Im> TaJtat Cfwam Taleiun Powder TMtb rm*U> Tsatk Powder BdvU TaU«to Carbolic SaWa Ca«cara LaxatWat fTablcIa) Cod Livar Oil Compounci. Taitclau USUat) Dxtpapaia Tablets Hcadacba Waiar* llerbTablaU Nervozona rUo OtBtaMBl ftbavoialSsiii Cura Siiaar of MUk Suinleia Iodine Oiatmcnt Toothacho GuBB WhUa Uaameat ewa MoevcTs acaa TMie TRADC H*MK National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited Wlwlasa!* Braacbea all HALIFAX. ST. JOHN. MONTREAL. OTTAWA. KINGSTON. TORONTO. HAMILTON. LONDON. WWNIPEC. RECINA. CALGARY. NELSON. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. «LW«re LOOS row this Tsaoi Masa D' OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. I'HAPTKK VII. Wlien Maxima awoke n<'xt morn- ing th^ wenps in llu«» Jouffroy pre- sented t]iemiM>iv«s under a n<'w as- p<><;l. Now that he ha<i ronio ont from the hubbub and <'4)iild r«aKon 0'.''rc calmly, he began to rxtract a fpw certainties from amoiix all tliCM.' obfii-uritios. The marvel of the Rink was not th'' ftifnd of BoriKoff. On this point tJiCTf.' was no possibility of mistake. Blio Karl dirpct'cd a plot for tho dp- livcranc<- of Itobfrt dc ('arnot-i, a»'l 1h»' plot had siioccrdod. But Ly what inirach- of address had â- lie conse to dweivr Borisoff and in- duce bim to bring his prisoner to hfv h' 4 r^f And who was this Ma<l- ftnw; Sergent who Bhowed lierBolf only to vanish iminediatelj-, wlku •kated at the Bink like an a<lven- ti'iesF, who waK entlironed like a great lady in the first boxes at the 0|;«ra, who supped with a Bertha Verrier, who had at hfr disposal a hcuse peopled with liveried Ber- vaiitfl, who «"xhibited luTKclf one «viHinK in cuupju^y with a. su»pici- «UR iMiyard, and a month after was brr.iight home by the most authenti- cated of Russian colonels? To all ti>i= be was prepar<rd with a rcjjly. Thi' pretended MMl.-iinv Kergent could Im? none other than the agent «)f the eonspiratorii wbo ha<I htfT Icii Borihoffs pafXTs, an intimate friend of th*t)iii;f who had left lier innd in the claws of the safe. But it Madam« Kergent were this, what WAX irr be thought of (;»rnoel? Ki- th< r he was her lover or her aecim plice. This melancholy couelusion foiced itself upon Maximo. .And in these cases he liad l>etraye<l jwior Alice; he was unworthy ot the love cf the girl who IK^riHhed in belie\- ing ill hi* innocence. ",So," thought Mnxime, "those who accused the Lord t'arniid were right, and I fi>r my part acted as fo.ilif'hiy as Don (^uixofe when he ni.drrtook to di^liver the bandits ff)i< were being led to the galle.vs Jliit be eoiiUI not forget that it mhh not he alone who had under talun the defence of bis uncle's sec rediry. The (:ount.»K« Yalta allirin «.I vehemently that K<.l<ert de Cai nofl *as the victim of atriK-ious in justice. Hhe it was who bad east doubts into the mind of .Mice just as the poor child hud begun to bc- Jievc in the guilt of ber lover. It win she who had fired the r,eal of Ifaxime, who had launched him in in n, senseless enterprise. Her in tfirst in him drew its inspirit ion from a feeling of rlrivalry, a natural propensity to defen<l the weak and Buecor tlie oppressed. But this no-'- iuinal adventure proveil that ber â- ify was i'l placed. Maxiine pro- posed to relate tliis history to ber am' hoped to .•â- um. rl Iht lo nior. rtttionnl views. He w.i« Iinpaiieiit al.o lode Counce the conduct of the f' u-inK- master who had shown, himself the ally of Ma<lamc Serpent, and had certainly aete*l without the know- j kdge of the noble wDman in whose service he was engaged. In tiie last interview wi'tli Ma- dum« Yalta, she had elearly ex- j.laintxl herself on iht; subjeot of the Nihilists and their adhcreuts. "I have the Rood fortune not to be a, Uu.ssian subject, " were her vcrds; "I have therefore nothint? to do with these people, but I \h- lonp by Instinct to the party of tJie puwribed, and am not of tliat of th:evcH and murderers." But it was not surprising that a hireling had betrayed his mistress, a;u' i't inif;ht even be that Madame Yulta was surrounded, unkiuiwn to herself, by s<-ouiidrfls affiliated with a sect whose dreajn is nniver- si-1 destruction. These wreU-hes known to l.e «vcr>wher(s and to eistablish themselves from choice, where no on-! suspected they would have the aiidaeiiy to inter. It the feneing- mast^T, Kaniiki. was one of them, as it appeared, he had well chosen liis )iost. The sujierh mansion of the Avenue de Kriedland was a Fure asylum where no one would tl'.ink of looking for a socialist con- si. irator. ,»- ., » He liaslened t« dress, and had, ciily put on his eiveiyoafc and hat, whin his vulet pres<^»t;ed him the card of ii gentleman who asked to sc'^ him. He -was about to bi exciise'd to tl.'!. early visitor, when to his great surprise he saw on Ulie card the nu)ne of Dr. VilliigoK. What eoukl be the Hiingarian doe tor's object in this visit to a> small apartment of Hue de Cha- t<8\idun wher<5 he had never set fi ot before ( Concluding he had bi;en sent by the co\intess, he re- fiuineel from e-xcusing himself, simrilv resolving to be very eauti- ..I's and beware; ..f letting him into his confidence. Ihe. do;'tor entered smiling. ••J)ear monsieur," he said, "yaw must bi- a little surprised at seeing m.- so early. I sho'jld not have dis- turbed you at this unusual hour hiul 1 not brought jou news at a prrson in whom ymi are inter>?Ht- "The Count.'S^. Yalta! How is she* I was sori^* to find ber suf- fering yesiterdav.'' "Hhei received yon. then I" Maxime bit his liiw. He saw, too lati' that in KT>ile of his sag- reso- h:l:ons he had conimitt.ed iin lii<li'< eretion. •Yes," he mid with einbarniKS- nii lit, "she was RcmhI enough to do fc(. • but I remembered your orders and made my visit short. " ••()h. ' risiinietl the d(Kvl<ir, l«\'giliiug, "I shall iMit scold her, Vou have prove! very agreeable to her iuhI she a-isei'ts that eUstrartiou ill i;u her unoio gomJ than my remedies. But it is not of my dear patient I wish to speak with you." "Of whom, then?" asked Max- ime, his curiosity beginning to av^aken. "Of a woman who perplexed yon very mucli six weeks or two months ago. You rememljcr the marvel- k'us brunette whom I pointed out to you at the Bink I" 'Yes, certainly," he replied with some agitation. "Have you seen her since?" This unexpected i]ue«ti<)n diseon- corted Maxiiuc, but an immediate reply was necessary, and he an- swered evasively: "1 have seen l»«r once M the I theatre." "And you spoke to her?" "No, she was in a box with a gen- tleman." "A foreigner, was he not?" "He had that appearance." TJic doctor reflected for a mo- nient. Maxime more end more con- fused by this singular ejucstioning could not long remain silent. "Y'ou know her, then?" he asked, leoking with a certain unedsincs* at Villages. "One of my frir.nds knows her, and he was wftli her when day Ijc- foie yesterday I (MUSsed her in the street." ,, -'- "And he has told y.QU who she is?" eics, but she ended by confessing that she had launched you into the insane enterprise of finding this C'arne)el. 1 do not know what you have done, but J am going to aid you with a piece of valuable infor- mation. I thing Madame Yalta was wrong to emJaark you in tliis foolish expedition, but the evil is done, and I wisli only to serve you. She is bent on fishing up this youth who has fallen into the sea; well, w« wi" fi»h him up together. I shall not be sorry to deliver him fro-n tlhe toils of this worthless woman , which it is in ray power to do, and once withdrawn from her, we wilt fatilitate h'S embarkiing for Ameri- ca I suppose you no longer think of reinstating him that he may marry your cousin!" "Oh, no," said Maxime, "my mind is raado up about him." "Goexi! we are agreed, then, on Oil-; point. It is what we are to un- dertake at the lady's houUe that concerns us now; but we must know at what doior to knock. These fe.inale Nihilists ' are marvellously skilful in eluding researches â€" this one especially. We should fail unquestionably if we went to seek for her where she is not, and the check would be irreparable. Now s'je can be in only one of two hous- es, either the house in Rue Jouf fioy or â€" " "I affirm that she has left Rue Jeuffroy." "Very well, I take your word for it, Yetu assert that nhe has gone ; it would almost seem as af you had assisted in the mo-ing. We h-ive, then, nothing to do but present our- selves at a certain house to-wh'ch they liave transferred their nest." "When?" "TUiis evening, if you will; or ra- ther 'to-night, for it is just as well we should not be seen entering the liou-se of a woman whose mysterious ways must have attracted the atten tion of the neighbors." "Is it like the otljer?" "No, it is a lodging meanly fur nished in the faubourg St. Honore near .St. Philippe du Roule." "It is very astonishing, and I wonder, above all, tuat you should 1.". so well informed." said Max ime, to wliom a feelnng of distrust of the doctor now and then le- tuined. "Nothing is simpler," said the dex'tor. "My friend has been ir'.i niately connected with ^er. He was nia<lly in love with her, but had th3 courage to separate from her when he discoverexl tJiat slie was an I active Nihilist. She dKjes not hiO-j from Mm, however. In France B'lef ii'cura little or no risk, and ae will' possesses a certain influence ever her ; first, because he knows h.'r we ret,, and secondly, because to-, warei the end of the iiaisem he dr<.w her from a very dangerous pri?ehca ' ''THEOEADHASCOMETOUFE" A 11liT4.1IIEr lllltUE MR*. MMCS rcNvncK Hntcrprise, Ont.. October i«t, lOoS. "I safiered tortures for (even long rear* ffxim • Water Tumor. I was loiced to take siorphta constantly to relieve the aiirful pains, aad I wanted to die to get relief. Tlie doctors gave me np ana HIT friends hourly expected my death. IJien I wa-s induced to take "Fniit-a-tives" and this wonderful fruit medicine has completely cured tne. When I appeared on the street again my friends exclaimed 'The dead has come to life.' The cure was a positive miracle." MRS. JAMES FENWICK. 50C • boxâ€" 6 for $1. soâ€" or trial box, 35c. At dealers or from Fruil-a-tives limited, Ottawa. ment. Now I am going to explain to yexu how we shall proceed i'' y ij agree to awoinpany us." "Gladly. Where'shall we mejt?" "Would you object to joining us 1: "Yes, and it is so curious a his^ tory-that I came expressly to re- 1 late it to you. This creature who! aniu-ses herself with skating on casters like a sunplo coeette, and w he looks like an Andahisian ; this gir' with 'eyes of fire is a Russian luid a Russian Nihilistrâ€" one of lunatics whe)sc dreanf is to abidish everything." "It is astounding!" criexl Max- iii e, feigning astonisliment, though" •the doctor told him nothing new. "And your friend ie sure ol his fact*!" "Very sure. You will see, piC- seitly, that he is well informcei The evening you escorted her fr-mi the Rink did she not take you to u Iwnise in Rue Jouffroy?" "Yes," re-pUetl Maxiine. "And when yoii wei.t next morn ing to ene|uire for her the answer wri'^' that they did not know her?" "You know that!" "No, but I guess it. You were *-.o much exeit^e'd about tliis marvel of a lM\Huty tliat you would not bo j)Ut off by the) first check you ro- /-•eive'd. Moroovi"-, my frieiwl tokl me that the laely hael there a t*m- ,jM lary lodging, which she never iKcupied two nights successively." "i)id your friend tell you why .sUf has rttume>d (" "Yes, and it is to speak to you of that, that 1 e'ame. 8ho r.rrived there yesterday and is there bow." "Your friend is mistaken. She is not there," said Maxime, heed lessly. "She was yesterday evening, and unless slie can have elecamped last night but i>rcpare je«nrself to be thunder struck. Do you know why hI'o has resumed t^-uiporaiy posses- Kioii t>f this mysterious alnxle? That she might receive there one of the ac.ioiiijilices whom you know bet- t^'' than I your u'icle's ex-sccre tury." , "Vtiu see thai vuur dear cenin- toss waw vviong to interest herself ab:'Ut that youfis man." 'tlood! good!" .said the dewtor, liUigh'H!. "1 k.iovv she has re- <'i'miiieii<l -d silence. She is a little distruslf' 1 of me becausi". she knows I do .v.m' »„>prove her ronmntio fan- â-  M Camphor Ice Yaseliie FOI OHAIf EB SKM iH UPS, Qmo SNES, wunpnii. 12 TaseUae Kemedia In Tabes Ot^levB, Borated, MMtkelaie^, Carbe- Utad, C-aapboralad. WMU Ostdt nl line, •te. Bach tor iraMM patMsta. Wriu far me VaaaUne Boot. ^^ OHISBaRCUOH mWO. 00. (Oene'm *7» OratB St. W.. Mentteal Qafded I nan'a • latiafkettan ht a paihetly nlntad hevimlmUartowbtnor mb ody b prolMtad by good itoal tlotfatiis, rala-M«t, topcoat and attudy boota. Th* yrolaeUen >Cordwlprop» it radar lb* paint eoaUBC la wora dova W tba bare wood )• Bo troator tbaa tannaala *on> dowa lo Iba Italnc. Martin - Senour Paint lOOo/o Pur« •rotaela roar vreparty aotbalttaaiaraaa troni w lolar aabardr, ranad and itraBe aa It anlarad. Qaalltr deaa It, It vllb- ttaada tbo rlioia ot wtntor alorma, taapoata. rayldcbaaaaa ot taaiparataro, bnoitdlty and Iba dMataaratia* atoeta ot aan, wlail, oold, rain, ball aid aDOW. erarylkina niat <milt\» pat <â-  - Brorj- "^"^ li^''^ ^^*^ Tbat'swbr If yoardaalaraaaaot aapptr jreo.aotlty aa aad «a mil aladlr diract roo to vboro ear pntota ar«1<t bo bad. Ofclbw tiff ArfeMfHf M Witta kooklot, Hlvattatad . ''Homo .atifnl,' latoroatlM caior oerd. fraotw' thaatkhK. iMirlk^StaMrG*. ae midnight in th« (3uHnp8-Ely' sees?" "Not at all." "Well, from there we wUl go to the part of the city she lives in My friend knows the house in which 8h-3 hides and wilt know how to make it ojmju to us." "We will go armed, will we noti It would be more prudent. "Hiere i» wo telling what might happen." "Armed! w!iy? You fancy the biunetie will receive you with a pistol \ Make yourself easy ; she will take care nert to create a dis- turbance; and as for this M. de C'crnoel, he i« as anxious as any o.a« to avoid publicity. For my part, I shall take only a cane, and I recommend you to do the same." "But," said Maxime, after a lit- tle hesitation, "this woman may be aturrounded with peraons who are capable of doing us liarra when cnce we are in her lodging." "AVhat! you suppose she has do- mestics in such a place a« thati" "I don't know; but I know she had threo or four in her service in Hue Jouffroy." "These lackeys must have dis- persed when she abandoned her house, for she has abandoned it; you are certain of thia?" asked Villagos. "Yes," replied Maxime» with em- barrassment. (To be continued.) _ <• Never judge a woman's intellect iby the number of rings she wears- â- aad tbt aaaia ai l«owa or vaaflls ' ' ' tucar ta watar a«i MAPLEINE ^ BKiul^ /^'e V^f #f* iE^J"/W.A \/()^ l>*ve a borne and it should be #* O i%^%MW g^W M%iC I your pride. Is it? Is it paint ed just nicely ? Why not give it a ^IP^*)^^^^ /gmm^X^ coal of Ibat paint ibat has been tested ^^^ ^* A/\ '^^x °''* thoroughly â€" we mean k^J*W rl PAINTS You have no time to experiment, and as Ramsay's faints have been ex- perinienled with on thousands of homes, Ihe quality is knowp and guaranteed. Anybotiy will lell you about Ramsay's Paints. Let us-send yau our beautiful booklet, tetliiiK about bouse painting;. Write t(<r Booklet -W.'* We mail it free. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., Kitkbltahad 1M2. Tke Paint Makers, MvntrtMl FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES a, 3, 4, 6 H.P. 6RKCIAI.I.V DESIONCD rOROENC.IAl. FARM MtfORK. They are so simple that the average farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Frosc Proof. Send to-day for catalogue G.E.-102, W.P. CO., showingr full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for you. Terms special T«rms to Tmrmmr*. Tlie CJIH^DfAN rJtlRBAUKS COMpANV, Llmlttd, MOHTREJIL â- raiMhesiâ€" Terontt, St. dehn, N.I., WInnlpag. Calsaryi VaiMMivir NtMa. ASDBaSS. THE 'ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SAILING PROm Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLB TVKmiHI CXPItKSS STeAHISMIfS Royal Edward ^'*o RoycU George Triple Screws, Mirconi Wireless, D^epSe.v Telephones, Passenger Elovator.s, 6 Paasonger Decks, I'J.OO'J tons. The " Royal Ehvard" will iuau.rurAta the fortnightly gorvice of the Canadian Northern Steamships, Limitedâ€" The Royal Linoâ€" from Montreal and Quebeo to Bristol on Thursday, May 26th. The twin ships, thu "Royal E.lward" and l!i« " Royal (leorge" arc the fastest triple screw iiif bine boats in the Canadian scr\'icc. The British port is Bristol (two hours n«s;ircr than Liverpool.) Special trains alongside steamers wilbia 1 10 min- utes of I.omlon. The steamers arc driven bv the newest type of turbine engjines, insuring a mani- mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their e(|uipmont is the finest ever seen in the St. Lava- rence. Large staterooms, spacious social apart- ments, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish ings, perfect service, and vcnlilalion by thcrino tank system, lh« fresh air bein); warmed or cooled as re<]uired. For full particulars, rates, bvWKlets. schedule of sailings, etc., applt •ny sttamship agent, or write to H. V. bOURLlER, Gen. Ageal Canadian Northern Sttamnbips, Limited, Toronto, Canadik. Beat Appointed Steamer a. The Most Pio- tureaqufi Port. Only tour day a at aea. ,,.

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