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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 8

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V April 14 lOlO THE FLESHEBTO N AD f:*^ Business Cards IDAIiTBB liOUCKS Uullder nd CAntrtctor PorUrlcki HMoe and fraiuii rdaidence*. Ka- linuto* obeerAlly (urriabed, Plwiberton 1' U Onurito. , , ^^^^^^^ ||0UI<LiOUaH t TOUKQ VI ' litDkcn HftrkJkle 0»A ll«d«r«] bkoklDC bualoeu. Motley lotnad 'at raaa^uabU r«t«r CkUonuo. Jl TOhlSl.BTT. • fostioavtor. Oeylou. | Coiomis«ioaer itiH.l'. J , ConvoNancer, 'lecdn, ! moitUMO*, Dmu*, «rill« I'U: caruiully ilrawii il]) | JollMtloaa mail.-, ohargen rMKouablv. Alao trooarioa, Aour. lead etc. kept lu stock, Pricea risht â-  ^^^^ Poitinaitar, Plaaberton o«mmUaioo*r in U . C J., Anctionre Con* vajancer, | Appralaer and Honay Ivcudrr KmI R^taM and iDaaraoea Agent. Uveds. (â- misaeaa. >«asut au-1 willn carefully diawu up attxT valoaiioaa luado on tboitKHt i-.ntlca uoDcy to loan ttlowaxt rateaofiDteruat.t^ol- ucUoaa •ttauiU'd to with iironiptncM rliaiiaa low. Asent for Ocean DoniiuioD Ktaunahip Compaay. A call>oUcitf>d. DHePHAIL, I.icruaad AucUonoer fut tli« * County ol Griiy. Toriua moderate aud i-aUafactioa Kuaranteod. The arranficmfnta aod data* of aaloi can Ih> made**. TiiR Advanck uttce. KeHidaoceaad P.O., Ceylon, Telepboue connection. Dec. GXiT. WM. K.\ITTISIt, I.iceoacd AuctioDoer for tbe counties of Urey and Siiiicoe. p'lmi and Htock eaica a s|>eclalty. Tcinia t'.odarata. aatisfactioii ^iiaraiitted. Arraufti'- .iients for dati'KUJav be inadoat the .Advance â- Jtnee, or &I T- Hutchinaon'a atore, I'everabaui by addreAlik<f uie &t Feverabani, Ont. RUDD MATHKWS. Markdalo, Licenaeil aoe'.ioaeer (or tbe county of Grey, Good afrrica at reaacnable ratea. Dates ran be uade at Ttie Advance, o W 1*1 ' T HAUVKV PKBIGOE. broker, Flosberton. ^ UaneraA brokerago buainm. Inaiirqdce of ryary kind placcdiu aafeandliberal compauiea. Keal •'.Btat««tc., <)|><>n accounts aud l>a«t due notes liaLDdUd aul tiiouey adva^iccd thereon. Carre*i>oodenoe aoUuitod. rr ♦ Medical 0B 6artkr M Cr ASOnt.Phyaielan, RorKaon.etc OOca and realdenceâ€" Pater at., Kleaherton JP OTTEWELL Vatarlnary Surgeon .Iradnat* of Ontario Veterinary College, -vllenc* â€" aKond door aouth weat'on .J atreet. Tbia street ruoa aoutb ^jjy^^.^3s^^anphnrcb^ V*»S^BVSabatdware. HOT** - Illackor.iitb uatc of tue Veterinary Scieno IJurbaiu Ureot, opixnlte Dentistry . E. C. MURRAY I>. O. K , dental surgeon honoi Kratliiate of Toronto Uiiiveraity and Keyal College ol Dental SurKOonB of Ontario, (iaa aduiialDiateted for teath eXt/actioD Ollke at raaideoee, Toronto Rtreet, Kleaherton. Legal Wn.WKIGHT, nan-later. Holicitor. Contey- ancer. etc..â€" Owau Sound, and Kleeherton. H H â€" Klaabertouoflico.Kpioule'B Illock erery lialard»T .Societies .a rf^is. W uieeta ou the laat Uonday a -v.<ob Inoatta, in tbeir loaga room Sorrla" o.3ck, Flaaharton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Alfred Harriaen : K«-„' <;. H. MuUHliaw; Fin., W.J. Bel.auiy. ViaitiDg bietbico invited nRlKOB ARTHUR IjODOE, Mo. rfiH.A.F.A » A U, roaetain tbe Uaaouicball. Anu- «trr,ni!'a Hlock, Kleaherton. every Friday on or bafore the full luoco . TUu«. lllak<!ly,W.U.; BarUHmltb, Saire'.Kry, noUBT FI^KBHRRTON. «•», I. 0. F. toeetain ''Claytoira niock the laat Wednewlav i-veuinR nf each uiontli. Viaitiug Koreateni Ijeartily ael'.:oine. H. H.. Dywio; K. 8., V. Hetry; Flu. Sec., C. N. Klchardson. i'laaaa pay duea to Fin. Sec. before tlie Drat day of tb« moutb, CnOHFN FklBNDBâ€" Fleaberton Council of Choaen Prieuda me«tii in Clayton's hall flrat aad third We<lnea<Iay of each mouth H p. ui I'ay aaaeaamanta to the Tle'-ordar on or before :okdnt dawof each month. Chief Councillor nilakalev^^ <T\lir W. H. Hunt. Iialdt Farms Sv!fcjc or R«"* |,VUI« TO '<>-^y;^^Ll,^'';reib,rton. ^/* * ^te * ^ op 'j'^'r; :^,r2l^able cleared,.'" i. ;/) and in liiui' fUto of c»lf!: vatiori, likTaUt^ tiuibere<l, Bood comfortable liaine dwallinp, alone .-idlar under, neviir fall- n)i|inrin|| well and wiM<lniill puii.p at door, LUfdaMio barn, well titiiahed, (Uno ata )UnK with piiring watur under, ala« ib iihed. It la -lUiated i uille (roni Maxwell villa«a where thsra are atom. l>ost olBcea, (lood BOhool, and ia on the ijravel road. '.(J mile, from railwav .Utloii. ff Mildatoutc. above prior, tlioiiKh VKIIV (HKAF nilclit \M aliaded a little. Apply ti li; V Sl'UOCLR, Kleaherton. or Apply to It, J. Bl'ltOCLR, riKiM.XR OOY, 0Dinr«a:iaea, FinU FOH HAU:-Cot lO, Coo. 11. and and north ball I-ot 10. <-on. IW. «>aprov, V.O aoiea ; a Mratclaaa farm : Kood brick houae and€0O.ll.arnW x Tl with cement atnblnig ; (arm well watered l)y Boo<l wi-11 at lioiiaii and uerer faiUiii; aprinu creak ; well fenced aud In aflratclaaa atateor cultivation, hor price and t4rmaai>ply ontao preniiHwa or addroaa It. J. I'oljjt'KTTK, Feverabani. Janlatf •fliijMaaheapor7«ht, immediate poaaeafion, ^:«rioin 11' *itci"e<ia, about 75 acrea „..,ii>infortable lotiliotiae and frame barn. uplv to H .r Hpioule, Fleaherton, or John ,1 4lartin, acroa* the road from aaid lot; |,'orHMle ohaap and on eaay terma, )(»od com- I (ortabia frame dwollinK, aUhleanrl driTlii« noiiaawitb th<-eevillaiie loU in Ceylon- Uwell- in«wcil built and Auiahatl and Koo<l bearing orchard OD the property. Apply to " -It, I SPBOi-i,K, Kleaherton. Iot 19, cop. 6, Oapray contalniUK 100 acrea, W -'cleared, r.-ania honae. frame bam, atoiia louiidatioo; orchard, well watered. One thouaand down and balance to aiilt puicliaaer. Imiiwdlata poaeeaalon Apply to , B. N. KiBwr.AW Maawell ». O, Animals for Sale thavek finelot of yotinB pJRa lire-I Iftmi I winnintf atook, fV.r aalc. Al«> I jfojHl 4>ii« hog, two yeara oil). WiiK- m* lor I can give a bargain also Kiwrantee lOn all hiail onl^^ra. ^leo, W, K08.S. Maxwell P. O. Bulls, etCa, for ServicAa trOK •«"BVICF.-lhor»honi llnll. No. 74.'<»- i* Ut H«. (on. !(, Waa» 1'. and 8- Koad. •tfnnk •!. payabl* lit Jan.. mi. Jumn H. q»»< v, praprlator . •McUant pur* brad flhorthorn l:u1l, ralaa liniMrial," (or aeraiee. on lot ' " Aaapaian Iiniiarial, (or aeraiee. on lot iWunrH-A iiloalot Ol young a4ook (or 1, Indadloslaonia aowa ready ficadad by pur* bred boar, .f^Ballfan Coneordla Dttke No.5W4«) â-  Dakol'a tiuka. No. (SlWlDaui. Hellfan koJ,Ko,(4:i#i.» TbHiounRauiraa „j •liel»y lilllk nroduolDgfamllyaod kJ>rin(««at to cUlry breeder*. \Jt,'t *â- t\^'i^ to*.A, Fleaharton Ont. »V>MaPura Iliad Rnll. Broad I. So, lilVH. ou lot 10. con. H. Fwrw T Kfvmhain.tliit. Without Alcohol A Stfoni Tonic Vithout Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifler Without Alcohol A Gre«t Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicifie Without Alcohol Ayer'g Stf8«p«rill« Without Alcohol A W« pobliih oar formuUi tiers We tenlab alcohol firoaa ear medielaaa We arte you to oenault jour aeoter Ayer'g Pitlt are liver pills. They act directly en tbe liver, make more bile •ecreted. This is why they are ao valu- able in constipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick-headache. Ask )(our doctor if be knows s better lazative pill. Ma«a ky tka J. C. Ay er 0*., I^weU. sea; r FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN Tiie liirt(Uhl mid l>e«t .^t^)cli of Furniture over shonii ill FleHhertuii. Tills without fearof cfin- tradiutioii. Come iind SCO Huiiie of tlic nice thingH in Side Bfniwls Dining Kouni Chain*, I'iirlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A Kjiecinl reduc- tion just now on overy- thing, in order to nv diice the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton ' Riggin 00 Socialism KiHTOR AuvANC'K ; - -I notice an article in Cotton's Weekly of yours in dinproval of the doctrine inculcated. I nm some- what surprised. I hope you are u l)e- jievcr in Christ. Vnu know, or uui{ht lo knoai, timt Cbviat was ii Socialist. The Sermon on the Mount would prove that. I .suppose you have read OhriHt's advice tu the rich young iiian, " Go aell all that tbuu liii»t and give tu the poor." Also 2n(l epistle of James, uth chnpter, liid verse. Don't you think a laboior is wor- thy of his hire, wlieii he don't get more than ono-tifth of what hu cani.s. The disciples of Christ were Socialists. If you rend Acts, 4th clmpter, 3oth verse, yuu will find (hat they had .-ill things in c minion. Don't you know that SucmliHiii is ajipliud Christianity^ You don't like the idea of dividing up? Neither du I. 1 d.iii't like the division we have at pres- ent, where ft few thousand own every- thing and the thousandH of thousanda own nothing. You speak very lightly of SurtaliKni. Out do yuu know, Socittlisin is spruiding fast. In 1807 the national vvte was 150,1)1)0, today it is almost J,- 000,000. What do you think of it / 1 imagine your ideas run in much the same channel .is the objectors to the railways when lii'st introduced into England. They said It would not amount to anything. NVtill, just look around and tell me if they have or not., . ^My dear friend, don't imagine that, anything you may siy in your little paper will down Socialism. It is here to stay. I 8ui»p(>se you are a Socialist but don't know it. You likely bslievo iu munici- pal ownership of waterworks, gas plants, etc. ? If you don't, we do right here in Kincardine. You believe in government control of the army, navy and |)ostotiice, don't you ,' Well, if you do you are moi-e or less of a Socialiat. Hoping you may give these matters a more serious consideration, I am yours respectfully. â€"JOHN RIGGIN. Kincardine, April 4, 1010. Ceylon Meat 'Warket All kinds of fresh and Kraoked Mioats, head cheese, iiauBaue, always on hand Cash (laid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's I UI Ihcad delivered regu- larly and kept for wile at the foHowing stores: Collinson's and .1, Pattison's, Ceylon *V..\l<lci>rn iV Son's and 1'. HcArthiir's Priceville N. McCnnnells Protim Station R. ller<m's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Kli Robinson's Fevei'shaiii H.Ciiirns', .J.K.Laixo's and H. Parks', Kiigenia Bakery $1,000,000 FLOUR MILL FOR PORT COLBORNE New Maple Leaf Concern Will Be the Largest of Its Kind in the Dominion j The incorporation of the Maple Leaf I Milling Company, with a capital of ^.'), CIO, 000, is the lirst step in the revo- lution of the flour industry in Canada. 1 The move is not a merger, but a consol- idation of milling insterests controlled by ! Toronto men, for the purposes pf ezpun- sion. There will be some reorganization , with the intrtxiuction of new capital. ! $1,000,000 MILL. I The Mills interested In the cousolida- lion are alt owned by the Maple Leaf ComiMiny. They aie situated ttt Brand(m, I Kenor.*, Welland. TholoM, St. Calhir- I iocs and Port Colborne. Th«^ latter will, I when tbe building ojierations now under I way are completed, be the largest Hour j niill in Canada, and will cost approxim- I ately $1,000,0<Â¥). It will have a cip icity ! of :iO,000 bushels of wheat per day, or I about 0,000 Imgs, to commeiuc with, to \ be increased as occasion re(]uireK. The I storing cni>acity of the mill will bo 1 250,000 bags, whi!o there will be elevator acconiniodalion for l,00t),000 bushels of wheat. The new company has 35 eleva- tors in service now, and by the end of September will have 15 more, making oO in all, with a capacity of hundreds of millions of bushels of wheat. 9 i F I FISH FISH Now lliat the roads are^so t>ad I can- not iimke my regular iiHiods, but have on haiLl lake Snp«rioi'|Salmon Trout Mid Uliite Fish, aia<> liske Erie Her- ring. fParticH can be supplied h>. my residence, CollingwoiHl street, Flesh- urtoii. IT. U A D L E Y, Di^aler in fresh tish only. aPIUNfJ TKRM at the Owen Sound Commences Tuewlay, March 20, 1010. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free. C. A, Fleming, <i. 1), Fleming, Principal. Secretary. NOTICR la htrtbir rItso tliat a Ily l«w waa paaac.l liy tli« Mtiniri|>al CuuBiMI nf tli« , towualilnof ArtamsaU nn iljniulnlav of March A.I), IlilO,' providing fur tlii' laaue uf deban tiirje to tlinainount of y 1 1,(100, for the |>urpoa« nf aiiahliiiK tliaTowoahlp uf Artaiueaia Contln uatiun noliool Hoard to •root and r<|uiuaaeliO(,l hotian In the aalil Contlnnatlon Hohool Olatrlct ai.d that «u«h llrlaw waa re«latari>1 in the HoKiatry Dtllco for the Hoiith Kldiiiu of the t'ounty ol dray, on thu lOth ilay of March, A. I), tnio, .Anyoiotion to iitiaah oi b«1 aaide the same or aiiy pait tlieroof iiuiat b« mado within tbreii iniiiilna aftt:r tlialliHt piibllcatiou of tlila noticii. and cannot Im made theioaftei. Dated the tiltb day uf March, 1010,â€" \V, ,1. UKl.l.AUr, rierk. t! (', llrown an'l whito l»nhorii kkkk for hatch- 'J* Ins. Klook hoailo.l liy beat male birda prooilialili-. one a flrat prixn cmkerni at Ouelpli poultry ah»n lait fall. One clollai a aettini,'. Alao aDiim lint claaa aead oata. Lot :it), ooo, .'â-  Artcmaala, -«"HAH. si ai>MHI), Notice To The Public. Having disposed of our hardware stock and tiiisiiiithing tools to C.J. Bellamy, we wish, through the Advance, to thxnk oiir many customers for their lil>eral pat- ronage and support. All parties having repair work now in Ihf tin shop will call and get same wiihtV^^'i days.. All accounts must be seit-^«^ ^Jiy May Ist, after that date our buoR'/w^ll be ])nl in other hands for collection. Mr. O. J. Bellamy will be found in our old stand and we wish to recommend for him the same liberal patronage accorded us. April Ist, I'.HO. XoRKiH BitoH. Publish My Letter. The World Over The Words of Harold P. Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline." "Thrre yearn ago I dlgcoverpd that« niuii subject to lumbago mlKht Just as well tx^ <Jca4 aa alive." These words open ttie iiincerc. straightforward letter of H. p. Bushy, a well-known man In the plumbing and tlnamlthlngr busi- ni'sa In Portland. "(ine attack camo ofter another, and lumbago jot to Ije a ihronlc thing with ine. 1 eould aciircely get in a day's work b<fori' that knifing, cruel pain wouljijjttu^tiiiy back, I uaed a gal- Ilon of liniments; not oni' of ihem secmetl penetrating enough to get at the core of the pain. I read In the Montreal Wit No Disordered Kidneys) Or a Weak Bladder if You Take A Few Doses of FIG PILLS ^ ' All Backache and Distress from Out- of-order Kidneys ur Bladder Trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine. Lame Back, Painful Stitches, Rheumatism, Nervous Headache, Dizziness, Sleepless- ness, Wornout, Sick Feeling and other symptoms of Slugtiish, Inactive Kidneys {knd Liver disappear. Smartine, Fre- quent I'rination and all Bladder Trouble ends. FIG PILLS go at once to the! disordered Kidneys, Bladder and I'ri- nary System, and oomijleic a cure before ', you knuw it. There is no otlio* remedy, ; at any price, which will effect .so thor- ough and permanent a cure as a 25-cent box of FIO PILLS. . Only curative re- sults can come from taking FIG PILLS, and ft few doses mean clean, active, heal- thy KiJneys, Bladder and Liver- -and Ko Backache. For s«lo at all Brst class drug stores. 25c a bo.\', or five for one dollar. Hpvl4 '*^ t J.M SPRING^ TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departments of, Shorthand and Tyjie writing. In dividual instruction. Students may cuter at any time. Catalogue free. Collingwoed Business College T. E. HAWKINS Principal _/Y»x«*' Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reiiai>le newsyâ€" full of personal interest;â€" well illustrated â€" you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organ izations._ Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all.we aim td he/air to everybody . Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year This paptr and ih$ ' -Tennto Du'/y Star" fog*tfier for ont ytarâ€"SS. 20. euamntttd fountain Pingirtn for SOc. aiUtd to abort subtcrfption pnee*. Toronto Daily Star WANTED! A repreaentativc for Flesh- erton. This is the time to sell nursery slock. We pay lil>crally and offer steady employment. Our list of .HiM^cialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready scud's in both fruit and ornameiital stock, seed po- tatoes, etc. Write for terms and catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 18U7) Toronto, - Ontario i jiin C. J. B E L L A M Y'S Hardware Hints m^ssuboutNorvnTne, and got five bot- tles. It ia a wonderful medicine â€" I could frel Its soothlnK paln-rellevlns action every time It was applied. When i sot the dlBcaxo under control with Ni rvliine, I built up my atrength and rorlirieil my blood by tal<lnc K'er- roaonc at mrnls. This treatment cured me prnnanently, and I urge cvcryoni' lo give up the thick, white, oily Uiiimcnts they are using;, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-de- stroyer like Nervlllnc. "J'leane publish my letter the world over, I want ail to hear of Nerviline." Don't be cajolvd Into ri'O'lvIng unv- thlng from your dealer but "Nervlllnr." Large bottles OOc, trial slse, 25e. Sold everywlure or The Cfftarrhozonu Co., KInsstun, Ont, Chath am waggons Tolton Harrows Also for sale one new Mc- CORMICK C U L T 1 V .V T R worth looking at, and one new National Oream Sep.vrator for .sale cheap. ONE GANG PLOW, second hand, a bargain. Call and Examine These Goods S. HEMPHILL - Ceylon, Ont. The season is here for gar^ dening. Come here for your HOES RAKES SPM)ES SHOVELS etc. We have a full Iiu6 of Moore's Ilonse Color Paintsâ€" also a part line of Martin-Senoni- Paiiits which we are offering at s price. We are agents for tbe famous FROST FENCE of Hamilton, coil spring aud woven . We carry the woven fence iu 7, 8 and 9 straiids. CISTERN A WELL PUMPS We handle the Aylmer doabie cylinder pumpâ€" best ou tbe mariset. Also Aylmer force aud common cistern pumps. J. B. PATTON PAINTKK â€" PAPKR IIAXHKR Sifrn I'aintiiiK and Migh-clai<ii Drtiirating .\ SiieciuUy. Work taken in any [wrt of tlip country. Office at . . . FLl-aHKRroN, ONT in[ MIRKHS. Caiefnlly Correctei Kacli Week Wheat ., 1 00 to J 00 tJata :i« tb ;»5 Peas .... 7ti to 70 Barley .. 45 to 50 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 Rutler .... eo to io Kegs, fresh . , . . 18 '0 18 Potatoes per hag .... 40 to 40 Oeeso 10 to 10 Ducks ... 11 to 12 Ohickena ... 12 to 12 Turkeys ..<. 18 to 18 C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton Fine Oleatber Booms millinery With every day warmer than the day before and the appearance that lino weather is going to stay, stimulates ihe demand for hats .[uick. Though wo are busy, we are not overlooking ordew. Every bat goes out with careful attention. Wo have just receive*) a case of new 8ha{>e>, braids and flowers. Beautiful new Dress floods 3u$t Hf rived Among which arc to be leen the latest shades in wisteria, the new rose shades with pale blues, also very pretty shades in browns, blues iind aroens. Shantuiuf liiienh and rep the correct thing for thafnow (siiuinier suit in the difiercnt shades of rose, russet, i;reon, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins .\ f.,0 id range to choose from ranging in price from 9 to 20 cents. Uestinfls and erossbar muslins Nothins! makes up much prettier for the new tailored blouses than the vestingN and crossbar muslins. We have just received a hiij raiijio in these and you will find quality and design iho best. We iilao have a full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. liadies fancy and embroidered linen collars. Jubots, frillings aud cords, a good aM?ortinent. Special in UnderskiHs Wo have a number of good black sivteen underskirts in all sixes. While they laat at 50 cents. Lice curtains are now in demand and we have just what will suit you ranging in price from 25 to 12.50 per [lair. A few more of those good Canadian and English prints at 8 and cents per yard. In gent.? furaishings wo never have had a moro up-to-date line. You will Iind our fancy hoso hard to bea^. Do not fail to see, also the shirts and ties. Our new aprins; suits have just arrived, which will pay you to call and sue before buying elsewhere. The styles, .|uality and prices are right. Hats and caps in all the new .spring atylo.s. Everything you need in boots and shoes. Wall pii|iers a specially, paints and varnishes, hardware, groceries and cmifeot ionciy. A full stock. Fruit* in their aea8o«>. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia > ; â- te M&fti ...jfci"

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