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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 7

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\? Some Investment Offerings of a Superior Character:â€" r April, 1910 Go^ it Beuli r«CMi. PnviHte of Ontari$ 4't PrtvtHc* »f ManHtha i'$ Pnvinci »f Nfw Brun$wuk 3'$ 1927 2939 1939 '6 iv*r 4 A. *% Municipal Debentures City rf T»r»nt», Ontarit Syi't City of Mantrtal, P.^. Syi'i City tf fVinnipeg, Man. 4's City »/ Peterbor$, Ont. fK'/ Township of Barton ,Ont. 4%'t CityofSte.Hyacintke.P.^. 4't City of Moon Jan, SaiA. 4^'t City of Moos* Jaw , Sask. 4^'t City of Strathcona, AUa. 4f4'i City of Edmonton, Alta., (Schools) 5'i City of Revilstoki, B. C. 5't City of Ftrni*, B.C. 3*1 City of Kamloops, B.C. 5't City fif Midicint Hat, Alta. 5't Town of Thorold, Ont. S'4 Town of High Rivir, Alta. S'l Town o/Stlkirk, Man. 5't 1915 and 29 4H<inJ4% 1939 4% 1920and43 4'Aand4}i% 1939 4yi;l 1929 4H% 38 instalmentt 1910-19 1910-15 1929, 39 and 49 4%i 4 Hi 4 Hi 4 Hi 1910-38 1934 1939 1934 1910-21 1911-30 1910-21 1958 'Hrj 5% 4 4 J. fVt alto hav* to offir a numitr of odd blocks of Municipals at attractivt yields Railroad, Corporation and Industrial Bonds Canadian Narthtm Railway SmtUar Co., (Equipments) 4%', 191l-2r 57. Hio dt Janeiro Tramwej, Light and Power Q. 5's 1933 At market "Hamilton Cataract, Power, Light~and Traction Co.. 5't 1943 5% 4.95i Suburban Rapid Transit Co. 5's 1933 Dominion Iron iS Steel Co., Limited, Consolidated 5's 1939 5H% IVestern Canada Flour Mills Company, Limited 6's 1928 5J5% 5 Hi P. Burnt and Co., Limited 6't 1924 Canadian Car {jT Foundry Company, Ltd. 6's 1939 S.65% Long Bell Lumber Company 6's 1913-22 Canada Cement Co., Limited 6's 1929 Tht income basis thown gives tht epproximatt interest return to the investor DcramaiSEajRniES COKPORATIOfi-LIMITED TOR.OMTO. /AOnTREAL.l-OMDOrt.ErtO. ^THE WORLD'S MARKEFS REPOBTS FROM TSE LEADI?(6 TBADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheeaa and Otker Bairy Produce at Bone aad Abroad. BREADS7UFFS. Toronto, April 12. â€" Flourâ€" Win- ter wheat 90 per cent, patents, f 4.- 20 to $4.25 in buyers' sacks, on track, Toronto, and $4.10 to $4.15 outside, in buyers' sacks. Manito- ba flour, first patents, $5.70; sec- ond patents, $5.20 to $5.30; and strong bakers', $5, on track, To- ronto. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 North- ern, $1.11,'.^, Bay ports, and No. 2 Northern at $1.09y2. Bay ports. Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 mixed red Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.08. Barley â€" No. 2, 54 to 55c outside; No. 3 e.\tra, 51 to 52c ; No. 3 at 49 to 50c, and feed, 47 to 48c outside. Oats- No. 2 Ontario white, 37 to 37)<.p outside, and '1^% to -Wc on track, Toronto. Canada West oats 41c for No. 2, and 40c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas- No. 2 for shipment, 79 to 60c outside. Ryeâ€" No. 2, 68 to 68*-^c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 51 to 51%c outside for No. 2. Cornâ€" No. 2 American, 03 to 68' ic and No. 3 yellow. Go to GoV^c, Toronto freights. Canadian corn, 62 to CaV^c, Toronto freights. Branâ€" $22.50 in bags, Toronto, au'l shorts, $23.50 to $94, in bags, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples â€" $1.50 to $2.50 per bar- rel, according to quality. Beans â€" Car lots outside, $1.85 to $1.95, and small lots at $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel. Honey- Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50; extracted, lO''^ to lie per lb. Baled Hayâ€" No." 1, $15 to $15.75 on track, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Baled Strawâ€" $7.50 to $7.75 on track, Toronto. Potatoes â€" Ontarios, 35 to 10c per bag on track, and New Brunswicks, 40 to 45c per bag. Poultry â€" Turkeys, dressed, 18 to 19c per lb. ; chickens, 15 to 16c, and fowl, 11 to 12c. n The Ingredients Used In Medicinal and Toilet Preparations are of the same high quality as those your druggist uses in filling your physician's prescriptions. !ts«^ Si The National Dru^; and Chemical Company aupplies the (freat«r part of the drugs dispensed by the physicians and drugf^ts of Canada, and it is probable that the ingredients used by your own drugjfist in hia prescriptioa work, came from our warehouses. From these same warehouses come the ingredients used by our expert chemists in compounding NA-DRU-CO preparations. ETerjr ounce of material used in every NA-DRU-CO article is the best that our skilled buyers can select from the world's markets. We Can Afford to tise only the very best materials becinse, buying in immense quantities for our wholesale trade, we get the best crude dru^ at roclc bottom prices. In our chemical laboratories these raw materials are refined and prepared by expert chemists and subjected to tisid testa both for ttrencth and puritj before being used in N.A'DRU-CO preparations. NA-DRU-CO Cod Liver Oa CompeuiMl. for instance, is made from the best of materials, by our expert chemists, and is consequently the most perfect tonic. NA-DRU-CO Nerroxoae is another striking example of the results our skilled chemists get from good ingredients. We Could Not Afford AL.WAT* LOOM rOM THIS TII*e»B HAflft to use any but the finest and purest materials in each and every N.\-DRU-CO preparation, because on the quality of each depends the future of the whole line. Linked together as they are by the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark, a single article found nnreliuble would go far to destroy your confidence in all N.\-DRU-CO goods. Ask. your druggist about the quality of the drugs wc snpply to him â€" about our facilities for compound- ing superior medicinal and toilet preparations-r-about our reliability. Go a little further if you like, and ask your phy- sician or your druggist what goes into NA-URU-CO preparations. They can tell you, for we will furnish to any physician or druggist m Canada, on request, a full list of the ingredienu in any NA-DRD-CO preparation. "Moner Back" Furthermore, if any NA-DRU-CO article you buy does not entirely satisfy you, return it and your druggist will refund your money. If your druggist has not the N.\-DRU-CO article you want in stock he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale tyauch. A Few NA-DRU-CO Favorites: ToOalt Complcxioa Crea^ Talcvm Powder Tooth Psste Witch Hazel Crcaia For CUldrMii Babr't Tablets Su(ir of MU!: Dy mnU * U M o mM u m t Dy*pey<U TableU Otataoot oimI Salvos i Carbolic Salve Stainless ludtae Olatnnt {] »iie*) File Ointment Tomes I Cod l^iver OH Componad, Tasteless, (s sIkt*) Nenrorone Cod Uver Oil Bmtilsloa (a size^ National Drug and Chemical G>inpany of Canada, Limited BfeESStdBK! Halifax, St. John, MontresJ, Retina. Ottawa, Calgary, â- nackos ati KinfatoB, Toronto, Londoa, Nelaoa, Vaacouver, Victoria. Haonllaa, CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS â- APPEMNGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE. Tfiegraphio Brief:<i From Our Owa aad Other Countries «t Reecnt Eveats. CANADA. Four hundred Winnipeg tailors •re on strike for higher pay. â-  Soott'.i Oper.t House ut Gait was destroyed by fire on Friday. Loss •20,000. The Victoria Times ch.arges wliolesa-le perjury to the rcctsit po- lice investigation. The Provincial Government may take action to put a stop to tho practice of usury. The Miller bill t.> .-ib.ilish race- track gambling was dcl'eatetl in iho Hiiuae of (/'ominons. Montreal Harbor Commissioners have planned to spend $18,000,000 in improvements. Peter Girou.t lost both Icg.s by going to sleep on the M. t',lt. track at Windsor, on Friday. Mr. W. Poiilc, an aged resident »{.B«rlin, Ont.. was killed by fall- ing from a window, ou Friday. IMana for the new Y. M. 0. A. building at Winnip.-g arc being i)re- pared. It will cost .$300,000. The Canadian General Klectric Company will speiul 5<a.')0,000 in ad- dition to its Petcrboro' works. Fort Churchill district has beou thrown open fur homestoadiug by ihe Dominion Go'.:erniiK'nt. The Montrca4 Builders' E.xcliange has entered a protest at Ottawa igainst the eight hour duy bill. The first message sent from Port .Vrthur wireless station was from Mayor .MatthcwK tii President Taft. The Militia Uepartniont has is- .suod .an oixlcr tliat military bands- aaen ref'u.sing to play with non-un- ion militia bands are to be reduced to the ranks. Mr. D. li. Key. tonsul General tor Switzerland, is suing tho city of Montreal for «tl.-),000 damaKCs. Ho was wounded in the dieek by a bul- let fired by a policeman after a flee- ing burglar. Saul CJouin was found guvlty at North Bay .\ssizes, on .Saturday, of wounding 'Mary Smith and inflict- inp serious bodily harm, but acquit- ted of the charge of murder. Wal- ter Ross was seutcueed to hang on May «»0. Ottawa firemen, on Sfttuvday aJKht. bcinK unable to rcu)i>ve a Mout lady invalid through the win- tiow of a buminf; liot(«ie, jtit an th& li.ij- iivitl of covering her with kur paulins and sealing up the room white they fought and subdued the fire. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Asquith's re.iolution to pro- hibit the Lords from meddling with money bills passed in the Commons on Thursday. Mr. Astjuith's motion authorizing the application of the closure to the committee stage of his veto re- Bolutious was carried by a major- ity of 81. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 21 to 23c; tubs and large rolls, 2Q„to 21c ; in- feiior, IG to 13c; creamery, 29 to 30c ; solids. 27 to 28c per lb. Eggsâ€" 19o per dozen. Cheese â€" 13 to IS^c per lb. large, and 13',-.jc for twins. lambs from $5 to $8 each. Good lots of fat hogs at about 10c per lb. Hog prices showed a further de- cline of lac per 100 lbs. Toronto, April 12.â€" Choice se- lected steers and heifers at $6.60 to $T ; good to prime butchers' at 85.90 to $6.50 ; medium to good butchers' at $5 to $5.60. Cows and bulls were very strong : one extra fine bull, 2,380 lbs., realized $5.75. Stockers and feeders at 95 to $5.- 50. Calves were slightly easied. Sheep and lambs steady and un- changed. Hogs, $9.40 to $9.50 f.o.- b., and $9.05 to $9.75 fed and wat- ered. for HOG PRODUCTS. UNITFvD STATES. Lord Kitchener has arrived in San Francisco from Tahiti. A Harrisburg, Pa., man mistook hi.s wife for a burglar and shot and killed her. Two (.Miinan\en were murdered in Ntw York and two in Philadelphia on Sunday. Preparations are being made for another world cruise of the United Slates fleet. The selling of cocaine to school children is said to be prevalent in Philadelphia. Two bandits tried to hold up a train near St. Paul, Minn., but sc- oured no booty. The poor health of Andrew Car- negie is causing considerable anxi- ety in New York. A bill forbidding the use of long hnt pins in Washington has been introduced in Congress. , It is believed that a boy who killed a companion in a prize-fight at Passaic, X. J., has lied to Can- ada. It is reported in Washington that Secretary Kno.\ and Secretary MacVcagli may withdraw from the C'abinct. The enemies of the Payne tariff law at Wa.shington are working to secure the apiK>intment of a tariff commission. .\ bill giving the Grand Trunk permis.sion to onter Rhode Island way. i>a.ssed in the Stale Asaeinbly on Thursday. * Milwaukee's new Socialist Mayor has announced to the citi/.''n.s that there will be no attempt to force' a millouium on them. Women who tried to boycott the sellers of kosher meat in New York's East Side on Thursday fought the police with hat plus, market baskets and bottles. Baconâ€"Long clear, 153^-^ to 10c per lb. in case lots; moss pork, $29 to $29.50; short cut, $31 to $32. Hams â€" Light to medium, 19 to ISj.jC; do., heavy, lG>i to 17c; rolls, 15/:.ic ; shoulders, 14c ; breakfast bacon, 19 to 20c ; backs, 20 to 21c. Lardâ€" Tierces, 16% to \Q%<i; tubs, 17 to 17'-4c; pails, 173-.ic. LOOO LI TES IM PEBIM Explosion on a British Ship Caused a Panic at Sea / GENERAL. Mount Etna is showing more ac- tivity . Civil war is imminent between two Abyssinian factions. The people of Peru arc showing their desire for war with Ecuador by enlisting in largo numbers for the defence of their country. BUSIXESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal. April 12.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2 Canadian Western, 42 to 42j'oC ; No. 3 41 to 4lV.ic; Ontario No. 2' white, I tOc; Ontario No. 3 white, 3!)c ; Ou- \ tario No. 1 white, 38c. Barley â€" INc. 3, 60c; No. 4, 58c; feed barley, ! 5Cc Flour â€" Manitoba Spring I wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do., I seconds. .?5.30; Winter wheat pat- ients. .$5.50 to $5.60; Manitoba strong bakers, $5.10; straight rol- lers, $5.10 tu $5.25; straight rol- lers, in bags. $2.40 to $2.50. Feed- Ontario bran, $22.50 to $23; On- tario middlings, $23.50 to $24; Ma- nitoba bran. $22; Manitoba .shorts, $23; pure grain mouillie, $31 to $33. nii.xed mouillie, $27 to $29. Cheese White, 12-^^ to 12jic, and colored. 123i to I2?';c. Butterâ€" September-October creamery, 2SVi to 29c in round lots, and 29 to 29j,jC in single packages; new milk creamery, 31c. Eggsâ€" 19 to 20c per dozen. UNITED STATES M.VRKETS. Minneapolis, April 12, â€" Wheat â€" May. $1.10'>; to $1.10}.i ; July. $1.- 11 to $l.ll'/4-; <''»sl^< No. 1 hard, $1.12'<; No. 1 Northern, $1.10'^ to $1.12;,; No. 2 Northern, $1.08% to $1.10!h; No. 3 Northern. $1.0.5-^<; to $1.08''i. Bran- In lOO-lb. sacks, $21 Flourâ€" First jialents. $5.;t0 to >r.^.i>0; second patents, $5.10 to $5.- ;xi : first clears. $4.25 to $4.35 ; see- <.n(l clears. $3 to $3.30. Buffalo, April IS.^Wheatâ€" Si'iing steady ; No. 1 Northern, carloads «tore, $1.20; Winter, low- er; No. 2 red, $1.1S; No. 2 white. $1.18. Corn â€" Lower ; No. 3 yellow, ."ig'/^c ; No. 4 yellow, 5«lxjC ; No. 3 com, 59c ; No. 4 corn, .Wc ; No. 3 white. 020. Oats -Easier; No. 2 white. 4»,'.jC; No. 3 white. 47c; No. 4 white, 46c. Barley â€" Fee<l to malting. 02 to 68c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, .Vpril 12.â€" A few of the best cuttle were srdd at alx)ut ik-. per lb. Pretty good animals, 4'ic tc 5\e. and the common stock 4c to 4'-ic per lb. Milch cows fronj $3C to $00 each. Calves from V.].,c to Gc j)er lb. Sheep about j'.jC per jib., and lambs at abiiut 7c. Spring DESERTED HIS KEY. C. P. R. Operator Sent to Jail for Three Month.'*. .\ despatch from Regina says : The night operator, Voyer, of the C P. R. train office, was on Fri-| day morning .sent to jail for three i months for deserting his key on Wednesday evening. He was in- to.vicated, and gave the despatcher the ''good night" signal. F'ortu- nately the agent was secured, and danger to trains was averted by a uew man taking the key. Voyer made his own defence, and contend- ed that as Regina was a divisional point all trains must stoj) here. There was no danger through his deserting the key. The Magistrate decided to make an example of Voy- er, this being the second case with- ing a week. CANADA'S T YEAR. Income Will Exceed One lliiudred Miiliou.H. A despatch from Ottawa says : The returns of. revenue and ercpen- { diture of the Dominion received by ' th^ Finance Department up to the night of March 31st, and published in the regular monthly financial stat ment of Friday, bear out the forecast made some days ago. that the total revenue for the fi.scal year will, when all the returns arc in, be oyer one hundred raillion.s, and fire surplus of revenue over all or- dinary expenditure will be close to the twenty million mark, both fig- ure? constitutMig a remarkable uew record. SOW CROPS JKARIA. Profes-sor /avitz .VdvLses Farmers to l,o,se No Time. A despatch from Gneliih says: Prof. Zavitz, of the Ontario .Vgri- cultural t'ollege. believes that the farmers would be wise to sow their cereal crops and urass and clover seeds as soon as possibje. H<' sai<l on Friday iiioruiiig that during the 25 years which Ik^ had been at the Agricuhural CijIKge the present Spring surpaju-i's all others in the early growth of the Winter-sown crops. The usual date for seeding is about the middle of April. SHOT lilHSKI.F IN BED. Fanner id Wiunipe"; Hirer l>ed tiun ((» Suicide. .\ despatch from Kenora, Ont., says: Fred Heury. a farmer located twJ'uty miles down the Winnipeg Ri\er. was finind de.^d in bed Tl'urs<lay morning, his brains ha\ - ins; iK'cn bbjwn out by .7 shotgun, wlich he held in his hands. The deceased at the time suffered from mental derangement. A despatch from Dover, England, says : A terrific explosion occurred early on Thursday morning on the British steamer Cairnrona, off Dungeness, whicH wrecked the wo- men's quarters, killing on© child and injuring a number of women and children. The steamer caught file aad a panic ensued, in which men fought for the possession of the boats, and had to be beateu back by the crew to allow the wo- men to be taken off first. A large number of the passengers were lan- ds { here on Thursday night, many of them in an exhausted condition. In all. twenty persons were serious- ly, and not less than fifty slightly, injured by the e.\plosion and in the ranic that followed. The Cairnrona sailed on Wed- nesday from London for Portland, Mainei. She carried 900 passengers, for the most part immigrants, and a general cargo. By good luck the steamers Upl.and and Kanawha were close at hand when the Cairn- rona caught fire, and stocxl by and took off several hundred passen- gers and landed them here. Sev- eral of the first-class jiassengers and American cattlemen gave tlirilHng details of the accident. .\ number of women with children in their arms were sitting on a hatch, when suddenly a violent e.xplosiou hurled them to all parts of th deck. Some of them were shock- ingly injured, and one child wa» killed. The hatch was blown to fragments. I A terrible panic ensued, the fm'^m^ ^grants, mostly Russians, running t^^^ : a.iu'. down, screaming and wringing i their hands. Their terror was in- creased by the volume of smoke which poured from the burning hold. The captain and officers made I ir -'ffeetual efforts to calm them, and then signals of distrens woro sen*- up. In the meantime another explosion occurred in the engine 1 room, injuring several of the en- gineers. The Kanawha and Upland steam- ed up ((uickly, and the captain de- cided to transfer all the passen- gers. This was accomplished speedily, but was uccompa; .scandalous scenes. Sco j tried to rush the boat; of them fought with tearing and draggi fool. The ere I against the \, rants, using -eu, der iantly n emi- feet and u:>y weapon .aiiey coulji find. Not a, few of tlfc^ f ran tip- mob of men wore felUed to the' deck before the hyst'M''ieal. faintfng women and children could be gotten to tho bj( ats. In the stampede four per- 'sons fell or were pushed into the sea and were rescued with difficulty. C. I'. R. ORDKHINt; CARS. Will Spead Tu<» Million Dollar^ This Siiiunier. .â- \ despatch from Montreal sayi: The Canadian I'acifie is ordering a l«-rne Htiiount of rolling stock in .iu- ticipation of a heavy rush of busi- ness. Orders liave been given for over two million dollars' worth of box cars to be delivered before. llij b'all rush. It is aiinouiiecd that tho fiist sailing of the Canadian Paci- fic s Upper l.jike tlei't from Owen Sound to Fort William will take place an Saturday, .\pril Hi. or two weeks earlier than usual. SILVEK ltOI.I,\KS Wil' he Coined in Canada's Mint I'or (lie West. .\ de.s])ateh from Ottawa says: The. bill to rc\iso the Currency iVct wiis passed iii the House on Fri- day ufte.rnuon aft<>r a discussion, duiinsi which Mr. Fieldijig an- iiuuneed that a Canadian silver dol- la.- would be coined in future at the lUyal Mint. The new ruin was to \w. issued chiefly because the people oi the Pacific coast preferred silver currency to paper money. SKillTEO B.VLLEVS CO.HET. Visible a) ('a|M* Tiiwn Vfler P:«s.sin» Ihe Sun. A despatch from Cajie Town says: The observatory nt>re sight cd Hallev's comet on Friday inoru- in,i for the first ti»ne since its pass- in;( of the sun. A WEED EPIDEMIC PROBABLK. .Provioeial Report I.nsues Warniag \ lo the Farmers. ;^ despatch from Toronto says : The annual Piovineial report of the agricultural societies, just is- sDed. records the fact that during tl><? [last year-lhe number of socie- ties entered in the standing field . I er ps competition had increased by 01 per cent. The reports of the judges show- that there is con.sider- able attention being p.aid by fann- er* to securiuK better and purer seed grain, and also to improved ct.ltivalion of tin- lantl and tho era- dication of weeds. The rejMirt ex- presses anxiety over the growth e>f weeils. "The alarming rate at wliich the perennial sow thistle ia s|. leading over the Province,"' it declares, "eaffs for strenu »us wijrk oil the part of farmers in combat- ing this subtle weed foe. . . , l^u- steps are taken at once t«» cheek it, in a very short lime it will be t-oiind evervwhere." SEKUING IN THE WEST. Estiniuted Tha( lil'ly Per Cenl. of the Wheat l.s lu. .-\ despatch from Winnipeg says: llejiorts reeei\'ed by several, of tho big Rrain tirms here iiulicate that ciw<'el!e'U progress is beinc made with the seethng. and several are of the opinion that fifty jier cent. of the wheat throiigliout Manitoba a-nel Saskatchewan has bt en seedevl. j III si.nie parts the work is scarcely j begun, while in others it i* almost â-  eouipleiej. "fei-* Mm ^ â- Mk

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