â- ^^i^ftkiilft. ."Mft^ \ \ NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Satnre Needs Aid in MakiQg New Health-Biying Blood. THE WEDDING BINU. How It wiiH I{<>(;ardo(I on the Isle of Mnn. HE GOT RELIEF RIGHT AWAY III the IhIo nf Man the wedding rii<a;. was formerly used as an iniitru- iiunt of torture. Cyril Davenport in his honk on "Jewellery" rc- inurks that there once, existed a III the spring the system needs eustom in that island "according toniiiK up. In the spring to be to which an unmarried girl who had healthy and htrong you must have iK'tn offended hy a man could bring »| nen- hl«)od, just fts the trees must him to trial and if he were found have new ^ap. Nature dt mands it guilty she would he i)reseMted with Br:<l without this new blood you a sword, a rope aud a ling, says wi'l feel weak and languid. You' the London Chronicle. With the may have twinges of reliumutism or | sword she might cut off his head; the sharp stabbing pains of neural- with the ro|)e she might hang him. . . . ,,„,, gia Often there are disfiguring' or with the ring she might marry f I'"' ^^, (^T-'^VT When I began pimples or eruptions on the skin. hin. It is said that the latter , '""jinf l><Jdd s Kidney Pills 1 got In other cases there is merely a' piiiishment was that invariably in- L'"*''''/. '"'B"!' ""fy- ^ ^^'•^ *"""«, feeling of tiredness and a variable llicted." IV"'*^,,'' ^"^"^y l^''!'?,,"' Srejit rnedi-i •ppefite. ..\ny of the.so arc signs The wedding ring, which wa» tol- 1 "",•;• ^" says \Nilliam O. Cam, | that the blo.,d is out of order -that crated bv the Methodists, was ana-i*":" ''"."^;^'" »"«» "'S'^'y rfspected in, the indoor life of winter has told tlicn.a to the eiirlv Puritans, whol*'"-' neighborhood. .And Mr. Cain| ha.s a very good reason for making DOUD'H KIDNEY PILLS CURE KIDNEY DIMEASE OF EIUUT YEARS STANDING. ING. Thul'n What They Did for AVilliani 0. Cain, and Now lie Suys: "Dodd'H Kidney I'ills arc a Great .Medicine." Mapleton, Albert Co., N. B., Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills eiitctly mm the demand which w oltKii uriaoii in every fimily for » ncdit'ine to open up and regulate tho bowels. Not only are they effec- tive iu all rases of Conntlpation, but they help greatly in breaking np a(k>ldor LaOrippeby cleaning out the system und purifying the blood. In tlje same vav tbvy relieve ST , â- ^".V B'""'"'""'". ' Indigestion,, mek Headaches. Itheumutium and other romwon ailmrntH. In the fullest seosn of the worda Dr. Mors- es Indian Boot PiIIh are A Household Remedv'K"' ""*"' "'"-" "" "'°'''= **"* ^"^'^ â- ^ r%<giiipq y hc I . my son ^iwith her." PLENTY OF PATIENCE "So you want to marry my daughter, eh 1" queried the old man. "Do you think you have the patience and forbearance to make her a kind and indulgent husband ' "I don't know, sir," replied the would-be iion-in-law ; "I can button a stand-up cgllar on a shirt that is a size larger without getting angry, and I -can button up the back of my sister's blouse, and I " "Say no more," interrupted the and ray blessing goes ASPECT OF AMiSUK tTOCKS. _. J .^^-^ .-^ â€"â- --_â- 1 They Soothe Excited Nerves.â€" ^=ii^CRONYN * Co. Nervous affections are usually at- Member, feronto steek Eich.ege. i ^^^butable to defective digestion, as Safe lnwe«tm»nf« ^vTHefor our »«kiy t"'-' stomach dominates the nerve r . ?' . ' â- â- i»c»"iicni> r.aui.ruB «,cu.i.*i. I centres. A course of Parmelec's ««.'.r*,t„,u,.di,Mjio»,„b»ak. ! Vegetable Pills will still all dis- â- Web.breniova.l u uur it<»w btiil.tiiix. iiian, pro boHcal value, iiiai riuge serv upon you. What is needed to put i'ou right is a tonic, and iu all the world there is no tonic can o(|Ual D-. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pilh actually make new, rich, red blood^ â€" your greatest need in Kplltlg. This new blood drives out for the diseaM-, clears the skin and makes on the weak, easily tired men and woint n anil children bright, active and uti'oiig. Miss A. M. Dugay, Jyower Cove, X. S., says: "I believe I owe inv life to Dr. \Vil!;aiiis' Pink Pills. Jiy blood seemed to have turned to water. I was pale a-s a sheet; li 90 Bay Sf., Toronto, turbariccs of this character, and by â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- 1 restoring the stomach to normal ac- : ti"n relieve the nerves from irrita- repardetl perKoiial a<lornment as: "" â- ^â- ,7 »""••• .v...,v,,. ...,. â- """â- "» i ^ ,onALT silver *n'D porcupinf '''â- â- " '^'"^^^ >â- '"= ncivcairom iriim- | or.e of the many snares of Satan. I "*" , *'"P"'*''*' " statement. l"or| ^y ,oid Rtoekx bought and sold. Prop'-iii'"- There is no sedative like them ' W.slev, who was a High Church- j [.'S^t years he was a sufferer from J^'-'J;' bablv recognized its svm- 1 ^-''/'^^ ,I^'««ase. and did not seem ; ing Arc ^ In the old Knglish t",.^f. a^'e '<« ?*-t relief 1 ice it was the custom! ^^'i^' ^ ""s ^^ bad, Mr Cain I bridegroom t<. put the ring ^''^ on^t« state, "and ray kidneys ^ a yoi'ng m thumb of his bride, saying, ' ^'-'hered me so that if I would go j^,J^'" »»gh then 1'"'^ anything off the ground 1 l^lZ^:'t 8*."?,aiJr„:l5 S':^'«. '"-â- â- •" '!:' corrcdion of irreg„lari- | cade. Toronto. Ont. ( •'"'* "' tuc Ctlgt'stlvc processes, no ; preparation h.ts done so effective \ work, as can be testified to by thou sands. AGENTS WANTED. MAN WITH AMTIITION TO grade teas. Alfred Tyler, | "in till- name of the Father, oi! the next linger, sa>ing, o...v. .,. . till' Son,' then on the third finger, '"'^ saying, "and of the Holy Ghost,'' fii'ully on the fourth finger, with the word, •â- .\men." The ricg was lift there because,: ..jjiid^vj.uld fall." But Dodd's Kidney! VGFNTS- »5 perienee Lumbago, »ufiored from hea<luche8, and fioat- as the Sariim rubric says, in;? Bpecs seemed t<> be constantly i)r<>ceeds thence to the heart." In' before my eyes. As the trouble ilio modern marriage service the progressed my limbs began to swell, ijng is i)la(ed at once upon the ,, , ^, ,_ ,- • and it was feared that dropsy had (liiul finger, the invocation to the^''^!'"*^ ^nd He.trt Disease from Ml in and that my case was hope- Trinity being understood. 'n?!;'""", 'f ' • "V .^'"^ I^f""'"'*'"- less. Uj) to this time two doctors' The wedding ring was the onlv'V, f.''- vT'' '"^^l""?" "'"^ ""'''• hatTattendedme, but notwithstand-'f,,nn „f jewelry perniitted to the J^'<'" « ^'dney Pills always cure Irtg I kept growing worse. It was i-arly Methodists, and there are <ia this juncture I began using DV. people still living who recall how Wlliiaius' Pink Pills, and after tak- no longer than forty fears ago they A DAY EASY. NO EI cured him just as they have â- ;h:o,.,r'nr;:,i,"y7ot.r„?;;i' S^r.'i^ I cured thousands of other sufferers "f M men. Payh for itoelf In one hoar. 'all over Canada. They never fail ont'.'* *"'''"'â- ^ " *''^°" '^°- "«"'»- i to cure Kidney Disease of an ,• kind. • , .. - !Noc once, but scores of times, thev T"c„Z'^Z^l'l^^ ..^r^T' ^f^'-V''*^^ 1. • L 1 T. • 1 .1 .,â- â- i . ""mpnny naip good npeniiips for ei- n voin ' "''^â- '- vanquished fsngllt S Disease, pencnccd insurance writers, also for „ â- , ., u w . i. , ,. â€" a \ein, , ; , ,V i • . . yonnfr ni,.n ««l.r. .i.,.i,.. 1 _ »"•â- ' '"r f»ll«ie. laitaiilljr h.^ekachs, h«»il»che, neuralcia. the most deadly of all kidney trou- Adrtrc,. ",,"1 «m,„ J^^.-.'lH? T^Tl'll'fL I ih«um»tis« and .oiatic*. neurun., I "Ah, Elsie, it is fine to be mar- ried to an officer â€" such a beautiful uniform, and so many decora- tions!" "Yes, and. besides that, he'll have a band at his funeral.'' Tin Japs Old It. Thay sappMad the Manthal lonnil In 'rh^DAl," .Meotfai.! l'la,t«r, whiek 1,1,. .,1,1 - , , . â- -. . AddrpsB. .John Mtlne, Man.Tcing Director Ul(S, while every day brings stories Northern Life. London. Ont. of cures of Rheumatism r.unihnDm i SCRIP. AFRIfAN WARRANTS P.OHOHT AM> snid. ^ Imnirdiate (Iclivcrv. Rogers ' A Co. " »" = â€" .^. ., . _ I Lots of dreamers make up when ' the courtship ends in marriage. 3t Kins St. Kast. Toronto. GREED. "I had a great dream the other ini< a few bo.\es I was much im-i„cie reproved by old .Methodist nipht- I dreamed I met a man who proved. I kejit on using the Pill.s inniisters for breaking the rules of .offeiud to cut me a pound slice of until r ha<l taken eight bo.xes, when ,iK.|„l„.,.ship which forhade (and , radium." my bcallh was coni|)letely re- technically still forbid) Mctho(hst8 Minard's Liniment for S«le Every where. WASTKD rant^. Boss, SOUTH AFRICAN WAR Uicrhcst price paid. Kox & Scott Rl . Toronto. MACHINERY M iit<^ired. ' Sold by all medicine by mail at .V> <'ents a ho.x or six b<.xes for *'2..W from The Dr. Wil- lioms' Medicine Co., Brockville, OnL. It's ; to war Rokl, jewels or costly ap- dealers or pn,-,,) . t,„t ^.jtij t'm,. p„uitesy John I Wi sley knew when to ignore breaches of his own regulations, j In visiting a lioiise one of thej preachers drew Wesley's attention i worth 1M more n a >' SILLY IDKA. Miss Klderâ€" "The ielea of his pre- tending that my hair was gray.'' Mints Pepper- "liidicuhpus I" Miss Klder •â- Wasn't it though?" MiKs Pepperâ€" "Yes, just as if /ff) >,biiy gray hair. _ ___^ ^^ H1>\L CH.XniTAliLli:. Tattered Thcodnre -^ ' '.Scuse me, ineni, but 1 ain't got scarcely a mi t' ine hack. Kin yous help me <.iitt ' to thei host's daughter, who was , to cut it thick!" wearing several jewelled rings; hut': insteael of the rebuke wlii<-h his prcai'her S(,ught to evoke Wesley only gravely aiul gently rtmarked, ".\ vorv bi'autiful hand." â- Whew million an ounce That's right. 'Want a sKee'C he says to me. 'Yes,' I answered. But 1 was too grasping." 'How was that?" "I woke up just as I asked him niNKRV HEADQrARIlKR.H. ^ ITI Iron uiul irot)d-wurkinic roaclnoery. engines, boilrr*. stenm piinip!*, p;ih<jtin» eii(jii'(.». electric motorti, contrn«'tor'< niachinerv. ,tc. Send for catulozue .if ever lano machines. H. W. PKTIMK Limited. T.'ronto. M ontreal. Vanconrcr EDUCATIONAL. BYRON'S < ARIM.VtiF.. Now in Yard of Wa>si(le Inn, South .Vuslrulhi. COUGHINC BURST IJLOOD VESSEL. Cures JF.ARN TUK BARBKR TRADE NEW J tysteiD- constant practice; careful : InatriM'iion: few neek^ complete course; tools free: graduates earn twelve to j eighteen rtolhirp weekly; write for cata- logue Holer Pnrber College. 221 Queen Ea«f. Tnronto. Husband (angrily)â€" "Look here, when will you learn that a razor isf't t!ie thing for cutting twine and sharpening pencils with?" Wife ((•;;!iuly)â€" ".lust when you learn th..: a hairpin isn't the thing for cl.aning a pipe with." Re«I. 'Weak, 'W^arr. 'Wntery Kyea. Itelieved Hy .Murine Kye Ht-inedy. Try ' Slurlne Kor Your Eye Troubles. You ' Will l.lke Murine. It Soothes. SOc At ' Your DrutCBlsls. Write Kor Eye Books. ' Free. Murine Kye Kemedy Co., Toronto. FOR SALE. Kays Danger .\voidpd aud Coughs in 5 Hours. I.-^OR SALK 01! EXCHANOi;, BfTILDlNO lot" and farm lands on oa^y pay- 1 ment^ Will hiiy weetern property. S. ' M. Mathews. Room 11 1-2 75 Yonge Street Toroulo. It is well enough to be candid, but it isn't necessary to tell the neighbors all the mean things you know about yourself. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup I neeels no recommendation. To all I 'who arc familiar with it, it speaks I fof itself. Years of use in the treat- fur the bursting of blood vessels Apropos of Lord Hyrou, it may (j„i,p frequently. A cough or cold he mentioned that a carrijige of the „„,a„s inflammation (fever) and Kind Ladv (ertainlv. You'll ! 1"^'"* "^ """' <•"""« «l<ity in the cor- fongest'on, and these in turn indi- jiier of the yard of a wayside inn, in ,.,„p ii,nt "the body is full of poisons tiio <iutskiits of Port Lincoln, South ,.„(i waste matter. Simple relief, Australia, as ii hen roost, and |n „, f„„„i( j„ patent cough medicines, and whiskey, often result in more A writer for the medical press I" WH-inR hoots Und allocs cause mcnt of colds and coughs and all utiites that coughing is responsible eoms. Holloway's Corn Cure is the affections of the throat has uniiues fiiii! the rag bag behiiwl the door 'ii the woodhousi'. Help yoiir'-elf. THE MUTHEB'S AID AND CHILDBEN'S FRIEND iijiliy 's Own Tablets jirc not in- bies only. This modi- for children of all tly laxati\e and indigestion and ibles, constipa- Giiaraiiteetl noil- napiales. Mrs. »Hi I'oUlfo other ticiii ami suii] fne frtiiii P"i I'uul Carrier, iia.N s : •â- ) find th.-. besl niedii'liu Hfite of its treatment by the chick cus is still ill a fair stale of pre- servation. The niune of the Ijin- (iiln iiiakor is engraved on the hiix of the vehicle, and on the panels etc l^ord Byron's motto and eoat- i>f-aiin8. It seems that a great fiiend of hi.v Lady Charlotte ihicou (to wh< 111. by the liy, he addressed a number of his verses), went to live , iu South .Aiistrulin, and to her hc I sent one of his carriages on her hiirm than good; more congestiim. ftite .Me\';hins, Uue., . . , . , , , A, TaJjlcts ""'^"''? *" '""' "' ""^ diUiculty of â- vtnv iiseil f'blaining wheeleel <M«iiveyan<'es in li-Jiavc cv-^r used for ehiUlr.ii. I hav.\ise(l thiiiT-^for most of the lroubl<\ that nffli hllle ones, (and hav»V not kn«>«n iliein to fail). .Mothers should nl wHvs keep iheiii on haiul. " Sold b, inefliciiie .hitlers or by mail »t af. cents a box from Tile Dr. Wil- li.iois Medicine Co., Hrockvillc, Out. ., * 1 the antipodes. On her death it ))!)sse(l into the iiossessiim of a fam- ily ill the Port l.iiifolii district, and iVdiiy coiiUI be iiiuchasctl for a tcaspoonful three or iii'Vie song by any collector of relics of \hi_i poet Byron, Aiil^>ricu speniis a hundreil (i morel on drink than oil Mijmii^'t Linimtnt Curai Burnt, Etc iiies cdiKution. .\iiil Dccasioiially a man thinks nc bciiiK neglected when his eui;, to tht'if''(5wn ii; lii'iiiK lilies at I cm Jiioiiies I strictly i„..»,. (o, in/r, V Oiv» iham lasroy fa the form <>( A ' '".; t**!-*". -hlchi, ....I with such i-rtc I •»ji/ln eoniQiaptiua'i early â- (a<{*>. .•\ffey burying the hatchet some men ujo out and dig up an axe. Uttrjk OoM Briva don't fail to late a taaspoen- fal of iTainklllsr niiiud oltli a (tlnoa i>( hi>t waCar as they cause A tonic-laxative rough syrup will work marvels and here follows a prescription which is becoming famous for its prompt re- lit f and thorough cures. It rids the svsteni of the cause, except it be consumption. Don't wait for con- sumption to grasp its victim, btit h( gin this treatment, which cures some in five hours. Mix "n a Viot- tb one-half ounce fluiel wild cher- ry bark, one ounce compound cs- tcnce Cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Take twenty drops every half hour for foil'' liours. Then one-half to one four times a day. Give children less according to ago. article to use. Get a bottle at once ami cure your corns. A Pill for All Seasons. -Winter and summer, in any latitude, whe- ther in torrid zone or .Xictic tem- peiature, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills can be det>ended upon .to do ^^ap till she knows all about him." their work. The dyspeptic will find Kvelynâ€" "Good gracious I If she them a friend always and should knew all about him she wouldn't carry them with him everywhere, i niarry him." They are niaile to withstand any | eliniate and are warranted to keep | their fre.'hness and strength. Tlie-y tionably established its place among the very best medicines for such eliseases. If you give it a trial you will not regret it. You will fird it 2o cents well invested. Irene â€" ".\ girl shouldn't marry a ZauD-0uk apells saviog toyoa I Sup- pose biubanJ, wife or soroo member of the family iiutaine a cut or • bad scratch, which festers or tuma to blood- Soiaoning. Reiiult â€" off work t Wh»* oes that mean at pay day t Zam-Buk prevent* wounds, cute or injiiriea " turning the wrong way." Apply it immediatoly, end it kill* th e poll â€" and starte healing. There i» an- other aapeet. If yoa have in the family, ec- zema, rinffworm, ulceration, o r any akin aiMaae, try Zera-Buk flntâ€" don't spcDcl money on experi- menting I Yua will have to got Zam- . , . . . ., .J Buk event- ^ ' \.^ .- ill a«»e cost of / -y/fiPj,^ f§ tlie other things. t/lLCU.C Hear those penoB* : â€" Mr. A. M. Brooks, 'Wellington Street, Steeltfln, Out., says :â€" " If only I had got Zain-Buk at first, it would have aared me acorea of dollar* ; a* well a* hours of agony." Mr. Brooka has been onredofeczema. Hesays: â€" "Myceok, cheat and body were covered with the terri>ile diuaje. The itching, buming and smarting I luSered, none who has not gone through it ca.i tell 1 Doctors' lotious, Ealves aud preijcripCions didn't <Io me a bit of good ; aud from one thing to another I p'lstetl, only to find tlioni usolein. With Zam-Buk it was dill'erent, an,l without going through a long story, I can say that a few weoka' troatmifnt with this great heallnr halm htftlvil th'i Borss, ai»l rid iu« tor gno^l of the terriMa ei'zema, wlii<-h bad bsid ma ia its grip for over tea moatUs ! ** ** If I had mppticd Zsm-Biik in the first piftee, instead of trrinv th« o:h r pr«parationa, 1 s-.ould hire savea mvtelf a loS or moner." So anys Mrs. B. K bedwrll, of 137 Prormcbcr Ave., St. Rotvltaie, Wiunipcg. Mri. BedwtU hadactitfli'tfer. which beoamo poleoned. Sha says :â€" " It hecamevwoDen and aiscnlorM), and my wlinla arm acbcd and throbl^d vlolerlty. 1 CAlle-1 in adootor and ho lanced it. Tou'may iniacinehow I aiiffeied, anddenpitt the doctor's troalment the flniier a^aia lost.crtd. and jot so bad th.\t the doctor advised mo to ko into tho hospital. I fcarod. It I did, they would cut i« SfT, so refuse 1. eiria day wo were advised to try .im-Uiik. W« left c(r ererrthloij elao aad ga»o this balm a tri^l. WwU, it only took about four daya to ri-iw out the sorenass I Then, bit by bit, It br^an tii heal, and In less than three weeks lr»m Ant ap|ilTin|r th* Zam Buk the inxn ''VI healol and parfrctly healthy. It oeljr I had got Zam-Bttk at trat I " All skin Jnjnrles and dWeaaas are cured by Zam-Btik >l-!c/ema, eruptions, pinipla-. ulcara, T iles, iullKmed p.\tchet>. cuts, burca, scalp sores, chaps, etc, cannot regUt its healinjf virtus. fioa hex. ait dniifjclpts and atores, or jioet free from Z.i>ti-Duk Co., ToroDto, lor i-rice. UpI'im allimltaii' ^. do not grow stale, a (|UBlity not possesscti in many pills now on the nini'kot. ti»e«ls,iBrl»gag««d C». Ltd., Tor«ut»JO«a THE LLIDMAN TRUSS wiM hold any reducible hernia. Kndor-ed by foroiuu.-t medical men. tVnto lor ijailicuiani. B. Ll.VD.MA.N, (Ksx'dX Muutreal. TTOPeFORTHE DEAF-IN «C0VSTICOI«^ W\ one of the maiYols of tbs sicotiical .ma In aae thrombout th» world. Writs (or c«tal lo(ue. Osasral Acouttic Co., o< Canada Ltd. SmT one* Street. Tofoatg ^' APPEIMDICITIS Offer an excuse like a man and don't try to shift the blame. MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia AC!K OF HALLKY'S COMET. While HjiUey's coinet has been anil ttltut. DarUl Uisi u<icf*et a coagh. I l;.wure of the man who says he r.i-\<r heat any one out of a cent. Hi s ijri'bably fibinninp to sepnnile you from several of your earned dedliirs. hurd- Ii' yrmr cbildrrii are tioubleil nilhworiiis, ffive ibein Mother liruM's' Worm I'.xltriiiiualor ; .safe, fine and effectual. Try it, and murk the improvement 'in your <hil.l. ft aiiroly ui-sv«ut« cIiIIIh thoro is but uiis Kis. aud tus. Aridd aub- l>aluklllsr"-l'arTy \iMir best and IcaM- the rest: iiiinil to nionow'. Mislre^s - "\ow. cook, tlte .loneses are I'eiiieiiiber, I'oiiiiiig for jjjh'iier." Cook- â- "Leave it to me, .--»<"/7K'*K' " **" ""â- *"'\^' ,, They'll .yi vir <><!ulilc ver again. " To Try this M Sure :yib Dye Way Your Olothe* DY-O-LA Veti tfaa't have le hn*>« «><*t KIND of cloth your Uoods are made at. SAM> Dy for ALt- He elwNea *f MhrtaliM. All colors lo rents from jreur Dragylst or Dealer. Sample Card aad Booklet Piee. Tk* Jahnaen-lllehenlaon Ce, UmHmA Dee«. P.. MentraaL Que. 1 coiiKidcr MINA11II8 M.NIMKNT vile HKST IiiiMinciit III iiM'. 1 [ K<>t uiy foot biidly iuniiiiid Intflr. I liaiheU It well With MINAIthK MNtMKNT und It RU9 an yell ai ever iicji day. very Irulv. T. (1. .McMUIiLEN. « well VLMN S.MI.I.VO. Never judRe your future possi- bilities by your jinst failures. Optimism is glorified, intrepid, hopeful common-.Hense. Kvitrynue will kick the under dog unless he shows his teeth. There's a «![), as well as a slip, between the cup and the Up. Truth is seldom a thing of beau- ty, but it isn't the truth's fault. People sehlfiiii take any advice it her than what they pay for. Hi'auty is only skin-deep, and Hiiiiie, people are tenia rkahiy thin- hkinneil. When a woman begins to talk hnl.y talk to a man ho might as well kui render. identified as a member of our sys- tem for over 2,000 ye.irs, certain characteristics of Hs orbit lead us to believe that it has been with us Why is it that wo invariably hear I at least ten or perhaps 100 times of a man's bad deeds long before as long as that, .\ccording to all tlic good ones I accounts, it was a inagnificent ob- â€" ~ j*'et at the time of the Norman con- Where ^Veaknes8 is. Disease ' quest in lOtiti. Its head was eiiual Will Settle. - If one suffers from any ' to the full moon in si/.e, and its tail oiRauic weakness, inherited or con- increased to a wonderful length. tracted, there fliseaso will settle when it attacks the body. There-' .-« political boss is a man who fiiK- drive ont the pains that beset siives the voters the trouble of think- yoii, do not let a coUl <ir a cough, ins for themselves. harass you, and keep the respira- 1 toiy orgais iu a good healthy con-' That Tormentlnc Oeld that mads yon wratcbad ililimi This Villi I'liii ilii hv nvitiir laU wintor « ill ii.t c uiio back if j.iu take Allans (iniou. inis.\nl (an Uo py using i,u„, „.,Nani when yoar tUruatl-. raw ;ind st* 111 ihoinas. r.clectlic Oil. Pre- , Tliinidmirabla leusdy U free froasopltua. l^ka Minard's Liniment Ci>re3 Dandruff. Magistrateâ€" "You are found guil- ty of knocking down the plaintiff, • Cnred wlifcont operations All who are at and robbing hiui of everything ex-i^'ctcd wim thu di«-af.e srd wish to be eept a gold watch. What have you I r.V.r .'L7."'--'\"'„"'""' .«."" nulcbl, to say f" Prisonerâ€" 'Had he a gold watch?" Magistrate -"Cer- tainly." Prisonerâ€" "Then I put iu a plea of iiiyaiiity." with this great ITomenpathlc rmnedr. which will be sent post-paid anywhere In th- world with full instructions for aalng so as to effect a permsnent cure. Prire 13 Address ifehn T. Waif, HomsenatMc Pharmaeyi Arnprler, Canada. vei'tiiiii is the wisest course. Stout Party- 'â- .Are you aware, sir, that you deliberately stuck yoiii umbrella in my car last ev- ening C l.itlle Hifferton â€" "Very careless of ine, 1 am sure. I won- tlfied what became of it, and â€" wmild it bo too much trouble to ask you to return itT' llealiy.atioii never comes to those who ilecliiii! to hope. tt la time. Band for tras tampl* to D«pt. W. tianal Drug A Cheinical_Co.,_Toronto. ^ CARPET DYEING ^^•nil ( k-inlnK. Thin tn a â- v.-csttlty with th«^^ , British yAmerloan Dyolng Co* Sftui pnrtritlnipi by pout »t((l we nre fiur<> to >uttafy. •ddrass Box IS8. Montreal. Don't Coughlâ€"Use i 's Your Hearing Good 7 PI SO': Ravages of Consomption ALL HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTICN la the yeaf 1890. 18 vcatssgo. Mrs.G. S.Ceiner, of Belle Ii!e, N.S.,ws« in a lad cond lion. All h-i relatives bad died of eoniumplion, andtScre was every indicalioa that she ytu going the same way. At this point her husbandfu{(ttted to try Ptychine. The doilor who attended said Ptychine was wotlS le?8 ; but il effected a wonderful curs. EiRhteen yeaM afler in a letter bearing dale August 14, 1908. Mrs. Gesnersays. "1 am belter tjian I have been for years. My lun^i have not trcuhlcd me since I look your tTc;ilmenl. My pbytician tsid ne I could not take a belter Iseic tliae PSYCHINE, and I recommend il to all who •re suffering frotn Lung Tiouble and Geo. etal Debility." For sals by all Draiglifs SOc. k $1 Kt boHl.. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM USUTED. TORONTO A CURE VM ftlS*V Wmtl TOR (SJJUSmtSLK Will instantly relievo your aching thrust. There is nutlHag like it for Astliina, Bronohitia and lung truuhlet, Cootsini no opiate*. Very pleaaant to take. AU Druaaists, 25 cents. Kadway's Raady Re- lief oa^es the worst pains Id troiu oas lo IM8I.I: NO The nK\r O.PllONK will bIvo you the bcn^lils nf ifoo'd lieHrinit. Send lor tree booklet, k'^vinc partiiuUrK and names of saiisDi'd uhitk. Also Sptolal Ofler for a Month's Horns Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 334 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. IwaDtj inlnnteia For U'^atlactio I what liar dek or BarTou«>, Tooth- ifha, Nnnmlffla, Rhonraatim, I.ltlhMkO, ptkiM I in tk« naok, a::<ln aruvuul the UTor. plaurlar- •*<>'>l of the lolnta, anif palus or all klni war's lleitdT Relief will la a ire i fcot a perasaneni unr*. WINN'PEG MANIT(115A BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORQANiZINQ A BRASS BAND Infbi^aflon on this subject with printed instructions for ama- teur hands and a printed form of ConsUtutfon aud Bv-I aw.s for tands. tofcihcr wliU our biff cauioguc, will be malleiS r-Rtfi on request. Address Dcpt. " t>." TORONIO ONTARIO THE R S. WILLIAMS t^S^^i M. Mum and weaknesa naok, a::<lna or kldneya, RAW FURS Refirencrti Oemlr.lan Sank er any Gammarelal Ananiiy. list Write for our l«o«lisd Prica quoting (poGlal prices for Skunk, Fisher, Lynx, Miiskrat, Red Fox, and hiifhest rei.irkct pric,>.< for nil other kinds of raiY furs. A propor .tssorimcnt «>ni full valni. iiHdnred when von i^hlti lo us. Our policy "SutiHfiioMon KuarHut,-.; or shipment ret'irned t" .'ir ; ..i " Trial Shipment* Solictttd C. PIERCE ft CO., Limited tn 8T ?*Ut IT., MONTREAL 5