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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 5

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â- { I ) • t â-  THE ILESHEETON ADVANCE April 14 1910 THE STANDARD BANK EiUblkhea 1873 ^p CANADA 80 Branch.. A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The h^hest cunent rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without djclay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. ss FI.ESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager aSAMCHES JLL^O AT DVR.BAM*AJID HARRMTOV. All Roads Lead LUNG TROUBLE To Fiesherton VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. Spence of Toronlo ia the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. Best. Mrs. Hastie attended the funeral of her father at Peterborough last week. Bornâ€" At Fiesherton, on March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Sled, a son. Mr. and Mi-s. Edgar of Holland visited the latter'a aunt, Mrs. John Brown sr. Bob. Hictiardson has improved the appearance of hib farm with a quantity of -wire fence. £. Jamieson has opened up a barber « shop in Trimble's block. He kia his advt. in this issu«. The new srovemuiept postoffice at Owen- Sound was openea for business on Monday of this week. Mr. A. Carr lost a valaal>le cow one day 'last week. Mr. Carr bad been offered fifty dollars for the animal a few days before. Mr. W. A. Bentbam has taken a posi- tion with Lpmon Br»s, of Owen Sound aa traveller for the firm, and entered on bis duties Monday. Snow and frost hare been with us again this week, giving a necessary re- tardation to growth, which was becoming dangerously advanced for the season. Mr. Chas. Stewart cf the suburbs sold #440 worth of hugs of bis own raising daring the past few weeks, in two ship- Otents. Pigs and gold are synonymous. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of the 'Toronto line lost a little S-months-old «OD on Ftiday last. Th 3 funeral took iplace to Fiesherton cemetery on Saturday. Mr. Geo. Bellamy got two of his fingers itadly torn on a taw in the factory one •day last week. Hit band was thrown on the saw by a board. Dr. Carter dressed ithe injured members. Mr. Wm. Kyle and daughter, Miss Mary, of Teston, attenned the funeral of-the late Mrs. McRae and were guests for a couple of days of Mr. and« Mrs. Wm. Burnett. Wo aie sorry to report Mrs. John Srown sr. still very low. Her sons, Geo. •f Bradford, and Will of Stayner ; and Iter daufthter, Mrs. J. Campaign of Chi- â- anno ; and her sister, Mrs. Jackson of Taia are attending the bed side. A note from Mr. A. Reid , who has ^been teaching at .\rkell, near Guelph, informs The Advance that he has pur- •hased acd taken possession of a business in Guelph. We wish bim unbounded success. Mr. Geo. Stewart, who has been living in Elk Lake for the past winter, returned here with his â- family this week. The family may remain here for the summer, but Mr. Stewart expects to return to £lk Lake in a few weeks, where he is engaged in the livery business. The Shclburno Economist has donned a new dress. The old on^ had been in use for over 26 years and still was very presentable, but the new one â€" " Oh my; ftint it sweet!" as the spinstets would say. There is nothing shoddy in the Econo- mist's entire outfit. Hera's to it. Dr. Dixnn of Priceville left on Satur- day for his new practise iu Monarch, Alberta. Mrs. Dixon d )es not accom- pany her husbard for a few months. The Dr. was banqueted on Friday night by the citizens of Priceville, who wish him succes, though sorry to part with him. John Hastie and Leslie Norris, two young men, were up before Magistrate McMuUen on Monday evening charged •with supplying that which inebriates to an Indian-li.ster, The first named was fined $25 and costs, amounting to about J3'<. The case against Norris was dis- utissed . Hastie was given ten day.s to raise the necessary funds. Mr. Win. Love, an old resident of this township, died at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Wellington Smith, near Meaford, on Friday last. The deceased gentleman was 89 years of age. He was born in Hampshire. England, and came to Canada when fifteen years of age, settling first in the township of Whit- 4shurcb, where he married Miss Elizabeth McKay in 1847. About 45 years ago they came to Artemesia, settling on Stone's line for a time. Later they moved to Eugenia, where they lived fur 36 years. Mr. and Mrs. Love were the parents of eleven children, but only two sre now livingâ€" Mrs. Smith and Mr. Harry Love of Ceylon. Mrs. Love died on Feb. 20, 1894. since which time her husband has lived with his daughter in SI. Vincent. The interment took phce on Sunday in I'lesherton cemetery. The deceased gentleman was a member of the Baptist church, and Rev. Mr. Laugblaud conducted the funeral service. Canada is largely an agricultural country and the Krowing of grain and Iho milling of wheat will continue to be leading industries. Our Number 1 Hard and its products are becoming world famous. The indications are that aa the slogan, "Msdeiu Canada," spreads, more suid more of our wheat will be manufao- i;ured into flour at homo and le».s and less of it shipped abroad in its raw state. Such a policy spells profit for the people of the country. Mrs. Thorp Wright Dead Mrs. Thorp Wright died at her home. West Toronto, on Tuesday. The funeral will be held at Fleiberion this (Thurs- day) afternoon. i Mrs. Biny Brown, of Teneeape, N-8., I Was Cured by Catarrhozona of I Lung Trouble and Catarrh, After Hundreds of Other I Remedies Failed Walker-Cnllen. A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized in the home of Mr. and Mis. Johnston Cullen, East Back Line, on Wednesday, April 6th, at half past three in the afternoon, when their daughter. Miss Myrtle, was united in marriage to Mr. Andrew Walker, jr., of Holland township, by Rev. H. E. Wellwood. The bride looked charming gowned in a beautiful dress of cream voile with satin ribbon and sequin trimming. The bridesmaid, MUss Minnie Cullen, was also tastily attired in a sinuiar oostume, Mr. George McFadden of Berkeley supported the groom. After expressing wishes for a long, happy and uaeful hfe together to the bride and groom, the company, consisting of immediate rela- tives only, sat down to a sumptuous woddinz breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Walker will reside at Mt. Pleasant, Holland township., between Markdale and Berkeley. Notice Re Weapons I am directed by the Attorney General to call the attention of all parties and constables to the criminal code as amend- ed at last session of parliament, sec. 118- 123 and 124, which read : 118â€" Every one is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty not excee<Ung 925 and not less than 95, or to - imprisonment for two months, who, not being a justice or a public officer or a soldier, saiior or volun- teer in his majesty's service on duty, or a constable or other peace oHicer, <ind as hereinafter provided for, and not having at the time reasonable cause t3 fear an assault or other injury to his person, family or property, has upon his peraou a pistol or air gun elsewhere than in his own dwelling house, shop, warehouse or counting house. 122 â€" Every one who carries about his person any bowie knife, dagger, dirk, metal knuckles, skull cracker, slung shot, or other offensive weapon of like charac- ter or secretly carries about his person any instrument loaded at the end, or sells or exposes for sale publicly or pri- vately any such we'ipon, oi being masked or disguised carries or has in his posses- sion any tire arm or air run, is guilty of an offence and liable on summary convic- tion before two justices to a penalty not exseeding t5C' and nob less than $10, or for imprisonment for any term not ex- ceodiuGT three months, with or without hard labor, or to both, and in default of payment of such penalty to a term or a farther term of imprisonment net ex- oeedinfi three months with or without hard labor. 123 â€" Every one not being thereto re- quired by his la»ful trade or calling, who is found in any town or city carrying about his person any sheath knife, is li- able on summary conviction before two justices to a penalty not exceeding 930 and not less than 910, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labor. The Attor- ney General looka to all justices and con- Stakles in the provincu to see that these provisions ate strictly carried out, and if possible a i{oneral disarmament effected. The attention of the public is slso called to the fact that while J. P. Olte- well, V. S., was standing on the struct close to his own residence, a bullet pas- sed within six inches of his head and struck a shade tree close by. An at tempt was immediately made to ascertain where the bullet came from but was uu- Buooesstul. All parties are hereby warn- ed that an example will bo made of the first party known to liftve violated the provisions of the criminal referred to. â€"J. A. BOYD, Reeve. On July i St, Next. Coming Celebra- tion to be Bigger and Better TbaaEver. l-jThe annual mectina of Flesherti)nians j H your lunffs are woak; if there la to select officers to "push" the July ist ' ^.'"'^"'nP""" '" J'"""" family; if Colda, Celebration was held in the town hall on '. ^f"}'- J""^ Broncliltls bother yon, Til -J • 1 .^ T 1 • .. 1. ' oe sure to use Catarrhozoiie It ia Friday evening last. In pleasing contrast | especially adapted for these diseased to other years, there wasagood rapresoii- and cures every time tation of business men and othera present. I Mrs. Brown took cough mixture^-, Such a show of enthusiasm augurs well j but they mado her sick. Then siie used for the success of the coming demonstra- 1 ^". ^'°™'?.':''. '^"^ after'resorting wltli tion, and big things may be looked for. The personnel of the board of manage- ment is a lively one â€"every man a boost- er. It is to be seen that a better aggre- gation of officers would ho difficult to assemble. Pres., D. MoTavish ; Vice Pree., JohnRunstadtlsr; Sec, J.A.Boyd; Treas., W. A. Armstrong : Com. of Man- agement â€" W.Boyd, M. Wilson, J. Wright, W. W. Trimble, A. S. Thurston, Chaa. Stewart, W,L. Wright.Thos. Blakely,Geo. Watson, A. MoAuley, W J, Bellamy, W. Beiitham, Dr. Murray, E. Thompson, F. G. Karstedr, A. Wilson, W. A. H^wken, and Albert Stewart. Sports Committee â€"J. Runstadtlor, W. Boyd, M. Wilson and J.ihn Wright. Plans are being hatched for the most interesting list of sports and attractions ever on tsp here. Keep your date open for that day. The committees will meet in the town hall this Friday evening to incubate plans. A full attendance is urged. Notes of the Women's Institute. The March meeting of the Kimbsrley branch was hold at the home of Mrs. W. S. Bishop. A paper was given by Mrs. Jasper Stuart on "House cleanine" and\ an address by Mrs. Bishop on "How to / make hnuse work easy." Music was given by Mrs. Myles, Kimberley, and Miss Cameron, Owen Sound. The regular monthly meeting of the Maxwell branch will be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Ryokman, on April 14th, at 2.30 p. ro. The subjocts to be taken up are : "Leftovers" and "the spring oleaning." Refreshments served at the close. out benefit to poultices, she tried Ca tarrliozone. "I used Catarrhozone Inhaler." writes Mrs. Brown, "five minutes every hour, and soon recognized that it was going to cure me. I could feel the soothing modicated air spreadlns through the air passages of the tliroat. and It touched ttie sore spots in the luiig.s that otlier remedies tailed to reach. Catarrhozone seemed to go' just where It was needed most, and soon put a stop to my cough. It re- stored me to perfect health, and I am convinced that no cough, cold, or ca- tarrh can exist if Catarrhozone la used." No treatment is so clean, so pleas- ant, so certaih to cure as Catarrh- ozone. By means of the Inhaler, the local symptoms, such as coughing. In- flammation and congestion are speed- ily corrected. Ferrozone tablets, which are taken after each meal, purify and cleanse the blood of ail poisons, and build up and strengthen the system. This local and constitutional treat- ment i.s always effective, and cures cases that have been given up as hopeless. Money can't buy or produce anything better, and tp get cured it is absolutely necessary to use Catarrh- ozone. ^^^ Having opened up a barber shop in Fiesherton and secured a first class ciiy barber, we are prepared to do all kinds of good barberiug. FOR GOOD HAIR CUTS AND EASY SHAVING CALL ON US. Agency for Markdale Chinese Laundry. Collars 2 cents, other ar t ides accordiog. E. Jamieson, TRIMBLE.S BLOCK. CLASSIFIED ADS. â€" Odds and Ends 1 FOR SALE Paper for sale â€" ^To go under carpets. Generous bundle, 6c. â€" Advance office. A few tons of first class hay for sale at the barn â€" John Pedlar, east back line. Top Bugvy for sale, nearly new, for sale cheap. Henry Wilson, Fiesherton. A quantity of sugar mangolds and fod- der corn for sale. â€" J. P. Ottewell, Fiesh- erton. Young Pigs- ready to wean, ton P. O. A few young pigs for sale, -G. Blackburn, Flesher- 28 Lime for Sale â€" A kiln of fresh Hnie for sole at lot 42, con. 1, Artemesia. John Dow. ap28 White Wyandotte and S. C. Brown Leehorn eggs for hatching. Levi Betts, Fiesherton. apr 15 S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing at 50 cents per dozen. J. V. Laugh- land, Fiesherton. T have 27 well bred young pigs for sale, Yorkshire, bred from go<id stock. â€" .\roh. McArthur, Priceville P. 0., lots 8 & 9, O.D.R. Collingwood Enterprise : .lim Hint- ley, an employee of the Imperial Wire and Nail VVorks, had an experience that no doubt he will remember for sometime to come. It seems that Jim got intoxi- cated early Monday motning and went to the office of the Company to draw his pay, but owing to his condition he failed to get what he was after. He started for town, and when about half way apparent- ly became tired and decided to have a rest by the side of the track. He laid down with his head about a foot from the rails. No doubt he eajoyod his sleep, but wheik he awokA he found that he came as close as possible to death, as the 12 o'clock train from Meaford was just passing, and the engineer did not notice the sleeping man till he was nearly upon hiwi, but when he did see hjra he applied the brakes and stopped the train about a hundred yards past Hartley. The conductor ordered the engineer to back up the train, and the conductor and brakeman found upon coming up that Jim was just asleep. He awoke and proceeded homewards, uono tba worse for his little sleep. Tottenham has struck a flowing well that produces 70,000 (jallons-of water per day. A 6-yeBr-old son of Henry Hales was drowned in the Maitlaiid river at Wing- ham while crossing the C.P.R. bridge» Fir rent or sale â€" House and lot, im- plement shop in basementâ€"at Ceylon. Apply to G. Collinson, Ceylon, or D. Madill, Markdale. m5 For Saleâ€" 4000 feet of 1 inch hemlock lumber 12 feet long, also 1000 feet of 2 inch dry hemlock plank 12 feet long. Apply to Miss Ann Beecroft, Lot 24, con. 8, Ariemesia. ap 21 ling 24x48, stone cellar full size under, gooil wood shed and summer kitchen 12x44 new, never failing well at kitchen door, 2 good stables 24x30 in good con- dition and repair. Also 3 large lots, about 1 acre, between printing office and MoTavisb's blacksmith shop, with never- failing spring. All the aforesaid prop- erty, excepting park lot, is in the very centre of the village, and very desirable. Also 1 lot, 12 feet, fronting on Colling- wood street, and on east side Sproule s largo warehouse and adjoining same, about 120 feet in depth. The whole or any of aforesaid will be sold very cheap, and ou easy terms of payment. , Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fiesherton. LOST AND FOUND Foundâ€" A sum of innney, on the street in Fiesherton. â€" Roy Kerr, Fiesherton. Will the party who took a bicycle from in front of Mis. Corbett's kindly return the same and save trouble. â€" G. Mitchell. Mitt Lost â€" Dogskin mitt, between Fleshorloii and Rock Mills, on Monday last Finder please leave at this office. Reward. Now is the time to lay in a stock of bran, shorts, chop, and chicken feed be- fore it gets scarce la*er. A full stock at lowest prices at Sproule, Higginbotham & Co's, Fiesherton. Apple trees for sale â€" 800 apples trees, true to name, larger than nursery stock and will soil cheaper. Call and see them before buyiiij^ elsewhere. E. A. Grahuin, Eugenia. 28 Lost â€" On Sunday, March 27, a locket from a watch chain, between the Presby- terian church and J»s. Blackburn's. Finder please leave at this office. Purse Lost â€" Between Cameron's cor- ner, 8' h line, and Fiesherton station, con- taining six dollars and a few cents change. Finder leave at this oftice, or with Miss Niergart, teacher No, 9. WANTED Ai riving daily at Sproule, HigainlioLh- ain's, Fiesherton, and selling like hob cakes, prime Government Inspected Tim- othy, Red, Mammoth, and Alsiko Clover Seed â€" selling very cheap, considering the prime quality. Boy Wanted â€" From town preferred, to learn the printing. Apply at once. â€" Advance, Wantedâ€" A first-classs man with a por- table saw mill to cut a quantity of logs by the thousand. â€" Hugh Baird & Sons, Duncan P. O. (E^ypt,) 21 Pure genuine Quebec maple syrup, the best ever made, only 25 cents per quart and $1.00 per gallon at Sproule, Higginbotham & Co's, Fiesherton. Don't pay $1.25 and $1,40 per gallon, when you can buy bettor at 91.00. For sale cheap and on easy terms: 1 good second-hand seed drill in good working order ; also one of the celebrated Toronlo Fanning Mills, new, with full sett of screens and bagger complete. Above will be sold very cheap, and on tiisy terms, as since selling St>roulo's block to Mr. Trimble have no place to put them and must remove them.â€" Ap- ply to R. J. Sproule, Fiesherton. Grain and Seeds â€" do you require seed oats, peas, barley, buckwheat, timothy, red, mammcth, alsike and alfalfa clover, Sire fresh garden and luanslb seeds, utoh Setts, potato onions or any other kind of garden or field seeds of purest and best quality ? Call on Sproule, Higginbotham & Co, Fiesherton. A full stock nn hand and at lowest prices, OS they make a speciality of grain and seeds. Wantedâ€" Bright intelligent and enex*- getic liid from 8 to 13 years old to work after school on Thursdays and Fridays, and on Saturdays. The work will not interfere with school duties. Good pay for short hours. Mail your application today to the Saturday Evening Post, 12 Front St. E., Toronto. 21 MISCELLANEOUS W. \. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. / Attention ia drawn to Morloy & Baker's advt. in another column. When iu town don't forget to take home a nice tresh salmon or white fish. H. Badley, dealer. For sale cheap and on easy terms, the following property in Fiesherton : one park lot 3J acres, well fenced and in first class state of cultivation, part phiu?hed and ready for sowins, balance seeded down, only 8260.00- $100 ciish, balance easy terms. 3 splendid lots with good 2 story dwel- Ou Wednesday nexS April 20th, Miss J. J. Allan, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at Munshaw House. Hours 12 to 8 p.m. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- pairing promptly attended to, J. O. Pat ton, Fiesherton. Box 241. To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their huen to Andy Wilson Fiesherton, and have it laundered in hrst class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. in. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Now is the time to lay in a stock of pure Manitoba and blended family flour before commencing seeding and when it is suie to bo dearer. A full stock of Creum of the West, Toronto Prido, Mc- Gowau's, Eclipse and all the bent brands, at lowest prices, at Sproule, Higgin- botham & Co's, Fiesherton. A cttll for esaiuinatioQ respectfully solicited. Every shred b food for brain and miucleâ€" noiir- ishing and whoiesome. You feel good all day. Delicious these cold morningsâ€" heat biscuit in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Try it Sold Inr all grocers, 13c. a carton, two <ar 25c. W H E AT "96 LADIES Look up your fashion books, or plates and you will see that Small Turbans are the most popular hats shown, also small hats turned up at the side.^ ^ Big hats are not shown at all in the larger^dwns. ^ They are out of date. Do not be lead away bv faddists, get the up-to-date shapes, and these will be found in small hats. We are showing up a splendid range. Have a look around. They are becoming. Gents' semi-ready clothes Talk about your swell clothes, but we have them all faded on swell clothes. For style, quality and price, they can't be beaten. These clothes ar^ made by the best tailors in Canada, which goes to show that they will be well and properly made. Would appreciate a look, and if you would not say they are the swellest clothes that you have ever seen, then we back up. Clover and Grass Seeds We are headquarters for all kinds of clover seeds, including early red, mammoth, alfalfa, alsike clover and timothy seeds, all at the lowest market price. Every one, who has examined it has said that it is the best seed that they have seen. Have a look at it before buying. All kinds of it in stock now. F. G. KARSTEDT, Fiesherton. |^ , ladies Gross â€" We would just say we are able te serv footwear. We never had a better stock, and children. Rubbers and Overshoes^ first quality, no better ta Boots, Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings .that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. Tl^ best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap / AT ^^AyroT*'^ MORE NEW SPRING QOduS We have new spring goods arriving every few days. AVe have re- ceived another consignment of Now Dress Goods ; also embroideries insertions, laces, lace curtains, fancy hat pins, new shades in ribbons, hats and caps in felts, canvas and straws, men's spring and summer underwear- For ladies' new light spring coats, embroidery and silk blouses, spring and summer vests, taffotene'undorskii ts with deep insertion and embroidery in a variety of shades. In wall paper our stock is complete. New seeds of all kinds on hand. //as. iTattison. e. > eytoft f The Markda e Music House To Intended Buyers; If you want a lirst-clnss piano or organ call hero. I sell such high grade pianos as tho Heintzman, Newcombe, and Stanley, r,: of Toronto ; Vvillis pianos and player pianos, of Montreal ; and the Wm. h Knabe & Co., of Baltimoreâ€" and other makes. Organs such ns the Thomas, of Woodstock,«"and Sherlock-Manning oraana and player organs of Londonâ€" both for hoines>nd churches. Any of those goods sold on terms to suit^ho buyer. C* ?• Olilson, marlcdak mMmk mt

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