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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 4

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f April U lOlO HE FLESHERTON A1)VANCE K ^''^"'â- â- '"^^' ^^ â- '»â- â- â-  â- ^' â- -.â- â- -..-> R T. HILL & Co. . narkdale j This week' we are making a special showing of New Spring Dress Goods and Trimmed Millinery This week w ])articiil.uly mention Xew Spring Dress Goods and Trimmed Millin- ery. Our sbowir.u; of the very latest styles in these departments is such that we are in a position to comnjand the attention of the most exacting. AVe give you a particularly large and ^ ery select assortment of .styles to make your .selections from and all are popularly priced and will please the purse-strings of all. We would say to you, visit these departments and sec the new styles. New spring dress goods in latest styles and weaves. In Dress Goodis .snmc of the iipw nocO.s thai should please you are the new Diur;unnl StripcH, Dutgr'nal Serges anil wide wcavea, in Fine Ktamines, Satin Cluths, Voileit, Pananms and Vuiiefian Clxtha in uU the new Shades such as tbi> Anicthyit Shades, Athcs of Koses, Viulera, Old Iloae-s, and the new almdei of Oreeu, all popularly priced per yard iX)c. to , $1.25 New trimmed millinery in the latest American and French styles. This week wo make our full KJiowiuir of Meir Trimmed Millinery. Our cullectiun and variety of ttyles are many and the 8tyle« are distinctly of the High Class and Excloaive Orders and ihe prices are very moderate, ko when tliiokintc aliout your New Spring Hat and want something exclusively stylish, visit this department of our stoie. THBâ€"r^r- ^fl g g 5 y ' <Si^5iSg^^ T :â- ^ig^jy^ ! ^ Li* f Co tbe People of Flesberton And Surrounding Country Who intend building this coming summer 1 wish to announce that I .shall be at your service on the shortest notice with the lowest possible prices, and the most economical, satisfactory, and durable furnaces on the market. The Calorific The Calorific h one of (he many furnaces installed by me. Put in by skilled and experienced workmen, guaranteed to satisfy and it is up-to-date in every detail. Being fitted with the most improved set of grates and check-damper on the market. I have scores of these in operation and they all give perfect satisfaction. Admiral The AdmiraJ is another of the furnaces which we put in. It is especially adapt(Sd lor low cellars, and is an all-round good furnace, bving a gJft^ seller ; and it always receives great praise from those i&u' whom it is installed . We strictly guarantee that it wilKiDrove satisfactory, and will come up to everything thatNit is represented to be. Now, if you ate wanting a good, \ reliable furnace, Cb^ JIdtniral is the one to instal. Itjf takes up very little of your cellar room, is easy to regjiJaft, and pays for itself in a very short time by the ci^l it saves you. J Now alKiiit that Bath-roomâ€" IlavinR firat-clasH Aorkinen who have had many years' experience in the phnnbing business, I can equip luur bath-room in the moit up-lo-dVe manner for the lowent prices consistent with tirst-cla^H work. If you )»ro fioBieinputing installinn a furnace, or havinlj your lialh-room titled up wo would advise you to secure oui prices. All corrc>[jondLncc promptly attended to and eatimator cheerfully ^ivon. Write or Phone A. A. GABRIEL, Phone Beach 369. 1345, Queen St, Â¥j., COPOIItO Art and Science •! Garaeat Cuttiag • Youqg men wishing to learn the art and mienca of'^rraeat cutting will do wall to soe tat and make arrangementa for â-  ooorM of instruction, the ayitem taught will b« tie moat thorough and up to-date ttM onljrfiysteni in the world where orerjr abort nillsure can be applied to the draft. Hsving taken my diploma in London, BoRUnd and New York Cutting Schools, hftire had 31 years experience in practical ' tailoring in EuKlaud and .^ntoricH, there- fors I am abl« to guarantee the best ikmh •lbl« remits to any young man wishing to I«arn the scioHce nf garment cutting. llie system taught by mail to thosj be- ing unable to attend in oerson. Tor terms of instruction and all itarticulars. Apply to Vt A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER |l«f«iuiot Tdiltrs Flesherton, Ontario PERICOE, Flesherton, Will buy your ledger and all your notes or adraooe you inonay on them. iDiuranoe. of sTery class wrlttan, jiltoed lusafe and liberal cone pan lea. S Iioans. guarantea bands, ete. W'lto lor KIIKE UBI'OKT on your doubtful accounts and notes. Telephone IV. iflfliimnmnnffliiiiHi GARDEN SEEDS We have a good stooic of garden and flower seeds. They are STEELE BRIGQ8 and RENNlli^ You will make no mistake by buying our seeds. They are all fresh ttud will bring results. Drop in and make your selec- tions early. All grades of Ford's Flour ; also Ontario Bran, Shorts, low grade Flour, etc. "ADVANCE" ADS. PAY Wright, the Grocer /teel;crttin !^{iuance An iiiik'i»>ii(lfnt iiewtipaper, |iubUiihr<1 every Tliursday at th>' office, Colfingwood Street, KJi^hertuu. ,SuljiM:i'i|itiun price 91 per annum, 1 ;J I.. .J A, r-» ...I ..^* u,. ..«:.! |>aid. Ion ivhi-n |>nid inadvHDce; $1..')>> when not mi |>ai AdvertisinK rate» on application. Cii'culati< 1,0.W weekly. TliurBton â- â€¢-.'- 'tMltor VV. 1£. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN j 'T'o avolti unfeind eriti* cisin : ' , •Sa// -Nothing, Soe â- mAotAing, S)o â- J\lotAing I â- ^ '•FOR HOME .\ND COUNTRY" The women of to-day are vastly more favored by circumstance than their for- bears. In no ioatance is this more strik- ingly true than in the case of women's clubs and socitios. Chief among women's fraternities is the Women's Institute â€" for it IS a fraternity. Place two women wearing "For Home and Country" W. I. pins together and see how long they re- frain from speaking. Why, in two min- utes they will be exchanging recipes and experiences. The Women's Institute requires no ex"^ cuse for existence. It has proved its worth and is here to stay. Time was when an exchange of recipe to a friend was accompanied by the whi8|;«red in- junction not to "tell it to any oneâ€"it might get too common." The Institute has killed all that, and now recipci are handed .ilong with the advice "when you know a good thing |)a!<s it along." The day of the recipe handed down from mother to daughter is done. No more does John marry Mary Ann for the sake of the recipe of the fine straw- berry shortcake, which ia to be the en- dowment, along with the feather tick.and extras. Today he marries for love â€" or money. But it is not alone in the cook- iiig line that the Women's Institute works. In every department of the h'>me help is given, and literary matters are not neglected. The Institutes in various places have undertaken cosmopolitan en- terprises â€" building fences, planting trees, lighting streets and putting down drains, so that, while Ihe ladies tackle home problems (even to that of the bad boy), they do not always stop there. When the Institute undertakes a matter it is bound to b3 completed. May we repeat the old saying : " When a woman will, she will, you ntay depend on 't ; but when she wont, she wont, snd that 's an end on 't?" There are thriving Branches at Price- ville. Maxwell, Vandeleur,|Kimbei'ley and Flesherton, and one has been btely omnized at Eugenia. The Advance is a friend of the Institute, and is filad to publish uo<rs of all the surrounJing Branches free of charge, when favored by the secretary, or one ap|iointed for the purpose ; and it is a pleasure to note the thriving nature of the movement. "The Ladiesâ€" God bless 'em." OH THAT COMET ! For months newspapers have been gossiping and scientistis have been spec" ulating over Halley's comet. The variety of conflicting reports as to its whereabouts has been enough to drive one to distrac- tion. Almost overy star which had the temerity to thine a little more brightly than hi.<! fellows has been branded as Halley's comet. Indeed, from the num- ber of Halley's comets which have been discovered, one is almost led to believe that other glasses than telescopes have been used. Be that as it may, there have l)een about 67*25 comets (wo are not cer- tain of the exact tigures) discovered ai- re idyâ€" and Ihe supply seemsunalated. Flesherton people have been aiarvelliiig at the liiightnessof Halley's comet, which has been visible for an hour or so overy morningâ€" but away goes the illusion ; a despatch taya that the comet was Brat setn at Washington en Sunday and that it was only visible for Hftocn minutes, to the naked eye ! What then have our townsmen been gazing at ? Some bril- liant morning star probably (the writer is nut much on star gasing ) It is bad enough to get up at four o'clock, but to do so and then simply see a common every-night star is enough to make an ordinary man say things. In Dundalk the comet was pUinly vis- ible in the daytime last weekâ€" says The Herald ! It is a matter of pride to the benighted villagers to the south of us that their's is the highest point of terra firms hereabeuts. We venture to say they were never higher upln the air than when they strained their necks and rub- bered at the comer, which had not yet been sighted iu some parts even with tel- escopes. But then the natives dawn there will probably get down to normal after May 1st. Some day, if reports ai-e true, wo will be able U> -see Ihe much abused comet vtith oa*e. If s«>, well and good j but it is practically useless for the lay man to speculate as to whijh of the millions of stars is Halley's comet. MERELY GRAND 8T.\NO PLAY "All is not gold glitters. " This truiiim lias been sorely o/erworked since its beginnini', but The Advance makes bold to u.'je it once again. While he is dispensing his areat we.ilth In'his own sen«alipn»l ilianner Roofcefellor finds time to extract a certain sickly sat- isfaction out of tho gi'shin? platitude showered upon him by expectant vultures and others : but many there are, who, instead <>f blessing, are prone to curse. Not only iu business, but iu pleasure also, has his record been one of the spreading of financial desolation and disaster. He destroyed a town of 1200 population, simply to provide a summer recreition ground for himself and his family. Alone, this would not be worthy of notice, but in destroying the town he destroyed financially many people. Now, with visions of thegrave,hegro«6 uneasy and gives his liches awayâ€" but chooses a blatant, egotistical manner. A greater charity would be performed were he to hunt up those whom he has ruiwed and make such amends as lie in bis power ; tut that wouU be but humiliating for one of his colorâ€" too much like a duty, and therefore not worthy of even such weak pi.-.udits as his public charities will realize. As one playing to the grand stand Rockefeller stands pre-einiaent. I'Tl Navigation is open â€" bat the only means of water traoHpoi-tation here is tlie water wagon ! Wanted â€" A comet or two, to save cordwood in tbo frigid atmosphere of this sauctum next winter, o ,0 o II. H . Miller's anti-betting bill bag been suowed under. Incidentally H. H has been iu the lime-ligbt in a very complimentary Attitude. Tbe Nevada ramc who tried to "shoot up" Porcupine found ont that even a Nevada bad man is harmles') iu a law-abiding Canadian camp. At Bowmanville a calf was born will) ita heart on the outside. That's nothing, there have been lots of calves around here who wore their hearts on their sleeves. Why are not the heads of the churche? better business men ? In a few short weeks Rudolph H. Forget will amalgamate nearly all the cement or carriage companies in Canada, while three denominations will scrap away for years, before being tied up as one. Some promoter, snch as Forget, should put through the deal . The discovery of coal near Wallace burg saw American capitalists on the / ground buying options on everything iu sight. The Amerfcans give les- WINNIPEG LIAR DOWN AND OUT! sons to Canadians m this respect. Their habits of "get up and get" â€" mostly get â€" are keeping tbem at the Every once in a while some wonderful invention crops up which is going to rev- olutionize things. What is to be revolu- tionized depends, of course, [^entirely upon tbe ingenuity of the inventor. An Illinois man has the latctt seven days wonder in a strange preparation, "Galo," which has most wonderful preser- vative powers. The secret of its potency is not revealed, but it is a preparation of skimmed milk. Why the inventor drop- ped on milk as a btise for his machinations is not explained. It is no sign of genius to make a strange discovery in which milk pkys a prominent part. Since cows have been supplying milk to the human race, that same human race has been discovering strange powers in the juice, one inventor going so far as to make buttons out of nulk by evaporation and pressure! Still, though the Illinois inventor displays a Umentable lack of originality in the choice of a base for his discovery, yet there his lack of originality ceases. The varied works which "Gale" is ci-edi'.ed with put to shame the most versatile of patent medicines. It will pre- serve human bodies intact tur two centui- ies. This is enough to make the ancient Etry pt inn embaliuers t ut n env iously green . But then, what value will this be to us.*" If it would keep the vital spark in the body for two centuries it would be more to the point. "Gah)" is also good for railway ties ; it preserves them indefin- itely. This probably appeals to the genus hoboe and the stranded theatrical troupe, but means little to the average I man. Evaporated and compressed | "Galo" becomes artificial. The most por- ( us paper becoinej waterproof under ita ^action. Meat treated by it will keep in- definitely. Now, will it keep eggs fresh? Such inventive power as displayed in the comprehensive variety of results claiuied is worthy of the master mind of the publicity agent of Kill'emKwick's Sooth- ing Powder, or Soak'era and Skin'cm's Cure All. Candidly, tho Winnipeg Liar is strictly out of it when he is in competion with such a one as the Illinois Liar. It is like the i>atont niecliciiiu agent who was asked what his specific would cure. His reply was simply "What have you got?" fore in almost every great enterprise. It used to be said thai where there was fighting, there also was sure to ke found an Irishman. It might also be said that where there is money to be made there is also an American making it. FELT ALL USED UP A Business Man Escaped Breakdown. Ferrozone The Best Man's Tonic "It needs only the additional strain followinK a slump in business world like 1907-8 to bringr many business men to the very limit ot their physical endurance. Tilings began to get tight with me early in August, '07," writes Truman J. Harcourt from Wilming- ton. "Larger payments in connection, witli my contracts had to be made, and It took so mucti of my capital that I found myself on the ragged edge. I had worked very hard and had per- haps smoked too much, so when pres- sure demanded strength my nerves gave out. I lost my appetite, couldn't get to sleep before one or two, and it looked as if I w ere all in. "I was reading the Telegraph and noticed the won- derful work done by 'Ferrozone.' I read of a case of nervousness it had cured and decided to try it myself. I am not going to tell you of my ups and dosvns during the first three weeks â€" one day I would feel pretty well, the next day like thirty cents. In three or four weeks the effect of Terrozone was manifest. I Kained steadily â€" that's the l)est of a good medicine- All I gained I kept, and to-day I am as sound, strong and vig- orous as a young boy." When you feel all used up â€" tired lut â€" lacking appetite, energy and am- bition, these are the signs of thin blood and weak nerves. Ferrozone win cure â€" try one or two Ferrozone TabU-ts at meals. Fifty cents a box, 3lx for 12.50. all dealers or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. CORNS CURED ^^ ^^ â-  â-  â-  ^ ^^ ,j, j4 HOOR9 You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no acids; Is harmless, because composeiS only of heallnpr Stums and balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN k) YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. tbe victims o( early Indiscretions ana later ex> ce.sses, wbo are (allures in liteâ€" you are tbe ones wo can restore to manhood and revive the spark ot energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctoi'g, used eleotrlo belts and tried various drug store nostrtmia. Our New M*tbo<l Treatment hai snatched hundreds from the brink ot despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds ot bonias and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." Wo prescribe speclflo rem- edies tor each IndiTldual case according to tbe symptoms and compUcattonsâ€" wa nave do patent medicines. This is one oftbe secret* ot our wondertul sucoeKs as our treatment can- not fall, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each Individual case. Only curable oases ao- o«pt«d. W« ka*. doM biMiiiiMs tlwnwfcw* Canada far war M Ymts. CUitABLE CASES GUARAmilD OR NO rAY Are you a victim? Rav* you loat „ J hoper Are you Intending to manyt tias your blood been diseased r Havvyouaoy weaknessr Our New MeHioii Tr>stm««t wlU cure you. What It has done for others It will do for }-ou. CoMohalioa Fra*. No matter wbo has treated you, write for an honest Se!?'2" . f'M. vf Chwaa, Book* H iâ€" "Boyhood, Manhood. Fathertwod." (Dluatiat- ed)on IHseasssotMeo. NO NAMES USED WtTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No wum* m Wm m Mm*. ^^lJm!n'* Q«»~«to.Urt..dC«.t«ITf«SSIlF8EEFORH!M5 Diis.KENNEDr&KENNEDnr Cor. Mkhigan Av«. and Grbwold St.. Detrott, Mkh. >|| ATI C E ^^ letters from Canada must be addreaacd â- ^.^r â-  "l*^ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- ^ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our MetUcal Institute in Detroit as we see and treat â- o paUaaU in our Wmdsor offices wWch are for Correspondence and l^aboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Oat. Write for onr private address. * r \ * I -M \-^ <aMMaW

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