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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 3

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i , â-  f OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. IN PAIN FOR YEARS "FRUIT-A-TIVES" BRIN6S RELIEF CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd) "A Ja bonne heure ! Thafc is lan- guage that I understand. I believe you, my dear colonel; you ar« no political agent. Tli« general was a fooi, or not a fool either. Perhaps he had reasons for calumniating you. He knew I had observed you and was jealou.s. Now that I know just what ground we arc on, I may pre-- by the chance that has brought us together this evening. I shall be in Paris only a few days, and wish to enliven my dulneas as much as possible. If the colonel now had been really the formidable representative of a formidable po- lice, I should be, to my great re- grtt, deprived of the privilege of receiving him."' "You would have had nothing to fear from him, for you do not con- spire against uur government.'' "How do you know.'" asked Ma- let,â€" even with Col. Borisoff. Mouriatine, far from thinking of hiui, was seeking to recover the thread of au interesting conversa- ticn, and the colonel meanwhile admired the Greek profile and gol- den complexion of Madame do Garches. Suddenly she changed her atti- tuae and turned toward her adort^r. "Do you know what 1 am think- in"? of?" she asked abruptly. "I only know that I am thinking of you." "I was thinking of the tragic scene of the fourth act of this play, antl that it is s<mietimes enacted under another form in real life." 'â- Hum!" sneered Mouriatine, "the passions have much calmed down since the days of St. Bartho- lenriew." "Do you think so! For my part I fancy nothing has changed. Bring - -m y- wKr '^^ ^Bt**' fe iliS^^^^ ^ MRS. FRANK CATON KranVvillr, Ont., Sept. 27, 1909. "I siilTcred /or ycar.s from lieadaclies and pain in the. back, and I cousnlted doctors and took every remedy obtain- able wilbout any relief. Then I bejjan t;iking "rruit-a-tives", the famous fruit juice tablrts, and this was the only medicine that ever did me any real good. I took several bo.tes allo}<ctUer, and now I am entirely well of all my dread- ful headaches and backaches". (Signed) MRS. FR.^NIC ICATON. 50C8 box, 6 for|2.5o or trial box, 25c. At ilealers or from l-'ruit-a-lives Limited, Ottawa. dame de Garches, with a smile that ] together love and politics, and a might have melted all the glaciers tragedy as exciting as "The Hugue of Mont Blanc "Eyes like yours do not eonspife. They love." "Yoii are right. Love is better i€ it suits you to sup in that house in Rue de Vigny, that you have ob- served â€" " "Thanks. I sup only at a restau- rant or at home." "At home'/ I thought you were only here in passing." "That is true, but I have a house furnished as if I resided in it all the year round. It is not far from yours. Are you familiar with Rue nets" will be the result. Sup- pose, for example, one of the Ni- hilists of your country in love with j^,„ff,.y,. {" an officerâ€" an aide-de-camp of the 1 ..t)„„ i„,,ttv^„v> -«,r,„o(.„ 1 ti„« ,, ~ I-,- ] T iv4.i~ ,u.,„*i/^. t â-  ^ ci 1 ei "â- ^'^ JouSroy! repeated Bor thau politics, and 1 care little about C/ar, for instance. She knows of • ^a' ' overturning governments. But I a plot soon to be developed â€" the pa- 1 "Y,.a between the can't help pitying the proscribed,-! lace is mined and is about to be ; jj^,^^^;,.j^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Her lover is called Hilence, "I see that my proposition doefi not please you. We will say nothing more about it." "But if," said Slauriatine, "I should agree to accept it and glad- ly f "Your friend is not j>o inclined, and I cannot resent his reserve. He scarcely knows me, and considering the progress Nihilism is making he doer, well to be prudent." "What has Nihilism to do with the pleasant paity you i)ropose?" "How do you snow I am not one of that sect 1 Have I not just ac- knowledged that I know a woman who is, â€" and a thief if you please. From thence to conspiring is but one step." "Why do you take pleasure in making game of us?" "I speak very seriously." ' 'Then you wish to convince us tha:; if we want to pass our evening witl you we should run the risk of falling into a den of revolution- arv bandits '(" said Mouriatine, with' a burst of laughter. "Wliy not try to persuade us that we should .share the fate of those who s;it down to the table of Lucrezia Borgia J" "The Nihilists in petticoats are capable of anything â€" the colonel himself has said ko â€" anything â€" even to serving their enemies with pois- oned wines." "Dear madame," said Borisoff, who had just determined on his line ! of action, "you attribute ideas to j me that have never entered my 1 head. I am yours too entirely for 1 discretion. I should be delighted to follow you, anywhere, and for' the pleasure of supping with you, I no matter where, would sup with \ all the conspirators in the universe i were they guilty of the blackest I crimes." (To be continued.) 1 SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY The n»^Ve purity and garden freshneM of. it preserved by the use of sealed lead packetii Bookton (with statistical bent)â€" j things 1 Why, every time I breathe "Do you krow, old man, I've just | a man dies!" Brooktouâ€" "By the,, been read.' ig up a lot of statistics j great autofumes I Then why in the on present-day mortality, and 1 1 name of the census don't vou chow have learned s<jme remarkable cloves 1" A navorinf^ nked tbo samr ai lemon or TtniBai Bv distoiTiug grunutuled lusar iu water llDtS Budir.ff Mnplcine, n deUciotu tjnip if* madewid a syrup b. la iian rnev>lt. Maple, oe it Kildhy KTocern. u not ernd .*vOc for 2 02. bottle »aM recipe book. Croccpt M^, Co., Sc attia, Wfc Boulevard Avenue de He is with herâ€" is about to leave. She holds him back â€" he questions her. And there she is reduced to the alternative of • leaving him to perish or betraying live on friendly terms with those there on duty, who prosecute them." "If you only knew them â€" these people whom you compassionate â€" " "I do know them, or to speak more exactly, I have known some the secret (jf the conspirators." of them." "Where In Switzerland f ask- ed Mouriatine. "In Switzerland and in Paris," replied Madame tic Garches. •What! at Paris too! I thought tho exiles, and should not wish to I blown up. xier lover is caiieu . yjIUers. I have there a'lodging not eiiual to your palace in Rue de Vigny but which suffices for me, 'â-  alone as I am." j ".\nd the general?" asked Mou- ; ri.Ttiiie, laughing. | _, ^ , , ,, ^ â-  1 i, â-  "The general has never set foot That wou d recall to mind the ; ^^^^^^^ ^j^^^^ lu^-.u-en. I tolerated famous tourlh act, said the col- , j^j^, ,^, ^ travelling companion. I onel, smiling but permit ine to ^ j,i,„„,j ^^^ c,K|„re him iu Paris." say that you have much too roman- j ,.^^„j ^,^^ j^^^^.^ j^.^^ j^;,^ ^^ j..,^. tic an idea of these partisans i^^ ' ^c.^sor i""' petticoats They are the most pro- j i.^jever. I have declared mv in- the headquartors o? these people , s^-e people m the woHd on all sub- j,.^^g„j^„^p ^^,,^1 ^-^^^ no master wai^ Geneva. ] jects, and would sacrifice every sen- p^^.„ te„,,^riiy. I am alone, I "1 sui.posed so, but I met sorae.tinieut to their interest or their | ..g^^ -„j jf ^.^„ 1^,,^^ it, i jn. *j,e here last year who was cer- pleasure. You are not aware per-' ^j^^ ,„ ^^ ; ^^^-^ evening at tnsnly worKing for your JSiiiilists.^^ haps, that they have gone so tar as] j^,^ house " , r....,„^„.»-' to t^.a,i The Russian paper* gave i •..^„ \.'^^^ j,,,,,^ ti^^t I have a only yesterday an account of the^^^j^^ mind to accept;" said the condemnation of half » dozen ; c^,io„el, laughing, young and pretty women who took j ..jf y,,,^ refused, vou would dis- part last winter in an expedition I i,,jg^ ,„p e.Kceedingly. I should dnected against a banking-house. ^_^,â- ^^ ^.,^y ^^^.^ distrustful of my Their friends had made an under- ] cuisine. I assure vou it is excel- grotind passage-way t(J reach the j,.„^^ ^^^j ^j,^, ^.j„g^ i ^y^^^ ,,ff^,. ^^^ 'She maile you her confidante! asked Borisoff, with an air of doubt. "No. chance made me acquaint- ed with a secret which I did not try to penetrate, and this secret 1 have intentionally forgotten. Let us talk of something more lively." 'Willingly," said Mouriatine, :â-  "and we would do well to lower our voices. They are murinaruig against us in the neighboring box- es." The prudent Ivanoviteh was, moreover, of the opinion that it was not expedient to attiact attention at the theatre when treating of certain subjects. "You are right," murmured the lady, with eyes of fire; "we are scandalizing our neighbors, and, n-.c.veover, not listening to a note of Meyerbeer's music. It is real sacrilege." ".\i-e you very anxious to listen to this divine music?" asked M. Borisoff, who began to thing Ma- dame de Garches worth more than a'i the operas in the world. "Exceedingly, though I know it by heart," replied the inc-rtupar- abje brunette, turning toward the stage. The change was not aeeeptable to the two messieurs. Borisoff o.speciall.V was enticed by the indis- creet words she had let drop ; more- cver. he thought her ravishing. He ci-iild never remember to have met witu a woman who charmed him so much, and at the same time excited his curit>sity. He was devoted body and soul to the government he sewed, but he bad not given in lj«i resignatiiin as a man of intri- â-  gucâ€" this skilful and gallant col- onel. To please, an adorable crea- tur.' and make, use of his eonqusst to regaiti the esteem of the chief of i,ho Third 'Sfiction, what a dreaiu! But the point was not yet reached. To arrange his batteries so as to profit by the situation, woubl nob . bii very easy even for diplomatists, ' and he almost despaired of success. Rut Ivan Ivanovjteh, who b.-id no vaults of this bank, and obtained! wil not be improvised. I am ex- posacssion of ^ur or five million "f ^ petted every evening and arrange fran<:s. All these rascals of both sexes will end their days in .Siberia, I a id the men no more resemble Ra- oul than the women do the Valen- tine of Meyerbeer's opera." "it is true," murmured Madame dc Garches dreamily, "they do ments are made to include a few j friends. I must add that I am a horrible gourinandc' "Then you are perfect," said Mouriatine; "a pretty woman who loves a good table is so rare." "I am going to e.xcite your en stealâ€" but only on behalf of their tii„siasrn. Know that I have a eel cause. "What do you know about it!" "One of thfiu told me so." "Had she a lover I" "Yes, and 1 think there passed between them something analog- lar of the first order. I hope you win no longer hesitate to come and try my wines.'' Borisoff said not a word, though his companion consulted him with his eyes. He desired nothing b<!tter ous to the^great scene of 'The Hu- i t],jj„-to sup with the incomparable gucjiots.' " , , , â-  ' brunette, but would have preferred "Really? If you would let me ; -^ ^,,,,„,^, j,^ ^^ his own house, have the story I should be glad to •â- \V(1I, " she said,' after a short know if I have slandered these pe< pie in declaring them incapable of elevated sentiments." "Oh, the situation was not the same as in the opera. He was not , a coiispirator, nor had his brothers | been inassaerod. But his mistress i exacted of him the .sacrifice of his honor, and he yielded." "In other words, to make him- self agreeable to her, ho stole." "fckimething of that sort, and the unfortunate yrjung man was cruel- ly punished. He was compelled to (l>;e, or at least he has disappeared, and tiie woman concerns herself no more about hiiu." •"Was he a Russian?'' asked Mou- riatine with an iiulifferent air. â- "No, he is French. ' WHY BE SO THIN ?" Thinness i.s Einbarrtissing. I iikeal- (h\ and >'ot Natural- Formula >ow Ised Which .\dds From Oiio to Three I'uunds a Week. Every one ought to have some extra Hesh <jn the bony structure of the body, both for the sake of 1 health and self-esteem. I Most thin people arc sensitive to til') harsh. unfeeling criticisms which are cioistuntly being hurled at them by the mure fortu.iate well- figured persons. Every one pities a thin, bony But 1 left j horse, but horses don't know it â€" Paris and do not know the end of | while thin people are both pitied i It ought not to be, tl\'i story. 1 .should be glad to hear j a,j d ridiculed iho. denouentent." j b,„ it is. "Nothing prevents you from in- /. well rounded figure, be it man sftuting imiuiries now that you j^j,. w„inan. o.xcites admir.ation ; not have returned." | only for the figure but for the "The woman has probably left bright eyes, pink cheeks, red lips, „„ Ki!im-e. Besides, it was a sorrow- cj vigorous carriage which accom- isnivings, encourag<'d him by lookj f^i a,ilv<.iiture, and [ came to Paris] jaiiy a well-nourished bodv. " "' " for amusement. I should like f<n' a | Strength, health, beauty and gesture; while Madame de III an.i -,. , Garches. leaning on the trout of hor l)ox. was absorbed in a musical revery. The subtle Ivan was unconscious that Maximo Dorgercs was prowl- ing in the corridor like a hoti wait- ing for his piey. Maxime had decidi-d to come out from the ilepihs of the orchestra, tha*. ho might watch more nearly the suspicious creatures who occu- piwl his thoughts. He was revolv- ing in his iniud a crowd of contra- diUorv project^. He wislicd not to lose sight '.f Madame Sergent, ai.d at the s;'!ne time to avoid be- ing seen b\ her. A police agcni would hav.' "leen perplexed Tiow to attain 111- double end, nnuh more Mu.xinio. omplete novice that he was in 'Uih matters, who had al- w«VH c )ot<' oK worsted in his en- cuuucc :• viih the chief of the bra-o- tcw days to lead the We. of a young j sound flesh abound, if the blood and inan. You laugh ! "1 uni ipiile i nerves get enough nourishment out seriou.s. I have an insane desire to of the food eaten. su|.', to get intoxicated, to freijucnt public balls." "Not alone, I hope?" "Why not! it would be the true way t>} amuse myself. But I do not know that I shall venture." "Should you like to be accom- panied by two discreet cavaliers?" "Y<iu and your friend, you mean V "Precisely. T assure you, you could not (III better. We seek only amuscmeut and will act as your es- c.rts, with that vie sv only." "It I was sure of it â€" " • Doubt nothing. When shall we b.'gin? This evening?" "This evening there is no masked bill anywhere.'' "Wc ina.N SU13, jieverthelcss, and girning. This prescription aids nature : hclpt' absorptiim, digestion and as- sindlation ; helps distribute the bloo<l and nerve elements which make sound llesh. (Jet the ingredi- ents and make it at home, and sec hew very fast you gain in weight. In a h.ilt i)i||t bottle, obtain thiee ounces of essence of pepsin, three ounces syrup of rhubarb. Tl'.eii add one ounce compound es- sence cardiol, shake and let stand tw< hiiurs; ihen add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not eaidamoni). Shake well and take a teuspoonful before meals and one after meals. .Mso driuk plenty of water between meals and when re- tiring. Weigh yourself before be a B Camphor Ice Vaseline FOR CHAPPED SKIN AND LIPS, COLD SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Yaselioe Remedies in Tabes C«P«leiim, Dnnited. MmiIIio1M«1. Cirlx)- lated, ( amfliuniied. Wbitr oxide nt Zinc. etc. Encli for spetial purposes. Write lor Fre. VasellQe Biiok. OHBSEBROUCH MFQ. CO. 'Cont'd) 370 Craig St, W.. Montreal LET US PAINT NOW! It i<i time to get al painting. It is * time to choo.Ke now. So ro.iny brands of paint are offered that you must be caretiil in vour I'hoice. The oldest and most thoroughly tested ol all puiiits are RAMSAY'S PAINTS They stand for slrcoplh, durability and beauty on IhouNanUs of homes irom Cape Breton to V.-numiver Island, and in foreitfii lands. Thev will beautify your home, and tlie price is reason- able Oron a card and ask us for" booklel "W" free. It is the handsum- esl booklet ever issueti on house paint- ing. Yoii should have it. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., KbtabliflKHl IS12, The Paint Makers, Montraal. Cares Sprung Tendon, - Collar and Sad«Ue tialls 3.H M«nlU>l« ATf.. WlnutlMft, (K-tobcr IJlh. UDf. " I 1»TB ««<! yi'iT Sp*vin Citr» oa » Binung TMlUon iTjtb i;tKjt1 rcjiulta aiid I c»n rcouiiiitici:)! U for Oolur •nil s«dill» U.U«. â-  .1. H. U.iltlt. Kendall's Spavin Cure U ft btonlut to >rni«r* oud Mockmsn. In th» \»*X 40 r«ftr«, KendAll * fipaTln Cun hu lltoiftUj tavMi mUliotM «l dollar* or hun« u^TlK»T«. It !• the oi»e Tf ij>«l)r th*t Mn fthntr* h« *l*p«f»rtrJ wv«n to »b« <'.nr« Sp4Ttii. Klncbuiia, Cuib. SpUrit. dwrlUnsii ftM Iajimbcm. Nrvcr bllstrn. ican or tunu Uw h»lr wblu. Al |OoJ for mftii ai for hc«>t, Kr«p Kcndall'l ftliMviIuuHlr. #l. aWWr^ lor iu. Wbi>n you buy at vour dMklcr't. gf l t-b^j ur our book "A Tn«tlM Ou Tk« Iloi»»"â€" »'â-  fi^» â€"or wh(« n» ''7 BR, B. J. KEHBAU CO., Ewiburf fa^\\ VL FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES a. 3. A, 6 H.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GENERAL FARM WORK. . -' They are so simple that the averafje farin hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Krost Proof. Send to-day for caialo{jtie G.K.ioa, W.P. CO., showiiiff full line of ei.ffines for -farm use. It means '**â- '' money saved for .you. TERMS Special Tarma to Farmers. The CjlNjlDIAH FfHRQAHKS COMPANV. Limited. MOHTRE^L Branchetiâ€" Toronto, St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouvar Ni'l.» ADDlltSS.^^^ HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEA.N FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. boitslrr thv n«w4«t antl most np-to sUo <A the b«d rootn«, »T*rA(ln^ 10 Ufli Hqu %r%. r«-ptt>of k<idlHaWlt Jai (o.dat* of itluitio^ptr CNAilLBA O. MARQUETTE. |1lAYMO«E HOTEL COHHaIMY. Manager. J q. y. WHITE. Prwidont. X J spending hntidicdflof dollnri in hniiding a splendid Immo or barn ond tlicn ilelibftrately allow it to sulYor for paint. Martin - Senour Paint 100f>/o Pure, PreservcB It feeds (h ' hi'Tiirry opeii t^rtm of the wood with puro tlnaeod oi), lend and xinc- making the Burt'are abBoIutely ImpcrvioiiH tu cUniati': chanfies. It b«aIb wood from dHinpnoBSâ€" pr»- vsnt« it from Hplittintc, crnckins, from Bun hud fm,-.t, bhiUcnng tit>at and blofi • ing thiat. which help the procesBi'B of d<>i'uy and ruin. i}voO pure paint buy* more tbftn lOOcentn worth of insumnee ftKtiinst the ravuse.^of timo. The ingrodiente of (t pure raintnre WL-11 known. In tbo muin they areC-ar- hooHlA of hehd. Oxide of Zinc pui-e Colore, well vround by epacially aaapt- «d machinery, and thinned with pure lint;i>4nl uil and pvire tiirpenlino dryer. A builJinK own*T who fails to rocos- nmo the gnat tm(- .iatKt nf teUcUnf the right pulnt. will nco bin property value decroaae while he grown aged and p^tevieh wondering why. Notify ufl if your dealer c«anot sup- ply you. we'll Rladly direct you where OQr palntB can be had. '>v*^i?efti»« All Suhstiiutts ?>A^ A. illudiratod Nx>klpt. "Home Beautiful," and {ntaraeting color card Frea for the aaluDg. htM«rUB-8c»MrC9. .nfnk MonbrMl PioHtart Par» Pmlmt Canadian Appreciation Lun(j;ham Hot<>l, London. Gontlcnipn, I wish to o.\i)rf;s? my appreciation uf the 38 h.i). Daimler which vnu liavo delivered to me. Before shi})- ping the car to t'r.unda 1 iiiado n three weeks' trial .-.f it, cov- prinpc some l.iJOO miles. The ran porfcotly, and I never had the sliKiiiesttioiiblc of any kind, and 1 tliink it f|iiite lives up to the many claims you make for it. The silence, siiio<jth- iiess (if running, atid power of acceleration >m hill's is really remarkable. My petrol couauniption was l(i miles to the giiil<te, incltnl- ing a great deal of di'itinfi in trnffie. The tyroH show no ap- preciable sign» of wear, and 1 think it will prove light on tyi'os. 1 am really delighted with the ear.- Yoiiis sincerely, (Signed) C. A. HOONE, 'of Toronto, Canada. "The mosf Successful Car of fhe Vear1909" The Daimler Motor Co., O904) Limited, COVENTRY. ENGLAND. -f â-  „-s \ !'#K.

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