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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1910, p. 1

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;'\ X f !^Jrt>atic^« la 4.-'- TfiUTH BEFORE F^VOa." â€" " PBI^XJIPLEh NOT MEN. .»: VOL 28, NO 47 Flesherton, Ont., Tliur^day, April 14 t9lO r. H THURSTON "^"Ti^Lorwetob ?!?â-  Ceylon Anothev t>f the old resiilents and pio- neers (if Aitemesiii has passed tiVAy to lier'loii<; huiue in the persixi uf Mrs. Alex. Muliae, Si-., whi) was iiileiTod in Price- »'ille cemetery on Sfonday, lllh Inst. She had reached the lipa »g« of eighty years and leaves behind to lament lier loss one sou and f >ur (laughters, all of whom altendfed the fiineial except her son, Dununn, who rcsidfsin New Ontni'io, and who found it iinp'issible to reach home in time. Dnrinij her illuess aha had the loving of her two daughters, who reside ni the villa?o. Two of her Kons, Adam and iJonald Muir, and II daughter, Mrs. Kyle, [>redeceased her. The daughters are Mrs. W. Burnet, Flesherton : Mrs. John McFadlen and Mrs. Alt*x. McFadden, Ceylon, and Mrs. Walter Mur-doch, Caledon. The de- ceased lady waH born in Scotland and came to Canada in the ypiir of her birth with her parents, <vho .settled in Vauglian township. Iiil83()8hb was married to Win. Muir, and after about four years of residence near London, Out., they came to Aitemesia in 185.°!, where .she has re- iiuvined ever since. She Married Mr. McRjie ill 1878. Mr. Henry Love and family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhootl in rho loss of his father, who was buried in Flesherton on Sunday I'ust. His lulinited duugbter, Mis.s Sadit; Love, came up froui Tonmto to attend the fnneral. Tbe old gentleinnu had resided in Moaford for a numbvr of year.) previous to his decease. Ue formerly resided at Iiigenia. Mr. W:n. Jackson and dau^hlpr, Mary, «ru about to luniove from Ceyl(;ii to a small farm which he has rented uear Durhnni. We wish them success. Mrs. .Alfred Archibald of Colueck vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Blrs. James Sptott. Mr. Win. Allan of E^remont called upon T. Chislett while on his way Vi at- tend the funeral of bis sisret-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Kcid, at Flesherton. Miss Frances Prichard, teaohor nl Do- mostic Science in the Collegiattt Institute, Owen Sound, spent a day with her friend, Mrs. T. Chislett, last week while on a business trip to Flesherton. Mr. S. Uandb presented his better half with a very hands(jme pi-ino recently. The instrument is from the Willis Piano Co. of Montreal, one of the and strongest firms on the continent. . South Line, Artemesia Liwl Week's Items Wood baes were the order of the day kist week. Mrs. W. Richards.)U spent a day with h«i- sister, Mrs. James McLean recently. Miss Carrie Anderson is spending a few days with her parents at Poitlaw. Mr. Donald McKinnon had the inis- fortnno to cut his foot while workina in tbe bush. Hope soon to .see him around •gain. Among the sielr on this line sre Mrs. 1>. McUoujial and Miss Lulu DingwaU. Hope soon to hear <jf their speedy re- covery. Mr. Harry Oliver, fireman on C. P. R. at Hamilton, was a gaest at Mr. James Turner's jmd other friends over Sunday. r^; LAST WEEK The Ad\-4ilce hiid 128 lines of Classilied Adveitisonients (Olds & Ends) â€"an increase of 17 lines â- ivor the previous week. THIS WEEK We have Itio. Thers's a I'oa- son. A m.m does not advertise for the fun of it- he wivnts re- sults. A small ad. in the Odds it Ends column will bring re Kults. Read tlioni this week '^m Eugenia. Mf. E. A. Urahaui. of •' Bnym* Villa ' is huviug his house brick VMiueitd.. .Mr. Geo. Proctor has tbe contract. <j00. Irwin of Heatlicoto Mr. Geo. Armstrong's 3Ir. and Mrs were guests at over Sunday. Mr. R. J. Pedlar got badly hurt at Roek Mills the past week. Mr. James Leppard als.i got injured there by fulling through a trap door. One half of the people around are laid up with severe atmcks of la grippe. The Women's Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Large on Wed- nesday of last week. ()win</ to the un- favorable condition of the we»ther the 'ittendancc was small. K.Yccllent i>apers were prepared by Mrs. Leonard Latimer on " What s^oare moiuenls will accomp- lish :" Mrs. Jacob Williams on *'Hot di.shes for supper," and Mi.s. W. C. Pedlar on " Reasons why we should be- long to tbe Institute." The next meet - ing will be held at Mr.s. Leonard Lat>i- mer's the first Wednesday of May at 2.:W p.m. Kimberiey .Mr. k\i. Neety of Heaford was a visit- or in town on Sund»y. Miss Gula -Scott was the guest of her friend. Miss Nellie MeArthur, New England, on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart and ftiiuily of Elk Lake visited friends hero. Messrs. Hartley Fawcett and Roy Fawcett of Hcalhcoto vijjitod friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mr«. 8L R, Hammond and daughter, Edith, were the- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jiuikjs Kn>lt. at Epping on Sunday. Mr. Neil Boyle had Uic misfortune to a valmiblu lioi-se recently. Mr. and Mra. William Sloan visited Flesherton friend.s (m Sunday kist. The footl>all club have recently had their grounds fixed lip and it is now in tirst class uouditiou. 10th Line, Osprey. The c'llder weather of "the (jasf week stopped .seeding operations for u day or two but the farmers are busy again and if the woatlier stays tine for :i couple of. 'weeks the most of the seed \vill_bo iu the ground in this neighborhoods •_. Mr. Albert Myora of Lady Bank is sutl'cx"ing from a severe attack of pueu- moniu, but we are glad to i-eport is in a fair way to recovery under the skilful tre.itnieiit of Dr. Ryckman of Ma.vwoll. Mr. Joe Heron has gone to try his fortune iu the west aiul will locate in Regina, Susk., for the present time. M .ss Myrtle. Holroyd left for Toronto on Miiudiiy last, wlioro she had ari-ingod to meet Mrs. W! G. DantL and go with licr 1 1) Rogina, Sa-sk. ^ Miss M. E. Hoi'on is visiting friends in the (jueen city at present. She in- tends going west this summer to visit friends in the prairie province. Miss E. McMillan lias become ,i resi- dent of our neighborhood and is at pres- ent with Mrs. R. .1. '(.'olnudtte .it Fair- view Farm. Mr. and Mrs. E. visited with Mrs. Sundjiy. Mr. W'm, Duncan has sold 200 acres of his property to W, A. Armstrong of Flesherton. This farm is situated dii"- ec'ly oppiisile the place where Mr. Dun. can livei, and is '.imberud with soft tim- ber, such as cedar, spruce, tamaiac and balsiiin. We understand tnat .Mr. Dun- can li.w runted his other fiirm and will give up farm'ug in this i>ait as he has land iu Southern .Mberia. Henry Pinch of the 14th con. of Os- prey haJ a very suocessful sale ou Friday of last week. W. Kaitting, our popular auctioneer, wielded tlio hammer and very high prictia were realized cows selling from 946 to 905 each, and other thin<;8 proportionately hi;di. Will is certainly a tirst-class auctioneer and |Htrties aecuriua his fiorvices aru alway.s highly pleased with the results. Itfaxwell -BS Hughes of Dtiuihilk .los.i Madden over Dr. deVan's French Female Pilis-the Wife's Friend. A i-eliable regiUittor ; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly power- ful in regulating the genenitivo portion of the female systeni, they are strictly safe t<> use. llefuse all cheap imitations. Dr. <le Van's are stAA at 95 00 a ho.\, or three (r)r 910.0(). Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., Catharines Out. St. East Mountain Intended for last week. A delightful spring for seeding, every- one at it; this week. A goo<l rait, would do a lot of good. Thin was a poor spring for making maple syiup. It; was loo warm and there was no run. Mis.s08 Edna, Nellie and Myrtle Camack of Beaverville, visited their slater, .Mrs. W. J. Martin. Little Pcarle Allan was voiy ill the l»8t week with bronclutis but is recover- ing. . , MLss Mary Braniff of Markdale spent the week end with h«r«ister, Mrs, Milton Neil. This Wcck'.<fllem.s. The seeding has been hindered by a slight snow stonn, which now is cleared away and seeding will l>c in full blast again. Mr. Henry- Walton dispoaei.1 of a horse lost week to R. D. CoiTUthers of Kim- )>erley. Mr. Chai'lic Camack and Miss Mae Wickens of Kiiiiberley viaitwl Mr. and Mt's. W. J. AfoTtutlaat Sunday, Mrs. John Smith \S attending the sick b«*l o£ her mother, Mrs. John Clintim, who is very low. Fevenkam Our new stoi-e kaepor, Mr. Clinton, ha.s taken possessirm of hi« store. We wiah him every success. Mr. J«H. Pelteh ha.< started at liis new house ojapoaite the .school. We «oti<» Mr. Frank Chard Ifew a apecialikt painting a sign tov.luai. Mr. A. T. Hutchison iult»n4K going weatthia week. We wish him every siieoosa in his new enl.Or{)rise. Wc are pleased to aee our butcher on his route again. We notice, that he has been investing in a. refrigei-iitoi; to |pre- pare for wann weather. We *islt the young man agotKl .seaaoii. Wc understand that the fot-tball club intend holding « celebration in Kover- Hhau) 09. the 24tb of .May. Old Durham Road. Seeding is the general occupation at present, the unusually warm weather allowing the spring work to commence earlier thiui for some years past. We are sorry to report the serious ill- ness of Mr R'jbt. BlakesUm with pneumonia. Mr. Blakcatou had spent part of the winter with his son in Strat- ford, and it is thought contracted the cold on his trip homo to the O. D. R. Mrs. .Jaa Ferris of Toronto is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. J(j.s. Oliver and other relatives here. Mr. Jacob, Pirslow ia autfcring with blood iMjisoning in hitj hand. Wo hope to hear of hia recovery soon. The many friends and old neigh l)ors of Mr. und Mi-s. Win. Reid were shocked to hear of the lutter'a death, which took place at their home in Flesherton last Tuesday. Tile decea-sed Ivdy was well known luid much respected hke, having lived on the Durham Road on 'he farm now owned by Mr. Win. Wliyte for over twenty years. Being of a (|uiet, gentle disposition, Mrs. Reid had a wide cii^^lo of friends who symi>uthiBe with her hus- band and family in th,eir sorrow. â-  Mr. tiud Mi-s. John VVaugh of Lion's Head spent a few days Utoly with the latter 's-sistcr, Mrs. D. Dot*.. Miss Julia Wilson of Tor(mto is a visitor at the home of her uijcle, Mr. W. J. Meads. We are pleased to see Jos. Oliver able to be out after a .severe illneas for a couple of weeks. Mr. .\ngiis Whittaker of Ceylon visit- ed Mr. Win'. Re d, recently. Two of our yomig men were in a very happy frame of mind one night recently. They celebfated by tryiug to. get up a prize fight 'willi one of their iiwst iMMce- ful neighbors. Meetiu(( with .some oppoflition in ^Ijis, the^wended ti-eir way home to "Happy Landi' aa/l Imb Wiser boys. Hatherton House cleaning is the order of the day. F'armew are busily engaged in cultivat- ing and getting the land i-eady for sowing, while a«mie have ah-eady sown graiiu The old time gri|)pe has been prevalent .in this neigh boniood during the [Mist two weeks. Young ius well as old arc suft'or- ing fif>m it. >L-. Ray Pedhir, accoiiipanied by his sister Delia and Mi»s Maggie .Simnions of Portlaw sjictib Sunday with ftlrs. Down. MLss Bertha Winters left for Toronto last Tuesday, where she has secured a situation. Miss Nellie Anderson of Warcliam was a welcome visitor with friends in Hatherton recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Lougheed attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. VV. Jaukcs of Siuglmnipton one day last week. Mr. W. Grummitt and Misg. Reiia Dick of Dundiilk spent a couple rf days with tbe former's parents. Mr. Taylor and Susie Parker spent Sunday with friends here. * Miss Florence Jimiieson, Singhamp- toii, spent Sunday all her parental home here. Miss Minnie Janiioson is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Himlle of Ma.\well. Bornâ€" On Friday, -Vpril 8th, to "Mr. •iiid Mrs. (leorge Young, a son. The chiifr will' render special music Sunday night at rUo Metliodis-tojjfiurcli. Mr. Wnr. tiny is receiving iiimiy con- «iHtulati(ms from many fiiunils. On Tuesday be -.'olebriled his .S4th birthday. Ue enjoys fair health and is quile .ictivo for a man of hisyear.-v Everybody is oxclainiini; " What a grand show of hats 1" Oiir Mavwoll mil- liner is ceilainly clever iii>d artistic iu her liiic. It is a ureal ccniveniiinco 10 have one of the lc:t millmciy displays right 111 our hanilut. The EnglisliCImrcli is holding a concert in the.Oraiigo hall on Friday liviiiing nc.\t. Everj'oiio tome. Many adinircLi the tlo«v<ersthal adorned the I^ pulpit Sundiiy -uvoiiing, espcmlly Miss Union's double, yollow dad'oilil. We wonder vvliy simio of our vilhgers, many li.iviiig beautiful plants,' don't brighten ihc obuich tvi'h their flowers every Sabbat In Miss Miniiiu Jainitsou, Mclntj re, vif- ilcd.with her sis' ur, Hr.s. Iliiidlf. 51r. and Mrs. Osborno and daughter, Ida, F]>ent Sunday with fiiciids. on the twelfth. Misb Mauilie JuImh of Fcii'ishani has taken a po.silion us clerk in Mi.llsbornes stole. Robert Kinnear, in Diindalk. jr., Iiita i;(/iii! to work .\ very sad accident occuried to the year old sou of .\lr. and !Mi-.s. Ililliird. The little fellow in some way pulled a ))ol of boiling water over himself. One leg is badly scalded. PricevHIe The last "bargain lot" of winter li- cr has passctl away, and fanners are bii»y seeding again. The fall wheat fields look nice and green ever since they threw off their winter oiat and huvo been enjoying the sunshine and balmy weather. Tiios. Nicbol. of the wcslo! 11 suburbs, sowed hia wheat on April, but wo learn that Goo. McRae, further mirth in Glenelg, sowed one week earlier, March 23. Donald I^IcKiniion secured a permit to tench the Irish Lake subnol, brginning after Easter holidays. Halley's comet has 'appeared and is blame*! by some people foj^ I he peculiar weather we are getting this avHsun. Cm it be possibtiis '.hat the comet atfects men's beads also >. About two weeksago sever- al young farmers and others were in town, ..and tdilked and acted rather peculiarly, while a mail carrier or postmaster from tko country succeeded in ge^ing His Majesty's mail loaded im tbe vehicle, and inii'le three or f(mr att(!n>pts to drive out of town, but turned every lime and tied his horse again. When the c(miet sank below the boriiaJU he managed to move for homo. It may be that Uieieare more "comets" than one in the vicinity. If Halbert's telescope bad been within langeatthe time .some imp(a'taiit iibser- vatoHS might have been recorded. The oxocut(.r8 of the Reiley estate held a siicofssful auction sale on the 5ih. Otto Konold, has been shipping a car of fat stock every Tuesday for several nioiitlis back, and as a buyer ."oems to be very popultr with the fanners. Dr. Dixon left Satuitlay for the West. Rocli Mills the orJer ..f tho Bert PorleouK is Four head of cattle belonginv to a farmer named McUlwain, who lives near Conner, wervahot on Sttturday, having developed the disease, rabies. Some UoM before a stray collie wandowd mU) the MolUwaiu proporty and tool) aftetwarda snowed- sign* of atadutsa and waa duatroycd. In the meantime, how- ever, saven cattle and a couple of Me- lllwaiii's colts had been* bitten and on Saturday four of the cattle exhibited unmistaKaMo ovidende of rabied. The otiier cattle and colts thai were exposed lo iitfeotron were tied up, but it is likely soma of them will develop the dread dis> ease. j^Tbo faypsis of the uei^hborHood are vary much concerned ovqr the out-, bresk ar.d »very precaiit^ii L<i beiti^ taken against the disease sprealing. .\llisron Herald. Vandeleur. Seeding is well advanced with the land in prime c(mdit ion. Thia is a month earlier than last year when very little grain was .sown beftn-c the 6tb of May. We are sorry to hoar of the death of Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. W. .1. Hoiley of Holland Centre, w ho jiassed away at the home of her parents on .\pril 4th, aged 22 years. Deceased lived with her iMU'cnts in this uoighbor- liood for a numl)cr of yoais and was well and favorably known. A number of frjends and relatives attended the funeral which took place at Berkeley on the following Wednesday. Mr. S. Gilltort lost a valuable liorso on Friday from acute indigestion. This 'jjt a serious loss to Mr. Gilbert at this MefiMf>n of the year. Mr.* Will Timinins of Olenclg visited her parent^ My. and Mrs. John W.irling recently. '-. , During 1909' thNC^^lhe largest mil- line (9<ii!.ipauie8 in Canada either incraaaod flioir dividends or gave jash lionuses to their f<hareholdorn. There has also bsen a "nierger" of cereal compauief!. All these actions show that the milling in- dustry ia a ]mrlicularly healthy one, and the public who have their money invest- « 1- in such c<mcern need have no fears riig&rding their dividends. - \ Mt.Fm'jal girl tried to skate down cellar 3n roller skates. She was taken to the li(.i.spital. speniliiig .1 her aiiiir, ft-W Mi-s. House cleaning is day. Glad to hear (hat able tu sit up again. Mrs B. Field is also able to be around again. Miss Dora Pedlnr is weeks in the city with Bunt. Mr. Wallace Fisher ha« bought a fancy buggy. He means business. Miss Logam of Hoathcotc has charge of Rock Mills school. While wiwkiiig in the mill licie, R. J. I'cdlar met with a serious accident. He was running the edger, and had sent a plimk through when it was thrown buck with great foixje, .striking Mr. Pedlar in the hip. ,Ho will be oft" work for some days nursing the injury. , I" â€"â- ^â- S^^^^IB^^ I J. anifW. BOYD nfercDantt Flesherton Ontario HOUSE CLEANING 'I'ltis is Lh3 .season for lioiise cleaning ami no do^feft^ wlien \;ou get into the job you'll find you will rcs-^it'' • <|iiirc alot of new furni.shings. We have niade an- ^ estitnate of your possible letjuii'cnient.s and here- with beg to submit some of our prices : lings from .t7..30 fb....- $25.00 Matt.s from 2."> cents tt) 7.50. BnisK(!ls carpet from Jf^I.OO to.... 1.35 Tapestrys from i)5 cents to .85 Wools from (55 cents to J85- I'liions from 35 cents to A^ Linoleums at 35, -15, 50 aiul $1.00 Oil Cloths in all widths at 30 cents per square yt«j(ib Japanese Mattings 20, 25 Lace Curtains from 25 ccnt.s per pair to $3.'2,'), 8th Line, Art«me.sia. Sugar making is again a thing of tbe past and seeding is now the orclcr of the day in general. Mr. JamoR Cars(3n lia.s been laid up the past two weeks with an sttsck of shingles. Mrs. Orr of Victoria Corners is the the guest of her daughter, Mr"., Alex. Cameron. Vciy few ill thi« neigh borh i id have escaped ihegiippe, some having a inoie severe type than others. We are 8i>rry to report that Miss Sai-ah Paul ia^Buffering from an ulcerated, face. MissL. Niergart relumed last week after spending holidays at her home in Hanovsr. Mr. 0. Turner spent faster with friends in Torontxj, Wadding bells ate ringing ni^'t)le At4i. Mw. Win. Cameron has beoitlaid up with a sevcio attack of the grippe. Miss Ida BoDSon spent v few days with friejids in Owen Sound recently. Botn To Mt. and Mis. .Akxaiukr Cameron, a s ,n (William .Mexander). BOOTS AND SHOES III this Jepai'traeut wc have a(]ded tlie Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vertising, having gained fov itself a reputation sec^ end to uoiic. SatiBfaclion guaranteed or jour laouey relunded. t \ -i, %\ OooDvaAfi.Wki.T <Sbwh ' The St/u. OF Certaimtv ' SLATER:^ SHOE I Oootprcjuc'VMEi.T <Skwm Some young men down near Petei bor- ough inaile a raid on a. sugar bush. Tliey are out on suspended sentence, but had to put up 9!i'l.<J0 cosij and damages. GET YOUR Pliosphonoi the Electric Restorer for Men. Restores orcry nerve in the body to its! proper ttjnsioii ; ixjstores vim and vitality. , Premature dcciy and idl sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will maku you a new man. Price lj.3.00 a liox, or two f<n- 85.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. The Scolxdl Drug C^ St. Citharhios, (Jnt. "PILLS LIKE A FILE" LERY iCKS P SPA 1 RED .^TCfiiES REPAIRED FOUNTAIN PENS !;j^VERWARE -And everything in the .Jewdlery Line, from So Harsh and Drastic are Many Pills as to S<mously Injure Health. ; \^ AHMSTHOPte THE FLESHERTON JEWELER \e; ^Custom Weaving In a letter writton from hfi home In] Valr-ncia. Mr. Marsh Sehvyn Moes «er- The undersigned is now piepaired to do- .•i"» to thousands by draw ,tB alten- ...j, ^j^j^ „f ^^^^^^^^^ vice tion to tbe injuries inflicted ilpon dell cate iicople b.v drastic pursaffivc pills. "For a lone time 1 sufierld from constipation. This condition^ compell- ed the use of i>ills. Like many an- other, I made tile unwise eholcc' of using pills that wore like lightning in their activlt.v. 1 began to be filled with iiitcstiua.1 disturbances, constant rumblings, gu.'» in the bowels and diar- rhoea. I grow pale and emaciated. Then the doctor told nie drastic Irri- tating pills liad caused catarrh of the bowels, an almost incurable disease. ISxplalning in.v situation to a friend, he advised a trial of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 speedily experienced the heal- ing and curative effect they extort on the stomach, liver and bowels. The Inteatines, freed from Irritating drugSv rapidly regained natural tone, the bowels acted as if nature and nat Dr. Hamilton's Pills were at worlt. I know it will be of value to tbousanda to know that a pill as mild and curative as Dr. Hamilton's Is available to tho ailinr." For bowel disorders, sick headache. con3ti]>atioii, liver and stomach de- rangement, there Is no pUI so Invari- ably .oure to cure nn Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Refuse a siitoutltute. Sold In 25c bo.xes, a 1 dealers, or The (.'atarrh- ozoiMl Co., Kingston, Ont. Weaving. Twilled and Satinet! e. Plain, Carpets, rugs and HamoMi '*> Specialty. .. -«' . llit and Miss Rag.s Colored Wai-piouadj''*"^* 20 cents per yard. Striped raga Wm. LEES, Flesbertoa. HOMESEEKEIJ EXCURSIONS VM^. TO W WESTFj Dr. Haniiton's Pills AreHild-Never Gripe CANAD LOW koun5 TKir 5pcclallit in diacaaes ol the \ Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat! Office 1C» I' .-out lit. â-  t)ivcii--^(>uiia ; At the Revere house, Markdale, Friday each nii;nth from 8 to 12 a. m. \ GOING DATBS Arr. 5. 19 Jam* 14. 28 H *$< May 3, 17. 31 My 12. 28 S^pt « 7 TamouoH srcciAL tiaiiw. TORONTO TO WINNIPBO ANtt Laav* Taroniu 2.00 p.a. aa akava daya Throiiah First and Socond Cliaa .Ooa«l Colonist and Tourist SliKiper*. Anplv tu nearest CI'. 11. Agent to ' R. L. Thomp«)D, U.P.A., Toronto. A.SI FOR BOHESBKIEIS^ fkt S. Rands. A(«nt, Fll \ I

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