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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 5

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THE FLESH EETON ADVANCE April 7 li fi • t -:^â-  r THE STANDARD BANK E*.blUhcd 1873 OF CANADA flOBr.ncl,« A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and ^gosimerciai nouses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tanners and private individuals. SJ Savings Bank Department at every Branclu FI^ESHERTON BRANCH George MitcHell, Manager BKANCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND aARR.I5TON. VICINITY CHIPS ^ John Duncan of Toronto is visiting at j Robert Best's. Mary Wilson lias returned lo her stud- ie» at Toronto. The season has proved a very poor one for tiug;ir uiuking. Allan Milligan and .sister, Cora, left on Wednesd'iy for the West. Mr. and Mre. Fred McClocklin spent Sunday with Durham friend.s. Miss Magj^ie Best is vi.«i(ir.!{ her sister, Mrs. Simmons, at Riverview. Mi^s McDonell of Dundalk i.s the guest of Mitis Lena Dunoau of the west bauk hoe. We reeret to report that Mrs. John Clinton has taken a turn for the worse , and is very low. Miss Christene Richurdson has return- ] ed home after an extended visit with fnends in Toronto. I Miss Edna Lyman of Durham was the sueet during the past week of the Misses ; Lilian and Laura Armstrong. After a week's holidays the schools re- ' opened nn Monday, and it is a straight ' run now until examination time. j Mr. Wesley Buskin will hold an auc- tion sale of farm stock and iuiplemeuts after Heedinir. Due notice will be ^iven. [ The buyers shipped three car loads of : «tock on Tuesday: two of cattle and one of pias. Hogs are alightly lower, at ! 9!).40. j John McC'auIey has returned from Elk , Lake, and Charlie JaniiesoQ from Coch- | rane. The prospect of fly time failed to i appeal to them. Rev. Mr. Milli(;an, the ue>v Presby- I teriaii pastor here, occupied hia pulpit | for the first time on Sunday, and preach- [ ed to a large congreKntioii. The moetins? for a July celebration | in Flesherton is announced for Friday \ qight of this week. There will l)e room I in the town hall for everybody. | Mr. Rob. Richardson cut a nasty ga^h j in his foot one day last week while work- 1 ing in the bush. Dr. Carter dressed and [ atitched I ho wound, which is progressing | nicely. The Toronto Star says it is rumored in Legislative circles that Hon. J. J. Foy â- will retiie fiom the Ontario Cabinet and that bis place as Minister of Justice will | be taken by Hon. L B. Lucas of Centre | Grey. j At Epwortli Leanuft on Monday night ! •ora Milligan, who leaves for the West this week, was pre.sented with a ijold â- watch and an address, in appiociation of [ her services iu the Epwoith League and Sunday School. Mr. W. Buskin, who recently sold his farm on the west back line, has rented the Presbyterian manse in town and is moving his family lher«ito. The Advance tenders a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Buskin as residents of the village. Magistrate J. MoMulleu had two cases before him last week. One was a muzzl- ing case in which one of our citizens, Mr. John Heard, Buured. Ho was charged with letting his dog run at large without » muzzle. A fine of one dollar and coats waa imposed. The other was an assault nasa from Euphrasia in which John Syinona charged Ralph Harbottlo with assault and wounding. This case was dismissed. Mrs. B. Field of Rock Mills met with » serious accident while diiviug between that place and Muxwell one day last week. At Hargravea' the horse took fright at souie cows, bolted and ran on a high bank, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mrs. Field out. She suffered A bad cut on the head, her back was iJso I injured and she wm rendered insensible for some time. She was taken home the aame evening and is now recovering. A. communication on school matters Appears elsewhere in this issue from a man who refuses to allow his name to be at- tached. The article deals iu garbled quo- tetions and false dedu:;tions. We are not «fr«id to allow the public to compare the communication and our own editorial and form their own judgment. Wo feel sure the verdict will be that the esteemed author of this communication wrote his â- trictures through a pair of colored glas- •ee, and is very unfair in many or his .quotations and statements. The last word in tb» freak hen egg line comes from Vandeleur, where Jos. BuchiDan h»« a hen which seems to de- light to do fancy stunts. Her latest ia a donble ahelled egg with tail attached. The inside shell resembles fan ordinary egg shell, though a trifle soft, while the •aiside shell is very soft, a membrane, to be exact. The intervening space is filled albumeu. The tail ia merely a continua- tion of the outer shell, and is two and a half inches long, filled with albumen for kalf an inch of its length. On Sunday laat the anniversary servic£« mi Flesherton Baptist Church were con- ii«io»ed by Rev. Mr. Cameron of Owen jfiound. The preacher delivered splendid sermonn to largie ouneiegatioiis. H? «rged them to trust Qod to take care of His pgople and to put first things 6»t in iheir lives, seeine lo the life of the soul rattier than 'hat of the body. We hope tliiit tliia may not be the last time, but rather the of many, that Rev. Mr. Caraerou will visit us. As <iur readers are deeply interested in Hnlley's comet, we might say that this elusi ;u twinlder rose this morning (Wed- nesday) at 4.:!5, and the .sun at 5.33. The comet's speed is about l.OTO miles pe r minute, and growing faster. It still appeai.s at, a star. Choral Concert Given. The concert given last week by The Fleshertoi Ciioral Union under the direction of Miss Eileen G. Freeman did nut meet with the support ic deserved. The weather and lagrippe are given as the rcaton for the very unsatisfactory turnout. The reasons given may be the correct ones, but we imagine that if there had been several "comics" hired for the occasion to make themselves ridiculous the function would have l.een more successful. The concert going public of thia neighborhoud as in other neighborhoods appears to have an in- stinctive antipithy to "pedigreed" niutic â€" while any old mongrel selection is hail- ed with delight. It is deplorable but we believe none the less true. Own up, now. Would you youru'lf not rather hoar some rousing "sole" stirring strain ground out of a f^queaky violin than Miss Wilda Freeman was pianist, and rendered several piano .solos. Any words The Advance miiiht say in laudation of the youug lady's (kill would not more firmly establish Miss Freeman's position in musical circles. Whereevcr she is kuowu her reputation as a pianist is firmly establishedâ€" and as well deserved, listen to the modern idea oft{what's what in music. Truly we are a degeiietate people, Mr. Lorenzo Turner is an expert 'cellist and his solo worli was appreciated to the full. His skill on the violoncello was a revelation to many and a delight co all Miss Eileen G. Freeman in her solos charmed her hearers. Perhaps the best testimony as to her ability was given by the Choral Class under her direction. Miss Freeman has the past winter trained the chorus, and trained it well. While not large in numbers it was listened to with ijruat interest. Several selections Wore very ambitious, but were well rendered and well received. Wo tiust that MihS t<Veenian may be persuaded to organize another Choral class in our village on some future occasion. Rev. H. E. Wellwood occupied the chair. Mrs. Wm. Reid Dead Mrs. Wm. Iteid of this village pa.^sed to her long rest Monday night ut the age of (51 years. Mrs. lieid has been in feeble health for a long time but no immediate serious result was anticipated until Monday, when the collapse came. The deceived lady's maiden name Ferguson. Sho was born in Scotland but came to this country with her imr- ents when a little girl. They first settled in Esqucsing and later came to the 18th con. of Egreuiout. Forty years ago sho married Mr. Wm. R«id of the O.D.R., where they lived for about 25 year.s. For .some years they have Iwen living in Flesherton. Mrs. Reid leaves a sorrow- ing husband and two adopted daughters. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Reid has the deep syin[>athy of the whole village iu the loss of his respected and beloved partner. A Modern Motor Car During their spare time the past few weeks Dr. Murray and Walter Loucks h.ive been constructing a motor carâ€" quite the last word in automobiles. The Advance man ran across it at the out- skirt of the village on Saturdey afternoon. Auto like, the contraption had refused to go, and 80 we tendered our litte share of advice. Strange to relate, the engine refused to run on advice alone ; and not until the engine was tinkered with for two and n half hours would it consent to goâ€" and then for no apparent rea.son ran right merrily. The chassis of the machine is the gear of an old superannuated buggy, with shaky apokea. Dr. Murray's little 2- horse portable gasoline engine is the power plant, An ingenious system of belts and pulleys " ni.-vkes the wheels go 'round." The guiding of the craft is done by an original contrivance very sim- ilar to the stoering gear of a trnctiou engine â€" only better, of course ! A bat- tered, hoarse-toned fish horn servos as a siren to warn all comers that at least half the road ia desired, and all would be I appreciated. Owing to the low power of I the engine it is necessary lo uet out and push to succoasfully navigate hills; though I It moves along 7 niilei an hour on tne level. With hii toy, the Dr. and his partner in the enterprise hope to have as much pleasure as a 60 horse power craft could , aupuly. They will have ail the senf.ati'>n . of tiii* muJ.' v'st. •••• any rate ; even to the ' frequent brcakdowa, in all probability. i Mrs. Henry Taylor or â- '.;...maF.lgin foil 'down oel'iir with a iijjl.Uii Iftmp :ni her hand and t'M so serioi'sly burned that sho died froii injuries, hit. Taylor and a aon v«i* b^.".j larocd in trying to help |>er. , Eugenia. Fine spring weather. Farmei's are busy, seeding has eoiuinenced. It has always been supposed that a good .seed time is the forerunner of a bountiful har^'ost. There pa.ssed to his rest on March the 29tli, at the home of his brother, Mr. Robert Campbell, of the Valley, Mr. James Campbell, aged 61 years. De- ceased wiis never married. Ho was high- ly respected by all who knew him. A largM miinber of Kynipalhiziiig friends /ici'ompaniod his remains to Orange Valley burying ground. The Rev. H. E. Wellwood of Fli'.sliertoii conducte<l the burial service. Mr. Willie Campbell of Toronto crime up to attend the funeral of hi.s uncle on Wudiie.sday, March .'50. The .stork loft t<i Mr. and Mrs. Aibiiii Hislop of the Valley n fine littlo girl. They have it neatly dressed and intend to keep her. TJio Misses Edna and Bella Bradbury of Tliornbury were tho guests of frieiuL< ill the Vidley for a few day.s recently. The many friends of Mr. James Halli- day are pleased to wtdconie him back to Eugenia after speniliiig the winter in tho pine woods near Bobcnygeon. Many people all around are sufForiiig from an epidemic of l;i grippe. Miss Campbell has returned to her duties after spending the holidays at her home in Walkeiton. Tho Misse.s Barbara Thomp.son and Mary Turner were visiting with Mr. and Mi's. Jo.seph Fenwiek over Sunday. Tho Rev. Mr. MiiliiiJUi untcicil on his duties as pastor of the l-'ri'Slyterian con- gregation hero on Sunday. The peojile ai-e highly [ileascd and .-ill lio|)e his jias- torate here may l>e a blessing to many, and as he goes in and out amongst the people may he find them friendly and willing to make his pastorate here a pleasure. Mr. Duckett is getting his lime kiln ready to burn. Wm. Walker attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. L. G. Briggs, Tani, last week. Mr. and Mi's. John Irwin of Heathcote sjient Sunday at Mr. Jnines Armstrong's. Miss Evelina Smith came home from Flesherton to spend Sunday with her parents here. The Swamp Band is making lots of music these fine evenings. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson of Flesherton were guests of their Eugenia friends on Saturday last. Hubert Leblou, a French aviator, wa» killed at San Seba.stioii when his aero- plane struck the rocks and fell into the sea. Eight hundred native s of Somaliland have been slaughtered in the last two months i>y the followers of the Mad Mullah. As a re-jult of the United States Gov- erninent's first attack on stock gambling, alleged busket shops in six cities were raided fii SutiiidBy. A fund if SIT&.OCO has been guaran- teed lo help Dr. Ct < k prove that ho r'acbtd I he Koith P(ile. The proofs iiiubt be expensive ; but then everything in connection nith D r. Cook has been so Willisiu Milhausen of Wulkurton hat a thoroughbred Holeteiii cow that gave 512 pounds of milk iu the last seven days. It tested four, or ecpial to 23i ptmtids of butler. The cow was throe years old last fail and it is doubtful if there is a better one in the Province. Mr. Mil- hausen has to milk this cow three times a day and gets very cioae to 25 pounds of j milk each time. Three German aeronauts lost their lives in' the Baltic .Sea when their balloon waa | swept out in n hurricane. Odds and Ends FOR SALE A fu«' tons of first class hay for sale ut the barn â€" John Pedlar, east back line. White Wyandotte and S. C. Brown Lechorn e«gs for hatching'. Levi Botts, Flesherton. apr 15. S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing at 50 cents per dozen. J. V. Laugh- land, Fk'sberton. Many persons enjoyed the sweet pick- les aervea at the Shredded Wheat ban- quet. W. L. Wright now has these pick- les on sale. ARE YOU WEAM AFTER SSCPIESS Now Is the Time to Snricu Y:i Blood, Strengthen Toiu- Nerves, and Get Eeal "vVeil. Ftrroztnt BuiMs Up, StrengthoRi Ton can protllably take a pajfe from the volume of Mrs. Ooo. E. .\:n:i: ilia's experience â€" she lias been thruuga.thc mill â€" she knows. "The many months of almost useless depression, the ner- vous fears, and the sleepless nights I might have prevented â€" to think of them is almost enough to make me ill agadn. A little care and Just a siniplo remedy at first would have averted a long serloiis illness. "In the spring, two years ago. I had typhoid fever. I gained In weight, but my flesh was puffy, and my strength feebl e. I was e asily tired, and my color not good. But I depended in a hi'i.h- erto rugged constltu. tlon to right Itself, and kept on doing more than I ought. The outcome was ^_____„ collapse of a ner- vous character. From the improvement 'Ferrozone' has made, giving me strength, color, and endurance, It is reasonably certain that had I used tt when I first felt poorly my strength would speedily have been restor- ed. I can strongly urge those recov- ering from illness, those who feel ill, in fact everyone who need.s better health can quickly gain It by using Ferroaone." It's because Ferrozone converts what you eat Into nourishment, because It contains blood-making and nerve- strengthening qualities. Those are tho reasons why tt builds up the weak a'nd cures the sick. Try one or two Ferro- zone Tablets' with your meals, and watch the gain. Fifty cents per box. six for »2.B0, all dealers, or Tho Ca- tarrhozone Co,, Kingston, Canada. CORNS CURED ^^ â- â-  â- " ^^ IN 24 HOUHS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding. t)y applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no aclda; Is harmless, because composed only of healing gum.s and balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Ii[ KOKilS. Carefully Corrected Eaoli Week Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats 35 lo 36 Peas 7fl to 70 Barley 45 lo 60 Hay 12 00 to l4 OO Butter W to 20 EBgs. fro'sh IS 'o 18 Poiaii'"!' per !)««• • • 40 to 40 Geese 10 t^ iO Duokti 11 toy 12 C!iicken.H 12 to Y2 Turkeys 18 to 1,8 For Saleâ€" 4000 feet of 1 inch hemlock lumber 12 feet long, also 1000 feet of 2 inch dry hemlock plank 12 teet long. Apply to Miss Ann Beecrofr, Lot 24, con. a, .\riomesia. ap 21 Now is the time to lay in a stock of bran, .shorts, chop, and chicken feed be- fore it gets scarce la*or. A full stock at lowest prices at Sproulo, Hiijginbothain it Co's, Flesherton. Airiving daily at Sproule, Higginboth- am'K, Klesherton, anel selling like hot cakes, prime Govcmmcnt Inspected Tim- othy, Red, Mammoth, and Alsike Clover Seed â€" selling very cheap, considering the prime iiuality. Pure genuine Quebec maple syrup, the best ever made, only 25 cents per ()UBrt and 31.00 per gallon at Sproule, Higijiiibotham & Co's, Flesherton. Don't pay $1.25 and $1.40 per gallon, when you can buy bettor at $1.00. For sale tlieap and on easy terms: 1 I gcod good second-hand seed drill in good working order ; also one uf the celebrated Toronto Fanning Mills, now, with full sett uf screens and bagger complete. Above will be sold very cheap, and on easy terms, as since selling Sproule 'a block to Mr. Trimble have no place to put tliem and must remove them. â€" Ap- ply to B. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Grain and Seeds â€" do you require seed oats, peas, barley, buckwheat, timothy, red, luamincth, alsike and alfalfa clover, pure fresh garden and inanele seeds, Dutch .Setts, potato onions or any other kind of garden or Held seeds of purest and best, (juality t Call on Sproule, Uiggiiibotham & Co , Flesherton. A full stock on hand and at hiwest prices. as tlioy make a speciality of grain and .seeds. For sale chea|) and on easy terms, the following property in Flesherion : one park hit fiacres, well fenced and in tirat class state of cultivation, part plous/hed and ready fiT sowinc, balance foeded down, only $250.00- $100 cash, balance easy terms. .'5 splendid lots with good 2 story dwel- ling 24x48, stone cellar full si/.e under, good wood shed and summer kitchen 12x44 new, never failing well at kitchen door, 2 good stables 24x30 in good con- dition and repair. Also '.i lariic lots, about 1 acre', between printing oHice .mel McTavisb's blacksmith sliop, with never- failing spring. All the aforesaid prop- erty, excopiing park lot, is in the very centre of the village, and very desirable. Also 1 lot, 12 feet, fronting on CoUing- wood street, and on east side Sproule's largo warehouse and aeljoining same, about 120 feet in depth. Tho whole or any nf aforesaid will be sold very cheap, and on easy terms ot payment. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flcshertcn. LOST AND FOUND Fur mitt founil â€" Owner can have it at Advance office by paying fur this advt. Will the party who took a bicycle from in front of Mis. Corbett's kindly return the same and save trouble. â€" G. Mitchell. Lost â€" In Flesherton, on Sunday, Mar. 13, a plain gold beauty pin set with small pearl. Leave at Advance office. Mitt Lost â€" Dogskin mitt, between Flesherton and Rock Mills, on Monday lust. Finder please leave at this office. Reward. Lost â€" On Sunday, March 27, a locket from a watch chain, between the Presby- terian church and Jos. Blackburn's. Finder please leave at this office. Purse Lost â€" Between Cameron's cor- ner, 8th line, anel Flesherton station, con- taining six dollars and a few cents change. Finder leave at this office, or with Miss Niorgart, teacher No. 0. MISCELLANEOUS W. A. licenses. Arrosti'ong iaiuer of marriage Attention ia drawn to Morley etc Baker's advt. in another column. When in town don't forgot lo take home a nice tresh salmon or white fish. H. Badley, dealer. Tho undersigned is pre(>ared to do all kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- pairing prainptly attended tei. J. O. Pat ton, Flesherton. Box 241. To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen lo Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in first class style. Basket loavfs Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdalo steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Now ia tho time tx> lay in a stock of pure Manitoba and blended family flour iiefore commencing seeding and when it is suio to be dearer. A full steick of Cream of t.he West, Toronto Prido. Mo- Oowan's, Eclipse and all the best brands, at lowest prices, at Sproule, Higgin- botham <& Co's, Fleslterton. A call for exaiuinatiou respectfully solioi'cd. Look up your fashion books, to plates and you will see that Small Turban.s ar^fche most popular huts shown, also small hats turned up at the side. Big hats are not shown at all in the larger towns. They are out of date. Do not be lead away by faddists, get the up-to-date shapes, and these will be found in .small hats. We are showing up a splendid range. Have a look around. They are becoming. .^ . Gents' semi-ready clothes Talk about your swell clothes, but we have them all faded on swell clothes. F'or style, quality and price, they can't be beaten. These clothes are made by the best tailors in Canada, which goes to show that they will be well anil properly made. Would appreciate a look, and if you would not say they are the swellest clothes that you have ever seen, then we back up. ' ' "-w Clover and Grass Seeas^ We are headquarters for all kinds of clover seeds, including early red, mammoth, alfalfa, alsike clover and timothy seeds, all at the lowest market price. Every one, who has examined it has said that it is the best seed that they have seen. Have a look at it before buying. All kinds of it in stock uo^«^ F. 6. KARSTEDT. Flesherton. â- -B--H^SJlJJ!.!lUv_5!' ^ . US Serve p Ot, We would ,just say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men.J^i-r' and children. Kubbers and Overshoes â€" Malt<arj 'xi'ross- first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes, Suit Cases, Truuks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe l?olishes. A lot of Winter Mitts stilling off cheap AT ^^AYTOt^'^ MORE NEW SPRING GOODS We h»ve now spring goods arriving every few days. We Iwve re- ceived another consignment of New Dress Goods ; alio embroideries, insertions, laces, lace curtains, fancy hat pius, new shades in ribbons, hats and caps in felts, canvas and straws, men's spring and summer underwear' For ladies' new light spring coats, embroidery and silk blouses, spring and summer vests, tnifotena'uaderskitta with deep insertion and embroidery in a variety of ahados. In wall paper our stock is complete. New seeds of all kinds on hand. J/as, jtrattison. Getfton The Markdale Music House) To Intended Buyers; If you want a first-olass piano or organ call here^ ' I sell such high grade pianos as tho Heintzman, Newoombe, and Stanley, of Toronto ; V\ illis pianos and player pianos, of Montreal ; and the Wm, Knabe & Co., of Baltimore â€" and other makes. Oritnns such as the Thoinaa, of Woodstock,tand Sherlock-Manning oisaiw^ and player organs of London â€" both for hoines^and ohurches. Any of ta goods sold on terms to suit„the buyer. C. T. a9il$on» niarluialtl rcj \'

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