THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE March 24 1910 Business Cards <V VALTEB LOUCKB *« Iluilder ud OontnMtor Por Brick, tilooa ftud (miia rMld«iic«*. F.*- tWaatM cbmr.'ujly turritbad, Fls<)i<t«ou P O ObtArtb. U OUUODOH A YOUNO Vi Uanksn Uarkdal* 0o • gaaarkl bkuking bu«ln«>s . Money loaoad •t r»«aoaabla rater Call ou ua. TChlBLKTT. • PoatQiuKir, CayloD. Oomuilulouer ID H.O.J , Conrayancer, deedi, motttMo*. leaMMi, will* etc carafully ilrawii up 'J*lla€tiou> Diad.*. cliarKu* rttaHouable, AUo CMMerioa, flour, (aod etc. keiit iu etovk, Frioea rtebt, &J HfKOULB Potlmaaiat, Fleataartoo uVmmiaaioner in H.C J., Auotiooea Cod- Myancer, Appralaar and Money I>cnder ItoaJ Rutate aod iQiuranoa Agunt. l>««dii. Bortfiagea, leaiiea and villt carefully drawn «p and valuationi made on fborteet nctica jaaney to loan at loweiit ratei ol interi'it.^C'ol. â- ctiona attended to with pronil''""' cbargea low. Agent for Ocean DoBiniOB Kteaniabip Company. A call eolicitud. DMcPRAK., Licrnaad Auctioneer fot the • County of Orey. Terma moderate and aatlHfactioa guaranteed. Tbo arraogeroanta • nJ dat«"( of ulea can In) made a», Th» 4»v»nck ufllce. KeslJcuce au J I'.O., Ceylon, Tele|ihone connection. Dec. CAI7. Alcohol not needed Ayer's Sanaparilla is not a strong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non>alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He kaows. A yers Wa baalak alaekal froB aiurju4i«taaa Wa urge |raa to eoBaaltyoar dsetar w KAlTTlNli, IJcMKed Auctioneer for tlie couu'.,'', â- >' Urey and bimcoe. Pariii »r..\ Sti.i:» aalm a sjieoialty. Torina •lodorate Kalii-facllon cuarautted. Arrange- â- leuls fur dati'i niav bu iiia<itt at the .\dvauce .•fBcB. or a:^. llHtcbln«ons Blare. >e»eribam r by addrgfaing me at Fevarabaui, Ont. RUDI) MATHKWS, Markdale, LIccuaed auo'Joneer (or tlie county of firey. Good a«rTice at reaai nablo made at The .Vdvance. rated. 0119 Dates can be Ask your doctor, "What is the first greet rule of healtti ? " Nitte doctors out of ten will Quickly reply, " Keep tbe bowels refulir.'' Then atk him another qnes- tioti, "What do you tliitik of Ayer's Pills for constipation?" au«* bj tka J. C. Ayar 0«.. iMwall, I HARVEY I'KKIQOE. broker. Klciliurton. Gatteral brokorago buiiin(>»». In«Mr»nc« of I kyerj kind placed in safe and liberal uonipauioa. Heal e«tatr etc.. Open accounts and paat due noW^a haiiilk^l and money adrauced tberson. Corrtntpoudeocc aoUctto'1. ' Medical DR CARTKIl U C 1' ift HOnt.Phyaician. Surgeon. etc mUce anJ roeidunce â€" I'eter at., Pleaharton J~ P OTTK'.VEU- . VflUrlnaryR-.rgeon Uradnate of Ontario Veterinary Cullaga, 'ettideuce â€" B^ond doo* hOUtii weat'oo ia^ry atreet. Thia atrcot rjua aoutb Vraabyterlan Church. a WILSON, lllackiii.iitn 'Jraduate of tuo VelcriDary . Sclonc Aaaociation. Durham Hraat, oppoeito boyd, bro'i hardware. Dentistry IV- E. C. MURRAY L. D. R , dental fiurgeon *' honoi graduate ol Toronto Univeraity and Koyal Cullegu of Dental fiurgoona of Ontario, Oaa aduiifiiniBtuied for teeth extraction tifllcc at J I'Hi Juiice, Toronto Btreet, Fleahertoo. Legal WH. WRIGIIT. Itarriater. iiolicitor, ConToy- ancar. etc..â€" Owen Sound, and Flaaherton. N Bâ€" Fltsbertou ofDce.Sproule'a lilock every Katurdav Societies AO U W meet* ou the laat Monday in each month, in their lodge room Norria* block. Pleaherton, at B p.m. M. W.. Uiiei. Thiatlethwaite: Rec., C. H. Munahaw: Kin., W.J. bel.amy. Viaitin LrethracloTlted fRINCK ARTHUR LODGE, No. :«33,A.P.4 A M, maeta In the Uasonichall. Arui. dtronga Dlock.KleahortOD, every or bc.'ore tbe full luocn . Thoi. HIakely Hiu:b.3mitb, Secretary Friday on ,W.M.; COURT FLERBKRTON, 993. I. 0. F. ireeta in Claytou'e Klock the laat Wedneadav evouing of each month. ViHiting Kormtem heartily welcome. H. K.. Dyaon; R. H., V. Henry; Fin. Bee, C. N. Uicbardaon. Pleaae pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the flrtt day of the month. CHOSEN FhlPiNDSâ€" Flaaharton Council of Choaen Friondi ineeta in Olayton'a hall llrat i.nd third We^lneadav of each month Pay aaaeaaiiieiita to the 1 H p. I Recorder on or liefore ttie' (tiat day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakeley: Recorder W. H. Bunt. FURNITURE The liii-Kosl unci lieFt st<x;k of Furnitiiro ever shown in FloKhertoii. Tliis withoiitfcar of Con- trudiction. C'oiiic and see soiiio of the iiico things ill Siilo BoiirdK, Dining Room Cliaii's, Parlor Setts, Bed Roimi Setts. A spcciiil reduc- tion now on every- thing, in order to re- duce- the Ktouk. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton Addresses and Presentations. On Friday erenini< March ilth n large number of triendxand neigh l>ors (cat hcrej at the home of Mr. and Mra. John Hran- riiffto bid farevell Iu thaio before their departure tothviruen homeinMarkdale, when they were prrsented witli loruly uphiilatered chiirN. Mr. AlfX Canuthers read the addroM while Mr. Rr>bt. Mc- Mullen made the preaen'atiuH. To Mr. and Mrt. John BtanifT, Dear FrienHa,â€" It ia with k feeling of Hincere regret lh<kt we, your friends and nrighbors have gathered at your home to bid you farewell. Id the lifey-two yearw of your injourii itinoiiK us we have ever found you ubligins iind benavulent neigh- bolt. We feel assured that your yoiiig away wl 1 be deeply regretted by tbe coiiiiimnity at Urge. When we look back and recount the number of kindncHU'M received at your hands our regrot i« more than words can expreH<9. As a token of the osleoni in ahioli you iire held, and »^ a murk of appreciatinn we ask you to ac- cept these cnairfi. We ho|)e thut you both may oi.j.iy long lifp, health and pros- perity in your new liocne. Signed on brimlf of the frieiid.s mid neighbors: -Fred Stuart, llobr. McMul- len. Mr. Uranitf made a very appropriate reply in behilf of hinuelf and Mrs. Ur.initf. After a bountiful lunch and .some speeches the remainder of the even- ing was spent in dancing by the young pioplo till 'he wee sum' hours of thu niotiiin'. OFUffiAKDOWN WUca Yott Think Younelf Only Out of Sorts You are Often terioualy IU. Thousands are Just on the edge of the cratPrâ€" Just ready to topple in the oi^ter uf ill-health and nervous break- down. Such was the case with Mr. E. K. Kollctt, a wellrltnovvn figure In all business social circles of Orand Rapids. "I had not be«n well for a year or more. I had lost in WPlght and could not pick ui). I tired of my work â€" It seemed like drudgeryâ€" no pleasure in it like there used to be. When I got thin, I seemed to have little blood and my hands and feet were clammy and cold. To nialce matters worse I grew nervous â€" got Irrl- tablo and worried over mere trifles- I tried dieting and various medicines, but profited by none of them. I was on the verge of a breakdown when my druggist recommended 'Ker- rozon«>-' It't very long before I felt it was u true blood and nervo builder. I was encouraged ho much after the third box that I got six box« s more. In seven Wfeks I galne4 six pound.s and was looking the picture of health. Ferrozone has made a new j man of me." ' There is no tonic so quick and .sure j to build you up a.s l''errozone â€" Just , one or two tablets to take at meal i time, try It. Fifty ci'nts a box. six for $2.50, all dealers or The Oatarrh- Ferrozone Builds Up Gives Strength On Friday 'afternooii March J Itli the teacher, Mi-is Teed, and pupils of '"Sun- light C.dle"„'e" pre.sontod Willie Brsniff | ozono Co., Kingston, Canada, with a toilet case. Howard Smith read the following and C'oniford Thonip.son made the pre^eiitatioii. Dear Willie, â€" It is with a feeling of sinceie regret that we, your teacher and j schoolmates, realize thut you are aboul to ileive UK. Wlieii iv« loek back ou the good times we have h;«d together both in and out of .scho'jl our regret is more than Words can utter. As a token of ilia esteem in which you arc held, iiid vs a . mark of appreciation uf your kiudne.vs : and helpfulness we ask you to accoiit this ' toilet oaao, hoping that you will ever , remember your many schouimaloi. ' Signed on behalf of thu school: â€" How- I ard Smith and C'uuiford TboniiKon. CORNS CURED, ^^ ^^ sm B^ ^^ l\ 24 n0UR.S You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or hleedinK, by appIyiiiK Putnam's Corn Kxtractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no uclds; l.s hiiriniess, because composed only of heallns grums and balm.i. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, 25c bottles. Itefuse substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLItS CORN EXTRACTOR MANY CALL IT "The Best Editorial Page In Canada'* The Toronto Daily Star publithes every day six columns of editorials and editorial festuret â€" aad there'* not a dry line in the six columni. John Lewta, author of "The Life of Jolin Brown" (Morang's Scries) hat ievf equals in Canada. He' is by many considered to be second only to Goldwin Smith as a master of English. JoMph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he was editor of "Satardsy Night", is known throughout Cansds as a keen, cle>-er and witty writer. Hit cables and letters on the British elections from England, where he was tent by the Stsr, have attracted wide attention. Two things to be specially noted about all the Star's editorials are first that they are always fair â€" no bitterness or biased partizanship â€" and second that they are never dull, but deal in a bright way with the subjects in which you and your neighbors are interested. In a lighter vein arc the "Chronicles of the Khan" â€" delightfully humorous-pathetic studies from real life, particularly rural life â€" "Uncle W^ilt's Comer" of clever poetry in prose â€" and "A Little of Everything" â€" that you can always count on for a pleasant ten minutes. A regular reading of the Star's Editorial page will keep a man informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not subscribe now ? • $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Tonnio Daily Star" together for one year, $2. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star A Wrilkcitim inau is starting a UHrseiy' â€"the kind that glows trees and small fruit K, not Imhies. / No Disordered Kidneys ! si pericoe. Ceylon Meat Market Or a^Weak Bladder if You Take A Few Doses of FIG PILLS :::: •••• FJesherton. «:: Farms For Sale or Rent VAItM TO llENT-100 aerw. -Miply to â- P JOHN wmOHT. KlMberton. All Bsckache and Distress ( < )ut. ! of-ordcr Kidneys or Kludder Trouble will vanish, and you will feel Hne. Lame Ilnck, Painful >St.ilcheH, Kheuiimtism, Nervous Headache, Diz/.inos8, Sleei»lets- ness, Wornout, "Sick Feeliny and other .,,,.,,,, , , , - symptoms of Sluguish, Inactive Kidneys All kinds of fresh and smoked meas, „nd Liver di.sapposr. Smsrlin?, Frc- head cheese, BauHnye, ulways on hand l „ue„t Cin.nion and nil Bladder Trouble 1 Cash ))aid lor hides. ! j.,„,^ j^jf; pjjj .. g„ ^^ „„<,„ [„ ,1,^ \ disordered Kidneys, Illitdder and I 'ri- ' nary System, and complete a cure before you know it. There is no other renedy, i 1 at any price, which will otfuct so thor- I â- . iiusih and permanent a cure as a 25-L'ent I l)dx of FIG PILLS. Only cmativo re- sults can come from t.kkiui; Fill PILLS, and tt few doses mean, active, heal- thy KiJneyM, IlUdderand Lfver- -snti No Will buy your ledger and all your DottiS or advance yon money ou til em. Inntirance. of every cIsm written, placed ill safe land liberal uoiu- paiiies. *I.<>tiif. tiiaraiiteo b'^nflf . etp. W'ito (or KItKK KEI'OitT on your doubtful accounta anil Dote«. Telopbone I'.i. â- ••• •••• â- :::: 1 :::: I •••• •••• •••• #••â- •••• •••• •••• 4y«^ ••{{••••••••«••«•••••••••••â- . ^€Ssl J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's ii<AUM KOK H.\LKâ€" 1«0 acres, :iO cleared, balance hardwood bnah ; never failing •prinK uood : will sell forSlMOon Tey eaa) t«rnis. Apply to WM. ('. HTKAIN, I'rotou fiUtloo. mar ti F'.KliU FOlt HAl,K-Vory cheap, 100 aurec, lot 0, con. 7. Ospray, only 93000, reasonable eaati i>aynient. balance easy terms, B.*, acriw I'laared, well fenced and in liiKli state of rultl- vation, balance tiuiljered, i{<x>d conifortable frame dwellinr. stone cellar under, never fall- init spring well and windmill (lunip at door, baw frame barn, well (Mulshed, stone atabliiiK with spiiUK water under, also iu abed. It la aitoated i mile Iroin Maxwell yillaea where I there are stores, post offices, i^ooil sulu>ol ♦ 3 and is on the vravel road. Ui miles Irniii railway lid at once, above price, tlinuun niiitht lie shaded a llttlp. Kleaherton, tf station. If snld at once TEitv i:hkap Auply to a. J. HI'ItOLLK THUMAS OUY, onpruiKiaei, Ii'AiTm KOU 8AI.K-X,or'lorT'«u. II, and and north half liOt 10, t'on, lOU, (Hpruy, ISO aoios : a first class farm ; good brick hnuse aad good barn 02 x 7i! with cement Htabling ; farm well watereil by |{oud well at lioiise and never failiiiK spring creek ; well fenomt and in a first class state of cultivation. Kor price and terms apply ontee premisea or address It. J. CoiAtoKTiK. Keversliaiii. Janl&tl l^c* sale cheap or runt, iininedlate possesfion. " IjoI aoct II. !♦ Artetiiesia, about V5 acrea clear, comfortable log bouse and frame barn. AnplytoK I 8uroul«, Flesharton, or John J Martin . acroaa the road from said loti For sale cheap and on easy terms, goo<l com- foriablu frame dwrllini;. Ktalilu and driflng nouae wtt4i tli<-ee villajje lots in Ceylon- Dwell- ing well built and flnlshed and good bearing •rchard on the proiierty. Apply to â€" KJ Ki'noi I, K. Kleaherton. ISread delivered regu- larly and kept for sale ut the following stores: (.'olIiiiHon's and J, Pattison's, Ccyh)n \V..Mdcorn & .Soii'.s and P. McArthur'H Price ville N. McCannell's Proton Station U. Heixm's, Maxwell .\. Hutchinson's and Robinson's Fevcrshani H. Cairns', J.K.I.iftrge's and R. Parks', Ku^enia Bakery 2j or o 3 « e 3 Uackaclu Kor snle ut all tirst class dnij; stores, 25o a box, or five for one dollar. aprl4 FISH FISH FISH Now that the roads aru'so Ijad I can- nut ni'tke my regular rounds, but have on hand lake SiiperioriSalnmn Trout and While Fish, also r>ake Erie Her- ring;. Parties can be supplied a> my residence, Cidlingwood stroet, Flosh- eiion. IotlU, con.A, Osprey containing 100 acres, 86 â- 'cleared, fiauie hnuse. frame barn, stone foundation: orchard, well watered. One thousand down and halaiine to suit pnrohsur. Inimedlati' possession Apply to K. N. KiN'NKAR Matwell I>. O. Animals for 5ale I Imvi' a Hue lot •'( young |>igs bro'i (rimi prize winning stock, for sale. Also 1 f;oi>d K«rkshii)- Inig, two years old. Write ine for prioeii. I can giir » banrain also ojnaraiiti'C satisfaction on all nniil order.'. lico. W. JIOSM. Maxwell 1'. O. Bulls, etc., for Service. An escrilent purs brml Shorthorn bull, â- Assyiian liniierial, ' for snrrics, on lot 1 /, , ~, Artriucaia. Terms »1..10 for gradas. *J- -*• Flemmjf, H . U A D L K Y, Dealer in fiosh lish only. SPill .\ <i TK R M ^ at I he -<:HAH. HTAKKOltD. :H, COD ap7 'rAMWOVtilf- A uTcelot of young aioeilor ^ aaleâ€" all ages, Ineludingtsoina sows ready to braeil. Hard headed by pura bred noar, .Auiber King. BuLSTEIN -Ilellfan Conoordla Diikn No.'l72«Si â- ire.QusenDekoraDuke No. (.US'.) Dam, Ilellfan (kineordlaDekol, No.(<:i«;.i Thia )DunR animal •aiaas from a heavy milk producinglaiullyaud ahould be of ioteresi to dairy breadsm. -RICHABO ALLRN, I.ot 170, Slid K, T and H roail, Flaahsrton Ont. I South Line, Artemcsla l>. Meljean liiid H very successful .â- sale I lust week l«>fore leaving for the wjst. I Iteta Kiniiel was a j^uest at Mr. I I). McMillan's. 1 James Turner siicnt die |just wo^k wilh friends in Toronto. I Miss >leniiie McLusn acc<>m))itiiied her i cousin, Misa Jennie Whyte, O.D.R., to Toronto. ' .Alex. Piviiiek, MnxwdU, K|iont a few (lays on this line. Frank Cairns spent the iwst two weeks with his uncle, D. McMilluii. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore »nd fam- ily. Orange Valluy, were guests at the former's home lioru. Mr. and Mrs. John Heard wore guests at A. Dingwidl's. John and his bride leave fur Notre Dame thin veek. lliiddy Bros, intend puttinj,' 'i piece to their barn this sumnior. Thoy are prc- purin<,' to put up ii resiilonuu in the tJic next year, (til Willjcrt McLean spent Sunday with hi.H friend, Jolm White, O.D.R. Quito a nuniber of the young men from thia vicinity went west. S<miu of the gills arc feeling lonesoino. (^heer up, •{iris, tlieie are as good lisli in the sea as ever weiecaunhl. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs.W. Uichardson in their wid bevoave- iiii'iu in llie loss of their eldest son. .loe was Well 1-nown in this neighboihuml. Hiiriy up t l.D.R.cor. luid don't let the S. Ijino beat you for news. WANTED! .\ repre-entalivc for Flesh- eri(>n. This is the time lo sell nurse* y slock. Wo pay liliitHlly and ofl'er plondy onipl-iyineiit. Our lisl of speciBltieB enihraces a rare and choice list of rendy Kclleis in both frnil and (irii.tmo Hal ftock, seed po- tstoc-S etc. Write for terma and csialog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries (K'sisblisht!d 1837) ToronU, - Ontario Norris Bros., "'""Tnst Tinsmiths JUST ARRIVED ONE CAR LOAD of Frost wire and fence. Buyinif in this ()wan - tity we can siive you money ou FROST COIL SPRIN(5 WIRK. FROST WOVEN FENCE at from 5 to 7 ceuls per rod less tlian last year's prices. PAROID ROOFING The same good ijualily at the same low price. Every sipiare sruaran- teed. Parties buildini/^will do well to get our price on their hardware bill, save troughing, furn.tces, etc. We carry a complete line of pumps for deep wells, .shallow wells and cisterns. X\^o sinks, siak stsnds and all cannections. We are .agents for the EnitlisK Liquid House Paint. Quality guaranteed in all our lines. Where the Good Norris Bros. goods come from Fesherton. I have for aarylca a I'uro boak', No. 7^M. 1(1 ed Mull. Broad on lot 10. cou. H. Wsprey. Tarojatl. - JAMP.H imitMH, Kinrerabain, (int. Oiren Hound Coin in jhices Tuesday, March 2!i, I'.IIO. INDIVIDUAL IN.STIU'CTION IN ALL BUSINESS SL'BJECT.S. Information Froo. 0. 1). Fleming, Ptincipal. Secretary. WOTIOE la hereby Riven that a iiruw'wa,! K""" Church, Lcamin^ton, Oat., on . ^if"'\ .'•J *''• .""'';'''?!.! '2"""'.' w' "i* ^Lirch 7, decided to extend a call to Rev townahiu of Arteniesia nn the Ittli day of March. A.I). 1U10, providing for the isauo of dcliea ttiree to tlieanioiint of lll:t,UOO, for the purpose uf enabling the Townahip uf Arteniesia Contiii' nation Holiool Hoard tn erect and t <|uiii aaohof.! hoiisii in the said I'oDtluiiation School DIatriut si.ri that such llylaw was registerol iu tira Kegiatry (mice for tho Hoiith Itidinij of the Connty of dray, ou the lOtb day of March, A, U. 1010. Any motion to <mssh oi set aside Tbe thoroughbred ithortbnra Hall, "Hsrl Oray," 'iH'Jt. will bo for rurvlca on lot M. ooo, a, arteniesia. The pedigree of thia fine aainial van be seen >i • 1 1 ><'<•• i'. tin is ANRBEW r>OW .fioprlatoil Tborouehbred Hull from imported atm^k, also Taiuwortli tloar for trrvice en lot UI. T. A H. .. Arieiuvafa. 'M \ut. •lOHN AOAIia. Pie^; tha aama or any part thereof must he nia^ii witbin thrru inontbs after theflist publication of thia notlca, and cannot be made tkereaftsr. Data<i tbe litth day of March, I'.IIO.â€" \V. .1. llBi.i,.tMT, (lark. C! V. nrown and white leghorn eggs for hatch. * 'â- inc. Klook headed by best male liirda proem bMh. nnea flrst prize cnckerol at Ouelph poultry show last fall. One dollar a sotting. { .\lsa some nrit class seed oats. Lot 30, ron. .'> I Atlaiuasia. - t'HAS. HTAKFoItD. A. W. She,ihord. of Markdule. The call haflyot to O'lme bffors the Presbytery of Chatham to bo sustained, and nbo before the Pi-Mbylery of OwenSuuud, and while it will not be definitely settled for a month yet, it is prubaliU that Mr. Shep- herd will be transferred to T^eamingtnn. Leamington is a tuwH of 'ivcr .1000 in- hahitants, and is 'M\ wiles east of Windsor on Lske Brie. It has all the modern cutivaniancfs, such as waterworks. High School, and is in the centre of the fruit country,â€" Standard. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS V^^^ TO V WESTERN W CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP KATES GOING DATES Arr. 6. 19 JsB* 14, 28 Ai|. 9. 23 Mir 3, 17. 31 Jsly 12. 26 Seft. 6. 20 THROUOB SrECIAl TIAINS TOaONTO TO WINNirEO AND WEST Leave Toroato 3.00 p.a. oa abov* days Through First and Second Class Coaohta, Coloniat and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write K. h. Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto. Ceylon Implement Agency Having been appointed agent for this district uf the McCorinick im- plements, I would ask farmers to interview mo beftjre placing orders fur their spring muchinciy. The best St^ed Drills and Cuiti lators inanufauturrd to-day are built by this company. Something New in a Churn The King Ball Bearing Se]>arator and .^orntor. This is it new idea and Worthy of investigation. Biings butter in front thtoa to dvc ^)inu^es. Priices' reasonable. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon.Ont. BURT I .<ipcclalUt |in Idlsraits ol >he Eye, Ear, Nose'and Throat Office i;U-<-ost St. <iwene»ouncJ .\1 the Uovero house, Mitrkdalo, lat Friday each month from H te 12 a. m. NO. 2 Sayt the Miller : "Old Bill Stuflsps who used to tun (he bake-shqji in our town (old ae (hat 'Cream of the West' Flour GET YOUR WEDDING RINGS JEWELLEKY CLOCKS REPAIRED WWTCHES REPAIRED FOUNTAIN PENS SILVERWARE And everything in th« Jewellery Line, from ARMSTRONG THE FLESHERTON JEWELER SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Tyjio writing. In dividual iustruction. 'Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. Colllngwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College WM the strongest doggone Manitoba Hour he ever beked. It was Bill thai first called me the riou* Wiserd, and even tip to the time of his death he was kind of siispicieua that I put semethiag la the flour to make it so powerful strong. " But Bill was wrong there. • Cteaai of the West flour is Aade from the best whoM, stnd its trangth is the result of ' Model Mill ' Methods." Th< Campbtll Hilling Co., Limited Toronto For Saleby Sprouie, HigginlMitham & Co., Flesh ertcn and James Pattlson, Ceylon. i-.ii i« «« " ' " ~-" ^aA.- I T