March 24 1910 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •-. ESTABLISHED 1173 The Standard Bank of Canada Head Office: TORONTO Record of Business as at 31st January, 1910 PROFIT ASu LOSS ACCOUST â€" BalaacA r*rw&n) so J-iDiunr. I9M . KctlToflu for ifa« xoar ibvlof At the nu or W.36 p«r Mnt. nn avsra;rw p«iil-up Capiul) f^ata a>jst frnwiil>i> ^a Slew SfaKk • « se.s; MHLfM DtTi4*ada paid at t^ rat« ot 12 ptrecat Mr auniun . <*<i«trtbul«)l Ui Uffli:«T«' PMttlon Piin4 . Truufiimaa t« Br»i Avcttsnc lioai ProAU PrejBium on V*w autet • Wntttfii ot Buk l*n«MUn .... W a lancB C*fit»* J orwMil - • . • l«lMl.t» t&OMO GENERAL BTATEHEST - Buotrscn Ook*. SllTn lad Ujal r«aden Dbb by ottkT baulu - • . . . UuwnuDoat ajid utk«r R«nds • Xmm on i'AU MCXini hr Bond^ «t«. BtfiDlKOUBlCll ... ... ConmmaM Dvpodt t*! ictrure CimiUtioa Biak PTMniH*. ttc. •tbaAaea Tonnta, Sin Junuiy, 1911. tut «3.:4S,i«u.i>; l..*M.uU.« 3.w>;.ii«.i;,iti«.<ii I'M.OOO.OO lxl.dW.» ♦»>.nt.r5a.« ^ LtABtUTur Capital pal'l up . ... BvarrT« Knml ami ProlU« * - N>jTf.H in ClKulaUoo - • • â- • DrtKMiii ... DivtdAiMia .... Due to otter Buti . ..^ . _ . >».a i.iW.»r.M a.«as4 :i(.;au «10. P. SCnOLFIELD. Geiienl Maoaf er. VICINITY CHIPS Spring. Miss EIIa Karstedt spent Sanday wi Dandalk fiiends. Mr. Ed. Sloan of Kimberley visited To those who thought all Uie pine wan i gnoe from this part of the country it was a ger.aiae sarpriae to see several sticka of stiuare piae timber bruuitbt into town last week. They were all large, but nne â- . .specially bJK s'ick measured up 200 ' square feec It was a f;reat stick. Other* ran from 75 to 100 square feet. Word was received here this week of of the death of Mr. Woi. Ward, who for liv- {riends here Ust week. The 'bus man took to the wheels for! ^1,^ p^gj twelve years or so has been the first time on Monday, ' in!{ with his daughter at Corentry, Oit. The Sprio); .Assizes are in progress at Mr. Ward was a resident of this part fur been tke county town this week. Miss Willa Wright, who haa teaching at Dorno<-h, is at home. Mrs. O. Brooks of Bawlf, Alberta, is the gueat of Mrs. It. Moore in town. Mr. Andrew Maejjhar, near Buoesian visited at the honae of W. J. Cas- well • few days U«t week. Messrs. T. Henry and D. McTaviah were in Owen Sound last week looking after the plans for the new rural school- Mr. S. Caswell of Deloraioe, Man., Visited for the past two weeks with hi* ftrather,W. J. Caswell, otthe gravel road. Mr. WatsoD cut oat a small quantity bI lawlogs here last week. He has a couple of months' sawing tte Durham Road on stock got tkis winter by himaelf and Mr. CMwell. As a result of the flume leaking at the â- ugenia power house we were a ^ood many yeara, and was well known. He leaves two sons and one daughter â€" Mr. Edward Ward, putlic school initpec- tor for the town of Collini>wo«d ; Heury Ward, teacher at Thorohill, and Mrs. Thomas Graham of Coventry. The old gentleman was 83 years of ag^ With The Chnrches. At 7 o'clock (or soon after) on Friday evening last a goodly number of men sat down to a sumptuous repast in the Bap- tist chapel, thereafter to listea to an ad- dress from geiitlemeii who carried the flag of the Baptist Laymen's Missionary Movement. After a feast of good things the chairman, Pastor J. V. Laushland, introduced the speakers, Mr. W. Senior of Toronto and Rev. P. C. Cameron of Owen Sound. The first speaker. Rev. Mr Cameron,impreased upon his hearets ithont ^^^^f obligation ia the matter cf missions at out W. tk* electric lights on Sunday night. It appears that the water got on the belt of the dynamo, causing it to slip. Another ease of the water wsgoa interfering with tke juice. Mioa Alice Nicholson, who has been werking with the Archer Light, Heat Vid Power Co. of Toronto as stenogia- pker and book keeper, for some time, fcst week received the appointment of secretary for the company. The Advance tenders congratulations. and the wonderful opportunity of the present to evangelize the peoples of the earth. It w«s a force- ful, eartie-;' r.>ttHing addresi* snd Okrried conviction. The second speaker Mr. W. Senior, began where the first speaker ended and having the interest of the meelinK from the be^tinuing. He outlined the policy of the present move- ment and related ho« successfully it had awakened many churches and coramud- I ities from their condition of apathy. He I likened the preeeac movement to the A proposed bylaw to cotae before the evangelistic effort of tiie e«rly church. Coanty Couucil at its June session in yt^g, speakers of the eveninu were Hanover authorlies the isineof 1*20,000 Messrs M. K. Richardson, W. H. Bunt, debentures tot the parpose of building gangster HemphiU. T ChUlett, and aa addition to the Durham registry office Xu^ter Phillips. A local committee was and building bridges in the county, the appointed, and after a vote of thanks to debentures to run twenty years. I the Udies and the speakers the meeting The beautiful weather of the past week closed with singiotr the doiology. kas resulted in taking away a lot of the i xhe edict has been issued for a specisl aaow, but there is considerable in evi- meeting of Orangeville Presbytery to be deuce yet. Down in the Kimberley val- held in Chalmers' church, here, on ley the roads are perfectly bare. Mai!- Thursday afternoon. March 31st, for the carrier Weber h«8 to ase both wheels and iudoction of Rev. G. S. Milligan to this oattier this week in order to get His Maj- charge. The ministers appointed to of- vesty's aik through. Mr. Ed. Bast met with a painful accident on Monday. He was cutting the limbs off a small tree which he was hoidinii with one hand and chopping with tke other, when lu some manner he miss- ad the limb and the ax came down on the back oF hi* hand cutting it to the koae. Charles Wolfe, dealer In clothing jewellery and furs, with headquarters at Fleshertoa, left on Tuesday evening for New York, where he will spend a month liciate are Revs. J . A. Mathesou, Price- ville ; James Buchanan of Dundalk, Dr. McKenzie of Shelburue, auJ W. M. Morris of Orangeville. The service will commence at 1.45 p.m., and is.opcn to all. â- ASTBR PROGRAM, UKTH0DL1T CHURCH. Morning â€" Hymn, "He dies, the friend of sinners dies." Choir, Jesas is living again." Scripture, I. Cor.. 15 : 20-28, and 25-58. John 20 : 118. Hymn. "Corae, ye *aiat8,K>ok here and wonder." Choir, "Up from tho grave he arose." Hymn,"Chri8t,the LoJd,ia risen to-day." Evenins â€" Hymn, "Our Lord is risen from the dead." Anthem, " Awake, visiting a br,>ther, who live* there. He j ^^^^, ^^^ ^^^j^^, ;( „j^^; left his outfit in charge of Robert Plantt, Sttgenia. Through the favor of W. J. Kerr, an aid Flesheitou boy and now ..f New Westminster, B. C, The Advance receiv- ed a sheaf of Vsnconver newspapers which made very interesting reading. are past. Scripture. Matthew 'iS : 20. Duet and chorus, "The weary night is ended." Hymn, " Sons of 0>id, triumphant rise." Address, " Ho is risen." Anthem, "The angels message " Hymn, "Christ, the Lord, ia risen to-day." We welcome you to Easter worship. Stoae SettkoKBt Intended for last week. 'Mr. Edgar Pattrrsoq mvt with a.paia- ful accident recently. While bi(ttin<{ in Markdalc he fell and broke bis lex beltiw the knee. We hope tu sea him around suoo I Mr. Frank Harrow lias taken a position | in Owen Sound. Miss Roby Stone visited in Flasht^rton over Sanday recently with h>-r friend, { Miss F. Colquetttf. ^ large number from this line attend- ed Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's sale last week. Mr. J. Spicf r of Egremoni; was a caller at Mr. O. Spicer's recently, Misi Emma Whituker cave a birthday party to a number of young people on Wednesday. Mr. Ri>b«!rt Spicer is home again after visiting friends in Owes Sound and Wiar- ton. Not only have ths robins cam* back to bring us iidiniiS of spring, but the Easter bonnets arj* already nut. Straw hats pro- tect the complexion from the March winds and sua. PhospkoBol the Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the body U) il.s proper teiiKioii ; restores vim and vitality. I Ih-cmature decay and all sexual weaknens : I averted at once. Phosphonol will make | L you a new man. Price $3.(lO a Ixix, or ! j two for $5.00. M.niled to any address on \ receipt of price. The ScobeU Drug Co., I St. CatharlneH, Ont. Odds and Ends FOR SALE For some time past an old man with a team and a sleigh has been tr^vellinx from bouse in the w«rstem portions nf Biuce and Huron C'luntit^s begging seed prain and 'ither assistance from the far- mers. His place of residence be stated to be near Wiart^n. Tho st-ry he told was one of mishaps aad mi!ifortDn>*8, bereavement, losses by fire and the de- struction of three sucofssive crops by grasshopners. On the streoath of ibis atury he waa reoelved ""y many wiih the open hand of sympathy, gatheiing up in tills way bushels of grain, grain bags, and ia sinue instances <ifts of money to assist him iu resuming; busmesa. .\ party to whnrn he recently applied became sus- picious and waote lo Wiartou for infor- mation concerning him. That informa- tion has been receceived fr«jm g"od author- ity, aud recitfs that the old man bears in his own nt-ii{hhorhnod anything hut an enviable reputation The story he tells of his misfortunes is a fabrication. Be ownit, it is said, considerable live stock and 200 acres of land which he I's too lazy to work. His begging operations have been unusudly successful. Lirge quan- tities of grain, sometimes as much as iwo or three loads per week have been (hip- ped to Wiarton station and thence hauled aw«y by his sons, or others, and sold. â€" HoUtein Leader. The Ripley Express s lys : The only way to stop the family quarrels in Walk- erton is to call out the volunteers. The members of the lowu council hare all been more or less interested in la* suits, and one member was brought before a court of justice for awearinif. and the newspaper man was arrested for bribery and in now facing a libel suit. The chief constable has been dismissed and almost every citizen is endeavoring to " get even " with his neighbor. What a sad state *f affitiis for a county town. A quantity of hardwood slabs for sale ; at Rockvale mills. I Buy Frost wire and Frost fence from Nurris Bros., and save money. Hay for saleâ€" A.Beattie has a few tons pressed hay for sale at 315.00 jier ton. Nurria Broi. are sole agents for Frost coil spring wire aud fence in this locality, White Wyandotte and S. C. Brown | Lechora eggs fur batchini.'. Levi Betts, I Kleshertun. apr 1.3 â- For Saleâ€" «)00 feet of 1 inch hemlock lumber 12 feet long, also 1000 feet of 2 lucli dry heuiluck plank 12 teet lon^. Ap|»ly tu Miss Ann Beecroft, Lot 24, con. 8, Ariemesia. ap21 Eggs for Hatching â€" Rhodj Island Red Leave yuur erders early Rose and .single comb, the latter beaded by cock tuat scored ov r 90 points at O. S. poul try show. One dollar per setting of 15 for beet, others 50c. per d-jzeo. W. H. Thurston, Fleskerton. LOST AND FOUND Lost â€" In t'lcsbettOQ, on Sunday, Mar. 13, a plain gold beauty piu set witb small pearL Leave at Advance oltice. Mitt Lost â€" Dogskin mitt, between Fleshertoii and Kouk Mills, on Monday last. Fiuder plea;»e leave at ^t his office. Reward. Gives Ton Power to Resist the Cold and Winter Diseases. To serve â€" heat in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Sold by all grocers, 13c. a carton ; two for 2Sc. r MILLINERY OPENINGS i Tuesday. March 22nd and the following days. r « r ^ ^ r ^ ^ r V ^ ^ WANTED Waited â€" First-clasb faim band for a t<;rm of seven months cummencinK .\prii 1st. Apply stating wages expected for the term, to B. S. Culquette, Hawarden, Sa-ik. SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS The Couucil of Aneraeaia want applica- tions from owners of traction engines to run >t«ne crusher f jr the coming season, also ipplications tor man to run road grader, the same ic be left with the clerk by 1st Monday in April. A good house and Rardeu with stable (o rent at Eugenia, also one kitchen cab- inet fur sale. .1. U. Jamieson, owner. .\pply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. Farm Fob Salk or Rbntâ€" Lot 69 and 70. 2nd con.. N. D. K.,Artemesia, situat- ed at Port Law. This farm >» composed of 84 acres, well watered, fnime house and small frame l<arn, good orchard. If ."old terms will be made to suit purchaser or will be rented for a term of years. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Chats- worth. MISCELUNEOUS W. A. Armstrong licensee. issuer of msrriage Free swadust ac Rockvale mills. Come and gel it. .\ttention is drawn to Morley <.t Baker's sdvt. in another column. ffhe Warning of ICr. Geo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by All. Also there was an exceedingly interesting p^ ^^y^,^ p^^^^ p^^^^ Pillsâ€" the Wife's Friend. A reliuble regulator ; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly power- ful in regulating tho generative (lortion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr.'de Van'.s ui-e sold at f6 00 a box, or three for flO.OO. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines. Ont. booklet booming Vancouver. V*iict>uver people arc great boosters. They have the goods and the boosting is easy. We are pleased to not* Mr. Kerr's success in nal estate. May it never be less. There is an epidemic of colds travelling «rouad iu this section. Few families kave aacapad. Among the many charm- fag features of a new-born spring it is a pity that these epidemics should intrade thMnsalvea. They have the effect of . , . ftaookiag out ton. of choice spring poetry. ^ valuable col he do« be longiog to a •iidal«> Und to prevent the young aian's ^^"^•' named Robert Ric, living m the tlMught. of love from flying to the point ''«»•'/ «>* *^""'^° v.llage.P.rth county, afcomp... where Tertnyson said they '-••»•** ''•^»""' •"^^f~"t*. «ight be found about this s^ison of the «*'• »•» "*"'l *" •"f«l fight befor. _,^_ I being killed. The animal, which had _. ... . „. . I been confined over night, ahowed strange a.?;rs'r:2(rX2t*r •^-p'- - •«"'« •- ?- '» ">• -r •* aoaeart git ea by th* Freeman sisters of ••^ ^^a farmer follewed it into the Urn. OiMit«w<nt)i in November last, and will It w*a equipped with the regulation kail with dolight th* anaoaaooment that metallic moale, but tore it off and chewed tk**e talented young ladies will give us another treat on W*dn*sday evening of aext week in the town hall. They will Few men on the road are better known than senlal George Fox. whose friends throughout tlie West are legion In the following letter he expresses gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. He goes on to say: "Until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills aad experienced their wonderful mildness and curative power. I esti- mated the value of every pill by Its activity. Talking about this to a well- known physician I met on the train the other day. he explained there are different kinds of drugs that act upon the bowels, the most active lielng known as drastic- Except In extreme coses where the life ot the patient depends upon speedy evacuation of the bowels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and Inflammation: their dose must be Increased, causing even more barm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr- Hamilton's Pills are curative and not irritating, why they are mild, yet most searching. "From my experience I recommend ever>'one that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, purging pill, and. Instead, to u»c Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation, tmd stomach, and keep the system In perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; sold for 86c.. all dealers, or The Catarrhoione Co., Kingston. Ont. When iu town don't fotitet lo take home a nice fresh salmon or white fish. H. Radley, dealer. Uaviiiff leased the sawmill at Eugenia, I am prepuied to do all kinds of custom sawing. R. Haney. The undersigned is pre(iared to do all kinds of stimework aud plastering. Re- pairing prjmptly attended to. J. O. Patton, Fiesbertnn. Box 241. We again extend to all the ladies of the village and surrounding country, a cordial invitation to attend onr millinery openings on CU^S{|3y» Uedtiesday and Cbursday ot next week The show room is in charge of l1)iS$ BtOWII^ who needs no recommendations, as her services here, during the fall season, highly recommended her. She has, with the able assistance of Misses Collinson and Beattie, spared no pains or time to make the show room inviting and the hats as ftishionable as ever shown in the town. Have a look around and be convinced that they are the most up-to-date hats that you have seen. Dress Goods On a par with our high class millinery, we have on exhibition a full range of dress goods iu all the leading shades and the quality of the goods cannot be excelled. By careful choosing I think we have the most up-to-date line of goodx that cnuld be found anywhere. The prices arc right, ranging froir. 25 cents to S2,50 per yard. If you contemplate buying you would do well to drop in and have a look. Also our wash goods are very fa!«hionable. MulLs flowered or plain, and striped serges, which are being shown very strongly in the cities. Prints, as usual, we have a full new range of them that will speak fur themselves, when they are seen. Drop around and see them, whethei J ou buy or not, we are pleased to show them. Carpets dj\d Rugs Now that house cleaning time is near, aud you contemplate recarpet- ing your drawing room, living room or bed room. We have received s fresh stock in this line. Iu rugs we have four of the newest rugs shown iu Toronto, a'l the correct size for either drawing or living moms. We will be pleased to show them to you. *' Gent's Headware Just arrived, a full line of gentlemen's cbristys, in black, green or blue, also fedoras, telescopes, in black, green or blue, iu all the lead- ing shades. They ate the most becoming lot I ever saw. Also a good line of spring caps, which ara selling very fast on account of their quality and the up to-dateness of the cap. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. ^K^^^^^XXk X 9^ ^ X^^X^XXK^^ Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipatitn Ceylon Literary Society will hold a concert in the schoid house, on Friday evening, March 25. Program of drills, dialogues, instrumental music, etc. Ad- mission 36 and 15 cents. The Baptist Sunday school are giving an entertainment on Friday, March 25, at 8 o'clock ill the Baptist church. .\ splendid pmgram has been arranged. In aid of new organ fund. Freewill offering. To those who want to have a good ap- (tearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in brst class style. Ba.sket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. The Ladis' Aid, Presbyterian church, Eugenia, will hold a nieKsuriug social, iu the home of Mr. Jacob Williams on Fri- day evening, Match 25. The measuring sociiU is given to you, 'tis something novel as Well as new ; the invitation is to all, three cents for every foot you're ta'l. Measure yourself on door or wall,â€" an extra ceni for each foot give, and thereby show how high you live. The music and recitations, refreshment and pleasure, we will give you free at our social measure. ^,4 US $«i*ve u We would ju^t say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladie« and children. Rubbei-s and Overshoes â€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap ^ AT ^ again b« a*sitted by Mr, Turn*r, who u a thorough master of the violoncello. Mis* Eileen Freeman ha* been teaching a choral class here all winter. W* be- apeak a crowded hou«a for the young liiiae. Popular pticee. it to pieces. It then attacked the farmer, who seized a piece of gas pipe aud suc- ceeded in reachiog the house, although he had to fight every foot of the ground, as the dog was very large aud powerful. Securing his gun, however, ho shot the GARDEN SEEDS We have a good stock of garden and flower seeds. They «re STEELE BRIGG8 a!«d RENNIES You will make no mistaku by buying our seeds, Tbey t^re alt fresh aud will bring results. Drop in and make your selec- tions early. All grades of Fnrd's Flour ; als" Ontario Bran, Shorts, low grade Flour, etc. Wright, the Grocer Art and Scieace of Garment Cutting Young men wishing to learn the art and science of garment cutting will do well to see me and make arrangomeals for a course of instruction, the system taught will be the most thorough and up to-date the only system in the world where every short measure can be applied to the draft. Having taken my diploma in London, England and New York Cutting Schools, have had 31 years experience in practici\l tailoring in England and America, there- fore I am able to guarantee tho bott pos- silile results to any young man wishing to learn the soieaoe of garmeiit cu'.ting. The system taught by mail to those be- ing unable to attend in person. Fur terms of instruction and all particulars. .\pply to F. A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Tailors Flesherton, Ontario COLLINSON BROS/ CUT-RATE STORE Great Clearing Saleâ€"Srari^riii; 'r^s store h«s been reduced to cost. N\ hal i.<! our loss is your pain. Come early and get your choice, for every thing must go, reeardless of cost, as tho pro- prietor is going out of business. ishare. in the bargaius we are giving in every line. Best American Coal Oilâ€" 5 gallons for 96c 5 gallons of best 80o Oil for 76c Winds<>r Fine Salt, per barrel 1,85 4Uo Black aud Japau Tea, per pound 86e Royal Yeast Cakea, per package 4o 4 pounds Raisins for , , 29o 50, 60 and 75c, winter Caps for SSc 3 cans Tomatoes 36o 3 cans PcD.s 85c 3 cans Corn 86c Medium size Lamp Glasses 3o Best qualify Extracts, 3 for , SBo Jelly Powders, asst flavors, 3 for 84o Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at a great reduction â€" some away below cost. Hardware and Dry Ooods also reduced. Every article in the si'ore marked sway down. No reserveâ€" so first hero first served. Collinson Bros,, "The Upright House" Ceylon, Ont. GarBeld Wahl, a young man 18 yeara f One man waa heard to sayâ€" "Dog* aM oUL of Gaitick. cut his foot slightly with | „„ d-d good anyway, shoot them all and an axe while working in the bush. Ho walked home, took off his boot and sock, \ and while h's mother waa examiuing the \ cut the young m*n expired in hi* chair, ^jtistify th« slaughter of tha whole humaa Death w.ts due to heart failure. race. - Bark's Fall* .Krrow. be done with it.'* The same m%j be said of lonie men. but that would scarcely