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Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1910, p. 4

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%*"**â-  â- â-  March 24 1010 THE FLESHERTON A iJ VANCE If u tgj^TssTi-TT^-^^T^gjT':^^^ "^ F.T.HILL & Co. xMarkdale K Special Showing of New Spring Goods New Dress Goods Wo have placed into stock many lines of Beautiful Dress Goods. In all the new Weaves and Shades. Gtidlisb Diaaonal Cloths in all shades Satin Cloths in plain and stripes Panama Cloth and English mohairs Muslins and Dress Linens We wriiild urge you not to forget that we ri-o .sliowirie; a buautiful rnnge of these goods in white and leading colors. Men' s and Boys' Natty Spring Clothing We liave placed into stock tlii> week a 1)!^ shipment of men's and boys' suits, the finest we have efer shown, at prices from flU.OO to tlO.OU. Conio in and let us show you choiu. Wall Paper Our ' great will paper sale still continiius. Prices the isanie as previoutly advertised, Spring Millinery Our millinery Department Olill Be Ready Chursday With all the latent styles in hnta for J^aster. New and up-to date goods in every lino of Millinery has been placad in stock. Call and inspect for yourselves. It will pay you. fe s i yg^ji i ^y iE^i ^^^'g i fl g g;^^ •• CHILDHOOD has l)lighted many ilvaa bacausa the pain oausetf thafeby produeaa an aversion to study. Th» backward child toe eftaq Meomaa th* unauecMiful mail' W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FI^ESSHERTOM^ . mi MARKITS. Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Wiieat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats 38 to 38 Pens 80 to 80 Barley 43 to 60 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 Butter 20 to -'O Esgs, fresh 20 '.o SJO Potatoes per l>ag 40 to 40 Geeso 12 to 12 Ducks ... 12 to 12 Chickens 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to .18 •I'HE. An iinleix-iiilcnt ncwKjiapiT, publiMhcd every Tuursday at thf otfice, Collinifwoiid Street, Kltmbertoii. Siiloscriptiou jirice tl |>erunniim, wkmi |«i(J iiiadvitnre; $1..SJ wbeu imt so jiaid. Advertisiiit; ratfn oa application. Circulation 1.U30 wrakly. W.H.Thurston - Editor THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL The building of a rural continuation the man who objects to the proposition' The Colliugwood junior 0. H. A. is doing so wholly from a standpoint oi ^^^^ m^j^gg ^ proud boast. Not one ignorance, and that so soon as the whole '^^j ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^j^j^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ question is fully understood opposition'^ . . will melt away as the snow now melts under the li^ht aud heat of the ((louring sun. HAVE EYES AND THEY SEE NOT "Oh wad the Lord the giftio gie us, to tee ourscls at ithers see us." The Washitii^toD Post sees the aetliux of the sun of the British. It ol>s«rr«s a school fur the township of Artemesia is ^o^al and physical decline on the part of the topic upparoiost in the minds of all at the praaent time, and is being thoroughly Last week a young man was assaulted and roughly handled at Cobalt. lie was suspected of being a whiskey informer â€" an offiser of the law. Another tally, this, showing the class of people engaged in illicit selling. A new $30,000 church will be built in Hamilton. Provision will be entire Great Britain. The lads and las- sies are f ttt filling below the standard, discuwed throughout th. lownthip, usit-Th. prison, are filled with crirainals, made for a gymnasium. Time was •hould b«. Those d,«.u,s.n, the matter. | .^e army with ,hi.ves-so «.ys The Post, ^^.n it was a sin of the de«pePt dye however, should remember that thepro- ,,, ...^g,,,,^ p.;,,,, .^e future in a dark| ^^ ,,,„ ,^i,, „„ ^i,. Sabbath, but now brown hue. Catarrhozone Cures Permanently BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH jeot is secure, and the township will have ita educational inititutioti for all time to c»)me. It will be an a.Hset. too, that the jieoplo of this township will have cause to look u|>on with pride, and use at an .inducement when isllinc; property. It will enhance the value of farm i>roperty, a« Mr. Butt pointed out, lo much more than the value of the taxes paid. Tho asieiacd value of the district amounts to the large luni of 91. 122,198, which means that the taxes spread over a period of twenty year* do not amount to much of a bu){bear after all. The <|uefction of leaving the issnin); of debentures to a vute of the ]>eoplo was made an iasue by two of the Counctllors on Honday uvening of last week. Why nhould this i«sue l>e Ivought forward now, Riore than when the dietrict was formed in the County Council last January ? There was no strong objection then to the formation of a district, and when the Continuation Classoi were Brst formed here it was understood by many of the electorj that a school would h«ve to bo built. The writer heard this statement made by several. In order to lighten the l>urden of erecting this school it was de oided to Kik the County Council to estab- lish a Urgcr dicttict, which done on petition of r«|>reM)ntalive« of the lectioni interested. The sfctiona as originally formad, at least, should unanimously •upport the school board in their action. The great objection which the Board had to Httbmittiug the question lo a vote of the ratepayer* waa the matter of delay. Aa it stands now the timo is far too short to get the sch'iol ready in time for the call* which will be made upon it. TbaBoail realizes that the atrongeat ohjaclpra are eneniiea of the school, and would like to see it knocke<l on the head. It aUo realiee* the fact that aectional biM is a atrong factor in the case, and that this had lo )>e overcome with the weapons placed in its hands by the School Act. It also believes that after this saciional opposition ha* blown over the |ieople of the Township of Artemeaia will se« (he wiadom of '.ha course taken «nd will davelnp a pride in the education- al institution which they have erected, where their children can obtain a hiirh •ohool and attricaltuial trainiag at home, under i>arental supervision, and thu* ob- tain Home of the advinlagea for them- selves that they have b«an |*aying for during past years, that the parenta of children in the narthern aaotions of this county might benelit. Uy establishing this school we are netting returned to u* «ome of the thousand d liars that wa pay each year to high schools on the northern iMirden of thia county, that are practic- ally useloHS to u* as educational institu- tions, and it appears to The Adrance that The picture may or may not be accurate. The Advance is not prepared to aiyue either way. But there is another thing which The Post touched not. In Chicago in one year there were 118 murdets, and in London, Eng., a city four times Chi- cago's size, there were only 20i<iurdersin the same period. The records 46 homicides whole of the British Empire. More people are murdered in <he United States thin are killed by the railways. Ten thousand penons aro murdered in thnl country every year, nhot, strangled, pois- oned, stabbed, or beaten with a club or sand-bag. Of thu murders, two in every 100 are punished. Tho remaining 98 escape absolutely free I Attain would Tho Advance say with Burns "Oh wad the Lord tho gif tie gie UR. to see oursels as ithera see us. THE BRICK WAS HOT Onue upon a time, the story goes, a lichool master observed a brick on tho schoolroom floor near the stove. Stoop- ing down he picked up the brick, but quickly dropped it. The brick waa hot. we see the church itself entering into athletics. Would not the old-time chnrchmcD raise their hands in holy4 terror to witness this awful degroda- tion of the church ? It is well that they have long since gone to thei** re- ward, and that they are not called Slate of Georgia' upon to be witnesses of each a thing. more than the If jome more churchmen bad gone to their reward tka church would ^den its influenca by entering still mere wiJ:;iy into the matter of sports. The great hare their limitations. On May the second a baseball match will be witnessed at Pittsbnrg by President Taft, to whom the whole United States bows in loyaltyâ€" but he will only be able to witness the game. Sitting at ease the great man, an enthusiastic baseball fan himself, must be content to applaud. He oan« not get into the gam* himself. The Tery urchins of the street may bat a kather-covered yarn ball all over the vacant corner lot, but Bill Taft must sit and watch other men playing the game. He may olap his hands and Throw medicine to the dogrs. At best they are unpleasant, often use- less. Tou are sufferlns from some disease of the throat, nose, or lun^s. Doctors call it Broncliltis. Asthma, or Catarrh, or it la a sliaht or severe cold. Germs cause ttieae diseases â€" they have a common root. Catarrhozena destroys disease garmst but it doaa mora, it heaia disease tis- aue. CATARRHOZONE Is little drops of healing carried by air to the exact place where Catarrh exists. Ot)«erve. Catarrhozone not only destroys the caiuie, but immediately repairs the result of diseased condition. Catarrhozone meana little drops of healing carried by air and placed over the lungs, throat, and nasal passagaa. Catarrhozone Is andoraed by doc- tors, druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people who hava u*«d it. The next day ho found another brick by thesK^ve, but casafully wrapped it in a!gri„ ^ight back'to his earsâ€" but the cloth to pick it up The brick waa cold. ^ ^^^^ ^^ „„j j„, j^j^ Truly there An explorer, named Cook, claimed to.^^^ limitations even to the great, have discovered the north pole. Ho returned home and commenced to lecture, gathering in tho sbeckeU in great .,nan- An Ottawa despatch ststoe that an tity. Presently it was discovered that arrangement has bean arrived at between his claims were false. The brick was gir Wilfred Laurier and Mr. M. H hot-and Cook was quickly dropped. Miller, whereby the Commons will be Th* next day, so to apeak, another ei-]giv„n sn opportunity to discuss the anti- plorer, Peary this time, also claimed to iggmbling bill as soon as the Naval bill havs discovered the pole. It is not has been put through the committee tf known whether the brick was hot or cold the whole house. This proUbly means Catarrhozone Yas, Sir. it ia taken in air. "tittle dropa of heating" carried by •ir to weak plaoas in the lung*, throat, and nasal paaaag**. Three sizes: 25c, 50c, and 11.00. at druKKists, or by moil postpaid from The CatarrlMsone Co., Buffalo, N. T., and KtOKSton, Ont. HOMES i CANADIAN PACIFIC this time, but the lesson has been learned, and ha himself inuat prove his ground, for the people will not be scorched a second time. Contrary to reports, Tho Erin Ad- vocate does not spell it "Erin, go brag." coo Tell me, may a "flying visit" be paidtwithout the aid of a flying ma- chiDat In the Hungarian Chamber of Dep- uties inkwells were burled at the mins isters. We had heard that the pen ii mightier than the aword, but this is the first occasion where we have ob- served the ink bottles entering the lists also. For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLEHS* RATES Settlers with Live Slacit and Effects Special Trains leave Toronto 10. 10 p.oi. Tuesdays during HUICH aad ktUL Settlers and witliout Live Stuck should use Reiiular Trains 10.10 daily WINNIPEG fLYLR 58 hours to Wlnniprg Through Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS In which Barlha are Free Apply to ntarsat Agant (or copy of "Settlers' Quide," "Waitarn Canada." Tourist Cars." or write R. L Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P.R.. Toronto. that the tight over the bill in the House will comraeiice just before, or soon after the Easter adjournment. It is doubtful if any lengthy reoominendationa will be mada to the House either by the sup- porters or opponentn of the bill in tha committee. In the House, however, the opponents of the measure will move amendments with tha object of allowing bookmaking but limiting the length of the race meetings, the advertising of the tips, etc. Mr. Miller is quite optimiftio as to the chances of thb bill getting through both Houses. Ho says that if the Houso adopts the bill, by a good majority the Senate will not decline to pass it, nor will it seriously alter the provisions of the bill.â€" Mt. Forest Con- federate. Councillor Scott cf Croemore fell under a lioraa. The animal stepped on his leg and broke the bone between knea and ankle. S. Randi, Agent, Fleiherton J. B. PATTON PAINTER â€" PAPER IIANOER Sign Painting and lllgh-ohisa Decorating A i^peclalty. Office at . , . ;t'L£SHERTON, ONT Custom Weaving The undersigned ia now prepaired to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Plain, Twilled and Satinetle, Carpets, rags and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Ra ga. Colored Wtktf found, 20 cents \n>x yai-d. Striped rags oxtrt. Wn. LEES, FlesbeHoB, Oat ««****«^»l(«JIHISM6li)iei*«*SMSSK*«JK "^^ Ja and Wa BOYD mcrcDaiits Flesberton « Ontario j Spring Millinery Opening Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday We extenil to all our lady cu.stomers a hearty in- vitation to yisit our millinery openings on above date. MissA, C. MacMillan is in charge of the show room. « â-  This week wc are showiug all the new spring goods, the newest and most popukr goods available, including the newest dress goods in the market in fancy stripes and colors, navy brown, olive green and the extra new shades in amethyst aud » ieu\ r jse ; also ginghams, zephyrs, linens, fouLirds and Indian bead suitings. Also prints, muslins, etc. Our regular lino of prints, extra <|uality at 121 cents, and our special at 10 cents. BOOTS AND SHOES In this department we have added tbe Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vertfsing, having gained for itself a reputation sec> ond to none. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. ' The Si al op Cektvihty " Oooovxasc'Wei.t >&£WM. CooorEAi<.WBi.T Akwh The People's 5tore Mai-ch is here and with it comes the preparations for spring. Our atook hiui never been so complete in all the different linee. Beautiful 8uiting.s, delaines dress linens, chambray^, uinghams and prints just opened up, bright new patterns and all the latest shades. We have a special Hue of warranted English prints suitable fur shirts and ladies' bliiuses. It pays to buy a good fhing and these are sure to please. Ginghams in checks and stripes, tho best range of pattern ever before in stock. SPECIAL Prints at 8 and 9 cents, something worth your while to buy. Cottons in all lines having advanced so rapidly it would be impossible for us to offer such barg.^ins in printi were it not for the reason that we bought before the raise. A number of patterns to chooee from in li^ht and dark grounds. While they last at 8 and 9c only. We are busy preparing for our MILLINKRY OPENINGS aud would ask tho ladies to watch our advt. next week for announcements. Our stock of GENTS' FURNISHINGS is complete and we can supply your wants in every line. Tailor or Readymade suits. BOOTS and SHOES at every price. Now is the lime for rubbers- We have a complete stock at different prices. GROCERIES, all fresh and clean. Confectionery the best. Fruits in their season. ^ J. E. LARGE EUGENIA :l H'TJ'RRATT ^"'t»'«"ew spring goods, new prints, ~: ^ 77: / ' R'"8''»'ns. .«lucke. linen^ suitings and Y^i^Fx.,.^ Although cotton goiKls of all kinds have taken A BIO AU VANCt in «• ice I think we can give you better values than you got I.\8t year, as we procured ours before the advance. We have the very latest in boots and shoos for the spring and at very reasonable prices. FURS ^""""Bdnt wait to get furs at spring prices, you 1 f ^ "" f Vi*"" *'*"â- " "°«- "^^^ '« your chance to get a cheap fur or fnr coat. If you are interested call and ask to see them. In all winter goods we give you a real bargain as we want to make room for more spring goods. The very freshest and beat groceries always on hand. so me of Slesl Bngg s first quality clover and grass seed. We have it on hand now. ^as. ^attison (5ejfli on The Markdale Music Hottse To Iiitendod Buyeia.- If you want a hrst-claaa piano or organ call here I sell such high grade pianos as the Hemtzman, ifewoombe, and StanW ofjToronto ; ^^illis piaiios and player pianos, of Montrwil ; and the Wii' Knabe A; Co., of Baltimoreâ€" and other makaa. -gana such as the Thomas, of Woodstock, andrSherlock-Manning onians and player organs of London-both for homes andjchurchea. Any of C goods sold on terms to suit tbe buyer. C. Ta Olilfon, markdak

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