;â- i' :â- m I IW ffli f : OR. THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. STOMACH MISERY msm BT -FMIIT-A-TifEr CHAITKR V.~(Contd) H» leaned tuward the colonel who. on hearing the W()rd, said : 'It is usi'less, my dear Ivan; but tell me, you are .sent, then, on an e-\traordinai-y mission?" â- "So extraordinary that the gen- eral allowed me only two hours to make my arrangements." 'And what is its purpt)rt " "Yourself, my dear Alexis Step- •novitch." "Me! of what am I accused?'' "Of negligence, or rather im- prudence. It .seems you placed all your important papers in a casket and had the singular idea of de- pt siting it with your banker." "I could not but believe it a safer plaoe than my own house. I w*s known to the Nihilists who have age'l^ts everywhere, and was uncer- ta»r> of some 'of my people." "It is not the less true that the bo.v has been stolen, and doubtless by those whose measures you ap- prehend." "True; and I was wrong not to render an account of the affair to those who have a right to know. I had reiasons for acting thus, which I will explain presently. May I ask by wh;>m tii« chiefs have b«,'en so well instructed!" ."You do not suspect? Thwre is, however, a French proverb which asserts that one is never betrayed but by his own.'" "Betrayed by my own! I have hiTe neither friends nor relatives." "Yoa have an intendant, my dear Alexis Stejianowitch," .said the en- voye, laughing. - "Vacilil what; this knave has been acting the> spy on me and cor- responding with the department!" "Hei was authorized to do so, that I cau inform you. You must ba aware that, in foreign parts especially, each one is watched, â€" sometimes by a comrade whom he is Jiimself charged with overlooking. It'i.s a system of mutual observa- tion, ag.iinst which it is u.seless to rccrimin.ile. And I enjoin y<m very earnestly not to let fail your anger upon this subaltern who was, after at;, simp^v exercising his func- ticns." "I will beware of doing si). Ho would be capable of inventing ca- lumnies on me to avenge himself. Porhaps he has already done so, for I suppose he was not satisfied to narrate the story of the casket?" "He wrote that instead of opt>n- i<iK an intelligent inquest you had set to work very clumsily." "Then he has stated that I have laid hold tti)on a young man who was suspected of being the accom- plice of the thieves!" "He has told all. He has exposed th" means to which you had re- course to obtain possession of his person and the embarrassment in BAMiS AS DEYKLOl'KttS OF 01 R RESOt'Bi'KS. Without the sinews of war and the ncci'ssary facilities for doing business very little progress can be made; iu any country. Without our enterprising Banks ready at all times to provide the facilities with a quick transaction of business ; ready at all times to open Branches in the most out-of-the- way places, the progress and growth of this country during the last ten years would have been greatly retarded. Everyone can recall how quickly tlio Banks responded to the need of stable progressive Banking condi- tions in the Yukon when that Dis- trict was opened some years ago A latter and more recent example e.xists in the new Branch of the Traders Bank recently opened at Pfrcupine, The Porcupine Branch of the Trader.s Bank was opened before even proper transportation facili- ties could be had â€" opened at a time when regardless of the future of the district nothing but a heavy loss in doing business cojuld be ex- pected by the Bankâ€" opened also wV^n the need was greatestâ€" when it was most necessary to facilitate Mining transactions, pr^erty transfers and transmission of Cash, Deeds and Documents in connec- tion with the opening of this Dis- trict. The Banks may truly be said to be our nation builders and to their credit it may also bo stated that no better Banking system exists at the prt sent time than that, that at pre- â- ent obtains in Canada. In the North portion of New On- tario the Traders Bank has a string of Branches that afford exceptional opportunities for prompt and .safe methods of conducting business. They now have Branches at Sud- bury. Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay. Porcupine, Vathown and Hailey bur/. which you now find yourself how to dispose of him. He even declared that you were on the point of de- spatching him by the secret means that are made use of on great occa- sions. And I will not conceal from yoi! that he animadverted warmly upon your course." "Criticism is easy, but I should like to know what the rascal would have done in my place. It is true that, despairing of extracting any- thing from this Carnoel. I had thought of sending him to Siberia, but I have abandoned the idea. If you could indicate to me a method of disposing of him without com- promising anythiug, you would oblige me infinitely." "Well, w<' will talk over all this at dinner. And after dinner, if you will, we will go to the opera." "I see with pleasure, ray. dear Ivan Ivanovitch," said the colonel, laughing, "that business dr<e.s not hiiider you from thinking of plea- sure while in Paris." "All goes together perfectly. You shall see. I have reason to believe we shall not lose our evening. But le'. us begin by preparing ourselves. M/ appetite is voracious, an^ I' mean to do justice to the cuisine and wines of France." Wljilst talking they had reaohed the fashionable cabaret recently opened on the Avenue de I'Opera. Borisoff desired nothing better than to enter, for he was greatly annoyed by this bombshell that had fallen into his life, and this desul- tory conversation unnerved him. Wine unties the most di-soreet toi'gues, and he hoped that at table this representative of the great chief would unmask his real pur- pose. Ivan Ivanovitch spoko French as fluently as his own tongue, and or- dered his repast with an ease which gained him the esteem of the wait- ers. No one suppo.^ed hii;i to be a Russian until the end of the first course, when the colonel, who h*d hitherto confined himself to cur- rent trivialities, in endeavoring to lead the conversation back to the interesting topic took the precau- tion to return to his native tongue. He first questiuaod Mouriatme adroitly with regard to the chief and certain employes of the Third Section, and if tliere had still lin- gered anv doubts as to the authen- ticity of the mission with which s-iid Mouriatine declared himself charg- ed, they must have been dispelled by the first replies of that person- age The envoye was thoroughly acquainted with the m>st secret machinery of the administration which he represented. Kvidently he played an important role in the political police. It was the new-comer who took uo the thread of conversation where it had boon droi)ped on the boule- vaitl. "My dear sir," he snid. pouring tue colonel out the do/.enth glass of eliquot, "I must protest in ad- vance against an intention which v. HI might attribute to me. I did "ml come to Paris for the purpose of sustaining your steward against yot«. 1 do not even wi.sh to see him, a-id you may count on his remain- iwg iguonint of the nature of my mission. He need not suppo.se his denunciations have been listened to a; St. Petersburg. But we will c.ni- su"' together whether something better may not be done, liuport- aut papers have been stolen from ye>U , that is unfortunate, but it is not an irreparable disaster ; and in- stead of eoncentrating ourselves on the discovery of the thieves, we must e\tind our operations. It is the chiefs we must roach and not th^ miserable subalterns wlu> do no* even know the real end of the execrable sect with which they are affiliated." "These chiefs I hoped to avrue at by pursuing the simple soldiers, an 11 persist in the bi'li* f th.it if this Carnoel has been concerned in the theft of my papers, it was a wo ma.i who instigated him. and a wo- man occupying a high place in the association." "Perfectly reasoned; but you have not the slightest conception who this woman is. .Between gur- selves, my dear Alexis, since .vou have been in France you might have used more sagacity. Thus, we have known at home that you have been occupied with a number of Russi- an* who reside in or pass through Paris, who are not worth observ- ing It is wellnigh certain that these Nihilist rascals are directed in this country by a French wo- man, and that this woman isâ€" but what is the matter, my dear friend? You are not listening." "Excuse inc." said Borisoff. "a gentleman who entered just now distracted my attention for a uio- â- M. ALCIOC HCaCRT Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que. "I liave been completely cured of a frightful condition of my Stomach throogh the wonderful fruit mediciue 'Fruit-«-tives'. I could not eat anything but what I suffered awfal pain from Indigestioa. My head ached incessantly. I was told to try ' Fruit -a-lives' and sent for six boxes. Now I am entirely well, can eat any ordinary food an^ never have a Headache." ALCIDE HEUERT. sac. a box, 6 for |2.50, or trial box, 25c. At alt dealers or from Fruit-ar tives Limited, Ottawa. tion. It was thus that two months age. she was here openly, under the protection of one of our generals, wh > was here on furlough." "I must at least know her name," murmured Borisoff. "She changes it frequently. \VI .i< I met her it was Madame de G» •- ches. Here she has as.sumed, I am t.jld, some vulgar name. But had you been better informed of what transpires in the camp of adven- turesses, this one could not have failed to attract your attention, to say nothing of her beauty, which is marvellous." "I confess 1 had not even a suspi- cion of her existence," .said the col- cnel. somewhat piqued; '"and un- til the contrary is proved you will permit me to doubt the fact of her having stolen my papers." "She has not taken them wita he.' own hand, but they were stolen by her orders and under her in- structions." "Then she knows me?" "She has possibly never seen yi'U, but she must have been aware of the nature of your casket, and of ihe deposit of this casket with your banker, .\round her swnrm PAGE WHITE FENCES jMe retKtajmM Ortl-^tyla tor Lawns. Pirki. Fmnns and Sallroada. U.OM miles of cSS'faTlSlo'^v^'fifcSSSFS^ in C«nad.. Owr ISIO Fmms .re l>«ter Utan ever. VALKEItVBXE . OH our latest prices unt booklet. THE PAGE WERE FENCE CO, UMITEO I.argest fence snd e»te nunufacturm In Cuiada TO«ONTO MO!«Tl(EAL ST. JOHN WtNNPCG '/KTCMBA MADK TRKDITABLK SHOWING., ment." "That tall young man at tlie otfcer end of the hall?" "Yes. He is the nephew of my barter, and took into his head yes- terday to questiop me as to what I had done with M. de Carnoel. I asked him out of my h<juse. Ho announced that he would send me his seconds. I have not .seen them, but am not without anxiety with regard to that madcap." . _",He seems little inclined to pick a quafrel with you. See, he has taken a seat at a distance, and does not appear to notice you." It wa.s true. Maxime Dorgercs. whom chance had led there, true to his promise to the countess, was not thinking of resuming with the coknel the stormy conversation of the day previous. He did not look toward Borisoff, nor the latter to- ward him. ^ - But the ci>mpanion of the colonel had attracted his attention from the first, and whilst affecting to be abrorbed in the menu, he cast sto- len glances at Mouriatine. "It is strange," he said to him- self, "surely 1 have seen that face Somewhereâ€" and that not long ago either. I have a memory for faces, and this one is not commonplace. He certainly has not a French head. Probably he is Russian, since he is dining with that scoun- drel Borisoff." On their jvart, the two foreigners had resumed their drinking, and talkiug in Russian as before the ar- rival of Maximo. "Let us forget this gentleman and return to th«^ woman of whom we were s|>eaking. We have rea- son to suppo.st" that it is she who conducts everything in Paris, and I uni firmly convinced that she or- ganized the theft of your casket." "You say she is French?" "French by birth, but of Polish origin, and intimately connected with all the enemies of Russia." "It is \ery extraordin.'irv, if she lives in Paris, that she has not been marked out." "She has only recently been de- nounced to the Third Section ; hut y lU might have met with her, for she must have been revolving round you, so to sfieak." "In the world lo which 1 move!" "No, inv dear .Mexis; you move only in the true, and it is a mistake. O".' chief said .so to mo the evening b«*tore my departure." "What world should I frequent to satisfy him ?" ".\ll of them, including the half which vou have entivelv neglect- ed." "Because th^re was nothing to be learned there. Yon know as well as 1 d<i that in this country the fennnes galantes are not engaged in politics, esi)ecially foreign poli- ties They ni;ike the most of «s willingly, we Russians, but they do not conspire against our govern- ment." "There are cx-.-eptions, anil the person whom I have mentioned is om.-," "Then this person is a demoisel- le a eocotte. to speak more pre- cisely "She is an irregular, but not one of the creatures whom one meets ever.\ where. She is very little known. It might be said, more- over, that she is intermittent, for she does not always reside in Paris. Shs is to be seen at Nice, at Mona- c.', at Oeueva. and her journeyings have always one end. It was at Ge- neva that she was pointed out to me last summer." ".\h! vou know her then by •ight?' "Better than that. I got pre;-.ent- ed by one of my compatriots, whom she had bewitched and must have ruined. I had some suspicion that she was enrolled among the Nihil- ists, but there were no proofs, and I did not concern myself about her seriously. This winter we have re- ceived detailed reports of her pro- ceedings. Thanks to her charac- ter of pleasure -seeker, no one suspects her, and she has every fa- cility for connecting herself with these Russians from whom she hopes to extr.ict valuable inform*- Anuual Statement ef the British .America .isNuranee I'oiupany. Attention is directed to the annu- al financial statement of the Brit- ish America Assurance Company given in another place in to-day's issue. The profits on the year's trading amounting to $il3,lll.d0, gnc evidence of the satisfactory j fu' agents ob.scure but well informed, condition of the company's affairs.' â€" and always rea ly to do her bidding. | The surplus to policyholders stands She had but to make a sign and the , at 8915,863.56. The premium in- , casket was brought to her." come was «l,6o8,230.(35 and out ofi "You admit, then, that this this were paid fire losses of $839,- Carnoel was of the band, and that 004.26, and other expenses of $«60.- I was not wrong to secure him !" j (5,7.04. Interest and other receipts â- On that point I am not yet set- 1 are given as fS-t, 723.15 and this tied It is po,s.sibIe that he gave 'brings the profits up to the verv 1 indications, and may even have ; satisfactory amount mentioned , given them undesignedly. This abeve. The British America As.sur- I laeiy is very skilful in making per-|ancc Company was incorporated in 1 sons speak. The thing is to ascer-i 133;:. and since the organization the jtain whether she had relations I fire losses paid have reached the jwitb the young man,, am d of that I enormoua sura of $33,e20,7tj4.61. 1 c.«n easilv satisfy nivself. " . in less than a week." "Great Scott, man I I don't wan* to put him in gaol, I want to «» gase him!" THE MONEY QUESTION. "Wot do they mean, Jimmf, when they say money talks'?" "I dunno unless it's the wonder- way it says good-bye to yer." . THE BUSINESS SPIRIT. MAPLEINE "I am curious t.j kuow hnw.'!.-- ♦-• "'Dear Ale.xis Stepanowitoh, you I shall see. and that shortly. I came; -l say," cried the business man to Paris tj clear up this matter. If to the detective, "some fellow ha.s jyou wish, we will begin this even-! been representing himself as a col- j inp. ^ lector of ours. He has been get- j â- •Where?" ting in more money than any two ".\t the opera. The lady will pro- of the men we have, and 1 want hliu i bably be there. She has returned-; caught as quickly as you can." to Paris without a cavalier, toj '-.VH right; I'd have him in gaol spread her nets in the hope of can- ; turing a Russran su^ciently high in â- place to serve without suspecting I he'. Why should you not be this Russian ?" "I! you are mad! You have just said that she knows what my oc- ; cupation is in Paris." ! â- The more rea.sou for her seek- 1 iug to connect herself with you. If 'sh? has not already tried it, it is : because the occasion h.as not pre- , sente-d itself. Rememl)er, she is j persuaded you will take her simply for a feinine galante. She will not I suspect that you know anything I about her. She supposes herself to t have all the advantage, and asks ; nothing better than to attract the [man most formida'ole to her sect. i Thi-. is, as you must know, their i method. Those ladies ingratiate â- themselves by every means with the ; enemies of their sect, that they may ; surprise their secrets and hinder ; their action. They have |,!ways one I fo< t in the enemy's camp, and thus I it is that they accomplish so much harm. Now is the time to pay them : back in their own coin." (To be continued.) AtkUtrmtai^ alia :;iI.SON MFC. CO., ,3 Vot SU GOKLPK. QKT. QUICKEST WITH SAFETY 9i CURE For the baby often means reat (or both mother and ch3d. Little oaea like it too â€" it's so palatable to take. Free from >ipiates. .M< PINK EYE MSTEMKK CATamHai rrvrc MHO XtL Nose XNB THtOAT OISCJUCS CtiratthrM:kaadicUi«a prt?Teuti>« kir otlwrs. Liquid aim oatte tontnie. Sa/p lor bronl mans and all odor*. B<»t kidnrr RmsAr : SOc aad •l a bottle: IS aad $11) tho dozen. Sold bjr ail dracauii^ and tMraeiwda booses. Distributors: All Wholesali! Oruc Houses. SPOAN MCOICAL CO^ Omrists. MSKH. INIUIU. I1.S.«. HOW THIN FOLKS CAN GET FLESHY New .Vceid 'iital Di!<eoTpry tJives Startling Kesult.s Puts Flesh on Thiu People anil Uonnds Out Im-' perfeet Ftgures. j Simple Preseri|»ti«n (iiven. 1 For women â€" and men, too. for| that matter -who can never apin-ari stylish with anything they wear, be- cause of abnormal thinness and an- gularity, this rcuiaikable preseirip-j tion is destined to solve the prob : leni. As a beauty maker for thej figure it is simply wonderful while | it adds brightness to the eyes, andi color to the cheeks and lips. Itj requires no particular dieting, but; acts as an aid to nature by its pe- j culiar action on the nerves and ; blood supply. The blood and j nerves distribute o\or the body, all] th.' nourishnnyit or flesh building! elements obtained from the food. ' The trouble with thin people has always been that they do not ab- sorb or retain enough "-t^f the fleshy matter to make them gain in weight even to a normal extent ;• but this new discovery of blending certain harmless drugs is a revelation to science, and hundreds have gained from ten to forty pounds in a few weeks. There is no danger of be- coming too fat. When you get the right weight then stop using. The general health and strength is greatly improvetl in anyone from the age of si.xteen to sixty. Women soon get plump, with well rounded arms and full bust, and men be- come straight, strong-looking and healthy. In a hall pint bottle get three ounces of essence of pepsin and three ounces syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound es- sence cardiol, shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not cardamom). Take a teaspoonful before and after meals, and weigh before begioning. ♦ Fast friends are sometimes loose eomiMuiioa*. WHAT WILL PAINT DO ? ^\ ot!, ui,-. bi :a()(i wtl: (itjilte yonr l! will icil ofttNie and prosperity abo4«t your&cit*. It will make yoii tta[«pief in >Our Uome. Ramsay's Paints Uriiis; l>a|<pinM<> lo your lionie. They never dis;t|i|<uiiit. Yoii ati? secure m buying lhi<t oUl e!»tabtt!»IiOil, well kiiuwti brand. Always gi'ouiiie and ol gre.it repute for tijiie unU beaut)'. Vou c»n have our li.iiid>oiiie booklet ou hoii>e paiiiliag lutielp von if you write Uk. .\ik for Booklet '"W," free. A. RAMSAY & SON CO.. K<eib'.iah»i u^i.'. Tha Paint Mali«rs, Montr«3l. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines ESpEClilUy AOAPTCD FOR GENERjtL f jtRM USE. TlltfM •nelti«'4 xre si» shiiple th.1t- .i;i :tver)iA*l farm U.v.kI rm np«r:ito ttoatH. rht*v it«r» •* pec*a'!y Uev«l>.|>cd to inttct :iiii iiimkI.( \ti tlltf f:iroi»!. and wltl eu.ibl« y,>n :.» ratlurc Uh,tr o»*t«. autl b«'i> y,iu 9Mrn mo '9 tmrnuy nut >if Tour fi>'in lltatt avA.- baf<M-«. ii^i i*-uiy now U^ run fiinr (arm id'au up to liate wav hy cult'tng out this oonipl«t« «4lvcrVi«eni*iit Ami A«n,lmx r>r eatjkloguaO K lufc- W P.t.'o. " THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, LlmUed, MONTREAL, ST. iOH**, If. B. TORONTO. WINNIPEC ST. ,(OHN, N- B. CALGARY. TORONTO. VANCOUVER British America Assurance Gomiiany INCOR»>ORATCO A.O. 1833 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENOINC DEC. II. 1931 ASSETS $ J.O-' J, 1 70 '• Uoe^rned Prentiuais and other Liabilities 1,100,30663 Surplui to Policy-holder* $ >J'.>.*'6l .W Lossses paid liiicn incorporation in iSjj *.»-*>^'>-7^'4 *"â- Fire Premiums * !.*>.>'<,-• 3*1 t'S Fire Losim $830,004 :* Cxpenaea... 660,947 <-H latwMt and other Receipts .^>7-] â- > tt-oAt M Y«»r't Tradinf^ $ .fi.l.m ,>o W. B. MSIKLB, C.en«ral Manager. V. H. SIMS, .Secrvtary. ^ .\pplicatioo8 for .\genci«s at unrepreeentod points to be ai- dr«ssed to the Secretary, -'«<i««fe#rf!*a-*«-wwit.-sS!* , â- »wt:W«>**«>' â-