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Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1910, p. 1

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/leslj^rton %tfmntt. "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." ~ <• PEISL'iPLEb MOl UES." VOL 28, NO 44 Fleshierton, Ont. Tlmraday, March 24 IQIO W. H TEUBSTON EDITOR .u.i 1>B0P11IET0B An Alleged Fake In Seed Coro^ Enphrasia and Artemesia Fanners Said to be the Sufferers This Time (From the current Farmei's Ad»ocat«r) " Did the dear old Farmer'* Adtooite ever he»r of that wju lorful seed corn. Mammoth Bight-rowed, Yellow, Ulaek- eyedFliut ( Bristly, htre is its history : Last sprins;, about :he month of March. B. W. Lovertn of Gri^jiibush. Out , sold a ;rreal quantity around Markdalu and vicinity, said by Mr. Loverin (o l)e a new variety, prop!\g»te.l and brouxht to a state of perfection by himself. This com, on the other band, was never grown by the p«rty in â- iue«tioii ; it whs bought from J. A. "Simiiiers of Toronto, shipped to Mr. Loverin in ba^ to bellniiiy's sta- tion on the C.P.R., and labelled, •Eight- rowed yellow,' Cost per bushel in To- ronto tl.'<.). Same ctirn was taken h-iau- and put up in tvn-pouiul Siickt and le- ftbinped in barreU from Bellamy'* t<> .lohii Davis of Jfsrkdale, ani by or throujih bini doliveied to the furmer.s. price $1.50 per SJick of 10 pounds. You have the facta ; iiiveatii^ate. and if found as Slated, sound a wari>ini;, a.s uo doubt the tame methods by the s.-ime |)arty will l)e tried again the coming apring. it heiug nut the tiist oflfeime. " Inquiry satisties ns that the statenieiit-s made in the above coiuiuuiiicatii>u, rc- >> eeived from one who .signs himself " One ' of Your Farmer friends," are substanti- ally correct. The .seed firm of J. A. Simmers, To- ronto, shipped. April .?rd, 11HJ9, eiahteen bushels of Mainui'^th Eight-towed Yellow corn to B. W. Loverin. (•reenbush,()nt., Tia C.P.U. to Bellamy's .station. Thia i» all the seed lirm knows a1>out the di^pc- sitioD of the corn untd coniumnicated with by lis. A considerable quantity of teed corn was sold around Markdale by one B. W. Loverin, and was delivered to buyers by J. "M. Davis of Vandeleur. It is to bo feared that the charges of deception and extortion are true. The ' dear old Fanner's Advoc:ite ' h id not hemrd befoi-e of this particuUr game, but has had enough knowle<lgeof other tricks of a character to te ready to >;ive presuinptivb credence to almost any such story of crookedness. The " .skni i^ame mentioned in the letter i« a very old one but not so much worked in Outaiio of late as in the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick. The fear of b«ing made the lattghiiiK- stock of the conununity bin- ders some farmers from exposinj; the sharpers by whom they have beeu fleeced. Such sbar]>ers are well awaie of this weakness in their victims, and trade upon it. It is well to discount exiraTsgant statements, no matter how plausibly put forth, unless made by some responsible person with full knowledge of the facts and • reputation to sustain. CeyloB Mr. and Mrs. John Crowthers have had the misfortune of losing their son, which was bom.Friday and was buried at Flesher- ii>n. The funeral was attended by the former's mother and Mrs. and Miss Car- nahan of Owen Soimd.aud other relatives from the same places. Rev. Mr. Ganiei-on. Baptist minister of Owen Sound at*teude«l the Ijaymen's Missitmary Meeting in Flesherton last week, and visited his sistei'-in-law, Mrs. J. L. McMuUen. lie will preach for Rev. J.Laughland at his difteivut »\i- pointments on April 3rd. Mr. Wm. Bone of Beardsley, Miini.. visited Mr. H 'rucker,".T. and J.Chislett, and other relatives ) week. Mr. Frank Rands of Winnipeg and sister, of Yellow Grass, Sask., are visit- ing at Mr. S. Hands, and their jxtrenthl home in Shelburne. Miss Tena McKiuiion of Priceville is staying with Mrs. M. Feiyusuti for a mouth or so. Miss Hattie Nixon of Mono Koatl is visiting at Mr. D. McLeiKl's. Mr. H. McPherson is homo again. The b*ckwoods seoins to have agreetl with him, as he looks well. Mr. Alfre<l Tuf^ker of Egix'mout visited his hither of this place. MeoMTt. Geo. A. Cairns and John Cairns of Ceylon, and H. McLoaii,|Price- ville, leftTuesilay evening for the North- west. They were accompanietl {virt of the way by Aivh. McMillan, South Lino, who if> going to H.-tvre, Mont. N«t«s*tthe Women's Institute. Fleaherton branch will meet in the town hall on Tuesday, Mar. 39, at 2.'M> p.m. Mr*. \V. H. Bunt will give a i>ap- er on "Easter Thoughtit^" an! Mrs. T.R. MoKntxie will open the subject of "Sys- teaatic Bousec'eaning. " Visitor* are iavited to •ttttiid this raeetiag. Enifeaia. News of interest vi searce at prebeiit. The condition of the n^da keeps busi- ness dull, bat all feel thankful |o see mother cAi'tb sjain without her whi'e robe. Mrs. Larue is holding a grand milli- uery opening Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. ML'.sBeil will a-sisc her tL> wait on the cusromers, s<> that all can be suited, both old and young. All the latest styles in hats to be had at rea.soo- able prices. Mrs. John Bradbu'y of Thornburyhas been visiting ;it Mr. Tom Geu'-e'-s and with other friends for a c uple of weeks. Mr. Adam Smith vi:>ited for ii few days at Cdledon with his bruther, who is dan- gerously ill with cancer. Mils Ina Miwee of S^Ieui is rUiting her sister in the Yalley. X lueaauriug .MJcial ii« to be held on Friday evening at the hoiuc of Jlrs. Jacob U'iiliams, under the auspices of Presbyteriaii Lsdies' Aid. All welcome. Miss Millie .McMuIlen of Toronto is home to speud iLe holidsys with her mother. Mr. Robert SlcMasler lost a valuab'i- cow lasj week. Mr. Walker Sloan of Mount Albert visited rrieiids here for .« few days last week. The snow is about ^oue aud farmers are getting our their ploughs iu order to be out. of the way when housecleaoina begins. They feel »afer »t a distance. Hatfacrton Tlie snow is ripidly di.s;ip[>eariiig. Crows and robins are to be .seen tlyiiig almut. Bertie Young. wIm has lieen ill with bronchitis, is r«!c<<veriiu{ nicely. School wa-s closetl for .1 week, ili.-s Dales being laid up with .a severe cold. Mr. and .Mis. F. G. Karstedt iKiid a flying visit t^i Hatliertou friends nx-ently. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Findlay of Markdale visite<l with the hitter's mother. Mrs. E. S^clcy, one day last week. Miss Sadie returned h<mie with them for a week. Mr. Ed. Fawcelt of Heathcote visited with his .sister, Mrs. Down, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson nf the -ttli line, Arteiue.sia,accomp:inied by Miii» M. Gamey, spent an afternoon with Mrs. Down last week : also Mr. and Mrs. J. Uargrarc and little sen. of Rock Mills. Rev. Mr. Millar of Dundalk was mak ing pastoral visits in our iieighborhool recently. Misses Tillie and Maggie J.imieNoii of Buffiklo attended the funeral of their sis- ter, Mary. On Saturday. March .5th, this aeigli- burhood n7» shocked to learn the .wd news of the death of Miss Mary Jamiet>- >n. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jam- ieson, which occurred at her home on thus line. A young lady of a gentle and loving disposition, she won for herself many true friends who met at her late home on Monday, the 7th inst., to (>ay the last tribute of respect to one whom all love«l. She will be miswed in the S.S., in which she was an active nieuiber. A short service » as held at the house by members of the school, after which the leroains were conveyed to Mclntyrli cem- etery. The service in the Pi-esbyterian church was conducted by Rev.Mr.Mei-cer of Singhauipton. Mary had been ailing for some time with a severe cold, hut nothing .serious was anticiiwted. It de- velopetl, howevei-, imo pneumonia, and i-esiiltcd fatilly. Much symiMthy gi>es out to the sorrowing family in their sad affliction. Mrs. John Winters, sr., is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. Seeley, Stayner. Mr. James S«'cley and s»m, Frank, visited with Stayner friends i-eccnt!y. Mrs. t'l-onibie of the centre line Ls the gne-st of her niece, Mrs. C. Winters. Miss Susie Parker of Siiighampteii is vif«itmg at her parental home. About Christmas a small owl came to Win. Polfu,v.s' l«rnonthe 12th cou. ai;d w IS captured and put in a csge. But the owl was sullen and refused to eiit any of the teiuptifig dishes placed before hiui. Mr. Polfuss theiefore released the biid which Bbw back to the barn and it has made its home there ever siuce. And Mr. Polfuss say.-* that now there is not a a sparrow to be seen about the place.and the hirtl is also making short work of the i-ats and mice. The owl makes oceasional excursioiis over to Jacob Pilger's Ivu-n when gairo grows scaue in his own home, and tho slaughter of the sparrows is alwajs sure to take place. Mildmay Gaxelte. Their Bluff Was Called The Canadian- Aoericaa Tariff Situa- tion Concisely Summed up l>y One in Close Touch With the Matter. (S|)ecial to The .\dvanct') Toronto, March 22-In Tariff matters, as in iiMst other things the ("nitcd States have never lieen very considerate of L'anatla. They have erected such a faritr (from :» ^ to 100 :' higher th.m ours), that it is practically impossible to sell^dian g»x»ds in that country, while our oompanitively low rates allow their goinls ti« be freely sohl here. Our money luis [xjurcd southward to help build up 1 nation which jealoiusly guards its uiarkets Canadian farmers and O.-inadian manafacturers. In the past ten years we have puix'hascd fnmi them alintist SOO million dollars' worth more th-tn we have S4>ld them. And still they try to bargain tor more '. Last .August Congress enacted a new tariff, ill which it wsis prv)vided chat ;ifter the end of the present month if any coniiliy unduly discriminates United Stcites prtxlucts in their tariff, the States will impor>e .in additional 2b : ad valorem on im{»rtJitions from that ctmntry. .\ Commission was appointed to investigate foreign laritfc. and search for discriiiiiuation. And they found it-- iii Canada. We have now in force a treiity with France which provides that, in return for certain privileges, Canada will grant to France, on over 100 items in our t.-irift lower rates th;iii arc granteil to the I'nited Stat<?s. I5y of cer- tain British Treaties these nites are al.s<i extended to Austriji-Hmigary, Switzer- land, Spain, aud a number of other countries which do not grant us any tariff favors in return. Is not this dls- criiiiinati'tn ' We submit that it is, and thrft. if the Liw is to be carried out. Presi- dent Taft must ini(>ose an additional 25'^ oil all imports from Canadi. Will he do it ? When this Act was passed it was supposed that Canada, tilled with horror at the very thought, would immediately lieg for mercy, and ijrant our neighbors the same privileges as had been granted to France. Of course this would be giv- en iu return. Commissioners were sent to Dttawa and it wa.s thought they would return to Washington wi'h the desired concession in their pockets. But it so hapjiened that our Goverimiant was not worrying ab«mt it very much, and de- clined to grant them anything ; their mission w:i8 a failure. Tlie n.itui»l con- clusion is that Canada will be singled out (for the lowest rates have been grantetl all other important nations^ aud the addi- tional 25% impose«l. But wait ainomeiit. If such should lie done it is almost certain that Canada would apjJy the surtax of 33J X to I'nited States goods. This would mean that an article on which we now assess 30', would in future pay 40";, and the result on our purchasi'B fi-om the States would stion be evident. A great pott ion of them would be diverted to England, to coutin- titicntal Euro^te and to our own manu- facturers, and stiou the I'uiteil States would .see that an eiTor had been niatle. For, lie it known, while our neighbors do not wish to laiy our gotKb*, they are jier- fectly willing to sell us theirs. If the Maximum is Nt^T iiiip<Ksed against Can- ada, Uncle Sam puts hintself in the i-athcr undignified |Ki.sition of making a huge threat which he cannot carry out. If it IS imposed it will prohablj Uvse to him millions of dollars of tra<le. Canada, having called the bluff, sits bwk, .smiles complacently, and waits (<r I'rc.sident Taft to make the next move. A. Maxwell Rev. A. P. Stanley luus returued from Torontf) attending his mother's funeral. Mrs. A. N. Brownridge Ls suffering with a severe attack of la gripiie. Mrs. Sam. Hawton spent a few days with her 6ither who is ill. Miss Alice Hawton U vi^ting with her sister, Mrs. A. N. Brownridge. Roy Fenwick spent a tlay at Flesher- ton recently. .\n Easter seivice of song and pnise will be held next Sunda.y evening iu the Melhcalist church. Some friends drove up from Stayner t»> Mr. T.F. Andrew's to (.tjlcbrate Ma.ster Burton's bitlhd-iy ou March Kith. Mr. A. N. Brownridge fiUeilthe Meth- od'st pulpit last Sunday, in the absence of the (lastor. lie preachotl ,\n e.tcelleiit .sermon on tlie lite •<( Paul. Mr. Louis Kerion visited at Roekv.-de a week ago Sunday. We are p!e ised to learn that we .ii-e ro luve a millinery jiarlvu' in our burg. Miss Osborne Ls very busy getting ready for her opening, which will be announccnl at a l-iter date. MLvs .\ndersoii. Waix-liam, .s^wnt bust week here. Dauie Rum4)r siys n weddiugat E«.ster. We notice the Misses .\tinie Guy. Annie Edw.inl. Nettie Field lud Id^i Oslmrne in the Methodist choir. Tliey make a splendid addition to the ringing. The regu'a« iUontUly meeting of the Maxwell bmnch of the Women's Institute w:is held at the home of Mrs. C. M. Field ou March Ifi. The meeting w:is conducteU by Mrs. (Rev.) A. P. St;mley, vice president. Tlicre was a ginal at- teiuUnce and the mretiiig was Imlh pn>f- itable :iiid enjoyable, nearly all taking parf. The next meeting wilt be held at the home of Mi-s. (Dr.) Rykman >>n April Uat 2.30 p.m. We are pleiised tu report that Mrs. C. M. Field, who has been .<eriou»ly ill, Ls recovering. u . East Mountain Mrs. Webb of Barrio is visiting hir sister, Mrs. Walton. Miss Elsie Martin is s|)eiiJiiig the week end with her teacher. Miss Teed, of Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh anil family of Keady have moved t.> this usighborhood. We extend a hearty welcome. Rev. Mr, Wilkinson of Rocklyn visit- ei m our neighborhood last week. Mr. Ton* Hsrboltle of Kesdy is visit* ing his brother George. Mr. and Mr.*. W. J. Martin ind family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tccd of Dun- can. . Rock Mills Mrs. Freil Field and son. Geo . visite<l at R. Akitt's the [liust week. Carl .\tkiusou returned from CoUiug- wood. Mrs. Akitt has been laid up with a very .severe attack of grip. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillii-w and Miss Vera Philli(js of Flesherton vi.sitedat M. Phillips' ou Sunday last. .Mr. M. Leitch of Feversham spent a few days with .\. McLean. Mr. Alex English is laid up wich<|iiinsy. .Vlfred Partridge spent a week in Tor- onto. J. Poiteous' little .son. who met with a serious accideut recently, is improxing slowly. Born- On Maix-h 13, to Mr. ami Mrs. R. Lachlau, a son. Bornâ€" Ou March 1."'. to Mr. and Mrs. .\.. Partridge, a son. The writer believes that all the rate- piyers of ti<e t>wnship should l«e in fav- or of the Rural High School. IJivo the boys aud girls a chance to get an e<luca- tii^a at home. Mr. Geo. Ross of M:i.\well is uxmud with a petition for ruml mail delivery. Victoria Corners Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tuck- er, (Mis. Reiinie,)at Drcimire, a son. Mecsrs. E.I. Pattou aiulRobt. .\chvson, of Dreamland, h iva tradtd farms .luJ are moving this week. .\re yuii in the fashion .' I am .sure yoit are ix't unless you have la grippe. True it's not plea.sant but few f:ishionable things are pledsant. Mr. MiUon Bannon entertained .1 Urge nuuilier of h-s friends and neighbin-s in his new home on Thursii.\v of last week, t\eve bving one huiidivd aud Iweiitytive invitations issded. The loouij being large ,tnd plenty of !^Mld music provided danciiic was enjoyed by sU present. While out on a hunting trip 011 Wed- nesday afternoon list, Messi-s. O. San- ders, jr., aiHl John Mc(>aig shot a lynx in Mr. Barbour's swamp near this place. The animal, which was a young one, weighed 30 lb<«., and measureil 3 feet from nose to tail. It is not very often that any of these animals are seen nround here and it may have come from a long distance.- Knn .\dvoc<itc. J. F. V»n.\llet>. proprietor of the Coldwater I'lancf, AM recently of cancer. 1 0th Line, Osprey. T«KJ bite fi.r last week. Tlie tine weather h«s taken a sudden chan;;e lud it is snowing and s'ormin< a^aia. Sorry to reptirt that Mis. Reulien Loughecd is very ill at present. Dr. Ryckman of )]sa«el! is attendin;* her. We hu{>e to see her around again *>< n. Mrs. James Gordon of Hatherton is sneiidiiig rbe sick bed uf her iaughter, Mrj. Rtruben LiUibeed. Miss Myrtle Holroyd visit<.d with Mrs. R. J. Col [iictt* over Sunday. Miss Eiuuia Whiteoak aul Mis* Ada Kaittiiig of Feversbiiit spent Sunday at R. .). C..b|uelt's, with their olil friend, Mrs. W . G. Dand of Beeioa, Sask. Yes, tha crows .ire flyii.g nenr Fairview. They act as th iu;;h they had a mortgage on the Fevertham correspondent to tbe CuJliiqcwood Bulletin. Mr. Ja*. Dand of Dauphin, Man.. ha> ifoiie back west after a throe monfh's visit with his sister, Mrs. A. Mclmyre of Mclutyre and otb-r frifiids in this iieigli))o< boo<l. Mr. Ijuy Kaittiiig is going liack to .\lberia this week after spendim: the wiirer with his parents iu Feversham. Wo wish the b.j.i i^uccess in their west- ern home. Tliis Week s Items Feed is very .scarce iu this neighlx*- lio<xl, and many farmers ire buying h.ay. Boru â€" *hi S;itiinUy. Maix-h 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reul)en Louglieed, a son. Mr. Joseph Heiidersaiii of Rob Roy has solJ his fcuni to Mr. Charles UawUm. the price being tliree thou.saud, live hun- tlred dolfcirs. Mr. RoWrt Hendv>a>n of RobRoy has purelia.sed Mr. Richard May's farm, near Banks, CollingwiKxl township, aud will move there in the neai° future. Mr. Erii. Hawvm Iia.s luoveil to the brm he purchased from bin br<.>ther. Ed., near Feversham, and like a sensible fel- low he luis taken a life fvirtncr, Mis.s Stevens of Pretty River vdley. We wel- come Mr. and Mrs. Hawton iind wish them a happy and prosjierous jojiniey through life. Baby Ruby Dand has had a heavy attack of broncbiti.s, but is recovering nicely. Dr. Ryckman of Maxwell is proving hiui.self the right man in the right place. Mi's. Reulieii Loughetsl is recovering frtiiii her serious illness, and we are ghui to rejs>rt will soon be well again. Local Option Wins At Orangeville That the county judge of Duffarin had I no risht u> -juesticn the validity of th» local option victory in Orangeville as ba did, was the essence of a judgment hand- ed down la Meoday by Chief Justice Meredith. A motion was made before bis Lofd* .ship to |*robibit tho county judge of Djfferiu from Lssuins a certificate to the town council ti the effect that the li><!al option bylaw hsd n.)t been carried. The judge hid erased twenty names from the voter* list as dle^l. The Chief Justice prohibits the counry judge from issuiligi siK-h an order. "It is clear.' his jmlsment reads. •â-  lh»t the judge had ut> au'hority to re- i(uir<! any person who ro'ed to s'ate for wbam he voted. Scctii>n 250 of %he con- solidate! MunLoii.a} .Ad forlnds this being done The inquiry i*. in my opinion, limited to a scrutiny of the liallot papers, .ind differs only fr"<u a recount in that the judse is not limited to dealing with the bu'.lot |st(iers, but may take evidence in t'tie siime way as may be done upon a trial of tho vahdity of the election of a meMi't^r ..' a municipal council f< r the purp-i.s« of detrriuiuiog whether any paper <.>ui;hr or ouvbt not to be counted. Islii>uld have thought it no part of the duty of the j-idge to inquire into the qualidcntions or right 10 vote of any voter, aud not within his jurisdiction to question the legality or sufliciency of iuiy vote cast. Old Durham Road. Mr. Samuel Henderson, who intended gi«iug up farming and going to Totonto, has changed hia mind and intends trying farming another year. < Mr. Jacob Parslow has be<'ij on the sick list the past two weeks with a severe attack of tonsilitLv but is we are pleased to say, 0(1 a fair way to recovery. Mr. Divniel White itlurned from the city suffering from a slight attack of pleuruiy. Quite a number uf our young lueu left for the West last Tuesday, among them beinijJ. Meads F. Vausc and W". Whyte, Miss .lenuie Whyte accompauied her brother as far as Toronto, where she intends to remain an indefinite length of time. Mr. John .\rmstrong took a flying trip to Toronto last Tuesday, wtuniiug Thursday, having secnred a gooil posit ion in the Masscy-Uarris works. He in- tends rctuniini; to the city a^ soon ;is he disposes of his livestock, etc. Mr. .\ndrew John.ston of Lethbtiuge. Allierti, who has been spmding the winter at his former home itr Proton, visited for a few days recently •'with his aunt. Mrs. P. Do-r, .\ndi-ew spesks iu glowing terms of Suuny .\lberta. Miss Lulu Dingwall of the South Line spent a couple of days recently with Iter friend. Miss Klla Meads. Mr. Jos. B.ulgerow, Stajjeen â- ! unction, spent a day week with bis friend, Mr. \. McArthur. -* .\ sleigh load of our young people atteudetl the ball given by the Priceville Literary Society on Wednesday nisht, and s|i«ni an enjoyable time. Mis. David I>.>w hss been slightly under the weather, alsi« Mesfrs. Jog. nnd Jas. Oliver, but we ate pleased to learu that they are reix^veriiig nieely. Mr. J .McPhail, mv gonial impUment avent, is doiug a rushin? business, having disposed of four wasJiinp machines and several other iinplemenis during the last week, John is a hustler. Sainton Park. .X 'ery pretty weddiux Wiis solemuized at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. McLellaii, Ventry, on March lOib, when their daughter, Mary, was uuited in m.-irriage CO Mr. Netl CUrke, of Swint.>n Park, by her {Mstor. Rev. Buchanan. Best wishes go with I hem for a lou^ md happy wed- ded life. Mcssi-s. Will .md Neil Campbell Uft hire on March 17 l"V .\lberta. Mrs. Huston and her sons, Tom and Frank, hjve left here siid intend luakiiig there home in the f«r west. )L-. Neil ClarktCs geutlemen friends here met at his home ou Fiiday evening and pivscnted him with a handsotiio clock, wishing he and his l>ride liappy [Hiddling through life. .A sad a.-cideul befel Mrs. D. Ferguson on Friday, when she fell on the ict> lieaking her arm below the elbow. Mrs. S. E. Lawreiio.} retui-ucd hom«» after s|>ending a week with her brother, Mr. J. Parslow. (). D. R. Last Sabbath Sacpuiient of the Lordti Supper wa» dispensed in the P« esbyteiriaB chuich here. Mr. ami Mrs. Wni. Rich.ii'dson of Swintoii Park, wish to thank their many friends, thi-ough The .Advance, for their extreme kinduesi in their hour of sad bereavement. Gas Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Pres vented Sleep â€" When Health Was Gone, Cure Followed Use of ''Ner- viline." "M.v last wish will t)e." writes Harr\- P. Pollard, a well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartford, "thatevery- .>no with a bad stomach may learn as I did. before it's too tate. that Nervl- line Is the one remedy to cure. 'Wh.v. I was in migrhty bad shape, my dlges- tion was all wron g, and ever>' night I would waXen with a start an* iind m.v heart jumping like a threshing machine. This was caused- b.v gas on my; Testinoiiial 4890 stomach pressing against my heart. â- When I started to use Xervillne I got t)etter mighty fast It is certainly a (crand remedy for the traveling man. keeps your stomach in order, cures cramps, prevents Iuml>ago or rheu- matism, breaks up chest colds anti sore throat â€" in fact there hasn't Iwen. jin ache or pain inside or outside for the past two years that I haven't cure<J with Ner\-iHne. Do you wonder I re- commend It?"' For general household use XerviHna has no equal: it will cure the aches and ailments of the entire family â€" refuse anything but Xervillne. 50c per bottle trial else 25c, all dealers or The Catarrhoxone Co., Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN

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