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Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 1

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/lesljertxrn %hmnu. "TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCiPLEts KOT MEN." 70L 28, NO 4:{ Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, Marcli 17 IQIO W. H TEDRSTON aud I'KOPUIBTOB THE FUTURE OF WESTERN CANADA A Sketch of the Future of the Caiuidian West as it Appears to an Observant Ontario Man Who Has Been Over the Ground. TheEilitiir .if The Advaiicii h.isusked me ti) let hiin have a/' LM>lunni nf iiii- IJiesMioiiK ' fm-rnod iin my ris«!Hl toiiir of Wi'steni Canada. Evcryoiw Iuih licen told ovt'i' and over again what the Wost, in. No doiitit all have lii'.mt Imlh favoi- alily Hiiil otherwise, iind I will not attempt to i-ithiM- hiiild or t-ear down their castles. It is worth lUeir money to i;«> aud see for th»-niselve.«. Tbu present West«rn Canada was not wluit .1 went to Kee; hut to fi>nn an idya of the fut arc VVesiern C'lnada, and in the face of a liirge auiomit of cirropondencc Icfl for me to di»p<ise of on my arrival here, I Irive only time for a few iieuuirUw. The future Western Canada is this: Kiicb townshiii c:>ntaining one to si.\ ftirnierK, or LorrlH (tlie sur\ ival of the fittest) who have acipiired their lanil from the hoiiioHteader and |h>4K- farmer, who has endured I he niis/ries of Immesteading, iiiul dissappnintiiunts of fi-oNts and liliz- zurds until he can not hol»l ont any long- er iigiiLUst the oiiHlaught of the hoodie. Tlie greaf who mill own these Viist estates anil make the English Lords look like hoa)tt.sleaders is the Hiuiple fanner who is to-day making rejuly to sow IiLh hundre<Ls of acres and hoping for the l«!st ; or one •if the num- ber may Ih! a real estate' man now selling on eoiiniiission The |>o ir -lit lie business man in the now growjiig village will eventually lind that he .l»as oidy a few- customers to h»>k a', his measly little tttock of geneiiil uiereliulHlisi- : and the vilLigc lot, which the Cana<lian Northern skinned him oo, will later i>n he holding out to the sight; of llie Uavell r at the ear window the growing wheat instead of the rta.shing-eyed ImiK'ful youth at his Hlore door. Juist u word liljout the town .lot skin gume. The town lot agmit is found and he accepts your money in a sort of con- . ttcKcendirg attitude, hut iseareful to ad- » you that the hit which yon have i)iud . for may not l>e granted t« you liy this greut philanthrojiic Com^xiny. .Vou ((neslion him further and lind it may Ije Hix months before you know whether you are going to get it or not, but he advises yon to build. The applicitiun ivhich yi*u hign to coax this .^il,!;**) lot away from theui conluintt the agreeuieut tliat in eaxe you are m>t .iwaitled the "prize" your money is a{t{ilied to ilie i.>f Koaie other lot in that town. Uut you iUik the price then of the lot alongsiile your origiiLil inves'ment, anil it is now S2,000, and you must buy it or forfeit money paid on tirst. They have grown to hive you and cannot bear to sec you loHVe : I I'ntil the liuu; comes when the laud is \ hehl by the farming kings, the cities will grow and money be m^ule, but eventually I there will be a cr.-ish- down they'll go and we will hear the Ltioaiis and wailin-js I for < (ntario'.s witer-|)oHers that give briad I to so many millions in factories i.|)eiated by electricity the immense uiiiieriil ' wealth owned now by poor di'spi.seii anil rejeetud Old Ontario, and the land where the moiiied farmer can t grow fas« enough to all orb the life of his felhiw num. Of course in ^Soufherll .\lbeilj«, where . mi.xed farming will predominatv, coikU j tions will be dittereut. Mi.xed farming I reiiuires help nt all times of theyeiu- mrI 1 there will be more people in a iui.\e<i faruiiiig district, and more lui.sinfss, aiwV more pleasure as it is here. The wlveat grower proudly .says "Oh farming is easy here-machiuety for everything,'' and '. there is the point, machinery is Iwisy ' working his fortune or finish, 'llie i individual who will own the lowuKhijiiw ill have ;:a-olii)e doing his w<irk«»d of the strong brown arms that go to Make a country. I You bu.siness men here, who pine ifor a i Hourishing buHinesa in one of Westeiai I Canada's new and glowing towns, iwsl .stand liack and look at Fle«herl,uu amd 1 iumgiiie .\rteinesia township .-is a wiheat 1 tiehl with six farmers in pos.sesM><.iu of same, and machinery doing their »:oiik. Recover yourself now, aud liMLseo up. Flesherton may have gone into a tWIiine, but they havcii'i started to ploM^l) in Muusliaw°.s sipiare yet. I Pleasure is the liest wc may expect of life. Dirt'eivnt things ditfeiieiit ' people. If money is your whole soiu'ceof ; pleasure anrt yon are willing to sarriiice ccrttiin coiuforUs go t.o the Giddcn \V.e«t. But mark you -^you w ill not appr.V;i»tie ; your millions any more than you now do I your thou.sands. Vou may experiouue greater pleasure in wiiniiug because you \ 4nay win a Ixiiik .icciiunt of six tigureK,but jjifter you have won you will be no Inp- < pier than if yon had oidy won the .iccount kof four. 1 didn't try it, of, be- cause tlu'se wv'.vK my itentinients. 1. H.4UVKY Pkkiooe. Port Law Mr. Sid .J.iekson left, on Tuesthiy for the West. Messrs. Elmer and I'en Fyke have gone to thegon. The former e-X|Je.cts to locate ill that si ale. tiriii]ie lias been prevalent, a iiuiuber of people having had .severe at'.icks. Mr. J. W, .Benson and family have re- , moved to the farm recently purchased .troni Mr. OiJiWon at Ibnk .Mills. T'he people .lieie deeply sym)iatlii/e ,witli Mr^ and Mis. John Lyons in the ;lo..,s of their i*»fiMit .'is related in last .week's .\dvftnee. Af the \X. T. of T.. meeting on Thurs- day last the society ||.uit on a program Ihftt wj>uld do credii *,iij' public enter- .btinineMt, and the mctitiug .was thorough- ly enjoyed. This socjel/ its jirosperiug. Mr. Tikis. Boyce, a ttfWieir iies-Uenl of lilie 4th, awl his bride, are with tbe former's; jHireiits here. They j.ntend (i« .U'iivc eooii for Sa.skaleliewiin, _«Uere Mr. Boyce has been doing welltiimni.'i)tJJy. Mji:. J. A. Uu(«;hinKon, a fonuvr iaaeh- «r io our scIkm-I, Ls now princi|Nil of the iMiblic whuiil 'it Aberdeen, •'^ask., uiid Oversee^ of the town, e<|uivalent to our Mayor. Mr. Hutchinson's many warm friends te^ider cmgrutulations on the promotion />f ono whom they know to li« ieserviug. Kimberley .\t a largely attended meeting hehl in the public hall on Saturday afternoon last« composed almost entirely of the laud- iiwnem along the Beaver river botwocn here aud Hwitheote, some $800 was Kuhocribed toward the lowering of that river for drainr^ge purpoRus, The above sum will in ill probability Ihi iucrease<l to some fliWKt, togelPher with a like sum , friin» tha sjorernmenl will piiibably be 1.'; sHlRcioiil t" t'tk^" oni »hi> ijntvel b«rs and jamb piles that cause the river to over- How its bauks. . Mes.srs. P..\.McCausIiii, \V. S. Bishop .and Herbert J. Ueid were iipjjoinled a committee to proceed as .soon as ])os.sible with the work which, in all ,pri>lialiilily will not until .Vugusl or >»«;pteml}er. Mrs .Samuel Thonipsoii and sisler.Miss Maude Hill, left on Tuesday of 'his week for Spii:liiig, Man. We wish the young l.Klies a plca-sant trip. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Neaves .and little « 'n., KrnuHt.. .of Toronto, .ire holidiiyiug with Mj-s .Xeiue's mother, Mrs. V\w\- Sinitli. I The uia^yje *|.,viitip se.ison will soon be in full s»iiijg. "Wv the writer miple syniii j always hiul a iM^iUCnish tjmte. j Mr. Walter L<.»uffc<; of Fleshertoii was a caller in our Iwjrg wi Siind.iy last. Ve.s, I Walter, the KiniJ>i:vlie>y J.idies are all nice. I Mr. and Mrs. Irwiu Fawcott of Heath- icote were the giiest* of Mr. and Mrs. .1. ' R. Fawcetl recently. Well, Mr. Kditiir, «e. w*'4"e imieli ; plea.sed to learn that your to»u is to have j a new in the itoar ifutiire. I You certiunly have an ideal town for the ; uanie, on .iccjiint of the fact that there j«re no licensed hotels t<i entice the youitjf linen to start on the down want road. 1 Markdale, we l>elicve is also after a high sclxKfl, but who would waul to .send their l)oys to Harkdiile, where there are three liccni^ed hotels. Mr. .\lbert McCoiincl if JSturgcou Falls Ls holidaying at his )>.»rcnlal home (here. I Miw Lucy Walton enlortaincd the I orticers and teachers of the Sunday school lather homo on Monilay evening. An , enjoyable evening was spent by all. i Mrs. Webb of Innistil is the; of ! her sister. Mrs. H. Walton, Sr. Another Booze Selier Caught Costs A Swinton Park Man $100 To Sell Booze To a Friend. -All interesting lir|Uor-sellii>g cuse was tried at Dundalk on Tliursday of list week. .\ iiiau name I ,)ohn Henry Uicluirdsou was returning to his li.iaie at .Swinton Park ftoin Uuiidalk, and had \ cargo of bisj/.e along with him. Meeting a friend he played the part of th» iiood .Sauiarilaii, and gave h'ln a drink c f the " th be joyful." However, the drink priHluced a iliirst, an 1 then •). H. refused to [wrt with any more of the preciniia fluid unless he received a fair reininieraiion in the coin of the realm. He wa.s not ruiinini; i political cimpaigii or a free diinl- ranch not just ilian .so the story runs. The story ran .s»t well in fact thtt it brought John Henry liu fore ihe magstrate at Dundalk as befoi-. stated The magisliafe iii'iiiai."»* ' lu part Rich- ardson from 8100 of hard-earned cash, in idditioii to the costs of iJjc case. It w.-is claimed that the 'money jtiid >vaa u ihreshiiig biU owing Ri?haiHls<iii and that out of hi.s "oodncs of hear: he played the good (.ir .SaimiritaTi, but the magis- tri»te was skeptical of hi« chaiity. Eugesia. We are H"Wgelung the robliin's sltiirin. The poor birds I lok prei:t5' eoliL Ihey Wonder why they left their *uiniy cliiii« So goon. Mr. Carl. Walker is buitM from libe city in \ery pom health. Miss Ethel .\rmstroug is sutl'oriugfioin a severe .attack of ila grippe. Messrs. Wellinntiin and Bert Graham aire vtsitini; at 01 ukiAiui^;. -^ The next meeiini! of tb»' Women's lubtitute is<lo be held at tlie home of Mrs. I.iir^e on -» pril .">tli. Visitors oorlially welcome. Mi:. Levi Belts of ihe Cnlling»»od gravel had a narrow esc»ip) : during the thunder storm of a week agiu He and his little boy were in Ihe barn when a bolt struck botih barns, knockinn both he aud the cbild down. When he came t" aud got to the house he saw the barn was OH ifirj. Furluimtely help was at hand and the tire put out befor'.' much duiiiige WHS done. Both barns woi'C badly splinteied by the bolt. A great many people are suH'etiii.; fjom bad colds ait present. M.r. SV. T. Pedlar of the Colliiiig.wooa gra.vol had a .severdilo.w by the death of a tiue yearling colt the piMtt week. Fatal Accident At McWilliams Jos. Richardson of Swinton Park Instantly Killed by Falling Gin Pole. .\il extremely sad accident occiirrtd at .McWilliams station on the new Walker- ton branch .if the C.P.H, when .losejih Kichardson was killed on .Monday morn- ing alxiu' !• o'clock. The young man assisting to load logs on a tlal car when a guy wire holding the gin jiole broke let- ting the heavy pole fill. It struck lim on the head, anil death wis instiulaii- eoiis. The ilecu.i.sed, who was a son of Wm. Kichardson of Swinton Park, was only l."i years, (i iiiontll> of .ige. .iiul was highly esteiiiied by llmse who knew him. The funeral was to .Swinton Park eeiiietiry on Wednesday. The Advance extends ii.s ileipest sym- pathy to the Isu'ea red piiiviits aiitl rel- atives. IVlaxwell The. Iioine of Mr..)a3. Uuck.iiig'iaiii hail an agivcable surpriie on Tuesday I', when t:h« supeaintendenl of the Metho- dist Sunday school pieseuted the .Misses Kttii and .\ima with a tea set: each, also Miss J I ild red with a fancy celery atvompaiiMi'd by a timely address of appieciatioii of iIihij- faithful sen ice both in Sunday sclloij and League. The faithful service aii'l cheeirfulness with whiell that service was evi-r performed won for them llioesleeui ajjd eoiiliilenco of all tlhise whom tlity laljoitd' Messrs. -Arthur aivd Iveith UobiiiMin of Hiwardcn. .Sask.. who have been visiting with their brothel'. Mr. John Kobeitsoii, for the p»(»t two ajjd a half months, le- tiirned liouiB this week, iinaccoiupiiiiied. The boys took a car of horsru homo with them, shipping from Meaford. OR. BURT .<>peclan«t in dlaiaxs oi .ho ye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Fi-osl St. - OwcnSoiiiid .\t. the Revere lloll^o. Markdale, Friday each month from 8 t« 12 a. m. j The brick le.sidence of .James Barhi.r, j 'â-  near Honnywr.od, was destroyed by firo. [ I The buildiiis! was insured for |.V1<) ami ' I t;!00 on coatfiits. ! GET YOUR WEDDING R1.N(58 .lEWELLEKY clocks:repaired w.atches repaired] fouxtainjpe.ns silverware And everything in the .Jewellery Line, from ARMSTRONG THE FLESHERTON JEWELER Pricevllle The maple •^ynip season is at linn<), Mr. Herman McLean was operat^'d on ill rmiinto two weeks ago for a;)eudjciti«, and K.iMiie.l to be doing well since. It, IH expcctisl that he will be able for re- moval to his hone this week. (Jwii.g to .some irregularities in the formal ion of the rura* liiyh school, and also a uen-'ial fi'eliiig that such .in insti- tution would not have any practical beiie- lits for thoui, some of the school sections in ArteiMisia will likely withdraw their sujiport. The depth of snow this winter has le- sultiMl in a reduction of the output of uaiylous, poles, wood, etc., bur. after all there is quite a quantity delivered at the srwmill and also at the station yards, and still Diore Coming in. Andre >v ^haw of Fufilirasia was iiuetl $1.5.70, inctudin.; costs, for assaulting Herbert Thompson at an auction .sale. COUNCIL WILL GRANT 13,000 FOR SCHOOL At Special Meeting on .Monday Night Arteinesia Council Passed a B>-Law to Provide the Funds for Bui!ding Rural Continuation School \ i-]iecial meeting of t!ie .Aitemesia t.'ouncii w:is he'd ill the town ball Mon- day evening to deal wiili the Conliiiua- tiuii School i|uest)on. wi'h all the mem- bers present and the Reeve in the cl.air There «as a ".aige nuiiiber of rateiiayeis present, some lo pretest a;;iiinst and some to favor the rcjuest of the t'oiilinuation school boar 1 for the icsue of $1^1,000 debentures to erect a huildiiig, as read at last ('oiiiicil meeting. The Reeve ex plained « by the inesiiiiig was called and iliHt the Council could only agree or dis- •i^iee ti) is>iK! the debenture.", leading the clauses of the .School .Act coveihlg til.! case. It WHS moved by Mr. Bvst, seconded iiy .Mr. .MoLeoJ That the application of the Tou•ll^hip of Arteinesia school liiwid t I .support the luoiinn on behalf of tho rising '^eiieratiou and he believed tho people of the township wculd support him in the stand \\i took. Mr. Best w;is a friend to educatinn aiij had known the want nf it. The e.iti-a cost would only be about ninety cents on the thousand dollars iind would increase the value of farm properly far more tliiii iheauioinit of taxation. Mr. .McLeod, who vecoiided the motion had iiuiired \\ out himself and found it would only aoiount to one mill extiii. Mr. 1}> land took the kickers to task for not objecting before when they had an o|iportunily. He claiuiel they had eiidoiseil the princi|)le when they elected Mr. Liiciis to supianl Mr. Whi'iiey's 8.:liool law. an 1 the Ueeve on noininaliou asking this Cuui'iiil to issue debeiiiurea j Jiy h ul lod ilie-n exncily where lie«toocl to the oxUui of !jlH,t!0l) for the on the iimtter, yet ihey elected liiiu by of building and eiprpping a continuatii n i aeclainutioii. He liked a go d kicker, school ill this townsh p lie approved liy 'â-  but not in a borse, ai.d his olijecl was to this (,'ouii;il and tlia! a bylaw be nitio- ; see that ihe kickeis nid not kick our boy.s duccd and pii.ssed giving illect to the said i and girls. He lived 8 x miles from the application. I pro liihid .school and few men wereaKSess. Sir. AJcKenzie moved, seconde.l by .Mr. I e»l uiore llian Ilis lamily. While he hid (jraliam That the a| pliciitioii ot ilie no oliildreu of bis i w i lo .••eod he was ill trustees of Arteinesia eontinuaiion school it to .see that his i.ti^iilLiri iBiyfand nirls board for the issue of debenluies for the hud a cha..c . PcL-onaily iio hud paid purpose of purchasing a sllevud erecting a school 'ouiidiiig be not approved I'y this Council. Alter the reading of the above resolu- oiit mole uioiiey in peiMi.ial expenses since this tldin; began than would pay the extra taxe* for ten years. He was. a Liberal in politicK, a liberal in reliijion tions the Kee\e K'lvo thus.; oppocci to ""tl '» bhera; when i' canii lo payinsj for the motion an opportunity to spiak and education. It wa» tin care tnkeii ill read tho lesolutiun of PrieuviUo school i trainin- our boys and -iris that niado iMMidwhchwas published last week, ' Canada. also a peiitioii troin ratepayers of Eugenia .section ami anotlu r from No. 'â- ), also one from the Cheeseville l". S. !<.. Mr. McKetiKie did not wisli. to go on record as an opponent of the school but thought the matter should he left iritli the iiilepayeis. Mr. Henry warmed up lo the ncca.sion and deliveretl some lard krio<,'k.<<. Wu had to have .-iddiiiomd aceoiuuintliitlnv>> for the cnntiuuation clasaes, and how were we ijoiiig to get it if not in this m inner. He cau.stictlly referred ti) Mr. Griham's position on the ipieslioii, and TOO EL TO WORK k Deepest Despair â€" All Run Down â€" Health Was Restored. WTien yoB ,irp sjek anil uiuloclded IS to tho best remeily t.i use. tlnre is lothing so cotivinciiiK as the |ii-raoiial â- .xperienee of some one who has suf- ireil like yourself. From St. Kraneis. Maine, comes the following statement from .Mrs. (Jvila Uaigic: "I want lo wiiic you a few lines in order to tell you how much better ray health Is since tnkiug Kerro- ZOllC. "I'"or two yens I was weali. "Couldn't (In any lioupewoik. "Was tired, worn out, depressed- "Thought I wouliin'i leeover. "Since using: Frn-'izoiie 1 have grown strong I iiough to attend myself lo the family washjiiK. I have seven children and a luisband, iiiid am doing all tlic hou.seworU myself. 1 still us,' l''erro- zone, and seem to gain better healtli all tlie time." (SiKii.'d) OVIL.V D.VIGLiE. FERROZONE Brings Health Every person i:i low lieallli â€" all who suffer as did Mr.s. Dalgic are sure to be jnvigoruled and reslor''d by Ferio- zon*>; it's th;' ir.osl nourishing of nil Ionics â€" try one or two tablets at meuls and watch Ihe gain: Tiiie per box, all i;(aliis. or Thi' Caturrliozone Co., ICiijgstoii, Cunala. Ceylon Fm piemen t Ajj^ency Having been appointol agent, for tlii< district of the McCorinick iui- u!emenls, I would ask farmers to iu'erviow me before placing orders for their spring iiiachinety. The Iwst &!cd Drills and fulti -ators unniufaclnred to-day are built by this cniiipnny. Something New in a Churn The King Ball Bearing Separator an:l Aerator. This is a new idea and worthy of investigation. Hiings butler in from thiee to five iiiinn'es. Priioes rfia.sonab'e. S. HEMPHILL CeyloR.Ont. .Mr. Graliain cited cases where the ' charsjed him with beiii^ opposed to thu pe«,.le were always eoiisiilled on money anhool. Ho wanted to know if Mr.. matters and agieetl with Mr! McKciixie 'Graham would be here to-night if we had r!ut il .should no to a vote of the people. ' a say at liiai last Januiiry. .Air. Geo. Meldruin of .Sec.'.), said it | ,Mr. . I. McMillan had only been io the wiuld be a great hardship for his section Hf.„.niliips:.\ years. He had a pupil to be saddled with anyihiim further as j attending the .school aiiT] for live days' Ihey had to bail J a .school. ( >t hers who hoard per week he was only iMiyinu spoke against Ihe proposed action were ! ^[.(joi . |-|ebelie%ed everybody .should Mr. Will. I'edlar of .section !t. .Messrs. \ [,,. helped aloiiL' educational lines. Doiia'd McMillan and 0. .MeLeod, j iruslee* of I'.iceville. and Mr. Wm. Hill I ^''' M"''"'"'"^- principal of the eon- of the Stone Settlenicnt school. | tinuatum school, ^ave Mime facts md I liguies showing that the iltendance had .\fter these Iih<1 been hehrd Uee\ e B. yd j i,„„e up (â- ,.„„, 24 to \\\ within the year detiiied his position in a .-liorl but .-Hiirii- i a„d ii„.j. „.ere literally packed like ««r. edavldress in which he said iu part : We| dinos. weie ji.iymg to-day for two high schools Ml. .Io<. Hhikely had helped build half 111 the iiorlh end of the county in which ^ a .lo/.nn scliooLs, then moved away, yet we ha I no voice. Wc would be diead , would be only to . pleased to add hia liimueii.lly if there were no high -schools ' Iiul,. „„,i,.|y j,, taxes to l-^lp the boys at nil 11. this county, as we could .send ' fn-ls, although he hid none of his our pupils out of the county to other; own. schools for considerably less money, giv-j .Mv. Ale.v. Miiir refericJ to the h.ud ing Humes lo prove tbiscoiitenlioii. IJul '.struggle to secure an chiclation iu tlio surely, he laid. no one would be disloyal pist. eiiouub to ...ay the county should not have a high school. Arteinesia was )>ayiiig o It tiow about $1000 ]ier ye-ir for llie uiiinienaiicc < f Inidi schools and v\ere nut y ttiiig a propoitiiinato beiielit. Ileiv we had the means of bringing a hi^li ] lef, with the people to vote on. So far .school education home lo our own child- !,.,„ On, extra taxes were eonceriied they r.Mi. There were iniportant reasons why Uveie 11 It worth talking ai.out. It wiis the ("onncil should grant the petition I dn, ,,i.j|,(.iple. without delay. Meaford and (.)weu . . , . i i. .• , ,, , , , , â-  , ' After .sonio desul'ory oiir.versatuin the isiinnd were holh desirous of i>eitiug the i . ,i i. . .• â„¢,. , , H r- "- vote was taken, result ;ii!i in :» lie. The coaiily a;jriciiltnral s^chool and we r> !â-  .• . i > â-  > ,. . , , , I Ueeve sravc his casting vote and declared Wiutedii iiKht here, and weie goiiii; to i., .-^ , -i i , ,,,, . , , , , " I Ibe motion carried auiiii loud acclaim g.a It. I his woulJ be worlh more tha'i i > ,, , , . i r ., . ,,, from thiilav^i; iiii'iili'r present who favor- all the exiia taxes we would have to iny. , ., ' •' I ed the niiilion. Our contiiuiatiim school was crowded and if we did not supply more accommo- | '^''"-' ^"'^ "'"^ ""â- ^â- ^ '"'â- '"« <-'"""'J "•«'• d4t ion it would be a disgrace to the town- •â- '« f"' »""•'* ^ Veas - Besl. McLciid and ship. He believed the ratepayers would ^"^^^ ^'^^'' •'^f^''^''"'"' ^""' <>>-ahat.i. see with more favorable eyes the great The yeas and nays were called on Mr. heuctils to bo derived from such a .school i M^':l<eiizie's amendment and rosnited an iu a very few months. Ho had worked | f"''""'" • ^ '-'"'' McKeuzie, tiialiam. for the school from the beginning and ' ^'">''' '^""l' McLeod. liiyd. Councillor McKenxie wound up the debate by uxplainin:; that when the matter u|i in C luiu.y Cjuncil ho seconded the motion on the per.sonal understaniliun that the iiint.ter would he w.os willing to stand or fall on the poBitioii he took. He concetv d it to be his duty Later the bylaw was jmt through it$ various readings and became law. Victoria Corners Intended for last week. We are. glad U' report that holli Mrs. Moore and Miss Strain are able to be a- round a:;Hin. Mr. Chester Patt.on has been suffering from ail abccss on his cheek but i» better II iw. Mrs. . I. Corbel t has been on a visit hortie, Mr. (itio. Btnmm has moved to Owen SouhI . K number of yt.ung people vi.'iited at the boiiio of ,Vlr. 1). Wmifgeels, Bethel, on Friday evenin-i last and spent a most enjoyable time. It will soon l)e suijar iiiakinit again. Vou 'd bettor get thai .sweet tooth tixed. In a [>aper of a late date you iimde meniion of what .L ('. Katon is doing for Toronto, but Ihouuht he hid never doiio anything for .Arteinosia, though he gets inuch of mil patronage. Surelv »f one can itet as good or belter article and pay express charges on it for less innuey than he could by dealing neaior home, he is biiun benelil.tod by Mr. Kalon if he .sen>!s to his stole. We believe iu favgring home tr'-tde when pnH.sible, but yet wa think we have the right t) buy where wo cm beiiehl ours--lve«. / i

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