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Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1910, p. 7

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i â-  Si I A TERRIBLE SUFFERER FOR THREE YEARS Bnt Eiialtli Was Completely Restor- ed by Dr. Williams' Pini Pills. Extreme anguish ; pains in the Jointsthat all but drive one crazy â€" thus may inflammatory rheumatism be described. The victims are to be pitiedâ€" to them life is one long fcorUij* ; they suffer by day and cannot sleep by night. Such was the condition of Miss A. Mercier of: Ottawa, Ont. For three years she; was a victim of this trouble andl found no relief till she began us-j ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She eays: â€" "For three years I was a' sufferer from .inflammatory' rheu-1 matism. During that time I con- sulted and was treated by some of the best doctors in our city, but I lound no relief in their treat.ment. I J began to despair of ever being! well again, when one day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink PiHs. I procured three boxes and by the time these were used there was enough improvement in my condition to encourage me to continue their use. Three more boxes completely cured me and to-' day I am as well as ever I was. I always keep a supply of Dr. Willi-; ams' Pink Fills in the hous-' and would recommend all who suffer as 1 did to give them a trial." It was the new blood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually made that restored Miss Mercier to health and strength. There is no medicine to equal them in making Eew blood and in this way they cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, i St. Vitus dance and many other, troubles. Sold by all dealers in; medicine or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. SHORTSIOHTED WOMAN. Do what he would, the landlord could never get the rent from his tenant, who, when asked to pay up. went into a long rigmarole about hard times, and made many promises, which always remained unfulfilled. Sick at heart with hope deferred, he palled again the other day, and listened to the same old tale from the lady of the house. It was a trying interview, but the landlord, a very good soul, said that rather than make a fuss about such a small matter, he would make her a present of the ; an offer which was gladly accepted. When her husband returned from work, she told him what had trans- pired. His indignation knew no bounds. "I should think you had more sense than to take it!" he veiled. '•Take it! Of cturse, I took it!" replied his wife, surprisedly. "Why not?" "Why, you daft idiot, we'll have taxes to pay now!' A VOICE FROM NOVA SCOTIA STATES Tn.\T DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CrSES BRKiHT'S DISEASE, EUii' J. Mirk SnfTorpd from this Tci-rible .Ailment for Four Years, \ but Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Her a Well Woman. Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co., N. S., Feb 28 (Special).-That any Edward ORON YN * CO- remedy that will cure Bright' s Dis- â€" â€" â€" '^^â- m^^i^ â-  â- Â« â€" â€" ease will cure any form of Kidney "7"!"' J"""" "w'^t ^"''""- ^, Disease has long been admitted by SftfE IBUOl Mil H I S dr"uUron«™riUe.' the medical profession, and this Keforiw tosuvadlngtuany bank. place furnishes one more undoubted; Wa haTe n)ov«.i t-i SNIPPETS OF SENSE. If you would flatter a woman, keep quiet and listen. Man's chief wisdom consists in knowing his follies. It's difiScult to please yourself and others at the same time. A spinster's face is sure to light up if she strikes a match. If you would retain a man's friendship, don't try to show him that he isn't half as smart as he thinks he is. The trouble in the world is near- ly all due to the fact that one-half of the people are men and the other half women. MOfEERS FBEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers who have used Baby's Oavp Tablets say they feel safe when they have this medicine in the house, as the Tablets are a never-failing cure for the ills of babyhood and childhood. And the MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. Fond Motherâ€" "Now, look here, George ! I want you to break off with that girl. She is very pretty, and all that, but I know her too well to want you to risk your life a!!ti happiness by marrying her. Why, she knows no more about housekeeping than I do about Greekâ€" not a bit!" George â€" "Perhaps not; but she can learn." Mother â€" "After marriage is ra- ther late for that, George." George â€" "But you said yourself that you did not know a thing about housekeeping until after you were married." Mother â€" "Vei7 true, George, and your poor father died of dyspepsia twenty years ago." A GOOD COIGH MIXTUBE. Simple Homo-made Kemrdy That is Free From Opiates and Harmful Drugs. An effective remedy, that will usually break up a cold in twenty- four hours, is easily made by mi.x- iug together in a large bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mixture vrill cure any cough that is curable, and is not exi)en- sive, as it makes enough to last the avera4?e family an entire year. Vir- gin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in ^the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. proof that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure Bright's Disease. For Ellie J. Mirk, well known here, had Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cured her. "I suffered for over four years from Kidr.ey Disease which de.e'.op" ed into Bright's Disease," Miss Mirk states. "I had pains in head and back, and stiffness of the joints. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from di.'.ziness and shortness of breath. I was weak and lan- guid all the time. "I was always nervous and could not keep my thoughts from wander- ing Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. To-day I have not one of these dis- tressing symptoms." Neglected Kidney Complaint de- velops into Bright's Disease, Heart Disease or Diabetes. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cure any and all of these. But it's easier and safer to cui-e tha earlier symptoms by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. our naw bulMing, 90 &*Â¥ S^M TOtWtOm APPEHDlGiTlS Cnrert without operatioca. All who ar« af* flicted with tliip diflra<;^ and wish to bo cared pprmanfntly. nafely and quii^kly with this sreat Homeopatkie renedy. which will bi? sont p«st-pnld anywU.>r» in th» world with fall Instructions for nsinf; ro an to effect a permanent cure. Price $2. .*ddres!i John T. Walt, HometpatHlo Pharmacy, Arnsrior, Canada. CARPET DYEING ana Clraniar. This 1» » •ii.icUiUy with the^"* British Ameriaan Oyslnc Co* a«nd psrtlcnlAH bj poil tnd »• arc euro la wiirfy. Addrssa Ban ISI, MantraaL HER COME-BACK. "I believe in saying what I think," said the young man in the flabby trousers. "I've often wondered why you dcn't talk very much," said the NO EXCEPTION. Pat was being shown the sights of America. His Yankee guide, after showing him numerous wonders, brought him to a statute of Wash- ington. "I guess," he said, "there's a man, and a lie never passed through his lips." "No," said Pat, "I expect, like the rest of ye, he spoke through his nose." Pr«* t* Our Rtadar*. Write Marine Eye Remedy Co.. Chlcairo. wL.^".?*".. "''"fated Ey« Book Free. _ ., , write all about Totir Eye Trouble and girl with the trick of saving what If*' JJti â- "j'"" " J? ""5 ^'â- "P" Appiica- ' â-  - â-  â-  . o non or the Uurine Eye Remedies In Tonr fj^ .; '^.*"*- ^"^' Druiteist will tell roa that Marine SoIieTes Sore Eyes. Str»nffth- •rs Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart. Soothe* Eye Priln. and eella (or Mc. Try It in Teur Eye« and in Baby. Eyes tor Scaly Eyelida and Grannlation. she thinks. A FLORADOKA STUNT. He wooed a maid named Flora When he'd lost a girl named Dora ; After Dora he woed Cora And wound up with wedding Nora. TOO LATE ! Landlady (to lodger) â€" "Are you in the bath, sir?" Voice (between splashes)â€" "Yes. What d'you wantl" Landladyâ€" "I forgot to tell you mother has the guarantee of a B""*^*^ were pelting upon us GOOD WORK. The dear old veteran paused in his reminiscences, and his audience began to think he had left off. Vain hope ! "I recollect," he continued dreamingly, "that at the battle of Alma I had a verv exciting time. like THE Llittii' OF FCX)LISHNESS. We do a great many foolish things from day to day, but keeping the temperature of a living 'oom up to' I . "I'J 't iresh painted inside last 80 and above for the sake of a rub- 1 "i?tt, sir, and it won't be dry for be,- plant, strikes us as about the most foolish of all. government analyst that this medi cino contains no poisonous opiates. Mrs. . Walter Barr, Mountain Grove, Ont., says:â€" "My little boy rain, men fell right and left, can- 1 non roared like thunder itself, and, I worst of all, the enemy had man- j aged to get within a hundred yards DEEP-SEATED COUGH CURED IN 5 HOURS, New Eome-Klade Syrup. (Cut this out.) From Boston Frees. Progress in medical compounds never ceases, and now it is stated by a prominent medical man that any deep-seated cough or cold on the lungs can be actually cured in five hours by the clock. Opium and two or three days!" He RaattiMMble Man expectn te oare a oecleotedl eold In a d;iy. But time and Alleni. LuBeBalMm irlU 0T»nicvra» the ould indstare olf cniaiDatloa. Coiuh wUl ceoM and lungs b* aoand aa a aew A NICE CALCULATION'. Two very dear old ladies walked up to the window where ticket's were to be sold for two popular concerts. They wanted tickets for both nights, but alas ! those for the second evening were all gone. Tliis was the more popular enter- tainment of the two. "I'm so sorry, my dear!" pat- tered one of the old ladies to the other. "We did want to go, didn't we, and we wanted to go both nights." "You couldn't give us two tickets for each night?" inquired the other of the clerk. "Xo, ma'am." "You haven't two seats anywhere fur the second night " "No, ma'am. Couldn't give you nose-room." A great resolution beamed upon her gentle face, "Then," said she firmly, "give me four tickets for the first night. We will make them do." "Why, sister," quavered the otJier, "you goiffg to invite some- body (' ' "No," said she, "but if we can't go both nightsâ€"" She paused, be- wildered, quite out of her calcula- tion. Then a happy thought struck her, and she added. "We'll go twice the first night." Send for free sample to Dapt. W L . Ni Clonal DruK & Chemical Ce., Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. I EAEN THE BAKBEE TRADE-NBW ^J ByBtein--confitaiit practice; careful Instruction; few week, complete c°Ar^ tools free; irraduaien earn iwdre to eighteen dollars weelily; write for cat*: loeue. Moler Barber CollcBe. 221 Queeo East. Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. FOB SALK OU RENT LW ACKI'.S BUST Jairy farm in IlHitiin Cnuntv. bank burn, riinninB watvr. oinf.niaut to utation, rur.a! aud lou« di»t«nc» t»leph(ne. Partiiulars, apply ta H. B. TfCK, Owii.r, Hurnhr, Ont. MACHINERY â- |^|ACHINEHY HEADQCAKEEHS. - i»P Iron and wood-working raa< hinery, enginPB. boilers, steam pumpa. Basoline eneinBs, electric motors, co'itractora' mnchinery, etc. Bend for c»tilo<me ot ov-r 1400 machiuee. H. W. PETBIB LTThitPd. Toronto. Mnnlreal. Van<oaTer A SHOCK. One of the first shocks the aver- age young married woman gets is when she puts on a new gown and her husband doesn't know the dif- ference. A Soothing Oil.â€" To throw oil upon the troubled waters means to subdue to calmness the most bois- , . , . i 1 X • I terous sea. To apply Dr. Thomas' morphine 'have been resorted to in I ,, , , â-  ,-.., . .i . ui i l j iu i 1- t _ . tj.-i. I Eciectric Oil to the troubled body suffered terribly when teething and *'^ «'"• Pf »*»««• I ^f^.J^*'^. ^'*^ = from constipation. Nothing I gave ! «^"^';«'"«°*' *°^ .^»^" t thinking of; him did the least good until I gave ?"ything except just fighting for all; him Baby's Own Tablets and these' I ^a^, ""'^t'h/ ^1 of a sudden I; brought him speedv relief. Every turned, and found that my regiment mother of young children should had altered its position, and I was' keep the Tablets in the home Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broek- ville, Ont. ^ UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "People count their chickens afore they are hatched becuz they like to enjoy what they think they're goin' to hev." cut offâ€" left to the mercy of the enemy, sir." i The veteran paused ag«in ; he al- j ways does at the most exciting' part; he finds it amusing. | "Well, what did you do?" asked i an impatient listener. | "Do," said the old fellow sleep- i ily "Well, I reckon I did a mile in three minutes." Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands arc cov- Bkkle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup ered over with warts. Why have is an unparalleled remedy for colds, I these disfigurements on your per- coughs, influenza and diseases of] son when a sure remover of all ths throat and lungs. The fame of j warts, corns, etc., can be found in the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting man- kind from the fatal ravages of con- sumption, and as a neglected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle's Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. ANOTHER PLAN. He (encouragingly)â€" "Ini sure ;f one thing, my angel â€" you and I .rill never quarrel as that couple fcre doing!" She (with decision) â€" "Indeed, we shan't! If you ever speak to me a.<i he did to her, I shall call the police !" Qood News Â¥ Don't Mi88 Dyers M^ '*• d D>^0-LA The Guaranteed OMt Oyo for ALL Goods h Juet Thlnli ol II ! Whh the SAME Dye youcaneolor ANY kind of cloth Ferfeolly-No chance of rniotaket. All colore xo cents from Sour DruBirist or Dealer. Sample Card and looklet Free rrom Th* J thneen-Rlohardeon Co., Umllad, Dept. C- _ MpPtjrc>li^!SB«-- Hc>lloway's Corn Cure. ALWAYS AT HER HEAD. Who would not be barber? No rival need he dread ' For he's sure in his profession To stand always at the head. We MiMt He from henlied roona ta the asl^ outer air, and the cllaiige sets as conRhlng. Cum Ina winter cdWs i« iii)t hanl if you take Allen'e Lung Balsam. A oeBUctsU cold 1» truableiDme aadaangerouii hit BETTER YET. "How did you make such a with herl" "1 guessed her age." "Did you guess it as being fewer years than it is 1" "I guc.-sed it as being fewer years than s.he says it is." ENLISTING ALL AROUND. "I want to enlist your effort in thi« volunteer work." "Then you will have to wait till I recruit my health." Magistrateâ€" "How conies it that you dared to break into this gcn^ tlenian's house in the dead of nightl" Prisonerâ€" "Why, your worship, the other time you re- proached me for stealing in broad daylight. Ain't I to be allowed to work at all!" th-? past, as relief measures. But now it is learned that the system must be treated to rid it diiinflam- mation and congestion. A tonic laxative cough syrup does the work %o quickly and thoroughly as to be 'almost magical. What heretofore has taken weeks to cure can be ac- complished in hours. Qet this for- mula filled or mix it at home and always keep it on hand : One-half ounce fluid wild cherry b«rk, one ounce compound essence cardiol •and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Shake the bottle and 'take twenty drops every half hour for four hours. Then take one- 'half to one teaspoonful three or four times a day until the system "is purified and tones up. Give children less according to age. One filling will usually cure a whole family, as the dose is small * Tommy, aged si,\, who has just been punis'icd by his falher ; "Mam- ma I don't believe I can stand your husband much longer!" when it is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most re- fractory elements. It cures pain, heals bruises, takes the fire from burns, and as a general household | medicine is useful in many ailments. | It is worth much. I SHE DAD THIS SORE FOR FOIR LONG YEARS! How Zam-Buk- Ilealcd It. You can't equal Zam-Buk for sores of all kinds, whether recent t.r of long standing. That is the' oninion of Mrs. Wilson, of 110 i Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She says:! "About four years ago a sore I spot appeared on the right side of! my face, just about the angle of the j jaw This spot increased in size \ ui.til it became about half an inch in diameter, and very troublesome. I went to a doctor, from whom at different times during fifteen years I had received treatment, but the ointment I got did not have any good effect on the sore. I had it cauterized, tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our house, and I used it. "Although the quantity was so s.mall, it seemed to do me some j good, so I purchased from Mr. j Bauld, Druggist, Scollard and I Y'f. ngp Streets, a supply of Zam- 1 Buk. Each box did me more and j more good, and to my delight, be- j fore I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was go-; ing to heal the sore.' In less than | a month it whs healed I It has now | been healed for almost a year. Try 2^m-Bnk for eczemn, ulcers, | skin eruptions, face spots, baby's â-  rashes, inflamed places, piles, i blood-poisoning and all skin in-j juries and diseases. 50c all drug- j gists and stores, or post free from !Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. THE LINOMAM TRUSS will hold aav r*iupihl. Jerma. Ki.uor.e.l by lor.icuK >«raj^l „,„ ii:',;r,«ai'. """-'•"• •^ uso».:^^:tn:i^ *^ Ste.l,,.Bri„,B,«,Ca."r?J'*i''^- „~njgjBee«c«, Lid., ToroateJOea Xl one of tb* marrel, of th* electrtoal alii In aae tliro««heu» tlia w»rld. Write for nSH loru*. Oeaeral Aeoastie Co.. af Canada. 1 7i i I Toaae SdeoL lereate. Marlatt's Hair Promoter Crew* Hair en any laltf Heetf On sale at tbe Robt. Simpaoa Co..Torent<ib Caaada, or the Uarlaii Hatr Promotina Co.. Toronto. Canada. A Few Shares for Sale in one of tlie best Ijoao 'Coai|>anieH In C:inada on tuxsj termi ; only llO.CHi down- Money to Lend at 6i~ an approred tecuritiea AppW for puliuaiara to M. J. KR.NT, Bex «1«, Londoa, Ont SEED POTATOES. firown from pure bred seed imported from England, Scotland anri i*nita4 Stales. rJxtra First Early, First Early, Second Early, Medium and Late. For prices, etc. addreas W. p. MILES. • WellinKten, Ontario Orower of fy^fiti Teiw. Beaas j^mi I'otatoes. __ I* « Blind, B(*<7in(r^^talilnr| Protru4inf Plle8*quickl2^_ aad pcriiiaiiently cured b> the most scientific andecuiieinica! i einedj LVLES COMMON SENSE FOR PILE* Price S1.00-6 for SS.OO. mailed on r» ceipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE CO.. 711 Queen W«»t, TORONTa PILES It sometimes happens that by the time a young man can afford to marry he doesn't want to. PILES CURBS IN 4 TO 14 BAYS. PAZO OtNTMRMT i» laaraateed to ear* any en* of Itehlaa, Bliod. llesilini or Pretrudiag rtles ia e ta ii day* or mMtj refttaded. Mi. rOnly One "BRO.MO QUININH" Thut la I.AX VTIVR RKOMO QVIJJI.VIt. r.ooli lor thBKignitiirs of B. W, OROVB. Vami the world overtu Curu a Cold in Owe Oaj. tbc. A HAPPY DISPOSITION. "In a little while beefsteak will be as expensive as quail on toast." "Well," answered Mr. Bliggins, "then we can eat quail without feeling reckless and extravagant.' The man who is willing to bet his bottom dollar seldom has to dig down very far. A Safe Pill for Sufferers.â€" There are pills that violently purge and | fill the stomach and intestines with i pain. Parmclee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thtjusands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. A LET UP. "Do they quarrel all the time?" "No, they entertain company now and then." Sleeplessness.â€" Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervcus derangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's- Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- rest they bring rest. Many a man is proud of his past â€" because it is past. •hnM t* tka â- ena T A teaapooornl of rata. killer in a cup ol bot water eweetened will wasm *oa aod arert a cold. Avoid aubitltntu, tltere la W oae " PalaUUai "â€" Periy Daiia'-Hto and Mn Some people talk so much that they have no time to listen to any- thing worth while. ISSlE SO. 10^-1». â- a •«»« Ton get the kind foa hsTe alwayc ka4 "Tbe D Ji L" Menthril Plaster, For rbeuiaatlsna nenra^eia, etc., nothing in better. Made ealy t^ Da*li • Lawienae Ooaapaar. FUTILE DISSENSION. "So you and your husband arc always quarreling?" said the family lawyer. "Yes," answered the young wo- man. "What do you quarrel about " "1 forget the subject of the first quarrel. But we have been quar- reling ever since who was to blame for it." ' ' MEAN. The meanest thing That comes our way, A rain storm on A winter's day. Mind your own businessâ€"unless you are getting paid for minding other people's. If your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled, when Jiwake, with a loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the" trouble is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator effectually removes tlusc pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. SPEAKING OF ART. Young Wife â€" This dish, dearest, is an original composition of my own. Husband â€" Well, I should rather, my pet, that you would cook after the old masters. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular efTectiT^nexs in curinK Rhrumatism, Lnmhago and Scialii'n to their power of .<ttlniulat- ing and tttrpngtheiiinK lh<' kidneys. Th**v en.iblc these orgaiiB to thor- oiishly fllt<-r from the blood th« uric wid ithe product of w»!<te m.itfer ' which Rttn Into the (oints and rauwiea and canncs these pain- ful dincisps. Over half a century of constant nse ha.-^ proved coo- cluRivelT that Dr. Mor»(i> Indian Root Pilla strengthen weak kid- neys and Cure Rheumatism fMraMat8«f<ti£ Radws^i Ready n» Mef ooree tke woret •ains in from oaa iweaty jninntec For Headaclje (wkeUiar aick ir aerretui. Teath- iba. Neuralsia. jahcnaaklaB, _^^^^ toSIrtio{r^B"ar Mdaara. , imn* Um Mvar. pla«ta». •»Si«_ e< tke iaJeta. Mianauef all «^Bi way*. BeaSr BeJlef wiU to a tew 4a«a , feet a paraaaoD'. ean. 1909 «a« tht mwi yrosperQus y*«r In fli« history ol rtio Mm\ [\k kmm Co. or CANADA, 'ar^G gains being mad* in l>SrRANCE IN FORCE, ASSETS, PRK.HRIM IXCONE. INTEREST IXCOIIE, AND siapi.ts. A Spaoial Agent is Rsqi in this Oistriot. ^ Apply to The National Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. Hiad OfNca: 2S Tcisnta St., Torenta Ravages of Censomptioii ALX HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION la the year 1890. 13 vearttga. Mli.0, S. Gctoer, of Bella Ia!e, N3.. wat in a tali condition. All her relativea had died af conturapliea, and there hu every iodicatiM that the wu going the urae way. At thi< point her h utbtnd sugfesleci t^ttj Ptychiae. The doctor who atteiMcd laigl Ptychine wu worth leu; but ileSecleda woodeidil cure. Eighteen yean after it • letter bearuig date Auguit 14, 1908, Mn^ Ge«n«r styt, " I am better than 1 have ben (or yean. My tung* have aotlTDukled OW f (ioce ! took your lieatment. My fkrmtUlt tsM ae I coaM Botta](*abetl«taaictlM PSYCHINE, and I recommend it to all wlw >re (uf ering (rom Lung Trouble aad Gaik «nl Debaity." Far (tb kf •!) •nvii'M Stt. * n »er WiSk Dr. T. A. SLOCUI UMITEB^ TORONIOl

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