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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 19

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February 17 1910 THE F L E S II E K T O N ADVANCE /f\ 'I . '>' THE STANDARD BANK EUuUiJied 1873 OF CANADA eO Bructe. MONEY ORDERS FOR SMAU. SUMS Safety, convenience and low coSt unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Camada. Under $5 . . . 3c. $10 to $30 . . . lOc. $5 to $10... 6c. $30to$50 . . . I5c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. a? fXBSHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BRANCHES JkLSO AX DVRBAM AND BARRUTOV. PUCKERINGS AND PUCKERS The expinding oaliiic of Canada is no doubt lur>{ely responsible Tor the ciy of de;if hving which is at prcseni floiitiiig over the country The wonder u that living is aa cheap as it is, when all Lhinge aie cuDsldered. The thousanJ-s of men who are now working in the temporarily unpioductive bclc from Quebec to British Columbia require a Urge umount of fami produce to sustain them ; then come the thouaaudj of timburmen, tniners ^and piospectors in the northern belt. These, we believe, are a very krge factor !â-  VICINITY CHIPS Elbert Corufleld of Port Law^ ia team- ing for John A. Heard. Jas. S!e<3 of Lunnden, Sask., visited hie hiother, Tlius., here for a week or 80. . Mim Laura D^vLs, who hit been living in Toronto, is spending a few weeks at the parental home. Wni. Benson has purcha.<:ed the prop- makin)^_ Janadiau foodatuffi d--ar. The eify known as the Slier*of)d farm. Rock sgiioulural area has not kept pace with Mills, from J. H. Gilsjii. the dciuaud. The fact of the matter is G. M. Fimklin, who was an Anglican that the cuuntry is growin;; faster than minister here j, few years :igo, died at his i' c" supply itself with food. honWiii Oweti Sound last week. Mr. w. L. Hudson of Eastview, Sask. ^otes of the Women's [nstitute. Mys : "We are having v very tin« winter, ^^^ ^^^^ _^^.^^.^„ ^^ ^^^ ^^, ^ ^.^ ^^^ hardly enouah snow fur slemhuii;. , ,, .u .. i n i,.i l ^ •' " f * held in the town hall, Fleshcrton, on Miss Mabel Munshiw has returned Tuesday, Febiuary 22nd, ac 2.30 p. m. • from a Toronto hospital where a success- jirs. Robert Best will discusis '•flChe ful operation was performed on her value of cereals aa breakfast foods," and hand. Mra. It. U. UrixUt will give a paper on Thursdny night of last week gave us '"Ice, its usefulness in health and ill- the record for cold so far this winter, nesj." Boll call responded to ;wi:h The thermometer registered niiieteeu be- .luotations from Longfellow. Visitors low" zero. are welcome. Mrs. R. H. Wrieht atteiidc-d the silver j Mondny, Mirch 7ih, is the date of the wedding ot Mr. sud Mro. Wm. Kaniage,|uet, which is to be givea- by the near Dromore, on Friday last. jVliOut SbreddoU Wheat Co., under the auspices fifiy or sixty guests were prejeot. \ of the Iccal W. f.. of the Ma'.ro- 1 The reiurn match with tliM Markd'de Broriclio« »as played st Markdale ion Friday Thi Flc^hertr-n team were mitius Miiche!! and Sullivan, but made the best of a bad job, aad went up resol ve<l t'> keep the scrirx as everr as poiniUe I --and they did if. The^nme commenced with a rush, and in 30 Hecoiid:-) Flether- { ton had tallied ouce, repcitinij the Juse I in 90 seconds nior)*. .Markda'e then scored twice, then Flcsherton twice, and attain Maikdale twice, tnakiug itatieof 4 4 at half time. The play liad been fairly e^en in the iirst half, hut when it ciminienced apain the Flcshertotx. boys uncorked a speed that kept the puck at the Markdale goal during tke test :>f the same, save when I he home team would make » desperate etfi>rt and rush down the ice â€" aiid then they coulJ only score when the referee h.»d "Pat" oil the fouce on variiua excuses. That the scoreâ€" 8-6 in favor of the Bronchi>6 â€" was not reversed heavily was due to the the clever work of Burn- s de ill i;o:ii who blocked a r giilar fusilade of shots and rari-Iy missed it. M'ke Kelly was the referee. A.s he was on hk home ice, with the borne team, and with hime ^^upporie's it »a.s not to be wonderid at if be benched the best players ot the visiting team a "ieetle" bit too much. Sill it is not for us to kick â€" we are satisfied with the result of the S:»ne, whch was tetter than even iLe toys had hoped for. Markdale Flcsheiion gcal Roy Kerr point poin: Three children of Mr. Freeman Carpen- ter lo*t their lives in a fire that destroy- ed the dwelling in Skawnna^a, Dorib of Parry Sound. SOUR RISINGS FROM STOMACH F. Burrside M. Mutson (.). Rutledge .J. Dillon H H. Me cer "Puiich" Levi centre left right With the Charches Rfiv. NV. L. .Armstrong politan churcb, Toronto, visited hia aunt, Mrs. John Clinton, who has not recovered ; m, u ..â-  . ^ • i. u r. i. , , The Ssc-ottish concert given by the Gib- from her illness of some incnlbs ag.>. ' t i i ,i i », o gjjj family under the auspices of ti.e A number of y.-ung folks attended the Methodist L-idies' Aid on Wednesday of hockey match at Markdale on Monday i^^^ ^.^^^^ „^^ „ huge success, the receipts niKht between Orangeville and Mark- of the^veuiug amount ini{ to about $4.j. dale. The latter team woii by a score of ^(Mr. Gibson arid "The UiKblaud Laddie" 1*"®- were particular favorites in their solos Richard Armstrong, tho hotel keeper at »nd duett, and were liberal with encores. Priceville, was fined twenty dollars and Little Frank Gibson, asjed 7, made a hit costs before Magistrate WcMullen last »"h his renderini? of " The Uoly City." week for koepinc liquor fi r sale without Miss Lucy also made a good impression.. 1'*^""."'" • license. Liceucu Inspector Halbert of Mrs. Blackburu sans? a solo "Times Markdale laid tho charge. We are pUa«- 1 Hoses ', and Miss Ella Karated and Mi«. ed to see that he is making an effort to [ Rob. Moore gave readings. A duet restrain lawlessness. I "Hunting Tower" between Mr. Gi'Mon and Mrs. W. H. Bunt was a popular seltctioti. Mrs. R. H. Wright was ac- Word was received here on Monday ot the sad death of Miss Amy Kerr at Zion City. US.A., on Frid.y, February -Ih. ! c»>ni«"i'*t. f The occasion w,s a rare one MiM Kerr was a daughter of Mrs. J,,,,. ; for the Scotchman -to hear the genuine Smith, and was a native <.f Flcsherton. ] '"»«"» "^ ''^ """hef Lindan:ongau alien Her many friends here learned with sor- P-"P'« • """^ *» f"*" "'>"*« »'»"»« forbears raw of her untimely death. i=he was ^'^ °°* ^'"'"'^ ">« heather, well, they're only ill a few days. | ">'""'' ^'"''''^ """ a°y*»y- I' »""« I not be amiss to pay specitl tribute to Notwithstanding the fact that novern- ment prnclamationi annoitncing that all I dogs must be muzzled or tied up, have been posted up in town, we have not I noticed any diminution in the canine ', population that perambulates our streets. " The Uightaiid Laddie " who always charms liy his rendering of song in the Scottish tor<gue, and will always be a favorite here. / ReTs. Wellwood of Fleiherton and Every do? owner appear.-, to ba waiting Wilkinson of the Kimberloy oircui until he is made to obey the aforesaid pioclanation â€" and he will be. The Owen Sound Council has under consideration a proposition from the Geori{ian Bay Power Co., to supply electric power from the Eugenia property, offering ISO) horsepower during the day, and 300 h.p. durinjj the night, at $15 straight and a meter rate of 3.16 cents per h p. per hour. This rate is provision- al upon the town guaranteeing the company's bonds. Mr. Seth Cole, who is living near Priceville, decided this winter to beat the record for early chickniis, with the result that a white wyandotte hen belong- ing to him brouxht out tive chickcits on Peb. 8th. The youngsters h.*ve n''t had their whiskers frozen a< ye>, and the owner thinks they will pull through the balance of the winter. Word has been received here anneuno- in<{ the death of Mrs. Oscar Spairow at changed pulpits on Sunday even in Epworth Leaguers and others to the number of about fifty attended a LtMU{ue Rally at Markdale on Monday evening. Rev. G. Mtinro, who occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here the past two Sabbaths, ni.tde a good impression by his discourse on Sunday. Rev. O. S. Milligan, M. A., of Kingston Presbytery, will preach the next two Sabbaths. While coining down the Durham hill on Saturday U»t, Tommy Mc(.>rath. the shoe uiin, thought he'd bo a kid again for a minute or two, and jumped on a handsled as a (quicker, easier, and jollier method of goi:'g to work. He coa»tel like a tuu-yeai-old as far as the C. P. R. crossing, when, not caring to cross the Ita.'k at such a hurridane pace, he stuck I a foot down to brake the sleigh. The I result was that lie nearly bri'ke his foot, I for hu ^truck his pedtl extreinity on one ot the rails, unJ for the nest few minutes. VV. Wilson 'Pal" Patrick G. lIcTuvish E. BUkely O. Whitten â€" T.S..V The Grange Fiftteu years ago the (jiranae vna ipiite a power in this country but it waned, until at the present time it is priictically extinct. It retains more v'gor in the Stntes, however. Tho Youths' Compan- ion says : The aunuul meetings of the .stati' ori»a- niz.iti<-ns of the Patrons of Huslmndry, most of which are held in the weeks of e«rly winter, have called renewtd atten- lior, to the strength and prosperity of that great order, which is such an im- P'lrtint influence for gncd in the life of American coun'ry communities. The Gmnne, as the order is commonly called, fnmi the name applied ti its sub- ordit^ate bodies, was formed .st the cl< su of the civil war by a little group of pov- oriinient employes in W^shingt-'n. They mind the neeil of a national fra- ternal orgnuization which i^houKl advance the cause of agriculture, improve rural conditions, and help bind together the sections lately severed by war. The spread of the idua was rapid ; but about a decade later the Grange, partifuLirly in the middle West, became so actite in politics th»t its usefulness, as or'ginally organi/cd, was seriously interferetl wiib. In reotnt years there has been a com- plete return to tbe paths 6rst laid out, and thn beneficent results are seen in the homes and on the farms of thousands of country towns in every section of the land. To cite states in the extreme E^ist and extreme West, in Maine the order has about sixty thousand members, mors than a twtlfth of the whole population ; and for the past three years Washington has ltd all states iti percentage of increase of membership. Fiom party po'iiics the Grange now keeps strictly iku-f, although''the Grani;* Vote " is scinethins the politicians do not forget. Grange influence in matters of legislation is not unknown, and when ex- ercised, it is usually for the general wel- fare. In the rural uplift movement of the times there is no influence grtaler than theGrantiC, and whoever uses the term of "Granger" in ridicule is guilty of unfortunate iytio^ance. her homo ID Wingham, which sad event ., i n t ».t r. .i j u j ", .. „ the Mir was full of McGrkth and hand- occurred on the 3rd inst. Mrs. Swrrow , , ,„ • • i ui- , • . ,. , . ... , , , , .sleds rommv IS hobbling around with Jived here with her husband a couple of ,, i • . j r u • .i. 'a limp now. and instead of beins the ten- years ago when he kept the grocery store I 1 1 u .i t » i .,,",, . , . , . year-old ho thought lie was, a person m III Sproulo e block. She was highly , , â-  , â-  i i . i i â-  . i '^ , looking him over would lake hmi to lie a esteemed and much sorrow is exprtsseil i . _,, , , t ..i ,>â-  i i»- â- ^ I badly used up veteran of the Civil War. over her early looking him over wouU much sorrow is exprtsseil | , ., , , â- ^ I badly used up veteran > denus*. The remains t ,, â-  <^,v • i . _ , I â€" uuibam Lmvnicle. at BiU'-sels on t|i» 7th Mrs. Geo. F. Gabriel had ri narrow escape frimi death by poisoning one day recently. She was no' feeling well and i-e(]uesred her sister to btins; h«r a pill out of a certaiu Ix-x. .A mistake was made in the box, and she was uiveii a pill containing a deadly poison which Capt. Gabriel had procuied some time a30 for d ssolvin:{ in w.iter and u^ing as a lotion ffir a lore loc. Luckily the mis- take was disco'ert I immediately after Mrs. Gabiiel swallowed the ptr'»on iind I emetics promptly adrnitiisterud. If they I had even waited to send fur a d >ctor nothing could have sarts<l hir life, such was tho strength of the poison. â€" Shil- burne E-'ononaint. A sohtHil tescher, near C(>wist)wn, were interred liist. I W. J. Moouie, Black Bank, and F. It was a grand thing for many people *"• Wea'heral are wuiguiiie that they have I havinu ioalaicled a pupil to purchase a in this district when thr? Durham Fur- ' discovered a gold mine at Livender. A grammir, the next day rcceivtd a note niture Co. purchasc'l the Rockvalu mills Toronto assayist to whom specinuns ' from the child's mo' her, thus worded: property from Arnmtrong Bros. Tho *«'• •"'â- '"'""^'^ '•'"•^^ '" ''»^""*»'*'<'>^ f*'*y "1 do not desiic for Lulu shiU inuage work of pelting in a stock of logs has ] *'!' >'<â- '•* '^ '" ^''« '"" "f K^'i' »'"• * , '" giamincr is I pt-rfer her ingage in been euierwetically prosecuted this winter petccut^tge of silver. Mejsis. Mwdie ' useful studies and cf»u loarn her to spoke under the .<iipervis;on|of Mi-. J. S. Wil- and Wcathcnil intend to commence de- ^ and »ri^e jiropsr myself. I havo wont son. Wo are informed that upon each vehnilng the mine »» soon as spring opvns. i through two x'amn'ors and 1 cvu't s;»y as fortnightly p.%y day apiii-oxinmlely six They ha\o had offcis to ncII out, hut will j they d,d me io|;(M>d. I prefer her engage ihous'vnd dollars is paid out for timber. ""' ''" *" "'""' ''"y '''''^'»-' f"l'>-'ii'>J "P li'B , ii> Genu m ami drawing and Vi cal music \ This has been an undisguistnl Wessiin to VO'"* '""f^ llioroojjhly. those who had timber for .sale out in the , Wolves arc said to be v^ry tuimei-i t:s east, more especially ai tho prices n'iJ i" Carliii^ ti.wnship, ar.d a hunt is Uii g are saUl to be high. on the pianj. â€" A(.v»»cate. J. D. Ilnrrison of ShJliurt o hid soxeral libs krokin by » lick f ^ m a Those Wlio Experience Full- ness and Pain After Meals, Stomach Disorders, and Indigestion, Should Read Eelo-w. "When I v>-as working- around the fnrni last wiiiter I had an attack of in- flammation."' v.T'.itA >:r. E. P. Daw- kin.^, of Port Richmond. "I was v/eak for a long tim--, tut woU tnougli to v.ork untfl tprins. Uut sonvthing v/cnt wrens with my bo.veU, for I had to use salts ot> physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and al- wavs aftor eatins there was pain and fulness, and all tho symptoms of in- testinal Indigestion. Nothing helped nxe until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pilla. Instead of hurting, like otiicr pills, they acted very mildly, ajnd seemed to heal the bowels. I did not reiuire large doses to get results with Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To- day I am well â€" no pain, no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. Tliis is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do. and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it." Refuse a sibstitute for Dr- Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut, sold in yellow boxes. a5c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. R G. KARSTEDT (( Purity Flour" Again we beg to draw your attention to the now, Famous Purity Flour, which ire are handling. It is, as you are aware, the BEST tiour that baa yet been put upon the marker. It makeii more bread than any other flour and the coat is no more than those flours that they say are just as good. It Iiai been tried and proven to be the best, by tbe best bakers in our community. Try a small bag for yourself and ynu will never be without it. We also have a full supply of "Three Star" flour, feed (flour, shorts and brans at the lowest possible prices. Special prices on large • luantities. Crosscut Saivs A full stock to band of Buffalo Billo, Simonds, Racer. Lance Tooth, 5Ionarch, and every other two or four cutting t<joth and drag saw that is on the market. All 5^ feet long. At a price which is right, froc. ^.00 to $4.25, handles extra. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure the Stomach orgsu zed at Parry Sound. I, ^ Odds and Ends W. 4. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Attention is drawn to Morlcy A Baker's advt. in another column. Wanted â€" A small portable engine to rent for the summer. Geo. A. Watson, Flesherton. Havinsr leased tie sawmill at Eugenia, I am prepiued to do ail kinds of custom aawiiii.'. R. Haut-y. â€" Park lor, ci ntaining 3i acre', in good state of cultivation, wire fenced. A. Sfaackelf ird. For Sale â€" A good big cow supposed to be in calf. Will sell for money or good papers. Apply to L. Badgeruw, 4;h Line, Artemesia. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stonework and plasterinij. Re- pairina prjmptly attended to. J. (_). Pattoii, Flesherton. Box 241. A good house and garden with stable to rent at Euyenia, also one kitchen cab- inet for .sale. .). H. Jainieson, owner. Apply to Mrs. Robert .McMaster, Eugenia. As we have put in an up-to-da'e chopper, we are prepared t'l do all kinds of grain chopping. Chopping done every day. Give us a trial. W. «& M. Kerlon, Maxwell. Team of horses for sale or would ex- change for team of maies. Good heavy y rung horses. Also two cows due to calve this month. Jas. Nadi, Irish Lake P. 0. Mrs. Andrew RulUdge offers for sale 10 acres of swamp, containing snruce, hemlock and cedar, one mile from F'e^h- erton station. Apply to Mrs. A. Rot- ledgw, Ceylon P. O. If OTICB To The Pi-uucâ€" Horseshoeing done at tbe old price : 10 cents a sett, 25 cents a new shoe. Special attention given to interfering and contracted hoofs. â€" .lake Williams. Eugenia Ont, Mr. Elmer Fyke, lot 1, con. 4, Osprey, will sell his farm slock, implements and household furniture by public auction on Friday, Feb. 25, at 1 o'clock p. ui. See larjje bills. D. MoPhail, auctioneer. Messrs. Sirjiih i Wilson wll be at Feversham on Tuesday, Fob. 22, to pur- chase two car hmds of jieneral purpose horses for the Wes'. Any person havintr a horse for sale wimid do well to attend •it Feversham that day. Eggs for Hatchingâ€" Rhode Island Red Leave your erders early. Rose and single comb, the latter he.ided by cock that scored ovt r 90 points at O. S. ponl try shnw. t)ne dollar per netting of 15 for best, others 5()c. per dizen. W. H. Thurstr'ii, Flesherton. To 1 hose who want to have a good ap- pt^arance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to Ai.dy Wilson Flesherton, and have i' laundered in tirst eliiss style. Basket leavts Tuesday night and returns Saturi^ay a. in. Markdale steam laundry. W'. ,T. Smith. Prop. An extensive list of farm slock, implements and household furniture will be held on lot 7, con. 3. Collinswood township, th" property of Mr. Hugh Smith, on Friday, Fe'oruai'y 25lh. The list i.s an unusua'lv large on>', for which see bills. Wm. Knittiiitr, auctioneer. Fakm For Salf or Rknt - Lot 69 ami 70, 2nd con., N. D. R.,Artemesia, situat ed at Port I,aw. Thisfsrmi.s composed of84a<'r'S, well «atcred, frame hou.«e and small frame barn, good orchard. If sold forms will W made to suit pnrch«.ser or will be rented fi>r a term of years. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Chats- woith. X public nieo'ing in the in'erest of the A. <>. V. W. will be held in the town hsll, Flesherton, on Friday evening, ! Kebruaiy 25th. Addresses wll be given I bv the General t>r;r.siiizcr, J. H. Jung- ! I ans, K. R. Henry, D D. G M. and j oihers.! funiished ly local talent. I F.veivl'ody welcome. No admi.<sion fee. i Alfr»<l Unni'op, M. W.. C. H. Mnn ' shaw, Riconlcv. ^ 6i US Serve i. We wouUl just say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better .stock for men, ladies ' and children. Rubbers and Over.shoe? â€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boot.?, Shoes. Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe i Polislicj-. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap The Flesherton Carriage Works Fleihercn, Ont. Winter is Here. And so arc wc with our large display of cutters, sleighs, and everything in the carriage line. Come in and nave a look bofors buying, and then you will bo convinced that you cannot do better el.sewherc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Horse shoeing: and general blacksmithing a specialty. First class livery in connection. D. McTXVISH, - Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Stock Mr. John Fmdlay of Moaford is selling by public auction on SATl'RD.W, FEB. 26, 1910, on arrival of noon train, the followina goods and chattels â€" LORD Ri)SS-3oG7.3. .A.T.R. The niaguificently bred standard bred large stalhon, unbeaten nn Canadian soil. Sired by full brother of jy&re Devil, 3.09, by Mambrino King, 1279, the handsom- est horse in the world, and is one ot the same family as Miner. He is the only horse that liiis ever beaten Dau Patch. A winner in th« show ring and a producer of winners, his Colts having won the special prize given for the best colts sired by any standard bred stallion. Pedigree forwarded upon request. FRENCH NEORO A typical French sire, of good propor- tion and tirst-class breeding qualities. His record will speak for itself. NETTIE F. Black mare, loj hands hiah, so woil known in the show rinw. .\ winner t,f â- <1 tirstf in 1908, including the Gentle- men's Road Race. Winner of 36 ttrsls and diplomas in 1909 and is one of those high ^<ing trotters that always wtii and has not leon beaten for diplomas and the handsomest hoi-se <m the show ground*, %nd is in foul to the high-going trotter, Heie is wliei-e t<i expect something go,)d. One black Shetland Pony, a beautiful child's pony, quiet, sound andyoung,also its hariie.''s, cart and cutter. One good road horse, young. Terms â€" 12 moiiih.s' credit im appioved joint notes. Seven (.er cent, ott" for cash. JOHN FISDL.\Y, Prop., Box 420, Meafoid. W. J. Sh-pherdson Phone 70 Auctioneer. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. may Catalogue High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type writing. In" dividuiU instruction. Students enter at any time. free. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College ROYAL PURPLE We h.ave a complete line of Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics. These goods have been proven and are used to good advantage by increasing numbeni.'' Royal Purple Stock Specificâ€" 50c pack- ages and $1.50 pails. It keeps the stock in good condition. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 50c pack- ages, 91.50 pails. Makes the hens lay well m. winter. Try a package and you will come back for a pail. Royal Purple Lice Killer, for stock and poultry, in 50c tins. Gi-ound oyster shells, barley, buckwheat and fall wheal for the poultry ; .I'so short', bran, low grade fl-.,ur ai.d oilcake. 01. C. OPrlghn " Grocer Ficsberton OCSIGf 3 COPVRIC.HTS Ac An70no»5ni*1r.8 a ^'.i,>;^ll .i- J ".'scr' may ^nlzii\r a?m-ftnlr» ct rp:n!,>n 'rae « ncitHT **• lUTPnltoi; l»|^^e^A^Ir^n;c:;•^r*l•^ y''miQuutr'\ tlo»a»»lctl7<-onUU<-ntliO. H.MJUBOQK wiFatc-uia K^r. five. t».''^--»«t ».u'?.-c7 for pociirinffP*teiit% t'-,;c..i' fa5..-n t^r u.i. Mur.n ^kCbkivcclTa fr(. wln-il'-s, wit'i.;i;:cimr«o, t.ii.h9 r. . ' â- â- "''' •*" iOJ:'! V ;')iiri..jJ. .AC.::"* tot iinooi .â- ::â- Â» (l»»t««*''^r>-<»w i».7'. Art and Science of Garment Cutting Young men wi>liing to learn the art and science of garment cutting will do well to see me and n.ake arrnngemeats for a conise of instruction, the^vstein taught will be the most thoroush and up ro-dato the only system in the world where every short ineHsure cm be applied to the draft. Having taken my diphmia in London, England and New Yoik Cutting Schools, have had 'M years exptricnce in practical taihiring in Enxland and America, there- fore I am able toguai-anteo the Wt pos- silile resul's to any yrmiig wishing to Itarn iho .scicsce of giirme>it cutting. The system taught by mnil to those be- ing unable to attend in person. Fi r terms of instructi'Mi and all particulars. Apply to F. A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Taiiors Flesherton, Ontario .\ i»orivable airship has been Ismb hen *l Fainborough for the cf the Br^ti-h â- inn v.

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