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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 16

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m 15 FEBSONS PERISH Passenger Steamer From Marseilles to Algiers Wrecked A despatch from Paliua, Island «>f Majorca, says : Swept helpless- ly fros kcr course in odo of tlio wildeat rtornia that has swept the MeJilevraneaD Sea in forty years, the Fumth Transatlantic Steamship Comp4sif*s Ktcamex General Chanzy crashed at full speed, in tho dead (if niaki. Ml tn-atherous reefs near the RbfMl «f Minorca, and all but one of ike 157 scuU on board per- ished. The Fo!o survivor is an Algerian ciifioms of&cor, Marcel Kodcl, who iras rescued by a fisherman and lies »t preseat in the hospital at Cinda- dela, raving, an a result of tho tor- tures through which he passed, and iinabTfl to give an account of the disat-tei. Of tb« ship's) company there were «T p«.!-'i<engerH, of whom 30 were in 3i( first cAbin. Tlie crew nuinber- 1(1 7(1. The xhip was in command »f CRnt.ain Cayol, on© of the most larcful officers of the line. He nvvnr before had met with an ac- tident. He soon was to have re- tired from the f««rvice. 'n>f! pasftcngrrs f)f the C.'hanzy rere mostly Frenrh officers and of- ftcials tetiiming to their posts in Algeria, accompanied by their wives and children, a few soldiers, borao Italians and Turku, and one priest. The only Anglo-Saxon names on the passenger list were Green and Stakcly. They were members of an opera troupe of eleven which bad been engafjcd to sing at the Casino in .llgicrs. The General (Jban/.y sailed from Marseilles on Wedu-ceday at noon, and was due to arrive at Algiers en Tliursday afternoon. Tho Chanzy is a total wreck. Steamers have been despatched from Spain and from points in the Balearic Islands to tho scene of the catastrophe. Among the vic- tims was tho celebrated Pariiiiau music hall singer, Francis Dufur, (IS well as other prominent music hall favorites. The General Chanzy struck at 9 o'clock Thursday night. Other ships in tho neighborhood had safely outridden tho storni, but the Chanzy was lifted off her couri^ lhro\igh the Balearic Arcbipclago and brought up on the coast of Mi- norca, in the vicinity of Ciudadela. Fishermen at daybreak picked up Rude I clinging to a piece of wreck- age. FELL INTO THK TLUBINK. ilduard Rcho Killed at Niagara Falls. A despatch from Niagara Falls HHjs : Falling into tho forebay of No. ) plant uf tho Niagara Falls Vowfr r'ompany, Edward Kcho, aged M, was instantly killed on Th-jr-day morning. His body pass- ed under the racks and fell 150 feet ot to the turbine wheels of a ten tiinu!',\nd horsepower generator. Wbeu his body wa.i found it was janiTrrd in tho wheel ca.iing. and » af terribly mutilated. Kcho was kecpioB the penstock free from ice mheu be lost hi.i balance and fell into ibo water, which quickly car- ried httn down. Frank Buchanan raw him fall, but was powerless to tare him. The dead man leaves a wife and nix children. A MIMTAKV AIBSnir. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS QACi'ENINGS FBOSl ALL OVEB THE ULOBK. THecrapnla Oricfi From Oar Owa aail Other Couatriea el itecent ErenU. CANADA. The Legislatures of Alberta and Manitoba opened on Thursday. An outbreak of trooboma has been diacovored among ilcgiua school children. Tho Grand Trunk Railway's half- yearly statcracnfc has Riven great satisfaction on tho Lonuon market. An employee of tho Montreal reg- istry office lias absconded with a shortage ot $5,000 jn his accounts. As Gait has abandoned tho an- nual horse show, lirantford will make an attempt to secure it as an annual fixture. Mr. John Kcdmond's declaration of policy ha.s caused some embar- rassment and much speculation in Lritish political circles. William Masson, a special con- siablo at Montreal, was fined thir- ty dollars for annoying a young woman, and bis license was cancel- led. The body of Robert J. Brown, tho Ottawa teacher, who di.sappear- ed some time ago, has been found on the shore of Okanagan Lake, B. C. The British and American expe- ditions which are soon to make a dash for tho South I'olo from dif- ferent sides may co-operate to a certain extent. THE WORLD'S MARKEFS HEPORTS FttOM TUB LEADWO TBADE CENTUES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Ilonio and Abroad. IJUEADSTUFFS, Toronto, Feb. 15.â€" Flour â€" On- tario wheat 80 per cent, patents, *-».25 to $1.30 in buycrs's suck,i on track, Toronto, and $1.15 to M.20 outside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flcur, first patents, $5.70; secoruls, â- itt 20 to $5.M, and strong bakers', $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat â€" No. I. Northern, $1.12, Bay ports, and No. 8 North- err, at $1.10, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 mised red Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.03 out- side. Barleyâ€" ^^^o. 2, 67c outside ; No- 3 extra, 55c ; No. 3 at 50 to 52c, and feed, 48c outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 Ontario white, SO to 40c outside, and i'i to 42Vic on track Toronto. Canada West oats, 42^^ to 43o for No. 2, and iV/j to 42c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peasâ€" 84 to 85c for No. 2 for shipment at outside points. Ryeâ€" No. 2, C8c outside. Buckwheat â€" 63% to 5-lc outside for No. 2. Cornâ€" New kiln-dried No. 3, 73c, and No. 3 new yellow, selected, 70c, Toronto freights. Branâ€" $22. ,50 in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $21, in bags, Toronto. Launrh ot Iluge Craft for Use ot Britb^h Army A despatch from T,ondon snyn: The British army appears at last t-> have recurfd a workable airship after many false starts. M.inncd by Col. Capper and four assist- ants, the huge fi-<h-6ha)ted craft was launched from the Mi1it:iry bulloon factory at Farnborough on Saturday. An hour was ficcupied in a flight over Laffin's Plain to .V'.dershot Camp, and ba<-k to its -shed. The airship Ir.ivelled sevi<r- ot hundred feet ab-ave the highest p^'ints passed over and appeared t<» GREAT BRITAIN. M. Cecil W. Norton, the Liberal Whip, says the Budget will have been passed- in n forlnight's time. The Independent Labor party has decided to make the question of votes for women an isj>uo in Bri- t.'tin. The Daily Chronicle expresses tho opinion that tho next CSovernor- Ocneral of Canada will V>e a states- man of personal prcstigt*. Keir Hnrdio dcclarc<l nt the meeting of the Independ''ut Labor p irty that the fiaboritr-s in the Hrit- i'lli Parliament would still remain THE FP TIE OF CAIADA Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario Says It Lies in Her Farms. U:c. SEVERED nX SLEIGH. Mflod^tocb Lad Stealins a Ride Fell I'nder Runner. A de!<palch from Woodstock, Onl., Kays: A lad named Arthurs, â-  i\ yars of age, jumped off a sleigh rontainiiig a load of brick after whool on Wednesday after- noon, and, getting under the run- ners, his leg wa-t cut off just be- low the knee. His recovery is cv- pectcd. FR.^Nt.E SENDS lll'.lt THANKS. ( iinaitir>t Cnnli'ibiitlon to Flood llcilcf is Uanded Over. A despatch from Ottawa says : At the oppiiiii? of the Hou^e on Ttiurfday Mr. fielding read a tele- â-  rani from Sir Frnncis Bertie, Brit- ish Ainba»'-iKl'>r nt Pari.i, aclcnow- ledfiitig the rf>eipt of t'an-idu'ti gift i.t ifijO.miO I., assist the >.• n<-r<TS from the floods in Fr.iii.>-. The ntCNsapo said; '".Vloncy hanlcl i>mt to French Mini.^trr of l''orc:Kii A:' fmrv., who i'r'<|iie'-( s tlut lh« di-cp Itratitnd" %<! the tiovcrnmcnl of the Republic, who art" much touched tt tlii)' pr.KiTous (iyinp.ithy, be eon- rejed t'O the»> of l~'unad.'i." MAD D0<; KILI.F.D. Weil in Pere .Marquette .Sliop^ Visi- ted hy SniKM'ing Terrier. .^ fle^pHfcli from St. Tlioir.a" lajs,; A hirny Scotch terrier, froth- ing at the month, nufftring from frerjuefit ooiivuNioiis and evidently llifecte*! wilh rsbieK in an ttdvanc- •f. pf.tjff, »ii\ud'Ml tlie Pei-e Mar- qiettc sboprt on Thursdiiy and ere- »ltd a piiiiif umong the piHployeci<. One of the men killed the beast nith a erow bar. aiswer its helm perfectly. It seem- ed to b-« under tliorougb control j indf'pcndent. tLroosliout the trip and maintained' Mr. Redmond announced at a a good 'peed even when driven in-' nicf ting of the United Irish League the teeth of a stiff breeze. The new! thai he would put the (Sovcrnment n>»cbine is many times greater in | out of office unless it had both the »ize than its prcdece*sorii, being 170 will and the power to deal wilh tlic COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" $1.50 to $3 per barrel, according to quality. Beansâ€" Car lots outside, $1.80 to ?1.00, and small lota at $2 to $2.10 per bushel. Honeyâ€" Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50; extracted, lo;.j to lie p«^r lb. Baled havâ€" No. 1 timothy, $13.50 to $11, and No. 2 at $12 to $12,50 on track, Toronto. Babul Strawâ€" $7.50 on track, To- ronto. Potatoes â€" 17 to 50c per bag on tr-ick for Ontarios. Poultryâ€" Turkeys, dressed. 17 to Ific per lb. ; duck.^ 13 to li'K- ; geese. 12 to 13c; chickens, 13 to 14c, and fowl, 10 to Uc. A despatch from Toronto says: That the future of the Dominion liee in the productive development ef our farming land was the opin- ion expressed by Mr. C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, in his address on Wednes- day night at tho banquet of the Holstein Breeders' As.iociation. He ccnlendod that a responsibility lay on all farmers to cultivate and as- sist one another in cultivating their aroars to the highest degree of pro- ductiveness by scientific agricultur- al study and the diffusion of know- ledge among their less fortunate neighbors. Education, the.^ speaker said, was t';o basis of the development of any people, and best of all was the se- curing of this education in an inde- pendent manner. In Ontario there were two classes of farmers that the province had to deal with ; those who kept abreast with new ideas for improvement of orchards and farms and the indifferent class who lagged behind and remained poor. Ontario, he said, had more than its share of tho latter class. To assist tbeso farmers tho Department of Agriculture, which, ho believed, was one of the best in the world for organization, had started the Agri- cultural College at Guelph, which after 25 years had shown a marked influence in farming life. To this institution 1,000 men came every year to study, but the speaker claimed they were tho men who needed the education. Tho province was trying to get after the backward agriculturist. With this in view, the department had started three years ago to locate brariches in different parts ot the province, where representatives would be sta- tioned to assist farmers in cultivat- ing crops. There would soon b« fourteen of these, he said, and tho movement had been doing much to better conditions. The fanner to-day, he said, was having his innings, and the publio were at the mercy of tho producers. Prices had risen on all products, and there was no chance of there coming down. Tho reason for this, ho said, was that during the last ten years the farming population had suffered a big de- reaso and the cit- ies were becoming filled up rapid- ly. Therefore tho producers wcro unable to meet the demands ot tha consumers. fc» t in length with pointed ends and having fin-like projections on either side. I'ramework extends below tho iMjuy for about three- fourth.s of its length. The propel- lers are attached to its sides. FIRE Vl.SnS THE CAPITAL. I1ie I.US.S to Three Firms Will Total $»2,000. A despiiteh from Ottawa siys : A fire which occurred in a Uileaii .Sire«-t buildinff at noon on .Sunday caused daiiiugc to the building and ctntiwits ainouutiug to $f)«.000. Tho bi-ilding was occupied by Hu«h Carson f.imile.l, saddlers; T. Shore, I'.nrilware dealer, ami V . W. Losd, furniture dealer. The loss was dis- tiibtited «H fullow.s : -High Car- son, Limil.d, $75,000, with ^3.'>,- fM)0 inHiirnnce ; T. Shore. $0,000, with $.">,000 insurance, and l". W. f.( rd. damage caused by water, ••^1.,".^). The building, which be- lor.god to W. J. Chnrles<in and J. IJ l>uford, was<'d to the ex- t' nt of $10,0f)0. It was fully insur- ed UOV. PK KED IP -VT SEA. Rig Newfoundland .SwiuiinlnR Run* dred NiUv* From Laud. A despatch from Vnncjmvor sa.ys : The rttcftm.^r l-'red T. Wood, which nirivcd from the Pacific coast on Kiiuday, reiii.rts picking up a large biack Newfoundland dog one h\ni- dvcd miles from laud. The .Tniiiml wa;< almost ib-ad froui exhaustion. He recovered and now seems none the v.orae. He woro no collar, and was apparently lost overboard from 8ou»o passing shi]). FIFT! British Steamer Lima Wrecked on One of the Islands of the Huamblin Passage. A dc-^oateb from Santiago. Chi'c, i.iys: The J'n'lic Navigation Com pany's ^teaul(•l• Lima is u.'di'>re on one ot tiie islands of the Kuambliu ^aiiage <>f tbr Htruits of ^lag•^Uan, and will prolwvbly be a total lofs. 'I'lic chief pilot and fifty passcn gcis were drowned. The llriti^^li ftcsmcr Halumot r^'cuiid 203 «if tho pcr'<onR aboard tin- stranded Mciimer. but \vj»h forc- ed to Wave M aboard, us tlu-re was giciit danger that she, berm-lf, v.ocld be cvrfpt on tho rocks by Hic gttirm that prevailed at the time. The ChiUvin (Joveminent, imme- diately on rcm-tpt of the news that the Limn Jiad been wre.-ked, de- ppatchcd the protected cruiser Mi- nirho Jentono to tho rc^'cuo, and the Pacific Navigation Coniopny ."«cut five steamers at top speed to ebo (Stroits r.f Magellan. The Lima is a British vessel ov,«ta>d in Liverpool, and plying be- tween that port and the ports of 8(,uth .Viucm-a. She was last re pi.rted as sailing from Bahia Blan- ini. Argentina, on January 26, aud v.iiH on her way to Chilean and I'oiuuan porta. fjord's veto. UNITED .STATES. The Grand Trunk Railway is seeking an t ulry to I'rovivicnce, U. 1. The firemen on the Michigan Gen trnl are demanding uu increusc in wages. Three children were burned l<> death in a tiro at Ogdousburg on Wednesday. .\ newly married couple were mtirdered at Cleveland bv a cre- ditor who could not got his nicuiey from Ihftui. It is probable that Coitgrtss will vote ('i>mm»nder IVary ii nicdil of honor instc.-id ot promoting liini to the rank ot l{ear-.\dmirHl. The National Gcograpbio .Socif^ty of tho United .States has bcfmn a campaign tor funds to send an c.x- peditiou in search ot the South Pole. f?enn!^t C. Silver, who was accus- f .1 of Black Hand practices at New York, pulled o»»t his nuuistaclic, *"ne hair at a time, in an attempt to make it impossible for a witness to identify him. GENER.U.. The French .\ntarctic expedition under Dr. Charcot did not reach the South Pole. The Indian tiovcrnment will re- lease all the political pri.'^<uiers who were, ordered deported fourteen months ago. Tho Spanish Premier ha.s resigned M\d a (/'abiuet haa been formed by Senor Caualejas, leader of the ex- 1 1 erne Liberals. ROILI.K KILLKD SIX MEN. Exploded While They Were Mann- ing Thein.ielvcs About IL .\ despatch from Bay City, Mich., siiys : While u ecoro of workmen were warming thenisehcs in the boiler room of Princing's sawmill •I*, Criimpia on Thursday waiting for the whistle to start the day's work, Iht boiler e.vploded, inKtantly kil- ling six of the men and injuring alt the otluus. The mill was wrecked, debris being scattered 100 feet in every direction. It is believed that Cold water was forced into the boi- ler when the water wa.s low, caus- inp »n excess of steam. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Bultcr Pound prints. 22 to 2,1c; tubs and lurgc. rolls, 20 to 21c; in- ferior, IH to 20c ; creamery, 27, and solids, 21 to 2,')C per lb. Eggs tJase lots of new laid, 30 to 32c per dozen, and storage, 2Jc per do*. Chece-l'^iC per lb. for large, and at 13o tor twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 11'.^ to 1 C'c per lb. in ease lots; mess pork, $27; short cut, $28.:.() t.» $20. Hams -Light to medium, 15 to l.>'.;c; do., heavy. M to iVic; rolls. It <• ll'ic; shoulders, 13 to 13j<c; bre.ikfast bacon, 17 to 17).jC ; backs, IH';: to 19V.;c. Lard Tierces, 15^ic; tubs, 15;\'c; pnils, Kio. BUSINESS IS MONTREAL. Montreal. Feb. 15. -Oatsâ€" No. 2 C«nadian Western, 45'.^ to 4<5c ; No. 2 oats, 44'.j to 'luc ; Ontario No. 8 white, 13'..i to Mc ; Ontario No. 3 white, 42!. J to lac ; Ontario N'o. 4 white, 4?S.', to 420. Barley â€" No. 2, cows from $30 to $.M each. Calves from 4 to Gc per lb. Sheep 4^4 to TjC per lb. ; lambs, G% to 7c per lb. Good lots of fat hogs about Oc per lb Toronto, Feb. 15.â€" Tlio quality of tiie cattle was mcdiunj to gocd, with a sprinkling of choice steers and light exporters' ; the latter sold up to $0. A few picked butchers* rea- lized $5.75 to $5.i;0. but were exceptions. Ordinory good lo-ids f^old at $5 to $5. CO ; cows sold from $4 to $4. CO, and bulls from $4.25 to $."».25. Milkers and springers were steady. Sheep aud lambs firmer "â- -wing to the limited pui)ply. Lambs selling at $0.50 to $7.23; sheep at ?1 50 to $5. Hogs were quoted at .'!i6 to $8.10 f.o.b., and $5.25 to $&.30 fed and watered. l^.â-  , I IRAIN STRl CK HANDC.kR. Three Railway Men Hurt Near Dying Inlet. A despatch from Sudbury s.iys : Albert Hodgnian. foreman, with two scctionmen, Tiklona and Oricar, trackmen on the Torouto-Sudbury branch of the C. P. R. IwHwcon French and Byiug Inlet, wliilo re- turuing from Byiug Inlet on Thurs- day afternoon ran into the Toronto .Sudbury local train before they noticed it. Their jigger wuiS smash- ed to pieces. Uodgman was se- vtverely bruised about the head, and Tiklena's jaw broken and his FREKZKS GERMS TO DEATH. IMiiladelpbia Doctor's Method of Treating Cancer. A despatch from Philadelphia says : A new method of treating can- c<r of the skin by freezing was de- nionstrated to rhiladelphia physi- cians on Wednesday by Dr. Ralph Bernstein, who has been practising for two years what he assorts is an o?iginail mflhod of treatment. Li- quid air has been used for ext'^^ri- nicutatioa before, but Dr. Bern- stein's method of using solidified cavbon dioxide is said to be uni- que. Ho produced at tho meeting of the Tri-eounty Medical Society a number of cases and made (lemoustrat-'oas with the free/ing mi.xture. The parts were frozen froui three to five minutes. This process, it is asserted, kills ths cancer germs. At iut'M'vals of three weeks the operation is repeated. ♦ • RAN TO Hi;; DKATH. Live Wire Killed One Man and la* jiired Two. A despatch from Va'icoivvor, B. C , says: In a desporal- flight from a deadly glare fiaslt of uc*rl/ thirty thousand volts in the street railway transmission tower at Bar- net on WVilne.'iday night, T.eo Wea- ver, aged thirty, was killed, and .». Dempster aud H. Smith" injured. The throe men weri.' making car- scalp injured. Cricar was cut about **>" '•''P«'^* '"» the dead hue ui the the face and hi.s back injured. Crie r.r managed to jump before the col- l;.>-ion came, but was hit with flying dibris. All three were brought to .Sudbury General Hospital on the tru'n. All aro expected to retov- ec 5n"^ to (JOo; No. 3, S.S'Jc; No. 4, .Wl.'c; feed barley, 54'. ;C. Fiour- Maiiitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do., seconds. $5.30; Winter whe.'it patents, $'».50 to $5.- 0:1; Manitoba strong bakers', 85.10; straight rollers, l!!5.10 to $.'>.2.'\: do., in bags, $2.4(> to $2.50. Feed-(.hi- tario bran,, $22.,W to $23; Ontario middlings. $2:5.50 to $21 ; Manitoba bran, $22; do., shorts, $23; pure grain nioutllie. $31 to $:13 ; mixed uuMiillie. $27 to $i.'!». Chef se- .Sept. and Oct. u»ake western. 12 to 12ljc; eastiMiis at 11"^ to 12c. Butter - choicest creamery, 2(>to2t>'^o; fresh receipts at 21'.; to 25!;:c. Eggs - Si lected stock, 2S to :t0c ; No. 1 candled, 25 to 27c per dozen. ('/.\HIXA'.S CONDITION t;llVVE I'uiilde to Reeogni/o Either Iter RuHbAiid or Children. A despatch frniu Borlin says : The Vienna correspondent of the Tageblatt professes to have iufor- motion that the condition ot tho C/.arina is so grave that sho is unable to recognize the Czar or her cbildrou. UNITED STATES MARKE'fS. Buffalo, Feb. 15. -Wheat -Spring wheat firm i No. 1 Northern, car- loads store. $l.lO'>i; Winter steady. C-rn Strong. Oats Firm. Ryeâ€" N .. 2, on track, SSc. Chicago, Feb. 15.â€" Cash wheatâ€" No. 2 red. $1.24 to $1.25; No. 3 red, •iH.lS to $1.22; No. 2 hard, $l.Kt to $1.14; No. 3 hard. $1.10'^ to $1.- 12'<; No. I Northern, $1.14'; to $l.i4'o; No. 2 Northern, $1.13!,' to Sl.wVi; No. 2 Spring. $l.lO!,j to ?).13. Qornâ€" No. 3, oaSjc; No. 2 white. •!» to C3c; No. 2 yellow, 03'.', to ftt',;c; No. 3, (!2 to 02) ie ; No. 3 white, U2 to G3c; No. 3 yellow 03,', to cac; No. 4, 87',; to 58';e; No. 4 ydlow, 5S to M>',;o. Oats No. 2 17 '.:c: No. 2 while, 48',; to 4S)c; No. 3. l'7'^c; No. 3 white, 40-;; to 47:\c; No. 47'; RCSSIAN EGGS COMPETE. V Contiignnieiit of Sl.v Thousjind Doxeu Iteceived iu Montreal. .\ de^paldi from .Montreal says: Moutrealcis will have iiu opjiortu- nity of jud;;iug what kind of hen fruit tho poultry yinds of Russia car. prtxluce, as a C'>nsignnieut of (;,000 dozen eggs has been received here from Kiga, Russia. Strange i\!\ it may seem, these eggs can be brought approximately 5.000 miles at a price to compt l>^ with the local eggs. It is bclii've<l to be first time a coinuieic-al transaction of this nature Ivi-s taken place, but there have btci prc\ious inst,*nccs of tooilstutfs being brought from abroad at a time when tho local piicfs wi'ic extrenu^ly hinb- Buttcv tower \*hoii another lino thirty foct away used to carry electricity to th# city broke. Terrified by the blind- ing brilliance of the arc formed by the current b?tween tho ends sov- crfd tho wirenien rushed for the tower door. At tho door they to\u-hed the corrugated iron sheet- ing i>t tho tower, whi.'h had be- come heavily charged. Weaver was electrocuted instantly, and th« woorwork on the tower set ou fire. \ STRICKEN FAMILY. Six Members Down With TypheUI Fever. .\ despatch from Pcterboro says: Four patients sufferihg from ty- phoid fever were brought to th« city from ILtstings on Thursday night, ar.d are iiv.w in tin.* Nicholls' Ilit^ipitsl. They are Mrs. Sidno.f Sbarpe. and three daughters, aged three, nine and etcyeu years, rc- s|;e(tivch'. The family, which was voiuiK^scd of father and mother, lw< sons, and three daughters was, 4 white. 4(> to 40\'c; standard, to •la-'ie. LIVE STOCK MARKET, ilontreal, Feb. 15.â€" Pvlmc beeves sold at fv>.m 3).4 to G'i'c P««' lb.; pretty good animals, 4',' to 5'.e; common stock, 3 to 4c per lb. Large bulls from 3,\ to Vjli per lb; mileh with the exception of Mr, Shariie, ,>nc.-s wc.c extr.uue.y nigu. ih.'^'^'. ^iricken wilh typhoid fever about has bcM, .hipped to Lnglaud am^^ «<"'!'* ««->• One son, aged cigbt.^en, died, and the tauxily phy* reimport scarcity of the product and conse qncut high prices. suuan has given up all hope for tb" recovery of the other boy. PATimS FROM OITABIO Nine Receiving Treatment at the Pasteur Institute in New York, .\ despatch from Ne.w York 8.'»ys: During the first six weeks of the preseut year fifteen patients from tlie Province of Ontario have re- ceived treatment for rabies ot tho Pasteur Institute here. There are at i>resent eight persons receixing tieutmout- three from Tilbury, two from Strathroy, two from Atwood, Slid one from Gvimpby. The otheis have been cured. Twenty-two per- sons from Ontario received treat- ment last year, six in IWfl. and one in two. Dr. George G. Rambaud, Divcc- toi ot the Institute, f.iys reaarding the order iliat all dogs shall be tied up »>r luuzjtlfd in Western Ontjivio : "It is the i<,'\t"dst, easiest, aud oboap- est pUn to eradicate an outbreak '. f rabies. .\ dog bitten by » drtg having ral)ie» should be quaran- tined for at 5 months, as ft* per cent, will develop rabit's in ti>ree monili.^. and ons pv'c cent. i« five or sis month*."

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