I CiUSE O F WEBBWOO II WBECK Derailment Through Truck of First-Class Car Leaving Track. A despatch from Sudbury says : Tlic jury iovestigating the Webh- wood wreck on Friday night return- ed the following verdict and reconi- mendationa: â€" ••\Ve find, according to the evi- tlente, that Jacob Rysynszyk came iv his death as a result of the de- railment of part of train No. 7, on Jan. 2l8t, 1910, at a point on the 'B>.-i' broneii of the C. P. K., where tht railway crosses the Spaniah River, and on the easterly approach to the bridge. 'Haid dorailment being caused by the forward truck of the first-class car leaving tho track, and plunging <,vor tho embankmcat, followtni by tho dining and sleeping car, also causing derailment of tho second- class car. But this jury is unable to determine tho cause for the truck of the said first-class car leaving the track. "We would recommend that the following be thoroughly investigat- ed by the Railway Commission for Canada: â€" "(1) Are three sectionmen suffici- ent to keep an eight-mile section ir. proper condition during the win- ter- time, in tho rigorous climate of Northern Ontario < "(2) Should openings be placed in the roof of cars, capable of be- in^; opened from either inside or outside of the car, suitable for the escape of passengers in case of overturned carsi "(:{) Should emergency tools be carried at- convenient places out side of cars as well as inside t "(Signed) "J. M. McLEOD, Foreman.' COWLET SC-iKES INDIANS. .. Oldest Chief Says Dba^tcr Has .\lway3 FoUuwcd Thcni. A despatch from St. Peter's Re- eorvc, Manitoba, says: Indians throughouti the Canadian North- West aro much excited over the ap- pearance of tho comet, and their tld men predict dire disaster. Old "White Owl," the centenarian and dean of tiia Indian chiefs, assorts that he remenib'.-rs many comets, and hii people always KufTcrcd. They wore unsiioccBsful in war and the fish and game> disappeared, and famine and fever raged. The ap- pearance of the comet lest week Kas resulted in many pow-wows. PATIENT STABS HIMSELF. Uliilc Ueliriouti ia IlBspitnl Took Ills Own Life. A desiwitch from Toronto says : Suffering from delirium, brought on by a bad case of typhoid fever, George Bones, an Euglishman, 20 years of age. committed suicide in the G«^ueral Hospital on Sunday af- ternoon by fitabbiug liimsclf in -the haart with a pair of scissors while his attendant nurse had her back turned. He died a short while af- «loctor8 to sare his life. STILL ON THE UP GRADE. Increase in Dominion ScTcnuo tor January. A despatch from Ottawa says The financial statement of the Do minion for the month of January, and for the first ten months of tho fis'-al year, shows an increase of revenue for the month of $',481,388, and for the ten months of $1-2,572,- 8SC, as compared with the corre- sponding period of the prc\'ious year. The total revenue for the month was $8,120,441, and for the ten months $81,510,522. Of the to- tal increases in revenue $10,203, 44a is credited to customs. Total expenditures ou consolidated fund account for tho ton months show on the other hand, a decrease of ?;!,30'2,743, and on capital account of $9,550,334. Tho total o.Kpendi- turo on consolidated fund account for tho ton months was $59,078,472, or $21,8:32,050 less than the revenue. The total expenditure on capital ac- count has be«n 827,250.215. The total net debt of the Doiiiinioa at the end of the month was $320,- 8t50.9~0, an increase of $21,043,943, tor the jear. * A ULNDREO HOMICIDES. terwards, despite the efforts of the y^^ York Cily'a Record for the TRArELLERS OBJECT. Closini; Wianipeu PostolBce on Sun- days May Cause Trouble. A drspatoh from Winnipeg says : Commercial fraveliers who make this city their headc|uorters on Sun- days are up in arms over the de- oifiiou of the tlovernment to close th* Postoffice on Sunday at tho re- quest of the Lord's D.-ty Alliance and n:ost strenuous opposition is going to be offered to the innova- tion. A delegation may go to Ot- tawa to fight it. J.VPAN'S NEW NAYY. TMcnty-One Warships are Bciiis Added (0 the llc<>t. A de«p.'il;cli fvoui Victoria, I!. ('., savs : Twentyonf warships .-vrHi lo , _, be builL for addition U, the Japan- Coiup.iny Evpoclcd lo Spend t^'M,- Year Jiisl Clo.xi-d. A de.'?patch from New York savs : There were more tlian 2,000 violent deaths in New Y^ork city last year, .'ind an even hundred homicide.';. The pxact number of violent dc-aths, as shown in the coroner's annual report, submitted on Weduesd.'iy, was 2,0(!7. Sixty of the homicides were by Khot)ting, 2(5 were due to Elubbiug, whilo blunt instruments and fi.sts wen^ responsible for the oth(,'r fourteftu. Suicides totalled 412. Subway and cleval.od trains and surface cars killed 89 persons; autom:>bile..< and motor cycles, 48 ; nnd liorse vehicles, 79. Of the au- tomobile victims 23 were children; while 41 children were killed by trucks, waggons, etc., and 22 by surface cars. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS BAM'CMNGS FROM ALL OTEa THE (iLORE. Trieeriipale Rrlefa From Aar Owa dMd Other Countries •! iUfcot ErenU. CANADA. Mr. Wm. Burton, Toronto's pay- master, died on Thursday. The C. P. R. line from Winnipeg to Brandon will bo double-tracked An unsuccessful attempt was made to blow up the T. & N. O Kailway station at Cobalt with dy- namite. Tho Canadian Northern will spend five milliim dollars on new terminals at Montreal. Rev. Thomas Nicholson, a native of Woodburn, Ont., may be appoint- ed President of Boston University. Charles McGill, formerly Mana- ger of the defunct Ontario Bank, was released from Kingston on Friday. Seventeen Scotch immigrants are held up at Halifax for not having the amount of money prescribed by the regulations. Alfred Nevills, who it is alleged was injured by a lamp thrown at him by his wife, died in Hamilton Hospital on Thursday. Manager Turner of the Canadian Copper Company denies that there is any combine in the nickel indus t?y in Canada. Provision for a lloyal Commission on technical education will be made in the supplementary estimates to be submitted to the House of Com- mons. Eleanora Brown, alias Molly Booker, a colored woman, wanted in Bloomington, 111., for tho mur- der of her niiatrcss, was arrested at Winnipeg. Fire broke out in Trinity Episco pal Church, Quebec, during Sun- day evening service, but the con- gregation marched out in good or- der, and little damage was done. Forsythe, Frascr & Weir's whole- sale h.it and fur warehouse at Lon- dcn, Out., and lloason it Company's pr<;mise» were damaged ou Satur- day. Loss $00,000. GKi:.\T BRITAIN. The first of the .Australian de- "t'oyers was lauuchcd on W\'daes- d:.y. So great was the rush on tho new labor bureau opened in England \nst week tiiat the police had lo be called aipou to kecij the lines in or- der. .\ l;idy journalist, who lost a law- suit against Lord NorthcliiTR for Hron>?fuI dismistial, attempted to oomiiiit suicide irt tlie office of The L'aily Mail, on Thursday. C. V. R. IMPROVEME.VT. *»»â- navy bv 1017, under the new programme, acoording to advices brought by (he Awa .\l;:ru on Wed- neiiday. KIc. '-n, iucludin}; four Dieadnougiits, «ie practically com- plete. The others are five crui.-^ers and two d'^spatt-U boats. The rest are about to be laid down. LEFT .$ti,(i.M>.(IUfl ESTATE. Sir l)i A The (i(H)ri;e Ih-umuiond's Will vided Belwceu E.aniily. despaUh froMi .Motitrca! says: wi'l of the late Sir George Prunimond iia« not yet been admit- ted to probate, but it is undcrstool that he leaves an estate of abo\it ?6,000.(W0, which will be divided be tween Lady l>rumiuond and his three sons. ' " ' " 000.001) in t!>e West. A despatch from Winnipeg Kays: The Canadian Paciiio is preiiariug to expend a huge sum. s-iid to be thirty million doil.ars, upon con- struction and bettcrmeiU work in the west thi'i season. The ixact .iiuoiiiit and the programme will be tlnally decid.'d upon at the confer- ence ill .Moutre.nl within a few davs. when Vice rrcKwIent Whyte and his a^^Bistni't, C. Dennis, will represent the western .syste;n. The fhnible tracking from Winnipeg to llraudoa and the completion of 225 miles of traek-la\iug connecting Moose Jaw with Casl,<ir, x'ving di- ifct couiiiiuuicatioii with Edmonton over the new line, will probably take place, and the Wevburii-Leth- bridgc line wilt also be completed. UNITED STATES. .An agreemrnt by which a tariH war will be avoided h.as been reach- ed by the United States aud Ger- many. Ten miri"rs were killed in an ex- plosion in a. mine at Drakesboro', Ky. Seventeen others probably met death also. A Persian student at Baltimore fhot a lady ' student who spuruiid his attentions, aud then committed sui<'ide, on Thnrs^Iay. .\ w(<iTian at Wabash, Ind., was reunited to her husband whom she hail for forty-ei^iht years believed killed in one of the battles of the civil war. A verdict of $220,000 damages asrainst 200 Connecticut hatmakers, ttlio v/ere held respcmsible for boy- cotting n certain factory, was re- turned by a jury at Hartford. .\ propo.sal is before the New York State Legislature to make the tiovernor responsible for the i aupointmcnt of nearly al! his cxe- ciilive officers instead of electing them. THE WORLD'S MARKEIS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Feb. 8.â€" Flourâ€" Ontario wheat 90 per cent, patents, $4.30 to $4.35 in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $4.20 to $4.25 outside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.70; second.s, $5.20 to $5.30, and strong bakers', $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat â€" No. 1 Northern, $1.13, Bay porta, and No. 2 North- ern $1.11 J3ay ports. Ontario wheat â€" No. 2 mixed red Winter or white $1.07 to $1.03 out- side. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 57c outside ; No. 3 e.Ttra, 55c ; No. 3 at 50 to 52c, and feed 48c outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 Ontario white, 38j<; to 39c outside, and 41c on track, Toronto. Canada West oats, 43 to 43^0 for No. 2 and 42 to 42>^c for No. a. Bay prts. Peasâ€" 83 J i to 84c outside. Rye-- No, 2 C8u outside. Buckwheatâ€" 53% to 55c outside for No. 2. Cornâ€" New kiln-dried No. 3 ?4!<;c, and No. 3 new yellow, select- ed, 71 %c, Toronto freights. Branâ€" $22.50 in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $24, in bags, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" $1.50 to $3 per barrel, according to quality. Beansâ€" Car lots outside, $1.75 to $1.90, and small lots at $2 to $2.- 15 per bushel. Honeyâ€" Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50. extracted, lO^/i to He per lb. . Baled hayâ€" No. 1 timothv, $13..'J0 to $14, and No.. 3.at $12 to $r2:M on track, Toronto, ''v. Baled strawâ€" $7.50 on track, To- ronto. Potatoesâ€" 17 to 50c per bag on track for Ontarios. Poultryâ€" Turkeys, drcs.sed, 17 to ) 8c per lb. ; ducks, 13 to 15c ; geese, 12 to 13c; chickens, 13 to Uc, and fowl, 10 to lie. THE D.AIRY M.iRKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 22 to 23c; tubs and large rolls, 20 to 22c ; in- terior, 13 to 20c ; creamery, 27c, and solids, 24 to 2.'>c per lb. Eggsâ€" Ca.so lots of new laid, :(3 tj 31c per dozen, and storage, 25c per dozen. ChoBKeâ€" 12;\'c per lb. for large, and at 13c for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. B.'iconâ€" Long clear, lt'._; to 1 t.^c per lb. in ca.se lots; mess i).»rk, $20.50 to $27; short cut, $2^ to .^29. Hamsâ€" Light to mcclium, I.j to ISl-Cc; do., heavy. 14 to W :.c ; mils. 14 to 14!„c: shoulders, 13 to UJ^c; breakfast bacon, IT/^ to 13c; backs, 1') to 20e. Lardâ€" Tierces, 15*^tC; tubs pails, lOXc. All DOES BUST BE MllZZlED Spread of Rabies in Ontario May Lead to the Order. A despatch from Toronto says: Rabies in a very violent form has broken out in several portions of Ontario, particularly the western district, and the provincial and Do- minion authorities aro now ex- changing correspondence aud tak- ing steps to prevent tho di.'icase from spreading any farther. That tho outbreak is a serious ono is not doubted, but tho provincial au- thorities prefer not to discu.ss it. Numerous dogs and cows have been destroyed as a result of the out- break, and no less than four peo- ple have had to go to tho Pasteur Institute at New York for treat- ment, the result of bites by mad dogs. Investigation has proven that the origin of the outbreak is traccabla i • an episode which took placo thrco or four weeks ago, when a mad dog ran across tho Interna- tional Bridge at Lowiston, to Queenston, and thenco up the stouo road to Niagara Falls, Ont., whore it b t several dogs on its rampage. It finally fell exhau.sted in a Cold and died. Dr. C. .\. Hodgetts, secretary of the Provincial Board of Health and Dr. J. G. Rutherford, Domiuioa veterinary director-gtnerai, are iu conferenco with regard to the situ- at.on. The Dominion dcpartmeob has charge of all veterinary and live stock matters, whilo the pro- vincial authorities look after all questions pertaining to health. Numerous conferences already hav« taken place at the Parliament Buildings with regard to what ac- tion is to be taken to cope with tha spread of tho disea.se. It is altogether probable that a general inspection will be ordered and stringent rcgulation.s adopteA to prevent tho spread of hydroph*- bia, which has been alarming, to say the least. One order v/hich may be i.ssued is that all dogs in On- tario must be rnu-Azled, and if so special officers will be ap|)oinlcd to enforce the order. The situation is regarded as being most dangerous in the cities. Tho real danger ia from mad dogs running at largo. Some owners of cattle have destroy- ed cows which have been bitten by mad dogs, and in two ca.ses veterin- aries were bitten while attending to sick cattle. weak and 25c lower, but lambs were steady at lust quotations. Hcgs weak and unchanged afc $8.10 f.o.b. aud $8.35 fed and watered. VOTED RELATIVES INCREASES Two Days Before the P«»ople Turned Theiii Out. A despatch from Montreal says TJiert! aro maRv curious echoes from the city hall. A faction of tho defeated host claim that two of tho newly elected controllers may bo proceeded against on the ground that they have not property qnali- fiealions. It also transpires that at a, secret session of the road com- mittee two days before the election, presided over by Chairman Giroux, a general increase was voted to the employes, a son of Giroux, getting an advance of $000, and Gallery's cousin $000. IGc; MINE EXPIOSION Sixty-Eiglit Men Killed in Mexico-Others be Still Below. May A despatch from Mexico C'ity says: At nightfall OS bodies had been recovered from the Palau mine of (he South Coaliuila Coal Company, iu (he Stair of Coahuila, Mexico, where an r.\plo«ion occur- red on Wednesday. Besides the ' dead, eight wotindcd have been | brought to the surface. While an accurate estimate of the number at work when tho e.vplosion oecurre^l IS not yet postible, it i» c.xpei^fed tliat few, if any, are still in the miuo. Thfi Palau mine is eonsidcred one of the best equipped of M-ivican mines with modern provisions for tho safety of the workmen. A despatch from Priniero, Colo- rado, says: Monday's explosion in tho main mine »S tho Colorad'^ l*'uel and iron Co., claimed 75 vietims and left 3."» widows and (>A fatherless childreTi. Tlif^te facts were deter- n«i ed late Wednesday afternoon, when tke official canvas of the company was completed aud thi3 riames of th? missing men were (Aecked witli the payroll. GENKRAL. 'fhe Japanese, it is reported, have slnughierod millions of birds in the Hawaiian Islands, jjractically de- stroying all (lit! bird life lyn some of the islands. Witnesses e.-^uiniiied by the West Indies {'onnni.ssion at Kingston, Ja- maica, slated that Canada's trade with that island could be increas- ed by a subsidized weekly line of steamers. mi. MATIIESON BREAKS ARM. Piuviuoial Troii.'«nrcr McctsS With P.-iiarid Arrident. .\ despatch from Toronto says : While proceeding down tiie walk frfim the Parliament buildings on Thursday evening shortly after the adjourniueut of the Legislature, Hon. .A. J. Matheson slipped and fell, fracturing his left arm just below the shoulder. Tho accident occurred about one hundred feet from the entrance of the House, at a spot where the walk inclines ra- ther sharply. The Provincial Trea- .•»urer, after being assisted to his feet by Col. Hugh Clark. M.P., of tVnlre Bruce, who was with him, was able to walk back to the rooms ct Ihty Ron. Dr. Fyne. The Minis- te'' of Education reduced the frac- ture, and Mr. Metheson was later removed iu a lolvate anibulanco to the Western lli.'>!»ilal. BUSINESS IN MONTRKAI,. Montreal. IVo. 8.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2' Canadian Western, 40 to 16' oC; No. 2, 15 to 45'-.;;c; Ontario No. 2 white, 4t to 4t!.;c; do.. No. 3 white, 4:1 to i43''.je; do.. No. i white. 12 to lakjC. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 5!)! .; to OOc ; No. 3. 58'.^c ; No. 4, 56V.jC ; feed barley, S-l'.jC. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring wheat ; atents, firsts, ,$5.80; do., seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat pat- ents, $3.,'i0 to $5.(50; Manitob.i strong bakers', $5.10; straight rol- lers #5.10 to $5.25; do., in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. Eeed- Ontario bran .$22.50 to $23; Ontario midriling.o, $23. .50 .to $24; Manitoba bran, $22; Manitoba shorts, $23; pure grain mouille, $31 lo $33 ; mi.ved mouille, §27 to $29. Cheese -westerns, 12 to I2>ic : eastp rns, 1 1 'ito 1 1 %e. Butter â€" Choicest creamery, 25 to '3Gc; fresh receipts at 2t to 25c. Eggs â€" Selected new laid, 30 to :iHc ; selected No. 1 stock. 28 to 30c, and No. 1 candled, 25 to 27c per dozen. UNITED STATES MAKKETS. Milwaukee, Feb. 8.- -Wlie^it -No. 1 Northern, Sl.Ki'.. to $1.17',,; N.). 2 Northern, $1.14 to 81. 15; Mhv, ?i.io; May, ^o 7ll.;e. Buffalo, Feb. 8. - Wheat--Spring wheat steady : No. 1 Northern, c.ir- loads, store. $1.19%; Winter. No. 2 white. $1.2S. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, GC%c; No. 4 yellow, 05;':jc;'Xo. 3 corn, 05'.; to 66e; No. 4 white, 04'. j to C5c. Oats Firm. MERRITON BLOCK BURNED. Fire Cau.sed by Explcsion of Store i:i Chinese Laundry. A despatch from St. Catharines says : The explosion of a gasoline stove in a Chinese laundry in Mer- riton on Tljur.sday cau.srd a firo which almost completely destroyed the Hough Block, in which are situated Mrs. Hunnifurd'.s grocery, Chas. Roantree's barber shop, a Chinese laundry aud an Italian" fruit store. Tho Lincoln, Riordan and Merritton hose companies rc- siJon<led to the alarm, and after two hrurs' work succeeded in getting control of the fin;. The loss is es- timated at about $5,000, with very little insurance. 4. Rye- -\o. 1 , 81e. Corn - m%c. ] Rarley â€"-Standard, 7! LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. Feb. 8.â€" There *ere no choice cattle on the market, and 5',jc per lb. was about the top price paid; pretty good animals sold at 4/4 to 5V(c ; common stock, a'-i to le per lb. ; milch cows from $30 to $00 each. Calves from 4 to 6c per lb. Sheep 4/.jC per lb; lambs, 6'..c per lb. Good lots »f fat liogij from 9 to a'/t'c per lb. Toronto. Feb. 8. -Prime butchers' sold at $5 (.0 $5.60. while export- ers' were firni «l $3. SO to $6. Cows and bulls were in strong demand at frout $4 to $5.19. Sheep were UOW TO PAY \. CnV DEBT. Have Souiehody Iii.sured for n Saf- llrleut Sum. A desp.'Ufh from Bridgeport, Ccnn., says: li^.surancc on his life for between $2,000,000 and $3,000,- 000, tlie city to pay tho preraium.-j and receive the benefits under the pt'licics at his death, is the novel scheme for paying the city debt, prc'^ented by David S. Beach, l;o the. Bridgeport common council. He stipulates in return that the city erect to his memory a monument with a suitable inscription, acel.aim- inf; him the originator of municipal lite insurance. MORE CARS liN SPECTER. Eirst Five Slonth.s of La.st Crop Year Bent the Record. A despatch from Ott;iwa saysj The Deparlnient of Trade an4 Conmterce reports that during tha .past month 1,591 cars more of wheat, and 2,136 cars of all kinds of grain wore inspected than dur- ing the same month in the previ- ous year. For the first five montJis of the crop year ending January 3t« there were inspected 75,253 can <^ all kinds of grain, of which 01,(X>8 cars were wheat. This was tho greatest quantity inspected for this period in the history of the West. .•\t the cud of January there were iu store at terminals in Fort Wil- liam aud Port .\rlhur 5,041,661 bushels of wheat, compared witb 1,3()9,130 bu.shcls at the same tiuo la.-it year, * CANAiKV.S AID TO FRANCE. I'ifly Thoii>'and Dollars for Floo4 SuffiTcrs. A dc?p.Tteh from Otiavv.a s.ayst Canada will give $,-)0,000 in aid of the fi'iod sufferers in France. A supplementary estimate providing fo'. this was brought down in tha tlommons by Hon'. Mr. Fieldin?; ak the opening of the House on Thurs- day afternoon. A reply has been received at Paris in response to th< Government's query of a few days ago, stating that the French Oov- evnmeut would not consider the .ac- ct'pt.anex} of aid froni t'anada as in any way derogatory to the national dignity. The con.sent of ParUa- ment l;o the abmc grant is, there- fore, askrd by the Government. »> ALL THE BODIES FOUND. Diver Sure None Were Carriei Away by the Current. A despatch from Sudbury says: .\t Thur.sil.iy's sessi<in of the in- quest on Llio Wcbbwood wreck Div- er r/e|)inte said he was sure that ho had recovered all the bodies in tho river. The current was not strong enough to carry them away. Gen- eral .Superintendent (<ntc!ius said he h;id not been able to assign any direct cause for the wreck. I'.Ieven men wore killed by aa explo.^ion in a mine u";n- Indiana, l*a.. on Saturday. TBAGEDY AID CAllIIIVAl Parisians Must Not Block Sewers With Confetti During Celebrations. .\ dcsp.itcli from Paris says : The flood.s eonti'iue to sub.si<le. Communications are being restor- ed on all sides, although mucii still remains to be done. Tiic telegraph lines are yet iu poor shape, nnd messages are greatly delayed. E.xcept for the distributioti of food the distress in the suburbs is still unrelieved. The water there is stilt deep in the houses at>d faclories. Work ean- ni t be obtained. Access fioui Paris i' also very difficult. Th*" prefect of police has forbid den the throwing of confetti during the carnival celebrations this week let it block the sewers, .•\n\body who h.Ts .seen the ama/.ing quanti- ties of confetti strewn in fet'- times •n the boulev!»i'da and left to be washed in to the drains by scaven gers will not wonder at (he police order. Some of the newspapers arc urgiUK that thi'» carnival cele- biutions be abandoned and that the money ordinarily upent on theui be devoted to the sufferers. The grestot energv is being shown by the Health neiiariment '.'. ith the view to fore»;sll:iig an epidetnie. Many tons of disioree- lants ha' e b"en distvibiiled .ilie-'jdy and the work "ontinurs efa>e!essly. The ♦•'oxernment will a). ply to I'ar- li.inieii! for nuieh larger appropria- tion!". The lir<>! grunt already h.is been absorbed. A pariial inilica- ti«'n '.'f the euinifiereia' losses can be obtainrd from the fact that on« wine merchant lost .kS.OOO galhuis of wine, which was waibed into the Seine from bonded warehouses At Percy. â- n