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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 13

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D' OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. CHAPTlill III.â€" (Cont'd) STOMACH MISERY BAKSUED BY "FnUIT-A-TiVET i: With einbarrassment, "there is fMII time to have recourse to a ireaiis yon have overlooked. I be- lie; e it would be belter to restore M, tic Carnocl to liberty." "To release the Frenehman! You "Perhaps. t"0, he docs not be- lieve voii will carry out your Uircat." "Yos; those French always im- ar:ne It is impossible to Iroat them nr/^a^ffvacilV like Simple mcrtiils, and that one ,,_ , ,, , would not dare U, act hero as one L "Pardon me, your excellency T would in 8t. Petersburg. But 1 j^-'^vc reflected much on the situalioo charge nivsclf with undeceiving hmi. You" will get ready the roll- ["'^"^^'^S ing prison that hcrvcs for these P''^'*^*- trar.sportH, and when he Rces it all "You forget that his first care drawn up he v.iJl deddc, perhaps, would be to avenge himself on me. to speak." I He would enter a complaint for "The question is whether he has ;*''^i,V''''y 8"l»fst>ation.'' wallv anvthing to confess,- said! â- ^°."/ «-«c»eucy, I do not be- Vacli, timidly jleVeit. It would compel him to cater into explan.ations which would rather avoid land I see no other means of dis- M. do Caruoel's accom- MR. ALCtOe HEBEFiT Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que. "I have been completely cured of a fiightfu! ooiiditiou of my Stomach through tlie wonderful fruit medicine 'I""ruit-a-tivcs'. I could uot eat anything t>ut wlrnt I EuHcred awful pain froin liidigeslion. My head acliej incess.-uilly. I was told to try Truita-tivM' and sent for six bores. Now I aui entirely vieW, can rat anv ordinary food aud ucvcr have a Headache." ALCIDB UEBKRT. 50c. a box, 6 for J2.50, or trial boT, 95c. At all dealer* or froiu Fnul-«^ lives Limited, Ottawa. 'Do you doubt it?' 'Your cxeelleacy, I should not 'could exact a promise of silence. allow myself to entertain a differ- Ijf i,e gave you his word of honor •nt opinion from my master, but,},, voulJ keep it." will deign to hear my rca hsj "1 do not know, sir, and I havj licsides, you something else to talk about." This was said in so dry u to-'O If you B.^nsâ€" " ''Kpenk. I eonsent." "First, is it likely that any one he has bad time to cross the fron- tier, and even the seas." "I saw him pass near here in a carriage, which went toward Mon- ceaux Park." "It is to be regretted you did not follow it. We might have known where it conducted M. do Carnoel." "I did not follow it, but some one sav/ it again afterward." "Ah! really! and where did it go?" "It went to the Rue de Vigny, it stopped before your house, the gate opened, the carriage enter- ed-" "What! here!" cried M. Boris- off. ".\h! this is too much, and 1 a;n amazed you should attach im- portance to BO absurd an inven- tion." "It is no invention. The person who saw it made no mistake." "So," replied the colonel, feign- ing to Buppross a strong inclma- tion to laugh, "you believe that tl'.is secretary, after having been sent off aud accused of theft, has made me a visit. It was probably for the purpose of returning my casket." "I do not suppose be came here voluntarily." "Then I kidnapped liim in the inidst of Paria and in full light f day? And for what purpose may 1 afk " "I cannot say, sir, but 1 know- that M. do Carno<»l has been and so serious an air that the (o lonel immediately changed his ft-i, »x 1 i „„ ..^,1 thnt I admit that he will not com- titudo aT.d language. I *»-«"8»'t to your house, and that plaiu to the authorities, but if he j "Then, sir, be kind enough to sees Mile. Dorgercs or writes to! explain yourself," he said, liaugu- her, which is infiuitoly probable, tily. "I thought you wished to in league with Niliilifts would so h ) will naturally be led to explain pay me a friendly visit. It seems •asily have fallen into the trap Ijwhy he did not appear for a 1 was mistakrn ; but 1 cannot guess laid for him? The rascals of that; mouth." what you Lave to say to mc." ! Annual RenoH of the Traders BaDk sect do not dream of embarking fori "Your excollency, I know him, 1| "I have to ask what has become Ametita." I have studied him. If he promises of M. de Carnoel," replied Mn.\- "I have nrt said he was a rcpu- you silence he v.ill be silent even jnie, looking fixedly at M. Uoris- larly enrolled Nihilist. Firstly, he with Mile. Dorgeres." {off. "But you forget there was some j It nin^t have been that the colonel hi must be still there. (To be continued.) • * • A PROSPEROUS INSTITUTION. CATTLE OR CHILDREN ^fndch do you value the mostâ€" your cattle or your children ? You know that the health and development of your live Stock depends on the quality of the food you give themâ€" that they must have good, strong, nourishing food. Are you as par- ticular about your children? Do you insist on their diet consisting of food that will build up the little muscles, that will develop the brain and keep the stomach sweet and cleanâ€" so essential to growing chUdren ? Give them the best and most natural food for grownig children â€" I I BISCUIT made from the whole wheat berry, steam-cooked, shredded and baked. Nothing? added, nothing Uken away. It con- tains ail the material for building brain, bone and muscular tissue. Its very crispness promotes mastication, which means sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable and nutritious food that insures sturdy, robust health. Two biscuits (heated in oven) eaten with hot milk every morning for breakfast will enable a boy or girl to reach the top-notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will fortify thrm ai^ainst the dangers of cold and exposure. All the Meat of the Golden Wheat. Made in Canada. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., UMTTED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTAKIO T.mtv Offic*. 48 %*IaiaxtaB Stnat Ee«t is not Kussian; he is merely a aimpleion whom one of their iufer- cal women h^s tcduccd." "Your e.\ctl!ency forgets that ho loved the daiighter of M. Dorger- eA " is Highly Satisfactory. The Trade rs P.ank of Can.ada has now been in existence a quarter of a century and in this time this he mrntioucd Montj-cal and Van- couver. The Bank's growing buyi- noss demanded the occupation of these important points, and the growth of the Provinces of Sas- katchewan and Alberta has induced one who saw the Frenchman enter! was gifted with a sang froid that, flourishing organization has becouic (jj.. Directors to increase the this house." Iwus invincible, for he replied with- 'one of our most respected and cf- Hank's sphere of inOucnce in those "Your cxecllcney alludes to the ,nii, betraying himself: | ficicnt financial institutit>ns. It Pri.vinees. child who ciuie to ask for him 'he; "You wi:di to knov; what has be- 1 closes its twouty-Cfth year with thej Tho~Vice-President, the Hon. J. day I brouglt him here. The child's come to M. de Carnoel, who was' most creditable showing which lias p. Stratton, xaid at the Last Annual "Did he not rob mc of my papers cnduet proved that he suspected critployed, I believe, with M. Dor- on the very day he was dismissed something, and I should have b> the banker? On that day he vjitthed him closely, but 1 learned listened to t;io voice of a woman nf-xt morning that 'Jiere was no- who had been his inistres;:. She thiuf; more to fear. He was pickeJ promised him her protection in up half-dead on the boulevard, lonign parts, aud he was content , hai>pened to him is not gfres, my Imnker r "Yes," replied Maxime. "Well, I wif.h to know why you address yourself to tM, who had been exhibititl in any of its anniuil Meeting the statement was made statements and in a position of tj^at for 1000 great progress might strength which is the most satisfac-j \,c looked for. He was delighted tovy iu its history. ! to say that this statement has been The directors of the Traders f„]iy verified. The Ilank has made, no relations with this gentleman. ' Bank apparently direct the aflnirs p„ f^^i- ,.^3 he ^.^s aware, absolutely . ._ _^ 1 saw him, I believe, once in M. ! o? the Bank as directors should. „o debts during the year, ex- from this source. The other build whoh- twelve months present a re- cord of credits well observed, debt» promptly paid, and no losses. One of the best investments of the Bank continues to be the Head Office Kt\ilding. Every foot of rent- able space is occupied, and the rent* are promptly paid. After paying all outgoings, the Bank receives nearly !>% per cent, net profit on the iuvestmeDt, or, to be exact, ri.40 per cent. Rents appear to be increasing, notwithstanding the many new oflSse buildings, and with the Bank's equipuient and accom- modation for tenants, there need ba no fiar as to the future revenue few with the fifty thousand francs tak- jijp.ottn. but I fusptct he was trying Dorgeres' office, and did not speak jllioy aro kept most minutely in-'eopt io the «i from the safe." j to scale the garden wall and fell tf, lijm." | formed of all the details of the y,.i,; may yet be garden wall anu ic;i to iijm." | formed ot ail the details 01 mo What is certain is that he is an^ "n jg posviblc, but subsequently Bank's management. Their system j idiot and will never speak of what y,,,, xvore much occupied with 'of inspection ai)d special audit hn knows." Ihini." keeps the Board in the closest pos "I am not too sure of that. Hj' ••]•(, good enough to explain your might get well. Aud it is very ex- self more clearly." tvaordiuary that a groom should j ^, . have risked his neck to ascertain jj _ _ ^ _ _^ Carnoel it has been impossible to j vhat had become of the banker'* houFc the evening the safe was rob- 1 olfice of the Bank and with all im find." jex-.'ocrctary. Who knows if thii bed. .\ casket \va.< taken belong- 1 portant credit transactions. "Because the search has not been iduip hadn't something to do with i„g j,, yo„^ .,,,(1 m. de Carnoel was] The Traders Bank has in the past well made. The information I have ti.e theft. Y'ou ought to have made ; ,,j,^,„^gj of (l,u theft." | paid particular attention to On- rccently received from the chief ofjan inquest." j "It is true. But it was agreed tario business artd the fact that it the third section is very incom- 1 "Your e.vccllcney, it has bee-| ihat this should be kept secret, and has covered the Ontario field most pleie. Th'-re are obscure women I j,,^^, and I have ascertained posi- i j .^,„ astonished that M. Dorgercs! thoroughly is shown in the gicat^ ••'â- 'has related it to you." j r.umber of branches iu the Prov-, "Unless it was seat to him as he asserts." "Bah! Tliis person who sudden- ly remembers an old debt is a very improbable c'laraetor." "However it may bo, your excel- lency, this accomplice of M. de small '.'iccounts ] ings also yield a good return and reaiiiod. The promise well for tho future. wore much occupied siblc touch with the actual condi- tion of every important account 'Willingly. I need not say that I every week, and with practically de t'aVnocl left my uncle's every move in the workings of each A flaTorinc t»«d tlie ftmt us Iciroo or Tanmi. B» diMtlons giunai.-.t'Nl luitar iu water and O'lrticK M«Dl«ill«. « ddirwm » rop is madr aoa â-  •viupUiKCtkiiuiniiplc. Maprcintntoldbf KTw-cri. U not mend 5* foiii oj. botUe loj teciyc bogk. ^vwsn< Kfc C<»5S«i««e^.W». whom no »)ne has thought of as man- 1 fively that it was a mere chanc aging and arranging these plots. ' j.'iji-tunatcly he broke his head be- j THE mmi WAY In all case^'ol DISTEMPCR. PINKEYMINfLUENZA. COLOS, ETC •1 aU hoift-.i. t>ix'«.'n)ar<?s «-olt«, rtallWins. is'to Tbcy knew that my casket con- tained the whole plan of my mis- sion, all my correspondence with the general and the minister." "What is extraordinary is that they should have been aware of the depositing of the casket with youi banker.' "Informed by the secretary, no doubt 'No tnatlii 1 know it ; and I i ince. liver M. de Carnoel The door opined and a valet de pied entered, bearing a card on .% silver waiter. "Who is it?" asked the colonel, with a gesture of impalience. "I have said I should receive no one." "Your excellency, this gentleman insisted, saying that ho came on lore he had time to babble. And i knf,"^,"„iso (hat vou tlinrged your- tions are rapidly cvtondinij -n ' the proof is that during this month' pclf with discovering M. do Car- W'cstevn Canada, and fifteen n) attempt has been made to ie I nocl " branches have been esUblished at "I engaged vour undc not to important points. We undevstaiid lodge a complaint. It would bo that tho most gratifying results onensivc to me to have my name have come to tho Bank from the new j mi.xed up with judicial inquchts. i territory thus opened as well as Now, however, their opera- "SPOHN THEM" M Dorgercs yielded to my view. "Your pxccllcney, I have made a minute inquest concerning the life Jed by the young man, and it is i pi-pssiug business. ' eVrtain that he did not associate I M. Borisoff took the card, and With a single Hussian. I have gone ; r^ad with astonishnient the name Bo far as to obtain information con- , of his visitor from the new offices opened in To- nnd begg.d me to make use of mv '"'^"t" «^'.'<' other parts of Ontario, diplou.atic relations for the diwu-iThe business public is not slow to of the wretch who hiad robbed : show its appreciation of the ccono- him. l-nfortunatelv tho researches . n-.)cal mnnagemeut and th^ «"""'"- 'ended in nothing. ' M. de Carnoel ya^^e progressiveness of this flour- „to Brittanv, and after his': i?hi"B.W«^ «".d ""tic ^^h r 1 and en t hf Ir 1< ng nm or In th<i lecA put S^o^n's Liquid Cumjiounil. <;ivo tlm umrjy to all ol ttwm. It aciHon thn blptiU ami HlamN. It routs the disease by ••aiiirUmtf tlwdiwaw? gt-ruiA. H wards off th« tr«uMr-noniatt€T how t*icv aro 'VxiKt)»cJ." Ah- «i'Iiit.'l7 in-e Jriuri anvlhiiiy inlurlous. A child can -iaWy ink," U. »0c and $1.00; $5.50and SU.OO Vie 4(Kseit. 8cld by anitKiaU and luuBcu dcalcii. Ul«lrll>n<ur«i All n liuloanir llrnKKlata SPOHN MEDiCXL CO., Cbemisfs and Docleriologlsta GOSHEN, INO., V. S. A. went Ask him into the talon" he said to the valet d< pied. When alone with his steward : It is the Dorgercs. nephew of 1 do not rerning this Countess Yalta, who has funds doi>osited at M. Dorger- cs and I uiu satisfied that he has never (iei'U her." "Oh, the Yalta has no connec- tion with Nihilists. I have point- «•(! her out to the department. Khoi\Vhat can he want with mc ? has V>een watched very clomly, and it is certain that she is not engaged in politics. Her father w.-is a kind of Circassian prince, who sold his principality to the emperor for sev- eral millions of rubles. The daugh- ter married some ot'ier dispossessed lord, who scon left her a widow. Khe left Hussia in her childhood. return to Paris could not be traced fc>'- D^v.ii.r. have ff ' ^^^J further. It is likely he has left ' »n°'«'."'r» '**" "Tul •?''"'""'' '" 1- ranee. But you know all this, i •^^•B^'^r'':^ ^'^nt^j^^^^^^^^^ ,, . . 1 , The detailed statement ol tnc MuetMou arc so well mformed, and , ' .' , ,, „ „,„, „„,i:„„ <ii„f , I cannot sufliciently express my sur- ^""'"'^f f^'"' ^' *" Ja'; orosentfd a "Do you know who asks for me? ,,,;,., ^t such a proceeding. It in\^ T \ Twlh- 1 ^Tm eetini - â-  â-  • • «i,n ><nnkek- â-  t I I, 'the .Annual Shareliuldcrs meeting the banket ,„.t, i ,,resume, your uncle *ho, "^ y^.^^j Office, Toronto, hnK reeommemlcd ,t ! Ln Tuesday of last week. 'No, sir, I have consulted no "ne , ^^^.^,^ ^j^^^ j^„„, jj,, profits but have noted with a perfect, know- know him. "Your excellency, perhaps the voung man was sent %o you by hisi unele." I "Very likely; but for what? ft is singular that he appears just as we were speaking of the sf^cretary. Say to the head of the stables u make rc^idy my trnvrlling-eorriage ai all events. Tt is by no moans and has sint-e only thought of her 1 r,,.,t.Tin that 1 shall decide tu rr> pleasuicr. Let us leave her and re- lease our man." turn to the Frenchman. Imustde-I The intendnnt bowed profou'i' iride what course to take. HisMy, and loft the room backward month of probation will end to- After dismissing him, il. Borln- morrow. I must, before giving it; of rose from tlio divan and pn s up, iMuke one more attempt. 1 saw j p,] jnto the neighboring salon, the banker yesterday, and he told} He found Maxime Dorg>T.>H nie that the time of his daughter's | hi.mding by a window, and bv the marriage was fixed. We shall sec rxpressicn of his countena/K; what the prisoner will Fay to this' judged that his errand was of a di'.astrou* intelligence. It is tho|prave nature It was not the U:it twin of his last hopes. What do time he had reen tho banker's ne- you say to my idea, Vncili ?" "Your cxeellency, I confes'? an- c.thor his occurred to me." "Let us have it." "I start from a principle you have just laid down, that the young man will keep sJ'rnce to the end for fear «f the vengeance of the Nihilists. I have more than once been dis- posed to re^fret his capture. Do you not think that had he remained free he would have compromised himself by some imprudent, act ?" "Yes," murmured the colonel, "W6 were perhaps too ha;:ty. Un- fortunately it is too late to retrace our steps. This Carnoel i-j fore- warned. Ho would not be »o fool- liardy as to visit his aeefuupliceB, • r rather bis accomplice, fur am eonvineed ft is onl.y n woman," "Vour cxielleiry," taiU Vocili, phrw, but had never spoken t ) him. and their meeting would 1 n>i been cold enoufih but for the col- onel. "Montiour," he i>aid, "bcfor.; in- quiring what has brought you, pT mit me to conKratulatc myself : i your visit. M. Dorgeres has fre- quently FV'ken of you, and li'iM' regretted that 1 hud not the piea- Rvrc of your aor|iiaiiitancc.'' "I am obligul to you, sir," n â-  plied Maxime, coldly ; "hut v hen \ou liarn wh^- I have eoine--"' 'Tell mo Foiiifthing >'f M. Dov- geitn. 1 have not seen him for tonie ledge of the facts, and I doiiiand once more an answer to ray ques- tion : 'Wliat has become of M. de Carnoel?' " "Do yi>n osk mo this seriously.?" 'Very seriously." "It is Ko strange (hat I might take it in bad part, but 1 content myself with saying that 1 liavo al- ready answered you. M. do Car- n>iel is in foreign parts, I have ev- ery reason to suppose." "M. de ("arnoel is in Paris." "How do you kni)w?" "I have seen him." â- When?" ".\ month ago." •V: poss but ill a uioulh \^^ANTED .\ I Stove Plate. T-"loor MoiiUlfr». .Siraily work ilirou|;hoiit tlii- year. tlood priccn. THE O. MOORE CO., Llmltad HAMILTON. Maple Syrup MeUera AttentlonI "an ifii Imoiflily ajpft. to malt* days." Hiiw "I do not foinc on hi.S b»-h'lM P»«n u fan qiialilT <>' •.Tl«|i lulnr ont-of- . ,, I datv (Kits unit hrttlvR n.>iil paiti for b«t)in|( !â-  , , , , 11 J'"""" Waplc HvrnT>. Write for bookUt on "How is his li\ely tl.i\ightt;r 7 Is tho •â- t1iiiiii|>i<'»" )'iVi)i>oi-atfir l-i _ i'. true that her marriage trty is Tht CRIMM mamufactuhino Company, ' the opening of several new branrh- of the year, after making the usual deductions and the u.uial »ondi i tional allowances, there were paitl , three quartfily dividends at the! rate of 7 per cent, per annum and one at the rate of eight per cent. | The sum of 9t'00,000 was added to the rest account, bringing tho total up to $2,200,000, and *lft2, 40.40 WHS placed to the credit ol jirnfit aud loss account. There lias iiren a very satisfactory growth in de- posits; these show an increase ot )!i4,420,000, or JT.-ll per cent, over tlie increase of the preceding year, the present year beginning with a total of ^i'0,"Hin,)51. The circula- tion also .showed a large increase, thn a>.eragc being ahoiit .$2,. '.00, Win, though during the it reached tho highest figures in the history of the bank â€" namely, $3,r)t!5,O0O. There is a very largir increase in the assets of tho bunk as compar- ed with the previous year. Tho increase in this respect was ^i),- 10i,000,-a3 against an increase in lOOS of 91,130,000. The assets of the bank now total $00,tKJ3,sn>G.ll. A decided increase is reported in business connections as well as an expansion of opcratitms rcpre.sent- eri by tho opening of twelve new branches. 'Hie rej.ort shows a healthy condition of the business ot tho bank, a strengthening of its re- sources, and a decidoti advance iu ail departments. Mr. Stuart Ktrathv, Ihn (icucral ManagBr, in his address, said that th»> Bank's tanufiealions have been extended during the past year hy fixed?' U WtilingUn St., MtnlrtaL t%. Am«ngst Ibe most important FAIRBAHKS - MORSE Semi-Portable or Skidded Engine equipped tilth Evaporator Tank. OMlgnod cspteially fcr gentral Farm VV«rk Built In S anil 8 DP. Hlaos. Specially Ail«p}e<3 for Work In I U.P. B<'Tia-Portftb>« Tinginr vltta Cold WesfhCf. Kv«v<)ialor Tank. Tbi'S^e KnifincK are the pame an th« filantlnrd Horlvmtal Raoratoj En- Blnrfi, inii-m tbat Ihcy arc inoi:nt4>J on fkiilii with gni«.)iii.< tank plarcd In bosp (if t.l.« engine, where it in wmII p»^tcc t*d, mnkinc a T<Ty neat, iMimpact, Mil" ini'il nutlil. .in iai> br i^oen from the illuetratiou abovo ol tho 8 h.p. Oasoline K»f inc. S.:nt1 tnv rataloguc W.H. THE CANADIAN TAIRBANKS COMPANY, Limited, ST. JOHN, N. 8. ^ TORONTO, WINNIPEG GALGARV, T. MONTREAL, TORONTO, VANCOUVER ]?®!fews Tlie up-to-dale woman v.hose skin arid lips easily chap and burn in the cold winter winds, turns, for quick relief, or as a pre- ventive, to her assortmcQl of VASELINE Preparations in Tubeaâ€" 12 Kind* F..-Jch rt-inedy for iprcial poipoMa, Conreoicnt, Ecvoomica), Saoiury. VASELINE CAIVIPHOR ICL Heal* chapped li.inds and late, cracked lip«, cold soies, lough •kill, sua and windbiini. WHITE VASELINE InTahuble i nirrnally (cr cougbi, cMt. turc ihi oal. O A l*S IO U M VASELINE i« luttmlwn a ntutard pluttcraoi! doct »o«4)li»ter. pur Free Vateline Book 'N'ttr,:J.;S**J .^'l hmd IU Tour i>air> tiuf >lr..«l »iii»>t, tMl we will Bkii you k capy >tirrV*'^ t^Mur to BKttlio.-i tiwp«p«f. CUESEBROUCH MFC. CO. (ComM). 37» Cfalg Si. W.. MonlrMj

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