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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1910, p. 8

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X THE F L E S H E R TO N ADVANCE â€" â€" eM«w JaxNuaky27 1910 Business Cards WALTER LOUCKH | Huilder nd Coittrftctor | l>'ov Hriok. HUiue and frkiiiti reiilileocttH. Km* tiiuato* ohovrfully fiiri'i»lie<), Kle«hurtou I* O ; M OULbOUUH dE YUUNU I VI Hkiikerit MarkrlaJe Oom geuoral bfttikiiiK busintsHH. Mooey loaned •t reaitouftblu ratt-i* Call uii us. I _ ( TOHlSliKTT. • Va «'omiuUHloiitir ui H. C. J . Conveyancer, (1ec<lH, | iiiorUia«t««. leasitH, wIIIh «tc. cartjruUv <lrawi> up , JolleotiuiiH mad*, ctifti'^es rtiaHoiiCblt*. AIho ! t;ioc«rieii. tlutir. fveti etc kflpt In Htuck. I'licuH i riKlit. . RJ 81'KO'UiK ! Po^tiuftfltt^r. FluMtiflrton commissioner in H.O J., Auctlonee Ton* j veyanrer. Appraiser and Money I.tMidcr i Keal RKtato and lufniranoe Agent. Uewi^'. inortfTflH*)"* luaaeH and wilU carefully drawn ' up and valuations made on phorteHt r.otke ' money to Ioau at luvreftt rates of interust.'Col- ectiuna attended to with proniptness | rharicea low. Aueiit for Ocean lUmiiuioo ' ht*aujahip Company. A call noliclted. | Mi:l*H.\IL. LiciMiHeti Auctioneer foi tlitr ' County of (tiev. Terms moderate and satisfaction Kuaranteed. The arranijeiDoiitB [ and dates of sales can l»e made a*; Thk Ai>vaN(*k ; uitlce. Hesideure and IMi., Ceylon, Telephone >. ionnertion. \ I KAlTTIN'ti. l.icen§ed Anctioneer for tbe cntiuties of (trey and 8imc>>e. i Farm ami Stock Hates a Kpecialty, Terms moderate, satirtfactiou guaranteed. Arrauf(e. i jiteotH for daleH may be made at the Advance ffBce. or Al T- Hiitcliinson'ti store, boversliam | or by addrt'i«»>ini; uie at Ft^verxhani. Ont. DCDI) MATHKWS. Markdale, Licens^l I *^ auc*.ton(>er fur the county of (iroy. Good ' service at resscnable latOA. Dates ran be ' made at Tbe Advance. oOO 1 I HAKVKY PKHKiOK. broker. FUMherton. â- * (tencral lirol:*3rai;e buHineHH. Insurance of i ever> kind placed in safe and libevHl compauie'^. K«al CHtatti etc., Open accounts and past due notes haodlid and money adva'ioed thereon, t' jrreNpondeiice solicited. 0. \V"„ When the Hair Falls Stop it! And why not? Fall- ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; andAyer's Hair Vigor, as made from our new im- proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis- ease. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. Poet not etiangc Me color of the hair. A i/ers 7oraula with Moh bottu 9 Show It to your dooior Aak him alMnt It, ttavn do M h* says The little book in etch piclcage gives tbe formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each ingredient is used, and ex- plains many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new hair preparation does its work so well. I by tb* J. o. Ajrir O*.. I«w*U, IUm.â€" IVifnctly consciiius, liut iiMivious lu all pain, Mr. Felix Bohio of PoinioiR, joked Willi iliu diicloi'8 im the knife went into his sy.sti-in iit the hoHpitiil here on Moiidny. It was tlio first Slovaino, Orangoville on Thur«lay in-ht with one R'"''*' '^'â- "''';'" ' "'''^"''',1 '''" "n*! vitnlity. iL<. ..^u' .».....<!. .!.« Ill . • 1- .»-â-  ! n L . â- > I . â-  . ". • rreiiiature uec'iy anil all Hexual wciikiieiw ll.«ne«.m.oMl«l.c.I,«dl.««ntMcdi..lh.s, Robert Boyle a horses be drove up Iho ' Hveited at onco Phospho.iol will make section, and Iho ri-iiioval of a serious | rsilway about Orangeville Junction, i you a new' man. Price «.{.llO a Ixix, or inlernal growth cauwed elie aged (leriiian i Before ho had gone far the (Jwen Sound I **'" ''"' ^''-OO. Mailed to any addre** on ahout as much pain lis a hair-cut would express cnme along and gave the cutter '.®*"''!''"' V"^*^' "^'^ '^'="''*'" I>iuK (-'<>•. iua Iwrbor-almp. The new anaesthetic such a heuve as to reduce it 1^> kindling I '^'" *^"^' ""''"^''' *^"'" is injecled into Iho spinal cord and dead- wood and ihiow Jerry high and safe onto I I'lM the nerves with .ut o.lierwiae incou- . a convenient soft anow tiank. Tlicj The government is taking power under venienuing the patiHiit. l-'nlike chlorcr- i horse escaped any serioun injipy heyoiid ' * "«" iniiiiigration bill to deport men form, ellior or cocaine there is no dutei- one or two scratches. It was a close call i "'<-'" suspected of belonging to the Black ring after ellects, and the patient pa»ses j sure enough.â€" Grand Valley Stir. ' Hand or other criminal organizations. through the operation ptifectly conscious !.,,,, 1 • . . .... ... A des,jatcli f and seeing everything. Dr. H. H. Sin- clair, who performed the opera'ion, in ». .. „ , ,„ , ,-.,/-. • . • , . „. highly satiMi..d «itl. his tirsi experiment , *^;""; ""'f:'"^ Proton township, plead- Genai^l that in futures c^.arge of 2oc. with stovaine - Walkeiton Bruce Times.*' '''^ '^"'"y, 'j ^""^l"^ '"'""'" f"'' "^'^ »"'' , ""»" ''«.'^""«ot«'l by the D,v,.,ion Regm- I was fiiiod J40 and costs. It was his sec- 'rar for issuing a buriil permit, as such When the (.nice of Indian agent at C«pe , ond oftence. Proton is a local option | reiii.stratirin will not be paid for by the Cioker was likely to bo vacant the Wiar- s.wn.ship. Hif wife, Aim Bolger, also Municipality as heretofore, ton Echo stated the job with pei.pi.sites [ pluHded guilty to obstructing ofticers In a( «a.s worth !t<1000 per year. That item was | 8e«ith of the hotel and was lined «I0()! ^'"ce *>wen Sound took to itself the copied l>y diffdieiir papers in the riding, | and costs. The raid was made on the I ^'"«?e of Brook there has not been much Jerry Hillock iuw decided he cannot PhospflOllol the Electflc slop the Owen Hound express, although Restorer for MeH. I A resident of A nearby township aoC he he has steered many a schooner to a | h>ng since thought he would savu oa sure coui-se. In coming home from ' 'l««t<>reH every nerve in the Isaly to its 'iugHr by pelting a liarrel from Batoa. '"""' *""" *"""" "' ""'" "'" The cist here is $5.1.") while Eaton's price WAS 9^. When the sugar resched the purchaser theie was a freight charge of 50c and postage and charges for order came to 5c. A child ciin work out the loss. --Ex. Robert .J. Brown, 4<) years of age, lias mysteriously disappeared fnmi his fruit farm in the Okaiiaiian Valley, B. C. He wus formerly a teacher and his home was .neu' Markdalc. His family have no idea 'of his whereabou'.H but do not think he has niet with foul play. He left hoiaa to visit a near-liy town, and did nat re- turn. \ .siieik thief was captured in Owen Sound by tiaciiig lii-i footprints in the snow. .V large nmiiber of pilfered arti- cles were recovered. A des,jatcli from .Vylonsays: Before ; A circular has been sent out to Muni- I VV. H. Ryan. J. P., for South Grey, ' Pipal (.'lerks by the DeputyRcgistrar Dr. deVan's French Female Pills-the Wife's Friend. Medical DK CARTER M C I> & 8 Ont. rbysician, SnrNeon.otc umce auil rvsideDceâ€" I'cter St., Flesberton JP OTTKWKl.L Vut«rlu«ry Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rollexe. ra«i*leiice â€" sjcond door Houtli west^on V.Arv street. Tlii3 street raus south I'rest.vtcrlan Chnrcli. WIl.SO.N, JJlucli^i.iitl. • 'ira>luate of tuu Veterinary Rcienc .Vssociation. Durham itreeb, oppiiBltu Ituyd, liro's hsnlware. 12ili by Provincial Inspector Ayearst.and) "^ '•'« "I'K'nsl '"til's township of Sarawak | ^ tt.\\,y.Ue regulator ; never fails, two ottieers. When they entered the | '''''' ""I'"' n.ap. It is proiio.sed to merge I ^yjijiy ti^.,^ pjUs .j^e exceedingly power- I)i:nti.stry Dr. E. C. MIRKAV I.. 7). S , dental surgeon liunui'uradimte of Toronto Uttivcrsity and Royal ('ullet{e uf llmital SurKenim of Ontario, (iasaduiisinintured for tuotli i<\t:'action oiUne at mideuoa, Toronto Htreat, Fins.'serton. Legal Wll. WRIftllT, Harristor. Kolicitor, Convey- ancer, etc.â€" Owen Sound, and Kleslierton. N 1<â€" FleHliertou office, Ki>roule'8 lilock every Satiirday h Societies U \C meets on t)ie last Monday 1 eaoli iiiuutli. in tliuir loOKe room Norris' bloolt. Klexherton, at 8 p.m. M. W., MIIeK Thistlctliwaite; Rec, t'. H. Mnnsliaw; J'in., W.J. Kel.auiy. Viaitin bietbicclLvited PlilSfK AUTHl'K l.ODtJK, No. SIB, A.F.4 A M. meets in tlit Uasonicball. Arui- Frlday on lakoly.W.M.; FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Fiiniituru ever shown in Kleshertoii. This without ftar of con- tradiction. Como and SCO .some of the nice tilings ill Siilo Boards, Diniiii:; Kckiiii ('bail's, I'ailor Setts, Bed Uooiii Setts. .\ special reduc- lion just iKiiv on eveiy- thinn, in order to iv- diii't' till' stock. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton and then John Tolmio.M.P., had trouble on his hands. It was read by lots of peop'e who tlioiighr that the j..b looked '. bar Mrs Bolger seized a bottle of whiskey 1 l^" reninants into the larger muuici pality good. There weie those in Souchampton, | „„ii ti,row its ccmtents on the riofir. j Port El'.{in and Kincardine who bad no -.r ., â-  , ,,i ,. ,. , .lo niij uau v eiy curioiH things happen in old olijectioiis about loceiviuK that amount I i , ,i .i ' ijoimoii, II per ye'ir and at lliu same time enjoy the ' i i r rri i u .i , . , « J J ...»- ^ vouched for. Two club men recently breezes from the Ueoigian Bay during ' i- • i .u i • i , , , , , o • .» '"""=> diHi»uised themselves as workmen and to the doi! days in August, so they jiot busy * • u . . i j .• c " ' """' f^'" """' . win a bet tore up a crowded [sirtion of of Keppel. Charles T. Tyong, a well-known n'ews- hst could not be believed unlos»| paper man, died recently in India. He was bom .It Collingwood iii 1802. fill ill regulating the generative portion of the female system, they are strictly sjife to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vans are sold .at $5 00 a biix. or three for $10.00. Mailed to any .iddrcss. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catliaiinos Out. and .Mr. Tolmio was bombarded with ap- plications. When the same people how- ever, le.irned that the salary was only SMO per year, with very few extras, they began to drop out one after another very iiuickly. While the Cupe is splendid to preserve health $.^)00 do-.'S not look largo enough to become Iho oflicial lepreseuta- tivo of tbe Dominion on this reserve.- Ex. Mr. Thomas Walter of Waltei's falls wiis the vicli'ii of what proved to be a fatal accident I ist Thursday. Mr. Walt- ter had gone to the barn to attend to hU \ of the joke have never .stock as usual 01. Thursday night. Step ! Xhe Times "Devil Pi"4idilly. They arrived on the spot they had .selected about elevei' o'cliK.k atnight, / thrinv down their jiicks and axes, took j off their coats, roped off a certain s[iace, | and proceeded to te>ir up the street, k I small crowd collected, the bobby wavetl â-  the people off, directed tniHic so that the men should n"l be interfered with, and they worked away. At midiiitiht ihey ' put on their coats, shouldered tlieira.xeS| and walked away, while the crowd dis ) pi>rsed. Needless to say the perpetrators, been discjveiSd. 1 ' is locked up. ^^^iSWmiJ'a t)iooli,Kl8«hertop, every '''or before the full iiiocu , Tlios, bl ^erb.^uiitti, Secretary, ping up to one of the horses to straighten I though not cm accour.t of any iiiisdemea- ! the blanket, the animal struck out with ! „„j ,,„ ),;, p,,.f. 'piie facts are these: I both feet, one hoof striking him on the i c^,^. Hewiil, Willis' hired man, evident-! stomach. His daughter, who happened [^ ii,.(.ti (,f ,|„,ir:uitine and struck into town on Monday afterniain, but was COURT FLESHERTON, 995. I. 0. F. ueetsln Clayton's Hlock the last Wednesday evening of each month. ViaitinR Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; R. 8., I', llei.ry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Klchardsoii. Fleaaa pay dues to Fin. 8«o. before the Arst day of tbe month, CHOBRN FhlKNDSâ€" Flesherton Council of ChoKttn FriviKlK nieeli in Clayton's liall first and third Weitnnsday of ekcli niootli S |>. ui Pay aasassiiienlH to tbe Recorder on or before toellrst day at entail month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev: Recorder W. ft. Hunt. Tarms For Sale or Rent VMiMKtIK S.M.K â€" Lot 10. (on. 11, and ^ and north hall Ijot III. (on. li)u, (iHprov, l.VO acres : a ftrstclass farm : uood brick linuae snd||(>odharn >.' x 7'i with cement iitnl>liuit ; larm well watered by (joud well at lio.ise and \ never failing riirlnK ureek ; well fenced and in ' H first class slHtoof cultivation. Kor|>riceand terms apply on Im; priMoisuH or stlilreHs It. J. . I oi,yt:i-:Trr, FeverHtiani. ,lanl3tf Iot :i:i, con. I'J, Artenioiia. lOOacres. There i« ! â- " a frame huuHp o= the farm about CU acres ! cleared, Kood past'nro. about *2't acres good i hsrdwoo<l IiukIj. priucipally maple ami hemlock and about 2»a(;reH swami» that never was cull- ed. A iinantity ..f KooJ cedar At fur teloRraph ' poles, telfiplione poles, bridue timber, HhliiKJiiH, I and UuudredH of cordsof latn timber, consist* I OIK of spruce ami balsam, balance hiash. If j preferred would sell tin: tier without tlie land For terms apply to -^C. KNOTT, Tliornbnry. Ceylon Meat 'Vlarket Allkiiidiof fresh and smoked mealH, headcheese, ssusaue, always on hand Cash jiaid ior hides. J. ncCLOCKLIN to be with him, ran for help and aid wa.s imiiiediately procured. Thouzh every- thing possible was done to assist recov- ery, the injuries were too severe and eusued on Saturday. Mr. Waller headed off by the town constable. In-' stead of going back to the country he' went over to see an old friend of his, ^ Robert Bryce. The authorif.« learned well known and Mrs. Walter and her ihe facts and the Hiyce house was nuar Thompson's o S o 'I'he following |irol>ertv i» for ipnck sale: I»t 37, Coll. (1, ()»prey, US) acres, swamp and luiHtiire land, wi'll watereil by spriliK c:rcek. .VliM) \Mt :«», Coll. ti, Osprey, 1 1-4 mile nnrtl. ilMcIntyre, iDU acn-s, SO cleared, 'JO acics ,tisi<l Mii(far bunh iiuliidingan iipto-datesyiiip iiiakinK ini'lit inuniiiu'tiifred by (triinni MfK. <^i. of Montreal, y^ixA liiiiliUnxs, frame syrup' humuj 12x311 ; frame barn 4,'ixS4, stone luuc inent ; f ran e house. 7 rooiiis, (jood eplliir ; \vo<idHhe<l and worksbop '3KM ; never failing well, excellent water |iuin|i<'<l to liarn and hoiiite by relf regulatiiiK windinill. For fur- ther iiartieulaii- apply on ihe premises toâ€" ANUKKW .SI.NCLAIK, Prop. Mclntyte 1*. <)., Out. VARM FOB HAIiKâ€" I-ot 18. con. 10, Oapiey, -'^ close to the vilatieof Feveridiani. about lOO Acies. Improved frame house and ^Of>d barn. Well fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A.U.CAMPliKI.I..;ilO Hiisboluie Koad Toronto 1.*or sale cheap or rent, immutliate possesfion. Ijot 14, Artenieiiis, about 7-1 seres clear, eoinfortablu Iok liouso and frame barn. | Apply to It ,1 Hiiroule, Flesherton, or John J Martin, across the roati from said lot: L'*or aale cheap and on easy terms, good coin* -T fortable frame dwellini!. itablu and ilrivin-i; house witti ttp-ue \ilIa«o lots Itit.'eylon- Dwell- inij Weil liiiitt and IliiiHlied and uood beai'intj orchard on the property. Apply to â€" U J Hi'Kori.K, Flesherton. ]ot 10, con. li, Osprey eontainiuK 100 acres, SO -'uleared, fianie bouse, frame ham, stona foundation; orchard, well watered. 30iie thoUKaiid down and balance to suit purchaser. • liiiniedlate poHsussioii .\pply to U. N. KissTAa Maiwiill V. (I. Animals for 5ale T years old Purey Per- former. I nijriculturttl iiiioe I ]ear old in foal "1 nily ri^in|<'.i years, auii.. 1 netdinft rising V! years, (rai riafie. 1 ijood general piiriiosu horttc. 1 sprlnocolf • UICflARD AI.I.KN Lot ITO, '.Ind K. T and S road Ulead delivered regu- larly and kept for .sale at the following stores: Collinsou's and ,1. Pullison's, Ceyloii vV.Aldcorn A' Son's and P. Mc.\rtliur's Priceville X. MeCamioH's I'l-olou Station K. Heron's, Maxwell .\. HntchinKon's and Kli Ilobinson's Keversbnm II. Cairns', J. K.Liirge's and H. Parks', Kiigeiiia o Bakery IIOUBKSFOII KAI.I-: I lloiKO, **â-  1 mare 7 year old, in fttnl to pri liei Flet-lierton V O I haven line lot of younj,' jiiirs bred' Y<i>nl /.e winning stui.-k, f^r sale, .Als4i I go- d Iterksliire ho«, two > ears "III. Wrilu ibe fur price*. I can give a lutreaiii ulso gnarnnti.c -:itisfactiou on all mail or<leTs. (!eo. W. KDSS. .Vlaxwell R (I. |,«*no Hio< K Fahm of Khortliorir cattle ^ ^ l.,eicnslcr sheep ai " ,. All kinds for sale. 1>l»|Mo's{on sale will chiokeiii. l beheld about the lastcjf -taunary. Catalogues furniHli. ed on application as soon as ros<ly. Fai inslsn for sale. Kvery couveitieiico. - ClIAH. HTAKKOKI), Hefilienou V'. !•- I.'.t ;t*2, tot*. â- >', .\rteioesirt. Teietiraph Line For Sale 'I'lli: (OnilNorMi Uestein T«lej;ranh Co: •^ fern for sale its lino of Holes ai:.1 J. of fern for sale its lino of poles ai:.1 one 'jvire on the Hvdeiiham Itoad Oetwsen Owen Hntuut and Collfti ,'WO'id, pai'SinK llirnuRh tbe following vIltsHiis: I liatsworth. .\rnnlt. WiltiaiiiHfor'i, MK'kdala. Kleshertoii, I'riooville. Maswnll, Sliis'hanipton, .Duntioon and Nortawn. Foi full iiartlrulars apply to • W. .1, fll < tK Wl IIITH. hiipt. of ( oiistructioK. (i,N.\V, J'eleKrapli Cc)., Toronto. Wrig:ht*5 Grocery Has recovered from its ChrisI-' msN rush snd cohtinuus to null reliable groseiics and everything ill the line. Confectionery in a gooil range at lowest prices also on sale. All grade.s of Ford's Flour, also bran, shorts, chop and low grade Hour on sale. (Jive our Hoyal Purple Slock and Poultry Hpscitirs a trial Bulls, etc., for Service. •1''hoi-ou((hhred Improved Vorkihiro hoar for a sorvlca-HlaiityiH Chief, 'iSlifi, at lot 'J7, I con, :l, Osprey. Terms «1, payable at time of ' service, HARRVnOWN, Maxwell, P. O. I riie thorouRhbred hhurthnrn Hull, "Karl ! (irey, " 714r>'i will he Inrfervlce on lolllS, coil, ; H, ArU-mesia. The pedigree of this nno I aniinul cim be seen en ni pIxHlton. Iimst^l I ASDRKW UOW ,1'rnprictoi. TlioroUKlibred Mull from imported stock, a so Tauiworlh Hoar for seivicc on lot l.'il, T: & H. U., .Xrtemesia. -2^) An^. .lOllN AnAMH, I'lop. piire broil Hum psIUro Anyone ralsiiiu piijs will do wall t« sea this mnunitlcent aniiiml, l.or.l Kevershnio. ;C«M. lie will piovo a money getter fur you. Terms ttl.uo. V. nilACKKMit'llV, Fuversliaui P. O. Lot S,-eon. 8, Ospro.v- 11 ' u *-, .. • iweii Sound Agricultural Suciety is up against a delicil this year. It would appear that they liiivo been biting oS. iiiore thiui they coiild chew in the inaHer of co'lly special atlraclions. The .slioyy • will pruliahly -be mado a two day event instead of three its in the past. Tlio tendew;y appears to be for fairs df bi$; towiH like Dwcii Soinul and Collinu'wood iJMVofnr survioe hoar. son and kaiightcr have the most heart fell sympathy of a largo circle of friends and acipiaintances in their s,ul bereave- ment, Dvcease-l was about f.>rty-two years of age.â€" Times, It is all very well, when you have nothing to do but kill time, lu talk about keeping the boya ^on the farm, but you I might as well spend your time spitting at I a crack. LSoys will stay on a farm as well as anywhere as long as they leceive decent treatment at home. The I»>y who is yanked out of lied by the hair, kicked out III milk anil cuffed in to breakfast, as a preliminary to being popped through in the lield all day, is nut likely to b<- con- sumed by his love for the glories of agriculture nor for his sire. Give the boy a fair show and he'll stay with you . till the cows come home. If you are ho \ me.111 he can't stay at home, don't you go to your neighbuis with a hypocritical snutHb and tell about your boy's ingrati- tude after you Jiave raised him. -Krio Advocate. .\ pitiable sight was presented to ihe CollmgwoiK.1 police magistrate on Monday moriiiiig when live little children, the oldest about ten years of age, belonging I to a man named Dawson, were gathered I in the council chamber in order that the I Children's Aid Sooiety might get legal control of them. They were covered with tilth and what they termed clothes was Utile more than a few old rags. The father of the children was present, while the mother was reported to be a patient in the iits^tns ward of the Q. & M. Hospital. The reprusun I stives of the Children's WA Society presented tlucase fur the childran and convinced the court that they were being neglected. The order was given iiaiifferring the little ones to the Society's care, when the father who has heretofore purniitted hTs offspring to go without food or clothing plea:led for aiiolher chance. He, how- ever, received a negative answer. Later ill the day the little ones were truatsd to a bath and furnished with new, clean c'othes, and in the afternoon sent to the Home at llariie, where they will be dis- tributed about the country as soon as li<inie« can be found for them. â€" Bulletin. Since the .uiiiexation" of Itrooke to "Owen .Sound there has from time to lime been discussion as to what was to becoiuB of the townshiii of Sirawak, With Brooke out, Sarawak, which wai always a s'aialj township is very small ; and it has been suggested tha', ii should be I joiiiud I 1 Keppol. Another suKgrtStioii Iwaaihata part of Keppel should bo tr.insforriHl to Sarawak; but what the ratepayers of Keppel think of this pro- posal is plainly shown by the followin g resohiiiou, passed at tlio noniimilion meeting the 27lli Ujoembor last, and which, has just been handed t(i us,- â€" "Vl'e, the ratepayers of the township of Koopul in public meeting assoinbled, de- cidedly objeoi t.'i any part of the town- ship of Koppel being annexed to the township of Sarawak ; but if the township of Sarawak wislioj to join the township antined on Tuesday afternoim, and the Times office is minus His Higlincss until the iiuarantinc is lifted.â€" Walkeriou Telescope. Harry Rounding sold a 4-yeir old colt ' for .*i400 at (irand Valley. And yet they say the automobile is supphmting the ; horse. 'â-  Black Handera have demanded SoOO from .1 Montreal publisher- Fisdishncss; Whore would a newspaper man get all | that money \ \ This Medicine ' Is Breathed ! The News of all the world-Red-Hot The Toronto Daily Star's splendid telegraph and cable service brings to its editorial rooms, on eight wires, all the world's news while it is news. Besides the regular Canadian and American Associated Press and Cable services, the Star has the exclusive use fur Toronto of a leased wire to New York, and gets all the world's news much quicker than any other service gives it, and often more lully. From correspondents all over Canada, from Sydney to Victoria and Prince Rupert, the Toronto Daily Star gets a Canadian Telegraph service that is unsurpassed. On account of" the ditFcreiice in time (over 5 hours) the Star is able to publish in the afternoon an account of Old Country happenings up to 6 or 7 o'clock the same evening â€" the same news the morning papers give you the next day. The Star's editing staff present this t'resh, world-gleaned news in a torm that is most "newsy" and entertaining, yet always clean and wholesome. The Star does not spare expense when there is an opportunity to serve its readers, as illustrated when it recently sent to England Jos. T. Clark, a member of its staff, to cover the British " " $1.50 A Year This paper and tha "Toronto Daily Star" iogathor for one year, $2. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to aiove subscription prices. a Have You a Cold?â€" It Can BjI Completely Cured By ' , Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whoopiac Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, C.tarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Cntarrlioxone is not like other reme- dies, but is so healing and soothing that when it Is brcuthcil tbrouKb the ; iiibnUr It kills the germs that cause (llsi-ases of Ihe throat anil lungs. t'ntarrhoiione iiuU-kly sootlu-a and j heals the mucous surfaces so that In a | short lime the whole mucous lining I is heuled. If you are subject to thront Irrita- tion or have a tendency to consump- tion you should use the "Medicine that is breathed." Vbousands who have used it tell of ' Its merit. Air which you breathe through the j t'utarrhozone Inhaler carries ht-uling ^ to the very spot affected, und lliere Is no chance of failure by going to tha ; wrong place. Thut Is why It cures. Catarrhozone Approved by Doctors, Druggists, and thousands of Canadian people who have uaed It. Little drops of healing for weak places in the throat and nasal passages â€" that's Catarrhozone. | Three sisea, '25c., ROc , and $1.00, at ' druggists or by mnll, postpaid, from The Cnturrhozone Co-, Buffalo, N.Y.. ; and Kingston, Ont. 1 Norris Bros.. """Tn* rinsmiths Hackney Stock Tonic at Half Kegular Price In the next thirty days we are i/uiiig to cloae out our present line of Stock Fiiod. Most of you have used this celebrated Stock Food and know the i|ualityâ€" to these who have not we would .say after having used a (lackage, if yon do not think you have received full value, re- turn the empty package and wo will cheerfully lefund your money. Keg Si. 00 package .Stock Tonic, while they 1 ist 50c 50c " " " 25c " 50c " Poultry Food, "makes the huns lay"., V5c " oOc " Heave Cure 30c 3 only $1.50 pails Hog Tonic, now fl.65 Saws and Axes Examine our stock of Saws and Axes. Saws from $.'{.25 to |4.50, all fully guaranteed. Axes fron". 55c to $1 25, ,\xe handles galore â€" your ))ick for 25c, some hand-made handles in this lot. - Don't forget to bring your coal oil can along. If wo can't convinou you that we have the best oil you over got -in Fleshert-in we will give you your money back on a))plication. O U A L i T Y T A L K S Norris Bros. Where the Good floods come from Flesherton NO. 0. Sayt the Miller : " It'a thU way-I wftnt the lalei of 'CREAM OF THE WEST' FLOUR to IncroMe. Thare't onljr one way this can be done, and that's by lo pleasing you, madam, that next time you will intiit on (he same brand ajain. So I'm watching and tttling day and night ts lee that to go behind ruiancially. Kvery town may not have a National F.xhibition it I of Kopjiel, we will be willing to loceive would secin. them on most favorable terms."- Sun ^Gream of the West' Flour is kept to that same uniform standard that always makes good bread and bum. Try a bag." A "Model product. Tor sale by $proule» fiiida<nbotham and €o., FUsberton

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