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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1910, p. 4

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i'-M'.- ,Tanuarv27 19 10 •r n E F I, E S H E K T N A VAN V E F. T. HILL & Co., » Harkdale | Our January Stock Taking Clearing Sale l)nrinj,' the iiioiith of Jaiiuarv we ctinnioncc taking stock and in order to take as ti'W winter lines of <40od> into stoek as possible we have cut the prices deeply on all lines and in many cases regardless oi" original cost to us ; so it wdl pay you to visit this store during tlic nioutli of January foryinu' recjiiirenients asalllnioa of winter goods are heing sacrificed in price. Men's Underwear Reduced S^LS'i rtiiil !*1.4<l v»!uis in Shirts .Hill Driuvfis for ... OKcviit* ."> c. n I < i l.( taliiPH in Sliiits mill Di.iivi'is ffir , 7.') touts ^ >-.>llwlioii of odd line* of Sliiits ami DrawtTf. lioiiij- t'lc biliiue of our (JO, "5 uiid Sjo liii.!H for 48 Men' s Cloth Caps With Fur Bands Kvciy Clip wc liiivi' in nlock will bo sold at lliis Ipij; reducUon ; ."tO.;., 75e., 85c, 81 .00 mid 81.25 c«|w fi'r one (liird less thiin ri|,'uliii- Sacrificing Ladies' Mantles We have about hfly Lndies' Mant'es m stock, on which we are offBiiiig swPspiiiR rediiolion.s in prico. In gome (.Hsi'.s the price of llie cloth is not represented in the prices we iire sellii;;; them iit. We c«n xive you a Luly's M.inlle at my price iiliiiost thiit you are willinjj lo [lay. Dress Goods Reduced â-º â-  During the iiieiith of January we have decided to reduce allliiiwof Dress Goods. II will p\y you to yet our k J prices. You can save l)ii> mcmey. WTV« 1^ I. Pi [i i I i>^ »" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain cause(f thereby produces an aversion to study. The backward child too ofte.i ^«corr.^a tho unsuecassfui mafv W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheal 1 00 lo J 00 i lats ;J4 to ."^4 Peiis 8;< to 8;? Ilariey 45 to 50 Hav 12 00 to 14 00 Hutlur 22 to '-'2 Euo.s fre>h 24 -o 25 Potatoes per lia" 40 to 40 Oeeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to *8 XHB- ll mon. There is no for the feel- 'horn. stly try tu adtipt himself to C.innda, | excitement is spread out over a lengtby ings of those injured and attackt d hy the , rather thuu lo adapt Canad.i to himself, j period. It surely must be tirni" to be Country Editii â€" no c.efeiice is possible, ' The sterling stock that came over yeais ' under tbe necessity of remaining in a .\.i ind^lHi..l.iit i,.-«Kpap«T, |.«»he.i every ,"''"•''»' '""'""'>'''"*''*^ '""""« '' ''"' '>»<^'' }««o and met probltms as Ihey arose are fever of excitement for a montb or 80 Tiiurwlay at th^ office, CilliiiKwmKl .'<tiiH-;, and iniioiing of the pest i» the .le- : the ones to whom Canadians i-we their /lcel)crton !^^oa1tcc| Kle»hert.<m. SiiLxription \mcv ."»! |K-r annuiii, «h»ru ixiid in iulv Hiice; ?1..")J wlnii not so paid. AdvvrtiKiiiK rates uii application. Circiilat <>ii l.OOli weeUlv. W. H. Tf.iirstori KUitor fence. I respect. Thf>y Uid the foundiition^ for ' our land a.s it is today, and there is not a PKiVlKCT THE TR.-^VKLLER An awful accideiit and accompanying loss of life on llm C. F. It. ksl week at Spanish river adds a rccnid- breaker to lUgJtHtghti of fatalities (iii thii line dur- ing the p»»t two or thiee years. This liW has now got to such a dcijrut' of enor- mity that it is time some thorough investi- gation WM made into the metluxls eiii- jdoyed by this line in i'i|iii|>pip.u and runuio<{ their great system. The vast majority, and moat f^ital, of their acci- •lents appear to be at this end of the line. What i» the reaaon ? Is it because of de- tective roUinij stock, defective ma. Kerial ill llie rails, carele-s lii- speiti'in or inauHicient work- men ' Why cannot the travellers by rail in this country be conveyed as safely as ure those in Kuio[>eHn countries ? It is lii;^h time wc knew the reason and applied the remedy. It is all very well to .say the C. P. K. i* the lon({i,nt system in the world and therefore would have the lan{- »•!â-  number of fatalities, but list of acci- Uunta and deaths in Ontario for the past couple orthree years would ijo to show that this end of the system is not what it fthould be, compared with the mileage in other provinces. This latest hoi ror caps the whole and makes the demand iiiipoia- live that a rigid injuiiy should bo made by the government aiid laws oii.'icted (if not found already autticient) to protect the tra\elliiiK public fnim this wholesale 8lau((hter. The company under existing conditions appears t > be inipotoiit and the bitiody alaughter goea right alouu. After oacli And eveiy Bcrious wreck an invcstigalion is made and the cuuse i«, or is not, diacovered, and (lint i» tlio last we hear of it; that is suppoacd lo salitfy everybody. Then comes anotber wreck and the procedure la gone over and over. How long lire we goiii',' to jmt up with iliese horrors ? TiiK MoinL. â-  person in On iiada who is ashamed if the There isi an inside siairw.iy up this Briii.>.h that is in his veins- nor pedestal. The duiitry Editor is not an ""'i' '"' ^"^ autocrat. He aUows sentiments of ihoae _ ^^~~~~~ oppostd to his views to npj)earinhis^^'E^'-^DA DlVoKCES AUE EASY. columns. Therefore, if you cannot see things frcni his view point there is room; Nevada h;is a strong claim to posterity at a timeâ€" and then when one is be- coming innured to it the show is over, and all extra thrills and shivers mnst be packed carefully away until next time. Editor Wright of The Mt. Forest Confederate has learned that a Grit reporter is not an honored guest at a in his pa|H'r for your views too- but you •" that divorces aie secured almost as, Tory conTCntion. For some reasoD must hand them in; that ia, if you would easily as husbands. An enterprising the Conservatives do not fall on his like the populace to know that you dis- , attorney in that state the fact ' ^esk and embrace him as thej would a 1 in Cnnauiun newspajrers. How ' henpooks will takeladvaniage of the en- lorprisiiig solioilor's enterprise and move agree. ARCHlibSHOP SAYS TEMPERANCe' '" Nevada for a term is problematical. The tundoncy of popular aentiinunt is Monttesi has many features distinctly! "gainst the divorce; iind as it is a difficult its own. Firstly, it is the larg>'st Cana-|and disayreeablo experience to go through dinn city on the map ; and, too, it has its, 'he divorce mill in Canada. Theio are annual ice palace. Bur, added to this, few soparationH granted here, as a and hilMiiore distinctive features, it has contr.ttt t o aomu of the States. the rcpulatii n of being iha woist city of â€" -- â€" â-  | all Canada as regards its civic adminis-i English as she is "spokc" is a pe- tration. Any self-respecting community culiar tongue. We frequently hoar of | with a reputation like Montreal's would j a person "taking in" a carnival ov\ ci-awl into a hole and die- or else change! g^me similar obiect What is the ; the adiiiinistraiion. This last course is - r.i ' • ,,.,., meaning of the expression the ono being pursued by Montrealers who hai* a little jmtrioiisin for their city left, and to remedy the evil a Citi- zens' League was formed to choose good men for the city's government. These men are now in the niidit of an election contest. >"»»y I long-lost brother and all that, but rather are inclined to "give it to him in the neck." Our experience with Liberal conventions has been of a similar nature, and friend Wright has our deepest sypathy. There is an atmosphere surrounding a news- paper reporter that evokes disfavor on the part of thoso politically opposed to him. Funny, isn't it '/ OVER-WORKED KIDNEYS Cause. Bush of Blood, Full- ness, Dizziness. TUE COlNTRV EDITOR A THKIPHV. Tbe editor of a country weekly occu- |iios a peculiar poHilion in the life of the cunimunity which auirounds liiin. He has c!anihcred up on a little pedestal of presses, a few caaes of lyjio, niul innuiii' erablu newspapers â€" and there he s ls,aiid throws atones at the iiufottuiiates helow. <.'on)inon mortals may not »a|>iru to throw pebbles from the same little pedei- tal, for has not the Country Editor pulled up Ilia ladder wi*h himâ€" and who would dare pUcv hiinaelf so far above his fellows H8 to riau to the plane of tlie Country Editor and tlieio ,!>«• eip'ised to the viil- Har gaze of (he wayf.<rcr. No, it cannot be. Perchince the Counliy Editor, in the •eourity ^uf his position, lm[ipens to •ting any of hia numerous fellow mortals with • pebble or two tliey must not throw back. It would never dn to retal- liaie ill ihu same way I Ihit rather tell Ilia neighbiir whtt the ferocious editor has d<me and ahnw the little red maik caused hy the stone and then mourn the fact that the leapected ci'tiimunity Hchould liiirbo|° lucli a va'upire, ready to â- a\'\»t <>n the lifohlool of a'l men in coni- A rich bachelor 61 years of age near Barrie married a girl of 25. His relatives say he is ciazy. He may have been, but his actions prove his recovery, even though he may not There are numerous interesting fea- , ... . ', - ,, .... . , . , . t bave "taiien ono his own ago. tures III this contest, which appears to be! a »ery wurm one, but a prominent fea- ; ture is embodied in the following There is now a movement on foot to dospiitch : , iiavo the date of municipal elections Montreal, Jan. 2;! -All Epi.«icopal letter changed to a more convenient date, by Archhishoi) Druchesi en the civic < rrn • r i £ i i mi elections was read in all the Roman i ^''^^ "^^^"'^ "''^ advocated by The Oat holio churches to day. The Arclihish- ' Advance last year and received con- op calls upon the electors to especially [ajderable support among the local vote for temperance candidates. He I , makes no particular pronomicniient on P^'^^^- ^ho are themselves about the .he mayoiaUycont_es,l,eyond.ay,ng thai greatest sufferers ftom present CO.nli.- ' ;;^:'^u':;Vu'r^p7oaVnce""o? my'7ac he wuild re^rtl to le.irii that the eon- mj j , j ^ ^, ^ , gave way to a more rational color a.u l.e»t IS being waged on ladieal or iialional] ' . • i- b » • ^" ' <^'- ""»'• "'v ^^^_^ ^^.^^ ^ perceptible Improvemeni grounds. j matter IS taking shape. j in my ai.petlte. Dr. Hamilton's Pill. H. 1 , i . I 1 • . ,, , . I - 1 certainly act splendidly upon thi amis out to Archbisi.op Huichcsi, f blood, removing heat and fulness anr who thus knocks a it'le iinpie.ssioni An amusin" warfare is being '*'''' *""'' "'' dizziness that makes 1 which is .so often carried •irrinn.l tlm. i m ? mi /. ^ . man at the throttle wish when i wniin IS oncn carritd •«rr.»ii.l- thai Uyagtd ill Toronto. The five ne<(a- slezes him that he were elsewhere" Roman Catholicism and the licpior trade „.„ unit in declarin.-r that' '^" ""^'"'•'"'' eives such unquestlon. while p,s„bly not going Imnd-in-hand, T^!' \, ' fecX^r'ng that ably good results (or stomach, liver ,, , ., . ,tiio loronto Street Railway 18 an eiic- «"d blood troubles as Dr. Hamilton: well-- not exactly teaiiiig each' ' t.i.._. .. â€" ... .-._ __ . _. J. T. Chetland. the well-known rail- way eiiKliiier ot Itumiitun, found the strain always resting upon men of his occui>ation vastly Intensified by a tendency of the blood to ru.s^h to" his head, and often at times wihen clear- ness of vision and grejit steadiness were demnnik-d. Finding some diffi- culty In bendingâ€" a stiffness wit.*! pain having settled In his back, It oc- curred to hini that his kidneys might be at fault. "This was a happy idea, for by It I not only got rid ilf the pain but many other troubles as well. 1 took a full dose of Dr. Hamilton's Pills and was glad to note that some ob- struction of the kidneys, which 1 hat were. other's eyes but. ! .„ , ,1 , , , , Pills; they are mild, certain, and al I my of the people, and burn up col- ways curative. Refuse any substitute lUIuns ofspaco in airing tlio woes of „ A" dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills , " 25c iier box. or The Caturrhozone Co . I the long sufturing public â€" chafing Kingston, ont. jtho sore, as it were. Then, aa a j counter-irritant, Ihi- T.S.R. adver- I tises widely through the same mcdi- ' run for parliament and what ismorei""^*' ^''^ '"''T "'oiy tl'a* i' '8 doing to the point, win their seatâ€" has been | everything po.iible for the comfort, cited Rs evidence of the broadness of ihuj of the strap -holding public. An out- | English, while for an Englishman to aider's conception of the true state of GlVill^ UO BUSiflCSS attempt to rovcraethe case, »iid come to ' affairs denends on wliiMi bn hfili«v«a I ° ^ Canada with p(dilical aspirationa would C.VNADIAN.S IN ENtiL.VNi) The fid lliat Canadians may go lo England, and without any long resilience. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver ^ affairs depends on which he believes, i the advertisements or the editorials. I SLAUGHTER SALE of STORE GOODS Giving up buaincss and every- thing must be atdd. 910,000 worili of store goods to l>t> sold bo ridiculous in Canadian eyes. We cannot agree with this view. The Cana- O dians who go to Eni>1and and aspire for! '^''><) British "hit and miss," or at public oftico are all tried and proven pub-! least long-drawu Oltt, system of vot- lio men, men who would make their^ing for the general electionsâ€" when Ih FOf (V DAVS^ fOF CJISb mark in any comiaunity and also the polling sprawls over a p,.iiod of 8„.ck consists of Dry Go da. Oroceries. who have already made it in Cana'ia. , ^jcks, is to Canadian eyes a peculiar Clothing. Boota and Shoes, Glaaswa.e. Let an Englishman of similar cidibre way of doing business. Here tlie^""^'''*'!'"' ''»'>^nt Medioinea. Jewellery, come lo Canada in ihesaine spirit-ready i elections are so limed that every rid t*) ada(it himself to his new surroundings, ins'end of rovolulionising and putting everything on a proper baaisâ€" and he ing mnrks its ballots on the same day, Wall Paper and Stock Fooi Siale Htaiu JANUARY 25â€" C'.me early and aeeuru the tei-l bargains and the fun is over at onceâ€" all but All ncc'm«ts must Im seti led !« fore 25th tliinoo "' Februaiy or will be pliieod in I'ouit for """S'! cillectioii after that date. the cheering. But "at 'ome Canada. It ia the blatant reformer who ^''^^'^S""*"''- I'osfiibly it is a better » np Hi ♦ hS makoa himself odious to Caiiwdiana, not System, We will not commit ourselves /»• la lllllCniriSOn Ij. & W. BOYD, Flesherton, Ont. Now that the holiday.s .-uc over no doubt yon will begin to yoiu- re<|niitnients from a prac- rica) bijsines.s-like .standpoint. Before Christmas von ihoughi like this •'Well now. I want sorae- lliing for so-anti so that will just so much," and accordingly yon made your purchases. Now It's Up To You To Resolve I -^± Well now, [ want .such and sujh â€" and I w li I want a gentiine good article. f\ I 1 want to buy it ju.«t wliere 1 can get ^nn most value for the money. â€" Now that is good business. Well, we are carrying a stock which is ctpal to anything in the ctiuntyand we guarantee our price.s right and all we ask of you is to come in and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Below we give a few prices : Boy.s' 3 piece suits, regular 4. 50, c'earing 2.98 A big range of nien'.s suits, light and dark colors, regular 7..').; to 8.00, clearing at 4.y.'). A full range of men's suits, light, medium and tiark colors, regular 11.00, clearing 8.0"). Ladies' Jackets, all this season'.s goods, regidar 10, 11 and 12, clearing for 7.50. Men's all wool rib thirts or rtmwers, regular 1.00, for 73c. Men's over shirts, fancy colors, clearing 59c. Ladies' wool hose and glover, regular 25 cents, * for 19c. X Special reductions on all furs. A BIG SALE WHEKE? Why, at The People's Store EUGENIA To last for nineteen days only, conimenciug SATITRDAY, JAN. 15. Do not fail to come. GOODS TO BE SOLD LESS THAN COST DRESS GOODS 11 pieces only all wool dro?s goods, regular from 30j to 50c., to bo sold at i<jc per yard I'laid wrapperetle suitable for children's .schod dresses, clearing at 9o A dozen or more pieces oi Print Ginghams and pretty Dress Muslina, while they last 71c Towellings, tegular 11 and l.'te, for 8c Art Mualius and Curtain Screens for 9J|c Klannelettet, all reduced to a veiy low figure. The best range of pricea in Lawns and Cottons ever offered Ready-made Underskirts, regular 75o, for -. .58c Trimmed Millineryâ€"-^ hats to be sold at , ." . J2 Felt shapes From 75c up Veilings while ihey last are to he so'd at 20c jier yard Frillings, 7 in box (our leader) at 28c Friilings, 4 in box, for \i\o Fancy Crllara, regular 50c for 3§g A Special Sale of Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 95c to 92.50. Do not fail to get a pair of these t>oota. You will never fet a chance like Ih's again. Men's Wool I'nderwcar, regular 85c for 58c Men'a Fleece lined I'nderwear, retjular fl linos for 89o Men's Fleece Lined I'nderwear. regular 75c and 800 lines to clear 58c Men's Caps at. . . half price Men'a Shuts, heavy blue fleece lined, reg. 81 and $1.2.5, for. . . .89c Many (.tlier lints cuMo less than half price while the sale lasts. Von will uiisa it if you do not cdiie and see for yourselvfs the bivgeat baisiaiDs ever ottered. J. E. LARGE - - EUGENIA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!!?i???!?!!«!:;ij!5JjJiJ{{iJJi ;;;;;• I f«faaa â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••••<••••«•••••••••«•••••• ! 1 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••< 1 SeneiHii ^^4iei*cAant. flm levol-huHed piMillemen who will on llu t i»core â€" but at any rate the. Feversham ••• •â- Â« ••• I •••1 ••• ••• •••1 •••' •••1 •••1 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• â- *• ::: :::: '••a "•i • •a We have*H table full of BARGAINS for-this week. Come in and inapect iheiii the thinga you need tor 1 he cold weather. Men's Way MiitHers were 75c, for 65c Boys and Uirls.curly caps, were 50 and 60c iH>w ;}5(. Ladies' Corsets, were 50 and (iOc, now 25c •"id 35e 1 only Ladies .\airachan Jacket, was tSO.CO u"w 927.00 Women's Felt Shots, were 91.50 for 91.25, 91.25 for 11.05 A lot of odds and ends in print aid drefs gotida and other dry gticKls which it will pay you lo take advantage of. Dont be behind, and wait till everything good ia gone. We are a'so having a clearing i^a'e of men's and hoy's cloihi'ig and ivtrcout.-i, t.. make ri'om fiu- more new goods that are coming in. ^/as. yPattison e. ylon I • > l!:|Hn?5????5?!'|f???n?????H?!???«n?n??:?«?!:?

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