THE DARK DAYS OF STOMACH TROUBLE Obstinate Iniligo-^tion Can bo Cured by a Fair Use of Dr. niiliam<<' Pink Pills. No trouble causes more wide- spread suffering and discomfort than indigestion. The ailment takeii various forms. Some victims are ravenous for food ; others turn sick and faint at the sight of meals; but as a rule every meal is followed by intense pains in the chest, heartburn, sick headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. Indigestion assumes an otsstinate form because ordinary medicines only subdue its symptoms â€" but do not cure. So-called predigested foods only make the digestion more 8lugKi>=li. and ultimately make the trouble take a chnmic form. Dr. Williams' Pi-ik Pills cure in- digestion because they go riglit to the root .pf tho trouble. " They make new, rich hi.iod that invigor- ates weakened organs, thus itrengthening the digestive system »« that the stomach does its own work, that is the Dr. Williams' •ray â€" the rational way â€" to cure in- digestion and the ailments that arise from it. This has been prov- ed time after time in the published cures wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Miss Blanche Wallace, Dartmouth, N. S., says:â€" "I suf- fered greatly with my head and stoiuaoh, and <jften took fainting spells. I could nut retain anything o;i my stomach and while I natur- ally craved food I really dreaded mealtime with the pain and dis- comfort that followed. I tried a number of remedies, but got no relief. My mother was using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the time with so much benefit that she in- duced me to try them. The result was that soon the trouble had passed away, and I have since en- joyed the best of health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a jo.x or lii boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "DOWN UNDER." Many Teasels Entirely Disappear Every Tear. Sailors, whose superstitions pro- verbially outnumber other peo- ple's, consider that every lost ves- seJ from which no wreckage is re- covered goes to join the great army of phantom vessels that, like the Flying Dutchman, for ever cruise around, captain, crew, pas- sengers, and all, to the danger of honest seamen and the detriment of shipping. Really, this belief is easily understoodâ€" the sea holds s.) many secrets. In the year 1890 alone no less than 107 vessels totally disappear- ed, and are to-day registered as "Fate unknown"; and Lloyd's re- ports reveal the astounding fact that, on the average, sixty ships with their entire crews, are annu- ally blotted out from human ken. Historic instances abound. In May, 1S50, the Lady Nugent left Madras with 400 souls on board, never to | bo heard of again. The City of Glasgow, carrying 550 people,. met i a similar fate in March, 1854 ; ' ! while in the January of '41 the English-American liner President left Madcria for Liverpool, but^ never arrived. The stories of alii ' these human beings united to- gether in one last hour of agony i may well be imagined, but can i never be known. The ships have gone ; that is all. i WHO CARED. A traveller relates a sinicular and unpleasant experience he had Di< one occasion when, in a district unknown to him, he strayed from the right path. To make matters worse, a heavy rain set in. He wandered on through the wet and darkness, and finally in a narrow road came to a house, which was in darkness. He thumped loudly 01 the door. There was no answer, so he tried again. This time a window went up. "Well, who is it ! ' came in a growling voice. "A friend," the traveller re- plied. "Well, what do you wantf" "I would like to stay here all night." "Well, stay there, then!" And the window fell with a bang. CLEANING LACE CURTAINS. Lace curtains will not bear rub- bing. All the work must be done carefully and gently. For two pairs of curtains i.alf fill a large tub with warm water and add to it half a pound of soap, which has been shaved fine and dissolved in two quarts of boil- ing water : add also about a gill of household ammonia. Let the curtains soak in this over night. In the morning sop them well in the water and squeeze it all out, but do not wring the curtains. Put them into another tub of water, prepared with soap and am- nitinia, as on the night before ; sop them gently in the water, and then, after squeezing out the water, put them in a tub of clean warm water. Continue to rinse them in fresh tubs of water until there is no trace of soap ; next rinse them in water containing bluing. CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. Yarmouth, N.S., June 2nd. 1908. "I have been bothered with Rhcamatism fur the past year and have taken a good many kinds of medicine and found no re- lief for it. "One day a friend advised me to try Gin Pills, so I did. and after taking only one box of them, I felt like a new man. "I thought I would write you a few lines to let yon know how thankful I am fur the relief they gave me, and would advise all sufferers from Rheumatism to Bet Gin PillB. • . WM. GONTY. Sample free if you write National Drug A Chem. Co.. (Dept. W.L.), Toronto. All Dealers have Gin Pills at 50c. a boxâ€" 6 for t2.60. DKOSS, SLEEPLESS BABIES ARE SIOKLY BABIES Wh n little ones are sleepless kud cross it is a sure sign that they are not well. Probably the httle stomach or the bowels is out of order, or the child may be suf- fering from teething troubles. Give Baby's Own Tablets and see how quickly the child grows well and happy and sleeps soundly â€" not the drugged sleep of "soothing" inedi- plnes, but the natural sleep of health. Mrs. Edward Sicord, Mas- kinonge. Que., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for indiges- tion and other troubles of cliiUl- hood, and they always work like a charm. They always keep my lit tie one well." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a b*i.\ from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The part of the average man's life that isn't spent getting into trouble is spent trying to get out. PILES CURBD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. . FAZO OINTMSN I' 1^ jKUarftuteed to rur» any , *»^» v( Iti'hint, Blinil. Ble't.lin!: or PiotruiliiiR { Vile* in 6 to Li day* or inoii*y refuaded. 60c. A GENTLE HINT. Visitor (at the table)â€"" So you are a good little girl, Mauiic, ami always mind uiaiiiiiia, vour oapai says." ' , Mamie (in the proud conscious- ness of virtue)--' Voth, thir: the told me not to ath for ««otht'v ' pieth o' iiie, anil 1 ain't never done | it." ! Constipation- is an enemy within the r»;x>-^. It wHl undermine the strongest eon- (titution and ruin the most vigor- ous health. It leads to indipention. hilioufliU'SB. iui|>ure blood, had ronj- plextoii. sick headui'hcK, and is one of the most frequent *'nuso5^ (.f ar- pendiritis. To neglert it is slow sui- cide. Dr. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills positively cure Constipatiou. They ar« entirely vegetable in rompeii- tion and do not sicken, wi-uken. nr Kripe. Preserve > be.illh l.iy taking Dr. Morse' s Indian Root Pills WON £40,000 IN LOTTERY. Tliree Men of Poictiers Drew tlie ^Vinning Ticket. The first prize of £40,000 in the second drawing of the French State lottery was won by a baker, his assistant, and a barber, of Poictiers. A ticket had been bought by the three, who had agreed that if they won less than £2 they should spend it on a Christmas Eve banquet. The hairdresser only started bu- siness eight months ago, when he married the daughter of a police sergeant. He states that his first cart< will be to provide liberally for his aged father for the rest of his days. The baker's assistant, an ex-sol- dier, was extremely excited by the good news, and rushed off to his sweetheart to propose they should b: married at once. * M*th«rs, Biv* th« Children a Chanoa. Spanking docs not cure child^'cn of bed- wottirg. There is a constitutional cause for linn trouble. Mrs. M. (iiimriers. Box W 720, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her succrssful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to-day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the chiKI, the clianccv are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by Jay or night. The man who does his best will hold his job Itingt r than the man who could Jo better, but doesn't. He â€" "I Buppofe if I kisseil you, you â- kvould never speak to me again!" She â€" "Why do you al- ways look 'tn the dark side of things?" Wc are told that two heads are better than one, but wc believe one is better than a dozen of some brands. Many a man is apt to feel that i you are not treating him right ' when you steer him up against a sotla fountain. The )>ower of an argument mft; ' lU peiid on the compressed air baek l..f it. HE IS THANKFUL HE HEARD OF THEM THAT'S WHAT ANTOINE COT- TENOIRE SAYS OF DUDD'S KIDNEY PILLS. They Cored Hin DiabetcH After the Doctora Had Failed to Give Him Rclief-What Dodd*8 Kidney Pills Do and Why. St Pie de Quire, Yamaska Co., Que., Jan. 24 (Special).â€" That there is one sure cure for deadly Diabetes, and that cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills is proved once more in the case of Mr. Antoine Cotte- noire, a well known resident of this place. "I am thankful I evar heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills." Mr. Cot- t noire states. "They cured me of Diabetes. I suffered with Back- ache. I always felt drowsy. I had severe headaches and my limbs would cramp. I had a dizzy feel- ing and felt tired in the region of th kidneys, with a dragging heavy sensation across the loins. . "I was treated by the doctors, but got no benefit from them. Then I heard of cures made by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and made up my mind to try them. I took in all three dozen boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. To-day I am free from Kidney trouble of all kinds. "Dodd's Kidney Pills also cured me of stomach trouble from which I suffered for twenty-five years." Diabetes is one of the most deadly forms of Kidney Disease. But Dodd's Kidney Pills cure any form of Kidney Disease. They al- so by curing the Kidneys cure all those that come from dis- ordered Kidneys, such as Rheuma- tism, Lumbago and Heart Dis- ease. ACCOMPLISHED. Bleekerâ€" "Your wife is a college graduate isn't she?" Meeker â€" "llathe*-. She can give me pieces of her mind in three lan- guages.' AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Will Break Up a Cold ia Tweoty- fuur Hours aod Cure Any Cough That is Curable. The following mixture ia often prescribed and is highly recom- mended for coughs, colds and other throat and bronchial trou- ble : Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of 'Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bouf^ht in any good drug store and easily mLxed together ,in a large bottle. The genuine Virgin Oil of (Pine compound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, and put up for dispensing in half- ounce vials. Mora Lika Buainaaa. The threa large railway lystemt are now said to b« willing to put up a half milhon each toward the cost oi the Selkirk Ceui^nnial i| the event ia postponed lutil 1913. That looiu more like busineiu. It alao kwks aa though the railways bad held oB until ibey found out whether the Fed- eral Government oould b«i let in for the whole cost ot the spree. â€" Edmon- ton Bulletin. "Where is the girl of long ago?" sing? Joaquin Miller. We saw her ! the other day, Joaq. But she' isn't a girl any mere. She had â- grey hair, and a wart on her nose, had no teeth, and wore specs. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "They're just ez good fish in the sea ez they is in the market, an' a hull lot fresher." I "l\ii> many cyo openers are apt to >::ake a man see double. Co.inieâ€" "She told me you told her th.^t secret I told you not to tell her. â- Gladys â€" "The mean thing ! I told her not to tell you I told her." Connie â€" "I promised her I wouldn't tell you she told me, so don't tell her I told yoii." a â- W at n aMtl nftan measii anddan iUiwaa. FaiakiUar lit all that ia iie*il»d Ui ward it o9. VD*quaU«<i fur crampa and diarrhtt*^ Avoid tubsiitutaa, Uwn i« bat una " FainklUar **â€" Pan* Duia*. OATMEAL COOKIES. Oatmeal Cookies.â€" One cupful of lard, or one-half cupful of each lard and butter, one cupful of brown sugar, two eggs, seven tablespoonfuls sour cream, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-fourth teaspoonful nutmeg, one cupful oatmeal, two cupfuls ilour. salt, one cupful chopped raisins, uue-half cupful chopped nut meats, add oatmeal last; they are drop cookies; do not bake too qui.rkly. Antither Recipe. â€" One cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one-half cupful of lard, two eggs, one-quarter tea.spoonful of soda dissolved in two-thirds cupful of milk, two cupfuls of oatmeal, one cupful of chopped English walnuts, one cupful of chopped raisins, two cupfuls of flour. Drop in pan and cook in slow oven. FIRE UESrROYS CASH A>D VALUABLES. Quite frequently a heading such as the above strikes one's atten- tion in the papers. How foolish it is of people to keep money in the Louse that may be destroyed by unexpected fire. Fire is nob the only way in' which your money may disappear if kept in the house. Thieves may break through and steal and there are numerous ways in which your hard earned cash may be lost to you for- ever. The Traders Bank of Canada, with over One Hundred Branches in Canada, offers special facilities to Savings Bank Depositors. Peo- ple who live in the country or suine distance from ji Bank may easily transact alt their busniess by mail. Write to .\dvertising Department, The Traders Bank of Canada, To- ronto, mentioning this paper and they will .send you a handsDine booklet entitled, "Banking by Mail,'' explaining how you may easily do your banking safely and promptly through the mail. EASE FOR IMLE.S. "1 I »pd To Suffer, But " This is the experience of a lady â- who used to suffer from this terrible ; ailment, but found a cure. The' writer is Mrs. E. Bo.xall, of 971 Scott street., St. Thomas. Sha says: "I consider it my duty to write of the benefits derived from' using Zam-Buk. For some ^months' I was a constant sufferer from | bleeding piles. I used a great ' many ointments, but got no relief! until I tried Zauj-Buk. It cured! me, and I have had no return of I the trouble. Since ray cure I have: advised several others suffering from piU's to use Zam-Buk, and -n each instance have had satisfactory results." If you suffer from this ailment apply Zam Buk at night bt fore re- 1 tiring, and you will be satisfied! with the trial ! A contributory ' cause of piles is often constipation, and a mild laxative will greatly aid the operation of Zam-Buk. For Ostula, inflamed patches, and sores due to blood poisoning, etc., Zam- Buk is equally effective. Zam-Buk is also a cure for eczema, ulcers, cuts. burns, bruises, rashes, chapped hands, frost bite cold sores, bad leg, etc. .Vll druggists and stores sell at 50c box, or post free fi>r price frotn Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Canada la Only Beginning. The United States is cutting down anny expenditure by $3ii,000,UU0 and navy expenditure by $45,000,(K)0. This shows a wise appreciation of a lor- tunate position. Our neighbors arc too litrong to fear aggrebsion, anu should be too juiil to practice it.â€" "•"-^r/jnto Globe Always Serviceable. â€" Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so com- pounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their pot- ency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lost their power, but not so with Parmelee's. They will maintain their freshness and potency for a long time. LOVE. "I know a man," said Uncle Eben, 'dat says he loves nature. But he never goes out in de woods wifout a shotgun. Dat's de way some folks loves deir neighbors." Froe to Our Readen. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Cbicaco. for 48-p8ge illustrated Eye Book Fre«. Write all about Tour Eye Trouble and they will advise aa to the Proper Applica- tion of the Marine Eye R4>niedie8 in Tonr Bpeoial Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Believes Sore Eyes, Strength- ena Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It in Tour Eyes and in Baby's Eyes tor Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. DISCOVERED. Too Skilful Palmistâ€" "This deep line of destiny is most remarkable. It shows that something connected with the sea has made a strong im- pression on you.' The Subject â€" "You are right: that is the scar from a gash I made when opening oysters." For Asthma, Broncliitu mad all Throat Troubles Takf T&t vLSfi nxxtaxi nt (spu^to^iu THE BISHOP'S H.Vr. The Bishop of London was call> in(j a few days ago at the bouse ot a friend, and after he left th* hostess explained to her little soa something about the duties and the honourable post of a bishop. "Is not the bishop a very poor man, mother^" inquired the littla I boy. "Certainly not; why should you think sol" "Because,, mo- ! ther, I noticed that hi^ hat was all ' tied up with string. ' ' VPhen papa wants to get an «â- - tra half-hour's sleep in the morn- ing some of the children are sur« to give a voluntary imitation of aa alarm clock. LA GRIPPE Arretted, and Coasmnptioo Cired Mt. G. D. Colwell. .f Walicervilk, Ont wi«i<n:keB down wah La Ciippe in 1906 aod it left him ia very bad coMuiso. He uyt: I was all run down and boidcring on Ginuimption. I could not deep als'ghu, bad awful tweali, and coughed nearly the whole time. Thii it how 1 waa wbca 1 began to take Ptychine, in a lew anvoui date ; but from the ittt bcttle I bepn to improve. Itdidmarrelalor meaodbnaghl me back to health in no time, makiaga new oiao of me. It fottiBes the hody aguol the attacks of La Grippe and i> a awe pra- TcnUtive. I always taikc Paychina if I fed a cold coming on aod it puts aM light in DO time." NO HO MB SHOULD BE ^WITHOUT PSYCHINE hf Sale by aO OrKaMi tmi Dtmitn, Stc A $1 parWMia. Or. T. A. SLOCUH LUUTCD. TORONTO •y Irlirtnc tin Mi m is with opiom too may atop a ouuAh, but th* iutfammation rum frt'in baj U> woraa. AUaD> Lung B^tl«ani, enntaining no opium, g<«s U> the r«ot ofthe truuble aQit cured lees-soatad affectiona ul throat aad lanfa. GOOD ENOUGH. Georgeâ€" "Do you think that I'm good enough for you. darling!" Darlingâ€" •Xo, George; but you're too good for any other girl." TO CURE A COLD I.N ONE DAY Take LAXATIVK BROMO quiniaa Tahlot^. I>rucci8tsrarund mon^y it it failn to otira, X. w. (iROVS'S signature >« on a^cb box. 'ijv. AGENTS WANTED. •IV A.NTED â€" EEL1ABL.K PABTIES TO 'V do marhine knitting (or na at home; $7 to $10 per week eaaily eurned: wool, etc., furnished free; dtatanrc no hindranoe. For full particulars addreaa the Dominion Knitting Co.. Deyt. W., Oril- lin. Ont. AUBlTIOrS representation wanted ia etery locality to sell "Modern " spe- cialties. Secure your territory now. "Turn time into grold." $5.00 to 910.00 a day can be easily made. Write to-day. Modern Qooda Co. of Canada. Owen Sound. Cot, It Has Many Offices.- Before the! German soldier starts on a long march he rubs his feet with tallow, j for his first care is to keep his feet in good condition. If he knew! that Dr! Thomas' Eclectric Oil | would be of much better service he would throw away his tallow and pack a few bottles of the Oil in his: knapsack. There is nothing like it. ~^'""" "~ "Pa, what does it moan to be tried by a jury of one's peers :'"''i "It means, my son, that a man is tried by a jury composed of men who are his equals, or on e<|uality with him, so that they will have ] no prejudice against him.' 'Then, ; pa. 1 s' you'd have to be tried' by a jury of baldheaded men I" â- .\ man who is serving a life sen- tence in prison has written a bt>ok â€"probably to demonstrate the power of the pen. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no ecpial as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. Kindly BienOon the aame of this paper ia writiog to adrertiscra. There are lots of happy married people, but thev are seldom heard of because of the noise made by the unhapK' bunch. Ci| / l/^rc Raiaa Them without aiiia Stea:*, Bncga Saad Ca„ Ltd., Torantu^Ootb TYOPEFORTHE OEAF-IN ACOUSTICOII^ JLM. '""> "' 'be marvels of the alectrical aae S.iTISFYING HEB. A Modern Maidâ€" ".\m I the first girl you ever loved?" Modern Youth â€" "I cannot tell a lie. You are not. You arc simply the best of the bunch." 2n use t)ir<iUf>hout the world. Write for cata- -n* 1 1 } A 1* /-< A* Josve. (Janaral Acoustic Co.. of i'»., *.i« 1 tH Bickle's Anti-Consumptive syrup ' tgJYooaa street. Toruoto. â- "^ •"»>». itu. is the result of expert chemical ex- : periments, undertaken to discover , a preventive of inflammation of ; the lungs and consumption, by de- i stroying the germs that develop > these diseases, and fill the world 1 with pitiable subjects hopelessly stricken. The use of this Syrup will prevent the dire consequences of neglected Colds. A trial, which costs only 26 cents, will convince you that this is correct. Increase Your YItid of Oat* and Barley. Geo. Kiith & ^k>nB, Seed Merchant.-. To- ronto, ulfer Scot<'h grown. B<-cenerated Banner Oats, and O. A. C. No, 21 Mand- acheuri Barley in 5 bushel Iota, baffy free, at 11.25 per bushel. Rend for snmpIeK and â- ee for you-eeWch. Also catalogue. CLEANING ^ o. LADIES'.., ^ • Om ka 4aa* rttmoUt kf sat ^mi> â- ^ Tq, j^ TOaoMTa OTTAWA » OOBBIO KIDNEY ,v, PILLS ISSUB NO. l-ll. aa SuaahliM after a storm la the relief i ahaii ail obatiBate. pitilea.<< ooueli has been ilriTs^ | away by Allen's Lung Hal.Ham. No opium in it. I TbagooU effect laits. Take a bottle aosne with jou tbis dajr. People who feel that nothing is too good fur them are naturally dissatisfied when they get nothing. It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. - Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from them. At the first manifestation that the stomneh and liver are not performing their fuuetions, a course of rarmcioc's Vegetable Pills should be tried, and it will be fonnd that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy ac- tion. La.xatives and sedatives arc so blended in these pills that no other preparation could be so ef- fective as they. She (sighing)â€" "Oh, I met such a lovely polite man to-day." He -- "Where was that!' She -'In tlic street. I must have boon carryinj: my umbrella carelessly, for ho bumped hie eye into it. I said, 'Pardon inc.' and he said, Oon't mention it ; I have another eye left.' " ALL SHE NEEDED. "I love you ! Will you marrv mei" "This is so sudden 1" "Weill' "Give iiic a little time." "How much time!" "En<iugh to go into the library and ask papa." «• Maha tfte tmphatie Statement that '"rbe DAL" Menthol PlaAter will do more to relieve aeuralgia. Uine back, luniltogo ami kindred trauble-i tnau any other plaster, ibc tins and |I yd. rollH. All druafistaft DEFINED. Teacher What is a barbari- an T' Pupil â€" "A man who cuts hair, sir!" Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Hulloway's Corn Cure: it is effectual every time. Get a j bottle and be happy. •'What's the matter, dear?" asked Mr. Justwed as he came in ! to the house and found his wife j crying as if her heart would break. "I am so discoiiragi'd, " | she sobbed. "What has hoth<n'ii my little wife'?" "1 worked all j the afternoon making eust;irds. be- 1 cause I knew you were so fond of 1 them, and- andâ€" '' here she be- gan weeping hysterically again. 1 "And wh;it, darling!' '.\nd they j turned out to be sponge cakes.' ] Do you trap or buy Purs; 1 am I. asRda'a laraei^t dealer. 1 pay hiahest prices. Your mi DO- 1 ^" â- â- ^^ ^^ biahest prices. â- â- â- â- â- â- â- sbipmenis m>lu;ited. â- ^0 â- I ^0 I pay mail and ex- E„ ., ., , press chariien: remit romptly. Also largest dealer in Nt^efbides. neepaiiins, etc. guotations and sbipptatc taga scDt free If JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO Marlatt's Hair Promoter. Orews Hair on any Ba>d Head On sale at the Rohl. Simppon Co.. Ttoaonto, Canada, or the Hair Pcamotinc Co., Toronto, Canada. lODINOL The lanious new discovery of lUe age, poaitiveljr. quickly, conipieiely relievea a.nd cures Goiire, Thick Neck, Sciatica^ Swellings, Ktinions, Quinsy, etc. 9i<ot>, or 6 01 $^.00. mnili'd on t-e *»irt o »^*-ice hv Lyie Medicine Co., ?ll Queen W., "reronlo, A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF ALF. ORADBS. Also KaKS. Iron. Metals. Rubbcre. Kto. EPIiLLAII Adelaide and M lud Sta,« Phoue for i>artlonlart. Mam ^* Vy HOR..SE OWNEKS! USE tUmKAl'l.T s THS LAWItK.Vr CAUSTIC BALvSAM. ^».'». »p;*-i7 ftti'l . c 't« rr-«, 1 "'•â- I, •<> • : • V'STIH >v. titr^. Kvai.t,**)-* *..â- biiDtiti** >•â- . I. •P«t« ». •'• MiW*!* • t,-»" ,â- â- in; V When ouo la •chilled "^^ Utrooeb." or "utTora (rom , Itheumali" Patr,^ Sore Throat, l.unib»«'>. Tooth ] aoho. NeuralKia, iSriaU,- cm. Pneumonia. 1 oiwll .>.l».lnllan»Ui»tii>:ionhe 1 Hionohiiil TuliON Bow els ur i.iing*. C rampe. ] gore Muscle*. or Pains ot any kind, nâ€" Kadwa;'* Kendy KeileC i I )..,iiv r-<"ntlnn the n.nnif of ihtt jiaycr to writius to ailrert)p<>RV