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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 7

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: ^ \ THE DOCTOR SAID HE COULD NOT LIVE in Almost Fatal Dlness Following an Attack of La&ripps. The danger from grip is seldom over when the characteriatic symp- toms, the fever, the headache and LYWB KlLLSSELF-ffeSPCCr: COTERED WITH ECZESA. Tet ZaBfBuk Cured Him. Pamiclou* Habit Warp* Judgmant and Weakens Character. "All boys," an old philosopher says, "are bom liars." Perhaps it is beeanse lying is th« diplomatic refuge of helplessness. The instant we learn to know punisiiment desire to escape it becomes a prime chest and body ^^Mo'iSity. like knowledge. U not I ^^T^^S' »»»» instead of the disease hereditary, but attained The chUd • r*''"* checked it showed signs of moat learn that lying is a sin and a , becoming worse ; and my neck, the depression of spirits, pass »elf-injury. just as it must learn by \ chest, and my whole body was soon away. Grip leaves behind it weak- 1 ****?« ?''â„¢* ^ *''°*'* ''*'= ^'*- , \m a. frightful condition. The skin rned. riUl powers thin, watery | ,iS3^,,X '^%m ^^Tn'ue^ <>«• '"^--^ *^« blood, impaired digestion and over- i.~ »'-â-  • ^- "-•- lUesn raw Mr. A. M. Brooks, of Wellington street, Steelton, says: "Ten months ago I contracted eczema, which at first appeared on ir.y neck, later spreading to my I began doc- Don't CHigh! â€" ^Use Til tisi xjxtai nn ^us«^ Will inttaatly reliere yoor ecbin^ throat. Ther* U nothing like it for Aithme, Bronebitik aad lung trouble!. Cootains no opiatea. Very pleaiant to take. All Drankta. 2S no'ne ^vTrVa^^It t^ tLou^^.^ ! .r^ -ffj-^ ",-"y ^-- the ter- tying comes not of aggressive 'â- ''^'® itching and soreness, and was shrewdness, but of cowardice and a ''f'inpletely confined to the house, shallow cunning that U oftpn treach- Not seeing or feeling any improve- erous and tricks the lie into trans- ment, I next resorted to the ordia- parency. j^^y saj^gj ^j^j ointments recom- But it ls_ not the danger of being tended for skin diseases, but al- sensitive nerves â€" a condition that makes the system an easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatism, nervous prostration and even con- sumption. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of ___ ^^_ strengthening the blood and nervea found out"by"othera "tharis "most'to ^u u t u during convalescence, and for this be dreaded; far more dreadful is it , P"^*^. ^ f^ave «ach preparation a purpose no other medicine can that the liar must know himself to be """ iria.1, none seemed powerful a liar. enough to bring about a cure un- His self-respect suffers, the leaven til I began using Zam-Bnk m him loses strength anil kavos him dead dough. The cunning that leads to lying is a rot that must penetrate tha" whole equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which contain the elements neces- sary to enrich the blood and restore weakened nerves. Mr. James L. Whitman, Mulgrave, N. S., says: "Following a severe attack of La character and make a man ever un- Grippe I was completely prostrat- i certain of himself. •d. The doctor who attended me | From the first application of Zam-Buk I had some relief, and as I persevered with its use daily the soreness was by degrees drawn out and the intense itching and aching said that my whole system had gone wrong. My heart was affected, my kidneys weakened, digestion im- paired, and to make the trouble worse I had a hemorrhage of the It distorts his persi>ective, obs»cures completely vanished. In the end it his vision, and warps hi3 comprehen- vorked a complete cure." The habit of misrepresentation leads i to misconception, the judgment be- If you suffer from any skin dis- ease don't make the above mi-stake. comes ai erratic as the tonguo. and 'â-  a°d t«"y *'l ^"^^^ °^ th-ngs before _ __ there results the man who actually ; Zam-Buk. Get Zam-Buk first! bowels, an<r nearly bled "to death. I "coi^ldu't tell the truth if he wanted J Eczema, ulcers, abscesses, poisoned fri 1 i rj T IJ A. I" t to. j nrrMin^-Iu *.i.fa /»nli) crirnQ n/»aln Nothing else so shakes the confl- i The doctor said 1 could not live. I ""xr„», .• ,.. .. _,....., .^ » j wounds, cuts, cold sores, scalp and told mv wife to tell me that l! j-UXr'"t"1„r''"^/ °" o"»ac» m- v"iui- ; g^res fupg eruptions, chaps, red. »uu toia my wuc so icu inc luao i dence of ones frieudj as known lymg , , . , n i,.,«i„j «r,J had better settle up my worldly af- does; nothing, so shatters ones own '•^'â- â€¢K^^ P'**''''"'~^^ "^-^ ^.*t , » fairs. I did not care to live, my ! self-co-ifidonce as does lying, whether cured by Zam-Buk. Best balm lor sufferings were so intense. 1 could ; known to others or not. not sleep, my ankles and feet were 1 The cowardice that faUiers lying in- . u^„ \,„j _„ „„„„i«,;„,. ..,0,^ crca*»3 with the he. Fear of detec- •wollen, and my conplexion very ^.^^ .^.^ ^.^,^ self-contempt in mak- yellow. Friends came to see me i^, the Uar -a greater coward than lor the last time, and one of these, before. One lie calls for another in more hopeful than the others, per- ! its defence, and as the poet said, "Oh, luaded me to try Dr. Williams' | what a tangled web we weave when Pink Pills. Wiile I had but little! first we practice to deceive!" faith that they would help mo I dc-| . ^« *"°8l^<l '^b makes il r.U the â-  1 J "^ . ^l X -i. tL harder for the liar to succeed in oven cided to try them. Quite soon they ^ j^^ng^j underUking. His lies are seemed to benefit me, for my appe- ; ^ ball and chain upon his toot. He tite improvod and my heart became ' flounders along, most of his energies Mronger. „ _ _ the Pills it was not long before I ' pediment, while the truthful man was able to be out of bed. and af- ! ^"^y outstrips hxm. ; " • «ti V T • » J The lying cheat is the "\ic8r of i ter using fifteen boxes I am in good , Wakefield," who was always swind- health for a man of my age. The ung everybody, went to jail for debt. babi«s' rashes. All druggists and stores at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Coercing the Customs. M. Labouchere was once held up by the German customs service and had all the contents thrown cut of his trunks. "Put those things back," sjud he to the men who had emptied bis trunks. "That is your afiair," they answer- ed. "I stay here until you do," he re- plied. "But give mo a telegraph form." On the form M. Labouchere wrote: "To Prince Bismarck, Berlin. â€"Regret cannot breakfast with your highness to-morrow. Held hero i* definitely." Quick as lightning tne oQciaU packed the trunks! What Did He Wi-nt? A com.muter hurried into a hard- ware store on hij way to the train one frosty night. "Here," he called to the clerk. "I've only got a minute. I want to get a pom copper." "A wh.-vt?" asked the clerk. ".\ porn Conner." "Ha, t^!" laughed the ckrk. "I guess you mean a con porper, don't you?" 'No. I don't. I mean a Blowing Bubbles far Exercise. Blowing soap bubbles ia aa exercise which has been acopt;!d at a school in Haarlem, Holland, on the advice of a local practitioner. Dr. Ootmar, in order to broaden the children'.s chests. This pleasant metliod, as ingf>nious »« it is simple, was thought of because of the difficulty in getting children to do ordinary breathing exercise thor- oughly and regularly. On three days in the week all the children have plac- ed before them a bowl of soapy water and a pipe. The windows are opened wide to admit as much fresh air as posgiblt*. Then oompstitiona are ar- rar.g«i as to who can blow the biggest hubbies. Periodically chest measure- ments have proved the efficiency of the arrangement, mcrcases being not- ed in each individual case. The Spider. It is very rarely that two spiders really fight. If by chancs two are placed in oae web the w-^aker or more cowardly instantly retreats or is cap- tured and wound up by the stronger. Spiders are unflinching cannibsis. They will breakfast off the^r brothers and dine off their sisters wiUiout any eorapunciion, and, as regards what they cat, they seem to have no parti- cular preference either for flic.s, gnats, moths, earwigs, daddy longlegs, bees, wasps or other small fry, all being eaten with the same eagsrness. WEAK LUNGS IE5T0aE!> EY PSTCHLNt. " PSYCHiNE" has TC^om! ihsuunda of peopta to buoyant n»!:h and st.'ei.glb wkc&econdilTOc Kid been rr^trdrd u hope- lew. Il ii « (onie kad fif;h.b>iiidef, coo- taiBios roaailuble propcrtiet u a blood puiilicT and gaalcide. It will ibenguien end heal tiia we&k liicgi. Fort* out the phlegm, eod drive eway lii« cgjgb, no nuaar of bow long ttacdog. "PSYCHINE" tono up lb. whole systria and drivta cut diwaw, beal* tlia decayed tisue aad leOorea lint eno^. Iti uae dajif will pravcot end ward o3 that moitaubtle cijeaM conrjmptioiu Write far a Free SaopU. For Sak Iv aB CrvsBU & Oralcn. Stc & n S« Uttia. Dr. T. A 3 UM UMITEO, TOROirro ITOCKS. A GOOD COLGU MIXTURE. Simple Homc-Mad.i Remedy That is Free From Opiates and Harmful \ Drug^. I An effective remedy, that will usually break up a cold in twenty- 'ro ISVEST0E3 â€" YOCK 0UDF.K9 TO * buy or Hell Stocks will receiTB my personal attention. 8. IL Uatliens. Brok- er. « Soott St.. Toronco. EUUCATIONAL. THE BARBER TRADE -NKW arstemâ€" conBiant practice; careful instnictioa: four hours, is easily made by mix •-«o. 1 aon.. . me-a a pon corper, ! 'ng together in a large bottle two you chucklehead. I'.ut I can't get it ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of now because my train is due." j Virgin Oil of Pme compound "Silly iLss." murmured the clerk pure aud eight ounces of pure few weeiiB compleie course ; tools free; xradnates erm twelve to eilfliteen dollars weokly: write for cata- logue. Uoler Barber CoUeco Zll Quoen Ea«t. Toronto. after he had gone, comer!' Every mother knows a lot of good other people's doctor and those who knew of my tase look upon me as a living won- lier, as none of them expected me to get better." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or â- b^ mail at 50 cents a box or six kexes for $2.S0 from The Dr. Wil- jUams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. while his honest neighbors, whom he swindled many times, bteadily pros- pered and died rich and respected. Fiction, eh? Well, it is Immortal as Action sim- ply because it is true to life, tha world over, all the time. ^. .. -- .L I V 1 J- . 41- • tliP l.-iw of Buddha, the founder Continuing the use of : being reiuired to pvercome the im- . ^'}J« ^-^^j'^^^^^^^^^ milliona of devot^fes.' Tha reverence and awe with which the images oj Buddha are regarded ate hardly less wonderful than the fabulous sum which has been spent on the erection of temples to his frone by poverty- stricken communities. In Indii and the adjoining countries, the proceeds of the sacrifices offered by the people are devoted toward the erection ol gorgeous teii.ples, which accounts lor the thousands to be found in districts where Buddhism hold sway. The Temples of Burtra. Among til? many interesting fea- tu'es to be found in Burma, the nura- , berleaa temples figures most promin- . rules lor rai.smg ently. One group, says The Wide j children. World Magazine, eonslits of no fewer i ^ than 450 pagodus. on each of which /-TTrvviv 4. VTrvsst^ t. is recorded, on stoue. a .sccUon of pjj^g^ Q|^£J) ^J gQ^|£ {jy couldn't say pop j Whisky. This mixture v.-ill cure any cough that is curable, and is not expensive, as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. V'irgin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the labora- tories of the Leach Chemical Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. New Absorption Method If you suffer from bleeding, itch- ing, blind or protruding Pile?, send mc your addres.^. aiid I will tell voii how to cure yourself at home TliE RIGHT TERM. 'I wonder that dentists call their ofiiccs dental parlors." "Why shouldn't they?" "A more appropriate term would be drawing-rooms." NE\A/ TERM now open. Kntcr any Your f raining wtU be ttioruunh auil nill briiiff you excellent rrsii!;a itsccuipil at the driti»n-arnnrl;a-* B-ai^c-; ^-iM«jt«, V.M.C.A. Bids-. TORONTO Write for cataloeuf. T. U. WATSON. Principal AGENTS WANTED. W'' A.N TED yf do machine EEHABLK PIETIES lO knitting fur ns at home: t7 to $10 per week easily earned: wool, etc., furniiiiied fre«: diHtance no hindrance. For fnll part culars addrt^ss the Dominion Knitting Co . Dept. W.. Oril- lia. Ont^ ^ 4 MBITIOrS representation want<vl io .\ cTerv locality to soil "Moderu" svo- cialtiea. Secure ynnr t«rrltory now. "T^rn time into gold." $5.00 to $10.00 a day can he easily made. Writ»> to-day. Modern Gcods Co. of C.tnada. Owen Sonnd. Ont. Msntk After Msntli s eold atlrtti, and aesnn »<i arbolsi ill yuor throat. .*re yn awara that by the new absorption treatment ; j J-;»X''»'i^"iiv;;«„''?«''''*^ '"'"'" """^ ! ?"nra,> Legend of the Wrekln. For the benefit of thoee who do not know it may be worth while to tell the story of the Wrekin, that great hill overlooking the Severn which is in the centre of Shropshire and there- fore of the universe. It is said that so great was the flood of Welsh per- jurers flowing down the Severn that the enemy of mankind found himself unable to deal with the supply, and to stop it he proceeded to dam the Severn, but the spadeful of earth slippeil bi^foro ho reached the river and former the Wrekin. â€" Loudon Black and White. GERMAN GIRL AT HOME. "Is Patriotic, a Capable Housewife and Needlewoman. The German girl ia an excellent needlewoman, and accomplishes wonders of fine embroidery for her friends. She is also a capable housewife, and looks forward to a lifetime of cooking without any dis- may, for even in households where the circumstances are easy the pre- -,,„-» „,, , .„- ..-„ t t 1 r iv I /-J- . CURED HIS LAME BACK. ttariDg of food for the fa.stidious pa- late of the lord and master usually , ^'^^^ Fort William, Not. 7th. 1908 devolves on a member of the family. , ^. J""" ^'*° »"^"'"«» *"" '^ i'""^ ''"'â- ^ yv m 1 - . X i 1 , i-»ti. _1 'or the past twenty years and hsTO uised Our Teutonic sister takes little re- ^.^^^^^^ ^^^ ointments without effect. At plar exercise and has no aptitude ,^^j ^ ^^.^ ^^^ p.„^ ^^j^,, ^^^,^^j ^^^ fo' games, but she is frequently a| ^^^^ tbing, and 1 would highly recommend fcod walker, with plenty of staying . them to anyone who has a strained or bower, and during the spring ; jame back." H. HARKness. AOnths will go for long walking ex- Gin Pills act directly on the kidneys - peditions with her friends. | relieves the painâ€" neutralizes nrio acid, j The German girl is patriotic, and | which i« generally formed when there is 'i»he worships the army in all it offi- j kidney trouble. cers. She is extremely musical and ''''•? <''" P'"' yourself before btiying the has a genuine appreciation of clas- "«"''"' ,^, j*"""'- '"^'•»<' National Dmg •ical performances. Her energy in * «'^'""''" ^°- '"'p*- ^ ^> T°~"*"- '"^ improving her knowledge of Eng- lish, with every person of that na- licnality whom she chances to meet, • worthy of praise. Unfortunate- y it is continued at the expense of ihose w^ho are visiting her Vater- and for the express purpose of ^ earning the languaRC ; but th's side of the question she fails to perceive, •Ithough her own indignation would be unbounded were she to meet with similar treatment in England. •!• TRUE FRIENDSHIP. "Why did you tell your friend that the dressn.aker had totally 1 mers ruined your dress?" "Oh, I simply thought it would make her happy." and win ahso send .some of this ! home treatment free for trial, with Inferences from j'our own locality if requested. luinie diate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this of- fer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Sura- Bo.-c P. 719. Windsor, Ont. with Allsa's LnoK : "Well, my little man," said clergyman to the .son of one of his parishioners, "what do you do in school all day?' ^;I wait till it's time to go home, sir." W •1NTKl>-L0r.\I, AND GK.NER.VL »» Agentsâ€" Liberal contracts to B'X«I men ; apply by letter. Continental I..ife nee ("ompnny. Toronto. Correspon- t denoe confldential. ^'MARLATT'S H AI ft promoter Relief for the Depressed. â€"Physi- cal and mental depress'on usually have their oristin in a disordered Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals' state of the stomach and liver, as « $1 OB' fc. Itlo. â-  •"• B»ltiu:s! >t . T.nn >•« VES â- alse Thsm WItnout I Bi..k!ot KrSfc ^^ .-;ies;e.:Brigg«8s«dCo, UA. Toronto.lOn*. opefohthe oeafâ€" III acousricoie- , - one of ih« ni»rvol« of the eli-rtniul .â- Â»s«. ",» throuchout ths world. Wrila f.r ,:»l»- loguo Gsnaral Ac.ostio Co., of CanaJa. Ltd., ,tv tree sample. Embarrassing. Father Mathew. the famous temper- ance reformer, had arrived in the dusk of one evening at the house of a pariah priest in a remote part of Gal- way. Hia host conducted him to a room on the ground floor, in which was a large bay window without blind or curtain. No sooner was Father Mathew in bed than he turned his face to tlw wall and fell into a deep slumber. Awaking, as usual, at an early hour in the morting, he opened his eyes, Costiveness and its Cure. â€" When the excretory organs refuses to per- form their functit.n.s properly the intestines becomes clogged. This is known as costiveness and if neg- lected gives rise to dangerous com- plications. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will effect a speedy cur. .\t tho first intimation of this ailment ! the sufferer should procure a pack- , et of the pills and put himself un-' del a course of treatment. The [ good effects of the pills will be al- most immediately evident. A man is rich in power if he is able to do without the things wealth will buy. «n Wsmsn Know what iJ is to ha»s rlolont p-iln. toms taks on* thiiis! and »om« a;i"iher. imi vl- lies is to (>Uc« "Tha I) « L." Voiith..l PlMtor t<«r the «»*t of tiis p»Mi : it will d» in".-s to kit* f«B comfort thau auyttiluj. it aa a worm medicine; the name; ^hen these organs are d-;rangcd in- tft t onus 8trâ€" t. Torunto. 1 is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- j their action the whole system is af- . ^^^ gp^ g 1 Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to aJrerlisera- There comes a moni<>nt in every man's life when he regrets his in- ability to kick himself. Time tries all things, .ind as Sickle's Ar.ti-Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. It costs a young man more to un- educate himself thrin it cost has fa- ther to educate him. "A QrOYS yare Oough'* Is ths 017 of turturstl BBSS for meiry. Oi'e Hiem m«i-CT io th* f'>rni "t . illBu's l.iinjt B*l».vm. i-. u«.i wilh m. h | SKxl effjct eisn i-i ij.iaittiapti .a < early <ia««i. •Tor naelect a ooush. "So your wife a'w.iys lets you have the last word in an arpcu- inent?" "Certainly," answered Mr. Meekton. "It is neeess.ary for me to have the I.t: t word in order U show that I agree with her per- fectly." Give Hollowjiy's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do npain. BRAINY. Some fellows act as though they were afraid to â-  sneeze for fear of blowing their brains out. fected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They revive the digestive proces-^e?, act beneficially on the nerves and restore the spirits as no other pills will. They are cheap, simple aud sure, and the effects aro lasting. THE PHILOSOPHER OF FOLLY. "There's nothing in a name," says the Philosopher ol Folly. "They told lue Smith an 'easy- going' man, but he stayed in my of- fice an hour to-day when 1 wanted tj work." Misalonarlae M All Umfs are friends nt Pais- liar. UunlMi" ^f ini»ri te-f.fy ti t'ln f«t. lODINOL The iamous new discovery of ihe age, posiliveiv, quickly, completely relieves â-  nd cures Goitre. Thick Neck. Sciatica, Swellings, Bunion', Quinsy, etc. $1.00, or 6 :orS5.oo, mailed on re. cipt of price by LVLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto Do vou trap or buy KiiiW IsmCanada'a l.<lrffe^t dealer. l_p«y liiK>":>t prices. \our (ihlpiiisn'S sol'cited. 1 pay mail and 9K- pre*8 cliarueii; remit promptlv. Also lariteRt dealer in Reefhidea. Slioi;pBsins,etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent tree. "" JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO Free to Our Readers. Writ* Murine Eye Keme<ly Co.. rhicnio. for 4S-pace illustrnted Eye Book Free. Write all about Tour Eye Trouble snd Tt will soften 'â-  they will advise as to tbe Proper Applicti- tion or the Murine Eve Remcdieo m ^ our WORN, WORRIED MOTHERS. I • • Much of the worry which [ I every mother of young chil- ^ | ; , dren undergoes would be ^ ] « • spared if the mother kept •¥ ; ; ; Baby's Own Tablets on hand t I \. ', and gave an occasional dose 4- 1 ;•' when the child was fretful, ^ ' I cross or feverish. Nearly all ^ 1 . the ailments of childhood can i • ' be traced to the stomach, -r ' ; bowels or teething. For these ^ 1 • troubles no medicine can -*â-  ' ' equal Baby's Own Tablets, f .' I and the mother has the guar- "*â-  I' antee of a government ana- â- ' . lyst that the Tablets are ab- ' ; solutely safe. Mrs. Ed. Sud- j'dard, Haldimand, Que., ). says:â€" "I have used Baby's j I Own Tablets in my home for ^ j ' a long time and always with I â-  the best results. I do not i â-  know how I could get along ','. without this medicine." Sold ' ' by medicine dealers or by J [ mail at 85 cents a box from , '. The Dr. William*' Medicine ' Co., Brockville, Ont. HfM ♦ ♦4-»-f -M-f ♦♦♦â- f 44- -f -f -f t Kindly mention the nan« of (his MP«r i> writiBi to •dvortiMn. . , - ,, ..11. ._U tlOn OI tne Piurine ivrmi-uic- .;.."... „ ,„^ „, ^ . . .and subdue the most stubborn cough Rpe^ial Case. Ynur Dmgsi.'.t will tell you repeated a prayer, and turned toward bv relieving the irritation, and re- that M«'-i"%l'"l»«''"„^:;r,<' 'i^frt ^^"{hes thVwindow. What was his dismay to ^^^^^ tj^e affected organs to heal- |.- Zin^^Jr^u:!::' ..r^fr'y^U Tn tec a crowd of people ol both sexes , conditions. Use will show its Your Byes and in Babys E.vcs lor Scaly For aooi.leiiti aud ^iiddsn 8nie!nencie-«. '"<'»»•' iRraia«, cuts and bruise., thoy And it in..» iiabl* Ivoidsub-tit ite>, thors i» but uo* "-^.n'.ilUr â€" Psriy D.i.»iVâ€" 2^ and Ma ' Hainiiiller '. llaml "P.clle doesn't wear French hcois any more. Her hus- bend won't let her." Ethel-"I said she would lower herself by 'â- parrying him." PII.BS CURED IN 6 TO u UAVS. PAZO OlNTMKSr Is cuarii'itea.l to cure uny e»i» "f lu-hin,-, BtiBd. It's.' U> ; -r Hr-.tiudiag PilMiii Ii :« li days or m moy r.'(iimlju. sua thy conditions. value. Try it and bo convinced of its efficacy. and all i^s standing tiptoe in front of the big bay window, some even flattening their noses against tha glass, all eager to get a peep at his reverence. .. i , .>• A more m.on he did y^ „r family, eh ? Son or daughter 7 not exist, and great was his embar- V..tL-_ /_i :i..\ <<s:„.,_;,i-i,iM.- " rassment. He looked round furtively for a bell-rope, but such a luxury was not to be thought of in a priest's house in Galway I He dare not even put a leg out to stamp on the floor: he waa fairly in prison between the blankets. The crowd was srowing larger and the talk louder. He oould hear bits, such as: "Do ye see him, Mary, a-^thorer "Deimy, agra, lave me take a look, an' God bless ye. child!" "Oh. wisba, there's the blessed priest abed!" "Mammy, t'nere he Ilea, »-anoorin i I can see his headT' Three mortal hours did the prisoner wiah for deliverance. Then his host came tapping, afraid to disturb his gneat loo early, saw the boys at gaxo. and sent Pat to clear them off the house front.â€" From "Heroes of Mod- em Crusades." Gunsonâ€" "Another increase in ly, eh t Sor Bilbee (gloomily)â€" "Son-in-law. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY TfAt l.*X.*nVE BR'V,'^> .Q<>;":n» Tablets Pmsci'ts rsiuad raonsy If It f»iU to ours. K. W. GEOVK'S signaturs is on *»ch box. 3io. LITERARY CONTAMINATION. Mother- Johnny, you said you'd been to Sunday school. Johnny (with a far-away look)â€" Yes, mamma. Motherâ€" How does it happen that your hands smell of fish? Johnnyâ€" I carried homo the Sun- day school paper an' the outside page is all about Jonah and the whale. We once heard of two girls who were lie.irtbrokenâ€" one because she couldn't T^'.nrry a certain youns; man aid the other because she did mar- ry him. CARPET DYEING ^^«nJ CiMninc. Thi« !« »»l>.<:ial;j wiUi the British Arr««rlc«i.-» Dyalna; Co" Send partii-rilaiB b> po»l and we are Miw to a.\Usf^. address Bax ISS. MontrssL Eyelids and Qraoulation. CORRECT. "What is tho plural of man, Johnny!" asked the teacher of a small pupil. "Men," answered Johnny. "Correct," said tho to.ichcr. "And what is the plural of child?" ""Twins!" was tho logical, but un- expected reply. Panama. Pau.oma Is a Caribbean word, mean- ing "" an allusion to the abundance of this variety at the iatl». mus. HORSE OWNEK3! i;3E co»»vvirs CAUSTIC BALSAM. A «»f«. «-vi*Aj art ;-^iU»« cirfc «vt>r «t*d. ftwnoii* all l»-an«.ho« THB l,.\«'KF,NrK WILl.I\.MH iM». 'I'oftttft. Cfcn. KIDNEY ^(CHT s'or^ ^ i.\7%.i.i/iArrv(T NKei.Errca A, i !>.<• njn into the •â- Â«Â»>»'•• an! l'!HJW?JOM4. Lose no liius, bu*. fee St out;* a bottls of 'RiiswfPs !te*:»Tf KEI>tKk' >ind prevent finonmonia. or eitrr i ( al:eadT minifosl ed. ts liis Unfalliuic Jion««holi". R e m s d.' for Con.Tlis. Colds, Bars Tlir>M(. lirenohtt^s. "Grip,' Hnoumonla an J Paiiu of all kitidjk ISIS IE NO. 3 -Itt. It Keeps the Muscles Pliant. â€" Men given to muscular sports and e.\erciscs and tho?e who suffer mus- cular pains from bicycle riiling will find i.'r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil something worth trying. As a lu- brietint it will ktcp the muscles pli- able and free frtun pains which of- ten follow constant use of them, without softening or impairing their strtMisth. For bruises, sprains and coutiisious it is witliout n peer. RAt'E FOR LIFE. Irate Doctor (finding bottle of quack medicine) "Why didnt tell me you were taking this wret- ched Ktuffr' Patientâ€" "Well, it my mis- sus, sir. She .says, I'll ilose you with this, and doctor he" 11 try his stuff, and we'll see which'll euro you first." A REASON. Friendâ€" "Great Heaveus. man! Do I find you reduced to playing ft cornet at the stiect-corner to miike a living?'' 151ogO!s-"I ain't doing thi« to make A llvins;. My vife won't lot nic practice in tho house." SHE WASN'T SUPE.K.ST1TI0U.S. "Mary, Mary!" cried Mrs. John- coi to her maid, "what sh.ill I do 1 I've just had a most dreadful acci- dent, and don't know wlnt's going to happen. I've broken my now hand-glass, and you know how un- lucky it is to break ft looking-Rlass. It nieaus seven years' unhappi- ncss." "Lor', mum,'' replied Mary, "don't you set no heed on that. Lfok .i,t me; I'm not fretting, and I've jii;t l.nken the large pier- glass in the drnwing-room." Sad Blood- i' til" dirnt ai'.'i it ex it:i!.!i> rcsnit of irrrirnlHr ii ii>i>x<i|)Ati d Im>«i'!« Slid I |M|>3ed-u|) Vidney.i and skin Tlie Uiidicti'vted tm>d nud other ws>l» lu.utor wliiih Ii allnwod t.-> •ut;nninl.-»te poisons tlie blood and the nhole «,v-iiem. In-.,e â-  In- dian I!iK>I PilN Hit directly on the liov..Ii. rr«uln:;i;|f 'hem ..:i tha kidniyn. Ki^inic (Ijeni i',>v.< -i...! strfrrifth t" m-npeily fllt;-r llu- l»Io4.<| nnd on tbi- skin. up<>ninK nu (li« noro.< l'<>r pure blood and cood fu-altli tnhe Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pi U

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