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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 4

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* 1 lllll )) l lp» ,J II' Januarv 13 HMO THE FLESH PRION A VANCE '^ _-»• ' » ' I * . 4 t â-  * « * * » F. T. HILL & Co., . Harkdale Our January Stock Taking Clearing Sale During the month ui January wc camraence taking stock and in onk'i' to take as lew winter hues ofgoocLs into stock as possible we have cut the prices deeply on all lines and in many cases regardless of original cost to us ; so it will pay you to visit this store during the month of January for your requirements as all lines of winter goods are being sacrificed in price. Men's Underwear Reduced $1.25 and 81.40 vaiues in Sbiitu and Drftweis f..r ! ... 98 cenli ."» c. « lio'tl.CO value* in Shirt.s nrul Orawui.-i for 75 cants 4 collection of odd line* of Shirto and Drawi-rj, boiiiR the balance of oiir 00, 75 and 85c lines for 48 cor.U Men s Cloth Caps With Fur Bands Every cnp we have in stock will bo sold at this big reduction ; OOo., 75e., 85c, SJ .00 and $1.25 caps for one third py less tliiin reKub'i' h \ 'â- â- *, gEx^m Sacrificing Ladies' Mantles We have about 6fly Ladies' Mantles in stock, on which we are offering swfinping reductions in jnice. Tii some cases the price of the cloth is not represented in the prices we are srllii;); tlieni «t. Wo can give you » Lady's Mantle at any price almost (hat you are wiiliii!; to pay. Dress Goods Reduced Durio" the inenth of .January we have decided to reduce all line.', of Dress Gnoda. It will pay you to ntst our prices. You can save bi^j munuy. '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many llvoa because the pain causetf thereby produces an aversion to study. The backward child too often Mcomes th* unsuccassful man. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESHERTON . iii[ mim. Caiefully Corrected Each Week Wheiit .". 1 00 to ] 00 Oats 33 to ;W Peas «3 to 83 Barley 45 to 50 Hay 12 00 to U 00 Butter 22 to 22 E'jgs, fresh 24 'o 25 Potaioes per baj; 40 to 40 Geese 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 ChickenH 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to 18 TKEr y\u indeiMUident uewsiiajwr, ^juUislied every Tliumday at thn oftic«, ColhnKWood .Street, ]')e«lierton. Hiil)«:riiiti(m price 81 per annum, when paid iiiadinnce; 81. .^.i when not so paid. Advertieini; ratw* on application. Circulation l,(X«t weekly. W. H. TliurHton - Keillor MAKE THINGS INTERESTING There is a pile of wind wasted annually n1x>ut the inaiisfjeinent of the Grey .JVgricultural Scjcicty. The ottictis come in for about as much critieiHrn a« the average editor or minister, while their icmuneration is in most eases nil. The Auvauco would suggest that all kickers coniu out to the nnnual meeting â- HI Monday next and raise "Cain" genor- slly â€" tell all their s'jrrows, air their ii;rievanre8, and cleiin thin^isout properly. There in neeii for some change soniMurliere â€"just where wo cannot tell. But if rvory member with a gricTunre would come out openly utid say their s.iy eomo good should result. But let no one come to the meeting for the purpose of fsult-tinding alono. If anything is being done improperly there must be a prop- er way â€" and so bo prepared with a solu- tion to the proUJem. A porscn with any braini at all can m>d f.iult, but the only man worthy of atteation is the man with a sug'.{e8tiun of improvement to offer. Wo would r)trer our little suggestion just liere. More care should be exercised in the selection of officers. Tweuly-six put of tilt) thirty-six olUces are IjUgd by â- Flesherton business men. Wo believe it would bo belter to have the whole tiding represented on the beard. The riding •caunot be reasonably expected to take an interest in a I'leslierton bossed show. In other years the members appeared to be shy of wind at the time of the annual nje^tingâ€" but loosened up iiboit the dale of the exhibition. Kow, your breath to some purpose and honest- ly try to .'X't things right at tlio annual meeting on Monday next. Altogether now, everybody for the best exhibition in 1010 the society has ever had. make the isolated life (>f the farm much I Frenchman, did 03 miles and 255 \ more pleasant. Winter is a good time tol yards in oiie liouf ou a bicycle, paced organize one of these systems of cein- 5^^ three cylinder motorcycle, on a municationand we would like very imich I j.y(.,ij,g ^,.j^p,._ j„ ^^.^^^ to do tbis to see somnthiii" done alon<' that line. ' tii »..i iitj.ii ,..",„„=' , remarkable stunt ho had to travel 1 \> e understanu the Bell company have reduced their rates to (if I een dollars fur THE PROSPECTOR farmers' 'phones. For this they keep in order the line end instruments, and could not be expected to do it for less. Let us have n network of telephones. milo, 92 yards, incbes each miuntc. The record was made from a standing start. DDKS ADVERTISING PAT/ 000 Sir Wilfred Laurier is Tlie prospector sits by his cheery blaze. He's not a miner, if y' plaseâ€" but once lie found .Hoiuo roek that shone. Through its brightnets .soon his reason was gone â€" ho was sure as guns he'd strock it rich. You'd tell by a glance, if you knew the tricks, the mine had copper, and silver, nnd goldâ€" it would prove a fortune of size untold. Hin name would run reporte.1 to "''"''"d the earth and back again-and bavc said at the operiiug of the new Liberal club in Toronto ; "Do not bo too particular in New.spaper advertising most aj.suredljr doespay.qnt there is stuff nn.lor iho j line of orthodoxy. Open your guise of advertising! tint just as surely ' wide. Take iu all the Grits they cjinc, and ask admission I sure be spoken by busy men â€" and on ] his dream would carry him. His fire 'lml'w steadily more dim, while the '1 i shadows played with a stealthy vim, like a biind of goblins encircling him. But still his dream went on and onâ€" for he The when â- â€¢â- " J •> . ., 1 1 1 . • 1, does not pay. The adveitisor who has n contract for a cort:iin sjiace by the year and changes tho matter but once or twice in the year i.s not getting - cunniil get â€" full results fur his money. a man stood on 11 street corner and shouted his message to the populace. The Grst time he delivered his oration ho would receive .tome notice â€" but let him repeat the saiiio words day ;.fterdiy, week after week to tlie .same Tlie School inspectors of this PrO- „^g g^,j j^^ j,;^ ,,^,„^^^ ^^yg^ people and where would ho bo at .' Thi.s vinco have approached the Ontario; ,,, rm t.- â- ...,. xr .,, , â-  . .,.,.,,, , , /^ ... , , , • â€"MALT Il.'l^OJS, wtth apolofjiis to 18 the position of the advertiser wlio seJ- / Government With a request that thcy'm, rp t at . dom ch.mges his "copy." [be granted pensions. There is a I The Hdvertisomenl should be interest-' strong feeling throughont the country cjine, nil ' • • T 1 r ii •.• -f WHS worshipping a Mystic One This is indicative of the position of ,, , . .1. ., ...:.i,:„ i,:„ 1 the Liberal party in Toronto. The only way to redeem Toronto for the Liberals would be to import a few thousand pure G lit voters, and then! heard where the geezer went some. ' (fo, for ho thinks he's sent gold lust there within his breast was struggling with all that men call best. .^t last it won ar.d off he went, on a mystic errand of riches bent. I have not ; but let him to uncover riches; and--I don't know-perhaps if (he's lost it's better so. For never ag:iin would he bo riglit wise, with the gliut of mg .*.>ci) LT-TODATE. To illustrate the pointâ€" wo notice in the clubbing lui- iiouncemeDt i,f ilii exchanj'e of week that the paper "will be given the bal.'uice of lOO'J free." That advertise- ment is not calculated to bring results today. It w»8 sendoniible seroral months ago, but h;is lost its point. Printer's ink does pay, but like 'most overything else mml he used wisely or it will not. A MINUS QUALITV A confirmed ei(;iiretto snupker in the geiitTerocnVusi!"~W£at.rijecnl!y attempted tf> blowout his brains. Of crurse he failed. Toronto rCows, FIT IN THE PHONES The telephone is the most vohiahle business convenience of modern limes and is becoming utilized more and more every day. In many of the western States and in our own Nortliwest there •re localities where full advantage is taken of this by the farming community, whore efery farm house owns its teloplinno. The u.sos found for the 'phono are mul'.i- tudinout, and many weary tramps and much lost time is avoided by its use. Handa are aikod over the 'phone for tbrealtings and labor seucred, the market prices are available at any mnpien^, sales and purchases arc made, etc. In this K.^ction the awakening to the value of this convenience has not yet taken place. It aecins to us, however, that the time has arrived wheu every farmer should instsl the 'phone, and that the fanners in our section of the country are sufliciently well-to-do to afford it at the low rate now offered by the compuny. Villagers often want farm products and don't know where to get them. With the 'phone this would be made easy and many sales would be made that are not made now. But then there are a thousand nnd one ways that a 'phone would work to ad- Tantiige as well as supplying a moans of Lord BhacUleton has announced that ho will make another attempt to gel a line on the soutii polo. lie has our consent, but when he finds it and goes a'climbing it he'd better look out for slivers. as a whole against the pension system. It is argued that tlic poor man who makes $(500 a year oft" his ftiriu has as mucli, and more, right to a pension in his old age as has the university professor or school inspector Mith his $2000 or $;)000 a year, and the farmer has not asked for the boon. It is not at all likely that the govern- ment, in the present state of rp'^blio Catarrhozone Cures Permanently BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATAERH Throw medicine to the dofra. At best tlity are unpleasant, often usu- sentiment, wilUvairb The inspectors I '';>^«- You are sufferlns from romo ol! the tliroat, nose, or lunifs, i Doctors call It Uroneliltls, Asthma, or Catarrh, or It is a slight or severe cold. Germs cause these diseases â€" they have a common root. Catarrhozone destroys disease germs, it does more, it heals disease tis- sue. CATAItRUOZOXK is little drops of healing carried by air to the exact . ,. , I'hico where Catarrh e.xlsts. Observe, fonnd an article which 18 radlC- 1 CalarrhozoMo not onlv destroys the ally the reverse of tl.o Chicago spasm, j --- .^"^,^i;:::^^;!;;l^uor'" ''" The article in question is a two-page 1 Catarrhozone means little drops of , ... , ,, , nil. 1 healing carried by air and placed over desciiption of Montreal 9 harbor, and|the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. their rocfttfst. ' 000 } In another column of this issue i.i'j found a jocular refcronco to Canada'si^ijt snows made by a Chicago paper. In last Sunday's New York Herald, how- 000 It was a rare complimont a Fleshor ton lady paid religion when she ex- plained a certain act of gracioiisueBS on the part of her spouse to the speaks in an enthusiastic tone of this great Canadian asset. The harbor is in the hands of a Comniissicn appoint- ed by the Dominion government, and being impervious to" "pull" it has accomplished a groat work. The fact' Commission has made Montreal (a port a streak of that "he must have had religion in him." 000 When will the paragraphers fc-get Porcupine ? No editorial page siauas to be up-to-date without a jocular reference to unfortunate Porcupine. Why won't the editors nse theik quills to some good purpose ? 000 It is announced that the three- fifths clause will be one of the sections of the License Act to come under dis- cussion at the coming sessiou of the Legislature. Let us hope that suffic- ient prcasnro will be brought to bear on the Powers That Be to right this glaring injustice. 000] It is auvprising what speed may be maintained on a bicycle. It is author- \ one thousand miles from the sea) a I dangerous rival to New York, itsel^ situaftd on tlic edge of the tide. It is surprising to many and gratifying to all loyal Canadians to observe the growth of Montreal's harbor business ^ and likewise to observe that it is seri^ ously regarded by its more lonthern rival, New York. Canada is coming to her own â€" and there is lots of room yet. Catarrhozone Is endorsed by doc tors, druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people who have used it. Catarrhozone Yes, SiPi it is taken in air. "Little drops of healing" carried by air to weak places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Three sizes: 25c, 50c. and $1.00, at druggists, or by mail postpaid from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. J. B. PATTON FAINTER â€" PAPER HANGER Sif^n Painting and High-class Dfcorating A Specialty. OfBue at , a • l'IJ<:SHERTON, ONT J. & W. BOYD, Flesherton, Ont. Custom Weaving Phosphpnol the Electric Restorer lor Meih ' I have purchased a Newcomlie Fly llfisUipefloveiyncrveinthebody to its N''"'"o Carpet Loom. All work done proi)Or tension ; restoren vim and vitality. ; on shortest notice. Hit and Misa rags, Premature deciij- nnd all sexual weakness! Warp found, 20 cents pep yard, Striped averted at once, Phosphonol will makoi rnus oxtr». you n new man. Price ♦iifK) a box, or two for »5.00. Mailed to any address on !<^*'^P«'""^"8»>t and carpet for snle. reoeijit of price. The Scobell Dta(( Co., communication with neiijhhors that would 1 atalivelj' .•â- lalcd that one Guignard, a j St. Cathnrlnes, Ont. Carpets, Hammocks and Rugs a specialty Wm. LEES, â€" Flesherton, Ont. Now that the holitlavs arc over no doubt you will be<'iri to consider your requiiements from a prac- rical business-like standpoint. Before Christmas vou thought like this --"Well now, Iwantsonne- ihiu" for so and. so that will cost just so much, and accordingly you made your purchases. Now It's Up To You To Resolve 1 J, Well now, I want such and such â€" and I S li I ^^'''^"t a genuine good article. /% I 1 want to buy it just where 1 can get A nfl ™°^^ value for the least money. Lmll\Mt â€" j^Q^ that is good business. Well, we are carrying a stock which is equal to anything in the county and we guarantee our prices right and all we ask of you is to come in and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Below we give a few prices : Boys' 3 piece suits, regular 4. 50, clearing 2.98 A big range of men's suits, light and dark colors, regular 7.5.) to 8.00, clearing at 4.95. A full range of men's suits, light, medium and ilark colors, regular 11.00, clearing 8.95. Ladies' Jackets, all this season's goods, regular 10, 11 and 12, clearing for 7.50. Men's all wool rib shirt s I • a wers, regular 1.00, for 7Sc. Men's over shirts, fancy colors, clearing 59c. Ladies' wool hose and glover, regular 25 cents, for 19c. Special reductions on all furs. A BIG SALE WHEKE; Why, at The People's Store EUGENIA To last for nineteen days only, commenciug SATURDAY, JAN. 15. Do not fail to come. GO(.)DS TO BE SOLD LESS THAN COST DRESS GOODS 11 pieces only all wool dre;.. goods, regular from 30c to 50c., to be sold nt , lUo per yard riiiid wrapperette suitable for children's school dresses, cleariuu at 9o A dijzen or more pieces of Print Ginghams and pretty Dress Muslins, while they last 7^0 Towellings, tegular 11 and 13c, for 8c Art Muslins and Curtain Screens for 9ic Kliviinolettes, nil reduced to a very low figure. The best range of prices in Lawns and Cottons ever offered Ready-niado Underskirts, rejjular 75c, for 58c Trimmed Mdlineryâ€" 34 huts to be sold at ^2 Felt shapes , From 75c up Veilings while thvy last are to be sold at 20c per yard Frillings, 7 in box (our leader) at 28c FrUlings, 4 in box, for 13Jc Fancy Crllar», regular 50e for 38o A Special Sale of Buots and Shoes ranging in price from 95c to $2.50. Do not fail to get a pair of these boots. You will never get a chance like this «gain. Men's Wool I'nderwear, reaukr 80c for 68c Men's Floeco lined Underwear, regular $1 lines for 8i)o Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, regular 75o and 85c lines to clear 58c Men's Caps at half price Men'i Shirts, heavy blue tleeee lined, reg. $1 and ?1.25, for. . . .89c Many other lines cut lo less than half price while the sale lasts. You will miss it if you do not coino and see for yourselves the biggest bargains ever offered. J. E. LARGE - - EUGENIA ;::J â- â€¢â€¢a •••! •••J ••â- â€¢ •••• •••• <••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• .••• •••â-  •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢Â«â€¢ :::t ^as. !Patiisony Cej/ion^ Oni, General -^MepeAant. •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ::: We have> table full of BARGAINS for this week. Come iu and inspect them â€" Just the things you need for the cold weather. Men's Way Mufflers were 75c, fori 55c Boys and Gitls'curly caps, wore 50 and 60c now 35o Ladies' Corsets, were .60 and 60c, now 25c »nd ." 35c 1 only Ladies Aatrachan Jacket, was 830.C0 now $27.00 Women's Felt Shoes, were $1.50 for $1 25 »1.25fot 11.06 A lot of odds and ends iu print and dress goods and other dry goods which it will pay you to take advantage of. Dont be behind", and wait till everything good is gone. We are also having a clearing sale of men's and boy's cloihiig and overcoats, to make room for more new goods that are coming in. :::: •••• •••• ••• • • • I ♦ » â-  â-  ♦ ion • • * V . » J/as. jPattlson » (Beulo ?n«??«?:?«s:nin::::?:«::«:::«::,«

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