/leslj^rtxrtt %hiomct. ?0L28, RO 33 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" «• PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN." Pleslierton, Ont., Tliursday, Jan. 1C3 t 9 to W. a 7EURST0N- I.DITOK auil I'KOPMETOa > 4 * GET YQUR WEDDINO RINGS JEWELLERY CLOCKS REPAIRED WATCHES REPAIRED FOUNTAIN PEN'S SILVERWARE And evei'ythiiig in tha JewoUciy Lille, fiom .ARMSTRONG THE FLESHERTON JEWELER Maxwell AH of the Sumliiy scIkhiI scholars who tried lepe.iling tlic title, gulden text, time and i)liice of each lesson of the four quiirterN of 1W9 were successful and will each receive n snmll gift. Mr. Andrew and Mr. Geo. Buckingham, 1!. .\ , were judges. Bornâ€" To Dr. lud Mrs. Uyckiii.iii, ou Saturday, January 8th, a son. Boni^On Wedne.sday, Jan. Dth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Scilly, a son. Mrs. Wm. Dsmd of Regina and Mrs, Harry Horton of CoUingwood visited with friends in our village last week. Alt. Robinson is i-enewing'ildac<|uain- tauces here. Mrs. Ornishy and Miss Sclieniiinian returned home thi.s week, and Mrs. Cousins and her fatiier have gone to visit in Parry Sound. Samuel Linley of Regina is visiting with his brother, Edward Linley. A. N. Brownridge and Miss Etta Buckingham won the prizes given Viy Mrs. Stanley on the year's Sunday school lesDons. Rev. Mr. Phiinister c)f Sing- hampton was examiner. Word was received here Saturday that Fletcher Sliarp, brother of Mrs. Stanley, who was attending Kingston high school is now ill in the hospitiil there with typhoid fe?er. We Tioiie to hear nf his recovery .soon. We are sorry to report th»t at time of writing William Browniidge is very ill. Mrs. Harry Down and Miss Dale of Hatherton spent the week end with Miss Etta Buckingham. At a quilting bee in the Methodist i)ar- Konage a large chintz comforter was made to be sent to the Deaconess Home, Tor- onto. Miss Wiley of New England is visiting at Mr. Wiley's, on the fourth line. Mr. and Mrs. William Kertun and family of Melville, Sa.sk., are visiting with their parents here. A very enjoyable erening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard last Wednesday, when a number of the young stepped the light fantastic till the wee snia' hoiu's of the morning. On the occasion of the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips' little son, Richard Delmond, and daughter, Mildred Pearl, last Thursday evening ^ttiere wiis a little social gathering at their residence. Rev. A. P. Stanley of Maxwell perform- â- ' ed the ceremony, After the administra- tion of the rite all sat down to enjoy a bountiful christening feast. the slippery pavenient. Ho Is still con- tined at hiss son's home, Mr. Dick Noble, who is home at Murk- dale from the West, rnitin<; his mother, is at present a guest at Mr. John Jamie- son '.s. Mr. J. A. Jamiesun and he are buying a batch of horses to take out to their homesteads in Siiskalchewan. M is.s Flora Carv, who haa been out west for several years, i^ at present vis- iting her many friends at Eugenia. All were pleased to weloonie home Mis. F. T. Carr from her trip West. She prefers Ontario as a home placOj. Mrs. Roljcrt Gm'Iey visited Toronto friend.s for u few days. Miss Milly Wilson is home from Heathcote to spend a week with her mother. Mrs. Armstrong and son, from Hailcy- liury have been the guests of Mrs. Pedlar for the past few weeks. Tlie Oruugemeu are hnving a bo'i so- cial at their hall lieie on Jan. 2."). A Kiand program is beinu prepared. For particulars cet bills. Mr. and Mrs. Bunoeuf Elk Lake were SUests of Mr. and Jlis. Jake Williams fur a few days. Mr. James Armstrong and dau'^hter, Lilian, are visiting Caledoii friends. Mr. Albert AniHtroiitj is suft'ering with a sore throat. Ouo of our young men went to spend his New Years with Maikdale friendi", and got styajed or stolen, but eventually got safely home. His friend.'s were most anxious. Mr. and Mrs. Park spent 'New Years day wiih Priceville fiiends. Eugenia. A,,. Wedding bells are soon to ring for mwn of 3ur young people. Mr< and Mrs. Armstrong liare returned from their bridal tour to the home of the bride's mother at Eugenia, Our faithful mail carrier is to be pitied these days with the drifted roads, yet he manages to pull through every day. Where are the snow plows now ? The road from Eugenia- to Morey corner is about drifted up. Mr. Woodbucn has been very ill fur the past week and is no better, Mr. Will Paul is home on a visit to his parents. He is taking out a number of horses to his homestead at Swift Cur- rent, Sask. Miss Sarah Paul is giving a party to a few of her young friends Tuesday ev'g. Miss Teen Gordon is home from To- ronto for a couple of weeks' visit to her friends hers. Mrs. Tom Hojgard of Clarksburg is visiting her mither at Eugenia. The Misses Cora and Edma Williams have gone to the city. Mr, Henry Fenwick, who «'a.s vi.-iitinir in the city, fell and splintered his leg on Kimberley Skating is the order of the day. We are plenscd to learn that Mr. John Plewes, who has been on the sick list for some time, is slowly recovering. Mr. Edgar Neely of Meaford was in town during the jmst week. Mr. Sandford Knott and sister. Rets, of Thornbury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stuart oi. Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Copeland of Duudalk, who are on their honeymoon, visited friends here during the past week siid were guests of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hutchinson. Bornâ€" At Kimberley, on Tuesday, Jan. 4, to Mr. and Mrs, Jasper Stuart, a daughter. Miss Vinjie McMuUen of Toronto is liolidayiug with friends hove. Following is the list of otKcers for the Kimberley C. O. F. : Chief Raiijier, Thompson Allen ; Vice Ranger, Alex. Carruthers ; Chaplain, Ezra Fawcott ; Conductor, W. A. Weber ; Recording Sec, W. A. Walter ; Fin. Sec, F. J. Weber; Treas., T. J, Reid ; Senior Woodward, Chflord Camack ; Jr. W., E. C. Hammell ; Senior Beadle, Burton Wickens ; Jr. Beadle, Harry Thompson. Mr. Bert Graham of Eugenia visited friends here this week. Mr. Clarence Thompson, .iccompanied by his sisters, the Misses Ida and Myrtle Thompson, and Mr. Stafford of Flesher- ton, were guests of tho former's aunt, Mrs. Geo. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Simon T. Fawcetb and little son, Harold, of CoUingwood, «ere vi.sitors at the former's parental home recently. Mr. Roy Fawcett of Heathcole, ac- companied by his uncle, Mr. Ed. Brink- man of CoUingwood, and hie cousin, Mr. Earl Johnston of Owen Sound, wore callers in our village on Friday last. 1 0th Line, Osprey. Ern. Brownridge, of the Eighth line, who went west last spring, {has returned and is holidaying at his parental home. L. J. McKenzie of Sask.'itchewau is visiting his brother, Donald, on the 8th line at present' Mr. McKenzie left this [Nirt about twenty years ago, and his old friends were glad to see him again. Jos. Heron and W. R. Colquette vi.sit- ed CoUingwood friends for a, day last week. The 1)00111 in prices of logs at Rock Mills has made a number of farmers who have timber to sell hie to the woods once again. Samuel Lindloy of Lang., Sask,, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Lindley was raised iu Osprey, and left here 15 years ago. Miss Alice Ottewell is visiting friends^ near Singhainpton and Fteshertoii at j)resont. The Providence penile had a good turnout at their annual supper on Dec. 31st, and tho program was one of the best. Mr. Gibson, of Nottawa, and lit- tle son, the Scottish songsters, were high- ly appLiuded, .iiid encored again and again, the Scottish laddie in Highland costume being a great attraction. Win. Kaitting of Feversliain, our auc- tioneer, is out buying fat stock of all kinds. If Will gives as good prices as he usually gets at Ins auction sales those having fat stock to dispose of will d well to look him^up. Kth Line, Artemesia. Mr. - and Mrs. W. G. Janiieson and neiihew, Dave, of Port Law spent Sunday at .1. W. Benson's. Garnet Benson visited last week with his brother in Owen Sound. Miss Eva Turner of Toronto is home on a few weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Wood spent New Year's day with the former's sister, Mrs. Will. Magee. Messrs. T. and D. Hislop and sister. Victoria Corners Mrs. Robert Achesoii and two children visited under the parenl.il roof a couple of days last week. Will and George Strain have again gone west. Mr. Jack Russel of Lockwood, Sask.,. is renewing old acqiiaiutiinces. Mr. II. H. (lalliiglier had a very successful sale last Wednesd;iy, consitlev- ing the vei-y inclemont weather. School reopened on Monday last. The trustees have secured llie services of Miss Knox of Swiuton Park. Mr. George Bannoii will liold a s.ile on the I'.lth. Mr John Baiuioii has ivLuriied to Owen Sound, after spending the liolidaj's here. McFARLAND&CO. Priceville Geo. Tiyon is visitio;^ frie:uls ii Detroit and Cleveland. Charlie Tryon is lioiiu fioiu Diiiul.ilk conducting his fill her's busiicss in hi: M,ie, of Stratford visited for a week with I absence their cousins, T. and Bell Genoe. D. (lonoe .spent Suiiilay with Kimlier- ley friijiids. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron sjient New Year's day with their daughter in the valley. John Carson visited with M-trkdale friends recently. Misses Ina and Ella Magee spent a day last week with Port Law friends. Jos. Hem[)hill of Toronto visited last week with his aunt, Mrs. J.is. McGee. Chas. Tryon was in Diiiidalk list week to a.ssist ill the idedion tht'iv. Mo ihiiiks il w:us his vote that dil tlie triok. Mius Florence Clark letiirnud to Trn-onlo after sp-mdinu the holidays willi her mother, Mrs. W. JI. Chirk, of M.ijilu Grove, North line, Glcnelg. Artemesia Council Feversham Mr. Samuel Linley of Regina is visit- ing friends here at present. Mr. John Brown, brother of Mr. R. Brown, is also renewing acquaintances in the vicinity. Mr. Van Blaricum has returned after visicing friends in CoUingwood and Thornbury. Major and Mrs. Green will hold a mu- sical song servicB in the Salvation A.tmy barracks on Thursday evening, Jan. 13. There is a rumor that in tho near future an ex«ellent concert will be given, proceeds to go towards building side- Tlie new Council of Artemesin met in the town hall on Monday last, with tlio following members in attendance ; J. A. Boyd, Reeve ; T. R. MacKenzie, Deputy Reeve ; J. I. Graham, R. Best and Donald McLeod, Councillors. After the members had taken the usual ostti of oftice th» minutes ef December session of Council were read. The Reeve congrat- ulated Lhe members on their election and tru.sted that harmony and courtesy would prevail. He referred to matters that would come before the Council, more particularly the climiug'of a certain ^l reet in Priceville, which hsd been blocked at liist meeting owing to objection of land- owners in the vicinity. Tho Reeve al.so thought good work had been done on the roads during the pnst ysar and hoped it would bo continued Ihrniigh this year. C. W. Bellamy applied for the asielsor- (ship. Bylaws were introduced for the walks. Miss Annie Macken/.ie is visiting at j appointment of members of Board of W. Kuitting's. ' Health, Auditors and assessor. Cominuni cations w«ro read from a A number of Maxwell young people attended the skating rink on Saturday evening and report a good time with tho ice in iirst class condition. Messrs. John Radford and John Brad- ley were visitors in town Satuiday ev'g- Rock Mills Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburu of Cidhngwood attended tho wedding of Miss EiKe PhiUips, on New Year's day, and also called on other friends. Mr. and Miss Russell visited with Rev. and Mrs. Kipp of Stayner. Thos. Betts had a New Year's gather- ing. Everett Bunt of Toronto is visiting his cousin, Lewes Podlar. Mrs. T. Gamey is lirid iqi with La G ripple. Miss L. Maidment of Fergus has been re-engaged as teacher for another term. The children are jileased to have her with them again. Edgar Belts ind Walter Akitt hsve gone to Owen Sound Business College. Otto Gamey is laid up with a.sthmn. Clifford Paitridge got a fork run in his list. Mr. CoUison, of Ceylim, was buying logs out here. Tho Durham furniture Co. are starting up a store. Wo extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Wilson and family, of Durham. Lost Thursday evening a iiunibet of Rook MiUs friends spent a social evening with Mr. Wilson and family. Mrs. Bolton has moved from the corner to 8. Pedlar's on the gravel. Mr. John Gibson haa sold bis team of creams for a fancy figure. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong visited at W. T. Pedlars on Sunday. Mr. Nesbitt'a youngest son fell and injured himself severely. od roiuls ina- chinery'.Co ; Receipt for ii.'suraiice on town hall :2Municipal World, reiiuestiiig subscriptiona ; hospital for sick children, requesting djnatioiis ; order of Railwiy Commission lo crossings, as inililished last week ;acct. W. H. Thuistoii,[S;51.2(t, printing ; Malcoba McMillan coiiipliincd of error in taxes. Some discussion took place on the equalization of school suctioDs. In the past it appears thut the whole township has been paying thecostof such e^iualiza- tion whereas the law calls for imyiiient by the sections beneiilted. McLeodâ€" Bestâ€" That account of W. H. Thurston, $31,20, be paid.- Carried. McLeod- Best - That Malcolm Mc- Millan be refunded $3.30 on account of an error on calcuhtiiig bis taxes on lot 11, con. 3, S. D. R, UW.â€" Carried. McKsnzieâ€" Be.^t- That the council subscrsbe for six copies of the filunicipal World for 10 10. -Carried. McKenzie McLsodâ€" Thar tlio sum of live dollars be granted the Sick Children's hospital, Toronto, and forwarded to John Robs Robertson, chairman â- )f tho trust. â€" Cairicl. McKmzie â€" Grahamâ€" That U. .7. Sproulc bo paid the sum of $11.25, being the premium on insurance on town hall property for twelve iiumths from Jan. 13, inst.â€" Carried.* R, J. S|iroule applied for tho position of auditor. The C, P. R, wrote re closing up of street in Pricovillo, asking that the matter bo laid over until next meeting. This wiis concuried in and all parties intele^ted are expected to bo present when the matter oomea up. Dr. J. P, Ottewell, the retiring mem- ber of the Local Bniud of Health, was reappointed. T'he other members are W. Caswell, and A, F. Podlar. . C. W. Belhiiny was resiipointcd As- sessor at the same salary as last year, viz. 8100 and an allowance of 82 for postage. R. J. Sproule and T. Henry were ap- C. H. Jay, an old business man of j poiulod Auditors at a salary of $12 each. Moaford is dead. Bestâ€" McLcod- That tho Reeve, MAt^lClDALK ON'rAKIf 10 DAYS' It i.s a well known fact to the j3eople of iMarlvdale ami .suiTounding country that ouf sales are, genuine, and this will certainly be no exception to the rule. No gooJ.s held in resei-\e in any oi" the department.s niencioned, and in many ca.ses will be on sale at less than discounts stated below, Space will not allow n.s to give a full de.scription _ of good.s in the different (lopartments, hence note the following big discouut.s: Dress Oood.s 'J.j to 40 per cent. off. ('lo^ling '2') p. c. off I tents' Fiu'nishings '2') p. c. oft. .Men's and Ladies' Fur Coat.s. Fur .Setts and all .small Furs, '2'> to SO p. c. off House Funiishings I'O p. c. off ( 'I'ockery, ( Jlassware, China and Staples l.j p. c. off Ladies and riiildren's Jackets IJ.^ to iJO p. c. off Boots and Shoes '25 p. c. off Millinery -'> to oO p. c. oif All Trimmed Hats at half price. At Ihowe prices gtods will be sold fen- Cash "r Trade only. No goods allowed out on approUaiioii or exchange during sule. As we exjiett this to ho a record-btei»k- iiig Sale we Mould advise as iiiiiiiy as conveniently c;.ii to make iheir purchasis in the morning to avoid the rush. Remember the date^Jan. 5th, to Jan. 15th. McFARLAND & COMPANY Treasurer and Clerk be paid 9J each for ."'"ony about thirty glle^ts .sat down to a preparing tinancisl slateraent for l!)0!t, '''""Ptuou'' ««J'l'n? dinner. Tho bride and that the Clerk be paid 83 for holding' »"» «''»-' recipient of many valuable pres- nominatiun, 1!M)7.â€" Carried. The Couiicil di.'cussed at considerable lenirth the closing of Priceville streets by the C. 1'. R., and tho value of properties expropriated by the companies. This inatti r Iihs put the township to consider- able trouble and expense. Some of this property- 21 acres roundly speaking -is a public street which has been closed by the company. The closing of this street cut ort .several lo's from access. The coin[>any secured ipiit claim aKi'eenicDts from the owneis of these lots. Later one of tliese lots was sold, when it was discovered that the agreements had not been registeied and the new owner of the lot demurred aitainst the Council closing the street. This matter was up at the December session and held over until the C. P. R. hud satisfied Mr. Frook. the owner of tho lot- Tho company now rci|«5|t« that it bo held over fo^' another month. McKenzie-- tirahaiii- Thar, â- co siimers for the various divisions o]p. township be appointed »a follows: Div. No. 1, D. McLeod ; No, 2, J. I. Graham; No. ;i, R. Best; No. 4, T. R. Mc Kenzio. ents. testifying to the esteem iu which she was held. The groom's present to the bride was a handsome furlined coi. Mr. and Mrs, Kendall left on the four o'clock train for Toronto, where thoy will reside. The Vtride'ii travelling cos- tume was green satin hiiish broadcloth with a large ;ireen hat trimmed with white phimos. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life. Chiirlcs Emai'y. the second white child iiorii in the townslisp of St. Vincent, died at Ins homo in Toronto on Dec. 28, at tho ago of tl!). Gas Distended His Stomach McKenzie -Best â€" That this Council ndjouiii to hold subscipient iiieelinus on the lirat Monday of each month during tho year, excepting the month of Decem- ber, which is set by statute for the l,"»ili r.f that month.- Carried. Kendallâ€" Morrison Caused Palpitation, and Pre- vented Sleep â€" When Health Was Gone, Cure oUowed Use of "Ner- viline." "M"y last w'ii?h wHI be," writes Harry P. Pollard, a well-known boot anil shoo traveler of Harttordi "that every- one with a bad stomach may Icaxn a» I did. before it's too late, that Nervl- llne is tlie one rptnedy to cure. Why, I was in mighty bad shape, my digres- tion was all wro ng, ami every night I would vvakeii' with a start and; find my heart .lumping like a. threshing machine. This >vas caused by gas on my stomach prps.sing against my heart. .. , ,,. . , [When I started to use Norviline I got Ono ot the prettiest weddings of the better mighty fast. It is certainly a season was solemnized at the residence' gran fl remedy for the travplins man, . .1. . â- , , i XT \ At keeps your stomach in order, cures of the bride's psrents, Mr. and Mrs. , ^,^l„p^, prevents lumbiigo o^ rheu- Ale.\and8r Morrison, Molntyre, when | niatism. breaks up chest coKi."* and their fourth daughter, Lizzie, was united 1 ^''''p throat-in fact there hasn't been " ' „ , „ cm*'" Jrohc or pain inside or outside for in marriage to Mr. Win. Kendall of io- Uho past two yearR that I hnvont cured Do you wonder I re- Testimonial No. 4890 with Norviline. commend it?" Ifor general household use Nervilina has no equal: it will oiire tlie aches entire f.xmily â€" ervillne, 50c per bottlo, trial sixo 2uc, all dpulers or Tho Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ronlo. To the .strains of Mondellsohn's Wedding March, [ilnyed by Miss Mary Brown of Toronto, tho bride entered ths parlor leaning on the am. of her !<^t^^orJ^r:LTanZnJ Z' n! who gave her away. The parlor was prettily decoratot! with carnations, sniilax and evergreens. Tho Rev. Mr. Mercer of Singhampton ofHciated, Tho bride was attired in a pale blue raw silk prin- cess gown with alover llaco yoke and I sleeves, trimmed with chitTon applii^uel and carried a bou((uet o£ white roses, ! carnations and iiiaidenshair fern. Miss EmmafJWorrison, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Slio wore a gown of white i voile over bluo silk trimmed with blue satin embroidery and bluo sash. Mr. iO"^'-e 13 Froat St. - tlwonSonna Albert Jatl'eric of Toronto, undo o£ the I At tho Ecvero house, Mai-kdiU^ ls() , ,„ ^f^,„ n, Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. na. groom, wa.s groomsman. After the cer- ^ NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN I>R. BXJRT 5peciallst In diseases of t ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat \, I I