THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE Janoakv 20 1910 BusiNRSJ? Cards WALTER LOL'CKR BulMer uj ContTMtor Tot nriak. 8toa« and fraui* reaidence*. El> tImatM abMttuUy turritbad, Klaahcrtou I> U Ontariu. H OULiLOUUH * VOUNU ^ Hanker* Uirkdale Oo • gaaaral bauklnn butinait. Uoocy loaoad •t r*a«oDalila rater Call ou u». T0HI8LKTT. • Poatuiaatxr, Ceylon. CommlMionir in H.C. J , CouT«yaDO*r, iluedii, uiortfia8««, laaaea, wills vtc. caruuUy diawn up .iolWctioua luadr. charijM reasoDablv. Al*o KTO0«ri«a, flour, feed atu, keiitln atock, I'ricea twht. Ri HfuouLfe: I'o<ttuaater, Klaaharton v«iumliiloo«r io H.C J., Auctioned Con- veyancer, Appraiier and Monuy ImuhUt K«al Kitate and Iniuranoa Agent. U«*d«. iaort4{aKfl«, leaiies and wlllw carefully drawn up and Talualions made on •borteHt notice vioDey to loan at lowest rates o( iut«rcit.*Col- octjous attended to with |>raniptncss charffee low. Acent for Ocean Douiinioo t>t*aiusbip Company. A call solicited. DMorHAIL, Iiicrnsait Auctioneer for the • County of (irev. Temis moderate and satisfaction Kiiaranteed. The arraniieuienta and dates of ssli'fi can lie made at TuK Aiivam'k ufnee. Kesideuce audi'. 0., Ceylon, TelepUoue connection. Dee. 0.07. AyM. KAITTINU, hiceused Auctioneer for ** the counties of (iroy and Sinicoi*. Fami and Stock sales a hpecialty. Terms moderate, satinfactiou Koarantced. ArraDge- luenta for dales may be made at the Advance office, or a: T. Htitcbinson's store, tevurshaui vr by addressinti uie at Kuversbaiii. Out. RUDl) MATflKWS. Markdale, Licensed auotioneer for the county of Urcy. Good service at rosscnable rates. Uates naii be made at The Advance. oOO T HARVF:Y rr.KKiOn. broker. KIcsbertou. A Ueneral bioUeraKu business. Insurance of • very kind i)lactidio safesud lilieralcouipauies. Heal estate etc. , Oj>en accounts aud j)ast due notes handled aud uiouey advauced thercou. Correspondeuce aolicitad. Medical DR CAHTKH M CP A ROnt, Physician, Surtieon.etc OOoa aud residenceâ€" Peter at., Fleshertou JP OTTEWEI.L Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, re«ideuoe â€" sscond door south westroD laary street. This atreot tans south Presbytorisn Church. H WILSON, liUckn.iilh • 'jraduate of tue Veterinary Scienc Association. Durham itreeC, ujiiusite Hoyd, liro's liardwaro. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY U 0. fi, dental Burgeon bonoiRradustB of Toronto University aud Knyal CoIIckb of Dental SurKCons of Ontario, Gas admisiuii^tercd for teuth extraction Office at residuuce, Torouto Street, Flethcrton. Ihe i^ough pf Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and (ood food are the real cures for consumptioo. But often the couth is very hird. Hence, we suuest that you ask your doctor about your taklof Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. It controla the tick- ling, quiets the cough. A W* yakUak â€" rfenaalâ€" . 'We baalsh alaskel ^ fireaa eariBe4letoaa " We art* rm W ••asan yea* ijers One of Ayer's Pills at t>cdtime will cause an increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect tbe day (allowins. ronnula on each box. Show it to yonr doctor. He will understand at a {lance. Dose, one pill at bedtime. I i» Mlia by tfce J. C. Ayer Oe., I<waU, Legal WH. WRIGHT, Darrister. Solicitor, Convey- ancer, etc.â€" Owon Sound, and Klesherton. K Hâ€" Kle»hei ton office. Sjiroulc II lUock every Katurday Societies s O tr \V meets oi, the last Monday ' M each month, in their lo<ige room ion i block. KleHUerton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Mllen Thistlethwaite; Rrc, C. I!. Munshaw; .-^^ I in., W.J. Itel.amy. Visitiu b letbrf Liuvited iSCU. ARTHUR LODGE, No. :133, A.F.4 DS FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN The liirgcsl and Wtst htock of Furniture over .sliowii in Floshertoii. This williuut fear of con- tradiction. Come and .see some of the nicn thinfjK in Side BoardH, Dining Kouni Chnirs, Parlor Sott.s, Bed Room Setts. A .special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tlic Ntock. , . , " A M, meets in tht MaHonichall. Arm- stronc'a Hlock.Klesberton. every Friday on or before the full mocn. TUos. lllakelr.W.M.; Herb.Sinlth, Secretary. COURT FLKKHKRTON, 99.'!, I. 0. P. Keetsin Clayton's Illock the last WedneHday cveulnR iif each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. 11.. Dyson; R. K., 'i'. lletry; Pin. Bee, C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to i'iu. Sec. before the first day of tbe month. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Klrsherton Council of (,'hoHen Friunilx meets in Clayton's hall first dud third Wednesday of each month H 1>. m Pay aesessnieiits to the Recorder on or before tnellrstdayof each month. Chief Councillor .niakelev; Recorder W. H. Bunt. Farms For Sale or Rent â- PAUM FOR SALF,â€" Lot 10. (on. II, and ^ aind north half Lot lu. ( on. lOU. Osprer. ISO aoies ; a nrstclassfarni : ijood brick house Kud good ham .VJ x li with cement etiibliuK : farm well watered by Rood well at house and never fallinR r.prin|{ crook ; well fxnced and in a llr«t class state of cultivation. For price and terms apply ou tee premiBos or address 11. J. • "OLQUBTTE, Fovoreham. JanlStf ot Xi. oon. 12, Artemesla, 100 aorea. There is a frame house o o the farm about .'15 acres cleared. Rood pasture, about 2i acres Rood b*rdwood bush, principally maple aud hemlock and about aOacres swamp that never was cull- ed. A qnautlty uf Rood cidar fit for ti'IcRrspli poles, twicphoue poli'H. hi idRO timber, sliingleB, and bundre<ls of cordsof lath timber, cousist- inR of spruce ami balsam, balance klash. If preferred would soil tiu;b<tr without the laad. Per teruis applj-to â€" C. KNOTT. Thorubnry, The fi>lli>wi»KI'r'>I'e'''y '» f""" 'I'li'-'k »"•« : iMt 37, Cou. li, Osprey, I'W acres, Nwanip and pasture land, well watered by spring (;rcok. Also I»t 30, O.n. (>, OHjircy, 1 1-4 iiiili' north < f Mcliityre, illO ocres, Wl elcareil, 20 ucrcH tfoo<l siwor busli including nn upto-duU- syrup makiiiK outfit nianuactufrwl by (iriniui Mfg. Co. of MontrHnl. Koo'l biiililings, fraim- syrup liou.'te 12x30 ; fi-iinifl b.iru 4.-»:«4, «t<HU' base- nient; frairii hmiwc. 7 r<HimM, RrKxl cellar; M'oodshed and workshop 'Hh'M) ; m-\cr failinc' well, excellent water punijK-d to barn iind house by i-elln-gulating windmill. Vor fur- ther particulars apply on ihc pri-miKus toâ€" ANbKKW HINCLAIU, I'rop. Mcliityie P. O., Ont. IMBM FOB HALK-Lot If), oon. 10, Osprey. cloaeto tlii'vllaBeof Fiiversbam. about 100 acres. Improvmi frame iiouso and Rood liarn. Well fenced. Kor terms, etc., apply to A.O. CAMl'llKI,l,,:llfi llusholmo Road Toronto W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Bulls, etc., for Service. n^horoUKlibred Improvwl Yorkthini boar fur A serviceâ€" lllantyro Chief, awti, at lot J7, con. ;i, Osprey. Tcnus $1, iiayableal time of HARRY DOWN, Maxwell. P. O. The tlioroiii-bbred hhortboru Hull, "Karl Orey," 7U0*.i. \\ ill be for service on lot :JH. con, K, ArU-niei^iii. The iicdiRree of this fine animal cBU be seen rn i) )ilic«tiou. 'limh>M AN"DRi:W DOW ,1'roprietor. ThorouRhbrud Dull from imported stock, a so Tauiworth Hoar lor service ou lot 131. T; A S. Jl., Artemeeia. 'JO Au(;. JOHN ADAMK. Prop. 1 have fur service a pure bred Hum puhiru boar. Anyone raisinc piRB will do well to sec this inaRniflcent animal, liOrd Kcrersham, .aiXI. Hewiilpiove a money Rcttur for you. Terms «I.U0. F. llUACKEN'BLRy, Fevershaiu P. O. Lot 8, con- 8, Osprey Animals for Sale IIORSr.H FOR SAI;l-;--l horse, Ijcars old ^^ 1 luaro 7 year old, in foal to I'uicy Per- former, 1 agricultural mare 4 year old in foal 1 filly risiuR 3 years, asri.. 1 Rulditifj risiuR i2 years, carrlaRu. 1 Rood Reneral purpose horse, 1 spriuRtolt- -RICHARUALLKN Lot 170, Iind E. T and S road, Flesherton P O I hnvea tine lot of young pigs bred fnnii ini/.e winning stock, for sale. 1 good (erkshiic hog, two ycttis old. Write lue for prices. I can give ii bargain also ^uarulltee Hatisfactlon uli all mail ordero. (Joo. W. 1108S. Maxwell P. O. 'C'LDoiuPo Sto< K Fahm of Sliortiioru cattio ^â- ^ Leictistuv sheep aud Leghorn cbickenH. .Ml kinds for sale. Uisporsion sale will be held about the last of January. CataloRuos fm-nish- ed on application ils soon as ready. Farm also for sale, ICvery coiiveiiionee. -CHAH. STAFFORD, Flesherton P. 0. Lot .'1-2, con. 5; Artemesla. ot« :IJ and :i'>. con ') H 1) R, lU BcroH.G.'> cleared --" 10 acres pasture, balance good bush. Marn fixJO. drivliiR shod. Rood frnme lions* «b11» 1 aose of orchard and stoue wall uiifiei liari), SauReen river crosses back of farm. Well fencd aud In gowl state of cultivation, :i iniliis from Proaon Station. For term apply on preniisea to .lAMhs H. Vausk, Proton Ktatiou. hie cheailor rent, imiiietliate poisesfiou. Lot WcLii. Il.^rleme'la, about 7.'> acres Lkle TOR bouse and frame ham. - oule. Kl roa^l from said lot^ I J' vlaar. comfortakli Apply to R J Hiiroiile. Kloshorton, or John J Wjartln, across till) ro U'or sale cheap anil on easy terms, good ooui- ^ foriablo frame dwelliiiR, stable and drivliiR bouse with tlpc-e villaRe lots in Ceylon- Dwell- iugwell built and fiiiisheil and Rood bearing orchard on the property. Apply to â€" R J Sraui i.r., Flesherton. Thompson's s o lliuiKl delivered rogu- lirly and kept for Hnle at llie following stores: ( 'ollinson'N and .1. I'attisoii'.s, Ceylon 2} St u E o • \V..Mdcorn & Son's and P. Mi'.-Vrthur'M Pricevillf or X. MoCAiinoirH I'roton .Station K. Heron's, Maxwell e 3 • .\. Hutchinson's anil Kli HoliiiiKon's KevorKham 1 1 . ( "a! rns', .1 . K. Tjiirge's and It.I'alks', Kugenia Bakery IotlO, con. II, Osprey coiitaininu luo arros, NO -'cleared, fi ante house, framu barn, stone fouiidatinu; uicbarJ. well watered. , One thousand down aud balance to suit purchaaer. Immediate possession Apply to R. N. KiNNFAH Maxwell P. O. Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and MiioUcd nioalB, liend cheese, sauaiiue, iilway.s un hand Oniih paiil lor hidcn. J. HcCLOCKLIN Wright's Grocery Ha« recovered fioni its Clirisl- nii)N rush ftnd i-ontinue.i to licIt I'oliahlu giojeriua and cverylliing in the line. Confectioiiory in a good range at lowcsl iirices also on Hulo. All grades of Ford's Flour. iiUo hnui, shorts, cho]! and low yiiide flour on sale, (iive our Royal I'lirple Stuck mid Poultry Speeilies a trial Farmers' Institute Holds Meeting Cenire (jliey Farnierti' Inntitute met in the town hull here on Thursday uf last week. It Wm butler attended than in furiner yeaiv, and ilso leeiiied to he an improvement over the past in the matter of ijucstioiiH aiked andanawered. Thou* preiirnt at the afternoon leiuiiun seemed to bo intensely interested, and .4lao primed with riucKtiona, which made the meeting; one of practical value. It is iu the discussion that the jiecultar ditlicul- tit's met are jirorided with a solution. The tirst speaker, .). F. Metcalf, of Collingwood, waa introduced \>y W. H. Guy, the president, and K|>iiko on '• Weedr and Their Eradication. " The Hulijictisa familiar one, but Mr. Met- calf seemed to strike a practical note, aud it whs a decidedly helpful address that ho '^"tve, brlRtlinu with sug- gestions. He said that he believed it was haider to eradicate the weed.s than it was to clear tin; land of the virjiin forest. Hearty eo-operation on the pirt of fann- ers of the neighborhood is neces.s.'iry for the satisfactory eradication of weeds. W. F. Kidd, of Sinicoe, was the second (-peaker. Histheino was " Ant I Raisins; the Most Profitable ?" An extreme- ly most profitable horse wis the draught, interesting horse talk was given. His whiuh can earn its keep at2i years with- out hRrni to itself, and a will not detract from ils value as with a carriage horse, then again, tliere is not so much time lost IU training the draught. His description of a general purpose horse was 1,'raphic. Hero it is : '• a common little plus "f » draught lior.)e. " The address was mailo doubly interesting by the c.\hibitiou of bones of Iior se.s feet and legs, and also an o.yji'anation of the tll'ect of certain ailments of horses' feet and leg< on the bone by showini; diseased bones. His address contained much piact'cul advice on caring for the horse. Miss Campbell from lirnmpton i;ave :ui address in the aflernoeil in Ciayioii's hall before about seventy-live ladies, her sub- j-ict being "The Judicious House keeper and Homem!»ker." The good housokeep- er^is often a poor hoiiiemaker, and vice versa. The endeavm- of efcry mother should be to become good housekeepers and g.iod homeniaker.s. She gave as an e.vainple the conduct of two boys, one controlled by a motlu-r whose house w.-is of more iinporlaii3,> than her children ; the o'.her mother considered her children's welf.ire of more importance than her house. Miss Campbell drew illustrations lart;ely from her own exper- ience, which has l.een varied, ns she has tiBVoUcd in every county of this prox ince, and previous to her work in the Instiluto was a sehocd teacher. At the close of her address she delighted her audience by giviiiu new reiip s for cooking vegetables, which liter mi uIII, no doubt, delight the men's heartd through their stomachs. The evening meeting was prdxidedover by Keevo Hoyd. The meeting was open- ed by an address from Mr. Kidd on '•Dropped stitches," which was very in- teresting and in.slructive, but cannot be reported with justice in short space. This was followed by a solo by Miss Zilla Trimble, after which Mr. Metcalf spoke on ".ludgiug Classes." Mr. Metcalf is the teacher of .Agriculture iu Collingwood collegiate. He advi.sed the young men to tske the winter course in Agriculture. Rev. Mr. NVellwood spoke shortly, com- paring the woik of church and institute fts working to.{clhcr for the uplifiin;.; of the people. A nicely rendered solo was given by Mts. \V. H. I5unt. Cniupbell of Itrampton spoke on "Home and school and woman's iniluoiK-e in the home." Her mldress was listened to with deep intered, as, in faot, were all the addressej. There was a largo attend- ance and all those present felt that they had spent a proiitalile evening. The meeting closed with the N.ilional Anthem. Fire May Bring Fortuoe Veiily there is much truth in the old adage "It's an ill wind that blown nobody good. " Little did Jatnet Kanaley aud family of liarrie tliiok that tbe tire which threatened Iheii home on November 17th would result in bring them a fortune run- ning up into thousands of dollars. But apparently inch is the case. Through the repinta of the music hall tire sent throughout the country, the whereabouts of the Kanaley family was disclosed to people who had been Herkini; them for yearn. Enquiries followed and last week two lawyers from Illinois visited liarrie to satisfy themselves that James Kanaley and his children were the heirs (o a big entate in their charge. The proofs found here are said to be entirely satiiifactory. It appeara that Jas, Kanaley's father, who lived in Proton township, had a brother in New York. This brother had prospered exceedingly and amassed a large amount of wealth- By his will he left thd major portion to his brother in Proton township. Tbe latter died tiist, and when the New Yorker pa.ssed away some twenty years ago, his lawyers could not Iind any trace of his brother's heir^. A Case of Prosperity This American co.itinent is full of poNsibilities for making big money at the present time. Itissaidlha^ it requiies in.mey to make inoDey, but that is only 1 'l"'""*'* h » ''"ga this money he purchased a ijuantity of boogy land, and tlie wiseacres predicted a total loss of his iiionay, but last summer the young man refused an offer of f90,(WO for the property, which was re- Iruo l<) a certain degree. It dovn require, hot* ever, a mind that is willing to risk something, and • level head that cannot be turned by the approach of prosperity remarks are called forth by an incident related to The Advitncs the other day by Mr. Thomas Mercer of Markdale. Five years ago last J uly that gentleman brought a young man, named Willijtm Hurd, out from Scotland to care for some horses he was importing. The young man had not a dollar to bis nsmc. After remaining at Markdale nuine time he went west on a harvest excursion, then went on to British Columbia, and finally to Seattle, Washington, When out there with his horses last fall Mr. Mercer was called on by Hard, who gitve the fjllowing facts as to bis phenomenal succeRs : Hurd had saved 825 from his earnings and put it into five lots, paying five dollars down on each, railway company. With the Hinall capital of $25 the young man has accumulated probably f 126,000, and that in * he short space of t-ixxt years. It roads like a romance, but is a bard fact. This, i.f course, is an ex- wpticnal case. The failures, we do not hear »liout. Yet this goes to prove that it is not necessary to have larj;e capital to make money in this country--onIy brains *nd the determinalion to succeed. Hurd says *2."> w'as not much t<> loMe, onywsy, and everything was to gain, therefore he threw in his little saving and the winnings were enormonn. j and trusting to health 8350,000 is said to be the present value) n,^„t|,,y payments, of the estate to be divided James among dames ^,,^5^ payments when he was offered Kanaley, a sifter in .Sioux City, la., and ^„d accepted «15,O0O for his land. his three daughters, Mrs. Bruce Thomp-: son and Mrs. Lome Thompson of Barrie '^ â€" â€" ^â€" ^â€" ^â€" â€" ^â€" â€" â€" ^-^â€" and Mrs. Jenkins of Alliston, While cxpres.sing himself as satisfied with the proofs shown him, Mr. Dean, the lawyer, was unable to say when the mat ter would be settled up â€" it niij^ht be a few weeks aii-l it might be a year. A bandy legged shopman (you could have wheeled a barrow between his legs) at a recently opened American "erapor- lum " in London was ushering a pretty American girl to a certain department. "Walk this way, p!e»se, madame," he- said. Tlie girl Witched his method of to make future 1 locomotion for a moment, and shook her He had only iimde pretty head in despidr. "I couldn't do it not if you paid nie for it," .she slid. â€" \Vith[M.A.P. Vandeleur. «li. Mis.< Daisy Davis of St. Marys i.s I daying at the parental home. Charles Hare has sold his farm to Mr, A. Ayville of Markdale, who will tiko po.ssession in the spring. Mr. Sid. (iilbert, who has been on the sick list for the p'lst two weeks, is we aie glad to say improvinir. George Pritehard and _ sister, Annie, of Rathwell, Manitoba, are the guests o 1 their cousin, Mr. Geo. Pritehard. . Wni. Buchanan has sold his farm on ', the Meaford road to Mr. Arch. McLean, formerly of Rock Mills, who takes pos- session this week. Mr. J. I. Graham, secretary of the Kast Grey Farmers' Intftiuite, has had a busy two weeks conveying the speakers from one appointment to another at the winter meetings of the Institute. How a Woman Can Build Up Her HeaHii This Open Letter From Mrs. L. Hermann Will Be Interesting to All Women Eeaders. MANY CALL IT "The Best Editorial Page In Canada" The Toronto Daily Stir publishes every day six columns of editorials and editorial features â€" and there's not a dry line in the iix columns. John Lewis, author of "The Life ofjohn Brown" (Morang's Series) has few equals in Canada. He is by many considered to be second only to Goldvvin Smith as a master of English. Joseph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he ivas editor of "Satunlay Night", is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever and witty v\ricer. His cables and letters on the Briiish elections from England, where he was sent by the Star, have attracted wide attention. Two things to be specially noted about all the Star's editorials are first that they are always fair â€" no bitterness or biased partizanship â€" and second that they are never dull, but deal in a bright way with the subjects in which you and your neighbors are interested. In a lighter vein are the "Chronicles of the Khan" â€" delightfully humorous-pathetic studies from real lite, particularly rural life â€" "Uncle Walt's Corner" of clever poetry in prose â€" and "A Little of Everything" â€" that you can always count on for a pleasant ten minutes. A regular reading of the Star's Editorial page will keep a man informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not subscribe now ? $1.50 A Year This paper and iha "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year, S2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50e. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star The following letter written from her prettily situated home in Ossiiiing, on the banks of the Hudson, give.s ixperleiice with lil- Feversham few Phosphonol the Electric Restorer for Men. HeKtm-ps every nerve in the bmly tn ils projier tension ; restores vim and vitality. I'remalme docay and all ncxual averted at once. Phusphunrd will make you a new man. Price fJt.tM) a box, or two for 85.00. Mailed tn imy aiUliess mi loceipl of price. The Sc, bell DnigCo., St. Catliarlnes, Out. Mri Hen Uraekonbury spent days in Collingwood thi.i week. Miss Lily Priestly of Maxwell is visit- ing here at present. Mr. Harry Hewitt of Collingwood was in tiiwn on l\Iond«y taking snap shots of our attractive little burg. We have also a photographer of our own in town. Thomas Cnnrun is a pho- tographer iif no mean ability. Everyone desiring work done will do well to give him a call. Mr. John .\d,iir was in town Sunday visiting friends. Saturday night the skating rink was well patronized. Several sloigh-loads of young people came in to enjoy the sport. Snowshoeiiig is a ])opular pastiiuo with the young folks here. Norman Van lilaricum, the jiopular barber, is adopting the highland costume. .Mrs. lUrinaiin's hialth: "I was never very strong. •'Thousmiils there me just like mo, who liuvt to pay double toll for evtry little extra or exertion. When the wcathtr Uiu; fine, and 1 was abh.- to gt-l about, I ciiJ^yiU life ami liilii my strength. But !'omet:ilnK always happeiieil -a little toj mui-li done, or .some email sifkiies's would jnit iii'.' back, and I would drop into tli.' miserable diiimiident state, unable I 1 .•skep or ( my moais. I decided to lake the most iiourishins: nnd Ktrength- eiilngr tonic made, and was strongly ursfd to use •l-'enozonc." After the first box I saw t\rr..'zoiic v,as doln^ me good, so I followed tloSi ly t!u' "Ferrozone Uuies for Health.' and gained steadily. At first I didn't eat as well a.s I once did â€" I couldn't cxpc-ct to. But tliore was a gradual iiiiinnvo- ini-nt in my appitlte. nnd tliis luiuy.d up my hnjns, and convinced me Fi-i ro- , ziine was what I needed. It is K-ss than a year since I eominenced Korro- ! â- /.â- iiii- and aiieiidy I am like a lunv \vn- I man- 1 < at mure, sicep betti r, Wt-lKh ; mole, am stroiiscr, healthier, better j looking than ever before." \ FERROZONE A Woman's Tonic No tonle has .<!U<-h a universal re- * puttttlon fur restoring health to girls and women â€" it's a woman's niedioino j that does good; try one or two Ferro- | zone Tablets with your meals â€" watch ihe result. Fifty cents a box, six for $2.50, all dealers, or The Catoi-rhosiono Co., Kingston, Canada. Norris Bros.. ""'T„* rinsmiths Hackney Stock Tonic at Half Kegnlar Trice 111 the next thirty days wo are I'oing to close out our present line of Stock Food. Most of you have used this celebrated Stock Food and know the nualityâ€" to those who have not we would .say after having u.sed a p.iekago, if ynu do not think you have received full v.^lue, re" turn the empty pack.ige and wo will cheerfully lefund your money. Heg 81. iK) package Stock Tonic, while they list 50c "50c " " "â- 80c " r)Oc " I'oultry Food, "makes the hens lay". ,25c " 50c " HciiveCure 30c 3 imly $1.50 pails Hog Tonic, now 81.05 Saws and Axes Examine our .st'ick of Saws and Axes. .Saws from ^3.25 to $4.50, all fully guaranteed. Axes from 55c to $1 25. Axe handles galoreâ€" your |)ick for 25c, some hand- made handles in this lot. Dim't fiirnet to b^ing your cmd oil can along. If we can't convince you that we have the best oil you over got iu Fleshert-m we will give you your money back on application. U I Norris Bros. T Where the Good goods come from Flesherton lihiod will tell JSr.".- . »'te'wfC-. .THERE IS BUTONE^ Every farmer ihould know tktC Ml prise offered by the deAlert for onttla, hogi, etc., is • fair one. How ean k* know this If he do«a not take A fam bnsineM paper! Wliat doctor or I«ir> yer or buiinets man would be witliout Ilia business paper I There la but one farmers' bujBinesa and market paper, that la Iho Weekly Bun. Start 1910 rigkt by, lubicribing. ^ / Tor sale by $Droulc» l^igdinbotham and e;o.» Flesherton