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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 12

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• « • - < »> » • - • U . ; \ ,>â-  JA Xv Jaxcakv 20 1010 THE F 1. E S II E R T O N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA eoB««w TRANSMITTING MONEY EttabtUbea IS73 For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Bank I>q;>artm«it at Every Branch. IXESHERTON BRANCH ' Ceortf* M itcKell, M»s>ag«r WRAMCKXS A.i;^0 AT DVKJIAM AMD BABHUTON. 86 VICINITY CHIPS ^ Mrs. Fred Rutledxe of Credit Forks id TUiting Mrs. Rubeit Rutledga.Cuylon. Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Weltmi visited friends in Mount Forest over Sunday. Mrs. J. Dean and Mrs. Chris^e of Oweu Sound visited Mrs. Juhn ClintuD over Sunday. Mr. Jeffrey Jaijues of Lang, S«.sk visiting hia sister, Mrs olbor frieiids. Mr. John McKenzia and sisSei, Miss Martha, of Owen Sound, visited for a few days with their nephew, Mr. J. Beecroft. The Stayner Sun has chansteil owners. Messrs. G. C. BoUs and J. S. Porter are the new owners. We wish iheiii every success ill their veature. Methdist charch, Sunday next : The A Keuilenian who has assisted this win- ter at the obsequies of several hogs in- forms The Advance that we h.-ive passed the liardast part of the winter. He sayH the melt iu the hog tapers off very quick- ly about the middle and that this denotes that the balance of the winter will taper off also ab<>. Whether there is anything in it we do not know, but the (teotlenian aforesaid cLiiins the sign to be iiifallible. The sporting editor of The Durham Chronicle is all right when it c^mea to [g explaining away f»cts. In an ar-iele one Bulmer and ' •J'lu""! '" length he preves that the home j hockey team was in no way to blame for i's recent defeat by the Walkerton bunch. Everything is niaoe plain â€" the referee, the poor rink, .ind the L-ick of practise and experience on the part of the Dur- ham "home brews" alt "combined ngin theiu"' and caused their defeat. That the team should have auch unu of beast- ly hard luck calls forth our sympathy. Mr. Wm. Breeseof Chatsworth preach- pastor will preach morning and evening. . ^ ^„^^g ,„ ^,^g Methodist church on Sun- Evenins? subjectâ€" "Thou who have failed | j„y jir. Breese U interested in the or who have seemed to have failed." Laymen's Missionary Movement, and A couple of sleigh loads of yonnR preached two very interesting sermons people drove out to the residence of Mr. j along thit line. Mrs. Breese accompn- T. Henry, east back line, Monday. The uied her husband, and Ixjth were guests party Ttas royally entettained and a moat I at the parsonage over Sunday. Mr. Breese is a gentleman who given much thi'U<;ht to the liveat interdenomi- coDsidering the small g»te receipts, i« iu our estimation a prutly'good showing aiul reflects credit on the maangenient. Tlic followingresolution w.'is parsed by the meeting without a disHeutieut voice : Moved l>y S. Thompaoii, seconded by G. H. Walter, that the members preaeot are saiiatied that the work of the Board of Directors as constituted hist year baa been exceedingly satisfactory to all mem- bers present, and that we endorse tkeir actions in every respect. We also deaire to place on record our indignation that complaints should Iw made of the dir- ectors in that the outaiders on the board do not e<iual in number those from the villaKe, aa It is the opinioa of this meet- ing that there is do just grouud for uiy complaint in this respect. At the after meeting of the boaid J. A. Boyd was reappointed secretary and the offices of secretary and treasurer were combined, the remuneration tu be foO. Discussion took place as to a field crop competition but it was decided to call a meeting of the board iu the near future to discuss this and other matters. for a couple of days last week at the home of her nephew, Mr. Wm. Reiil of "Happy Land Farm." A sleigh load of our young people at- tended the debate given by the Literary Society iu Piiceville last Tliursday even- ing and report a pleasant time. Hr. and Mrs. O. H. Vauae, who have been s[>ending their boneymuon with their many friends here, left Ltst week for Hurtonville en route fur their home in the west. Master Jusaph Oliver is attending tlig ciiBtiiiuation-scbool in Flesbertuu. Mr. L. McDuugal, O.D.R., is >>n aa extended visit with Mr. Currie of the South Lino. HMor Bolb. 11. Cteprey, for F. G. KARSTEDT "Purity Flour" Again we beg to draw your attention to the now. Famous Purity Flour, which we are hnndting. It is, as you are aware, the BEST dour that hat yet been put upon the market. It make* more bread than any other fiour and the coat is no more than those flours that they say are just as good. It haa been tried and proven to be the beat, by the liest bakera in our community. Try a small bag for yourself and you will never be without it. We also liave a full supply of "Three Star'' flour, feed (flour, •horts and brans at the lowest poaaitle prices. .Special prices on large quantities. enjoyable evening was spen' Mr. F. G. Karstedt learned on Sund«y of the death of his fathet, an old gentle- man some 82 years of ago, at Elmwood. Ma. and Mrs. Karstedt attended the fun- eral on Wednesday. Messis, M. K. Ridiardson. D. McTav- ish,- J. A. Boyd, Gto. Mitchell, W. H. Thurston, Chas. Bellamy and Joseph Blakelcy attended the Conservative convention iu Markdafe on Friday after- noon. OuB of the pioneers of Artemesia township passed away at his home, north national Laymen's Misaioimry movement land drew a vivid picture of the ?reiit field of una billion heathen awaiting the G>>spcl of Jesuj Christ through the chris- I tian church. In the evening he showed I that the charch has ample resources to I meet this challenge. He appealed to the I men to make an inveatment in world I evan"elizalieii. Death of Wm. Wilson Mr. Wm. Fl?sherton. Wilson, an aged resident of died at his home in the sub line near Priceville, on Friday last, ^. ' " c «r T„i,„ p ^^.„ll .f ,i,„ ' urhs oil Saturday, Jan. H, at the age of the person of Mr. John l-.'uupt)eli, »t tlie „„ ^ â- " , .,' ,,.., = "â-  'â-  f ,11- ; 83 veais, five months. Mr. "ilsoii was age of 84 years. An exiended obituary ^ ,j:,(j^.^ ^^^ Yorkshire, EngUiul, where he notice will appear next week. ' was married . The family came to Can- n-u L-i 1 . • . ,; .. 1, «t „,. I,,...,. I. ' ada in 1800 and settled at Scliombiirg. Ihe Flesherton lunna- hockey teini is i ,, , ,- ^, _ . ... r •' '' I .\bout 4o years !igc) they came to rlesh- on the war path again, lliey are thirsting ^ g„„„_ „.,,,.re f.,r many years Mr. Wilson for gore, and have their belts prepared for ^ follnweil his calling of whcelwriijht and the scalps of the neighboring teams. I was always known as an industrious, hard AViUi a little more practise they should : "'^•'••*ns '"*"• ^^''- \''^^'" died some ^ , I seveiitBfii veal's ago and there IS onlv one give a good account of themselves. | ^,„ j^fj ^^^ „f „ f,,„„,y „£ ^,|„|,t chUdren, Us, a Stiiyner local option- Mr. Henry Wilson of thi^ vill»«e. Two k Rooncy sons were buried in the old country, and some of the sons and daughters are bur- ied at Lloydiuwii. while his wife and one son, Mr, Thompson Wil.xoii, are interred at the Meafortl Ri<ad cemetery, whore i the remains of the old "eiitleium were also taken on Monday. Mrs. adopted daughter, lives on the west back line. E. G. Agricultural Society The annual meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society wfs held in the town H. M. Don ist, was set upon by .lack Kooncy one evening last week and very roughly hand- led. Kooney was siimmnned befoie the P. M., but made himself .scarce, and » â- warrant was issued f<'r his arrest. â€" Crec- more Star. Much syiiqiathy is extended to Mr. John A. Heard iu the K>ss of his infant dauuhter, who died Sunday night at the age of 4 months. 18 days. The 'unoral took place to Fleshetton cometery on Thursday and the babe was placed beside ; , n ., , ,,, ... ^ , - . ' hall on fllonday afternoon, according to its mother, who passetl away four months ; . . ^ -.i .u d i ^ »f r> . ^ •' statute, with the President, Mr. Goo. aeo when the infant was born. m-. i n â-  .i, i • n ., i- » Mitchell, in the chair, .\tter the reading The high school hockey team met the . of minutes Mr. Mitchell ruviewed the town biiiich last week and climbed out on | work of the year, showing that at the top to the score oi 5-2 Tho game was ! beginning of last year there were only a fast and interestins?. There should be j couple of dollars on hand, there the best junior team in years to represent was now in the treasury a balance to the Flesh«rton this winter on the ice. They goml of $115. Mr. Mitche'l took excep- have n»t met any other team as yet this ' tion to some remarks that appeared edi- winter. ' toriiilly in Tho .'xdvaijce last week. He ! felt that It was dii-ected at him and othtr I directors in the village, and that the [charge that the show was bossed by Mr J. S. Wilson, e.t-reeve of Beu- tinck, and his wife were made tho re- cipients of a gold-headed caiio and n , . , . .;.. 1 . I .1, .•_ 1,1 ' Flesherton people wns unjust. Later on china cabinet respectively, by tneir old ' •" . ., ., : . .u c .u • ' the editor of ihe .\cvance explained that noiy bbors of Louiss on Ihe eve of their "^ moving to Rock Mills. R!»ny warm words were uttered in their praise t'l which they replied in a feeling manner- 'such chaigos had ^ecIl made, sud held that it was welf to avoid this as much as {xissible, but that the charge did not; reflect on any ludividual moiiibur or members of the board but to the construc- tion "f the board as a whole. There had not Ikoo a vv1ii,sper of dissatisfaction with the work of tho president or any other individual on the boai-d. The meeting on Monday w.«» thoroughly advertised, yet i tho representation of country meiubers rinall (bearing us out in our state- â€" Durham Review. While chopping timber in the bush near Flesherton, on Saturday, Mr. Dan. McLeod cut his foot seriously. The axe glanced and entered the instep, requiring •even stitches to close the wound Mr. McLeod managed to hobble part of tho way home, when he was overtaken by a ' xiat rig .•♦lid taken to medicaUid. j went that tbey lose interest when they The annual meeting of the Koyal , l"«e'n*>»e«>ce.) There were no objections Scarlet chapter of Artemesia district L. '" "'« ^"^^ "f *'"> ^^^ ^'"^ "'« P*** O. L. wa* held iu Norris' hall. Flesherton, >"«'"'; '" f**^' " *•*» "'e sentiment of the on Friday, Jan. 14th, when the following |"«'e'j"» "'*' officers were elected for the ensuing year: Artemesia District L 0. L. The Artemesia District Orange Lodge met in Sarjennt's hall on Tuesday, the llth inst. There waa an unusually large attendance. Worshipful Master Herb Irwin was in the chair .tnd had charge of the deliberations. hhve the general business was completed t^c election of officers for I he current year w.ia con- ducted by Past County Master Shjirpe. The following is the list of officers : D. Masterâ€" J. R. Mathews. Dep. Masterâ€" Thns. Elliott. Chaplain â€" R. J. McKennitt. Roc. -Sec. â€" Ed. thompaoii. Fia.-Sec. â€" Jas. S. Rowe. Treas.â€" S. J. Halbeit. Dir. of Ceremoniesâ€" T. F. Wilson. Lecturer â€" Wm. Swan'on. Dep. Lecturer â€" John Shields. Following the election speeches were given by the new Master and his officers, and also by Bro. Hon. I. B. Lucas, K. C, aiid Supreme Grand Master Dr. Sproule. The visiting brethren were en- tertained at supper at Bro. Maher's. â€" Standard. Notes of the Women's Institutes The Fleshertou Braucb will incut next Tuesday, the "Joth inst. at 2.30 p. ui. at the residence tf Mi's. R. Moore. Mi-s. W. Boyd will give a paper on "The value of vegetables in diet," and Mrs. K. Moore one on "Resolutions for the New Year." Everybody welcome. Hatherton The h.ilidiiy seiuson is over and all the merry CliristiiKi.s and happy New Years have been s.iid, and everybody is settling down to the regular ixiutinc of bu.siness once more, :ind we wish you, Mr. Editor and staff, a prosperous Ne»- Y' Miss Elsie Dales, accompiinied by her brother, Wilmer, of Heathcote, visited with friends here on Monday and Tues- day of last week. A number from hero attended the Methodist tea meeting and report a good time, all enjoying tho little Scotchman's singing. .\t the annual school meeting, Mr. John Lougheet.1 wjls ap[xiiuted trustee in phkce of Mr. .1. Gruuimitt, who is re- tiring. Mr. W. Parker took the job of cleaning the school and attending schoid fires. Miss Alice Seeley returned to Toronto week. ProbiiWy one of the worst storms of the season was e.xperienceil last VYednes- day and Thurstl.»y. The niads were completely bloekeil in soino places. Three of our stuidy youths attended a {jarty on tho 4th line one night last week. The going was Ixul enough, but just ask them aUmt coining home. One thing they had brisid daylight for it. My advice, Uiys, is not to go out on stormy nights. Mr. George Grumiuitt has started tak- ing out timber fi.«r a new Ijjirn, which he will build next smnuier on the oldFike property, which he purchased two years ag«>. Mr. Will Grunimitt, of Duudalk, s|x>ut Sunday at his jnn-eutal home here. Miss Sadie Setdey is visiting friends at M.irkdale. Born- On Tuestlay, January 4tli, to Mr. and .Mi-s. John Sooley, 4th line, a sou. Report of S. S. No, month of December. Class 5â€" V Scilley. E Scilley. Class 4 St â€" M. Wiutei-8. Class 4 jr â€" W Scilley, ♦L Winters and A Down equal, P Lougfaeed, M Piarker. CUsa 3 â€" *X Winters, H Lougheed, ♦L .\mott, B Young, M Parker. C Smith. Class 2 .ir â€" J Wintei-s, *.\. Grummitt, C Smith. Class 2 jr-H SeiUey, E Hardy, 'W Down, H Parker, L H.ardy, W Winters. Part 2- V Lougheetl, ;*G Grummett, *J Winters. *A Grummett. Part I sr â€" J Winters, I Winters, .^ Demens, M Deniens, G Smith. Part 1 jr-*R Wetherall, N Parker. ♦ â€" Those present every day diuring the month. Olive M. Dales, Teacher. Crosscut Saivs A full stock to hand of BuSdu Bill*, Simonds, Racer, Lance Tooth, Monarch, and every other two or four cutting tooth and drag saw that is on the market. All 5J. feet long. At a price which is right, fron f4.00 to S4.25, h.uuile3 extra. Mis. James Bcodie has been taken to the hospital, Toronto. Mr. J. A. Kernahan w:is appointed president of the Osprey Farmer's Milling Company .it the annual meeting held on Tuesday. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvauce S 1 00 Youths Companion 1 75 Tonnito World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News !. 30 Weekly Globe 80 Mail-Empire .... 75 Family Herald & Star 80 Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun 80 Farmers .\dvooat3 1 30 Weekly Wii.iee? 75 SatiirdayNi«ht 1 55 Home Journal 55 Poultry News . . : : 10 ^ . US Serve i. We â- would just say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and children. Rubbers and Overshoe? â€" Maltese Cross- first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes, Suit Cc\ses, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slipper.-*. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling ofi' cheap #^ ^^ ^ The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesliercn, Ont. J. B. PATTONj P.VIXTEK â€" PAPER HANGER Sign Painting aiul Hi^-cl;iss Dfcoratiiig .â- V Sjwcialty. Office .It . . . lLKSHKi;ruN. ONT Winter is Here. .Viid so are we with our large display of cutters, sleiglis, and everytliing iu carrLige line. * « nave a look before buying, and then you will be convinced that cannot do better elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Horse shoeing and general blacksmithing a specialty. First cla5s livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Cheap Excursion - TO - Toronto and Hamilton The Lidies' Musi Club of Owen Sound havearraiiaed for an excursion toToronto and Hamilton on Wednesdiy, Feb. 2, on the occasion of the 5Ieudollsulia choir and Thotfias t)rcliestr;i concert. The fare from Flesherton is only $2.0o. Tickets to Toronto «ood for two days, to Hamilton three diy». Train leaves Fleshert^)n at 10.17*. ni. on Wednesday. Feb. 2. W. C. in Command. Comp. D. McLe<<d; Past W. C. in Command, Coiup. Wm. Sharp; Ex-Companion, Comp. Wm. Swan- ton ; Chaplain, Comp. Jos. Blakeley; Scribe, Comp. G. H. Cairns; Treasurer, Comp. J. A. Bt>yd ; 11. at Anns, Comp. F. Mathewsun ; 1st Lect., Comp. Jos. Snell; Sud Lecc, Comp. Ed. Thiinpson ; 1st Cond.. Comp. H. Pip^i: 2nd Coud., Coaip. Geo. Suell ; I Herald, Comp. F. Wrijtht; U HoraJd, Comp. F. A, Yorker all the nieiiibei's of the board had worked faithfully and well to make the show a succesa. .\ slight change has been made in the board this year, Mr. Geo. Walter of Kiinberley taking Mr. Kai-stedt's place, and Sir. .\lf. Har- rison ii on as another new nitn. Other- wise the uiOoling en;lorsed rind re-elected the old board entire. The treasurer'^ stHtenent showed re- cc'pts of fW>5.01 from evtry .source and expenditure of $770,8-t, leaving a balance on hand in the bank of $114.17, This, Old Durham Road. W'edding bells will auon be riuging fir mare of our youn^ people. Mr. Charles Wat.son has erected a fine mill. We e.\pect soon to h««r his lively whistle. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mino of Owen Sound spent ths past two we^ks wiih tho latter's paient.-t, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDonald. Mr. Jo<. Oliver is prrpartug to build a new brick residence the c.iming summer wl-.ich will add to the already iiue appear- ance of our line. Mr. DougalJ McPhail of Indian Hmd, Shsk., is spending some timo with his nu'ther here. Mra. .4. Tuck of Holsiein was a visitor Caterrhal Bad Breath Correelel Qnkkly by th« Use ol Catarrliozone Ciitarrh is a'l i.'.flammation. Whero there is inflamniation lliere is al\va>s ^lore or less offensive secretion. In- fiammation may Ije of the very active i-ort. but It is oftiT. of thp slc.v kind, in<I tills is the particular form in which llie breath is rendered offen.sive niij the prosence of the sufferer be- co:r.?s an offence to every person of â- ieiicute sensibillt.v. Sad bi-catli Is in itsalf sufficiant to .irQ? you to correct it, becaus: one dis- likes to be unpleasant to tlieir friends, but this form of catarrh is dangsrous bscauss it supplies a hotbed for the development cf Consumption or of othar iiiaeasas cf the throat and lungs. Rnd breath Is an rvid-^nco that the micpj'ofs liave found a good restins ;)l!',co and ,ire cnrryins on tholr evil kirouds into the health of the body. Cata.'rhoaone acts at once and do- stroys these minute or?rainisms. but ;t does more â€" it heals the inflamed s-jr- fnces in which they found a nestins place and cv>n.soquiiitly removes hTth cau.;e and effects of their action. If wo only highly aatimated x'-e value of prevention and used CatsrrK azone at th: beginning cf a cold ci* just before it becomes well seated, the deadly ravag'::s of Consumption would be stayed and the tsprible .I'loniss cf suffartrs ef Asthma or Bronchitis com- ulaUly abolished. Thcro Is vo remedy as effective for b;.d breath. Catarrh. Bronchitis, .\sth- n-.a, etc.. a.s Catairhoaone. Besides iK'ing hcalln.T and roothing: it 1^ gcrni dcatroyin?. Xothins ever offered to the public caM company with It In Its prcniptn.'ss. efficiency, and p^rr^an- . .icy of sclion. arid .vou can Ijuy it from any I'.oaJor l:i medicine tVroush- ->;;t the Uiirtiiniot* of Can.'^da, 2oe, &0c, xn<l Stl.OO Eii-;s«. ry mail from The â- atnrrhoxoiu> Co., l^u£Ilil.^ N-V., and Odds and Ends I W. \. Anustioug issuer ot inarri.age I licenses. Jas. Palt'son wants all icc.'Unts settled by the 20th of January without fail. Havinsr leiL«i?d the sawmill at Eugeni.-«. , 1 am prepnied to do all kinds ef custom : sawing. R. H>iney. j Mrs. P. Culeridge of Droinore the \ guest of her lit^uduaughler. Mrs. R. i Wright, ill t'lwn last week. .\ good house and atirden with stable to rent at Eugenia, flso one kitchen cab- inet for sale, J. U. Jamic.son, owner. Apply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. So reward for information leading t'j the conviction of the person who has been shooting air holes lu Noriis P-ros. win- dows. The undersigned is prepared to do all I kinds of stoneivock and pliistering. Re- I pairing |«rjinptly altendel (o. J. O. I Pulton, Fleshert". n. Box 241. I For sale on lot o'.'. cm. l>, ColUngwootl 1 gravel, one cow, 8 yis. old. in calf, one j i.ow, 5 yrs. oUI, iu eaU, one .sett stcoiid- I hand boh sleighs â€" lohu W. Gibsou, I Uock Mil's. The 32nd annual mooting of ihe Gi"ey I and Bruce Mutuil Fire Insurance Co., will be held in Allen's Hail, Hanover, on Smuiday. Jauuaiy 221^, I'.UO, at 2 o'clock p. '.ii. Duncan Campbell, mana- ger. The LulifS Aid of I lie Methodist church, Flesherton. purpose holding a j suciil ill the town hall, Flesherton. on ' Wednesday. Jan. 2b. l".»ll. A u'tiod pro- gram will be given, aUo refreshments will be served during the evening. Ad- mission â€" .\dults !.«.•, children lOc. Opened i his week at Sproule, Higgin- bothaui's, Flesiiertoii, nice l'«'«d!e.'a Lake Superior ,ind Gei-rgian Bay Herring,very nice and cheap. .M»o frosh groceries and sugars, a wmple e stock at lowest prices. For Sale Chfup.â€" Team of light marcs, ouc, a Ih-ince Erie inaiv. is in foiJ. Both .are good workers. Oiio eol'. ti months old, a Melotte Cream Separator, good as new, just used one season. Albert Hanley, Fovershum V. O., Lot 4, Con. 10, Osprey. To ihoso who want to have a giHid «p- |«nrance it is gond r.ews to know that they can take their linen to Andy Wilson FWiertoK, and have it laundered in hrst class ityle. Basket leavts Tuesday night and rvturu.s Saturtl.iy a. in. Markilale ateam laundry. W.J Smith, Prop. Sproule. Rlgginlothani & Co., Flesh- ert m, specialties Flour, Feed, ('roccties, Cniifectionery, Fruits, and Sta.ionery. C'eam of the Wist and Toroido Pridj Flour erjual to any niiide in CsnuU, and selling at lowest [lies. .V trial respect- fully €oiicited. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High grade departments of Busi ness. Shorthand and Ty{H! writing. In- dividual iuscructiou. Students may enter at any tiaie. Cat.alogue free. Colling wood Business T. E. HAWKl.NS Pri ncipal College AMALGAMATED. The tailoriug busiaesses formerly conducted by F. Morley and F. A. Laker have been amalgamated aud the business will bo couductcd uuder the firm uame of MORLEY & BAKER MITCHELL'S BLOCK Flesherton, Ontario, Winter Term oijens Jauuary 3rd, 1910, at the Owen Siiiind. Ont. Individual Instruction given in all busi- ness subjects. Preparatory course for those whose early education has been ne«lected. Write for i>articulars. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Prinenxd. Secretary. Custom Weaving £ have purchased a Newcombe Fly Shuttle Cai pet Loom, All work done on shoi test notice. Hit and Miss rags. Warp found. 20 cents per yard, Striped rsgs extrn. ' Carpet racs bought and carpet fur sale, [Carpets, Uaiu mocks aud Rug4 a specialty Wm. LEES, â€" Flesherton, Ont. nil CC m inoKdiate rclier riLLJ Dr.Shoop'sH^lcOintmsaL

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