Janiary 20 1910 THE FLESHEKTON A VANCE SSS! F. T. H1LL& Co., . riarkdale Our January Stock Taking Clearing Sale l)uring the month of January wo commence taking; stock and in order to take as lew winter lines of goods into stock as possible we have cut the prices deeply on all lines and in many cases legardless of original cost to us ; so it will pay you to visit this store during the month of January for your requirements as all lines of winter goods arc being sacrificed in price. Men's Underwear Reduced tl .2"> ntid $1.40 v»lui'8 in SliirtH und Drawciti fur 1>8 rent* f» c. » I c|l.(0 value* in Shirts «nd DrkWfi'N fur 7ii cenis A coUectiun of odd line« of Shirt* and Drawer*, beiiix the b-iUnue of our 00, 7a and 85c lines fur 48 cei.t* Men's Cloth Caps With Fur Bands Every cap we liavo in stock will be sold at this big redticljon ; 50c., 75c., 85c, 8J.00 ii?id $1.25 cajis for one tliird less than regular Sacrificing Ladies' Mantles We have about hfly Ladies' Mant'cR in stock, on which we are offering sweeping; rednction.s in price. In *onie cases the price of the cloth is not represented in the prices we are sellii:); thatn at. Wo can give you a Lady's Mantle at .'uiy price idmost that you are willing lu pay. Dress Goods Reduced KM During the month of January we have decided to reduce nil linpc of Dre.ss Goods. It will p«y you to get uur JQ prices. You can save big money. â- fttVJL W .i w .t w â- •m-'m-' W v m ' i w' i w â- »â- â- w j » jn » j^ » jn w w w»vm/iw . i i i» ii w n w > » ^w . w â- . w i );w ii w j» w in »ii » n » . i â- w a ai a • l w'',\ EYES lEXAMMCG FREE '" CHILDHOOD has blighted m«jiy lives bscause the pain cauistf thereby produces an avsrsion to study. Th« baekward child tea aftan Mcamaa tha unsiieeaaaful man. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician Fr.ESHERTOM . m unm. Carefully Corrected Eacti Week Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats :J4 to 34 Peiis 8a lo 83 Barley 45 to 60 Hay 12 CO to 14 00 Butter 22 to 22 E»gs, fie.sh 24 'o 25 Potatoes per l>»g 40 (o 40 Oeese 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to 18 THE- I The cittlc keep nature from doing her iitfice. J-'lr«hert<in. .Siil»>cri|)tioii piitt .''I iH'raiiniiin, wliHH |>aid iiiadvsiice; ?!.."â-º) when nni «i )>ai(l. AdvertiitioK rattm <>u aiiplicatimi. Circulation l.OfW wreklv. doubling up of license districts. '14.20, icfund of amount charged him for The above would seem to infer thatjxnperf'rmed statute labor; Hospital for local option is not a desirable posses-' S'^k Children «5 ; Municipal Wo.ld, 85, sion. However it is unnecessary for { aix .sub.scri|>tion8 ; Henry Ileitman, $o iCierk'* p<>.stai;e ; Thos. Scott, ^1.85, ex- down the young supliiius which an all .\n indei>enilent newspaper, piiWiHbed every ) *'««-• nature supplies lo replace the tinilier ,' Tiiur»day Ht th^ "tfice, C(.lliiiKW(H-<l Strett, ,eniovid. If the cattle were kept out (f ,,,,,., \. u y .i. Ill I w I us to defend tins phase of tlio question. > , i » u i, the bush there would be loss niej for re- I . ' ' pres* and esper.ses ; .1. A. Kernahan, forealalion. j " '^ ^"^''^ aPPaicnt "'at ll'C People ; j2.;j() e.xcha.>f,'9 on cheques ; 0..prey A». â€" â€" r i °f ""'â- Pio'iiJCC are not worry ii>g a- : ricultunil Society. «20 yant. bout the loss of 815.000 in license j Mr. Talbott wa. instructed t.. sec that \V. H. Tlmrston Kclltor With the necessity of appointments We sometimes shiveringly read of persons pel ishing in a western bliz- £ aid and thank Piovidcnco that we Howl THE GOOD OLD DAYS-AND NEW | to the Canadian navy will come the There are Kome ]>eculiar crittois who cainiot discern :iny thing (lood in modern- ity^.who look lack to " the good old day*" when our forbears swunj; on the cod of the cradla in the wheat field with » tireless encrijy, and when the farmer's .lubstaiice wis wieateU from nature with- out the agency of modern nnvchincry. The sterliny tyne of manhood develoued by the early hardships is somethini; to be admired, but who wuuU! return to the old rej{ime ? There is a ulaniour in the tales of pioneer life that fascinatoa, yet ~ they are " tales that are told, " and will fecur never again ; and ImneHtly, who would recall iheiii ! With advancing yeais has come iii- proTemeni in every liiie of buiincss, and the farmer is n LuKincis man just as much as the man who uset his pen and wears a white c< liar every day in the week. The tiller of the s'jil has not been iie({lectcd in Ihu race of yesis. Uo has seen the modern hinder usurp the |ilace of the cradle, and has heaid the busy hum of the mower where once ho heard the Rwi^h of the scythe. Now we find the farmciD banding together inaiom- inon causeâ€" to exchange idc.i.s, and lo listen to ex]>eris in the varioua lines, that tlicy may beconio Iwstter husinei* men â€" we refer to the Faiinerf' Institute. The Institute ia the acknowledged friend of the progrcw-iTO farmer, and those who are outside the pale should waste no time in becoming one of the elect. Not only does meiiibershii) of tlie institute i>eriiiit the ntlenJance .'\l the annual ineoiing, which is addreseed by CI |iert speakers, and which is free any- way, but it alio sccurei various bnllelins of great value and interest to the fanner, and .idmits hir;i tolliH fat i-tock show at Ouolph at a nuich leduced rale, but con- fer* other privileues that cause the 2'i cents of membership fee* to fade away into iiisigniticancu. tees. i Henry Down completed his ajireement I L- r \ ... .1 000 ,witli the CoiDinissioner i^f Diviaiun No. 1 temptation for that awful Ein-wiiCj That Canada's western provinces, for IWJ, and remove the obstruction pulling, I are to bo counted ns one of the ; from r. H. Weatheral'* fence. ° ° ° ' choicest bits of the empire is not lobe' ByUw 520, appointing Jacob Loughotd The walls of the 'roronto city hall' challenged for a moment, even though asset.sor at a salary of $75 ; bylaw 527, bulged lour inches out of pluaib last] there arc people who have seen and »PP"'"''oc f'- ^^- Norman, Tm.s. Scott, week. The World will probably lay 1 seeing Jiavc not been convinced. The ' ^- ''^- ^''^'''"""»' ^^- ^- Taylor, and the blame on JIayor Geary who has i Advance has been in conversation with i *'"''° 'l''"'"""'" "'<"»'«'"' "' L'-c"' B.mrd been liberating act! tain amount of men who insisted ou the superiority i ^' "^''"V ''^'""'fS, appomtmg John . 1 .• ., ., -,i â- •. ,, f- . T . , , . .^- Dougbis and R.>l)t Heron auditors ; post-election "gas withm its walls. â- . west; and with other men who. ^,,^ -.g.,. „,,,„ti„y Or. W. c. llyckman had'tiavellcd extensively and still | the pi ivil.-ge of ereciii.g a telephone line looked ou Ontario as the garden of from Maxwell lf> Gordon's Corners were the empire. In view of conflicting e.ich read the necessary number of limes evidence wo arc bound to decide that ""'1 pi"«ed. arc located in old Ontaiio where thol ""^ «t'»"a''''0" of »"> parlioular local- The smrding commi.tecs f..r tl.e cur- snow never gels any deeper than leu ji'J'i" due to the person rather than rent year were appon-iod as fullo.vH.- r , 1 .1 I, .. . the localitV itself T. „p„no,.a tn In n ''*""'•'""'•"'"'-''*"»''•"• ^«"'"'"'. ^^â- feet, and the bottom iieTor, or larey, ' »">-'"»iy iisen. unppeats to 03 a ,.i ,. . , i â- m, ,,, , , lu.v.^, .1 . . ... ., . ,. . , . I,, iavlor and .lolin Luoaitoii Ti-,-!i.iiiri.r'u matter Hint rests with the individual- ^^ '^'-y'*"" '""} ''",''" ^l*""""" ; Treasurer's I e ntirely . There are those who would Security K. W. Norman and A. K liKFOni^STINO IS WORTH WHILK NVhile the forest is (Iisapenring from Ontario, a* it has from other lands, it â- eeniR to bu the general pnlioy lo sit around and let it go without even anying good bye. Sjrcly the experience of other lands whose vast timber limits arc only a memory should bo a warning to Gaiiadiana. There i* nothing to be gain- ed by a ooneral depletion of the forests without any *te|w being taken to replace them. It i* stated that there are ihoua- anda of acres near Orillia that could bo b(jiighlfor a dollar an acre, and after proper reforesting the land would be worth IWX) Dr |400 per acre. This will come at an oyeopener to moat people. That properly could bn raised in valuu tu auch an extent in ao short a time ia aurely remarkable. If the figures are correct the only wonder is that business nun with capital to invest should not get nfier this apparently juicy plum that is waiting to l)e pluoke<l. Olio dcstruotivu cutloin that in l<io uid drops out of the tlicmiomctcr. about New York? Nine lives were' "•"•"•' ' Y"' "'" '""'"""""""'"''"""'" ^ 'â- ''"'''"-'-•^- K. McUalum lost in that city on Sunday in a great "^ ''"PC^ """ '1""® *' ^'°"'<' '^ '''^-'y i !'• •'â- '!''»"'"' : t'mancc and Ai.sesi,..>nt stoim when U\ inches of snow fell' '^^'" 'Iroppctl ofV- on the highest peak;'!! ;!'« "•«•">'-" -f il'e council. before ten a m Let's -o west ' °^ ^^"^ Rockies, atd yet could not lind 1 , t'oncil adjumnod t.. meet at Fover uoiuiL iLu u. III. ijci .s go west ! .... . ;. sham on Satuiday, teb. I2th, next. any rest in the heart of a city.; Th««. Scott. Clerk, Everybody will not make a success in i the Canadian west or the nnttheru Married gold fields, even as it is in older . „ n.,(„.: n- .1 B«.ND-Sl-KNCEK- At Toronto, on Ontario. li;ei'e is no mvwiri r-iimini Now they've gone and done it ! Some person with little regard for Canada's reputation has started a toboggan slide m Elk Lake. With our skating rinks, toboggan slides, und skiing and snowshoeing we are foster- ing the impression that lurks abroad in some quarters that snow falls here in the winter. Now, why can't we sit quietly by our firesides or steam- healing a|)paratusâ€" huddle up close to keep warm â€"and ignore ns much as possible the awful Canadian winters with llicir mountains of snow'.' When the world at largo discovers the ex- treme cold, that Canada hu.s such n winter monopoly of, it will keep away and whiit will wo do in our solitude :> Verily ours is a sad plight ! Will no one save na from ourselves ? There in an amount of nonsense writ tin concering the three-fifths i clause of the local option act, and its tendency toward permanency, those â- â- • . .1 . .,"^'"' .T'"l""«'^y- •'â- "'"">• «2lb.l!)10, Miss Eleanor in any district that will bring riches L t t . , , * -r i. i « " op-'liet-r, of loionto, to A. 1. IJond, M. unsought. Contentment comes with i d., „f i.:^^,,^,. „,KiUte of M,.xwell. The honest labor, and whether tiiat labor Advance extends congratulations. be performed in okl Ontarro or newtr la nds matters nothing degree of happiness enjoyed. to ,.'"1 Hie Acute Dyspepsia Bestoration of Stomach Power Comes Quickly With the Right Medicine. Osprey Council The meinbers elected to the nuinicipal j eoiiiieil of Osprey met at Maxwell on Monday. Jan. lO'.h. and severally madei „,, • , .1,1, , „. 1 , â- , . I "^y '""^ seemed to decompose In tluir declaration of oftico and declaration my stomach." writes Mr. Ralph Clem- of inialilieatioiis as follows : Hoove. K. "i^'is. of Newbridge, P.O. "I had n w V .. .. . i\ 1 i> \\r I i stomui'h that failed In some way to W. Norman; Deputy Reeve, Win. L. pt,.f„rm lt3work. Digestion seemed Taylor; I'ouncill.is, John Thomson, A. more or less arrested and I grew thin, K. McCdUuai, Kohl. J. Talbot. Minutes yellow, nervous. ,""• "*"'"'-'''*|<ll8tended und Impeded apparont:y of lust meeting wuro road and adopted.! action of the heart, for often at nli Coininunic a straight majority? And how, in'eh»"go*<.f eho(iue, ota the name of common sense, la a law to be enforced if the majority of the people are against it, as they must bo before it can be repealed under the three- fifths clause? Suppose the majority desired the repeal of the bylaw, and still could net raise the required throe-fiftlis, of what use would bo tho bylaw? There would be permanency all right 1 Tilt closing of over 200 bars as a result of the local option victories will mean a loss of nearly $15,000 to tl.e Province and municipalities from the cutting off of license lees, "fn some ridings tho revenne will be so riduc- ! action, the kidneys were released of I excessive work. Health soon glowed I within rne. ( can now eat. sleep, and j live like a live man." 1 Pc advisedâ€" U-iP Dr. Hamilton's Pills i -they urc sure to do you good. 25o I «r Imx, ill nil dealers, or Thi- C'a- ' i.'iiThozono Co., Kingston, Canadu. often followed in the farming disdicta of Ontario hi that of allowing cattle to run l*^^ 'j*"' '' *>" "°' P*y ''"^ expenses of in the bu»h lot, with which noarly every ' ''l" inspeolois and cominigsioners and farm in this neighboihoud is blessed. >n Several cases there is likely to bo a Tho stomach became the ight . . ,lt would do great rtunts- At times I callous. 80oount.s. e:c., were „ould vomit a mucous mass, Hiid at received f ro n : Clerk, certificalo Hsto,'he3o f lines my head ached most ter- persons who *erved as Deputy Uvturniog, j;',^'^-- ,>^.„';r'^^o^'„,T,'.':n,'lfu.rsrcl' r^e't^ OIHcers and Full iJlerfcs, also as to plHCOHJ take Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, usjd an polling bo jlhs, .Municipal World. 'w*"='', ^ •"''â- "^^^ ""esult In my case J T I I !• • . •.' \« ...,.,... . . 'was simply marvelous. Dr. Hamilton's days. In how many locahties has it aooonnt |30.«0 for election stationery and piUg removed tho cause, strengthened been defeated on the repeal by even|»"Pl>'i''" ; J- A. Kernahan. acct$2.30ox-'"'e stomach, excited the liver to normal 'change* of ehoi|ue, oto. ; H. T. Koburts. acRount f5 repairs for grador ; Th >s. Scott, 81.85 express and expunsuf on stationory ; Henry Ueitumn. f5 C'lerk's postage ; D. Oillics, Pathmisler. coitify- iu'.; that the statute labor of Jas. Svilley was now performed ; W. II, Thurston, account 918.75 fur printing. OrdeiH were issued on the Treasurer to pay J. W. Osmey, Firman Irish, Ira U, Porigoo, A. K. Kdward*. Thos. .Scotf, _ Thos. 8 Frocthy, Win. Noiinan and Ja*. ' " ' ~ Ootdon C3 each fur service as Dopu ly ! IPXJ ASI^ Reliiruing OtHocra ; Jas. Mon/.ie, Clia*. ' IVfAK^TNTA^ Long. Jas. Spoers Willis Neff, Jan. Pott*, | «**»>«^a.x:i ^* A. K. Cameitiii, John Moore, Johni Wooden pumps munufiictured througli Longhued 92 each f( clerks; F. Irish. M. •». ... u. ^„.- . f .t. .i. .. ... I /•. 11 -I II ». .. . '' '' -.^t'nt lor the tniooliest iron pump (luolte, J. (!. Hamilir'n. 11. T. Roberts, ' : . -. . â- • *^ '"' Jas. Mullen, Sarah Sproat and John ,^ Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Indlffestlon Dyspepsia ohn Moore, Johni "ooUen pumps munufactured through- for services as poll, ""'""^./''lV7'"""'f">' «'"' '"'*''^f»'=- „ . â- • torn y attended to. Kerton, R. J. Co.'-' t f >i. .u i •< r ^t>nt for tho tnioo best iron pump ni.'.iitiict rors in Oiilaiii). .\ curd dropped t.i ine at Ceylon V. (). V\ inters f2 each for places used as polling, will have my juompt attention, hoolhs ; Miinte.ipul Woild «3t).(i0. eleoiion ' and niuuicipal suppliea ; W. II. Thurston, JAMES A. McLEAN »18.75, printing rtQcount ; J,»s. Scilleyl , CURRIES COKNEU, Ceylon P.O. J. & W. BOYD, Flesherton, Ont. Now that the holidays are over no doubt you will begin to consider your requirements from a prac- tical business-like standpoint. Before Christmas vou thought like thisâ€" "Well now, I want some- thing for bound so that will cost just so much," and accordingly you made your purchases. Now It's Up To You To Resolve -and 2nd. ^ ^X Well now, I want such and such- I oil I ^a"t '1 genuine good article. 1 want to buy it just where 1 can get most value for the least money. â€" Now that is good business. Well, we are carrying a stock which is equal to anything in the county and we guarantee our prices right and all we a.sk of you is to come in and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Below we give a few prices : Boys' 3 piece suits, regular -4 . 50, clearing 2.98 A big range of men's suits, light and dark colors, regular 7.»«)to 8.00, clearing at 4.95. A full range of men's suits, light, medium and tlark colors, regular 11,00, clearing 8.95, Ladies' Jackets, all this season's goods, regular 10, 11 and 12, clearing for 7.50. Men's all wool rib shirts iIl- awei-s, regular 1.00, for 7Sc. Men's over shirts, fancy colors, clearing 59c. Ladies' wool hose and glover, regular 25 cents, ^ for 19c. g^ Special reductions on all furs. '} ' i A BIG SALE WHEliE â- '. Why, at The People's Store EUGENIA To last for nineteen days only, commencing SATUKDAY, JAN. 15. Do not fail to come. GOODS TO BE SOLD LESS THAN COST DRJBSS GOOI>S 11 pieces only all wool dre^s goods, regular from 30c to oOc, to be «''d at i9c per yard Plaid vvrapperette suitable for children's schoA dre.saes, clearing at Oc A dizen or more pieoes of Print Ginghams and pretty Dress Muslin», while they Is.st 7.^c Towellings. legular 11 and l.">c, for 8c Art MualiiiN and Cm tain Screens for 9io Klannclcttev all reduced to a very low li^^ure. Tho best range of prices in Lawns and Cottons ever offered Ready-made Underskirts, repulsr 75c. for 58o Trimmed Millineryâ€" 84 hats to be sold at $2 Felt shapes p^-^at 75c up Veilings while they last are to he sold at 20c per yard Frillings, 7 in box (our leader) at 28c Trillings. 4 in box, for , igJ^Q Fancy L'rllars, regular oOc for 3§(j A Special Sale of Buots and Shoes ranging in price from 95c to ?2.r>0. Do not fail to yet a pair of these boots. You will never tel a eliance like this «i;ain. Men's Wool I'liderwear, rosjular 8.")c for 58c Men's Hcece lined I'nderwear. re^tular 81 lines for isOo Men's Fleece Lined Underwear. re^;ular75c and Sjo lines to clear 58c Men's Caps at half price Men's Shuts, heavy blue lletce lined, rcy. SI and ?1.'J5, for 89c Many other linis eut to less than half price while the sale lasts. Vou will miss it if you do iidt e<ine and see for yourselves the bii'j;est Imivains ever offered. J. E. LARGE - - EUGENIA A h\ â- •••••••••••ii.'i;;;;;;;;*;;;;;;;;; ;;•••••••••••••««•••; :;;;ii;ii;iiiiiii *pi.;i.' •••I - •••i I •••i I ^as, iPattison, Cej/ion, Oni, Senerat ^lerchant. •••• •••• ••t •••• â- '•• â- ••• •••J {••.••« We have'a taole full of BARGAINS for this week. Come in and inspect ihemâ€" Just the things you need for the cold weather. Men's Way Mufflers were 75c. for 55c Boys and Girls_eurly caps, were 50 and (iOc now , ;j5j. Ladies' Corsets, were CO and COc, now Sue »nd 35o I only Ladies Aitrachan Jacket, wgg gt.'JO.CO ""w 8127.00 Women's Felt Shoes, were fl.50 for fl.2o, JL25 for J1.C5 A lot of odds and ends in print ai^l dress «ood« and other dry goods which it will pay you lo take advantage of. Dont lie behind, and wait till everyihina jjotd is gone. We are a'so having a clearing sale < f men's and hoy's clot hi-ig and i vtrcoals, to nmko room for more, new goods that arewuniunin. ee J/as. X^attison * ylon V )i «: