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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 10

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ECZEMA CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD By tho Aid of Dr. WilUama' Pink PLls-lhat Wonderful Ionic Hedlcme. Eczema or salt rheum is a dis- ease of the skin which shows itself in small, red, watery blistersâ€" these blisters break and leave a scale which may be rubbed off by the hand. The affected parts are in- tensely itchy and the victim cannot bear the t.ouch of any article of 'Uithing over the parta. The disease is caused by bad blood and must be cured through iho blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills have cured many cases of cczeraa because they are the one medicine that act* wholly on the bloodâ€" the »eat of the trouble. Among those eured by these Pills is Mrs. Chas. Davidson, of Amherst, N. S., who Bay.") : â€" "I suffered greatly from lalt rheum or eczema and my hands were badly cracked. I tried ecver- al ointments, but they did me no good whatever. I was advised to tr/ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and Lad only used them for a few weeks when the trouble disappeared and [ my hands were entirely healed. I a?r. very grateful for what the Pills have done for me and would advise other sufferers from this trouble to , trv them." t What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did j for Mrs. Davidson they have done | for many others â€" not only in cases c( eczema and salt rheum, but for eruptions and pimples, chronic erysipelas, scrofula and all other maladies which arise from the blood. They banish these troubles simply because they clear the blood t)f all impurities and leave it rich, re.i and health-giving. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or ii:: boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. R*e«rd Niagara Camp. When "reveille" sound* in eamp •t Niagara on the lake next summer, it will rouse from their slumbers aoma lO.OrX) cititen soldiers, for the Liom- inioQ Government are plaaning to moke this year's camp one of tha largest in tha anoaia of the Cajaadivn militia. Last y«ar, owing to the extra cx> penuiturs inetured duriug the Que- bec teroentenary, the Militia Depart- ment adopted a ebeese-piiring policy, and the strength of the various uniu suffered in coiisequt-nce. This year, however, the authorities are going lo the opiiosite extreme, and in the ojotv ilizauoo of lO.uOO t/oop^i they are prub. ably creating a new lecora. It is stated that the whole of the western distriet eomntiuMi will be un- der arms at Niagara, which uvKiia tbat the cavalry alone will ige repns- sented by nx regim •- , the Uovur- nor-(jeneraJ'B Bodygu... .. 1st Has«ar«, 2nd Dragoons, 9th MisBisaauga Horse, and the two newly caised corps, iiia 24th "Greys" Horse and the 2&ta brant. While not yet decia«d whether all the infantry brigaues in the western command will be called upon, it is extremely probable that the 3rd, 4ln, 6th, 15th and ifitli will be mobilized. I'hia leaves the 1st and JOtu brigadoa of Ixindon and Uaelpti. all of >.nom will likely be requisitioned. Brigaiiieis, in particular, will wel- come this program, for in place of the skeleton coaimands. which they have generally been called upon to banvjie, tney will now have the. direction oi brigades, worthy of the name. Last summer the total suength of the camp was 3,360 of all ranks, which means that nearly 7,000 adoitional troops will Ukc part m the Niagara drills and manoeuvres of 1910. An Artist In Butter. Hon. Bir E. Chaudos Uugh, K.C., K.C.B., tells an amusing 'Ibsckeray story. He says: "ThucKeray perlecliy abominated anything m tne nature of flattery. I was witn Thackeray one night when a man came ap, and (or five minutes administered to the great novelist tne most fulsome fitittt;ry. Wnen the man had gone I said to Inacaeray, 'Who is that?" ThacKeruy repued, "He «alls himself an artial, but I think tie paints as much in but- ter as be does in oUa'." THIS WELL-KNOWN ADVOCATE STATES niS DOCTOR ADVISED HIM TO TAKE DODD'8 KIDNE? PILLS. . AnJ lie Fonad Them to be all They Were Advertisedâ€" How and Why DMid's Kidney Pills Cure. Montreal, Que., Jan. 17 (Special) â€" "Dodd's Kidney Pills were re- commended to me by our fam.iiy physician, and*! must say they have proved to be what they were ad- vertised." This stptement, made by L. J. R. Hubert, the well-known advocate, of 214 James Street, is a double tri- bute to Dodd's Kidney Pills. It shows that they are recognized by reputable medical men as a peer- less remedy for diseases of the K'dneys and also that they are now looked UDon as a standard medi- cine by the best people in Canada. •And the reason of this is that they do just what they are adver- tised to do. Thev cure diseased Kidnevs and put them in condition to clear all impurities out of tne blood. They cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Backache, because these are Kidney diseases. Thev cure Rheumatism, Lumbago and [Heart Disease, because these are caused by impurities in the blood that the Kidneys would strain out of the blood if thev were in good working order. If you haven't used them yourself, ask your neigh- bora about Dodd's Kidney Pills. Uttl« S«ff«ria« Chfldren's Coughs Oaa* Much 1'»aii pise's > CURE ^^ Cm. iMut RJM-vMfco .ad Iwk lb* tak l li i rM li «nd n rii m i mote maiaum 8m. •~ IA i i Ueit taoâ€" ao pUhui to u^ and doo MA vsart Vi: Ai) Drattiata. 2S caala. Teacherâ€" "Now, Freddie, it's very wrong of you to quarrel with Billy Jones and to horbor such re- vengeful feelings against him. Come, now, promise me that when you meet Billy to-night you'll for- give him." Freddieâ€" "Well, when I meet Billy to-night, if his big bro- ther is with him, I'll forgive him ; bur if not, I'll nearly wallop the life oat of him." FABMS F0« MLC "That fellow Smithers is a clev- er chap. He can write with either hand." "Is that so? How on earth does he manage to do it J" "On a typewriter." The beggar had a autice up, "Deaf and Dumb," and the pass- ing philanthropist stopped in front | Tbe B'>wels Mast Act Healthy. â€" of him. "I'd like to give this Mas; !â-  wost ailments tJie first care af something," he said to kis coaapas- th« medical avan is t^i tee tbat the ion, "but how am I to know that bowels are open and fully p«rform- he is deaf and dumb r' "Read the iirr their functions. Paraielee's Ve- notice. sir," whispered the beggar i getable Pills are so compounded incautiously. that certain ingredients in them act . ot. the bowels solelv and thev are Help your children to grow the very beet medicine available to and robust by counteracting I P'"'***"*^^ healthy action of the bow- anything that causes ill-health One i ^'* Indeed, there is no other spe- cific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in bealihful action. The &nc«t pesV tino and on« of the t>««t tiirma in Lencox ail4 Addinfftoa s4p iuiQin; Deso ronto. IBO >cr4S ta a Koo4 itaM of cnltiTatioD, ample baildlar». I b-ii>»cSb bank bam. sheep shed and slahlo^. plenty of water and conTraieno<>8. ina<iiiflo«at t1«w of bay aad ri'er. Miiat be sold at nii«a. Th</Tisand down, balance spread over 11 yearn. Could wel! b« divided between twa friend*. K06-- Beaotifi) 1-2 Metlon, 1} miles nortk *~*^ of Sa^iiatoon. Sack., rloe* to Caa» dian Rorthern Railway and elerator. M %% B2S, townnhip 38. E3 went of 3. Prlee askej •4.000. Uake beet bid aufi iki it qiuek. Mii:t be Bolil. JLQAnn Clot* to can>oratioD o^ Ba3>a> (P.IUVU ton. U a«re8. oo JUie of eleetsia railway, smitable f«ir f>«aehea, peora, ift plae, tSfi. BeaotirB] dtaatkia. C7(aM ""rf oik Oantr, alMMe farm «| ••''w^ ISO ar.reg, 10 m!I«« •Hnih-wedl of Rimcoe. solid bri- k resldeiKe, V) rooHik ample bams, ahuodant water, also tenaai lu>Oi«e and barns Terms eafy JOHN N. LAKE, or WM. E. DYER,. 114 King West, Teronta. great cause of disease in c -en is worms. Remove r!i*5m witu Ao- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. It never fails. Husband â€" "Darlinsr. I believe that I am failing." Wife (in alarm) -"Gracious! How often I have | "spo'^s® warned you, George, against your foolish speculations!" Husband â€" "I don't mean in business, dear; I meaa I'm failing in health." Wife (relieved)â€" "Oh, is that alU" "Lend me a dollar and I shall be everlastingly indebted to yon," said an impecunious man to an acquaint- ance. "1 don't doubt it," was the Iwl U t f ae Abeim^ but iasM spaa gettlw tke fsuoi la. " Ihs l> £ L " Manthjl Hlaatar It ha* •too I the test af /aara. U curat tcHaa aad paia* taiekar than aay plai^Mr. THE LITTLE THINGS. A room to sweep, a chair to du8ft| A dozen tasks to do each day ; A meal to cook, a sock to darn All over in the same old way ; A tear to shed, a little sob. And refuge in two manly arms â€" I reckon these all go to make The groundwork for a woman't charms. Lady (to gardener) â€" "Have y<X had your dinner, John?" Johnâ€" "Not yet, mum! Hi must 'eat th* ; green'ouse first." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZIi OIS'TMKNT Is ;a.i.ra-<ca«;l t<i cire any fr.*-* f'f Uohinj. Mtia.l H'a^ li 1 • tt Prrit-Tidiag IfleM la s to ;4 days or m uay rafundad SOc ' FACT AND FANCY. We pray to be good, but we work to get rich. Rich and poor alike try to dodge their taxes : The only difference is that the rich know how to do «t Old motor tires, melted down, •r" exported to Germany, and re- turned as rubber dolls. Some good men seem to think tbat the commandment about lov- ing one's neighbor applies exclusi- vely to the fair sex. All np-to-date chicken thieves work with chloroform. To break a man of borrowing your snow shoyel. send round, every time he does it, and borrow his automobile. K good golfer should be able to drive 211 yards off a gold watch without hurting the timepiece. _+ CEILDHOOD INDiaSSTinH MEANS SICKLY BABIES The baby who suffers from Indi- getitiou is simply starving to d.-ath. If it takes food it does the child no pood, and it is cross, restless and slecplcs.s, and the mother is worn out caring for it. Baby's Own Tab- lets always cure indigestion, and give the little one healthy natural sleep. Mrs. A. P. Daigle, Lower Supin, N. B., says: â€" "For severe eases of indigestion I think Baby's Own Tablets are worth their weight in gold. My little one suffered ter- ribly from this trouble and the Tablets was the only thing that re- moved the trouble." Sold every- where at 250 a box or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., â- Brockville, Ont. Within and Without. The death of one of the last remain- ing Fenian raiders reminds us that Canada is interested in having peace niaiuiained within and without the rmpire as much aa in its milituty strength.â€" Daily Phoenix, Saskatoon. Professor (lecturing on hygiene) â€" "Tobacco, gentlemen, makes men ugly, short-winded, idiotic, paraly- tic ; and I can tell this from experi- ence, for I have smoked for many years I" "So vou're going to put down bet- ting altogether, eh?" "Yes, and I shall be delighted when they suc- ceed. It 13 a detestable evil. m.\ dear, they can't do it!" yes, they can. I'll bet you ten dol lars they do." Governess â€" "You're a naughtv little girl, Christabel, to kick your cousin like that." (Thnstabelâ€" "I didn't kick her.""Oh, hush, dear, I saw you kick her sev- eral times." Christabelâ€" "I didn't. I missed every time." You cannot be happy while yon But'li^vB corns. Then do not delay in "Oh, 'getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes al! kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is un- known. THE REASON IT FELL. He was a twentieth century hust- ling builder, and under his auspices eottagos and houses sprang up like mushrooms. "Please, sir," cried one of his foremen, rushing up to him one morning, in a state of mental col- ), "one of the now houses has (alien down overnight;." "What;" roared the builder. "You mean to say that one of my Well built, desirable residences has come to grief? How the dickens has that happened 1" "Well, sir," exclaimed the fore- man, "tl'.ere waa a little niii^t.akc. tliilortunately. we took down tho icufToUiing before we put on the Vall-papor '" Much of the food fnr thought re- mits in incutal indigestion. •••a TtrMMb WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy Tbat .is; One Can Prepare at Home. Most people are more or less sub- ject to coughs and colds. A simple reii:''dy that will break up a cold quickly and cure any cough that is curable is made by mixing two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large buttle. The mixtnre is highly re- commended by the Leach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure for dispensing. BROKEN FRIENDSHIP, TCX). A noted miser, who felt obliged to make a present to a lady, enter- ei a crockery store for the pur- pose of making a purchase. Seeing a statuette broken into a dozen pieces, he asked the prico. The salesman said it was worth- less, but he could have it for the cost of packing it in a box. The miser directed it to be sent v^ith his card to the lady, congra- tulating himself that she would im- agine it was broken while on its way to her. He was at her house when the box arrived, but the effect was hardly what he had expected. The. tradesman had carefully wrapped each piece in a separate piece of paper 1 A CONVENIENT BRANCH BANK A Branch of the Traders Bank of Canada has just been established at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, and will be open for business on market days. Drovers may ex- change their cheques at this Branch for Safety Cheques payable at their home towns. Opportunity is another name for action. An old toper defines water as an after thought. IHat Toratentlnc OeM tbat mad* yoa wr«*ek«4 la.1t ff inter wilt I) •(. CH.>iutf hook if joa take AUea's Lnaft lUlik-iui vhaii yiiur throat U raw and *»r«w Thi3 iulmirabU remedy 1* (le* itua «fiBi& Tak* It is tiae. UP AND DOWN. A story is told of a Frenchman whi) very anxious to sec an .\n>erican business man at his home. The first morning when ho called at the house the maid replied to his query : "The master is not down yet," meaning downstairs. The following morning he called again, and was met with: "The master is not up yet," meaning that ho had not yet aris- en from bis bed. Tho Frenchman, looking at her with doubtful eye, paused for a few seconds. "Eet ees very deef-cult, but eel re mademoiselle will tell me when se master will be neither up nor down, but in le middle, ten I vil e«U •» u» tiuM." An Easy Pill to Take. â€" Some pei» sons have repugnance to this be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- it/ of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high tdni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. Anyway, the gossip isn't forever Fr«« to Our Readers. Write Uuri .e Eve Remedv Co.. Chicaco. frr <8-page illastrated Eye Beok Free.., ,. , . Write all about Tour Eye Trouble and handing you advice, they will advise «h to the Proper Applica- tion of the Marine Eve Eenjeiiic" in Your Fnecial Case. Year DroBgiot will tell you that .Mnrine Relieves Sore K»e». Strenctb. ei:» Weak Eves. Doesn't Smart, Booibee Eve Pi in. ard sells for 50r. Try It in Toar Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. "Ah, Professo.-, what a charm- ing collection of stuffed birds you Back to Canada. "Back to Canada," is the cry in the United Btalea just now. In an iiilerview r^oeuuy Mr. A. D. Brown, ssaiiitant general manager ol The Cauaoian American ana 'ibe Western l>riusn Americaa, saiu that never be- fore were Ibe expatriattid Canaoiana have here ! Wliere did you get leaving the lana ot their adupuon m them from?" "Oh, that is quite »uch uumt>ers as now. "Tney have Simple. I have been collecting them '°'«le tneir pile over thure and are frr years from the worn-out hats:'°°"'»« bajk to invtatUie money. It Soldierly-looking Man â€" "I've spent fiftten years of my life in the service of my country." Low- Browed Individual â€" "So have I. j What were you in for?" | _ ! Leaa ef neeh. coogli *a>l pain la the chest laay a«t meaa auu^uinptiou, but are b.'ut sign.*. ^Uan'i IrfiOK BaLtam lijooena tfaa aou^b a.i:l bd.kU itidaui- e4 air panaacea Nui a grain u< upiuxn in it. j And many a deluded mother im- 1 agines her son a genius because he ' likes to lie abed late in the morn- ing. of my seven daui-hters." is being reoognized that Canada is now the lana of opportunity and tiie puice for safe and sure returns tor money invested. Away down in their hearts all Uiiese old Canucks have a "Only One "BROMO QUININE" That Ii I.AXATIVR BROMO QI'INI.NB. J/vnk tor theaienatura n( E. w. OROVK. Used the werU over tu Care a Cold io Otte Day. SAc Beets and turnips improve the ap- petite. Parsley, mustard, cowslip, horseradish, dock, dandelion, and beet tops clear the blood, regulate thf- system, and improve that tired feeling. There is no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare with Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of riding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a siuiplo remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. A wedding is a delightful affair â€"unless you are the m;isculine end of it. To Know is to Prevent.â€" If the miners who wo-k in cold water roost of the day would rub their feet ' warm corner m Uie wooti-pile of their and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric ! raemory for the old home, and ai- Oil they would escape muscular j »\«*' "^ «»' <â- >»«»" !*««? "P ^^ eon- rheumatism and render their nether , '..i„'?Iu„. .l: ,u„. „ . ,. r • • i xi_ 11 » ... A.aotlicr tbmg that oo.-ues to our hmbs proof against the ill effects i ^oUoe is the migrauon oi the Amer- of exposure to the cold. Those set- \ kens to the Canuuian Northwest. This ting out for mining regions would ! is the result of sane, extensive and d? well to provide themselves with | wiaespread advertising on the part of a supplv before sUrting. '^'' Canadian Government. The Am- erican farmer cannot escape Canada. T I. 1 11. Ill L i 1' is thrown up at him at every turn. Laugh and the world laughs at' ^^^ cheapness of the land and Ihe op- youâ€" if yon laugh at your own | p«rtuniuea are flaunted in his face jokes. ^ le ao« aI»nT» at baad. Oeard yowr. aa!f 'uainit su'Wen c Kitna and culds bj keeping a buttie "1 rai'iiiiilar ia the liou»a. Aiuid suiwti- tute<, lliara i' <«"» ""e " I'auikiUei " â€" P»ny I>»»ia'- ISC and jue. Kiadly montioo the name of this paper in tvritiug to advertiaera. "I am verv' sorry to hear. Cap- tain Salter, that your wife left you sii unceremoniously." "My mis- take, sir. I took her for a mate and she proved to be a skipper." Guestâ€" "Bring me a ste^k. I was here yesterday. I suppose you re- member me!" Waiter â€" "Yes, sir. Will you have the same to-day?" Guest â€" "Yes; if nobody is using it.' .«»€iIHM?S IKIDNEY :y^ "•AfeETES 1S8UK KG. 4-10, SENTENCE SERMONS. j Faith should give meaning to the j forms ot religion. He cannot keep his friends who fears to have foes. Good manners are the clothes worn by good morals. It is a good thing for the oak to look often at the accm. When a sermon gets thin it is sure to spread itself out long. Your size in heaven will not de- pend on your sit^hs here. Ignorance is weakest protec- tion possible to innocence. When a man's faith is dead ne is always zealous for its bones. Progress seldom comes on a track ; she makes her own way. Moral blindness is often due to pressure on the money nerve. The power to comtort others does not come from consoling yourself. You never get any higher than the things you put on top in your life. .\s we paint the pictures of im- agination we make permanent those of memory. No man is worth anything to his age who does not sometimes get angry with it. The difficulty of representing re- ligion would he halved if its mis- representing friends would all die. Adversity often works prosper- ity, but that does not acquit the man who brings it on another. The dollar will never be worth much to any man until every man 18 worth more than the dollar. It is always easier to sing ol gol- den boulevards than it is to make streets so that crookedness cannot hide in them. and in the end it geu him. "It would be a good thing in my opmion if Ontario would advertise a hitle more. Ihere are unlimitoa pos- sibilities here for investment, and that is what Auieiican capital is IttoJuiig lor. " Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pi lis eiaotly meet the need which ao often ariaes in every family for a mcdiruRe to open up aD<U rcKalat« the boweln. Not only arc they effective In all caeee of constipation, bat they help greatly »a breaking np » Cold or La Grippe by cleaning oat the system and parifyinit the blood. In the same way they relieve or cure Bilioasneus, InWiireetion. Sick Head- aohee. Rbettmati>m and other com- mon ailmente. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Horse's Indi&n Boot CilU are A l-lousehoici Remedy Cold'Soipes Are your handa chapped, cracked or acre ? Have you " cold cracks ** which cpcn and bleed when the skin Is drawn tight? Have yoa a cold sore, frost bite, chilfalalnt, or a "raw" place, which at tiioea make* it ag;ony for you to go about your houaehocr datles ? U ao, Zam-Buk will give you relief, and mill heal the iroct-damaced akin. (Anoint the core place* at night, Zam-Bak's rich healing essences wUl sink into the wounds, end the ci^ait- iag, and will heal qoicklj. lire. Yellcn, of Portlaod, say* : "My heads mra eo eore and cracked tbat tS wae agony to put them near water Whea I did lo they would soiart m Iram M if I had scalded tb?m. I eeei qnite unable to get relial from anyth:.^ r put on them until 1 tned Zani-Bok, ana it inctrseaed when all eke bad ^iled. It doaed the big eraeits, gav* me eaee, tooihed the inflammation, and ia a very shor'. time heaicd my handa." ZMR-Bvi aln cttne «Aa/t.>i^, nuAea. v<.n*«r ^cr«ma, viM<, iMwri, jtttenn^ tor^t^ tor* tU949 add froAU, ai iMftf t, fxm^itt, no^'Wortn. •!«.. «uf<, burns, tjr'ntet, tt^tiM. rpratnt. iff M irvgairt* and stora, or p.*! fret /ram tjie ZoM^ iJlJliru.. .uroutti. Pr\c* i<tc tL Ux~ EDUCATIONAL. EA&.N TUK BABBEK TaADEâ€" NBW eyiiem cucstaot. iifactiuei carefnt inetrcctuin few weeks complete coareei toule free; graduatee earn twelve tS eighteen .loliar9 weekly; write for cats' locue. MoNt Barber Colleea 231 Queea East. Toninto AGENTS WANTED. FURS Do von trap or boy Kurft? lam ^. anada's largct-t dealer. I pay hiifhestprieea. Yoqr â- sbinnen's hol'cited. I pay mail and ex- press charges: remit gromptly. Also larRest dealer in Bcefhides. nceps.iio»,etc. Quctations andshlDoinir tairs QuvtatioQs and ahipping tags sent free. " ^- JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO epfi tfri Kindly mention the name ol this paper iu nritinc to adverUsers. Two and two may make two pair instead ot making four. Age and •haken off. ague are not easily Kavaoes of ConsQinption AU- HER RCtJVTIVES HAD D:£0 of CONSCMPTION Id the Tear 1990, 16 y^era ego. Mts. C. S.Cesner. oi Belle Isle, N.S.,\«:s In a sad cond-don. All her reUlives hsd d'ed ol eoiuumptiotuaiid there wa£ ^vcry iotlication that she was geinj the same wsy. At lh;c point her h usband tugfesteo 'o ^r7 Pijrchine. The dottor who attended said Psychine wss worth leas; but it effected a wonderful cure. Eidhleen jrean s.'tcr in a kttet beermv dste August 14, 1906. \h,. Ce;cer says. " I am betfct than I have been for years. My lunsn hare not Irouhird me tincel tsok your liotiiKnt. My physician IsM Be I eeald aet take a heltc ' ;>aic tkaa PSYCHINE, uni I recommend it lo all wl>o •re suffering from Lung Trouble end Gen- eral Debility." Far Hk hr >n DnoMs sac. * tl itr Wlh. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LaOTEO. TORONTO YV ANTED - RELIABLE PAETIBS TO Vy do machine knitting for us al home: VI Xm $10 per week easily earnedi wool. etc.. furnished free; distance om hindranre. For full particulars addrew the Dominion Knitting Co.. Dept. W . Orfi. lia. Ont^ _______ A UBITlOrS representation wanted !â-  J\ ever? locality to sell "Modem" 19^ i cislties. Swnre Toor territory now. "' i time inu> g Id." to.OO to SIO.OO a day be en-^iily made. Write to-day. Mr-d i 6ocds Co cf Canada. Ow en Po und. O "*. Your Overcoats •ikI nuleil Sall« wnniil Iex)» ber er 'lywl f no sa^^t ol ours in rour tow 1, writ* ttiract to M. »ti»a;. Hoi ISa British Amerloan Dyolrn? Co. ,,^*jaf l/*rQ RsUs Them witnou* eiiMI fj^ t. Ir CO B.»klat Fre* ^*^ Mto.t, i:ri):g« Seed Ca, Ltd., Tur«ntoJOua X J OPE FOR THE DEAF-IR (COUSTICORâ€" W\ cne ui th.» iiiarTo?n of lbs s'ectrical arc hi use throuitlioui tliw world. Write f->r cate^ Insne. Ueneral Aciu-itic Co., «1 CauaJo, Ltd., Mi Y oaae Street. Toruoto. lODINOL The famous iien discovery of ihe ag^ positively, quickly, conipietely relieve* and cures Goitre, Thick Neck, Sciatica, BwellinjfH, ltiinion<i, Ouiiisy, etc. $i.oOi or 6 'ox- $5.00, ii^ailcd on re;'eipl ot price by LVLE MEDICINS: CO.. Toronto â- nanMaK*Hui Radwafi Ile»ty R» lief ooroo the worst pains In from oas to twenty mln'itea For Headschs (whsiher dc* or , BerToaa>. Tooth- aithe. Vsaralaia, R h e n m a 1 1 OB, Lambece. seine and waakn la tke beca. spine or kldjieya^ •ronnd the Uret, of the Joints, «i way's Ready Ke tret a pernaacnt < llTet. plemrtay. swwaiac and paUw of all Unda. â-  ReHef^riU b a tow *mf

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