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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 9

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BBEAT B OM TO FABMEBS Eemedy for Wild Mustard and the Coddliug Moth Among Apples. A despatch from St. Catharines bayit: A boon to farmers has been diEcovored by the spraying conimit- •*« of the Niagara Friiit-Orowflrs' Association, which made a report at th« annual meeting of the asso- (ciatiun here on Tlmrsday after ooon. hy moans of exi)«riiMent8, tbo committee discovered thai wild miislard cau be overcome by meanii of Kprayiiig. Wild mustard is a thurn in the flesh of must farmers, •nd to remove it from crops of grain requires much time and labor. The OoinmiUce on spraying last year made some rxperiments ou the farm of .Tuseph Twoedlo. A field of eight acres of oats was used for the ex- periment. Tt was 80 filled with wild mustard that it would have smothered the crop of oats bad it I been allowed to thrive. A mixture 0* 2)/^ per cent, blue stone (or blue I vitrol) with water was used, an'J j the mustard was completely dc- I sti'oyod with one spraying. The I niu.';tard was 3% inches high when I the spraying took plac*. The cron ; yielded ft6 bushels to the acre. The ! committee also made an experiment I looking to the removal of gaul lies from Norway spruce hedge. The lime and sulphur mixture entir^!y cleaned the hedge of lice. Lime and sulphur used with arsenate of load practically cleared apple orchards of the codling moth. WAS GBEATIMI YEAB More Than Ninety Million Dollars Spent During Last Year. A despatch from Toronto says : The otatisticR of building uporations for 1909 gathered by the Contract Becord from all the principal cities of the Dominion bear abundant proof of the cjreat revival in trade tliroughout the country. The per- mits issued in about forty of the gopulous centres throughout the 'orainion represented an aggregate of over $90,000,000 for buildings. <^)f this vast total Toronto reprc- tentcd $18,1.54,074, Greater Mont- rt-al $14,972,021, Winnipeg $7,783,- [021, Vancouver 17,258,505, Ottawa I »4,527,500, Fort William $2,970,365, ; Calgary, Alberta, $2,429,462; Ed- jiuonon. Alberta, $2, 11«,386 (this j latter return is only to the end of j November, or eleven months in all) ; Victoria, li.C, $1,073,420; Hamil- !ton, Out., $1,547,425; Saskatoon, Sask., $047,003. The places whose building permits exceed $600,000 and are less than $900,000 are Lon- don, Ont. ; Regina, Sask. ; W'olland, Ont. ; Moose Jaw, Sask., and Hali- fax, N.S. OXTARIO'S RAILWAY. Bcturn.t From T. and >'. 0. Line Were $1,361,224. A despatch from Toronto says: During the Ontario fiscal year of tf.n months ending on Oct. 31 last, iirt revenue from the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway was • l,3Cl,22>, as against $951,131 for the corresponding period in 1»08. The total expenditure for the ton months, including several items of canital outlay, such as buildings, e^., was $813,8C9, thus making the net revenue 8347,355, while the re- ceipts of the commission from ore royalties was $108,510. During Oc- tober the earnings of the line amounted to $167,032, and the ex- penditure $130,303, leaving a net revenue of $.3C,0(S. Ore royalties received during the month amount- ed to $909. Of those earnings $101,- 000 was from freight, and $52,000 from paKsenger service. 4, . ...- HIGHER STKERAf.K RATES. Tor Immi|;ran<.q Comlni; to Canada and (nited .^^tatc.^. A despatch from Liverpool says: Bcvcral of the .Atlantic steamship companies on Wednesday issued notices of an advance of five shil- lings on third-class fares to Can- ada and the United States. It is believed that this advance is con- nected with a readjustment of pool- ing arraiii^ouients wiih the contin- ental lines. KINO MANUEL'S RUIOE. Report Tknt PortngueHC Y,i \g Will Wed British Frinee.stt. A special despatch from la-sbon to Paris quotes from an authorized source affirming that the marriage og King Manuel of Portugal and Princess Victoria Patricia, young- est daughter of the Unko of Con- naught, will occur next May. SUICIDE'S REQUEST. lastrurtlonH Left by Guest In a Muntreal HotcL A despatch from Montreal says : A man who registered at the Queen's Hotel last week under the name of R. Rosen, Winnipeg, was found in his bed on Thursday after- noon, having committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. On his per- son were found two letters, both in the same terms, giving his name as N. Wittenburg, of Winnipeg, saying that he had taken bis life for certain reasons, and asking that a Winnipeg paper be notified and given a copy of his photograph to print. Tlio letters also mentioned that he had a wife and two chil- dren, but no request was made that the wife be notified. nORSE JUMPEB INTO CUTTER. Three Persons Injured hy Rnnawajr Animal in I.iondon. A despatch from London, Ont., says: Three people were injured here on Wednesday night by a run- away Miss Lottie Shelton, a telephone operator, was run over and had her log badly injured. Miss Mary Dennis and Win. Robinson, who was driving, wore thrown un- der their cutter when the runaway horse jumped right into it, and bcth were scvorely injured. All will recover. RABIES IN BRANT COUNTY. Outbreak of Disoase Reported in Scotland Village. A despatch from Brantford says : An outbreak of rabies is reported from Scotland Village, where Frank 0. lliloy was seriously bit- ton by a dog. The animal's head it being sent to Ottawa for analy- si;^. Several dogs were taken into pound hero on Wednesday by the police as a precautionary measure. DEATHS BY FIEE LA ST YEAB Interesting Statistics Given in Paper Read Before the Insurance Institute. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS aAJ*fi:NINns FftON ALL oteh TU£ ULOBE. Trlecrai>il« Brief!) Pram Onr Own iiad Other Oountriea el Rerccit Evcnta. CANADA. His Honor Judge Hodgina died suddenly at Toronto on Friday. Archie Mclntyre, train despatch- cr at North Bay, died suddenly on Thursday. Mrs. Gordon, wife of the Princi- pal of Queen's University, died at Kingston on Friday. The Alberta Government has de- cided to establish a publicity bureau at Toronto Union Station. "Dutch" Henry, a notorious horse-thief, was shot and killed by ft mounted policeman south of Moose Jaw. Local option has reduced licens- es so that the cost of administer- ing the law, in several countie? greatly exceeds the fees. Mrs. Henderson and four chil- dren loxt their lives in a fire that broke out in the family residence at Saskatoon, on Friday. The Brantford Citizens' League propose to cut the hotel licenses from sixteen to six and the shop licenses from four to two. The death of Ambrose Brunt, a wealthy merchant of Oak Point, Man., in being investigated, and the Csroner has ordered that the body be exhumed. llie cheese exhibited at the West- ern Dairymen's convention at St. Thomas was pronounced by Inspec- tor Johnson equal to any over produced on this continent. Mr. M. J. Butler has resigned from the Department of Railways and Canals to accept the position of Qeneral Manager of the Dominion Coal and Steel Companies. Five automobiles were seized at Winnipeg, on Friday, for under- valuation at the Oustoms. Four were sold and the owner of the fifth paid a fine and kept his ma chine. GREAT BRITAIN. Lord James of Hereford believes the British elections will result in an anti-Peer majority of 1G2. Mr. A. J. Balfour in a speech at Ola.igow advised his hearers to cling to the principle of heredity in their second Chamber. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has is- sued a final manifesto urging the electors to support Tariff Reform in the interests of a united Empire. ITHE WORLD'S MARKEFS BEPORTS FROM THE LEADINU TRADE CEMttEa. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Oorac and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto. Jan. Id.- Flour â€" On- tario wheat 00 per cent, patents, $1.30 to $4.36 in buyers' sacks, on track, Toronto, and $1.20 to $4.25 outside, in buyers' sacks. Mani- toba flour, 'first patents, $6.60 on track, Toronto ; second patents, $6.10 to $5.20, and strong bakers', 81.90 to $5, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat^No. 1 North- ern, $1.13J^. Bay ports, and No. 2 Northern, «il.ll% Bay ports. Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 mixed, $1.00 to $1.07, and No. 2 white and red, $1.07 to $1.08, outside. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 6Bc outside ; No. 3 extra, 55 to 6Cc ; No. 3 50 to 52c. and feed, 48c outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 Ontario white, 37 to 38n outside, and 39'/i to 40c on track, Toronto. Canada West oats, 4l5^c for No. 2, and 40%c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peasâ€" 85 to 8Gc outside. Ryeâ€" No. 2, C7 to 68c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 53c high freights, and 54c low freights. Cornâ€" Now No. 2 yellow, 72 to 73c, Toronto, and selected No. 3 at 69c, Toronto. Bran â€" $21 in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $22.60 to $23, in bags, To- ronto. Ill WAESeiPS INSTEiTor? The Premier Makes Announcement Eegard to Canadian Navy. m UNITED STATES. James Sargent, the inventor of the Sargont time lock for safes, is dead at Bochester. President Taft sent a special mes- sage to Congress advising that $30,- 000,000 be expended on the conser- vation of natural resources. Two prominent New York brokers have been suspended for short terms for their connootion with the recent flurry in Rock Island stock. GENERAL. It is ramored that King Menelik of AbysKiuia died on December 23. The Freach Government has de- cided to take action to meet the war declared on the public schools by the episcopate. Louis Paulhnn, the French avia- tor, broke all records for high fly- ing at lios Angeles on Wednesday, attaining a height of probably 4,- 000 feet. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" $2.50 to $1 per barrel, according to quality. Beansâ€" Car lots outKide, $1.65 to $1.70, and small lots here, $1.90 to Honeyâ€" Combs, dozen, $2.25 to $3 ; extracted, 10%c per lb. Hayâ€" No. 1 timothy, $13.50 to $14.60, and No. 2, $12.50 to $13 on track, Toronto. Strawâ€" $7.50 to $8 on track, To- ronto. Potatoes â€" 47 to 60c per bag on track for Ontarios. Poultryâ€" Chickens, dressed, 17 to 18c per lb.; ducks, lb., 13 to 16o; geese, 13 to t4c. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 23 to 26c; tubs and large rolls, 21 to 23c ; in- ferior, ^ to 20c: creamery, 27 to 2Sc, and solids, 26 to SOj-^o per lb. Eggsâ€" Case lots of new laid, 35 to 38c per dozen, and storage, 25o per dozen. Cheeseâ€" 12>^ per lb. far large, and 12Xo for twins. Id the House of Commons on , Wednesday, Sir Wilfrid Laurier in- troduced the long-promised bill which stands on the motion paper as "an Ac*, respecting the naval service of Canada." Sir Wilfrid referred to the uafortun.-ite illness of Mr. Brodeur, whom he hoped would be able to move the second , reading and give all details. He ' explained that the bill followed I closely the linos of the Militia bill, 1 buf differs in one important re- j spect. The Militia bill provides | that the whole male population i over 18 is liable to service. There IS no such provision in this .Act. ' There is no suggestion of compul- j sion or conscription of any kind. Leaving the big details of the bill, Sir Wilfrid came to discuss what it was proposed to do. He | made the important announcement; that the Government had decided to adopt a programme of eleven ships instead of seven. The pre- sent plan contemplates the build- ing of four armored cruisers of the Bristol class. The hill provides that the service will be under the control of the i Minister of Marine and Fisheries, with the command vested in th*^ King. The service will have for it« object the defence of the Canadian coa.sts as the Government may di- rect. The director of the navy will have the rank of Rear Admiral, and he will be assisted by a naval board. Conditions of service and terms will be under the direct .'jn- trol of the Government. The bill provides that in times of emergency the Canadian navy wiS be placed under and at the disposal of his Majesty's Government. H the Canadian Parliament is not in Hesaion to give its sanction to such a proceeding, it will be called t» meet within fifteen days to give ita sanction. The bill provides for the estab- lishment of a naval reserve, a na- val volunteer militia, and a nax'al college upon lines of the military college at Kingston. Length of service of volunteers in navy will be for a term of three years. They may be called upon to serve for six months at a time. Reservists will be subject to a year's service. Rates of pay ara not fixed by the bill. Provision ia made for the payment of pensions. MBS. SC OTT WAS A COniTTED Reeve McFarlane Presents Her With a Purse of Money. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 14 to 14%c per lb in case lots; mess pork, $26 to $27; short cut, $28 to $28.50. Hams â€" Light to medium, 13 to ICc; do., heavy, 14 to W/io; rolls, 14 to 14>^c; shoulders, 13 to 13^0 ; backs, 19 to 80c; breakfast bacon, 17^ to 18c. Lordâ€" Tierces, 15%c; tubs. I6cs pails, leXc. A despatch from London, Ont., says: Mrs. Martha Scott, charge 1 with the murder of her father-in- law, Harvey Scott, was acquitted by the jury at 6 o'clock on Thurs- day night. They were out exactly two hours, and a crowded court room patiently waited their return. Mrs. Scott, immediately after ac- quittal, was surrounded by friends, and through the crowd came John McFarlane, Reeve of Nissouri, who without more ceremony than a handshake preaiied a purse into her hands. "We took this up at the gate of Thorndale Fair," he said, "and we want you to take it jost to show that our feelings are alright." The W'est Nissouri woman, be- wildered almost to the point of speechlessness, was taken to a little restaurant on the Market square to have her first meal in freedom far more than four months. She was accompanied by her husband and little daughter Clara. [ "Tell the people that I am thank- jfiii for their sympathy and help," I she said to a reporter. "I was con- ' fident from the start that I would I be let go. I have never felt that I j committed a crime. I fired the shot that killed Harvey Scott to save my life. I can only say I am glad I the people thought so too." A despatch from Toronto says: That 213 people were burned to death in Canada last year was the startling fact brought oat in a paper road at the Insurance Insti- tnte on Thursday night by Mr. Fred W. Field, editor of The Monetary Timrs. The title of the paper was "Canado's Fire Waste." Mr. Field said, in part, that of the above heavy death toll carelosHness with matches and lamps was responsible for many deaths. In 1009 the fire losses in Canada, he proceeded to â- how, totalled $18,d05,638, the high- est loss in one month being $3,368,- i'C, in May, and the smallest being $720,060 in April. With an esti- mated population of seven millions the fire loss averaged alMut $2.70 per bead. Ia \uitria, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy the fire loss only averaged 33 cents per head of the population. Much of Cana- da's loss was due to carelessness, tiw causes given for fires inoluding practical jokes, smoking in bed, careless use of combustible matert- •Is. Among the reasons for vur un- desirable fire record have been giv- en the following : (1) The moral hazard is not as good as it was in former years; (2) the variable cli- mate in Canada ; (3) wood enters too largely into the general con- struction of many bnildings ; (1) the building by-laws are, generally speaking, defective. The ratio of losses of Canadian companies aver- aged 60 per cent., while for IWW the average was G9.6 per cent, of the premiums received. DAIRY EiPORTS. Exportation of Cream to the United States. At the annual convention of the Western Ontario Dairymen's As- sociation, held at St. Thomas last week, Mr. J. F. Parsons, the Pre- sident, reported progress and great success all along the line. The total exports of Canadian cheese from May 1st to Dec. 30th, 1900, were reported to have been 1.016,077 boxes, an increase of 46,- 000 boxes over 1003. The value of the cheese at \\% would bo $17,- 033,330. The total exports of but- ter for the same period was 30,500 packages, a decrease of 63,011 pack- ages of looe. The value of the but- tor was $508,226. A new develop- ment of this Koason was the expor- tation of eroani to the United States since the new American tariff was put in force. Mary Morrison, of Newry, won « silver cup valued at $60 for September white cheese. * nUSn TO PORCUPINE. Prospectors Put Up a Little Job oa Ike Outsiders. A despatch from Cobalt says: Last week's rush to Porcupine was the talk of the town. Prospectors are offering Urge numbers of claims, somo very low in price. A clever ruso was sprung when pros- pectors asserted somo time ago that all the inner territory was ntaked .â- M»lid. It now appears that niaiiv claimn fxvW located were blfthketod early in the wsason and that these prospectors are now pro- fitini: thereby. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Jan. 18.â€" Oats â€" No. 2 Canadian Western, 41 to 44%c; No. 3, 43 to iZlia. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 08 to C9c. Manitoba feed barley, 53 to 65c. Flourâ€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, t>5.70; do., patents, seconds, $5.20; Winter wheat patents, $5.50 to $5.00 ; Ma- nitoba strong bakers, $5; straight rollers, $6.10 to $5.20; straight rol- lers, in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. Feed- Ontario bran, $22.50 to $°3; On- tario middlings, $23.60 to $24 ; Ma- nitoba bran, $22; Manitoba shorts, $23; pure grain mouille, $31 to $33; mixed mouille, $277 to $29. Cheese â€" September make wostorn, UX to llj^c; October make, 11>^ to ll%o; easterns, llj^ to U%o, Butterâ€" The local market continues firm, with choicest grass creamery quoted at 25>i to 26c. Eggs â€" Se- lected new laid, 40 to 42c ; selected No. 1 stock, 29 to 30o ; No. 1 cand- led, 26 to 27c per dozen. export class are bought for that purpose. Sheep and lambs are af- fected by the shortage of cattle and were rauer firmer. Hogs took an- other jump of lOo and are now quot- ol at $8.46 f.o.b., and $8.10 fed and watered. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Duluth, Jan. 18â€" Wheatâ€" No. 1 hard. $1.14%; No. 1 Northern, $1.- U%; No. 2 Northern, $1.12%; Aiay $l.ll?i bid; July, $1.13%, nominal. Toledo, Jan. 18.â€" Wheatâ€" Cash, S1.27; May, $1.28. Corn-Cash, 6flc; May, 7lJic; July, 71c. Oataâ€" Cash, 60o; May, 61c; July, 48Xc. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Jan. 18. â€" Prime beeves sold at 5X to filjo per In. ; pretty good animals, 4 to 8o ; common stock 3 to 4c per lb. ; good milch cows from $30 to $66 each. Calves from 8 to &%o i>or lb. Sheen about 4pio per lb, ; lambs, Oj< to 0>^o lb. Goad lots of fat hogs, B to »Xc per lb. Toronto, Jan. 18.â€" The general run of cattle was of the medium and poor variety, but there were a few loads of choice quality. Those fetched top-notch prices, one load selling as high m $6.85, which is something near a record for Janu- ary ; $5.26 to $5.05 wore common prices. So keen are buyers to se- cvre cotllo for killing purposes to fill local order* that all in tha THE WORTiU'S WHEAT. RuHsla Produced the (.reatest Crop in 1»0I. A despatch from Washington says ; Russia is the greatest wheat- producing country in the world. Last year it produced the remark- able harvest of 783,000,000 bushels, which constitutes the largest crop ever harvested by any country. Re- turns received by the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture from a dozen countries, which in the preceding year, produced over four-fiftlis of the so-called world's wheat crop, exclusive of the mid-season crops of India and the southern hemisphere, show a net gain of 387,000,000 bush- els or nearly 18 per cent, over the yield of the same countries in lOOS. BIO WIN! IN TMU WEST. FIronaa Blown Off a Loconotiro at RosMT, Nan. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A wind of unusual velocity raged throughout the west ou Friday night, at times reaching the fury of a hurricane. Fortunately it was from the south and was not cold. Such remarkable velocity was attained, however, that Fire- man Frank Seal of the C. P. R. was blown off his locomotive while the train was taking water at Ros- sor and was very painfully injured. COMET AS FIERY SIGNAL. Massacres of CkriHtians Feared in Africa and India. A despatch from London says^ Lord Crawford, es-preaidcnt of the Astronomic Society, who has wideljr travelled in Africa and India, feam a native uprising and massacre of Christians by fanatical Mohamme- dans when Halley's comet appeara in the sky in the ooniig Spring. Agi- tators, he says, will seize the opi)or- tunity to stir up the tmeducated, superstitious natives, us'ng the com- et as a fiery signal of .^llah to driv9 out Christians. He has recommend- ed the Government to issue pla- cards, with pictures, explaining the phenomenon, throughout North Af- firioa, and especially in Egj'pt and India. -*. UE.VT PRICES MAY GO HIGRER Roof BaroB Advises Use of Cheap- er Cots. A de.ipatoli from Denver, Col., says: Harold Swift, of Swift and Co., in discussing the cost of liv- intf said: "Prices of meat are vew high now, but there is every indi- cation that they will go still high- er. This is attributable to the high price of corn and the con^equcak scarcity of live stock. As long a« the scarcity continues, it is well to educate people to use the cheape» cuts of meat. These cheaper cutt arc just as good and more whole- some it properly cooked." Mr. Sw ift admitted that the retail dea- ler is making a large gross profit 00 meat TDBIED BACK AT Officers Instructed to Prevent Criminals and Undesn-ablea Entering Ontario. A despatch from Toronto says: Along the berdor line of the Nia- gara River during the past month tbero have k^en some strenuous times. The members of the Ontario Provincial police received instruc- tions to vigorously enforce the act against admitting undesirables to Ontario. As a result eight indi- viduals were deported from Bridge- port, eight from Fort Erie, flvo from Chippawa, ten from Nia^ra Falls, and tour from Quecnfrt*;n diirioa the month ol Douember ] 'The Provincial oflUcers at all points on the border, Windsor, : Port Huren, Niagara, and all othar centres, have been instructed t* look after this work and co-operat* with the Canadian immigration of- ficers ia seeing that undesirable* are not permitted to reach the ia- i terior of tho Province. "The view of the Attorney-Gen- eral is," said Supt. J. K. Rogers, when rnterviewed. "that it is muck e-'pie- tii prevent crime than ♦« da- 1 \

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