THE F L E S I£ E R T O N ADVANCE Deckmukr 30 10ii9 Business Caeds WALTEH LOUCKB Uuildsr o d Contractor 'For Hrtck, HtoDe â- ud fraiDd rMMeoce*. E>- tiwateacbeertuUy liKt'ttbed. Klwhartou P U Ootu-iu. VL liikDkeri Markilklt Oo • general banking bualnoat. Hone; loanad »t reasonable ratev Call on ua. CHISI.KTT, • Postiiiaatxr, Oayloo. CVmmliialuiier lu H, O. J . Conroyancor, deeda, mortgaxeii, luasiw, wills etc. carefully diawu u|> Jolloctioiis luad.*. cbai'cea reaaonable. Who ('rocerlue, float, feed etc, kept iu stock, Pricua iMtbt. &J Bl'KOUi.E l'o<tuiaat«t, FlevbertOD wonimlislooer la H.C J., Auctionee Cm- veyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lu ndrr 'Ual ISatate and Inauranco Agent. Uv«<:c. Q'ti>*eai.'«8, leases and wills carefully drawn up ikifii TaTu«^tioUB made on cliorteBt r.ctice utouiiy to loan at lowest rates of Interiset.ICol. attended to with prompt ncua cUar|.'i'9 low. Agent for Ocean Douiiuion btaatuiibj,(i Company. A call solicited. DUcPHAll,, I,lceu»o.l Auctioniter foi tlif ^ *" County of Qruy. Tonus moderate aud f»ti«factioii Kuarantccd. Tbo arrangvinenis and ilatt^sof saleecau be made a'. Tub Advam'R office. Hi'Sideuctt and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone comteotioi). Dec. 6.07. XV'^M. KAIlTlNli, Licensed Auctioneer for '* ttid counties of (iiov and Biiiicop. Fartii and Stock sales a lipecialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Arraniio. iiienlH fr.r dates may be made at the Advance office, or a; T. Hntcbinsoii's store, heversbam ur by addressing me at Fevorsham. Ont. XtVVl) MATHKWH, Markdale, Liceused " aucMoneer for the county of Grev.' Good service at ruas'.nable rate». Dates can be uiade at Tbe Advance, o OU T HAKVEY PEKIGOn, broker Flnolierton. -^ General brokerag<» Imsiness. Intturartce o! every kind placediii safe and liberal cotnpauics. ' 'al estate etc.. OjMsn accounts and pabt due . '" idled and money advanced thereon, -• .ondenoe solicited. Medical j^^^ ^ Physician, Snrgeon, etc Peter at., Flesberton teiusr''"'J' Surgeon ^ . Ontario Veterinary rollege, ioi*iaeu.,o â€" second door soutb weat^oc lif.Arv street. Tbia street runs aoutb Preabyterian Charcb. H WILSON, niockeuitb • 'iradnate of tuo Veterinary Bolenc AKaociation. Durham Ureet, op(>:>4ite Boyd, Itro's b&tdware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. O. H., dental curceon iDtioiKraduRte of Toronto Uriivcrsity and Kf>yal ('olle^e of Dental t^urg^onsof Ontario, Gas adiiiiHiiiisterud for tct-th extraction Uflioc at residence, Toronto Htrcet, Flesherton. Legal WH, WRIOHT, Harrister, Solicitor, Convey> aacer, eK-.,â€" Owao Bound, and Kleaborton. N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Kproule'e Ulock every Katurdav J> Societies D W meets ou the last Monday in each month, in their loogo room s' block. Flesuerton, at 8 p.m. M. W., 'Iliistletliwaite: Kec, C. H. MnnHliaw; A.J. Uel.amy. Visitlo littbr>Lli.vitea ^-tiTtyCK ABTHUB LODQK, No. M33,A.F.4 ~ A U, inaets In tht Uasonicball. Arm- >'.;<<uu's ISIuck,Klei<hertOD. every Friday on or. b«fore the full moco. Tbos, Islakely.W.U.; Heiib.iJmitb, .S«<,re;ary, COUIP' FLF.RHKRTON, 995, I. 0. F. ireeta in Clarton's lllock the laat Wednesday evening tit eajB. moiitb. Visiting Foresters faoartilv welcome. H. K., Dyson: E. H.. T. Hetry; Fin. Hcc, C. N. Kiohardson. Please pay duea to Fin. See. before tba flrat day of the month. CHOSEN FltlKNDSâ€" Flesberton Council of Cbosoji Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each mouth 8 p. m Pay asBuHsments to the Itecorder on or before toe first iiay of each month. Chief Councillor T. lllakelov:Bacurder. W. H. Uuut. Farms For Sale or Rent Lot M3, con. 12, Artenieaia. 100 acres. There is a frauiu iiouse on the farm about :i5 acres cleared, Koud pasture, about "^ acres good bardwoo'i bneli, principally map!*} and hemlock and about 'Jiiacres swamp that uuver was cull* isd. A quantity of good cedar lit for telegraph poles, tehtplione poles, bridge timber, shingles, and l:undr«<ls of curds of lalh timber, cousist- iDg of spruce and balsam, l^alanro slash. If preferred would sell tiu;bor without the land. For terms apidy to â€" C. KNOTT, Thornbnry. The fnllowinK i>ro|ierty ia {or quick sale : I>ot 37, Con. 0, Osprey, lOi) acres, swamp and pasture l«ii<l, well watered by sprinif creek. .Vlao Ix>t 30, C'>n. (i, lisprey, 1 1-4 mile iiorti; i f Mclutyre, ilK) B»ne8, XO clciued, IfO a<:ri'« t^rxHl sugar liuali including nn up-to-date ayrup maliing ou>fit niunuactufred by Grlmni Mfg. <,'â- ). of Montreal, good buililings, frame ayrup douse llix.^) ; {rania ham V)iM, stone biise- mciit; (run M housi', 7 roonis, good cellor; wo'xlshed and workshop 20.v30 ; never failing well, excellent water pump«l to born and house by selfrcguluting wiiiilmill. For fur- ther particulars apply "n tbo prcn>i»cs to â€" ANbUKW SINCLAIK, IVo)). Molntytc ]'. ()., Ont. T^ARM FOn BAl.K-Lot 10. con. 10, Osprey, â- • clnseto thevilaKcof Fevorsham. abont 100 acres. Improvi^l frame housu and good barn. Well ffjnced. For turms. etc., apply to A. G. CAtlPliKlil/.Uin Uusholme Itoad Toronto ,-aAt:f<l' FARM POllSAfiK-'l.-. acres cleared, 'well funced, ijai-rcH aee.hid down, 7 acres fall wbL'at. all fall ploughing doiiu, good pig pen and IshKoppun, good stabha aud barn, driving h<iu«e iax.«), good orcliaid, good w.ll never fulling, lair house, lane to bnsli; all in goo I htati! of cultivation. Apply to Iikn HAiiuravk, iilaxwell,l.ot 1, East half lurtbor partluulars. con. 0. Ospruy, for VAKM POH «ALK OK RKNT-Lots 1M-I:in-137, * jnOacres, ton:i H W.T. A S. K., Artemosla . brick house with frame kluihen, good frame hank bam with stone fnundatiuu , lair orchard, woll Watered. About 100 acreifoti^sred, balance fairly timbeied. For (urtlmr particulars apply •y John K. Wnuim, C'ejlon P. 0, ..- :~V: Jots ;i'> and .15, con 1 H I) K, 10 acres. M cleared â- > 10 acres pasture, balance good bud' Marri lixt/), driving shed, good frame hnusf iriills 1 acau of orchard and stouo wall un(<e> barn. Haugecti rivor crosses bick of farm. Well fencd an>l in good state of cultivation, :i nillns from Proaon Htation. For tnrm apply on premises to Jamp.s H. Vausk, Piotcm Ktatiun, F'or sale cheap or rent, inmiediale imtsesfton. Lot ao (,1,11. H, Aitcniorfia, about I'l acres cluar, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to B J Hiiroule, Flaaherton, or Jobu J Martin, aorou the road from «ald lot; Vur sale cheap and on easy terms, good com- â- a fori able frame dwelling, stable and driving bouaa with tb'-ee village lots in Ceylon- UwelN Ing well built and finished and good bearing orchard on the property. Apply to â€" B>) Spbol LB, Flesherton. IotlS, oon.O, Otprejr eontalnlng tOOaoret, -'cleared, frame linune, frame barn,8 foundation: orchard, well waterede On tliouaand iIowd and balance to suit purcbaaer Immediate poaseaision Aiiply to II. N. KiNNRAB Uatwell P. O. Animals for 5ale HOB8P.H FOB BALB'iil horae, fyeara old 1 mar* 7 yMtr old. In foal to Paroy Par. tonutr, 1 acrionlloral mare i year old in foal La*.11itftai B. T >n<l 8 road, Flesberton V O Ill*T(»SiMlot nf young pigs l)re<l <rom ,^i«« iriABinft •toeK tor sale. Also 1 g<xid ' Bwll#M*« bdf, two ytora old. Write ma for â- pmmM, Icangivs • banrain also guaran tea MtMMtiofl on nil mail ordcra. neo. W, ROSS. Maxwell P. O. A. Cough Medicine Ayer*8 Cherry Pectoral is a recular cough medicine, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard couglis, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to bis advice. A W* publUh our fon&olM i/ers Wa baatah alaahal ftorn onr ma rt lei naa Wa urira yoa W eoaaalt year doctor The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, otily one at bedtime . As a rule, laxative doses •re better than cathartic doses . For con- stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- besdacbes, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. â- ' M «<tbytlioJ.o.Ay<rOo..Iew» n .i o a E O Bread delivered rogu- Lirjy and kept for siile at the following store.s: Collinson's and J, Pattison's, Ceylon W.Aldconi &â- Son's and P. McArthur's Priceville N. McCaiincU's Proton Station R. Heron'.s, Maxwell A. Hutchinmm's and Eli Robinson's Fevershant II. Cairns', J.E.Large's and II. Parks', Eugenia Bakery 4» (A 9 e s SEASONABLE GOODS IN r FURNITURE Tlio largest and boet Rtock J>f Furniture ever shown ill Flesherton. This withiiut fear of con- tradiction. Come and sue some of the nice things in Side Boardu, IJining Room Chairs, Piulor Softs, Hed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on evei-y- tliing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton IVIail Contract .SKAKEIJ TKNUKR.S uddreased to the I'listmaater (ieneral, will be leoeiveil at Uttawa until noon, on Friday, tlio 21st .lanuary, UIK), for the conveyance of >li» Majesty's Mailx, mi n pri>pns(ul (Jontract for four years, six tiuies per week each w.iy, be- tween CLAIUCSnURC; nud KKD WINCi From the 1st February next Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may l)e seen and blank fonns of Tender may be obtained at the I'ost OHices of ClarlcslMirf,', Ht-il Wing and route ollicea and at the OHicu of the i'ost Ortice Insjiecctor at Tironto. â€" G. C, ANI)KU.SON Suiierintomlent. Post OHice llepartniont, Mail .Service Kranch. Ott^iwa, (ith l)ecen:ber, lilOll. a Bulls, etc., for Service. 'I'borouKbbred Improved Yorkiliiro boar for â- • Bervice-rJIlantyro Oliiaf, '_'HI:i,'i. at lot 1!7, con, :i, Ospruy. Tornia •!, pajablo at time of â- urvlce, HABRY DOWN, Maxwell, P, O, The tbnrnnubbrcd hborthorn Hull, "Earl firey," 7U.VJ, will bo for service on lot .'18. con, », Artcniesla. Tbo perilKrco of tbls flue animal can be se< n en iiiplication. 'Iinisil ANDUKW DOW .Proprietor. 'I'borouobbrod Hull from Imported stoeU. a so Tamworth Hoar for sorvlco on lot l.")!. T: & H. it., Artemesia. SO Aug, JOHN ADAMH, I 'rop. I bavo for service a pure bred Hampslilro boar. Anyone ratsinu pigs will ito well to see tbls maKnltlcent animal, Lord Kuversbani, ii:iu.'). He wiilpiove a money autter for you. Terms ei.OU. K. ItllACKENHURY, Foversbani P. O, Lot H, con- 8, Osprey â- pi.IioRAPo Stock Fakm of Sbortborn cattle '-' and lioicester sbeepâ€" boRborn cliickens of all kinds for sale. Ulspension sale will bebeld about tbe last of .Tanurry. Cataloguea furnlsli- nil on aiipllcatlon as soon as mady. Farui also for aale. Uverytbinu eonveuionce. -OHAB. BTAFFOUD, Plasbercoo P. 3, Lot SO, oon. (I; Artemeala. T 08Tâ€" A large black and white bound, named '*-' Hport, about Dec, 1st at Hauseeu Jvt> T: * J: WATlfON. Proton, PUMP AfAKIMTO Woodfln (lunips manufactured thrnujih- out and repairti pruuiptly and satiafao- lorily altend«d to, 4 * «kdht for the three best iron pump BlikUfaoturers in Ontario, A card dropped to me at Ceylon P. O, will have my prompt attention, JAMES A, McLAN CURRIES CORNER, Ceylon P.O. ' lOth Um. Osprty. The weather has liesn somewhat b»>i»terouB for the past few days, and the roads are htary in aome pit ce '. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton of Collina- wood epewt Chriittinaa at the latter's par. ental homo on the tenth lino. Alex. Conron of Fevernham got badly hurt while asaist ing at a raisinii at Ju. Coun'g on Saturday latt. Wo hope he is not seriously injured. Catarrhal Deafness Snecessinlly Treated By Catarrhozone Deafness ii not so common as blind- ness, yet thousands are more o less afflicted by it, and their comfort ser- Miss Jean Duncan of Collingivood visit- 1 '""''y interfered with. ' Catarrhal deafness manifests Itself but slowly, yet It must be aclmowledgr- ed that thp great mtijorily of those who become totally Ucaf might have avert- ed thia uiifgrtunate condition if they had treati'd the catarrhal Inflamma- tion at i.!-- beginning-. The only rcmc(3y that can be safely employed for all fonns uf catarrhal deafness is Catarrhozone. You simply eharfre the air you breathe with this healing:, soolhinu agrent, and by forc- ing it gently through the cars destroy the eerm life which keeps up the In- flammation, and at the Eame time by the soothing, healing action it heals the inflamed surfaces of the middle ear. CATAIJRHOZONK. to thnso who arc jU3t a llltfo deaf, and .ire growing In- creasingly deaf, H on agent capable of affording the utmos-t .sallsfaction, and Its use is attended without danger, and ins the trcatmtnt can be carried on at home no prison threatened with the T,. c. . u I J • TT- ,, . iiiffllctlO!i of deafness should postpone the hcolch lad. m Hiiihland orstume, |one moment In beginning its use. will sini{ the Scotch folk noiigs and others From every part cf the Dominion at the Providence Meat Supper, Friday a'owiiig accounts of the beneficial ac- tion it oxcrts upon cstarrhal condi ed her parents for a few daya last week. Meaars Mannie Moore and Charles Barber have returned from the west, where ihey have spent (he summer They look as though the west agreed with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Irwin are Vijitinf; friends in Toronto orer the holiday. John Brown of Tragarva. Sink., is re- nowiuL' old acquaintances in this neigh- borhood at pi esent. Mr. Brown moved west from Osproy township a number of years ago and has prospered. Robert Brown of Fe»ershain i» visiting his daughttr, Mrs. Thoa. Davidson, of Toronto at preient. niitht, December program besides, trett. Supper, Friday .31 St. LuU of other Don't fail to miss this Victoria Corners Milton Bannon is working in the bush ajfuin thia n inter. We learn that Mr. Hugh Warner, formerly of this place, but now of Uamtltuu, has left the st»te of tingle blessedness. Mr. Thos. Bulmer and Mrs. Bulmtir, of Flesherton, visited a tew days at Mr. W. Hoard's, Mr. Jos, Strain occupied Inistioge pulpit on Sunday last in the absence of Kov. Laidlaw, who was spending Chriat- nias at his home in Sand (Jill, Mr. and Mrs. Darling and son, Stanley, of Lakeview, and Miss Dora Wakely, of Toronto, spent Christiuftg with Mrs. Meriitt Nicholl. School closed last Wednesday. Miss Leslie, who ia leaving, aave a very success- ful entertainment. She received the piesentHtion of a very hand80(ne vase and a bottle of perfume. It is reported that there is a mad do% in our part of the country. He is being hunted down with guns. Did you see Santa ? Well we did. On Friday eve, about eight o'clock, iho j itigle of what seemoi a hundred bolls might be heard rushing up the lane. Santa Glaus jumned out of the sleigh, and ran into the house. Being early, he did not need to enter through th« chimney, but through the door, and left presents for old and young, though I think he favored the old better. By the time the elf in the sleigh had turned around he was gone before we could catch him. The reason for so early a viait, we think must have been because he is gettin« ho old ho does not like t > be out lat.e at night. Victoria L .sixteenth tions of the middle ear have been sent In, and you will be resorting to the only method of euro, and the simplest method too, if you try Catarrhozone. Dealers everywhere sell it, 25c, 50c, and t1,00. By mail fronn The Catarrhozone Cc Buffalo, N. Ym «nd Kinoston, Ont. O. L., 244, held their annual nieetinp ou Tuesday^ Dec. 2l5t, at Proton. The followina ofHcers were elected : Master, Jured Lyons ; Dep. Master, Chaa. Moore ; Cli>i|)„ Mr. Sheaidown ; Itec. Sec, J. C Wright ; Fin. Sec, Joiin Corbett; Treat., Abe Shearaon ; D of C, Geo. Ludlow ; Auditors, Messrs. Bollaniy and Caison - Com., MessLs. Harry Piper. T. Wauchoh,' J. Carson. J, McJIillan, .-tnd ( Ludlow, tri'orge "Was Fading Away" A Young Womanâ€"Scarcely Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet. Or. Hamilton's Pills Cured "I think It should be the duty of the r,'"i?°"' '? '<"'^h children how to keep well, writes Miss Nannio"E.' Naydolf a well-known nnd highly eateomed resident of Urlatol. ••Ignorance of the I'i'r a! '''';''''' '""' ""' "«« "f Improper remedies dc-stroynd my vigor, and led me to tho verge of Invalidism. I was as a girl riuidy and sti-onff. Nothing u^i'w "'' ,'m '"^'"â- ' â- "" "'"" I "•'•^3 'iboiu tlilrly. 'I hen gas begun to form in the stomuch. I suffered with bloating and a geni'ml failure In stieugth sot in. If I went iip.stulra my bi-ealh hurt. My aystciii waa very in-ojfular, and until X (ueu- pretty bad I dkin't pay mnoh heed to my condition. Then i got blue, wor- ried all the time, wukoned In Ihu night and coul.lirt get to sleep again. Nono or the medicine I took helped me. Ono day 1 was reading of a very interesting case like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I took the same treatment. It was just rightâ€" didn't pliyslo me to death, liut took hold of the weak slek parts of ray system, and set things right. It seems as if Dr. Humllton's Pills have made mo young again, and all my color, spirits, vigor, and health af former days have returned to stay '• Kvery girl and woman should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. They help a woman In many ways. Beware of the dealer who asks you to take an Inferior pill on which his profit la larger than on Dr. Hamilton's, Sold In yellow boxes, aso per box, all deal- ers, or The Catarrhowne, Co., Kin*. Uton, Ont. â- CORNS CURED ^^ '^^â- â- â- «^* 1^,4 HOURS You can painlessly remove any corn, Hatherton Ueuuine winter weatherâ€" lots of snow â€" sideroads almost impassible to hoary hisds. The Christmas tree held in connection with our Sabbath school was a decided success. Although tbe night was stormy tbo scboolhuuse was cninfortably filled. A choice program was given by chil-.lren and hotne talent. Solos by Master WiU lio Winters and Bertie Young, also a motion song by six girls were heartily applauded. A dialogue entitled "A Christmas Rwunion" was ii good feature. Characters were as follows: Father Christmas, Robert Down; Mother Goose, Mrs. Jesse Arnott; Sauta Clause, Frank Soeley; Jack (Mother Goose's son) W. Seelev, n'ld » lsri;§ number of school children also took part, vhich made it a very fine play, every one doing his part well. R. Davidson of Centre Lino made an excellent chairman ia the absence of Rbv. Mr. Stanley, who was unable to bo present. Each child received a present and bag of candies, while the teachers were remembered by their scholars. Much credit is due Miss Dales, who so kindly assisted in the training of the children. Mr. Taylur and Susie Parker of Singhainpton attended the S. S. enter- tainment. A number from here attended Iho Christmas tree and entertainment held in Wareham liiBt Tuesday evening, also the fowl supper in the hall, Maxwell, by the Presbyterian congregation and report a good time. Miss Bessie Seeloy i.s homo from Dun- dalk. John McQiiay sustained a heavy loss list week in the of a valu.ilila mare which was kicked by its mate, death re- sulting. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon left last Wednesday for an extended trip throui^h Michigan. While away they will be llie (.'ueat of the furiuer'H brother, Uev. Ilnbt. i Gordon, who is a KucccHjful Congrega- lion»list minister, and well known in these parti. Miss UaloH, Mrs. Down and little daughter, Wihiia, are apending Christ- mas week with friends in Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Will KinJlay of Markdale spout ObriMtnins with the hitter's mother, Mis. E. Seoli-y. Eva. tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .las. Arniitt, who hiw) been very ill with bronchitis is slowly improving. Miasrs Alioo Seeley and Bertha Wj^n- liirs are home from Dundalk for tlio ChriatniaK holidays. T. Grummett and sisters, Ethel and Sarah, also Mr. H. Mills from Honey, wood ulter.ded our S. S. ontertaininent. Swinton Park. We wish yo Editor, his family and stafT a happy and prosperous New Yoar. The Sunday school entertainment,, which was given in the Methodist church here on tho 17th, was a .decided succca, I also tho Sunday school entertainment which was givfn in the Prosbyterian church on tbe 2l8t. Those who trained tho children for theso entertainments deserve great credit. Santa Claua appear cd and delighted the childreu with the lovely presents from the trees. Some of those who were home to en- i'oy their Christmas dinnnr are; Mr. lerb Caniphell from the weat, Mr. John Parslow from the weat. Miss Isn Camp- hell from Stratford, Miss Flossie Camp* bell from Toronto, Mr. Willie Campbell, from Toronto, Mr. D«n Ferguiou and son from Orangevilla, Miss Edith Mo* Katty from Toronto, and Mi«a Alice Wilson from Toronto. Mr. and'Mi38 Smit''. of Toronto ard Spply'".ng"p2tna".S?:' Cc°rn Ext'rt"."',, Vt '-'^"'''*« ^^* "'"^ "' ^' ^'"' ^''"*'"'"''^ • nar.,„,|| v,p^ygg composed 'Uths and balms. Flft* lure guaranteed, ftoid -., ... .» ^^ bottles. R«fua« Bubatltutta. rHAT cook WHAl every know is, which should wheat makes the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but docs not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft and very starchy. Spring wheat is sown in April or May, and ripens in August. It's a flinty, translucent wheat, rich in gluten and contains nearly twice as much nutriment as winter wheat. Royal Household Flour is made entirely from the hard, nutri- tious spring wheat, carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, light and pure â€" fnilled by the most improved methods â€" in a mill as clean as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household â€" just enough to try. You won't mind the slight advance in cost when you see the results in your bread and pastry. 21 Ogflvie near Mills Co.. Limited. Moitlreal. Norris Bros.. Hardware & Tinsmiths Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? Now ia the time to get busy .ind sei that there are no chilly rooms. Procure one of these specials ; tv«ryoiie stuaranteed. (i only famous Queen Heatersâ€" will heat ii»y room in fifteen minutes. Regulnr 11.25 for S3.85 3 Queeu Heaters, long size, rei»ular $5.60 for $5.00. 2 with cast top and fouders, nicely nickled, regular $11. Oi) for . J9.75 Quality Talks We are vteiits for the Royal 'Jewel and tho Surney Oxford Ranges. See those goods on the floor. 'NvF bed. When looking for saws, axes, and all woodman's supplios, don't forijet that we have the very best goods procurable and at reasonable prices. Brighten Up That piano or other furniture which has eot dull and scratched "Veuibkitb Maok; Finlsh" will make it look like new. With every 25c bottle of Veribriie we give a sunfjle bottle free. Us© the saiuple and if not perfectly satisfied with tho result, return the package aud we will cheerfully refund money. Norris Bros. Flesherton •••«•â- ••••••••«•••••• :?;::;:;;!;:•â- «;;; •••••••••••••••••• ^wSSa. ••1 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••«• ••t •••• â- ••• *••« â- ••• â- ••• •••• â- ••• â- ••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••â- â- ••• .••• •••• â- ••• â- ••• •••• *••• •••• •••• :::: •••♦ •••• •••♦ •••• *••• •••• â- ••* •••• •••• •••• >••• ••• â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• cleneruil •^lercAanf, Christmas Goods. All orer the store for nion, women and children. Santa Glaus hrt» been- bore and left tho nicest and largest lot of Christmas goods and toya ho ha.s over loft yet. For men ho left fur coats, fur collar.s, iiecfc. handkerchiefs, Phoouix luufilers, ties, kid glove.", and ^{auntlots, silk, silkenu and liiiun handkerchiefs, .shaving luu^s, strops, brushes line braces, 1 pair in each pretty box ; Stationery don© up in nice boxes for ladies, all kinds of fur neckwear, fascinators, kid gloves and gauntlot.s, all kinds dainty handkerchiefs, berry setts, te^> Hettv water aetfsto match in gold and ttrecn.Kold and pink, gold also in China lea and hurry setts, Jarainieres, celery trays, glass jdicipios, sea shell boxes, biscuit, jar, and cheese dishes, slipper.'^, dresses drapes, sideboiu'd covers, tray cloths, dainty collars, hand satchels and many othor pretty things too numerous to mention. For children, space won't allow me to enumerate the many toys and trinkets. In the fruit line we havo oranges, lemom, bananas, grapes, cran- berries, all kinds of nuts and candies. Mm ••M •••• • •M • •>â- xtx. Bring in your fowl this week it possible, market prices. We will pay highest J/as. yL attison (5eyli on .n::n::::::8tt:s:t:::;::::t!:::::::::::!t:t;:!::::!t:»:::9tn!!:»!!::;:::::: «ciai; i» nar.,,,,!, only Of nealtnar JTU yskrl In u««, cui by all drutfitatB, PUTNAM*8 PAINLiSS CORN BXTRAOTOR ate ( MUaet Mary »nd Jenny Aldcorn ap«udinf[ the vacation in Howiek. Mr. and Mrs. Blakeaton aitd family are enjoying Christmas vaoatinn with their frienda here and at U. D. R. Wedding l)ells will ring arouhcl the Park this week. Partioulars later on. In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, | Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE FENCING r I i Heard's Carriage Works J y. f 4 I * < ♦ t i % > r ! t f *• t 1 ••t. * * •••. »••' » •••' ••» t:i- <> • •M ♦ • ••. •*U t • ••â- < • •». '' i- • ••• •••• f â- ••. •••• J) 53** T •••* J**- *â- » •••• :::: •••• •••• •â- •• •••• :::: •••. •••. ••V »• t t, 4.. k - â-