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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1909, p. 4

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DECFUklBKH 30 H»()9 THE F I, E S H E K T O N A VANCE \f/^ F. T. HiLL & Co., u Harkdale Making Big Preparations For Christmas Shoppers Tliis week we are preparing for the Christmas tra(?e. New lines of Christmas GooiU:ar3 steadily arriving from (lay to day, and in a few days our store will have tak^n olV^ its Christmas garb. Our ettbrts have been put forth to give you the biggest value we have ever cJf'ered in many lines. This Week it will Pay you to buy Millinery We h»vo deciJid to offer our entire stock of Tiimmed Millinery at prices that barely cover the cost of the good* Hni «re this seison's stylo-s, and now ^oodf. Buy your new hat now. $2 00 and «2.uO Hats for $1.75' 92.7b and $3.00 Hnt-s for «2.00 93.25 and $4.00 Huts for $2.50 $4.00 and $4 50 HatH for $3.00 $5 00 and $6.00 HhLs fcr 93.75 Thfae prioi's next two weeks only. Christmas Suggestions for Christmas Boxes In the following we h«ve a very large and tasty aisortnient and popularly priced, at piico* ynu feci like payiD<;: fancy dreji» heirs, gold handled parasols in a variety < f stylen, fancy 'kerchiefs in silk, lineii and lawn, ladies' fnncy nett and sil'x waists, b-ixed frillinjis, fancy collars, broaches aird c mjhs, f^ncy neckwear, slippers of all kinds, fancy and plain, mufflers, furs and fancy china. Many other little nick nacks not possible to mention. Custom Weaving The uitdtersii^ned is now prepared to do all kinds of Weaving on the Shortest Notice Plain, Twilled or Satinett. Uuus and ElaniinockH a specialfy. Hit and uiixs I'l^s nnd ci>li,ured warp found, 20o a yard, striup- ed rugs (-.vrra. OHico. 5lh door north ~ of bank uii r.ydenliaiii Street. Wm. LEE J, â€" Flesherton, Ont. Our Clubbing List Thrt followinj{ p'ices tro lor strictly pHid in advaiiio siilwciiplii'ns mily . We liave no accounts with other papeiK. Fleaherton Advance 8 1 00 Youths Coni(>anii>n 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 (H) Toronto Daily News .1 30 W'tokly Globe 80 Mail-Kiiipire .... .... ,'5 Family Herald & Him 80 T.>rt>nto Star 1 30 Fanner Sun . . . . 80 Farmers Advooata 1 30 Weekly Wit.iese 75 RaturdayNiitht 1 55 Home Journal '. . . 55 Poultry News . . ; : 15 Carefully Coirected Eacli Week Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats 33 to Xi Peas 83 to 83 Barley 45 to 50 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 Butter 22 to 22 Eugf, fresh 24 'o 25 Piitatoes per !»<{ 40 l« 40 Geeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 10 to 10 Turkeys 19 to 19 THE: /lcsl]crton a^oanct An inili-pondent newKpaper, publiahed erery 'I'tturwliy at tb' olficv, dillinifwixKl Street, >1rsb«rt>iri. .Sul«cri|>ti<m price tl iwrannuni, whrn |>u<l in advuicc; 91. .')J uheu not tn paid. AdvcTtiiuDK rst«* "d application. Circulation 1,U00 weekly. \V. H. Tliur«ton Editor. DOYLE FAVORS BOXING jThia is the extent of the l£nowledgeof| Jr. 3â€" R. Williamson, S. Whyte, T. {roadbuilding that some men possess Chase and A. Whyte equa!, O. Hender- Sir A. Oonan Doyla, of SherlrKkj^i^gn ^jj^y gjjoald know what they »on, M. Hendeism Holmes fame, was requested to referee j ^^^ trying to do. No cne would ex- the bill botinK bout between Jeffiiea and ^ j f e -ii- . _., , , , * ,j, ... pect a dose of syrup of squills to cure Johnson for the worlds cbanipuxiship. i ^ , , ' i . ^ u t , . .„ , . .1,. a badspraiu, or a porous plaster to His refusal to do so was due to otheri . ^ • e r draw a tooth. It is 'ust as foolish k Sr. 1â€" A. Gilchrist, E. Muir, NATlllE AT WORK Canadian scenery and clinista i* to Canadians the best in the world, and justly so. PerioiiR from the warmer, southern climes may shiver at our wii.ters, but to us the winter his a charm that no sun-baked land could hare. The cold of winter and the heat of summer combine to make Canadian life the most congenial, and but emphasize the joys of the varied seasons. On Christmas eve ic was possible to observe nature in the act of painting a most eii|uisit« landscape. The air of the early evening had been tilled with a cold, damp mist. As the evening grew older a sliicht western breeze sprang up, with the result that the ni st beffan to iniive. In a short time the western side of all th« trees had assumed a sparkling while coat of hoar frott. The effect was particularly beautiful .')n the evergreens, which were dirkly green on one side, while on the other the pale, cold moon shimmered and vbstenod iii a mass of white. Latfr on the leeward sides of the treei assumed their coat of hoar frost, and the landscape was completed. In the moruinK the scene wai one of brightly shilling trees of white staiidinit where before were green trees â€" and the unshapely bared branches of the maple and liesch st the touch of the magiciiin'a wand had become things of beauty. The •ceno was one of transfiguration that would strike aflmiration even from the iieatt of the sun-scorched southerner who knows not the charm of tha crackle of the blazing lo^son a cold winter's night. It is such antics of nature an this that gains for the winter* snows of the Cana- dian land the popularity which they re- ceive, and so richly dessrve. pressing interests. Cunan Doyle places himself on record as being an ardent I to think that crushed stone piled on supiiortor of the rin?. and then lieKins to. "good and thick" will of itself make jdefendir. The very fact of bis spontan-j good roads. The matter is one that eous defence would indicate the necessity jnjigijt ^eli be studied by thoso who for defence. We think, with Sir Arthur o^g^ee the making and repairing of HIS "lUISU " UP-OURS TOO The editor .->f the Burks FnlU Arrow liecomes im{jatient with the habit some other newspai>ers have of cribbing news without giving due credit. This is what hu said last week in reference to the matter: Thu Markdalo Standard appropriated the item and publiahed it without giving credit. And worst of all, the Toronto Kuws used tha same paragraph in its issue of Monday last and gave the S'tan- dar<l credit for it. Having sworn off the use of cuss words we are rdiliged to usk our omteiuporanes to "take thcin aa read."' While we would not sinftle The Stan- dard out as a notorious offender, yet in this case the rebuke isdeaervnd. In our list of thirty or forty exchanges only tliraa have the courtesy to invariably extend credit for articles they copy from The Advance. We refer to The Burks Falla Arr<5w, The Owen Sound Advertis- er, and the Durham Chronicle. The leant courteous ('f our exchanges in this respect is The Owen Sound Sun, Muxt in line is thu CoUingwood Bulletin closely followed by various others. If an article is worth copying it is «urely worthy of credit to the paper of its (public ition. oversee roads. While school ma'ams are not the most highly paid of laborers, yet their very services constitute in a large de- gree their own reward. In any event a sense of linmor ia bound to find Conai: Doyle, that it re(|uirru defence, and requires it badly. In fact it would take a heap of defence to make it respect- able. Such, in shot t, is the opinion of tl:o writer. We fail to see what credit is due to a man because he can artistically 6ni<uh another man between the eyes, and then preten; his opponent from planting one on his countenance in return. To strike I '^rgo scope for exercise in the examiu- anoiher man is no credit to any person, ation papers. We give a series of and the power to do so is a dangerous 'answers written by a little eight-year- poBseasitin unlew the possessor is a man old girl in the Flesherton school, of strong personal control. I at the rtceut examinations. Strange There are many other lines r-f sport I to gay the little tot passed. Here are that eliminate to a largo extent the foa- Lome of the peaiis she dropped in the ture of personal injury, and have l"'" <'f| geography paper; the beastly character of dulibemtely striking another man, III the Olden days uf personal violence in England a little bkill at fisticuffs was a valuable acquisition. Many a man was Jet out of a t'ght corner by his akill at laying the other fallow r'ut by a well- placed solar plexus blow. But those werd the "good old days," and are gone never to return. Today if a man chival- rously (I) strikes another man ho is given ample opportunity to cool off in the pre- cincts of the police court. 'Twaa a choice Christmas present the electors handed John A. Doyd on Monday. What can be drier than' an election speech in which the spenker endeavors to build up a pedestal of facts and figures, mostly figures, on which lie may show to best advantage? We give it up â€" unless it is the next speech of the same style. We have been complimented on the articia " Etchings of Christmas" by O.M., which appeared in last week's Advance. CM. is a young lady with much talent as a writer. We trust wo may ba favored with more work fiom her pen. A Capo is a thing to go around your shoulders. A Harbor is a place where you get your hair cut. A Strait is a level road. A Basin is a place where you wash your hands. A Deaert Is a place out in the water. 2â€" D. McMillan, W. Parslow. R.Ding- wall, M. Whyte, E. Gilchrist, J. McLean. Pt. 2â€" J. Whyte, B. Meads, Frank Williamson. S. Mc- Lean, V. Henderson, P. Muir (absent.) Jr. 1â€" B. Walters, A.Parslow.R.Muir. Aveiage attendance â€" Nov.,32;Doc.,26. Proficiency in military diillâ€" K. Ding- wall, J. Oliver, C. McMillan, C. Muir. ki, B. McKinnou, teacher. Peport of S. S. No. 8, Artemesia. Sr. 4â€" E. Jackson. F. Taylor. Jr.4â€" G. White, V. Cornfield, L.Lyons. £â€" A. Fisher, E Wilkinson, H Fisher. 2-U. Thompson, M. VVhiie, L. Jack- son, A. Wilkinson, A. Lyons. Pi. 2-R. White, M. Cornfield, A. Udell, A. Wi'i.insoii, H. Thompson. Sr. 1â€" S. Shier, G. Bhikiy. Mid. 1-F. White, L. Pedlar, L. Thompson, J. Fisher. 1 Average attendance, 20- 1 C. 0. UHmago, tea h(>r. ' Peter Green of Per.'Ui wm run ii o by some boys who were dtivi ng a Itain with" ou'. balls, and had his leg broken. Doctors Condemn Oily Liniments 1 1 I The Public are Warned to Be Careful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Etc. bers of the church and school, at the same time prbsentiug an opportunity to accord the f.cIioo1 the financial support which it deserves. The re- sult will be observed Nuih interest. The nomination of the Flesherton Police Trustees continues to bo as great a farce as ever. There were 18 ratepayers present on Monday even- ing. The reason for the indifference may be ascribed to various influences. In the first place, the meeting is arnonnccd by a little flimsy typewrit- ten sheet in an endeavor to keep down the printer's bill. Then there is so little money involved in the year's expenditure that there is uo occasion for a great crowd at the nomination. J. A . Doyd suggested making some necessary heavy expenditures and " make 'em pay for it, and^inch 'em a bit, (ind they'll come out." As Mr. Boyd is an extensive ratepayer hid( words are void of the recklessness which would appear on the surface. When the nominations were being, received one man said "you dont want , enough to make au election," and was) be superior to any ot the white, am- ' monia liniments. In his twenty-five years ot practice he had witnessed cases of rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago that simply would not re- spond to ordinary treatment â€" but Ncr- vlUne cured them. The same physi- cian also spoke of the great advant- llkc be- cause of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders, earache, toothache, head- ache, and such minor allmenta. Nor- vlUne Is a flrst-clas^ cure. There Is scarcely an ache or a pain, Internal or external, that NcrvlUne won't cure. In thousands of homes no other paln- rellevlng medicine Is used. Fifty years' continued success and the en- dorsement ot the profession are proof that Nervlllno Is the liniment for the home. Many people have clunjr to the old- fashioned idea that a . thick, greasy liniment is the best kind. Doctors say not â€" and they know. Recently a number of these white, oily liniments were analyzed, and they were found to contain an enormously high percenta^ro of harmful acids, and such irritating chemicals as ammonia, etc. For the moment they may cause a warm sensation when first applied, but their continued use never cures rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up Inflammation and causes endless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit using a white, oily liniment â€" do so. He knows that a thick liniment can't pen- etrate, can't sink through the pores and reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days ago. Dr. Roberts stated that he consid- ered a strong, penetrating, paln-sub- dulng liniment such as "NervlUne," to aswered "No." We would like to know why an election is not to be For 40 years it has been the custom >desired. Should the Police Trustees of the Methodist Babbath school lalways be elected by acclamation? here to have a stated admission fee Are not the ratepayers to have an ages of keeping a preparation at its annual entertainment, but this opportunity to exercise their right to year a different tack is being taken.,'* private ballot? We regard the Tha tea and program will be furnishe<l practise of election b^ acclamation as free of charge, and a free will offering i & dangerous one that might lead to received. The idea is that the enter'- disagreeable complications if made a tainmcnt will provide au opportunity |rule, for social intercourse among the mem CHRISTMAS GOODS AT BOYDS Do you realize that Christmas i.s near at band ? We h9,ve taken time by the foreelock and carefully made an estimate ot yuui* re([uireinents, and are prepared to sell you Chnstnms goods of good qual- ity v.ery cheap; to assist you in making a choice we outline some of our .stock as below. Furs Fur Caps 1.50 to 9.00 Fur Ruffs 1.50 to 15.00 Lidies' Muffs .... 3..50 to 12.00 B'ur-lin'd Jackets 22.50 to 60.00 Men's Cuaig .... 15.C0 to 6000 Woollen Goods Ijadies Glo\e8 26 to 50 Clouds, white and coloured .... 25 to 55 Shawls 55 to l.-oO Sweater Coats 2.25 to 3.00 Muffl-^rs 25 to 55 Ice Wool Scaifs ... 1.10 to 1.35 Crockery Dinner Setts 7.50 to Tea Setts .3. 75 to Water Setts 1 50 to Olaas Setts 1.00 to Jardineres 25 to Bedroom Settn 1.50 to Parlor Lamps .... 1.5U to Berry Bowls 25 to Pitchers from 5 to 28.00 7.50 2 00 2.25 1.00 4.00 3 50 2.50 2.50 Men's & Ladies' Gloves Ladies Kid Gloves 1.00 to 1 75 Meu's Gloves 75 to 1.85 Linens, Novelties Side Board Scarfs . .25 to 1.50 Tray C oths 15 to 1.00 Pillow Shams, each. .50 t<> l..iO Table Napkins perd(a85 to 3.76 Drawn Work Novel- ties 15 to 150 Table Cloths 1.00 to 3.00 Handkerchiefs Fancy Eiiiby Haudkfs 5 to 25 Hem stitched " 25 to 75 Fancy Silk " 15 to 30 Gents Silk Mufflers .25 to 1.75 Men's Neckwear.... 25 to 50 Ladies' fancy silk col- lars 26 to 1.00 Fancy Slippers In Felt, Carpet, Velvet and Leather Children's 25 to 4.6 Misses 25 r<) 45 Women's 39 to t .75 Men's 50 tl 1.75 Table Cutlery Silvei Knivea and Forks, per doz .... 5.75 Silver Forks, per doa l.OOtoS.CO Steel Enivea and Forks I.35 to 4.00 Silver Knives, celluloid handle 2.50 to 5.00 Silver Tea Spoons, per doi DO to 4.00 Dessert Spoons, per doz 1.50 to 5.50 Silver Plate Table Spouns 1.50 to 6.00 Carving Setta 2.00 to 4.60 Reliance Plate Sugar Shells, each 50 to i'76 Berry Spoons, plate I.50 to 2.50 Cold Meat Forks 1.25 to 1.50 \YiSHlNQ YOU AND Y0UR5 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. J. E. LARGE, '^The People's Store' Henor Rolls. of 8. 8. No. 7, Artemesi.*. 5- Miiy Muir. I 4-Kato McMillan, Clara Gilchrist, Klla j Gilchrist and Lily Mcl'hail onual, Clar- ence Muir and Oaitiel.l Wlijto equal, The other day the writer overheard .J»„,u8 Oliver, Vera McLean. â-  a man soy " 'Twas crushed stone, and ' Sr 3-VV. Williamson. C. McMillan, E. it wai init ou good and thick too." Dii ttwall, L. Muir, H' McLean. COMMENCE AT ONCE Winter Term (pens January 3rd, 1910, at the Owen Sound, Ont. Individiwl Instruction given in all busi- ncHt sulijccts. Preparatory course for those whose early education has been neglected. Write for particulars. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. "60" VKA^r 1 Tmaob Marks Ocstor.s COPVRIQHTS Ac. Anrona lentllng â-  (kfteta an.: je«crlptlon mav Quickly ascertain o»:r OiJinloa ft-ae wliotlicr ta tlom utrlcllr ccno J.!.:friTlftMOBOOKou Cateuti sent lr»e. Oldest anencT for leeiurlrirpatCQts. Patanta taken ttiroupli Muun A (^ IDOOtva VerUi noMM, wtttiuut cliarg*. In tit* Scientific JItttericaii A bnndaoniel/ Ulnstratod weekly. Larewtnir- i-jjttiloaoi uny aoieutiJo JournsJ. Ter&t tor Cana J», 83.7i a year, postagt prepaid. 80M to ail ooKraealera. Bianob OCm ijift V M» "'•^u.aruu: U C. IXi>aB^l^ FINE TAILORING I Lave opened up a tailoring establishment two doors south of Armstrong's jewellery store, and am prepared to give satisfaction IN FIT WORKMANSHIP AND PRICE A CALL IS SOLICITED. F. A. BAKER, f;,r„| Flesherton Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheeae, Kausaae, always on hand Cash paid (or hides. J. ricCLOCKLIN â- i-m.,» CORNS gygofi? You can painlessly remove any corn, cither hard, soft, or bleodini?, by applying Putnara'a Corn Extractor. It never burns, loavos no scar, contains no acids; la hiirmlcs'i, beciiu.'O composed only of healing ^ums and balms. Fifty years In u»n. Curi» gunrnntepd. Bold t.y nil drussli't.'J. i;.je bottles. Refuse â-  aulislUutes. PUTNAM'S PASNLESS CORN EXTRACTOR '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain eautatf thereby produces an aversion to study. The backward ohild too often Meomat tha untueeaaaful man. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Opttcian , Fi.EB:t5ER:TON Jj W. L WRIGHT EXTENDS THK COMPLI- MENTS OF THE SEASON to all his patrons ii WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High crade departmoiits'of Buaine3.s, Shorthand and Type writing. In- dividual inairuction. Studonta may enter at any time. Ca(«lo«ue free. Coillniiwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College '^'?-a-*.--^i

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